Towellings Come. into DIED. 250 ends of Embroideries in lengths of from 3 to 65f yrls ' Among these are some very pretty edgings ; all to sell T et from 8c to We per yd. Snap in Embroideries It sometimes happens that :1 is offered a bribe and pockc-t~ insult. i George iMcEwan, an SCZ11)L'i {mate of the Orillia Asylum, \`. .'i~ ;Tov_vn on Wednesday, _Chicf Ex `tracing him to Allandale, xviicn ieitherboarded a train or w:;! out into the country. Twn gzir from the institution spent tin- looking for him, but rcmr empty`-handed. McEwan is Zli)\-11' ft. 7 in. in height. ler, of Guelph; (a former mcrclsra of Barrie). . GOO*DE--At Shanty Bay on Sunviu gan. 22nd, 19h, Alfred Goodc_ 2:. V 3 years. O CO`N-NELL-In mfhc 13. V . D....._3.. C\:`-In A meeting -of the Georgian Bay Dist:-ict_ Fairs Assoc. for `the County of Simcoe, to arrange dates for a'll the fairs to avoid conicting with each other, was held, here Tuesday. ` _ VA _!..._I__ _--.. L _I , yum AV 141..4L4"-J.u Luc I\. \ . J pita1,- Barrie, on Thursday. Jam 19th, John O'Connell, of E}:- wood, aged 78 years. . Embroiaa-ies best at Vickers. Lovely Corset Cover Embr0idel'ios;, various patterns, most popular isa ne Swiss Crossbar. Special bum v A on -.- Pm: YARD Q ....... . . Foiz. T.%. . 4_ Patterns Pure, Bleached Linen Damask, 66 to 72 inches Wido, o_ur regular 85. quality 'I'.Vl'\I\ e eral days ahead. The sport of royalty- good healthy exercise In Toronto this game is so popular that Alleys have to be engaged sev- -_.-_- w-v-vu, vv nu lIVl\I. IIVIIE -IvBIV5|-IGJQ -You simply. can t slip with a pair of corrugated rubber soles and heels -on your shoes. when puton by the Barrie Shoe Mfg. C0,, Owen St., north of Jas. Vain- s grocery store. A,r` and at . 30c. I91! 11,. Ki` ' b Reev'e - -AucntiolngjvSal `k!v:.. on p'agc8. ' L ' -` v 1 `V pun nu. _ v-vvlv v v`v-I---,`.... - TO'Wt%!' `C`;t`1n`c-iVl wi11" not meet Qgai until February 13th. V_ 'l`I.:A.--.. :.___- . . p x ." Ivpulscu Uy_ HIE lCC'ClVl`llCl'.S_,UI1`_ IIICJ bayg . _ V 1., [A . -. . .D`o.n t miss D'evlin~ & 5. rMurchison's.A big axgnounaement` on page 5. of this 553110; > ' "_,_,F > ` ' g --No'w s the 1 time or overshbes _at.the shoe sale, gomg on Ca V rInk_ `ver'y. Tesdayl `and; Thursday evenings, - ` _ , f VI`- van: a. `sun Wino. ngifft , Thirteen in,ches`_' of"prfcct? i" is'T {epqrted by, thence-cutters_ on `the. ad: ' V ' ' u ' V . .?""` "ag. 7:?' `V -' The `Citizens '-Comnttce having in chaise"-tlie affairs of the.'b3t;d will mac"! on Saturday: evcning. Cllier Street` School will have ride and tea on `T-._. - LL - 45.- '.M\hoc;i;zt `Sunday ,. their annual -`sleigh Friday eyening. _v Mr. `W. J. Bell of Angus was in Guelph -this week and delivered a_ lecu_rc at the'O. A. C. on Turkey Raxsmg. , ' " on - '-' - - ` ";';':;n `Bros. have purchased _Mr. W. R. Mitchell's cake ~business,.and will conduct a `retail cake store on- the corner of Maple Ave. and Eliza- beth Sts. ` . ms Asovt g; Before Movintor other Clocks,,Br6nzeFigui:es, Sterling Flatware,\Eh:,~Etc., now going` Reeve s to_ b;1y rubbers. water damaged at Carey `Shoe _Dear Mr. Price -- Klndly accept this little, token of our apprec1ati.on `of your kindness` to us. We shall always have the pleasant recollec- tion of your stay among us. W'e also extend sincere fwishes for. the future welfare and true happiness of ourslf, Mrs. Price `and little Isabel. `igned, Miss Pollard". Miss Scobell, Miss `Saunders, Mr. W. Addinall. .. _.-.. -vawyuvut; \.4U. I i Citizens and` e's-pec'i_ally_businessel [men of Bowmanville are sorry that- Mr. `A. ' C. Price, Local Manager of! Bell Telephone Co.,` is leaving town. . He has been here for some six yars and hasabeen `a `splendid. c'itizen,_ an `eicient and-' very obliging 'o3cia l He goes to accept a similar position at Barrie, his successor here being Mr. A. W. Pratt, of Owen Sound. LastA.Friday.evening the following. members of -the. -office staff of, the Central surprised! Manager Price. by presenting him with a handsome in-l itia_'led_ leather rClu_b Bag and .thisAad- * dress: a - ` -. The Bowmanville Statesman `I has .the' following in reference to M1-v.eA. C. `Price, who has just assumed the managership of the local oice of the Bell Telephone.Co: f`3A.Z_-L*_ 1 l , Mr. -Knechtel of the Dominion] .Fores".try Dept, lectures on -.F~Ol'eSt] [Scenes in Canada" in Trinity Parish Hall, Feb`. 7th.- No admission fee will be charged and the public is cordially invited by the- Barrie Hor- ticultural and Town Improvement` Society, under_whose auspices the lecture-is given.- Referrig" to it the Calgary Daily. _News says: The views were in natural colours, and the subject ably handled _e from 5the' economic, commercial, o health-giving` land beautifying standpoint s. Scenes ;were' ashed on the canvas from France, ~Germa_n'y, Switzerland and ; Italy, as well as from many parts of, `our conitinent. Summer `resorts, sunrise and sunset views, as well as some of the choicest bits of scenery, were vivdly pictured to an enraptur-` ed aud1ence.v ,|vU I}: "~ I" w.- D'.<.\{.:.-' 3 . ` '. M` ` "'_ vv. A-Marriage L_1cen9 ;s canibe had at` H. William's Jew]ry'...Sto1j',e. `This. store is noted for -its great value in Rings as well as all other lines of l S -V.":I,"'yf . i`Th ~;Rv:5:~LN4 .*i.:A.-.?`:Fit.foy." *Bii`iiii:!51': ;?Wi1!&tb:2m%dd :int;6. Rcctoryiof E Pef11etg-iiuishene; o`_n}"' ' " Wdhe~sda}f'} L` <;vnin g"*Feby. 11 st, -bi Lthe**R,ev-;': `Canon? *Mu:_-ph , `Rural Dean of` W`est'vS_in`V1 L-L` .co"c. he` '>-s_ern_1on will be _preached' lby__ the V Rev. Ernest R; J. .Biggs,j` t. Vicar of Barrie. ' . ' . X.` i `man for the ensuing year. r? 4 At the inaugural meeting of..~the Board of Health on Tuesday. even- ing,~al_l,the mem.b_ers~ were prese.-n.t; A resolution favoring the placing of street sprmkling; whether by oil` -or water, on the frontage `tax plan, was adopted, and the recommenda-V tion wil'l be forwarded to the Coun- cil. The `Board. also approved of the inauguration of a system `of gar- bage collection, pointing out that the spring cleaning cost about $700 last year, which sum-would ter spent in a regular system of garbage collection. Permission will be given to Scott Bros. tocut ice for cold storage purposes, within a half mile from the shore. Mr. H. G. Robertson was re-elected as Chair- Q; 15 weeicwbded `)x_Attee'_t:i_r1:g'_ < lot; f1`e | A."-Y." R.` A,. of 'Trinity :Chur'ch`~" orfl V-Mi:-nday next a- debate will.,take place" betgveen the members ofA'S_t. -And;-ew l.S. ,.Young People s Sdcieyvand Trinity A. Y. P. A." St.` Andrew s will move the ol'lowing.reso1ution: Be it re-_ solved that vaceinaticn is desirable! afrd should be_ eompuls`o.ry, * and Trinitywill opoose. This should `prove of interest as good speakers are p'repa ring for the verbal cori- .test. A . . L V" D..) , .:.:..'r,-2.-..'..'. .'..:'::.".....`.:.r...m 4 Lo throt and Inns!" I ' ' 3 I `An Enraptured Audience. A Popular` Oicial.` non`? FAIL TO ATTEND `THE IMPORTANT UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE or tof `wclm%iceAVgVoio%ds _wiell id attnd this iphrfnf' 3511}. the leag?fL ;Til`V%. 1n7!%s%oxA|L\[e_ frarefl)urgins% may be And. each iaffemoon And evening" Jiuntil Lfurth&e_r noce. l The carnival` given by the Curling Club on Fniday, Jan. 20th, was :1 decided" success, as considerably rmore of the young people took an. [ interest in it that they did the last ? time. The costumes were both more! numerous and moreinteres-ting. The first prize for best cos.tume on the ice, was awarded" to Mrs. Jno. Broley, who represented Buttery. The prize for bes_t tramp went -to Mr. Ted Ross; rs.t for best costume representing nationality was won by Mr. Charlie Nixon as Uncle Sam. The .juvenile prize was divided equally between I. C. Iebb and Louis Montman. Other prizes were: best skater in costume. Mr. McCann; ' best _lady and gentleman skater, Mr. .WiIfred~Cook and Mrs. Stephenson. I `On Wednesday` night, Mr. Harry! (o& ey_ "of Schomburg, journeyed out wxth a bunch ofjuvenile hockey players under hts expansuive. wing. The play wa_s `hot and exciting. nexther tegm sconng during the first half. Inside of fteen minutes of the 1.-et_urn to the nice after the in-I termxssxon, Both teams scored a I 2031, Schqmburg having notched the In about ve minutes, and about three mmutes later, Cooks-- townt scored. . The play kept upi ipretty. fast and furious: until full! +`o O-L4I|nA lC-L-...LA-.;__ y.~u._,V. Lawn. auu ILUIULLB` uuul lull ,t:'me,- when `Schomburg went off Pcrowned with glory. with a score 3-1 din their favor. The line-up was as follows: Schoml')urg--Goal, Gott; point, Thompson; cover poin-t..Row- ._land; Rover, Woods; centre, Brown`; `right wing, Doyle; left wing, Boake. Cookstown -- Goal, Arnall: Point, Cousle; cover point. Donnell; rover.` Rohi`nson;- centre, Pollack, (captain);l right wing, Hopper; left wing, Read- man. Referee-Harry Coffey, Sch- omburg. 'The game was a good one, butethe team was hardly representa- tive of Schornburg. as it was largely composed of boys from other places, three being from Nobleton.` ' , mmcooxsrown. Mi_ss L Rou-thwaite is `visiting brother, Dr. Rounthwaite`. v M`1_*'4'-P &ndh.~ - Mf-WT Ba'r'fyn:.~Jebb. We are sotr_'.i< C9,. j._1'epo1_"_t-,fn.1ee,t` with a, terni-ble` mis ortenee ilast` week.. in -the guise ;ofe_"-.a.; _bad vre,.*[it being all _ the more i;1mffortun[ate_,V as`Mr; farid. Mrs. Jeibb (were both awayvfrbm home at the gime of `the occurrence. They drove ; m to `town {in the morning and the` | fe _started about noon. They knew] piothln about-`it until some one in ,1_:he vil 'age;i.nformed `them; and when ithey arrived home, they founlf their hoitse _in ruins. Theinlossyis a, ictal one, nothxng having been sav- \ Miss Virna Vair of Barrie, soent ` `a few days with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Orok. . A sum whim is ,viSi'tNi.i1g;~ ,~.;',l1;er, `I L the j _ Misses W` _0n Wednesdav morning, -Jan. 18th, at 9..I5a.m. ,gthe rnarriage took place.` .of-"Miss:~Mabl Fisher , only daugh- ter `of M1 -s._John Fisher. Cookstorwn,' to iD Arcy Gauleyr of Ba-rrife. The ceremon was performed in Cooks- vtown, ethodist church by Rev. A. W. St. John. pa'sto`r,V Iassisted by` Rev. R. I. D. -Simpson, Newmarket,` cousin. of the groom. .The bride were her travelling suit`of brown serge, with mink turban and furs. Notwithstanding the early hour, quite a `number Were in the church at the time appointed.` Though of a quiet,; unassuming disposition, the bride} had made _many friends `both in her native town and in other places, i and was the recipient of many beauti- n ful and costly gifts -both from friends ;in Cookstown and places. outside. `Mr. and Mrs. Gauley. left on the go.5o a.m. train for Detroit, where they spent their honeymoon. --Gents $3.00 and $3.5o_Velours` ca'lf.or'tan calf blucher s, suitable for winter or spring wear, selling- for $2.39 at Carey Shoe Co., water damaged shoe sale. Next to Queen's Hotel. -.-Do you know that there are, ladies $4.00 and $4.50 -shoes in vici; kid, patent and tan calf, all good-* year welts selling for` $2.39 and $2.69 at `Carey Shoe -Co s, water damaged shoe sale. - ' Hudge Wismei-. on Tuesday -pre-. sided at a recount of the ballots cast in the Midland. rnayoi-`aliity contest. he recount was held at the County. .Court House and further argument: was postponed until the 30th, per-l mission being given by His Honor to investigate irregularities on that date. The hearing will be_. held at Midland. '- - ' , -'1`eas-Lipton s English tea, Mon-I soon teas, Blue Ribbon teas, and Red` ' Rose teas always in stock at Beth well's. ` ` . " * -+Your shoes half-soled, rubberior leather, from 30c. up to $I.oo. Heels,i rubber or leather, 25c. to soc. Scis- sors and slgates ground at Ioc. pair. e__specia.lize in this work and our! facilities, which are .unexce'll'ed, are at your service. The Barrie `Shoe ` fg. Co}, Owen St., just north of: Vair s grocery. I - 4-5 -Chinese Starch-`-the starch that imparts that peculiar gloss to linen, known only to the Heathen Chime.- In packets at Bothwell a. At-f W. J. ~Bell, Angus, Ont., Secretary of the Turkey and. 'Watei-fowl Club of Canada, wishes to announce that this Club have issued an Annual? ' giving information: on the `rearing of turkeys, geese and ducks, copies of which can be secured by our readers who are interested, free of charge. Address W. J. Bell at An- gus, Ont. V ' 2 i V - I We are zlad to` be able to report; that Mrs.V M. A. E, Rill s [health gon- tinues to`1'mprove.j . A '. Mrs. `and Miss Galev. Ivv; M`:-. Gauley, Toronto, and Mli-SS Pamela White, Barrie, were here for the Gauley-Fisher wedding last week. ADVA N:CE her The death `occurred here on Mon- (lay, January`23rd, of Mr. Wesley Donnell, lately of Seattle, 'vVasli., and a native of Cookstown. De- ceased had been in poor health since last summer and came home to spend the winter in Cookstown in the hope that the rest derived might `prove benecial. He became worse last Thursday and took to his "bed, but even then his- condition was not regarded as very serious and his death on Monday morning was a shock to the whole village. Mr. Donnell was ofiafvery k-indlv dis- position and was a general favorite with everybody.- A very pathetic feature is the factethat Mrs. Don- nell and her three children are in Seattle and could not possibly r_each here in time for theefuneral. M-rs. `Fred =Fi5her and .d2_1ughtr,i Marv, of_Toronto, are spendmg this< 1*. -(1 th, wlth Cookstown relatives- Leariing. to skate in` `Cookstowm this winter is like poverty. ` It is a great inconvenience, but disgrace.- One_ is always sure "of 1g; of com- Panyy anyway- Mr.` McLean of. Churchill occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church church here on `Sunday `and the con- gregation was treated to two excel- lent ' sermons. The Newton Robinson Methodist Sunday School brought a sleigh load of jolly youngsters. over on Monday. for a skate on our "rink. Mr. Mar? shall 'Chanther embraced the oppor- tunity for a friendly look-in on some- of his Cookstown friends. .I.J\JI.l LCD .LJ.\J1.llJ\rl 5 any .L\\.u .I.\nunu V Hood.-~ Dr. Broad and Mr. Wcsle; Cline of Barnie kindly gave their `services as judges. The carnival was a great success in every parti- cular. ' . I Among those who dniki ,not `receive a }prize but made a good impression were Mrs. Orok as Night, Miss `Ross as Gyp_sy- Queen, and little Douglas Hopper `as, "Red-RidingV 'L]'n.-.A 9 TN- `D...-..-.,1 .....l '!\/f.- 1171..-`lo.- Ito ;attendV. this % importgnt ale, as every ;n..l; sogIL\_e%V frrfeWbI'gins% mgy be expected. `Plain Cishmere Hose for a Quarter alt1tl'7,tl1at':s what we flplarlned it for-; that you should be t .., . ,; _, v thorouiglily pleased with opportunities to save. it C` The second week ot eourlWhite, Fair begins to-day and with agnew, Budget of. Bargains_.we intendto keep'up the jolly interest in this mer- riestef al4ll.`_Winter_Sales;.4_; lt s best recommendation is the enthusiasm of our patrons. 50 dozen Plain` Cashmefe Hose, plated and seamless foot, sizes 8;, 9, 9; and 10'. `EX'i`RA.}_ . . . . . .. vvnr-Cy nnnnn at Mr. H. G. Robertson was honored by the South Simcoe Lib.-Conserva- tive- Association at their `annual meeting last Friday night, receiv- ixgg the Ist vice-chair of the Associa- zon. A L - REGULAR 10c VALUE FOR cc. -`_ zPiTnks,Z Greys nd Blues. EXTRA SPECIAL....,_..... 600 boxes of Tourist Frillmg in White, Sky, Helio and Pinli. 15 patterns colored Flannelette 26 inghes wide, various '`|' 1 I`! ,, ,, I '\I,-.. G E o. Ar %~:-- ' s.I[-"7; 1.-. `i v. ' .2-....` :x;"*~= 1' V ,` ' ' . n V ,. .. ` I ` N. 1` -I _ . .._r-`, _-> t , I it , `. `I _! I . . ` . A. '~ ~ . - T V. ~ ' I- ` " ' ` V .- ` `. . k :` Hf I Flannelette Bargain - c o u o n ovb u u '.`7':R;;5 `Neg S_to1 e': 1 ms 4+ . . . . . 6c)'d- DOVVa`V.ER--Sud'den1y at Guelph. on Monday, Jan. 23rd, Frank Dow-. = | . ` :._4.u.I.z`\11.'4J.\ vv \J\J1.J`1\.L`411J -- r\L D1. | Paul s Rectory, Innisl, on Thursw day, January 19th, 1911, by the Rev. Mr.V Padget, ` Gertrude C.,N second daughter of Mr. and Mrsu Geo. Reid, Painswick. to Mr, Wm.` J. .Ledgerwood, of Grassey' Lake, a `Alta. ' -GAARRETT--SMITH _ In. Toronto, I on Wednesday, January 18th, by Rev. Dr. Briggs, _ Clara Smith_.. daughter of. ..Mr. and Mrs. Iohni Smith, Elizabeth St., to Mr. Rich- ard" F. Garrett. , V % ABORN. { JAMIESON--On Saturday, Jan. 21st, ; I9II, at 103. Collier St., Barrie, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry. D. ]amies0n,l .a son. 1 I V MARRIED. LEDGERWOOD-REID A 'D....l9.. `l')....4....__- T..._:_1 _,. rnc St. HHW DO YOU SPEND 7 Yll EVENINGS . . . . "N. GROSE S Bowling Alleys and. watch the Game any ' night. FOR. ...... .... ..8c. 10 Twelling in 6 dilfezenfweaves, Bleached and Brown, 15, 16 and 17 inches wide, reg. value 10c, `Any Trimmed Hat in our show- .room for 82 99. ' Any Untrirnmed Hat, excepting Beavers, fox; 50c. 4': _Miss Ethel Hinds, sister of Mrs.` Keams, Bradford St., was removed to the -R. V. Hospital on Tuesday. She will undergo an ,operation_for appendicitis-. -