Spalcling s Reaclfs BANKERS. Supplies Oce I-Iaurs-10 to 4 a. CO. Manager name you __..,Ve vhave. Going North. Nomieo Public,-`ind Money tbf A loan in m'lna_ nt 5_ per cont.`- Onico, 13 ' ', - {'):weaV .8t.; Barns. H.` D.L8t`ewart, _ A.. c- 5-uo-Ctn1'h V Ema . _-- ....._-. 1 LE, :__ OX, COWAN & BROWN, BAR- risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate" of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, "and general Solicitors, . Notaries, `Conveyancers, etc. Olces, `Hinds block, N o. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie A Money to loan at 41;,and .5 "per cent. Branch offices at Cree- more and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex". Cowan, G. E. J. `Duncan 1' ,1 , `I2 " U CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- ` risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court `of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, .. Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross l block, Barrie.. A. E. H. Creswicke, I K.C., Arthur ' Alexander. STRATHY 85 ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in HighCourt of Justice, - Notaries Public,_ Conveyancers. Of- fices over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Eaten. 551'vXi715 n 6ss, LL.B. BARRISTER, a-1:..:1..... ..L.. 12.... A!` I`nu-nntn DR.` . A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone` 213. mi. W. "A. Ross,-1>HYsIcIXN:'sUR- goon, etc.,_ L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Oice and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. DR. H.-T. ABNALL; OFFICE AND `Residence corner of. Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- I __1,__- can 153. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and resi-' dance, cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone 105. ` `DA... AER ---- i DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen. St., Barrie, every Sat- urday.- Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Tliroat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5, and _'by appointment. An 8 9.36 48 column Nownpuer, Published It-om the omen. I23 Dunlap attest. Burma. in the County of Simooes the Pro- vinc of Ontario. Canada every `hursday Mot-nine. y` DR. J. A. c. EVANS, PHYSIQIATT, Q---;_A.._ ALA IV nnnn A` `An Qunnnnn I ' L.R.C.P. & S.Ed1nbnrgh; M.F.P. an s. Giasgow E - ---SURGEON--- . I Eye. Ear, Nose 5 kTh1-oat. DR. V. A- HART, GRADUATE OF l'l1..:..L.. 'l T-3..-...-4-co fI'Vn-A-.4-A `E`Jn, ` Late` of Tomato General Hospital. Oillce of the me Dr. smith. comer St I Phone II. 3245' Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in ` British Hospitals and having served us Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat & Nose Hospital. Loadon- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident I Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital. B1-isto :and Birmingham Eye Hosntal. B rmingham ztormer Member or British phthalmological Society. lf no 11..-.-.... L-'....___. vs I rut-urn ! W- A:-1, . . }. A. RADENHURST, BARRIsTE1:c, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Office, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest `rates. ,-,_____._ 3,.` "'.;`""`'I V; 'kIID,'1'.,BABRISTER,. SOLICITOR, Proctor, Notary, Conveyanccr, etc. Special attention in ` drawing and probating wills, obtaining.-letters of administration and guardianship, collecting accounts, etc. Oices, Boss Block, Barrie. Money to 10 n.` .--....__ G. G. SMITH 85 CO., PHONE 82. ES- 1 tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day'and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. 1 |`UNWIN, MURPHY 85 ESTEN, ON- tllfi n T Anna Qn rtvntrnua `IF ____ .. ...... IABMER8 GOING TO BE DISAP-I V POINT. Andrew! ` ' nuiuucrunmn or Buggies, Carriages. Wagons Sleigh: and Cutters. ' Q4___._ \\__ , A 7 smm Plnnuomu. AHWIENHVIAN Dnln I IJUQ, .I.lo\J Brown, :i*:;'::,: :.:'.9:,:: .0 Hoeahoeing I-.. -. 5.3- _._.A------ or goon Eagrns andB'I`ovkv . _ ms. . . %I-mm a.r=:% l "555. `: .- . H " W! V O CLO. LLCXLUL, \.Il.UL&.lI\JL&.LJ.l \JL Trinity University, Torontd, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post Grad- uate of University College, London. ~Oice and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until, 8 -p.m. Phone 124. N0-%%55 BAYHELD sf -u~-uu:Ir~'j`I_'. r"II_ II`&? ., lsuciyesstpx` t6 the late R. L. Barwick) _Fl_re and L!fe,.lus_urg:;;e. Real Estate .. -Agency`-Money to Loan; ` Jnmk ' IE `-13 ii flin I).;.... ..L_).\ ' 'tIILE the` cost of living does W not seem to be going `down, and grocers and butchers bills are as large as eve}, commodities have been on the slidg, especially. in, the States. '\J.L`".1J]J DOSE 1.l.I.Jo.I)o AJELL ;;;;;;; Av Solxcitor, etc. Ban of` Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. WUIJ KIIIIIJUU Ehone 167. Box; 45%." '10: "I 1o \Jl -LU V_`1L`KJ L LLLIJ L T L L L LI Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone 30 ,a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; ---v w New 155% B!o$i-E 7'.l`he iilac for :11 _ at ._ . .1, . - -vg-- v -p-v-u-can-u-vnvuun navvlvltg 9 OFFICE-78 Dusnor STREET. BARRIE. `Phone 51. JP. 0. Box. 98. `.1 "gm, a.uuuu..I.LJ. In AHDLDLV, UH` tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 133g. Instructions left with Strathy *8: Estep, So1ici~ tors, Bank of Toronto Building, f.Barrie,~wi1l_ be promptly attended to. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS Wheat is down '30 cents a bushel from the high price of the season in Chicago, while corn is off 20 cents, and oats 131/2 cents. Pork has drop- ped over $5 a barrel, lard 21/2 cents 3: pound and short ribs 2 cents, and hogs over $4 per hundred from the high point of` last year. A - Hay has declined over $5 a ton, butter nearly ten cents a pound, and eggs over 10 cents a. dozen. "OPPOSITE oss s-r. 3OHN BARB'S OLD S'l`AjD Uxnnm.-Axnns.` M. D.. C. M. ('l`or.) "w1-nsmcxax" 5. mas` MOVED To SUBVBYOB8. Ramble VI-Qgurance Extst d .fMo:x' y The prices quoted above are from the New York Po_st s Chicago corres- pondent. _ ADVAIOI In pmven to T `%'1"-33'.-.`L"T '_'5 '`" ` `` ' `"~'5`c'o..": its patrons. It you have any m,"?,._;L:h 81113135 place it 1'rith'tho paper that h dtopoy the price. mm the :3. _ mlltl ~ ha ma! vllnea non`;:re`i:l Re:2m:,m':nIg : . i, `,, . rnlustnxf Anvntmsm, Legal" Notices. Auction Sal , etc.-Hut insertion 10 cents ``1'glaem..., -m:::*w-.*:.==~ ' W ` oes. cc to insertion : 5 cents ner 1inentnrpf:nn1.h39. `M-. 'Regdu| notices. 10 come` pefg, inlertion : lioento per line for each h I insertion otthe some matter. obi `hi to pet.lilto. . mm P: -notice of intention to clian `week. otherwise the udvertisci- a aim coluuzcun DISLAY. will begiven on application. 1 ooarnucrr cruxane. -Advertisers will please bear in 8 advelgjilgg M nnutbe handed into theo ce not "Wk _8otiudny at 10 o'clock, and the co 13 `M mm muetbe in THE Anvmci '"Iu later than 12 o'clock noon on Mona.`;,;_'; nuynot be made public until the w3`~ ing on" ooironxsnn ADVERTIBEXENTQ, Condensed advertisements on first so want: of all kinds. lost and (oundmm for sole oi-to rent. Speqic articles. etcqm must be Iooomnanied with the cash. Cuts for advertiscmente must in em case be mounted on solid metal bu - THE Blll PLANING mu & ~'-"- """" '. . a-u-_._-..L-... - D. J` n o ` '---In cu-penteru` ind Bluilgers. Nllanufa t `and Dealers in all kinds of Roug 33'3" (1 Dlgesaed Lumber T Doors rallies urnlu, Sash Stairs ` cellln 3 Blinds. Shlntles I Floor in--U-Ir. ' V*`---'`' I I IUUT `ranks and Water Trougns (Pine an Pl 1 M tcl;' "'"1f3' R , 3. mg. ou mar. . , `~ an n8 Hot Blast Dryfng Kiln. e S` '1 LICENSED Audnonm! `Canada, proving the contention that _procity to help them out are going to -be disappointed. I There has beon no such drop. in the farmers who are looking to, reci-` i FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given ouall Stock Sales |I_h9.!*.9&! E9 WI .EXT noon TO THE TANNER'Yl ISL J_UlIl|A __&_ _(_3roo|mI John ` J ennett,` MAKES YOUR sxm mu: VELVET-- Monkman s Glycedonia. Has a marvellous eect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the rougnness. -`and. by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is `not sticky, and gloves maybe worn a. few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. THE HORSES OP ONTARIO. HE EFFECT of_ reciprocityon the Ontario horse trade is a matter that has provoked much controversy during the discus-V sion of the reciprocity issue. {Early in the consideration of the. question, this particular` phase of reciprocity was dealt with by Hon. Nelson Mon- teith, ex-Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, and Charles Brothers, of Stratford, one of the '-best known of Ontario horse buyers. Both declared that reciprocity would have a most serious eifect o'n`the'Ontario` business by admitting to the Canadian -West the cheap horses of ~ the Wetern States, thus driving the Ontario hors out of the market. - ~ ' 4` Druggist. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and qtationary machinery made and repaired on shoxtest notice and moderate prices. entirely from the Finest V Malt and Hops. BARBIE BREWING GIIMPANY DUNLOP STREET EAST Al W0Vl'l; ;'l7()V!;'(': by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class. __1;p. MONKMAIINL CARAIGI-IURST, ONT. -?1VntmsnAY, 'rnom>soN onnw; Splendid ALE and woman The Best and Brightest ` In Oasis and Bottle MANUFACTURER; Gasone Engine n for all orders in CASTINGS, . REPAIRS. &3. Eipert Machinists ` 3%|l9rse Power `'-Iii` :`L_FIr`at-cltiss Order $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADANOB. UNITED STATES suhscamntns . $1.50 IN ADVANCE . B_A_f_i__R _|_E `P :-uo7m:* 136 Barrie. New All beo store * Since then much has been said one way and the other, says the London Free Press. Liberal members in the Commons have declared that reciproc- ity will benet the trade, elsewhere beth meeting Hon. A. G. Maekay ad- mitted -that the question was -one on which opinion was divided.` tHe this has been denied. -At the Lauri gave it as his own "opinion, however, that the Ontario trade wou1d_tn'ot- be seriously. affected, because there would~ be a market in th eEast for the high? grade horse; ,t.'m(lx Colle P px-act ledge cnmi has work the clubs at le greexi Of 0 orate ceda descr ing, have `win (it the the ions This farm agzzi mutt the per of (- W011] mnti mou Mr. Egg}; t I prm-il I1` _,I Some `information on `comparative `horse prices has been. presented to the House of Commons $by;.Mr. Sex- _ sniith (East Peterborongh) , ` - qhowingi the comparative quotations `in Toron- to and Chicago on March the 24_th',_ of this year. _'].`he f`gnres ta re. as'.'fo1-'. lows: ` " L ' gaaeavy draught *urom.;r o.c:1ii.cass:;r~ job. .1,o5o;1bs.c -and ~ e 4...-.. Anna nigh Anni` trap` 1 men and the Gov the by they use. tro] vclo mad hogs the the vent pres tore ofl ITni bett trad not tram valu of pres I)Y(l(' the ten man tive I-Ion 4-... mal T111 V` Daily inciuding Sunday. 6;:..ll.l7om 43.... lp m 7.60 pm 1` ."1!.I pmuuobslt Special .. `Illum- T1I;4Iam'roronto&NorthBuyl.ll pm` ` .pInuN9l'th`Bl|y........ ? ll :3 m..'1`omnto&Mldln_nd '10: in Grsvenhn:-at ... Iun 23....l0.15am 37.3. ]nAn.wu E" I. Thursday, April 27, 1911. TIRES OI SUBBORlPl`l0I'c I5 mom No. u....7.4-um -- ;2....1.up m 66.....8pmi :2....?.4'lun `.36....5Ipm 3 bushel 9 :' : drop- . cents, and 175-225 150-200; 165-200, 100-180`: g1aoe2'5o~ moogg. ` ` That sapeacherit'1o fei-fair, No, this isn t a _Russ_'ian Couht s name. Only school. boy English as she is spoke. V T T That refusal by the Council to ac- cept 100 loads` of free gravel looked mighty like trying to throw -sand in somebddyfs ,eyes.j V V 4' n A 1., an. e;;,ue`;eeo: } wagon has cost V the Town:-`-could .i_t be termed the yellow peril! The Owen Sound Sun s`a_y`l:hat- city needs 100` more houses." Might` easily borrow that number` from Colling-' viood. g I '.n--' I see that a man named `Mustard has been inducted as ..pastor of a o church in Toronto. Should be agreat ` drawing-`card. - T A - ' p Brantford is goingto open its pub? }lic library for V, thre hours on Sun- bday. Beats all what depravity is to- lbe_ found it; these small places!` `\ A There is an unconrmed rumor. tlrat_ the Newmarketcanal is to be en- larged to sicient proportions to al- |low row-boats to pass `each other, in lsreaml of .bumping. 7 %_ I suppose it` will be up to the} country to humor the" advocates _ of ,simplied spelling by following up `Ifrof. vHume s suggestions along this l hue. ' ' They aretalking of having aVag- staff and flag placed on the market Ebu ilding- Na doubt they will raise {the ag when pricesgo up and lower [it when a slump occurs. Sort. of a` thermometer? h ` I Al. Al. 1:. ` Don .t know if this new? Parks Com- [mission has paid its respects to" the Sphinx--but there s not much in- formation on_ their town planning scheme leaked ou`t `to the press yet. ll. 3 - where they throw their glass eyes at These little ~tifEs` in our, Town Path` liamegt fade into nothingness when comared to a t`i'ial of Cammorists, the presiding officer`. T It. s strange how inany towns there iare which are the most beautiful in Canada--j'udged by their publciity literature. Barrie the Beautiful seems to be the old original with the many just as good following in the wake, however. ' .. After May `1st Iievolvexjs, Rnck1e- dusters, stab-knives and pop-guns may not be purchased without a govern- ment permit.` That S a hard knock on the hardware men but it will not be objected 'to_ by_ therest of the community.- I 5 5 5 1 `valued at 10,000 plunks. The killing off of a pairvof buffalo was the star att/traction at a picture show last night. When you {come to con- sider that' this is repeated two or three times each night, it 1ool{s' like reckless 2 extravagance and sure ex-' tinction for the monarch .of the American plains. Rev. Manley` Benson, of St. Cath- arines, has a kick coming about the tendency of the people to patronize. the 'yellow? vjournal. It certainly is manly of him to say so-but might also refer. him to the large congre- igations the sensational preachers at- tiact .to their `churches. Human na- {tur s human -natur'? the world o er. It'll! No. :7 1 seen that for the heavy horses, the kind which Ontario farmers are pro- ducing, the prices are higher` in `To- ronto than in Chicago. omy drivers and saddle horses are higher in the American market,` and these are not the type-`of horse for which there is the -demand in the West. It_wil1 not -do to say - that the It will do say that the `market of the Eastern `States is open -_ ed to Ontario in return.- This does ` not compensate for the great Western imarket, growing heavier in its de -i rnands every year. Take "the year 1909 for instance: In that year` On- tariosold horses __,to the `value of nearly ten million dollars. a The value of horses` exported from the ~cou'ntry was`-but $783,194. Where did`-ithose `million of dollars worth of horses go to? They went to the" Prairie, Provinces, and there will be many thousands called` "for? from te sarjie `country `every year for` tibiyre; :.t0 come.` Ontario sh_o;u1,`pVp1y-A the se,5 and it; will` 3 if 'the*i~ veornpeftiai of . amp some /of ._thje"eA.h'Westriii.` mesfg is: ex cow a Mrs. Stuibf;-3' do- `':`:. %`A;..t .::i1.::%:`:33*222.:' vuaubb ~V IIHU sf ul.''_lI-D'll"_ ` Mr. Stubb--Battles`hips. ` or suing- ettes, 1\at1figg!-jg-.'1`it~:Bi_1;s; ` ` - V l."` . " 4 _.__-_- _- co cuvupnvqou . so . ig1u,ii1 ` abA_o;1t ,-_; `i `Bian _19oki!,x"'~.`-fiat.-"'smirk! 1uuzu.u"...I:Ut/ W0l'K-I" . nf sxve found some 4 `.xn,i9h~ 0-syn`: ;' V mi- = a: W6! mime: of Wax." 352+ proyirsisionlfvflorf` .61 to time} in -_an3ti7ilMon)' ` heA-Vlowestlff `possible, ., ;;: ;3lJeposi,t` A .*0rfder3' -o_lce -_.sui'ch- sums as` `you i `can * spare; tor which ' -purpose the P'o_stm_as- ' `ter will 'su'pply~you with a pass ebook,;._( or you may, if you prefer, remit these amounts direct to `the . Annuities De- partment, in : any manner that may -best ;suit.`,~your ;conv,enienee.- g (If by cheque or; Money: `Order, this should be drawn to: the order of the Receiv-. e_r- Gener81).s"Upon. your deposit 4 perzrcent. compound interest will be allowed, and at*the .age of 55 (which is the earliest age at which an Annuity can begin) _or at any later age desired, and of course the longer_ deferred the larger will be your income, such `Annuity as the totalamount then at your credit will purchase`, will be paid to you in quarterly instalments so long as you live. A definite amount of Annuity may be secured. if specic sums are regularly paid._ Should you die be- fore the Annuity is due, all payments made will be returned to_your legal representativeswith 3 per cent. com- pound` interest; though the same pay- _mcnts will secure `for you a larger Annuity if you do not wish to pro- vide for this return. - at-No how name win he added to a... Sub common List until the money is paid. _|_|..-.__.l|.___ __... 1.. -___.-... l__ LI.__- ._..-._LI. If `you have an amount at your oredit` in the Post Office Savings Bank, you may have this amount, or such portion of it as you may desire, transferred to the Annuities Depart- ment for, or on account of, the pur- chase of an Annuity. V The minimum Annuity which may be purchased is $50, and thevmaxpimum $600. The earliest age at which the purchase may be begun is 5, but it may begin at `any age thereafter. To eaehepurchaser a contract or policy is issued, and a provident feature of the System is that there are no penalties or forfeitures. Ifpayments should for any reason cease, they may be renewed at any time; and if ar- rears are not made up the only ef- fect will be that a smaller Annuity will be_secured. A person over the age of 55 may buy` an Immediate, Annuity; and a Last Survivor Annuity, Immediate or Deferred, may be purchased by any two persons by a single payment. N | V tI(3y` uaying :1 little uhiglierv rate, all \ Annuities may` be guaranteed for a number of. years certain. 4 AAA 1 01 1 * About 1,800 persons have availed `themselves of the Act, and over $890,000 have been paid` -into? the fund. Every class of'the community may be said to be purchasing. Tweive lecturers or agents are employed to present the features of the System to the public from the platform and otherwise; and an oice staf of eighteen is already necessary to handle the work. You bear no share` of this cost, but every cent you pay infis placed at your credit for the purchase of your `Annuity. ` Vdeiit ant; futvtber infornia tion_ on the subject this will be sup- plied you by the Superint_en'dent of` tCz:nadian Government Anmtities, Ot- gtawa-, to whom all letters go free of ;po_stage. Literat1ire\ may be obtained \at'_the Post Office.- Verses Sung at -the Annual Ottawa Parliamentary Press Gallery Din- ners by` the Composer, Mr. J. ` Sidney Roe, " Mr. J. Sidney Roe, the well-known Parliamentary correspondent of the Montreal Gazette, has written a num- ber of songs and poems dealing with topical political questions. One of the best-of these was The Free Trade Bonnet which -was sung by Mr. Roevat the last press. gallery din- ner. It runs as follows: ((Z'l`une': Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet. ) ` lOn the old White House verandah sat. Fielding and Philander, . While Taft stood smiling by. Said Philander unto Fielding, You are on `the point of. yielding, ' For a teardrop dims your eye. .They re not tears of woeful sadness, they are tears of joyful gladness; Firm free trader I ve been right 3101.139 . i I 7 But I ve never had a chance, air, to make the interests dance, sir, _ That is why I sing this song. ` V (Refrain): , _ T ' '_ Put on my free ,trade bonnet, with the red ribbons on it, ` While_ I knock the tari wall away; For `a cheaper-dinner maybe found a winner - T j On. the next election day. _* Said Phillie unto Willie: This ques- tion may ..seem silly, . But it s needed on the whole, Could you stretch. another point, sir, *1 pray. do not disappoint, sir, . On the free list \put soft coal? Fielding smiled a smile seraphic, then he said imlanguage `graphic: . Knoxie, dear, I fear you do not '-see. I ll `hit fruit men and packefsgst-but it s hands oi! coal and era`ckl's',- .'I`hat s [true reciprocity. fsronuas OIQDAND .---_., -an-_n-.v vuuw unusual- It 5 ;5j)ears . that. 7 the t41'i1ixj19'1'_-_.wonld at; ytimoa eygat `qn, Hillie s~n erves, hyi ` . .. 9 = 3 r 3 `T. . \ mite ggurthcrugvanrvi a {Put on . " Hi11ier, English bicycle. and tricyc1_e- `champion in t11e< days `of the high `~`whcelL.;and- vhard.-tire,` usiedv _t_o tell` an .,gmuping_, st'o1-y gabout _- :11i _.r;i}1r._.' _ `TL. -.. _; _?;. ,, , rm: ram: TRADE BONNET. nngusn An spoken. my free .trade bonixet, etc. NoRTHERN Anxzmcs . 11lier? It is `not my know. - The trainer stood back in astonish- ment and replied, `Well, if a haich and a hi and a hel and -`a\hel and 9. hi and a he and a hat don t spell Il1er, I d like to know whatlit do `spe1l. .- AL['.ippin_cott s. . ~ ` I should like to chat with. you a} ywixile, `Mrs. Duggan/.. said the young? `lady who has taken` up settlement; work.` I want`to`talk' toyou hbout; . . Ivvouyvvvuu --av --cvoc on-v 9-av--V` any yuan:-u subscribers now in arrears for three month and over will be chanted 81.50 per unnum. L t 1 _ _. ` ` Are .ye one of them up'lfiters1 } interrupts Mrs. Duggan, without tak-1 ing her hands` from the'_washtub ._ i 1 :4 1'9 nu v_.__- .-v _vv w--u-vunnr I I ;7 a_ Vae;;s,L'& that, my 4h'ope._ _ 7. '1:-u-v in; _. Well, I ve just this` to say. I was one day behind withmy wahin s last week because of" helpful visitin ;committee ladies, an from .now on 3-them that wants to\re my,j,.con- ;Vdition in ~life `will ei'tli`ei- have to do" h washin while`I:sit angle-i~_listen-'ror_1 " 50 cents"an hour f r he arin ,them though with an. interested gn_ ;a spirin? ,fe{xgression.-Judge._ }BASEBALL |0fcaI League Balls $1.25 4: ;$3'!!-f`vD0es youir xwifeg always. T119 the carvmg, at 4-dinnb * ' ?~- = 4.1. .`_LL ._ ;_, In V 3...? ._....u u..uv;u5~_ an -uxunurr `Ashley;-;:e`,,;l\IQ;`. not fgsh. .`? 1 - _ f 1 Q M0ST1MP0RTANT too! -I-,\FI.IV IIJ 9! GWIIEI a over .,. $260-350` $225-325 ::]!'ai1_', 1,650., 1bg.;.. .200;-250 goo-225, fgh. '1,500 ms. .and ' Vie V. ' Down to Anmnqss n..:.. Barrie nd Alldndale Branches c. It. LATIMER. - Monster. The Bank of Toronto T INCORPORATED us: that yeti Savixigs `he `ed where_ they can` be -quickly `obteined for` any? " real_ ne- 'ce.ssity,e or to seize `an, op- portunity, but where; they will be safe from `your own extravagance. ' ` ~ -` A uvnres Locoume A! um mm: or rename [Beecratt is -therfore on ide_al place for your spare dollars. A small sum is suicient to open ail account with Transact a General . Banking . Business. . . . . Notes Discounted at rersonable rates. . . . . Collec- tion of Notes and Accounts given L special attention. Drafts Issued payabte anywhere. Cheques on outside banks cashed at lowest rates of exchange. . . . . 4 Sale Notes Cashed or Collected on most favorable terms.. Scotts Bokstore 1". BEECROF'T,- me:-est paid on savings Accounts. 1`:-an urivjln Anna departures it