LovELy wool. . SUI'l'INGS -- in plain cloths` and stripes V 75c, s5c,js1.oo, 51.23;, s}.5o. EXQUISITE `DRESS FABRICS-in Vuiles, Taetas ' Marquisettes, San Toys. ~ __ __ A. A- A. A-' A.un We hare a grand gathering of New Spring Models of A La Grace Corsets. Om- assortment 18: second to none ; if you want Corsets coma to this stoml We Icfuwl the pure-Vhase pm-ace if on re-_1c-him; home you, for any rca.ssm, \\'i.~sh to change. n,_....-4.- 1' .... .. :.n.. .. OI an 'l}EAU'l`IFUL COTTON VOILES, CREPES AMD MULLS. ' lliing, and P. C. s Lambie and Sweeney be increased $5.00 per month, to date from 1st of Jan y., 1911. Four hun- dred dog tags will be purchased. I 1 1 A. |_ The` Finance Minister recommended `payment of accounts totalling $696.50 `for supplies and wages. The commit- tee also recommended that J. B. Ed- wards be granted $100.000 additional salary as auditor, and that the salary! of Hy. Penton, Sanitary Inspector, be the same as last year ($300.00), and that 25 per cent. of all dog taxes col- lected by him and not entered on the` `roll and of fees for cattle impound-I lment, be granted him in addition to gsalary. " ` -' I I Ald. Bidwell wanted to know if the` Carriage Co. had paid up indebtedness, it appearing that they were two years behind. The Mayor said there was a `contra account in regard to over-pay- ment of electric light rates. A1: A: -u o ` In reply to Reeve Bennett, the` :Ma-yor's1;ated that ' debentures for! isewers had. been issued up to $30,000` {leaving a shortage of $14-',O0O still to! `be provided for; I q -u n .u 4n. ' '1:he Quit Claim deed for the Spencer% Industrials building will be left in7 abeyance for a time. ' I ... ..... . - . . .- .. .\v unnv Avvvs U JJIUUL, JJGLLLC. I Dear Sir and Brother,--The news of your intended removal from Barrie was received by us with deep regret, and it is our unanimous desire to place on record our affectionate esteem and highappreciation of the valuable ser- vice you have rendered to this as- sociation and to the whole community.f For `nearly two years, during which] you have been Secretary of the- As-| sociation, you have `most ably and faithfully . discharged the duties of that oice, and in thisas well as in all your work and fellowship, your pres- ence and co-operation have been highly prized by us all. C Tn nnnAn=nnn --....- _.-f ---L3 - Z -.-Suns11`ine'_C11<`es at Bryson s. 10ctS.! `nch. The lightest/of sponge; cakes.| . '1`ry,ong.... }Y.ou l\l qdit worthy of the: _ game. V,.-s 'rrr~'~`v' = . I In accepitng your resignation as Secretary we tender our hearty thanks for your services, and in saying fare- a member of the Association, we wish you God speed and most! 1;...-avu. uJ uu ulna ' |-.-`av V. \4A\a\./vAA\.1 Anbntv nu-vuuo Ald. Craig had a hot air grievance! -it was "in reference to the registers in the Town Hall. Ald. Bidwell said that at dances the guests became over-heated. They were unable to close 013:` the heat, the difficulty hav- ing been apparent `for years. Q H The following letter has been sent by the Barrie Ministerial Association {to Rev. J. Elder who is shortly re-A 'moving from us. To the Rev. J. Elder, Barrie. hour Hi. .....1 `D....n...... m1_- _.-__ -n |Ministeria.l Associayion Regrets Ax Re-! | moval of. Rev. J . Elder. 3 THE v1c;u:ns- VALUE TOWEL _ _ 1-..... 4.2--.- issc, :5:--, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 , snsd, ,' $1.50 and $2.59 ; Guaranteed td give you Service and Comfort. ' Limited Showing of New Spring Silks and Dress Goods ` --1\ Oranges. Bitter O_r`-' anges for marmalade, rst consign-I ment just received-heavy weight,` ne color at 2Bothwel1_ s. . Enquiries. auv YOUR ,iZORSETS HERE 40;, 45c,':5oc. CoI'asetV.;sTiV'n7'(Z>1.1 ) 5'01: to $4.50. AYOUTHS HATS ; cA}>_s BOYS and and .Were in Barrie Jail. . EMBROIDERI ES,--This scaszon is do. cidedly an Embroidery season-thw patterns shown.:n'e many, but the strongest feature is Fine Eyelet par- ] terns on ne Queen's Cloth-m-'v.~ an excellmt range and splemlial choice. MAGNIFICENT SILKS--in mm- tB_.-`|_...`l.. Q..o.. \ln..~..l:.` This V'ickers' Value 'l`owe1 is 51 tm the cloth 1s a heavv union ,a.n.1 :1 mm I '5 1_I$\JLVL{-LVJIZLV L kJ.|, - I" ` J. ettes, Foulards, Satin Alessulim -Duc-hess Moussoline, Taffetus ami ` 'l`nzx_1olipes. ELIZABETH STREET METHODIST. ' l On the Sunday mornings during Lent ` the Vicar of Trinity will continuef his course of sermons on The Parable of the Good Samaritan of which the opening address was given last Sun- day. These discourses are int9ll(]t"`1 to arouse a keener personal interest in the moral and spiritual duties of the :Christian, and appeal most forcibly to `all sections of the community. Special lcourses are being given during the week, the subject, on Wednesday be-5 ing Christ s Care for the Individual,` and on Fridays, Instructions on the` Church--Her Books, Her Sacraments, both of which should prove helpful. iwrm THE CHURCHES Next Sabbath in the mornin;_r the pastor "will speak on the sub_je<-t "The `Life of Prayer, and in the evening `The Mlracle 1n Cana. On Sunday next the anniversapv ser- vices of the opening of the new hurch will be held when the Rev. W. E. Baker of Toronto will preach both morning and evening. This is an op- portunity to hear one of the rims? higu- ly gifted of the younger ministers of the Methodist church in Calltiil. Mr. Baker hasrecently been invited to the pastorate of one of the 1:1x'"_'eSt churches in the city of Montreal. The choir of the church under the lo::../1er- ship of Mr. Chas. King will furnish special music. earnestly pray that the l)|('\'.~l!l{ of the Most High may attend you and your family in the new sphero of 13130, to which you are called, and that voup ministry may be still more cnriherl and crowned with blessing. On behalf of the Association. Yours faithfully, I. G. BOVVLES, I 1'r:~'i1em_ "JVV._f""_ "7' ' V" -'3. V Theitizezis }3ax'1d[ sing program . for 9. ..Opera House. on St. Friday, March 17th. CHRIST CHURCH. . I I The pastor, Rev. A. B. Hubley. has Eprepared a special series of sermons =for the Lenten season. A servivo will be held every Wednesday evening at | 8 o clock. @115. T. I kl t In . :1.".u..'..'. `:':2nf.`. .`.'.`.`..` COLLIER STREET METHODIST. nu-V." '5oc,rz5c, 85c, `$1.00, $1.25. Lenten Services at Trinity. 8c up to 40c per yrml. T On: V0 1 cures colds. heals; ' ` O 33 ccnmq 4 A -'-You can buy`a -good solid leatherv School` Boot for boys, sizes 11 to 13` for $1.00 at `Moore 9 Shoe Store this tweak: ._They are xjegular $1.50 values. 9. .,\2apita undivl ._' xx us 10. l~l3p Total "B'.'.'c :'nV1 The M1 Inbrx`, Ul' gs. bur Etta-es. A 'Co1u-I1 run: :- _V c Jami .:' A ...,| A `%fVIn a: fastvgameof hockey at the` {ink on Mondayrnight the AMinesing ~ten'I_n defeated `Trinity Church by`5 .to.I 4 in ten minutes overtime. . V ' Miss'Ged(1es. of, _the West Ward ` eacliing sthif was unable to attend to her Vdutfes last week on account of" illness. `Miss Skinner of Bradford is. supplying,`-for Miss Sing of the Central stem %_ =1 "A ELICI Cond~n.~J ' OK1. ~ '1 1: .44 HIM ! and } N` `s `K. .I\ `x. ,\l;i`\\hx\` M LIL yull LU uring t esidenc A. 0. B0. De_n toLl In-In.- o -_-,For mfty high Shoes at nifty low} prices take a squint at Carey Shoe. Cos. show window and see a pair of; those many snaps, ere you choose your: spring shoes. Store between Queen s~ and ;Barrie Hotels. ` - : .' `Why I De}11 rt `I Ba rric C0011 I...w .. OPP C uo'P First- 0'0 (`em :`2 ilnn ....,l A qua] Dub Reserve Friday, March 10th for the- Grand Skating Concert by Barrie Citi-Vi zens B'aI;_d at Mammoth Ice Rink. As this is the only night this week` the band will be at the rink you cannot: afford to miss `it. ' The band will be full strength on this occasion.` Season and complimentary tickets not. good at this?" concert. - . 3 VV11 zmxq ` -1...! V. Hill] PH: Unc `V frm _ I ---When Moore s o er a speclal price` in Footwear, you can rest assured its, not shop worn or bankrupt stock, but all clean, new goods. Here s.a sample.` A boy s Waterproof School Boot reg-, ular $1.75 value. Special for this` `week $1.25. All sizes. I Orillia citizens have -been talking: over a plan to raise funds to enlarge; their hospital, but little `interest has been aroused as yet. On Friday, Miss Johnston, the Supt. of the Orillia in-I stitution, and Dr. J. V. Brown, son of Mr. J. J. Brown, were delegated to attend the opening ceremonies of the R. V. Hospital, and report to the com- mittees in charge at Orillia. --Marriage Licenses can be had at E. H. William's Jewelry Store. This store is noted for its great value in Rings as well as all other lines of jewelry. Grand -Master LovVe1ock.' and Bro. Chas; Soady of 154, were in Barrie last week and went the round. They Orillia. Interested irospital. rm w _ o_'oooouo` V ' so"-oo`o%ooo`3j , j%,Boysf Buster Bruin" .. a;,.. % __....i- truth TIT A :uit_s ? 5 .V % K- gooooo9p9%9d are"Yehe{u:sing.- a E concert in the; Patrick s night,` ' saw. . the Mayor. and` '_the;'jPpI_i7 M1; W _- I tratq. and` were .ta kenj -`to; tha: u`il?` int-A the>;Gov`er:3or let t_h_8m.()g1t.'X It s~said , they `were? promised -`thiit 5 thi_eV % :01-afgge-_ maxi `should own the t_qwn next 'v_r-,3e1_;; ,Possibly~ _ `Lo\_re_lo_ck~* ' and Svoady-V we*.~.. getting pointer in` regard-_ to, the run-` .ning of the , place. Anyway',.th_ey ad-g limit they we're in jail.--;Orange Sentinel; v--How does 950. .cafch you for -a" ;girl s school `Boot, sizes 11 to 2. lMoore sVShoe Store is o_e'ring"a dandy} iat this price for the ne.Vxt_ tap ..da;fg. T 1 At the meeting` of ;_the County Lodge of South Simcoe the following reso- lution of commendation to M; W. Bro. Thomas A, Du? passod.unani'ii1ously: -up-' 1 -r `I\ 1': Reso1ved--That whereas M; W.vBro._' Thos. A. Du, on hisrecent visits to ,this county,`,rendered such good ser- vices to._the_ primary lodges, and, ._fur- lthermore, delivered able, eloquent and linstructive addresses at several pub-| Ilic meetings held _throughout the} county, the oicers and members of- ithis L.. O."County Lodge of-_South I --They are showing 9. Girls Box? `Calf School Boot, Blucher out and `heavy sole_ for $1.50 at Moore s Shoe !Store. It s _a splendid value and -fresh. |from.t_he factory. 9 \ _ - Kong: to Bro._ Duff, Emcture` qn _J'mdica. TMo`\rrTedT Hy Bfb.`.i. D. Banting, G.` L. O. W., seconded b Bro. Thos. Rob- inson, P. D. M.,. Brad 0rd, and i ' - 179 'I'\ l-IJUUVUXU qu yuuuouzu. _ _ ., [_. On Mondayevening the Rev.`-' E. A";- ;Paget (Rector of Innisi) gave a leo- !ture to the A.v.Y, P. A.qo:g_the: Social and Religious Life of .Tama;ica .C `For-. !upwards of an Hour `the..1ecturer- kept gtheir attention ='xed as he took his Ihearers on a tour .from Kingston ttv ;his old parish in the heart of the hills. giving interesting details of the C118? `toms, habits and life of the people. `and also" drew a graphic description. lof the ora of the country. - I Mr. W. A. Boys, K.C.,. will: reprc-vi }sent the Ontario License Department! and will be assisted by Provincial In-g specter Ayearst. Messrs. Birnie, K.C., and 001. Bruce, K-.C., have been re- tained by the defendants. {oomngwooa eases, Will Proceed. Judge Riddell on Tuesday refused to grant an `order of prohibition, re- ystraining any further `action in the ;60 liquor cases at Collingwodd yet to :be tried. and the cases will now "come {up on Monday next. He ordered the }aup1icants'to`pay all costs of the mo- ition. ` i Purityof Quality and Correct Price in 1 Has Built Up `a Reputation` on These Two Essential Points " Cor. Mulcagter and Dunlop Streets Groceries Right now is Boys and Youths Suit time. Netrer in past sea.- sons have We been able to show so many smart models in suits for 15119 8`.iI`0WiDi8'J b0VS and youths. for the little chaps the neat "B11S136re Br0WI1"iaI1id `t`Sai1 Blouse Suit. Then, in larger sizes _z_5.3 001119 the natty Withplainpantsi or kniokerbockers For 15119 15-5'63!`-Old Weteaere jsh o wing inobbiegt 11119 of 2'_piece large The Grocer `Boys iSailot" Suit; Are the ssnlials A Gfey Fbrestets may v~n%ns % ` "5fn"i`-A'! eaI-.-.-vJ:.ipto:'s?a `EnzliIh_ tea; Mon-{ . j,"n*tea`_s-,,_'B1ue Ribbon tags. and Read` . - `Ia teas - always in stock at Both-, ; .*gn,P._ _ T. i " YOUTHS V FURNISHINGS; ` BOYS SARJI~:AN'r& KING Boys and Youths Suit Time '%'%i'iig,i;7 .i.;.m . esgibh _ . dsembfgd, % sie8iie ,t6,f-?. placje. on record I our hedrty Vapproval and best: thanks, not only for `the seryjqes rendered, but as `well for ' thatind; .g e'ntlemanly `and -'co"u ! tfeous 1 xnan`1:1fe!".i1'1" v vl iili he , c_onducte'd'_V' tlib `business pertaining to_ his ,oie= , I it was well to not lose. sight of the fact that the law compelled the Town. to have a Sanitary Inspector, and said] that everyone recognized Mr. .Penton as a capable and efficient olcer. Ald. Evans thought `the Insp.Vhad done good` service, especially in the matter of. abruptly shortening the existence of al number of worthless dogs, and thought that half of the canines in Town would never be missed if axphyxiated. He. favored the committee s replort, saying- that if Inspector worked as well, as formerly, he would be nancially bet- ter off than at $50 increase." V I The Mayor here reminded them that! I I E {Auditor will set $3ooYear VAld. Horseld had a motion` which! he had been trying to squeeze in. be- tween the short lullshof this stir- `ring? debate. It recommended that the report be_ amended to read that salary of $300 be increased by $50.00.] This brought forth another storm of! protest from the insurgents. ` - l . '1`. Yeas-BothWe1l. Wesley. Fraser, Hinds, McDouga1l, Horseld,' Bennett,J Mayor-8. V ' A 4 VVGD Ud1llCu_Ul1 DUU LUILUVVIHB ULVIEIUUZI ` '1\}ays-Bidwell, Young, Black, Sprott, : `Leslie, Evans, Craig. V T 5 - Ald. Craig-thought this job was only a side issue, saying .it,,was for only threepmonths in the year, and pointed .! out that Inspector `now received twice} as much- `as the M. 1-1. 0. The Com- mittee had `recommended -that sa1ary| be the 'same ($300), butthat 25 per cent. of dog taxes and cattle impound- ments brought in by Inspector, be giv- en ;to him. Al_d.:Young, speaking in support of his committee s recommend- ation, said -that Inspector Penton had `done good service in-enforcing by-laws" and thought `he was entitled to apart of the money he thus brought in. A_l`d. McDouga1l pointed out that his work ihad always been satisfactory` and that lit washard to replace good men; Th ameridment to giire `$50 i.ncreaSe, instead `of 25 per cent. on taxes, etc., was carried_on the following division}: I 5 l The selection of an auditor was an; other chance for the economists to raise a huge protest. The Finance Committee had recommended_ that {B. Edwards be reappointed and that he be granted $100.00 increase on last year s salary. Ald. Young pointed o1i__t the diiculty in getting competent clerical men, and said .Mr. Edwards ;had spent parts of 200 days and some `evenings at the work. This brought [Ald. Horseld to his feet with a pro- test. He thought it rather strange that an auditor should take nearlyl two-thirds, as much time as the clerk. Give me the books and I can tell you whether you are gaining or los-' ing, said he. ' I Ald. Leslie thought . it was scam` I dalous that such exorbitant salaries should be paid. and stated that town- ships only paid $50, and less, to which one alderman replied that trouble had `been experienced both with townships and county auditors. I - I T (Continued from iyage. '0_ne)Z I . . . . V V _Ald.1: Wesley` stated. that the grader and town watering` cart ~were now in` the hands ofithe painters. ~ _ ! . Reevev-ennett'wes anxious to know whether those who had inspected the coop had? gone there voluntarily or on the invitation of the oicer of , [the law. ' t K The Mayor said he had known of ; prisoners teeth chattering in the morn- ling afteif a night in this house of , Inspector Penton s salary was a fair} t_arget for an oratorical; ow which! assuxifed ma. corner-grqcery-debateavor.I To `be or not-"--to 'be. whether it` were better;,:`!:d`A give this man the in- crease asked` for or t,0..te11. hlimwthat were better far the Town inspect its own` back yards. [Not Shakespeare]. Ald. Wesley thought if the comfort of the_pr'isoners was to be `considered, it might be cheaper for the town to furnish Vfeather beds and 'eider-down comforters. "rl`.l1.'e Carrizige Co; vas_ clos-'1 it! `down for several. days last week gun aecbunt of a break, in the .motiv_e EMWOT. _` _ 7 ` ' .__ VI` --Always s'omething"`ni,ce in Brei1d,[ ; Cakes I? at -_and ._Co, tbetionery at` . I 1'?` '7 9: . Brysonf,-;s._ _ . 1 `The repvortllvlfasz llnally adopted and J. 13.. Edwards` will be retained as auditor at $100 increase of salary. The lock-up is too cold even for a dag todsleep in, said Ald. Bidwell. "w`Did you; stzliy i;li1(e1(; "a1I_w1`1vi`vg_1_1'1:?I asked `another member. ` ` lth' ` ' " 3'nIa'd-`7 rk'5?5r Boys Natty fNorflk . w R113}; "" ` " 4` ' outh_s % ,f`No%ff%Al1ljt: 7%4?:Su%i % V gm... __ TH A15vANcFL detention.` The committee" will decidel ithe matter"of better heating. A I g . communications. , C1-eswicke & Co. wrote giving notice [of the discontinuance of proceedings_ yin the quashing of the Hospital By-' llaw. The communication stated that 1041 ballots were issued, and 970 were counted, thus leaving 71 votes to be` accounted for. Of these 53 were .re- -jected papers, the remaining 18 being ! the same category, but had not been lled in in the returns. Although they hadrfound that 12 mm} ants had voted, this number was in-. "suicient toaifect the majority of 92'? in favor of the by-law. . I '71- -r~r vu- U H. H. Hastings, who is representing the rubber` manufacturing rm, wrote. that he would have to arrange a later; ldate/to meet representatives from the! `Council re establishing a plant here. i A statutory declaration was received| from the Barrie Carriage Co., stating that they had employed more than 50 hands for 300 days of 10 hrs. each during past year. They paid` out motel than $20,000 in wages. . ' - -- __.l 1 Mr." F: M.x11Hi1:l`1rA-'and Mr.` `Robt.| Little applied for position of `auditor; [for 1911. | C . _`--B. 5 Neill has decided to. con-`I .t i-'n'ueA in business in Town, and has` ;]u"st~ received _aws11ipment of Spring `Goods. ' "'Hefso1i'cits the patronage of `all his -'-~.old~- ftstnmers and others, -guaranteeing them the same high-class work as forme'r1y.'.`_' . 9-11 ---A special purchase at a-` special discount of. trunks,. suit cases and grips has just been made by The Carey Shoe Co.~- These goods are in andrhave been marked down to special sale prices. See them ere you purchase anythin.g in._ that line.. It l1 pay you. Jhdge Wismer nding in the loca1`option recount. There lwere 863 ballots cast for the by-law I and 587 against it. Each party will `pay its own costs. - . . -.- cent. increase over previous year. The Barrie Tanning `Co. sent an amended declaration signed by the President of the Company. The aver` age number employed was over 73,, being more than a twenty-ve per 7'11.` '\Y-L_'---_`I (`I `I The Press, Advertising and Recep- ltion Committee recommended that the :printing tender of Walls Bros. `beac- ;cepted.' ' . _ I A. F. Hunter applied for usual grant] of $250.00 `for the public _library. ` 'r-_.'.I..- 'I`l'7_'..___ -7, V " "` I -v i The 1~iai;i}:{af'" K". Salvation Army from Town. W. Richardson and many others sent in a petition to ask the Legisla-. ture to amend the statutes re pool room licenses so as `to give power to municipalities to refuse, as well as grant, licenses. ' inn; J van- acknowledged grants Sanitarium Co. and the] Supt. Lynch of the G. T. R. wrote that they had looked into the matter of sub-Way at St. Vincent s Park,` and found that culvert -is unsuitable and also that there is insufficient land outside G. T. R. property` for public use. = . I 7.I.`he Fire__and Police Committee `re- commended that the salaries of Chief Youth! ,No*rfoj"Il? 8AuifsT % _v_vith n1onxgr og.Plin.ngtg;.. , ">x u._.* ' * Ybuths ,Special" -2-piece _su.ii sizes`?! to 88, double-breasted. _ V. long lapel, hand tailored coat L 35 10 12-00 committee Reports. ATVIBKERS H Mr. A. Boye purchased a ne` Oldsmobile .-touring car -last week. Ag "11un'1ber of *o'the`1-s` are considering the` purchase of motor cars. I ` \ _--: w-wV-------- - Such a sale of one line of Towels we have not expefienced for a long time. Towel 19 inches wide and 28 inches long, hemmed at uoth ends, red bmdelf 3 Jr-urn nn `:nf nvlrun nnru` 1rn`nn , , , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - . I.\I"K7l_ III II`lLIlU VVI\lU LIIJLI BU IIIVIIUG l\'I dryer--no lint-extra good value . . . . 4 Extra Spcgcial at $1.00, .$1..2.5,' GEO- VICKERS .. ' ~ in! - ""- . w 0 out tI Q|I3,.I'Io ne worsted cloth ulna-`III no Ill. double-breasted. .. g` ` M iThe feelor. range is as fine as the quslities are reliable. and you'll be surprised. too. how moderately `we lxxave peiced them. Come in and profit by an - -___-_ ggrlyfglection. ' " In announcing the. opening of` the. millinery department of Sarjeant &. King in last week s issue,Aowing to a} 'typographical `error, Miss Regan was!'tioned as`-trimmer. This should! have been Miss Ryan. No doubt the} ApatrQ_a$)_;;.Q;(? this busy store will be p1eased`: .A,tb learn of Miss Ryan s re- engagement.