-3 Much anxiety has been felt in the! village over the serious illness of Mrs.`M'. A. E. Hill. `She ha : been in ` poor health this fall and winter and last week` developed pneumonia. Her ` condition caused considerable alarm (all __ week bgt g;_are' glad, to ,lea`jrn";r_ *thatVis;he`1s` approving: anc1,h-593 that; she n e r1lo;nlt!t1nte.n.,s=f {Q0 L59-; ; 1 3 `L ~<? T7 1`\'IviLcV,'f_C}`c>Zci1_`d}'<'iV 0? 15$-xigctory has V ..vv..----`. --7- __v_~-x~-v- -A.f,rom_-a,A -sew eff ` . "%nsi_c'l_es" 5; f1.*.(': [c'<)_:x/ itfek "9f:b1f0S5`.1i,'PQ1` " g . 3 The Presbyterian and Anglican Sunday Schools at Alliston, combin- ed, brought several sleigh-'load.s of scholars over to Cookstown on Thurs- day. Lunch was served by the ladies in the schoolroom _of St. John's Church (Anglican) to the children on their arrival early -in the after- noon, after which they enjoyed a skateon our rink, They returned to Alliston about `five o'clock, reaching certainly an ideal `day for their drive. home in time for supper. It was` m"'i`_l1'e people of Coulsorfsi Hill gave a dance in the Temperance Hall, Gilford, on Friday night. Miss Addie McGowan, Mr.` Ollie Read-_ man and Mr. Boyd were among the . Cookstown representatives. ' _. _ `.< . .-- iThere will be another one he1d_at the Olympia Rink here next Friday,- i January zoth, and we are looking for somethin' in the line of a brilliant .disp1ay, Ear surpassing the previous effort. - . DUI. CI!`-I I113`-loco Calves... .. Sheep, ewes . . . . . . .. "Bucks and culls .. {Lambs, cwt.. .. % Hogs, fed.and watered f.o.b. _~ More anon. V v - ~ - . - --J u... -v--- ---J -v. -..--. \.--v-- Much interest has `been evince during the past week in this village in the announcement of the ap- proaching marriage of Miss Mabel Fisher of this place to Mr, D Ar'cy Gauley of Barrie, formerly of Ivy . The wedding, a very quiet one, took place on Wednesday, January.-18th,_ in the Methodist church, Cookstown. rlicl ID .0 CI Oats .. .. Barley .... .. Peas .. . . . . . . Ryey. .. .Buckwheat .. .. Hay, timothy Hay, clover . . . Straw, `bundled . . -.,.--_,. V [ . 4 Information may be had gt the`! Post Oce, `qr of theASupem'1tend- ent of Annumes, Ottawa. * T Ilsllb Q o Canners .. Mxlkers, choxce l|l\I'I`\ an.-I Quotations on `Tuesday were :- -Export cattle`, choice..$ 6 oo - 6 25 medium .. .. 5 5o 5 75 _ bul1s,.. .._45o 525 `Butcher cattle, choice. 5 7'5 6 25 medium g. 4. 5 25 5 50 " `common .. .. 450 475' Butcher cows, choice. 4 75 5 25 Hides, No. Green N6. 1_.. .. . " Hides} No.72 Calf`skins`,' `green; per 11)." Sheep skins.. Tallow, per lb. .... .. Wool; picks - Horse hides, best grVade.. ` Hogse Hair ........ .. Wool, washed .. .. .. unwashed .. loose . . . . . . . . . . Eggs, per doz.. .. .. Butter, `per tb. _ . . . . .. Chickens, dressed. Fowl .. .. `Ducks, (spring) .. Tux-keys.... .. .. Geese.... .. Dry. onions, basket Cabbage, (doz).... Potatoes, bag}. {Cau1iower, each.. .. nCelery, (dozen) nAp ple.s (barxfel) Wheat, ca11,-t&1'{.'7 j.'.' goosey. I\_L_ Wheat '` .. Oats . . . . . . . `Peas; . BarIey.. Flour .. Beef, hind qr. . data _llarket8' During the V` ` A Barrie,` 153;. 18th, 1911, ?whea:.. .. ..s %s3_ 351 . .. .. 33 35 Peas;. .. . . . . . .,. .. 75 '80 l3arIey.. .. .. T52 57 I . LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, . Jan, . 18, I Q I A Collingwood, January 14th..--His! Honor Judge Ardagh has rendered` judgment in the appeal of the town council of 1910 against the reduction made in -the assessment of th.e.sev- era] hotel properties in the town `as_ made by the Court of eRevision of` last` year. It sis brief and-to _ `the: point, consisting of the word _dis- p1,iss;ed," No reasons are given_g,either;A 1j!'I;thst_0r.any'of the other .appeVa`1s-. .1766 .12 .I5 V18... 13.. 75 down ` `I911. 1856' 953 _v-,v---A VJ 1.113 .L1UlIUI`q ` . .g~,`:.'I;l1e,Leffedt of `the judgmenjt is thatl 1;hg;_}rduce.d `assessment . stands for % 193:4. ;'i '$,hduld the. `Asses's mcnt Com-I ' IT in making Ithe;~;asse.a`s-,. or 9':-2.:-;.,c1Ve%em1:-i.an`;' `jch.ang;~n`;-., 15 75 17 I7 g5 17 .55 IO 35' tzl In this connection it ' is but `fair to commend the course pursiied -by Ald. Young, who at the risk of much criticism from his co-workers on the local option ticket, had virtually, as he himself stated, taken his own life in his. hands. ` Irum we store or Mr. W. 'U- Begg. The two women have been chum- ming it for some time and were frequent visitors to Mr. =Begg s store. Again and `again after their "visit, goods have been missed, but -not until as few days ago was suffi- cient evidence secured to warrant the placing of the matter in the hands of the police. Once it got there the women became excited and im- mediately began to disgorge---and what a wonderful stock they had_ laid in! `Silk petticoats of fine qual- ity". and beautiful shades, waists of the -brightest hues, hose of silk. hand bags of the best `leathers and of the` best quality, stable linens, doil-ies of the neatest and prettiest patterns, and, as the auctioneers `say, "many other articles too num- ierous to mention, but ~-all of the {highest and nest grades. v " -They lwere probably preparing .to enter ; `upon the `society role, -but it will not The for the next ithi rty_dr'ays*as that 7time will igbe occupied `with an en "-.agement'- -wh_ich P, M; H3033 made 0t'.._tliem.;in_"-Ba'1:x,'_i_e` under` the care of ;,SxsqsO;5-,1 *" " ` ` i 'Both wo_men~ pleaded guilty, there was 1ittle e1'se to do, and'e1ected to _be tried here. In. sentencing them fthe ina1gi'str`ate gave them"some good advide and expressed the hope that >."i_1pp`n` .their.return~ they wild. think less i`of_~.fa1icy-. dresses and the gay life 'jandmo_x_-e of their children`, of which Mr;s.:;:;Cur_ri:e v.h'as_o1Ax e;`am1_tMrsA. _Ches- A sleighing party drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Foisie last Friday and enjoyed themselves till twelve o'clock. . _ A .. v-vy w up-vvouu ` :I'he many sch0o1mate:`;` of Mr.` D_At;cy. Gguley of`B1-entwood join in *wxsh1_ng hum every success through marned life. E _ avn-d `I51 :-'s'."`f{{c;" Desjardihc and family spent Sunday at Mr, '12. "Ber- thelott s, Utopia. * ' `walls of the County Jail. \ ? Co1lingwood,,Ja'n. 14th.-V-ATw'o wo-` men shoplifters were caught n this week and are now restmg within the They are Mrs. Ella*Currie and Mrs, Harriett -Chesney, and 'the cause of their so- journ was the wholesale stealing from the store of Mr. W. G- Begg; L... The fwn nrnrnnn In-nu: knan . nmmrwoon. . i Miss Dora GauIey1eft onTTu'esday. cvening to attend the marriage of her brother D'Arcy to Mis' Mabel Fisher of Cookstown. ' ' 4. ` II__ , 1 It .5 `Miss `Jessie Alexander, Toronto; Mr. and Miss Edwards and Miss Mc- eQuay, Barrie. A sleigh load comoosed largely of the members of the Meth- odists choir and their friends _went lover from here. The `concert-{was `a success in every way, Miss Alexand- r er captivating her audience with her Tunusually winning personality, as well as her wonderful elocution. This is her first appearancein our midst and we will be glad to welcome her again any time this talented lady! condescends to favor us. A - 3 I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO v-- ----v-v-- vuurwwuuuwuuulu The recent Local Option contest has no doubt created a great` deal of hard feelir especially among_ the more`. enthusiastic supporters on-_,either side. but the ratepayers have passed` upon this question, and it therefore becomes a dead issue for the time-b'`ein'g} 5_ In view of this, we might remind the Aldermen in question that they are not working in the` Town's interest and are violating their declaration of blce in prolonging an issue which is naturally dead. I- LI..:.. ........--a.!-.. 4`. 2- 1..-; 2-2.. L- WM- CROSSLAND Dmgs and Kodak: Barrie. Ont. V Does Baby CouAVl;:..._? You khou} your wh distress` with a bad cough. Then think how ..mu`ch`, more agonizing it must for baby. 4 Give Baby Nyal's Cbdgh Syrup Does not contain opiat_es; it is absolutely safe. ' A ne remedy that every mo- ther should keep handy. woman PRICE. 85 PER BOTTLE J; R.%HAMBLY `;'Ju;!gis` g,,n;9;i` the `proceedings at 1\oni{ hightfs:CEunc,ii~meetingthreiappearsl _to_ been a" strong desire on the part of certain Aldermen to - let their personal` feelings overcome` the duties for which they . were jeledtd _. by the people. Should this state of affairs exist throughout the year, we have no hesita/ncy in saying that it ,will, _`rgsult to the detriment of the Town's interest, asreal issues will be lost sight of`, and the Mayor will find it _dif.ljcult'Vto~c'arry on business expeditiously. ` OIOL- ____ A;I__,|r\,.- . .0 Horse Comforts M- bailaince: of the Winter season '5'; i rIv&vil:l`?.ij"give 10% discount on "Horse _Blattkets;._ Rohes and Bells." -This is. theseason of the year when .y_(>t'V1ri horses and cattle require a tonic ,..;`to'lt6i1e:-u1`),= the system; Nothing will do this quite as well as Dr. Hess Stock F Are you` Hens Laying? " If not, there is a reason. The greatest egg-produo ing food Vonthe market is Pan-3-re-a. It's not only `an egg`-producer bat is a pre- ventatiye against disease among fowls. SHOPLIFTERS. 40-tf Dated Oct. 8, 1910. vvu v in 31 G U. PE.CE`l:J2 ' number ten, on the south [side of said.Essa Rood, plan 169, save and except the east 22 feet thereof. There is said to be erected on said lands a good 0ne~ and-n-half` storey brick-clad dwelling house, 'containin"g ve rooms. This property is also most centrally located. For terms and particulars apply to STEWART & STEWART, All 1.3 auu C lllllll L. SOUTH O'ers will be received by the nndersi ed for the purchue of part of the West ha f of Lot 23, in the 5th Concession of Vespra, con- taining about ten acres, -and being on the North side of Wellington Street, in the Town of Barrie, commonly known as the "` Bunker Property." This nu-nnnrfu In n-A11 -26-..-L...l _._.1 _.-..1 1 ;T1'a.ck, Fast Service, Finest ;;V_R.9adbfe(_Ij,-Modern Eiquipnient, Unex- .i,Ce7lI\`d,.7 -Einig1 .Ca'r Service, all` cle- * ".1fr,*- &a-4 -_-_._ - _._...__.-O Public Notice is hereby given that John E. McG:-ow. of Elmvale. has made application for ponniaaion to transfer his tavern license for the gorelnises known as the Centnl Hotel. Elm vale. Daniel Rowat. or Flea. and tho: said applica- tion willbe considered at the meeting of the Board of `License Commissioners to be held in thelns tor : Omce. in the Town of Barrie. on FR DAY. JANUARY 20th. 1911. at the hour of 2 p.m. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. 'I`H0s. DUFF. 1 inches: Ynannntnn TO SECURE_COMPE'1_`_EuN-:CY FOR yvmuzs or INFI13M_}TY. , Offers will be receivediljy the undersigned for the u_rchase of the following properties : PAR EL l-Lot number nine. on the south side of the Ease Road, in the Town ot nae.-4. I-.. van ..'..._ ___.1 -_,,-,- -1 . I. . :I'7;;'.ssn;`ro`[).e`;;`i|;;.Y.\:s'ell situated and would lmake a. good market garden or chicken farm. Good two-storey brick-veneer dwelling house, and cement stable and burn are said to be erected on said lands, which are well watered. F_'o1f terms and particulars, apply to ' _ STEWART STEWART, 40-tf Vendor's Solicitors, |?Dnted Oct. 3, 1920. Barrie. Ont The Grand Trunk Railngy System 1-isl the*popul`ar route from all poims iggfstv through Canada. via Chicago. Valuable Residenfiel Property in the Town of Barrie uvuuu suuu VI lulu: {L36 LUUGH, Ill BUB IOVVYI 01 I Harrie, plan 169, save and except the west 22 feet thereof. There is sai-.l to be erected on said lands, a good one-and-a-half storey brick-clad dwelling house, containing seven rooms. This property is most centrally and l zonvonientlv nihutml LICENSE DISTRICT or A CENTRE smcon-3. mazxrco, co5RAno, CALI- FORNIA, AND PACIFIC i COAST pomrs. ,--- --v --wvrw --Av 5/IusuA ness appointments, meets trains comfort- ably, arrives punctually at desk or bench. The Excansron--a dependable watch at a popular price--V$4..5o to $1 1.00. Ask us for the EXCELSIOR VVATCH. \n[.`_I,. U REEVE HE owner of an Excusxox WATCH never has to apolo- gxze for the difference in watches. He keeps `his busi-_ HPQC annn:nh-nnno. rrignn 5--...- _-....-.. "3.2(.t./_1.3`l'._i_:n`fV_g)_;w,;11`1_ati'_3l1":. e la? "1?! `-bl ilitga. Borric.Ja.n. 10th, 1911. l`l-IE LEADING Jwh BARBIE VVINTER TOURS A :T~- 'I`EX'1"`i3REs'y FOR SALE -Ivy`? -'> - -. v _`--av 'y -guy-,,u,u~j`V neI5I.tuining. gwe train` young people. ton honorable business careers. Our teachers are SPECIAL- 'Is'rs.A 0' `sh an (it htb th besuquirm` -zeac':ue?-"11. 333:;-to.7wh3 on a on male of the Author, All businepa and shorthand subjects.-` aimsesscm-`mes no-nms..: I-`on SALE Vpnd 61: ; Soli;:'i(;rs, 13 Owen St., Barrie lo IJUEE. Licenseg gnspector. TIUIIVF Business llage.) ENTER V ANY` DAY. ~ ' A. ll. SPOTTON. ll. 0. I381`. ' President. Pnnolpal. (Allllnted with Lindsay y.-vwuvv-yr uurru vvivv .008 Government Annuitieg Scheme. M ii'o":iiic"s'7:-i:B"'cou' ' En1r6IA'I_;. VA` V 0;` attend- ed.-the debate at Phelpston. last Fri- day 'ev_'ening.. A II_._`, 4 4-. -- til T Yr-5..-BI ' , l V - %-Messrs. Victor and- Oliver Carson left on Monday for" Toronto.` `IA - 1'7- o - nu Mr. Wm. Harrison returnedfo his home in .~ Toronto after .spend1ng~a few days with R. Carson, , .. Lake View." Q _. V T "1;/I"e'.=.srs. A. J.,_'.('Iou:gh1i_n and S.`G. Reynolds.-took in the hockey match at Barrie `Monday evening; V V ' 'A- g-___ .9 LL -.. .,_.. -.-v.9\.u...J gvg avsvnnyvu - Mr. Fred Herring of.Toron`to is spendin a few "days with his` sister, Mr_s%. "Kn_app. A V V :. - Mr. J.;:S nider -vvthefof F105 is reported {seriously ~i1l~ 5with:_ Abronr c_hia1 troublvcg -4'?` _V . ; "The infant sea of. Mr. aAndi`Ms.%% J; `Smith pi `}`,\/ .;s_p'r.,a_V - i`yS`." L.;gepo,r_{c_ed; StiOt_i8ly=` v :i1`T`. .*; nu; A 1% _- .. _.v- V ..v. - -u-vggynu-J nsnvanuala. The Rev. T. Legate conducted seryxce here last Sunday. ` - I'\-_ -vv .-gm`, nuns nJunuuuJ' "(Suite 3. numlger `of young folk had -a very -enjoyable time skating on the. lake Saturday evening. ' `ll:._ 1": n..,..-u '-'v- ----v -vvvvv~n\nuJ wvvalavnna, VMiss E. Brooks spent Sunday with Miss S. Knapp. `ll 1" vv The. thermometer `registered 15 be- low zerohe-re Monday mofning. TL- 13.".-- '7` 1' -_A-LA ~ ' -.-.---.- ...v, -.a ggva-oy gvg g gvvv uuJa. Mr.`E'x"_nest Hubbert of Washing- ton_Terr1tory, visited `friends here `last week. Mr; /I raAct`o`t-: Mi -i\I'i_c'ixt)-l1sv}---z'1': 1d Miss` Doolittle, of Toronto, are spending a few days at4ParkIan'ds. It- 1'-I___ 1:-n,. .-_,_-.. -~- ~-. v-ooviav vnn vuuuui-I}. Mr. Duncan Wiggins, who bought Mr. John Aconley s farm, is busy. hauling hay these -days. My-s_.` W. 'Graham' of Toronto is| gvisxtmg her. sister at lnglewater. \ 11.. `1-3 . m1{ I'x`4,? sr., who has been v:siting_ 1115- son Joseph in 3 Gravenhurst, is home for a few days. RI- ~`l:`....-_A. '[1-_I_L-._;. -9 1Ir,_I, Hubbert is` moving his fami1y_hereAthis week from Hqlly. `II',,_ In .. ovvv sac-Ja at-4 .;cu:uauua `flu:-iIohn Millet of Barrie was visitor in our village on Sunday. `It. 1'\.-_.--.. `Ire, ,,!._ ' I -` A sleigh load` of the Wild Cats" hockey players from Minesing pass- ed through the village on their way to defeat the Dalstonites on Mon- \day, Jan. 16th. - -"lthcta-1.1.1-1;s(;nV'a'r;'t-1-`:1.-c.>;'eph `White `of TMu,3koka spent" a week with their sister-_, Mrs. James Hart. "ii}I'E}}z'sc"i>Z:ic Has '.2 :{"{I'5fo- ronto to take a position.` A II- 'l`L_..-___-_ I T_,, a cum 1. ` Wait till the 26th of January forl the meat social at the Town Hall, you will` en-,io yourself. A good programme wil be rendered. ` __"Awr:uV!'r1bcr of friends enjoyed them- o`. .u selves .at'the home of Mr. andeMrs. J. Wallw4n_ on Friday evening, Jan. 1.: g C . A . 1 Mr. John Sneath is on the sick % ist. _ ' - . I .Ol%u\..g a -- ~- t-v -~ "-".'"'a "'- T The runaway horse that belonged to Mr.'Shepherd of'Barrie did` no damage. ` Rnobex-t McGowan of Ki`llat`n,' Albe-rt_a, is visiting friends here. FII1-_, A,,.,,,,, L, .1 . 1 u r can vuyiaua l""'I`h}."}arl1IaIll' o-il-ell; 1-`ally. win la: held in. the Dalston Methodist church on January 25th. On the pro- gramme. are the names of several of our Crown Hill people. } Mrs. '1\;IcGi1l of Lotus has been" ivisiting with her father and mother, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thea. Luck. ,---s- -v- _ - --vvo 4-tnnvo 1 Miss Peazrl W`i'ce returned from `Dalston last week. She is ill and" has been conned to her room for a few days. TI- _ iv -v v W :1 I There was a baptismal service in `St. James church on Sunday even- ing. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny was baptized. `PI... ____ -_| ---4 - -vuvv vv v--vi [ . . _ ; A concert under the auspices of 1 the I. O. F. will be held in the Or- `ange Hall here on Tuesday evening, Jan. .24th. All `are welcome. v-L'd'is's_ .:i;it'e<`i`.`f'riends here one (jay last week. ' - . Miss Gtissie :Cal return- ed from a visit` with "her sister at, Thornhill. -t'c>--l','.a3rtV1 of Mr. Jas. lL1IcA_g-thux.; .s lqcss. ` < ` ` A -'__L!-I.`;w/ 0 g , ` , -2 ..- 1, n .1 : , ! Mrs. Dave Dunn. and little daugh- ! ter, _Eirene and Mrs. Dunn's mother, .Mrs.'C". McKnight of Toronto; have returned home after visiting friends. in Toronto. ` Miss [F-loss__ie Speers of Thompson? =v-illje visited here last week. ` '"is)i[';}{;1 'i}i:;=Z"1>23.""15{.nn and little daughter visited, friends in Eim Grove one day `last week._ II!__ V 15!: ' I 2 `Nofte--Cginespondents 1 id gipeaking of the Jnoveznents of visitors will please me the places from which -[they come. . ` - A few} 5{o1}}}ol:-:} ;`>`e`c>';'>-l'c attenil-I ed the ball inVIvy, last `Friday night. John -Holt visited friends in Everett for _a. few days last week. 'liiss;:;'d;;d M. Crawford spgnt part of last week in Barrie., _ 1 Miss` Margafex Cr,5wford` visit-` Tmg,fri'cnds in Barrie. III- . _ 4 `D - 9 -__-r_- - - 5- T` frbmthefe : qttendEd tie ;I.A.j '._F.; concert, in the-~'Tow.n Hall and report a gobd; time. 5;. `ll- -._j II',,_ 7 -11 ,_:"c'll!E! inc ., gun vuv an vvugy woos.-wt ' 5 znd `Mrs: Lyall,aIid' Mfgs. Lyall of Buffalo,` a'id ?ia" flying I visit? to friends-here. ' ` 2 AINTEN MILLS. CRAIGHURST. S! -IANTY BAY. 0120 STATION.` CROWN HILL. MIDHURST. BAXTER. -1.13:`-gig.-`,`i{.0ssA feturrid . from Barrie.'on'_.Friday, after a pleasant viit her bi'o_the'r, Mr. 'Dan'FiSh- , fer,` an _h,eV_rF cAo_usm-, `Mayor `.Be'croft. 'l':I..'.;-._~__ .3 _ , The Regular Baptists held a re- ception for Mr. and Mrs.'Lamb at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. Campbell. We extend our best wish`- es for a long, happy and useful life to Mr. -Lamb and his bride, who we understand, is o-ne of N_Iidland s fair daughters. The reception was held Saturday\ evening and was a .very enjoyable: social function. After an illness (if gradual weak- ening` can be called an illness). of about two months, C; Foyston, one of-our oldest inhabitants, departed this life` at about "noon `on Saturday, Jan. I4. `He had been a resident of Minesing for about thirty years and will be much missed. The aged widow has the -deepest sympathy of the whole community. ' By a strange coincidence,` Wm. Bremner, also an old man, and agresident of` Minesing vfor about the same length_ of time, died about`I'Ii.3o pm. on Jan. 14th; The _two old men will` be buried cont thesame day, Monday, Jan. 16th, one `from -the Anglican church, and the iother fromv.the_,- Presbyteran. The lsyrnpath [of-~.the community` fgoes (`out-to V jr. Bremnerls wrdowed-daugh- ter, .Mrs. George Cam ell, whose healtliggha-s},:,been. very p _ r `lately. 2 Bo:-n--`At Coiokstown on' Januafy 12th, to Mr. and Mrs- Frank Cole- man, a. _dau_ghter. I A ` ? . .``ll'__ .1-\- 1'} n, . -'. -" I II 4'I IV I FaVnjc`,v%.dress carmvals seenmto be tl1'e_ `order:__o_'f` the day;our ,0_WI_l Mr. Vebb` _hav1ri g'4 seemingly -ent~`the.`- . a l.1. 1r9l:1i I -;A_;Tc9up},. ` -v- ---v ...-JV vv vvuuu Mis_s_ Velma Wisr'1'1er, Schom-burg, is _vis1tmg Mrs. H. Kerfdot. The Literary Society met on Jan. 9th and held an interesting ses- sion. Mr. Stokes gave a paper on The, Hudson Bay Company: Its Inuence on Canada's History." Mr. Maconachie read one of Will Carle- ton s' inimitable descriptive poems, bringing out clearly the clever wit of the Irish and their ability to im- p/fove an embarrassin situation. Mrs. aconachie s and rs. Johnston's summaries of Current Events," though verygood, kept studiously and shyly away from local happen- ings. And therewas a, Geography Match. Unfortunately `there were no prizes_ oered. Had there been, an incentive of that kind the in- terest would have been intense. Two surprise parties -in one week is an example and illustration of the wit of one happily phrasing the ex- perience of the many in the adage, .`It never rains but it pours. _ 'Such two pleasant events occurred at the Anglican parsonage, one on Tuesday and the other on Thursday evening. your correspondent not being a re- sident of Midhurst or Con. 7. Vespra, was not present, but she understands %that there were -some ver pleasant doings on these two eve tings, and she wished some dear energetic in- ldividual -would get ii a surprise iparty of Minesing peop' e, so we of this section might have one more pleasant memory to look -back upon in the days to come. ` A II! iv 1 -I n - : company has p_ut on a"night operat- or, Mr. Ch:-:stic s _ hours being from 7 a.m. to 7 pm. It.-_-__ It tn 1 q .~-.u- Juuuva ,\JJlV|, `Uu uasunuayn 'l1he mail`-order business, prin- cipally from. Toronto, appears to to growing to such proportions as to practically cripple all the local trade. he post office people are kept busy (to say nothing of what goes from. the express oizce) in making out hundreds of dollars in post oice orders, in fact the smallestarticles in domestic re uirements are pro- cured through t e mails.. on Tuesday of `last week. _-v--- ' ------ vw ' ruv--u Me'ssrs.- James eMcCracken and Wm. VanNorman attended the dis- trict L. O. L. meeting at Waverly II! _ frowrrs APPEAL TO `COUNTY JUDGE FAILS. -v-v---I vo uuuulu IV virus. ` M-isS Hewett of Crown Hill is the guest of her uncle..and aunt, Mr. and_ Mrs. James Hewett. ' w - V, u_ -. .. uuav auuv-Iva \lI Eli!-II Qlllb, ` The ten: erature-_was i4 degrees be-. ilow zero onday morning. Mrs. James ,Osler, -on Saturday. 'l`.- ...-_"|y` -__I_._ L_2A,,,; watf1{o}i"I.a'}Bi}I{'i3ea:ds;11 of: Oro, were t e guests of their aunt, TL- 5-4.- -__A.--..- ---- . % have j juro- V V liably beatin- tetxdind to try Red Rose Tea forsoma time . but fro1_n_`ffor9e of habit" `.___._.A'l__-_ A__ and buy Red Rosg next time. cooxsrown. MINESING. E & NORTH my AI)vANcB} Schomhur `team will come over. on W'ednes y evening fora return game of hockey wi-th.-our boys, who! I will -have a chance of returning the`; `courteous treatment the "received; Qonntheir visit to Schom urg V two ; Tweeks ago, The result of the game! was -not ascertamed before going to the 'press. .A fuller report will be` [given next week. , I * . t t \avun`uu.v vv ll arr. way---y--.' ...~ I -.n - 4 . .5` ~.--' s The teachers in the,p.ublic schools must, as a -rule, themselves provide - against the day when their age or inrmibies will demand their re- tirement from their profession, and ` _many, it is understood are alive to th-is fact, and are taking advantage of the provisions of the `Govern- ment annuities 'schenig,&t' gjecure a competency for laterye ;s: The number doing so is `perhaps small in proportion to the large, number engaged in teaching, but it must be borne in. mind that the Annuities idea is new, and that the attention. of the school teachers--has-only been recently specially directed to it. V Many might follow the example of a woman in one of our cities. She was 43 years of age, had no heirs and her salary over._and above her weekly expenditures was laid away to keep her -in_ the days when the shadows begin to `lengthen. She had saved $1,000. Itwas. drawing 3 per cent. compound -interest, or in- creasing at a little better than $30 a year. `She heard of the Government Annuities scheme, and `she im-' mediately transferred her $1,000 to the Government on account of the purchase of an Annuity. payable at age 60. Having no Theirs she pur- chased on" Plan "B," ' and the An- nuity which a pa ment of $1,000 se- cured for her at was $222.60. But, shortly after -her $i,_ooo had been paid to the Government she.became an invalid and was totally inca ac- itated from performing 'er `qty. -Her case came under the provision of the Act which provides that if invalidity or disaublement occurs a person, if he or she has paid in sul- cient to secure an Annuity of not less than $50, may draw the Annuity. though then under 55. years of age. The payment which she. `had made gives her an- Annuity of $69.67 '30 long as she may live.,Ii the, period before she became disabled had been 5 years she would havehad an An- nuity of $88.50, and at 55 she could have had her contract. converted into an Immediate Annuity of- $147.50. It will, therefore, be- seen that `if she could avail herself of the provisions of the Act at anv. time after her $i,ooo had been paid, she would have :had an income ` over twice as large as she would have re-. ceivedeihad she left the `money in the Savings Bank. Thiisillustrates, the advantage of persons who have been "laying up for their old age transferring their savings, or_a por- tion of them. to the, Government on account of the purchaseof an An- S`; nuity, I . 4 1