Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Apr 1911, p. 6

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q;;mgRN V 15: L. i11i~IRY, Teache_r_ mbliiz R. w_o0p, Lewis, G. Wiseman, ' I Clarke. with a pleasing group photo- graph of themselves with the custom- ary expressions - of regret at parting and good wishes for the `future. \l'_`__ _.___. ._ T 3L--4.-co nnn;A`1y KII<|\L 6`- \I\l IV Qnlnnvua c-w- v--v .The `Minesing Literary Society, which has spent some delightful even- ings since its- organization `last fall, had a very pleasant session at. the home of the President on the evening of April 3rd. This society during the past winter has `developed in a most gratifying fashion, decided lit- erary ability among a select few of our youthful population. We may " Oers will be received by the undersi nod for the purchase of part of the West ha 1' of Lot 23, in the 51:11 Concession of Vespra, con- taining about ten acres, and being on .the North side of Wellington Street, in the Town of Barrie, commonly known as the Bunker Property. _ ` T n I I I I `Dated Oct. _8. 1910. This property is well situated and would make a good market garden or chicken farm. Good two-store brick-veneer dwellin house, and cement sta 1e and barn are said to. be erected on said lands, which are well watered. For terms and particulars, apply to STEWART 8; STEWART, 40-tf Vendofs Solicitors, Barrie, Ont`: A By-law was passed appointing I)anie1.Buekley and Joseph Hender- son sheep valuators, as required by the Act regarding injury to sheep by ogs--D. Buckley for the south half of the Township and Joseph Hender- '.1=son for. the north half. Valuable Residential a Property in the Town 0! Barrie Offers w_i11beVreceived by th gmdenn-signed for the purchase of the following properties: I `I313? I 1' _ "'rX3EII 1ii_tLoi;*7`n1i.}}i;Qai;e}` i{n'"1ie- south side of the Essa Road, in the Town. at Barrie, plan 169, save and except the west 22 feet thereof. There. is said to be.,erected on said lands, a good one-and-s-half storey brick-clad -dwelling house, containing seven rooms. This propenfiy is most centrally and .-conveniently situst . -- - " E -' ' I\A1-`audit A O PARCEL 2-Lot number ten, on the south side of said Essa. Road, plan 169, save and except the east 22 feet thereof; There is said to be erected on said lands a good one-_ and-3-half storey brick-"clad dwelling house, .conta.ining veroomsf ' ' "This property is also most een'trilly>1ocated.`~- 2.4. so smtermsand my . .u='...a_a.__` h`L4"_r-A1,`... _ 'J.;nv_valxL W 011811551, 40`-tf. ` V__e;:6'or sLSoliTcito'ra,' - ~- A " " ""180 t ., The... New% Empress Steel Rggge We make it our SPECIALTY. It is made. of the most expensive material that can be practically used in range construction. however. it is the cheap- est YOU can buy. It wi_lI be giving satisfaction years after the price is forgotten. AA cheap range is often dear at any price. Call and see our KITCHEN CABINETS. An ornament and most useful article in any Kitchen. SAVES STEPS. A place for everything, and you can have everything in its place. It is a wonderful help in keeping your Kitchen tidy. See our CHEAP COOK STOVES for Summer Kitchens. ALL IN GOOD REPAIR. At your own price. Everything we sell on your own terms. - :We allow 7/0 off our prices for cash. The National Mfg. Co. Mulcaster Street Bu! ' V -w--....,_._ l13{ c'aE:ohincmn.i3a1`:. _ .n...~._;. - nniuasuce. . ; i . Germany_ . Manghuna Uruguay ` Chma Great Bntnin ' Mensa. . - Stan West - amount of these drafts is stated in the money at` the counti-yivhere they are'pay_- able; that is they are drawn in sterling, francs, marks, lire, kronen, prina, yen, taels. roubles, etc., as the_case _may be. This ensures that_the payee-abroad will` 233 FOR SALE F0lLALE =_s'1'1iwA~n'r aas"r'1s'wAn1', . .n1:n: I-gin: J. A. MARKS, Manager. with` a Canadian rival of Miss An- doux, the wonderful authoress of the twentieth century who has taken both the heart and brains _`of critics and paragraphers captive at her will, so we would say to those whom it may concern, watch Minesing as astronom- hope to be delighted some early day ers watch the" sky. Among its native population will probably appear a nucstlznmtmsmur: Ill human QWHED AND OCCUPIED BY DR8. K. & K. MEN-WE GAN CURE YOU %as.Am-:nY& KENNEDY ; L cor; Michigan vc. and Griswold st.. Detroit. Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Corrcspondence De_p21f"` mentin Windsor, Ont. If you desue to _ , glnstitte in Detroit as we see and treat 5 ice which are for Correspondence an`? _ ',&ddres all letters as fo11oW5' ,1, 7-- ...._.+--.-- ----A-uwww um}. nuuxcss 1111 Letters % W .%%%=%~%;Aanas..%x`zuuDv&xNnzoY,wanam.on. A Ginnis resigned. _-.... I I I Messrs. Blain, Weatheral, Loftus, Shannahan, Blow, Shepard, Bel], Me-< - Barrie Branch -_- --uu -j 3 TjCC:-`-j F. Miclifin Ave. SL, Detroit, Mic III` .Sti11 Leads Mrs. Geo. G. Johnstonc `+*I'I `Tuesday mornmg to spend a Iwv day Lin Newmarket. literary star of immense n1:x;:1;itI1d9. st` an A 1-1 1, .... An Mrs. A. Ronald, Sr., is .~;~m;R.ings ifew days in Toronto. A smart man is one who wxth a woman-so she thinks. C V9601`: \Il\ |VIlIIlILJ.'1'l'I\II-ll I'll`-I` who need theservices of expert. specialists why waste our mone in treating M111 doctors you now nothing of, whv m>tt` your money with worthless electric 10113 ` or drug store noetrums. when you can S M mlaranteed. reliable. successful U'`Iltll`.(`l`.t from these Master Specialists. Du. K. & K. have treated patients throughout Canalla for over 10 years and are responsible nuan- cia-ll . They accept. only curable cases a nd . ehou dyour case rove incurable in I1-.-Pd notcost. youaccn . If you are unabto to ` call at our omce for apex-sonal exanmzm. 2.-n we will send aquestion List. for you to 1111 up : from which we can diagnose your case and ; tell you whether you are curable or not. Then we will prescribe specic remedies "tor your individual case which -ou can take at bomb.` We have no cure-al renwd) V that we eend:to'-`everybody alike as most . do, e we prescribe the rem- 08 required ,, each individual case to mD1et.ea'm`~ e'.i '1`hat.`s one of the secrets M of our wonderfulluccess when others full. .8oud Mon. Booklet on Diseases of cones GUARANTEED on NO PAY Nervous Debility. Blood Diseases, 'Varic0I Veins. Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Diseases B ' CONSULTATION (FREE Ifllllllo to cell. wtile for I Question Blank I . . fotl-lone Ttoetuent are UTBWII Ill BlIlIll, hols, the case may bc.: nceivc the acttgal amount intended. ' `must: on mnnnsaczo MENU` L- ..-__I a.\_-_-__s___ _ j-- W6 Guarantee to Cure Barrie, Ont. APRIL 20, Ottawa T Graham--Arche,r--0rdered that the} offer of the Penetang Snow Plow Co; CA .._u.n`. aunt` nunnu-no -r\1t;`-urn ,`CIY1\ `anti, U110: UL nub L \.uuvu|n6_ vs.-uuvv .1. \. to furnish four` snow p]ows--two hav: ing already been delivered and the other two to be delivered on Dec; 1st, 1911, at $45.00 each, payable Dec. 1911, be accepted. ` t\,,1,,,_~|' 11-; LL- . Graham-Archer--Ordered that the Clerk be instructed to notify James O Nei1l to remove the rubbish remains of his old fence from the roadway op- posite that portion of wire fence late- ly built` by him. _ ` f\.._1__.-!I L'L-L Richardson-A rcher-Ordered that the statute labor for S. 1/9 Lot 16,; Con. 3 be placed on the. side road op- posite said lot. "1' `I \f_.,1-__ I\_.J__.-J .L1._A. Richardson-Marley-Ordered that the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve be a committee to inspect bridges on 10th line opp. lot 21 and culvert s.r; 25 and 26 across C011. 5. T 4 WOMEN O MAY AVOID OPERATIONS By taking Lydia E. Pinkham s V_:_geta!>l__: Gt_n"i1pound' T _- n.. -_.- 1 1-..- vruuu nuun vuu pulvv uuw uuvuav it is for women to submit to th dangers of a surgical operation when it may be avoided b taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta 1 , She was fourweeks in thehospital and came home suffering worse than before. Here is her own statement. Paw Paw, Mich.-'1`wo years g I suered very severely with a _ , laeement. I could H notbeonmyteet for -7- physio an treate e Compound. V `Ion time.-I M 7 - Inn fnr anvnn vnnntha ` -ru IIIII-cg f .y.v,v--,-- _ . DBAFTS on F0R~EeItGN,CC>7UNTRl:;EAS3e _._ -1-v'n.- r~.......a:'... `Rank. nf Commerce is equipped to issue drafts '5r'i2{}}1io{vi:ig' letter from Mm! Orville Rock W111 prove how unwise \ IL I- J A u m A x an `A 1uun`\uv|{` "II `I-alt` Farce -Finland LIIU UU Ill. JJ [LID E. $El1'Em s Ve table C6'x_npoi'1n . and I did. Today am well and strong and do all m own housework. Ijowe, my health," Lydia E. Pinkhanfs .i Vegetable Compound and advise my; trlends who are allcted with-..a.ny` female complaint to try it.-Mrs. egtginm Boos. 3. ABA. No.5. Paw Paw. ' " Imn urn "I na-uni-. R1-nn'n`Innn and-II The time of Revision of "1izy3?:;ire iill dovnot dra%a1to nag ; 811 on sneceasary, ll 8 0 ux%p1u E. P1nkham a '-V 88031310 ' compound. syn - zumuuu WALKER,_O.V.O.. ..u:;.. n.c;I;., Tn ` ALEXANDER" LAlRD..0eu:nAL' muAa5a;=` Hm PLOS COUNCIL. Flos Council met at Elmvgle, April!` 10th, pursuant to adjournment. b All members present- "V _ Minutes ox last meeting `read and conrmed. ` v ~ "Le _.-.... ......-....-Tl hr-\.a\r -V ..-- Vzvespra . . . . . . 18 yds`. gravel. repairs to grad-_ u-cw. Cuba . gnarl: Fame wand: Formosa `Hogan-A Italy IVE. ".E"fE BRANCH ' -. Q 1.14311 PIJJDLUICII U I U3 U0 U ;-.without much relief (and at last `sent me " to Ann Arbor for :- an operation. I was _ - there four weeks and came home suering worse than before. My mother advised me to try Lydia "AonfnhIn nmnnnn f3.....`$1o-oo Manager, 260! gnouvv -....-.. .__- ,-,, , U at 80.. ._A....`..; . . . . . .$ J. D. Knapp, rep. bridge town- 1 v 7 A 13....` 131:... nnr f _ the Assessment Roll was xed for} June 5th at. the village of Phelpstonl lat the hour of one oi cloc_k, p.m. an?! the next meeting 01%. the Council will take place `at Phelpston on June 5th at` 10 A,n1ni11I 011'! UCIISU tlsu-vv saw a. I-`y-J at 10 o clock a.m. ORILLIA nnrron An -event which excited, no little A local interest wasfthe marriage, last Thursday afternoon, of Mr." H. T. Blackstone, and busi- ness manager of The Times, to Miss Mary Tudhope, daughter` of Mr. E. F. Cooke. The church had been,pret- `tily decorated, and the happy couple I 1 I v I s I l stood under a wedding A Rev. D. C. MacGregor, B.A., pastor, tied the nuptial knot. The charming bride was dressed in white~duchess' satin, with rose point lace andlpearl trimmingsf and carried white roses. She was attended by Miss Emma Tudr hope, as maid of honor, and Miss Rae Main `-as bridesmaid. They wore pale blue satin, with blue toques. and car-, ried Richmond roses. Cooke, brother of" the bride, was groomsman. The wedding march was played by Miss Jessie `-M. Dickson`, and Miss Mary Maclean sang `while the register was signed. 3 The ushers were Messrs. W. O. Tudhope, W. A. Sarjeant, John, Tudhope, of Orillia, and Mr. Wm._Preston of Midland. After the ceremony a reception was- held at the home-of the bride s par- ents. The happyecouple left on the afternoon "train `for a trip to Quebec, the bride wearing a grey travelling suit, with Milan hat. They turn in about a fortnight, and in the c.ourse of two~.months or so will take up their residence in the dwelling in Peter street recently purchased "by Mr. G. A. Blackstone from Mr. G. H. Clark..-Packet.` - ' will re-_ at the Pres oy- ? ian church, of Mr. George Albion, son` - bell while the J Mr. John MeL. ` 1 The Advance extends its hearty congratulations to the young couple. smcorrs INDIGENT8 Average Goat` per Inmate was 82.74 b per Week--'1'hird Highest in The average number of inmates in V the County of Simcoe s House of Re- fuge during the A year October 1st, 11909, to September 31, 1910, was 69. `The average cost for each_ inmate during the year was $2.94, per week, which is the third highest in the prov-q ince. Northumberland A and Durham with an `average of 65 inmates cost $4.77 a_ week for each inmate "and Peel and I-Ialton with28' inmates cost $3.18. `These were the only two high- er than Simcoe. "The lowest was Hnr-V on county with 87 inmates which cost only 99% cents ,9. week for each in- mate. The average cost for `each in- mate .for the province was $2.15, ,Simcoe being 79 cents above this. ,. `Peterboro and Bimcee Nav. co. 1 wm Place Avotonabee on These V - Waters. _ The Peterboro and Lake Simege Navigation Company, which had an optionon the steamer Geneva, closed up the deal last week, and it is ex- pected that the Geneva will be tak- en vfrom Orillia to Rice Lake, while the Otonabee, the largest steamer in the Company s eet, will do business for the Company on Lakes Couchich- ing and Simeoe. - a on: u` n In I `-':1`he `Company will have a daily set- viee on the Trent Canal and connect- ;ing. links frqm. Orillia to Petei-boro, and it is "expected to'boom the tourist trade in` these waters. -`It is said that the 0.` R3. is behind the -movement. -Ori1lia News-Letter. - \';VIIIII IOU! , I The following accounts were passed` for. payment:-- \ Amos Train, 125 loads of gravel -4. Q.-. ~ ' $10100 ; By present indications it looks as iif it will be close to the first of May before the ice disappears from Lake Couchiching. _ Last year `its yvent. out on April the 4th," which wasthe earliest in- thirty years. - Orillia News~Letter..- "p . . The `April number of that interest- ing Canadian publication The Ath- lletic World A has `just reached. this oice. A perusal of its pages and a glance at the many. illustrations give free proof` that in the covering not only of Canadian but also of universal. sports and general pastimes, this-" magazine is more than fullling past . promises and` marking s_out;' -a future` of certain and un'qualied_ successes a national periodical `for: Cinadian jfol lowers of sports of all sorts.. '. NAVIGATION co. BUY GENEVA A`I|.'_HIaE'.l.'IO WORLD. LATE` irms ARE WELL A'.l."BEA'.l'1-'.`.D. '3'::'6oMns 53r:Nn1or Province. 0. s. BURTON, % _ `Clerk, Flos. Tut-he A Uni Shun "-uuaunnu on ` Sr. IV_.--Victor Brett, Jean _Hick- liig; Hovkard Carson, George M.un1`-o,? `? CassioV_`_Cameron, `*'Lydi:_;`Dobson,=, "Mabel ` I Thompson, ,,,_;D0ra _.:. Ch-p.ppel,v Hgzeo1____,pob-L uni! Jr. Edi." uyo_ ` . 1 ~ `Sr; III.--'M`ab'el Stone,` Eolrlycorson, [May Nicholson. ` . ' ' A "J1`. III.-`--Evelyn Bret1:,`Agnes' Mun- ro, Maggie Brett, Mary Bowman, Wal- ..t.er Wallwin, Charlie Degear, Frankie I Chappel. V T ` 110.. ~n.._...... 1:11,,..,n.,,,,n Vuutltlvao V t . % Sr. II.'--Alice. Bowman, Jenkins. -` g Y`- TI____.- ll Uflusuuu ; Pt. II_.-We1lie ADobson, ` VRe 1 Dobson,- Ida Cameron. ' 1-: ('1 A -n1'1'n~A\T!l1 m.....,.`|,.,,,. 1OUND1'..E 8 scnooz. nnrom -ran Sr. `IV.--_Lina Moffat, Greta. Daly, .'.Rosamond Petersen, Della Ferris. Jr. IV_.-Robbie Cameron, Edna Robertson, Rita McKever. Jr. III.-#Jean McKever, Leonard Horton, Willie Donald. . . -gr--r__ :1--- 'll'..`I....'I -lJu Jlllurvtr, ovr . line Flos and Wm. Ansley, for Peter. Loftus for LEV` UVOO, I`-_-C--V Ir v--v---- . Sr. II.-"-4 eorge` Mclndless, - Mabel 1ZBrown, "Gordon Atkinson, Freida Fer- ! -.-. I `Pl Jr. II.-G1adys `Armstrong, Charlie ' Mclndless, Lauxfp. Forbes, Richard Armstrong; -Lizzi Tuck, Norman Wright, Ch1'iSti!16_ Horton, Gordon Brown. M` ' Pt. "II.-Harry Wright. Sr. -I.-Kenneth -Cameron, Clarice Ferris,` Alice Atkinson, Norman At- kinson, Theo Brown. 1|-,17_,,__. I11--- `lfn I 9---~`---, ---u-' j_- ,, Jr. I.-Wi11ie Mt?-,Kever, Clara Keown. ` V .. - . -`uu -Iv ulxvv vvuo `Honour Conduct Roll.--Jean Mc- Kever, Greta Daly, Rosamond Peter- sen, Clara McKeown,l Laura Forbes, Robbie Cagneron, Della Ferris, Rich-. ard Armstrong, Mabel Brown, Lina! Moifat, -Edna Robertson. -. 1 A 1 V'l`....-'l..;u. ` wast WARD HONOR ROLL -ron Sen. IV.-A. Foster. M. Gray, A.` Kilgour, 0. Wallace. -r-17' 1-17 n--____ nc__---nIL-_...... --_.T-IT1;1:_,I\7'V..--W-.V7(CvcV><)per, Grace Thomas, P. Wardman, M. Furlong. ' ---- cone 1 1-`I Sen. III.--_-A._Hobley, L. Thomas, D. `Meeking, H; Turner`. _ Jung III. ---T C. Montgomery, G.` Sweeny, V. Davis, S. Lee. _ `Jun-. II., Sr.`--S. Madge, A.AMartin, `II 13211 ` .Juh. 11.`, Jr.--E. %J. Johnston. "Pvart 11. r.--R. Carter, J. sincfzfir, Curtis. V _ . . Part` II.--Jr.-C. MacMartin, B.l Forde, G. Dempsterf 11-101 1 A, If er .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. M. Kenny, rep. cu1vertas.r. 20 and 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 `Harvey Philips, bal. for work ` on Mar] Lake Drainage` 59 15 S. Draper, for meals supplied to tramps in lock-up . . . . . . . . .. 3 90 Geo. White, putting` gravel on townline Flos and Tiny 1 25 -The taxes charged against the fol- lowing parties were struck off the C0llector s Roll: Mrs. Lewis, $8.38; Mrs. Houlahan, $5.36; Mrs. Forsyth, $3.54; -Chris. Hiseya $1.85; P. S. Courtney, $1.56; D. Archibald, $2.21; The following named persons were; appointed path masters:-- l M. Kenny in place of Stewart Pglain; -- Marr place of Jos. Weatheral; D. A. Loftus place of Jno. J. Loftus; A. E. Murphy -place of G. Shanahan;' James Houden place of Wm. Blow;` IR-obt. Drysdale place of Alf. Shepard; Jas. McFadden place of Chas.eBell; :R.obert usher place of" James McGin- I118. ` - vi ;;" t f Wilmschfer, M. Sandersonf, "V; "Hodgins. -is . n 'Il"1, ,. 1: ' ,1, __L = %"f>;;;'i`%' (b)V--Z}V3Z.JcivIi1es., E. When. son, H. %Wardman. III` 9 : 1 `I8 15' _,- ' _ ;"i ,a1:i? I. (c);:A.. McKinley, E. VBige- `low and P. `Campbell (equal), M. H111`. % _ -an A has "'I"I<':".-:>n-"th_em1;o(1li or`- ninth 221;` `|'average attendance 200. r1:nsoNAL o'mnn_ % NEWS mom UTOPIA Utopia, April _11th.--Mrs. Wm. Dob- son of Barrie is, visiting her father, ewho is seriously ill with paralysis of `"the throat. We hope to soon hear of ' his speedy recovery. 1\ (1 , E "'I-_._,f_ __J "3-.. -'* "r.""v ---~-' a Mrs. P.VScan1o n of Barrie and Miss `Sadie McMastr of Cookstown, are visiting the former s brother, Mr. Joseph McMaster. (`I,.. 1,,_ V ' c'<;11JehaIh spent Sunday here. -. T __-,_ Bliss Belie Miller also Messrs D.` and W. Banting of Ivy visited Miss Laura Miller on Sunday. ' ..... - ....1 mis7 Esiie Bax: " of `Angus visited in this locality last week. Mrs. Levi Smith has much improv- ed in health and is able to be around again. T v - cur saw an 0 In 1 can - "DB-A FTS UN 1" LJ`~D:l-\ll1'vv.v .,,u_..;.._ . .,...,.$., _ Every branch of The Canadian Bank. of Commerge is equipped on thefrincipa! cities in the foilowing countries..with9ut_dela. :. . , .- . . _ *-'~- We . s:-.%. Aggy;-;_ - `Mr. Wm. Pari visited Mis Tena J gnnet_t on Sunday. unmsme Loans TWO ;uos'r rorumn %crr1_znNs } Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark Remove to ~ Vancouver-Literary Society Do- ing Intellectual, Work. (Crowded Out Last Week). Minesing, April 11th.-W; AE. Clarke and wife left last Tuesday en route to Vancouver, British Columbia. Mr. Clarke, was a native of England, a -son of a" long line of descent among the sturdy middle class; families, Jvhose sterling worth have made Great Britain what she is. After spending his youth in connection with the pub- lic school in England, he had a few _years in business in his native land, a few more -in Africa in connection with the. Boer` War, and then, the. love of travel, of seeing new places, having led `him to Canada,,he remain- ed in Minesing for about seven years. Possessed of versatility and adaptibil- ity, he tted nicely into the social and business conditions in__ our com- munity, winning the daughter` or one of our most respected .families for: his wire. and Mrs.` Clarke are now going. to the'Pacic Coast, where .a brother of 1;[rs-...;_Olar_k,e, Walter,-`well known in ,_Barrie ` anal Toronto,` . - ~l_:a d tpteeeded th`__em_ a , _y`ear, and a h`al,f.i ._fWl_iil_e. _ regretting t,_he departure .91. -Aand`Jl,rs.' 0larkie.:..:a1if9"T1_8t1S0 ybsti '1`vLi9hes'If_a` i am (Crowded Out Last Week.) uilf IY,-A-Fban hy Stoe, Jehssuie" Kirk- '(Crow Out Last` Week.) (Crowded T Out Last A-Week). us-u-+7- __ P. sA~R.i1:A1 \I'1",% Teacher.

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