Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Jan 1911, p. 6

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Delirious. _Mr. J, H. Pltimmer, President of evtihe` Dominion Steel Corporatiozyorie .,of `the contributors. to The `Globe's '.Annua1_ ' `Financial -- -Survey, i published bit. the first business day ofithe y`e_ar,v~ says-:-- MEN FIRST A % CAPITAL S%ECOND% an: up: 2-3`: `T A. -*j,1rI`_l'l4I`fvJ`Z ' A V-.Canadiar_fT.`B;.nk- pf Commerce" xtn`d `tb_.V-farmers e\r`_`:_"I')f' v:t'ar.V<;ility: for the transaction of theif banking business j'mc|u`dihg the discount and` 2 collection of sales notes.` Blank sa1es`notEs re supplied free of charge` fon app1iatin. 5- .BANK!NG-"BY% -'A.cco\V1 nAts'u'1aV)' be ~qp_e'ne,d_ vafj evetjy. (.3-aiiadiiian; Bank bf ' *Commercg to be operated by` mail`) ;`r`ecefive the.'sar'ne,.caefui iattentian as is givento. all other .departynents _. of the Bank's b_usii1ess.. -`Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this.V1>w;`a`y:=i:_s satisfactotily as by a personal visit to the Batik. - . 231 ARRIQBRANCH I Enifli lld" Send an s..u.. on aims of` Man '--ms GOLDEN; MONITOR" nu-2: % ;A`vc.A 1 n5iiE' umzns, nous, SWOLLEN GLANDS, inwrgs, PIMPLES; AND ALL sxm AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD JREATMENT YQUR Btnnn `ISTAINTE All letters from Canada mustbeaddreloed % _.to,our Canadian Correspondence. 1) mentiin Windaozgont.` If-you.d_'V % 'di.I1In9titt1te.in 40.. we seean . ` ---- __...- .. .......--- `rs.-u-uIIIwwV4 r.- Michigan4Avc.A Amd%`GrlswoIdT%st.,`F %`o.toi,#fm5,. LIIQCIQ: . ur-1`;..`._-_ . ' FOR SALE f`rSIR{~ Eomuuri % A '~.ALE_XANDER ALA1np,%%gaguzug;;MAgz;naa ~ % mu: Windsor o_>:w.h1ich; :3 for `2anadian~%%;1b!!~1*%:%e9;iA J. J W M a-, A_1=2 1_v[E:B%s* mass} 713*}: 'itXsI:"r`r. ....,.ge,. ' `victim realizes it new 1119 him. ' " r ' V :?zY`"" s&? `f;2'` i'...%a.`l `'.3 a c e w unv ' our New Method Treatmegz "as u guurutinteed cure for these complaints. There is no ex- cuse for anypcrson having a. dis ured face ~ from eruptlo s` and blotches. o matter whether heredi ry or acquired, ours ciao remedies and treatment neutralize nl pol- sonsinthe blood and ex 1 them (mm the system. Our vast exper ence in the treat- mcutot thousands of the most serious and complicated cases enables III to perfect a cure without experimenting. We do business th I On!` for tln net Y 32.-sv. pnfna ave Jxy` blood (geese. 0:: Bulb us Free ofclnaue and let us ' row to ' you how quickly our remedies -wil remove 5 all evidences of disease. Undertheinauenco of the New Method Treatment tllb Skill be- comes clear. ulceruslmples and blotchee` l heal up. enlarged glen I are reduced. fallen"? t he! 1 I . th, heco %`.5:gm. .`{u'i z`s`B n $`n&'%" ". ma 3: . return opened up 1001 1 VIC!!! "'*}'5u cm mama: .`l'O my Al} % You`AnscungpL M J I ovu v cu Ivll bl] Bl uuuwu. PARCEL 2--Lot number tea, on theoouth `side of said Essa Road, plan "169, sava and except the east 22_feet gthereof. 'l`here- is said to beorected on aaidlands a good one- and-a-half storey brick-clad dwelling house, containingve rooms. This property is also most `centrally located. . - For terms and particulars apply to r STEW.ART &.S'l`EWAB'l`, 2 V 7 40-tf V , Vendor : Solicitors, Dated Oct. 3, 19_1o._ _ . 13 Owen St., -B_un-io, nu buts urcuase or me rouowmg properties: _- PAREEL l--Lot. number nine. on the south side of the Essa Road, in the Town ot . Barrie, plan 169, `save and except the west 22 feet thereof. There is said to be erected on said -lands, a good one-and-a-half storey- hrick-clad dwelling house, containin seven i rooms. This property is most centra ly and _ conveniently situated. . I PADHIFI . 4-) ,,l'A..a ........L-.. L.-- -- L1-- - -- I` Offers willbe recgived by the udefsigned [for the urchase of the folio ` 1-, -. ' PAR EL I--Lnt nu1mh:En5u'Efa0p?.t.lea.`l....' Valuable Residential- Property in the Town; ofarrie ` . l `Irt"-is not easy for a: oung wage.-l eai`nerj to `bank -enough tom week ~to` week to provide a sum large enough`! when he. becomes old to give` him, an income that will keep him in com- fort for the rest of his days, and if he spends` his capital as `well as -his interest he must always: be_ haunted with the fear that his principal will "some day. be all spent.-. If he under- stood that by" means of. the -system which the `Canadian Government; has provided, - "namely, the A Annuities sys- I tern, hefcould b paying in 25 cents ' a week at` any - ost Office, secure at 60, say, an income which nothing could deprive him of, he would. pro- bably immediately avail himself of the opportunity. For example, a young man aged; .201 - paying in 25 cents a week-unt'il'6o would receive he` lived, an income of $129.91, or $29.91 more than he would derive from an investment of $2,000 at five per cent, if he h'appen_e'd` to have $2,000 availa'ble for investment at I60,` which it is safe to say that, `having regard to the manytemptations which he would have to spend the from and after that date,.os long as amoun.t,_ he would not -have. But the matter is easy for him if he will but' lniake provision `for his `old age a I charge upon his weekly wage. A111: pnafmnafnp A... A-I.-. -.._..-2.. . ~ uucugc upuu .1115 wccxly wage. . Any Postmaster or the` superin-1 ,tendent of Annuities, Ottawa,` will] |-supply information as to how this`! rnacp I-up Anna uulllllj uugvn. an may be done. , Will Be lntere,s_eilA in of Proding for_ Adyancing %% | MANYY0UNc% `runs. will? 8 III 3. 'n3? :n`i &`s? . %"3'9;" . cousuurmou FOR am: `at. .j5;1o_,ll ;Co:t.I ""$1XcE Emmi as, non! 25 nu. _--- -.---.-u-gov, Inga`-D % -Calile., says: _'_`Tr.i: oncei.-pti.ons t.)f _;Gn`,d I 1': ;~at_-the ., foundati-cjnv. f'of.;.o :- `%}%ti99a1A%~ ~ " 1 ' . I?oAn-,ey. says '.`theggreatest of all ,"diggo.v`eris`is`.to disgover God. _ . %?="?1`,\,ey".Voier::d',unto._thVeA Lord. ;~h,:r,_f;was. a revival of giving` to. I 3'-Aas}.,1ufre1'1Aas.'ofLseekin- Qod'-I . . ;"'1%`;h9y7-1%.-:W.arei -%mt6~ the L ; or.d~ fete:-` ailtaiian W,` C3 [us Ina ucauuga WILII (I18 ICHUCTS OI ,.the false theological systems. ` He went ff_or them, `hammer and -tongs, and sent-"`t11e_ Sodorhites andbidolat- __ers ying out of his?-kingdbm. He was` .32 .prVohihitio'nis.t who passed prohibitor'y;1aws*': ihat _did prohibit. `He made A%thg_;:_..g;ibs*ti.V9f his God-given `.0pportuhitT:r'%;6famoulding the thought gs cllj :.-irss`-~}th ai`s;gi:1_*i'tua l - life -of `the Anltich. r en -ll; ` -"71 . . 1 ` " as, thg result; ifhmselves .tQ- v{i`.W'?V.at&i`Jru9a19m *A 19 seek the `V ._.C. and will erect in}. their `places the family altar, qvhere the true God may be given His right place. Asa was da ,ma,n--every inch .of him; and whenhe found that certain evil pi-actices`f were gnawing a.t the {very vitals `of national life, he realized" that the manly thing to do was to break -with `those practices altogethe_r. He had discovered that everything that came in between the eoiil and -God `inevitably. led to sin, -whieh...lies at the root of national gdeclme, so`_he_had no` othfer alterna- tivfe than ..to.break with "the whole esygstem.-`(of . false religion. A _ `Th_i:.ev=was':no eem'ina_te~ softnegs .11.`! h1s...cleal1_ngs -_wl:_thfthe,-i.leade`rs_ loft \ ~ eh.` 3'-.12.-` 41....-.1i.~...:.~-n- var- \J-av; LIIV vvvvcuu 5111150 auu 1d1I.?|j, God fdefend the right.` . True `aistruthi, though lone and `lone- Tender as the brave are only, Men-w-ho tread` where` saints have trod, . . . _ ,_ , Men for ountry, homeand God; - Givens men--I say again- Give`_~.;.us.i ;nen.~ `_ . - Men of action who, when. God says, ,`,`Be strong, will take c_ou_ra.ge... and clea;I'~ido1a.trous abominations out of their own hearts, out. of their homes, out `of their-`native land; then who will break down. the altars to-Venus and Bacchus ,- land to A The `Almighty Dollar, '-.._1 .__:n. .,,..L s___...--'s .T_he_b prophets of the Lord' are callmgefor just"such- men to-day, who will help to Jay the foundation `of their cOunt'ry s greartness. To- use the signica`nt- words of"the Bishop I of Exe_ter:=` - - ` V ` Give us men: I ; .Men' fromevery ranl<,- . ' Fresh and free and! frank; Men who strike] for home and altar-.4 -(Let ` the coward cringe and fa1ter),l [Ind -'.A--...t I-L- ..:....|-.5 - ` A Asa s reforms were based upon thei word of God. God said : Be strong, and we_1-ead that .Asa took cour- age. , {God said t(Deu.t-. 7:5): De- .stroy` theiraltars, breakdown their images, cut down. their groves, burn `their graven images with re; and we_read`-`that He put away -their aboI_ni_nations. ? God said: Thou shalt love` the Lord _thy God, and "Him `on-ly. shalt thou serve; and we read that He renewed -the altar I of J ehova `., Offers will be received by the undersi ed for the purchase of part of the -West. ha i` of .Lot 23, in the 5th Concession of Vespra, con- taining about ten Vacres, and being on thei North side of Wellington ,Street, in the Town of Barrie, commonly known as. the Bunker. Property. T -A I: ' - This property is well situated and would make a good marltetgarden or chicken farm. Good two-storey brick-veneer dwelling house, ,and cement stable and ham. are eai to be erected on said lands, which are well watered. For terms and particulars, apply to` ' - - sTEWART`& s'1`EWA;RT,- i is 40-tf A Vendor-'s Solicitors; Dated Oct. 8,1910. - Barrie, Out. _I 1 out as a re .--v- vwv-V- --.-vyuv-a V. `V . This account of the revival under Asa stands in striking contrast to the spread of the modem theology. `under Jereboam- V_Vhil,e nat-ional ca_l_amiti'es `were working themselves 1 salt of sifrin the one case, the righteousness which exalteth a `nation was moving towards realiza- ltion in the other. t-oT't7lie. occasion V and in`-9 stituted a."`* most vigorous. cam-paign` against sin and idolatry, 'even- de-i posing the queen mother 7.3-nd de- stroymg her `idols. _ A tidal wave, of revxval, of t1_'ue- rel1g1-.on, swept over _.the lam}, -whxch _attracted many _from the Nor.tl_1ern K1_ngd9m,- who w1shed to _s_ha,ren1n the blessmg. Inn 6,. ~-v - --av `trauma. The national value of the 'lesson,i says Campbell, Morgan, is its re-I l 1{el_ation of i the fact that true re- [l1gl0n._com1ng from God, and receiv- ed -and obeyed by men, constitutes political strength, and is ' I `.The Secret of National stability. '.Whereas, false religion, when used assan aid to political life, will prove a `definite and positive hindrance to ,national life._ i `The true conception `of religion IS that it proceeds, not! ifrom man to,God_ (as in Israel under llereboam), but from, God to man , (as in Judah, under Asa). . L '=g;T `s';;;;;;: i;;%s;i:1;.'1-;.;a M your hatfxds" be slack, `for your work will -be-_r'ewar_ded. T p . I . Banding themselves together, they carried `the holy war agamst sin, into the very .strongh.olds of the enemy, striking` such a `death-blow to every.- thing that took the place of God that `the whole land was lled with the glad sounds of trumpets and cor- `nets and shouts of joy. ' -' l "`L:_ _-_--__-L I` A ,_, Jfm1`.._.-.r5:+;-,I;..,Kiigs :5: 1-T154.-`A N The lesson stormy" is- as `fol1o'wi Asa; - third. King of iJudah,__'oxr * his return -ifrom`a'.`.i great victory over" the la-Ethiopians, 'was_met by a prophet of , Goid,~~who` advisedi him to lav rm __foundation_s for.the prosperity. of `his kingdom by renewing allegiance to !'the Lord. He recalled the time when they had been without. the true God, v`vithouta- .teachin'g priest and without law, when there was 7`.'no peace, but great ..vexatio-n. was upon all. ' lI'I\ . CI"__.7, --- vuuw - v--v--- ;I_(ing s_ victory. over `his en-l ,emi'es. wa_s celebrated in. a, great [than-koffermg to the Lord. whenjthe `masses entered heartily into a con- tvenant to serve Hiim. ' ' * - Coynase':i'ts"T;- Lesson by 'l`The' consumption: of iron and steel in Canada. is growing rapidly. . The plants je being -largely extended, _ but they will scarcely overtake the`- demiand, and,.so far as one can judge, `we are `;.I'l1Cl'Cly at the fbeg.innin_lg`of l things so far as this great basic i.n- dustry is concerned. .Given_ reason- able tariif conditions, it should grow until ~it`,holds- a relatively as import: ant a. position here as in the United` States. We have men, ore, eoa1_,_ limestone and capital, and it will ,(be` our own, fault if we do not in a few` years become, in: this`. as in other lines, `manufacturers for other. lands as well as for our own`. It may be observed that I put _`men first and "capital last, but that is the order -in which they come. In our early "days we put these requisites the. other way. When we had found the capital we thought `our `difficulties! Jwere at an end, but they were` really just beginning, and we thereby court- ed `a `heavy blow andgreat discour- agement. All that is fortunately, `past, and the outlook is satisfactory in `every respect. %Ar>vA?NcE snvvc It g h People write letter . they w face.` V preciation of the dynamic forge of religious faith in the progress of -human. aaix-s,j_ is to `leave them ignorant of. the greatest and most Tprofound fact in histqry. - uh- _ 41-- , in nu I u V U n a a u a u as-.0 J c .':Bev.yest1-on8` therefore, and let not` your -hands be weak, for` your work -shall be rewarded.A_ `I People seldom realize what a" gdod time they. are having` until it's over. ch?! Read the opening chapters of our new serial story com- imeneingp next week. The Soul of Margaret Rand" will please `you possibly? better than any story we have yet ipuhlishedfand it is with great pleasure that we announce thine opening ehspters beginning the first week in the new piyear. This is whatthe publishers say of the author of this ;%l;9pV;,;;4,,:-.aZptg;y|; T. Meadeiis one of the most popular pond areptdouhtless `acquainted with Margaret Rand " ;fnfnd is board wto rank Mulcaster Street The National Mfg. Co. E a.rep1ea.sed to state that ` 1 the past year has been by far the best in our =* history and We Wish to wthank; our many customers for their assistance in making it such, and Wish you all a happy and prosperous 1911. e . Story Y011Will Want to Read __...--J _ --.v uonhly I-nnncv lav -yl vyvavu. . Miss Ryval -No, dear, you were-` n t there.--Boston Transcript. . M155 1'1`-: ~IJ\r Vllbclll Ldy--iuv`v5P<`); 1`1 <.1 take him; but I m iafraid my husband might object .p9B:P.__MaAnnn guano nan. nun` auolu ;Gl.ll\.|. Ill CIUBUGIIU Illlslll, UUJCCK. ; -Fancier-Madam, you can get an- *other husband much easier than a dog like that. _ ' Fancier--This dog, madam, would be? cheap at $100. ` V ...I.. , I _~.....1.I. `-1-.. 1.2...- 1.--; 19... J. A. MARKS, Manager _ Many a man is kept busy acquir- ing the things he doesn't want. IIUIII LVIl3c .' "Hear about the row at our club? Nb :9 h n . Ferdy struck. Cholly with a table- spoon. A V . Scandalous! * Isn t it, though? Both were un- der the inuence of ginger pop.- Pittsburg Post. Barrie, Ont. Notthesame.- :Yo1_mg Bride - I 'didn t' accept.` Harry ';the l'St time he proposed. 'M'.'..;. n-.---1. M. 4.... -

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