ers, etc. Established. 18.52. 0 cc, Medical Building, S E. corner ` Richmond and Bay Streets, To- ronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. '.`J`~` ' _tisters,'_.S_ol_icxtos, Notaries, Public, ` nd Gnnyeymtrs. Money -to loan _; ulanyl stimsiat 5 per cent. Oice, t13";Oweu`S`t.~,~Baifne. H. D. Stew- . tlrt, LL.D;, D". M. Stewart. OFFICE-78 Dmnop smnn-r. BARBIE. ` `Phone 54. P. o. Box,9e. W. AULT,~._Bh3l.RISTER, SOLICI- totf, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing i and` probating wills, obtaining let- ter_sJof `administration and guard- ianship, collectini _accounts, etc. Oices, Ross bloc , Barrie. Money toalotan. LENNOX, `COWAN_ 8: BROWN, Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianshi and administration, and general olicig tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. T Offices, Hinds block, No. 6 Dun- lop street, Barrie.` `Money to loan at` 4% and 5 per cent. Branch, of- ces at Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox, K.C., Alex. {"5-........ 'l.'.` T D-arm-I-Ivrl 71' `D II. D. c. M. (`l`or.) ; Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olllce of the me or. Smith. Collier st- Phone 9!. 32-1: L.R.C.P. 85 S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & s. emgow ` e--SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 6 Throat, Il'-_:__ _ V CRE'SW:ICKE ,& , ALEXAN-DER, Barristers, Solicitors of the Su- preme Court of Judicature, of On- `ta:-io, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancefrs, etc`. Money to loan. `Of- ce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. -._.-_._-._... tvborv-III. oauuv Inoouoo Univ lulsvllvj ID '31 ! Subscribers no'w in stream for threp months and oven-`will be charged $1.50 per annum. \ DR. V. A. .HA.RT, `G-RADUATE O.F Trinity University, Toronto, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post Graduate of University College, London. Oice and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. Office `open each day until 8 p.m. Phone 124. ST'RATH'Y & Esrrgv, BARRIS- fawn Q:-\l:n:L.\-n 2...]. (`......A. AC 5 35_x?1l3t ? .3`. ` ~ HAS MOVEDTO Block, N" R. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARL- ton St.. Toronto, late of Brooklyn A (N. Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital, ` will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturda . Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and hroat. Consultation hours, II a.m. to 5 pm., and, by ap- pointment. - `DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- 4--.. .c.-.I:-:o-.-... ..e.. !)....l. -1: rr-..-__ H. 1`. ARNALL, M.D., c;M. or- ce, in Bothvs_re1l s block, A11andale.. On the prem1ses at night. DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE O.F (`Iain-nlaill f\..a- f\t..- .....I __-- A:.F. mLcoMsou An 8 P730 48 Oolnnnjawbpsporg ' Publuheql 11-omtho 011100. 133 Dunlo Street. Barrio. in the County of Bimooe. 0 Pro; "q9;fu`3.'.`a`1`5%';.f3.`.`.?.`.`.'.3 " DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PH.YSI- cia_n, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and ~ residence, cor. Elizabeth and Brad- forl Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone ms. Box 456. .. . :. A. RADENHURST, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Oice, Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to-loan at ).low- estox-ates. ;. u. .3nu.11.r1. (Sz L.'U., PHONE 82. Established 1869. Undertakers. `Open day and night. Morgue` and chapel in connection. Barrie, On- tario. t `J-u5IIF\ II` Cowan, G. c,f.m1k-'<)wn, LL.B. Lx. v., :1` r.L\. J. n. u. .I:.vruVD, 1'11-IDILIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ofce and residence: William street, Allandale. Tele- phone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 pm. Monday. to Friday. vunuc upcn _ Phone :24, `L l\L 3 J. Ll L \I- Jan) -I. L'a&V JJII.l.\L\J.sJ' I ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over`the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Mone to loan at lowest current rates. . H. Esten. Ix/A.1J.I.J.4lJ L\\.lL)sJ, 1.11.1. -, L-ll'll.\l\l.s)` ter,LSohc1tor, etc. Bank of Tor_o_n- to Bmldmg, Barrie. Money to loan. )R. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L. R.C.P., London. Office and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone 77. us. A. .I.. LLLLLL, .|..A1hl`. . Churchill, Ont. Office and resi- dence, John St., 'n'ear_ corner Eliza- beth. Phone 213. "1* z1`u~ .'21. "`: zo`$n1n`". ` ' * THOMPSON CREW, PUBLISHER `Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS .`oPi=6sn1: ROSS 51'. ';.fonN;aARR's om) sump -2x-:j_. I. A. C. EVANS, PH-YSIQIAN, mreon- efc,_ (Tnrnn... 5.... c......,.,. MA vum?Ac'rUnn:R or- UNDERTAKERS. SURVEYOR& PHYSICIANS. Block. '`,`oL`,`,}, ;"? 1 %VR'i4b'= ln?-mice bhe@d;thcru;gt}_n_w:g:_t; Stpcldzgggthe afocldng. is not a diffi- _..cu11:` ta,s'_l :`4'vhe"n' one has store st_ocks "*:`thxas??ar5:015; rfQnnd_ in Bame to `ch9?,as;`f!9 `i1%:lvn`t:1' ot1:nya9;:1m:a5:n33 At lllllllo by far the largest subscription It you have any adverti -- as uuquuu uy us: we nu-gent subscription tact demonstrates the gitlnalitgy of (1 place It with the paper that reaches thegpeorlg not afraid to pay the price. Advertisements are charged according to gage-12 lines nonpareil measure make one o ' T i mhetn Advance "7 5 - Ont. In nnnvlnu M Notices. Auction Sales, Amusements line. each 'etc'.-l|`irut insertion 10 cents r uentzinaertlonrocents per ne. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. {DR IIti('AI_ In flf nnr no Inn 41...; `WY `III?! M..- A Vconnnmcux. msnnr. Rates" will begiven on application. OONTBAOT CHANG E8. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to charge advertisements must,be handed into theo ce not later that Saturday at 10 o'clock and the 00 for such ohnnge mustbein l`H E ADVAN otce not later than 12o'cIock noon on Monday in any week. otherwise. theadvertisex- s announcement gney not be made public until the week follow- IIQ- ` nu uuuuuauruon 0 OEBBB per une. ling notices, 10 cents per line for first insertion : 5 cents pervline for each subsea uent `igaeu-ti: of the same matter. Obituarv Poetry "nor a. IIIIUTIAIUII. U]. be per line. uuuna or uunsolurnolv. / sx.oo PER ANNUM IN A'DV.ANCE.? UNITED STATES svnsqammns $1.50 In Aovmc: In, ` in8' my CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on first page such us want: of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to ten apeqic articles, etc.. etc, must be accompon ed mth the cash. {Cuts for advertisements must in every case be mounted on solid metal bases` `THE am mm mm ci. J.D. RODGERS] 33%? [WM GALLIE Ii. __ -_.L-__ uv H Carpenters and Bluilders. - L`! f t and Dealers in all kinds of`l`1noI:1ga:lc1 121:3 of Dressed Lumber Doors Frames Turnlngs Sash Stairs cemn s Blinds Bhlngles I Floor ngs Tanks and 'Water Trouns (Pine and cypress Planing. t gin i.m.Re-Sawing, CRAIG!-IU RST, ONT. LICENSED A;AUCTIONEER :___ __ __- - v. _ :_--` ran THE couhirv oruin-cos. Most reasonable terms given on all Co-....l.. Q4-.. 11.99.89! fwndrvl JSI. John & rookerl John J ennett, MAKES YOUR SKIN ` LIKE VELVET- Monkman s Glycedonia. No; 64 .. 7.50-am ` No.58" luldm No. 56.... 6.36pm _ 55.....'I.lD-mg NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNER'Y| ADVA1$l 13 to 1. at circulation 0fl.lrPnl::ee1Pin thnagfnskg Has a marvellous effect on roughskin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia. is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price ISC and 25c. Delight- ful _after `shaving. Brewed Entlrelu from the Finest Mal! and ops. DUNLOP STREET EAST BARRTE :.;_-__ BARBIE BREWING GUMPANY splendid AL: and Pdlrrsn. The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle Is 0 n for all orders in CASTINGS. M L REPAIRS, sac. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on shortest notice and moderate prices. Al work done b expert machin- * int and guarantee rst class. OICIIO DDS 170' "11.Wn mucohnlt Spock! ..' 'l.IIInI ' 61 IN! Q m'V1`o1-onto 3 North Buy Ill 3) m . O6 I.|0pm..Noi-ch B uy.'......'. llpm" 61 IN 13 m..'.l`_0runto&Mldlu:d `MI I III ;Gnvenhu:-at 0.83111 Gno. Mbuxum v I-mnrlnt -- %munsoAy. mzc. :5, mm EIIEIIIBV A;pp1y?rmn ADVANCE. -.. A33]; . MANUFACTURERS. ' puwuww I IIIIUI In F11-at-class Order 3 331?; Po.w_ei Expert Machinists 'ot0Fouo aging N5:-uh." '1'... '1 -P-l-I-0-NE 1-an-2 1..-... n-.._2- -..- __'p-n_ %L.1MBERFAUP" j,A L:gm :a:.~,; % f! HE `COUNTY .CHoU`Nv'tCI:I;.`j\`t_tV * Daily including Sundiy. ..._ , W ,i H , . 7 ;~;.;:,j,z l:;_:'-jg . nxmun m1LwAvp%m.; THE ROAD crrvwmzn. ' '1` IS QUITE IN KEEPING with vi 5;::`.1.'n O` m 43.... Ip m_ IOU! 10 p m 2s....1o.1u;;' 37.... 7.50pm "Fro.T'i:}?:iJ::a "comngwood and name.- Ifif `Thursday, Dec. 15, 1910. Tunas or nsunsonnvnou. la`) n `D1000-n 010 A up-u Huiailtoh; ""}T5i}1 % I N9. 5l.....'M'h. ux " _n....1.ospm} " 58....l.Ipm 83-.--7.47am 4 8o....l8pm` LTCIH N0. ` In J.` fuilrr-I;.K.;$s;f;1;B 5#1nt`"bf bab3? S pjrgsenzjzsj-gifts t_hat `t1_u_i; .mot4_he_r-jwill :1 rec1aLtAe;_:i;f5_>_g' _h>,1:;g .j is`, ,.p;ft- Hang up s stocking. Be sure you don't forget . The dear little dimpled darling, ` He never saw Christmas yet. Everyone who has a baby in the farnily-grand.-parent, aunt, uncle, intimate friend of the 'parents--Twantsn to mark the baby's first . Christmas with gifts and rejoicings, but, as L a. matter of fact, itis" not the baby, but the baby's mother, whoseplea-1 suite is. uppermost, and "whose appre-V ciation I -is uppermost, and; vwhoset _ap-n reciation the ~don'or `_ha_s; in'1n`_1n_d..: ` here are_.fe_'w th_ings?onef._,a_nput mg the stocking ,thja_t will appeal to their baby, . to whom gacandy vigw forbidden. and =_~._w,hoj1o, ..g!fb.a1te';edj-old rt:.bbe'r;_ A _ doll ,or `wooden ihjer :kn_o'vgs-: '.|ilt:r< -than can ;e'=iQ'eI.1_s.:v,et newt jtoyzri i it not a arr ; "sh.9.u_1d*1 .ifi;::.se1%- e r .':'i- ' 21:; " `is >=:te'n;.dens: - This will bring them `all a. happy Christmas, so far as you canabring it; and, most of all; it will gisLe.your better self that exercise of I sincere kindliness by which your tempera ment and` your character will grow. And this will mean the best Christ-. mas" for you. ' ' . '- 6-vwvwvvun mrheg think .a1l--au'o'u;1dW';k`ou.r life for the past year and decide who touch A edlit most helpfully, and ~remember them. Think again of those about you who would most heartily re- spond with a glow of the spirit to your kindly remembrance." vr-I J5 -no--- - ----saw `VJ ---~.- 5- - v- v--u Think bactk` over your whole life and find those persons to whom you `owe the ` deepest_ gratitude. Send them some simple and sincere ex pression of iti-'-an letter to one, `.3 photograph to ano'ther,,any t thing for grateful memory s sake. T 1-9`, p And On Christmas as on all other days the greatest good comes to the giver,` not to the receiver of gifts` and` attentions. Every human being, therefore, has it within. himself to makehis Christmas what he will. It is by the natural exercise 'of`th_-. spirit that it -nds joy and growth. I,--I, -_-- - , ---|_-I_ 1:1-" The triumph of `Christmas is~neve_"~ won by the baffled and weary person who merely spends his 1`l`lOl1y f`)l' presents; for presents are incidents and you can feel the iforced and un- natural quality of many of them. The triumph is won by the simplest_ and most natural exercise of kindliness- a ower that ts a mood, a ribbon that matches a gown, afletter that recalls old days of pleasure and com panionship, a book that conveys a message of inspiration. or of rest, _a toy that ts the child. a call on a lonely neighbor, a `card in memory of an old f'riendship-`-whatever comes naturally and conveys a genuine. feel ing. And when the genuine feelj` ing ends-stop. You _can t manufac- ture a real Christmas; you can't buy it. You can't make it by proxy.` A If . it comes not out of the wells of sin- cerity, it comes not at all. The poor soul that haunts the bar- gain eounters in mid-December to nd some conventional presentthat he can ill afford` for?every one in the family or in the circle of his c'lose acquaintance--he is thepitiful vic- tim of. -Christmas; for he is like a man`who, having allowed all his muscles to become soft, is called on suddenly to use them: they are abby` and awkward beyond measure. Yet. even,` he prots by his poor an- nual effort to express the dumb kindliness of his soul. CHRISTMAS non THE BABY. THE -BEST CHRISTMAS. ' HEN you are vexed orde- spondent or discouraged-- e whenever you have any ail- ment of the .-temper--bestir yourself andbtdo acts of kindness and affec- tion_. I That s a good `,1-ule of life V at all times; for by it you virill prevent morbidities, of the spirit; The good habit that `Christmas has fixed on us (and blessed be `Ch:-istmas'for this reason!) is that then at least we do give Vg_oo_d-feeling toward our fellows some exercise. `and a ` 2 "st; 001 `1,'!.t~i`V'ii.l. If_s"`. $_.! I.1.,,f".L3l>'_i:%iI .!3 "0 `e`* vhm`r.9eure.i.Jiu@ive ;nositi!i'f in -*t_leZN6rtli fsoon. as?a`th:3,.''e" `educated at 'our- normal schdols.f`the" ...are ..un_a,ble_ to secure-- satisfactory : tea.- chers. In reference to this the. Mail and Empire says: By the Carleton .to. 2the`? fsca`ittj:ity}_ or .zeahers,s.smyanyph or 'result' being that jthev poorerschools ' County -Council it is suggested that.- t_he standard for teachers be lowered, as it is difcult- to get teachers of the required grade. Why not raise the salaries instead or lowering._the qualications? If the school trustees wouldVlimber up a little they would get all the teachers they need. The supply is regulated by economic con-' siderations; For years the salaries have been so small that the teach-. ing profession has been eschewed by young people looking for an occupa- tion. This has produced a sc_arcity. Make the profession worth while and the scarcity will not long continue. Here is. the formula. for an; exeell-V ent tooth paste: IFour ounces precxp-. itadted chalk, two ounces powdered white e Ca_stile soap, Vtwo ounces 1_)o_w- Ideaied orrxse root, twenty drops ml of 1 Sassafras, `forty drops oidl- of.,ba$'. and" "sufcient honey? to, ; form amaste, Glyeerine ean'7 be substituted for" the-: hunger if ptfeitreed; -_u uauy 3 vvanuluuc. - A pair of cot blankets make a gift very much worth while. They must be of the nest, softest weave of white blanketing. cut to the cor- rcct size for the little cot and bound all round with soft satin'in the baby colors of pink or blue. The binding .at the top should be some three in- ches in depth. A baby pillow should- have"the embroidery in the corners on three sides, so that there will be nounevenness of surface to hurt the soft skin.` One neat little pillow is like a cushion, without ruffles or edging of any kind, and depends on its daintiness on the neness of the handkerchief linen of which it is composed, and a longvspray of em- broidery from one corner along a sideand tend. Another is bordered with ne hand-run tucks, and a ruffle edged with lace around all but the lowerside. "White pique makes a dainty and satisfactoryspread for the baby s cotorbassinet. A soft `but rm-quality. of_.. pique is used,` and- the -wedge is scalloped and`_ worked with padded button-hole stitch, _or simply bound As_1'he Pique cannot be folded `back `on `account of the ' wrong ,side's'howing,`a-piece {nay be sewedon along the -top to simulate an f_old.,` aandhthei 'baby'_s*m_o,nog-rams ihnitxals embroidered im the centre 0 t,,`$- ~' Iull\r IICUQI `A little house jacket is a welcome gift, as there are times when the `added warmth is necessary to the baby's comfort. The crocheted ones` are always nice,- but lovely little` jackets can be made of ne white _washable annel, scalloped and but-" tonholed round the edge with pale` blue or pink, and tied with ribbon to match. A kimona or dressingegown may be given without `much fear of its `being the only fanciful garment in Ababy _s wardrobe. d\OIi. -AL L1-..I._-L_ A---` A j` ._rCfarlet':o'n _ha's>., rE1ugst`d`. 'c0:.-5f 1" wily ntopi con , s. cure; colds. heals out [an vs 9 `- 1 -_' 28 cents. tier or more appropriatethan dainty articles of the -finest -linen with a little hand embroidery. A baby of a few months old cannot have too many bibs. A very dainty one is of line handkerchief linen, the edge nely - scalloped and worked with button-hole stitch, and the embroid- ery done" in a design of; small leaves and vine with a conventionalized blossom here and there._ Fine cord- ing makes a good nish fox-'the. neck. . Of course, such ea bib by it- self would be little protection; a at pad of absorbent cotton is cut to fit and at-tached under the `bib at the neclf. ' _Speaking of the establishment of a military dictatorshxp at Constantin- ople, an exchange says there is a projected coup In Turkey, whereas, by the usual order of things, the tur- key'is in the coop. T , A . I V A` country weekly paper is charged with the, following typographical error, thus showing the fallibility of the watchful proofreader: Mr.-.-- and \Miss ---- were decently mag- l:;ied "at the Presbyterian churc` ', ere. - uuu unc aaucr axuuucu. [He SKIIIII1 >_of one hundred and forty plunks. Orilliafs `Mayor tried a skin game `but the latter skinned the `skinner t no-in L..A-`J -...I _...A. lon the Provincial game author-ities-' Revenge is sweet--4and it would lose none of its sweetness if the weatherman was to send along a `real mild winter -just to serve those 1 coal miners glad for raising the price ;of anthracite.` A Hero is a nian yvho pays his `water rates `with a simle on hxs face. = yo141'A'1'.('.`.h19`is-'trz'2as "1V>.t.i{ir};g`_ ii} Bar_ri_e ` Every township should have one road superintendent, aopointed as permanently as a clerk or treasurer, `to maage the roads under"the_ direc- tion of the council. The success or failure of township organization will cent i-e_in the .good judgment and energy of the man selectedas road superintendent; The growing? exper-_ iencer of the" right man will prove in- valuable utoathe roads of the`.1_n'nnicip-f_ ality. With- none 'sup .erintendent;`4 .rea'ponsibility is xe!3;~1-"an<:1:~~'bus.i! ze.sj_ja-`.~` e A L`-<"Ba1?rie woman `I withlvy no: `A great .`sup_pl3: of tac_t iis said.toghav called `on"_-- an_- 'acquagnta_nce recently; The latter was surpgxsed to "see.-`Ref, .as "and the ' call a they were oigithe most. formal terms. ` somewhat sup_er- 1er,.wa`s departmg . ```I ve enjoyed this uous.- oAs th she x-emarke little chat` s mu . _ I never would` have dreamed of coming, -only my "husband is thinking*of running for Alderman next January. .. -Huntsville Ministerial Assoc. are `not in-favor of `Sunday funerals, except in case of extreme neces- sity. Those` who `are contemplating removal from this mundane sphere, Wlease govern themse1vesVaccording- ` vi _; V The` that mother ` made` was nothmg compared wit}: the-jam 9n- the P, `A. Y. "E. cars tn Toronto. _ Old King_ Snow Shpvel has again` resgmed his `throne.-` Bow down, white man, bow down.-Hamilton Spectator. - ' V Toronto -`Street `Railway Company put tho; chip on its shoulder when they inaugurated a bogus P. A. Y. `E. svstem. The citizens promptly retaliated by knocking it off; As another evidence. that milk and water go together, Calgary, which already owns its `waterworks, will establish a municipal milk"service.' - `The Bell Tlephc;i1_e Directory- is- sued last week is an advance notice of the busy times the eye specialists ' and opticians will `have-. A `double- baxfreled magnifying glass should ac- company each book. - ~%L-'-r.H it % NORTHERN ADVANCE % Writing in the Yale Scientic Monthly, the general superintendent of motive povyer of the Pennsylvania Rfailz-oad'pred1cts that carbon lamps will be replaced by tungsten `lamps for train lighting. He states that the life oi the tungsten lamp has been greatlyt increased b`y,the use'of. what is known as a hot; circuit. j'Wh`en the lamps? are switched ,. instead of breaking, corngletely "the eleete c_(ufr`e_t`1t,`~ they ` arefgswitched pinto -aaj Ssitiail gbattery... '_eu_;pe};nt'e.v: jjgst` gsnicienti to,` _keep'.: the laments .hot_ 'a"11.7f:11af3=`<.;19Wi1i'S3`<. .T F T115 "37 r 3 haisle Ioooouooooooooooooooooooz I Statute labor is a failure for press ent day requirements. Statute labor should be abolished by townships. But `here again there is every chance for failure if a` good system is not established in its placegi ` ~ VVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV P`A9"!N53Y W3 .!-.15? [SCOTf SBO0KSTOREI ra!:mo.=:-;:.-`:*:-.:: 1: ' NOT IIIVOIINOII II 35001:? on sauce. without an o . > scientic Wnemm A lnnlnnmnlv nllllllli MO, Tn--as .3. munlcs-` tl. Books for Xmas? a..:vuuvuua1 u1.v111 131161110, 16 L Cylinder. 12 H. P. Portable Steam Engine, 3? x 2" x 3" Duplex Steam Pump. Shnfltina. Hnnaam RAH-inn. u-m u; as u A u uuylua DLOIIU ruul . I Shafting, Han ers, Belting, Cxrculur` Saws, abbit Metal. ` nun Am`-`non. `I-J- A... f\._J-_. STATUE LABOR A` `FAILURE. N ORDER TO AID good roads in Canada, we need not all be road-making experts, That should be left to the engineering profession. `One difficulty in the past and at `the present time, is that far too many people know how to build roads. The primary fault of the roads to-iday is not that they are not properly drain- ed, graded, metalled and rolled--but that organization for road-building is not such as will, automatical'ly pro- duce these qualities. ` H. M. Wolfendn, acmnist; xn D-..-IJ Q1. D..__.'_ l\_.A_ euzm~oazxaorm` for t_/te` money you make oui of Z/teu you want to - keep Mt/cat ruoueyiu a safe place. 1/ter you /zaoe worked /zara for your mouey, dud" your crops have esegzpedal! rzkzs, you s/zould make the proceeds of your crop safe and solid. ` 3; .P. orizontal Gasoline Engine. j 8 H.P. Vertical Gasoline Engine. . 3}]. P. Marine Gasoline Engine. e~ ~ 1 I-LP. Horizonal Gasoline Engine. ` Horizontal Steam Engine,` 12" x 16" I Cvlindar. - T/zat `z : wkat, you my do 2)` - you deposzl J` your - money zn THE BANK 01-` TORONTO | -Barrie an_d Allandale Branches! C. R. LATIMBR. - Manager The B ank of Toronto INTEREST I3 "PAID ON ALL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 1` the best sentiments and best traditions of municipal life for the village to aspire to townhood; and the town to cityhood, with real 1 and sincere zest. `Growth is natural to communities as well as individuals." You, perhaps, have never yetpmet a very young man `who did not expect to grow.over it. _If the people of any organized community: do not manifest active and worthy muni- cipal ambition, it is a sign that something is sadly lacking both in themselves and their environments. When" a town has reached a status entitling it to don city clothes, why should it not go and get measured and pickiout the cloth? Notions of economy need not stand in the way,- for the statute` does not impose any extra taxation under city administra- tion, except in the matter of the salary of the police magistrate. And as to that functionary, thereare in- stances where he stood ready to compromise `the thing for a few years, until the young ci_ty got squarely on her feet. _An excess of municipal modesty does not mark the average growing town; so that that cannot be held` to deter eligible candidates for cityhood, such as Galt, for example, from taking the Third Degree in the Municipal Lodge. And` still~it remains a fact that certain big, over-ripe Provincial towns re- spectfully but rmly decline to come for ard and be presented with a beautiful City Charter, tied in blue ribbon and ashing a large gold seal. Somebody please rise and ex- plain.--Ga_lt Reporter. _..._-....' _ , V --v- 35 `BatiE1 n, Bame, om. Wu uUUI|a JILU .' Sawuzrbiars Made tobalrder. ' First Class Repairing. INCORPORATED nus ASSETS. $,oo will settle the question- What shall Ijgive P A Visit to as--m%uew;gn[ -'-i`- _. , ms L 'smo-i- pm... Anmnmox PAID I Buggie: Wagons _S,leigl\sJ and; `Outta:-s. `c...{..._ n;__ _ , mo, 55 ammo sf! 'No' Lew nmeTwur'be added 7 the Sub- 1 Icnptlon but until the money in paid. \ n:..Iy..-_lI.-_. ..-._ 1.. __.-__.. A-.. LI_._.. __ __A.L_ `