Sylvanus _Pye, 13 years old, will be sent to the Victoria Industrial School, Mimico, he having been a source of trouble to his parents who are hard- working, honest people; When` the commitment was being read,` Ald. ;Bid- well wanted to know if he was in- sane. No incorrigible replied the Clerk. ' . Wulc, as aescrlned In ms letter, was in a slippery and dangerous condi- tion. Hefell in a-hole and fractur- ed his right leg just above.-the ankle, being now conned to the -R. V. Hos- pital where he expects to be for some weeks yet. Hence the threatened ac- tion for damages. , ' [ a Deed for Spencer Works. ' McCarthy, Boys & Murchison acting on behalf of the Town, wrote that they had received a quit claim deed from the liquidators of the .Spencer l Industrials Co. of all their interest in; the factory and property on Dunlop St. This deed is to be held "in es- crow, until the 1st of July next, when same can be registered, and thereafter the Town will be the ab- solute owner of `the property, unless the liquidators are able to make a sale in the meantime. 1- The Barrie Tanning Co. wrotei that] ,they had complied with the provisions _!of their agreement with the Town, having employed 50 men during 1910. `There was an increase of 25 per cent. for 300 days in the year. The average number was slightly over 73. `R. J. Fletcher Wrote, in behalf-of_ the Barrie Agricultural Society, and was granted the nse of the Town Hall for a Seed Fair. _ Action for Broken Leg. Mr. J..C. Armstrong s letter com- municated his intention to hold . the Town liable for damages for .a broken leg. It was on Monday. Feb. . 13th, at 7.30 p.m., while walking south on the Town Line` at corner of Essa St., _near~'G. D. Patterson s drug store, that he slipped off the sidewalk, which, as described in his letter, . `VI 0 n1~:r\v\Anvv .-5..."! ,'I-_.._____,,._ ' J. B. Edwards 1r1_'ctevresignin.g his _position as auditor for the current year, on account of press of other duties. . .` _ A I ' I a day on which he would come to Town to discuss the details of the `proposition. - ' j(Continned on `page _iiAv`e.)_ Communications. ..... ..$ 72 01 ..... .. 1500 Rolls) 32 50 .10 04 ' 40 52' $169;ojj - CANADI OUR CRITERION . __ - --_-_-1--:-u--1I Washingfdn, lgeb. 21-Ex.-Governor. Bachelder, of New. Hampshire, mast- ; er! of the . National.-.:Grang_e, sp9aking -ta:da.,L;,A_hQ.fore: 'thd Senate , Committee :`!8E .3.Vd tht ihii .0111?- ` "`"`i_."'+'-1' I 1? *?i1ii-: lRobt.Beynolds was held `in the S. A. Citadel, onisunday. evening. It - was largely attended. e -~ 6 ' 5 . ' ' I A memorial service for the late I The Citizens Bang! are arranging a program for. a concert to be given soon-5-_pos_sibly ,.on_ Tuesday, March 7th. Applications for the position of Town Auditor will be received up till noon on. Friday, March 3rd, 1911, address- ed to B. Donnell, Town Clerk. '"""" l On Wednesday a public meeting was` held in the Town Hall, at which Drs., Lewis, Evans and M. Health Officer Dr. Little read papers, while Dr. Pall- ing gave _a descriptive talk `as the; views were being projected on the! screen." Pres. H. G. Robertson of the Boardof Health occupied the chair. iinotherfstkingig feature of the car is a series of pictures showing some! `of consumption s allies, and in con- trast to them, several of its enemies. Numerous pamphlets and instructive literature regarding the disease and its treatment is arranged on tables. Sputum - cups and sanitary home pas- teurization pails for milk are also` shown. _,,--,. ' Arfangedin (a manner well calculat- ed to display their relative value, are! miniature wooden houses, model con-I sumptive _tents and various sanitary} helps "for patients. ] At` one place is a chart with the! following dread statistics-There are} 12,000 cases of tuberulosis in Ontario} to-d:'zy, ! and beside it another with these" words--` `In 1906 2,300 persons idied oftuberculosis in Ontario i Pictures of celebriti succumbed to tubercul `One of these is the p the famous musician. Vmusi c'l p Is splendidly Equipped. An examination of it would well} repay any persons Who are inter-I ested in combating the deadly White plague. The car, which is of regu-_ larp baggage .car dimensions, is thor-5 2 l oughly tted out inside with everyl _conceivable object and idea. which is! photo- of Chopin, used. to-day in overcoming the disease.l The walls are plentifully adorned `with! handsome" charts of noted sanitariums' and diagrams of their construction. V. celebrities who havei tuberculosis are framed.` 41.... .c.....--__ _m A The Ontario Government Tuberculos-I is` Car which was here `last `week Was? inspected by a large number of peop1e,<: although, no doubt, the inclement wea-3 ther was a deterrent to many others? who would have visited it. hubrcliiosis Car Equipped Withi ` Many Sanitary Devices -- An E H Interesting Exhibit. I MODERN FOES 01-` cousumrnom _m raven or ANNEXATION. AUDITOR WANT. MR. DONALD ROSS, Vice-President. A Good Display. Public r-MONEY T0 '-A1N --i guy. VJ I\JlA' per pair. ---450 pairs ladies Goodwear welt patent- colt, vici kid and tan calf Bluchers, made by Victoria Shoe Co., worth from $4.00 to $5.00, on sale at Carey Shoe `Co. for $2.49 `and $2.69 tier hair. Continuing, the lecturer shewed how the growing feebleness of the Roman sway towards the end of the Fourth Century, which culminated in the Goths pouring into Italy under Alarie, and the sack of Rome in 410, in the K attempt to stay which disaster Roman troops were withdrawn from Britain and the Island left a prey to the in- cursions of Picts, Scots, Jutes, Saxons land Angles in turn, had as a result that the land once Christian became Pagan again for a time. The victor- lious invaders drove the Ancient Brit- ions into the mountainous regions of Wales, of Cornwall and of Devon, thus necessitating once more the conversion of the inhabitants of the land. - - (Continued on page eight.) The persecution of Christians under Diocletian in the beginning of the `Fourth Centuryand the martyrdom of St. Alban were then touched upon, views of `the Abbey, built in the Twelfth Century, and the Shrine of `S. Alban being shown; while as a. result of happier times consequent upon the conversion of Constantine, and the issue by him in 313 of the `Edict of Toleration, Christianity so far extended its growth that at the iCouncils of Arles 314, Nicea 325, and iRimini 359, the Church in` Britain was represented by the Bishops of London and York, and possibly Lincoln or lCaerIeon. ` . I I ASH VVEDNl8DA-`-MARC!-I lat .8.00-Holy Communion. ` L n. oo-;L1can'y and _`-omminatio_n_`Se:jvice.v , ` 8.30--Holy Communioxi. . 11.o0-Morning Prayer and Sermon. `3.00_-Sunday School ~ Bible Classes 7.00-Evensong and Sermon. - Dealinglfiirsit with old traditions, the association of the three names, `Linus, Pudens and Claudia in the {greetings of S. Paul to Timothy as igiven; in l]lS second epistle, `was re- iferrecl to, as possibly supplying an earlyfmeans of Christianity being ibrought to Britain by Aristobulus, isent by the Apostle, who became lBishop of.Glastonbury and died in 599 A.D.: or that it_ was brought--as another tradition has it-by Joseph of Arimathea, who built the rst Chris- tian place of Worship at Glastonbury. `The statements of the English his- torian Gildas, who writes that in the year 61 Christ the true Sun for the rst time east His rays on the is- land and of the venerable Bele who ,states that in the year 170 A.D. }Lucius, a British King sent to Eleu- Itherius, Bishop of Rome, for some lclergzy and that he built the churches `of S. Mary, Dover Castle and S. Martin s at Canterbury were both re- iferred to and examined, while a plan of Silchester Church (the foundations of which were recently . unearthed while excavating the site of the an- icient Roman town of Silehester) was evidencing the existence of the Ancient British Church in the early years of the Third Century, 208 AD. Starting with a rapid survey of the condition of Britain before and sub Isequent to its invasion by the Roman power; during which the Vicar dealt with the Work of subjugation carried `on by the Emperors Claudius, Agricola I and Hadrian, the carrying away of British prisoners to Rome, among` !whom was notably Caractacus, Chief iof the Silures,-`afterwards released. :but leaving behind his son, Lin, and his daughter, Claudia, as hostages- the latter subsequently becoming the `wife of the Roman noble, Pudens-- lthe civilizing inuence of the Roman 'power as shown in towns, in which the luxury of Rome was introduced as at iBath (Aquae Sulis) in amphitheatres, villas and palaces as well as in great [roads and massive fortresses: the !lecturer turned to the more immediate lsubject, the introduction and growth I of Christianity. {snoopea ANNUM m Aovmct IINOLI cont: *I'unrr'non-p- I For two hours the lecturer held the nattention of his hearers as he traced, ;step by step, the growth of the Na- 'tional Church during the early ages, upwards of ninety illustrations of various scenes, incidents, and places [of historic interest being projected on the screen, considerably enhancing the gvalue of the statements <.-oncerning I the Ancient _]Church. Open to receive a limifed number of Pupils` during the winter season. For terms appslfv at Residence. 6 Comer st., Barrie. or `Phone 4. P. 0. Box 34. 7 9&0-ly Trinity Church Trinity Pairish`HaIl was lled to overowing on Monday evening by an ,audience which evinced the keenest interest in the lecture which the Vicar, (the Rev. Ernest R. J. Biggs) had been announced to give, the sub- ject being The Early History of {the English Church from the Dawn of [the `Faith to the signing` of Magna ]'Carta. ' `The `Early History of - the English -_ T Church Traced in Brilliant - Lecture by the Vicar i of Trinity. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY ih UI'El'I HIVIVUIVI IN .ADVAI' SINGLE COPIES THIILCINTI 3.112: ,1 macs.` . .`_r* *2 - - -...-uu vatllul ans wllltlll U6 III lung j amounts. oWri`L1ie' secui-lt.v of cod farm mart`: . gen. McCARTHY. BOYS MURCHISON. unlop Street. Barrie... Ivlvlvi I NI I-Klll` We have a large amount of money to loan . atlowest current ratemeitherln smallorin larger amounts. on the security good mort- Raen. McCAR'l`HVr nnv: Mnnnurcnu L. F'.>-ADDISON - % Teacher of Violin` Notice is hereby givenpursuant to 11.80. E 1507. Chapter 129 and amendin Acts that all i Be-rsons and others having cla_ me against the Jaime of the said Andrew R. Standen who i died on or about the 31st da. of January. A. D.. 1911. are re uired on or be ore the 9th day of March. A. ., 1911. to send by post prepaid. or to deliver to Messrs Stewart 8; Stewart of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe. ' Solicitors. for the Administratrix of the said Estate their christian and sur-names. addresses and descriptions, a statement of their claims pro erly veried and of the security (it any he! by them. V AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after said last mentioned date the said administratrix Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto hav- e ing regard only to those claims of which she . shall then have had notice. and that she will ; not be answerable for the said assets. or any ' part thereof to any person. or ersons of whose claim notice shall not have an received at the date of such distribution. a ; ..wIlJated at Barrie the 7th day of February. A.D. * I.) l. - - Fv STEWART & STEWART. 6-9 13 Owen St.. `Barrie. Adminietratrix solicitors NOTICE TO cmznrrons st mt; cert In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew R. standen, late of the Township 1 of Vespra, in the County of Sin? coe, Farmer, Deceased. Owner going West and must sell. Modern brick house. 7 rooms.al1 conveniences. house in A-1 conaition. 1% acres garden. with barn. Fine location. 10 minute:-Va walk from Five Points. Terms to suit. the purchaser. Apply, `II 'n 1'A.-ml-1-nan-up u Iuuuul \)G\Cll.LUUu- lH |lUC DBVBIIDII D of Innisl, for sale upon reasonable terms. Possession can be given at any time and the Vendor desires to complete sale before spring. Furtlncr terms and particulars will be made known upon a plication to McCAR'l`HY. AOYS &. MU RC IISON. Vendor's Sulicigogs. PROPERTY ron SALE/wA'1" SACRIFICE. 'I`he undersigned have the South-half of Lot number seventeen. mt.he seventh Ooncessxon sale_ terms. I l t\uunmunn nnn Ln .. -4- --- -- 4` R) my Street`. W C_ondenscd 7.;`ulve.rtisen1onts under tt;is head em; 3 times. 5uc.; payable strictly in advance ________._______.._________.__._____ Wmns TRAVELLING Wrcsr BB Suns AND STOP 41' was . ' `OPP. CIT? MARKET W` Z N ' ' 140! 1 st eet 1931933 First-('?'l::'sgeAs`<:omt';1odation.' R.emodel1edL and Retumiahed Throughout. . _ . F1123? MA R K ET_ _ ;_+_1Agj|' EL 91` A quantity of pi-1vd.t'aV to loan ;t - ran '_cl:m~, ,1 C b on any `of paymajnt.,. Lnmnox-,; `0OWAN_;& rnxtomt W. D. MORTON: Mandger E If you are far [from a Bankmg :Town you will nd this service of ours" a great convenience.` Call and see our Manager about it. =to us, with your Pass-book ; and well will return the book written up. .When you wish to withdraw money, mail us the `Pass-book, say how much E you want, and we will send it to vim" `at once. ' T 100K WAN'[`ED--At oncc. Apply to Mrs. CnIha.m, Owen Ft. ` 6. :;:z*.::::se'.*.::.:.':2 } sa.eoo;ooo 'l`otalAssets over EMAULYOUR DEPOSITS, wcwrcu TERRIER PUP FOR SALE--Ap` 5 ply to 3120. LIVINGSTONE. D113-laop trout- I VAN'[T`7i good general servant Ap ly. MR. SHORT. Union Bank. 9 )INING ROOM GIRL WANTED at once. Apply at BARBIE H0'l`} 9-9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. yank J a;:k_oi1 _ ____ -2 I\- .. VOL. Lx. No. em T A W!-I6l.E No; 69571 - THOMPION cntw. Pulupun; * ' T 0 I911 EVERYTHING IN PHOTOGRAPHY -uj if 6'5;n_II. Proprietor". MONEY To LOAN 1 u In-mm ............a. -1 _._..- WHlCH_lS NEW- OR DESIRABLE IS FOUND IN OUR STUDIO : : : Na! chmnnxg Barrie Branh--A V ron. SAE V'nA\-' yunvnauwusc Jlyyl f. D. JAMIESON, D.-. ..-.1- "Emil; as beef >011, any ability POP 3,? attack =nsemb1 that` have been laid "against `local hotels, restaurants and a drug store. The charges, which are laid in the name of the local . License Inspector, were `sent here -from `Toronto, Vand'i1_1- clude all the hotels except the` `globe and the Trembnt. Both rep)`-1 _etors.; end ` bartenders L eye 'on_ the V` t, which is divided as follows: Hotels}-V0021,-%s tral, Lfqur; Queen s-,_ four`; _ L ponzlniofn, V .eigh1$..3> Menltobn `W70;-vs .1s\1'._1,iV*8l`F0,`v`i1':"1*=o..a. gnd; jfroronto-5fHonse,=% el ev n.- . ante +swh~uon V A WHOLESALE wrnsxmr sm.1.1:N Is omnenn. - 1 Sixty Cases of Local Option Violation to be '1' Oou1ng'wood'-Prd- ` ' vincial `Detect1ve sVHa.v'e Been Working. Collingwood, Feb..19L -- Provincial` detectives are credited with the `re? sponsibility for the sixty` charges j of _ violation of the loeal_ option byilawl laid `against local restaurants` and store. Ilma nhm-an .".1.:.`.1. .... . 1.1.: :. u... --Carey Shoe Co. are selling out. their winter goods for whatever they will brfng, irrespective of-. cost. Wom- en s buckle Overshoes 99c. pair, men s rst-quality Rubbers, $1.25, boys A as low as 89c. ' On "Feruary 19th, 1861, slightly over 50 years ago, the second -Grand Lodge of the Orange Order of Canada, `con- .vened in Barrie, about 150 delegates being present. On March the 7th [next the .Orange Lodge of Ontario West will assemble and it is condent- ly expected that there will be over 500 delegates p'resent,~and the great strides the Order .~ has made in the past half. century will be evident to every one of the older citizens of` Barrie. ' Mr. Soady represents a social club of the Grand Lodge, called` the Dreadnought Club, "of 50 members, and be secured `accommodation at` the Queen s. - - ' t\ -r` _-._ A._, _- - ~ Mr. Harry Lovelock, the Grand Master - of Ontario ` West, accompanied by Mr. "Chas. Soady of Toronto, were in Town on Tuesday, arranging the program and looking up accommoda: tion for the delegates. - ' Dr. Sproule, Hon. Dr. Pyne, Hon.` Jae- Du, _ W. D. McPherson, M.D.;` Mayor Geary, Toronto;T W. J.` `Park- hill, P.G.M. of B.N.A.; E. T. Essery, P.G.M.O.W.; Col. Scott, Wallterton; .Lt.-Col. Belcher, Southampton; Mr} H. C. Hocken, Editor of The Sentinel, and many others will be present and deliver addresses. With such ah arraypof speakers .a s is Vannoulneed for the `Orange Grand Lodge Conention here beginning on the 7th March, it is safe to saythat it will be the most memorable gather- mg for many years. I At 0rangemen s Convention---Many]| Member; of Parliament and i k Prominent Men of Order. { FINE SPEAKERS ' WILL DISCOURSE iF,._ FORTOWN CLERK AT $175.00 ASSISTANT QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR SPENCER INDUSTRIALSI An indeavor is being m_ade to have Hon..Jas'. Dnff, Mr. A. Thompson, Mr. J. B. Tudhope and Mr. Alex. Ferguson, the four members. for the Sivmcoe Kidings, and also a number ofx local men,- to deliver addresses at the Opening Ceremonies on ` ` riday, _March 3rd. The program will be announced in next week's Advance; MR. 1'. 12.. ronnrm President. bei g made Hon, thnrnknua Cu OJ... C......_- |)9~1- [lover I THE OPENlNG }_OyF THE NEWWING OFTHEROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL, FRIDAY,` MARCH 3rd . Tl-IE INTERESTS OF" IARRIE. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMlNlON.OF After the. meeting had adjourned, an animated discussion ensued on the salaries of policemen, inspectors, sen- `ators and wood choppers, conducted ` ` a la Tower of Babel;` Nearly all the members took part in this free-for- all, some__ avowing. that` a/policeman, who had-~the honor of being a mim- A ber of the foorce and who was cloth- -ed in brass buttons and the majesty of the Iaw,7 should not receive more. than `$31100 per} month, while others lthought the `(perils and dangers of a" bobby"s lite merited/as much` COM : pensation ash< `best paids*l_o#14zia1s-.- seven 4 gas ; much as. i the.` ;~,.oeeu_'ge;ntsc of that, ' chamber, sot-L;ro:st2-+,thef;?Sbnate*"01` 0411868`-_ '.1`.l!01T'@;~:?V.?_` ttlifiliv iWh<,1*`9;V0P .vf13*:5`9d!fhe;m@!k` ` m-`.if:` . * ;i'6fl',ii6?i1 3 " BARRLIE. COUNTY OF SIMCOE; ONTARIO, FEB. The curtailing of the reading of lengthy epistles addressed to. Your Honorable Body, etc;-, was most noticable, the time taken. -to read many of [these being considered sheer prodigality of the precious golden moments, V V "ne price of wood on the market and at the dea ers yards was discuss- . ed `with `as m ch fervor as the Long Sault Rapids dam would _be in the House of Commons, while the mat- ter of an assistant to the Clerk dis- closed some `views on` the ever-pre- sent question of suitable and compet- enthelp and. the neessary wage to en- gage the same.. _ During the evening one Alderman was called to the phone, and in tones which might be heard by all present,` discussed the current price of beef, forequarters and hind, the possible eect of the reciprocitysgreement on the `meat market, etc;, while severall Aldermen and the Clerk vainly strove to. make themselves heard. A sound- proof _cabinet, with upholstered seats and free long-distance connection is suggested. ` Some of the Aldermen were late in arriving, but that did not deter His Worship Mayor Beecroft from` get- ting things ~moving as .soon as _he had a quorum. All of the representa- tives, with the exception of Am. Bothwell, who was prevented from at- tending through -`illness, came in due time, and the happy family gathering proceeded to `pass every motion put before them. ' I uMS No doubt the casual _'rernarks dropped! lin regard to last Friday s stormy ses- sion of the committees explains the dearth of_"criticisn`1s `voiced by the. usually warring `factions of the Coun-. cil.v Everything appeared to be cut: and dried-the only report presented passing without scarcely enough de- bate to get the reporters interested -fornthey constituted the whole audi- ence for this, the most `important busi- ness body in Town. _I One hour `and a half sufficed to transact the Town s. business at the` !Council meeting on Monday night,` ilittle discussion being indulged in by [the civic parliamentarians assembled. `x7, 1 I `Hour-and-a-half Session of Council on Monday Night-Not Much Business or Discussion-- Committees Had Apparently Talked i Things Over Pretty Thoroughly--Damages - i for Broken Leg. The Enlarged Hospital--Showing fhe new H. H. Stfathyv `Memorial Wing. * --Carey Shoe Co. are busy getting their big .stoclr_` in shape", that , they qt-e ,juVst,.after ,bnyi`ng at 65c. _ on the, .: `j,w_hgn this .to_ek gone; 5 63331:; .*:ggxi\vi1`g;=lo6k u ~<.fo`r="{-gomaripg M V ._ .. any vuv yuuxv uusuxuusburux DUUlUByo $300 will be given to the Royal Vic-I toria Hospital? on , same} terms as inl That .nine patients `are charged to Barrie at the County House of Re- fuge, Beeton, was the information contained in a letter _from J. A. Swan, Supt. One of these may be trans- ferred to the County s account, as he was committed v~by the Warden. e Finance Report. The Finance Committee recommend- ed` payment of a number of accounts, which are summarized under the fol- lowing heads: Board of Works . . . . . . . . . . .$ 72 Indigent . . . '. . . . ., 15.00 Printing (Barber & _ Co., Rolls) 50 Markets and Parks . . . '. . . Eire and Police 40-52' Avv VI A grant: of $75.00 was recommended to* the Barrie Horticultural` Society. I Inn tvnn `A 411-n `DA-urn` IT-3.`,