Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Nov 1910, p. 8

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_Condens<: 950.: 3 mn Veszp mence r hence. D ('1 Ht` . P. 0. MC! See Our Reem"y-to-wear C /o`t/zing for M671 and Boys Be/bre Pun`/z'asz'1_zg' '1 . _ ' XPER Tu ccmrr. ssi `Good pro perience. Ontario. Highes shingle n vn .. 31.1.5. Barrie. Bame. * no In; W Cab Itnonmsl on (Inn 'l`5`}`;. QEGIST fnr FOLTNIV .-..-u. I H` unlov 5 C5. NE\ FROM Now.;.. $3.`/`E FROM Now. .'.. JUSTCONSIDER the above 1'-Veduced rates and absorb the practical `and nancial value you; may realize by_a combination .sub'scription :to_t'he `best lbcal and the`greatnationalsyeeklies.? ; Ebevzzn (5 mureaison 1 Boys Navy-Blu` Reefers, :tri:nm edw;ith' velvc.-I`: collar and brass buttons, ages -7 to 11 yrs,- for . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95 ,Boys,{,_ 2 VBuster,jBxjow,n ` (_)v-_e.rcoa`t_,' ~ ages ..4 _to ' 7. - years .` , 3. . . . . . .3,oo,. 3.9Q"ard 4.90 Boys7 College" Overcbats--' _ _ Ages 5'to years , . . . . . . . . . . ' Ages 101:0" 15 years. . 4.50, 5.50 andT7.5o Young Men's" College Overcoats--- Made from the nicest of Heavy O(I_ercoat- ings 10.00, 12.oo, 15,qo and 17.50 `=1 SliAg`}1):t;l.y"Soi;IecAiAWodl Blankets . 4 _?T` 191 % ;`S{ze-6ox8o.L...3_...;,:;.. $2.59, A" Size 69x80. . . ._, . . .;. . `_2.,f*5 % . 5i?64> -%~2-75.` 3.00 and 3=-25 Pure`-w' Blankets, large size-- _ T_66x86_ . _. . .. . . .. ~4,25 a_nd _4.5o ' .. 66x86,~extra heavy -and very 111')`-":3 nm.l.'4-..` cat! K In -- THE TWO TOGETHER._ ~--vv, uaunu uuuvy auu vcsy nice quality, rg._6.5o cag. 5,2 5 Give h A pretty wedding took place on 7 Oct. 29th at`the residence of the Rev. Wm. and Mrs.` Hipkin, W'orsley street, when their youngestdaughter, Gertrude, was,united in marriageto Mr. Claud Faux, of Barrie. The bride wore, a -tai'lqr`-made suit of taupe serge and grey velvef hat trim- med with white ` fur. Miss Edith vHipkin,' Toronto, attended. the bride; and Mr._ I.,`B. _Hip1 assisted tl.e' bridegroom. The` drawing-room: was , prettily decorated with` earnations , ` rehiryganthemirgs .-and, smilax.}~- Miss ; .Hip1m`;was`*znvei!f_.e3Way_ `by *her` fa}th_'?',"`;-the "ceremony being 'pt_rfOrlI`l_ '3 94' b;;.i*Ji.-..RVl `T; 3.: Hyde. ~-.o_fL `Tor-A T: th"T,f:rip;tion e;Mt. ainidn . ,-_' urv.-u --- `awn-av. `Mu . Boy's has also purchased the Strathallan estate, consisting of 570 acres and has sold I50 acres to I.lF. Helmuth, K.C';, Toronto, who sis also. an enthuslastic tennis and golf playen. Mr; Boys has also sold a farm to R. A. Carr off this pro- perty, and has engaged Mr. Gaviller in surveying lots along-A the shore. _which he intends to dispose of as` summer cottage properties. 11)`, H J , Bo);s has pur-! chased the block- opposite the! Queen s Hotel, known as the Sids-I worth block. . .Mr.'W. A. Boy-s has purchased from Mr. Henry Pedwell, of Thorn- bury, his ssumrner cottage . property and has since sold the same to A. D. Crooks, Barrister, of Toronto, q who is an enthusiastic ' golfer and] lawn. bowler, and also the owner of} a fast motor boat. Mr. Crooks .wi11,l no doubt, prove quite an acquisition to these sports in Barrie. I I 1` . REAL `ESTATE TRANSFER. Send All Orders to 0FFlCE 0F V FAUX-HIPKIN. ' o 0 ` Where do you buy your Millinery P. An impertinent question--well, if you don't buy it here you do not get as much for your money as if you did. More help wanted has been the . cry from this department. There s a reason for such a rush for Vickers Miliinery. go pcr cent of'l`-rim11ing.~;, Feathers, Ribbons and Velvets are bought direct from Europe--here s where you save the midd'eman's profits. (It Some new and bzautiful shapes have just arrived. If you have not bought your new Fall Hat---C;).\r1'E .-\`.\'D SPF vtrrzwncv sJJ-ll-J ll- tII\llII-Jn ` SEE VICKERS . These Prices reflect Q our sincere and Cletefmined efforts to present Values + thatwill not edmit of duplication wese11 the Best Flannelette for now at% the hi hest oint of Interest in Variety and Value ` auu auuu; UCdul.l1LIl.ly IEUIUTCCI CIICCIS in Vestingsin white, reseda, Alice blue, tan, olive, green and linen; also some very. nely made White Lawn,W'aists. Fancy designs and close prices. $1.25 to.... u Fall andVVi%nterT Stocks are You will be charmed with the new models and good values in Fall; Waists. Fine `quality pure linen; embroidered and plain tucked effects, and some beautifully tailored effects in VPQfinac'iI1 mhifn -134-Int"; AIZ-- This oering of Net Waists is com- prised of 15 styles in only one of each style, -ne net with suitable- A trimmings in Ecru and White. iThe regular Value is from $3.50 to $`6.Qo; ,A-esnap . . . . .. u A fine plain Black Cashmere. Hose, pure woo], elastic knit, full fashion- ed, seamless foot, a prime favorite. Every. pair embroidered `4-`Queei1. Siges 8%, .9, 9% and 10. Per ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I `pair .. The Queen Stocking. A Snap in Net Waists `%TTHE 7N()kR1`I-IERN ADVANCE` New `Styles in Waists Barrie bevlin `5./Vlureison -an uuutlvll, It is understood that will receive a letter c -by which. he wiLl be"ah along spccie. and dgj his invea'tigation.j. %str.cti9ns:_`r dr ` `T As a result of the agitation over the teaching of French in bilin'gua_'l schools, `Sir `James `-Whitney announc- ed recently that Dt. T. Mercha.nt, chief inspector of public ~sehool~s in` the ~proyince, had been` instructed - to visit the` counties of Essex and.Kent as weltlo as every other locality in the pr6 vince.s `where bilingual ' A iexisted, make an examination and `re.-1 `port to the governmentfupon ~'thee, s1t'uat_1on.' _ . 7 BILINGUAL SCHOOL _I, i9_Io, at her: late re Euchd avenue, _Toron beloved wife of Alexander Richard- son. acted 6: Wveare to, Safah, ,' CUL-ROSS--At-Allandale, n. Sun} ! day, Nov. 6th, Wm. Culross, aged I 76 years, ` if-IENDERSON--At A.1liston,_on"S un -. , dav Nn1rnnakn4"A -n--- `A _.-- -awn`- OJ`; 3 B-ROMLEY-W:HISH--On the 2nd ' inst., at St. Ann's Church, Anna- ,po1is, U.S.A, Vincent, youngest son of the late Vice AdmiraltA:- C.` B, Bromley of Leith Vale, Ockley- Surrey, to_Beatrice Adelaide, sec- ond daughter of- -Commander Al- bert Whish`, R.N. '(retired), or! Monywyke, Weymouth, England. ROB-B.-PRESTON .- On. tTuesda3g.\; `November 1, I910, at the home of the bride s_ father, 48 Shrewsbury street. Stratfm-A I. 13..., n.. M. .LONGHURST-To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Longhurst, Charles street, Allandale, a son. . _-_-.-u vvnuv Ul IIICH son, aged 65 -`years. iE'NDERSON--At Alliston, Aon` Sun-V ` dav. Novembef 6, 1910, John Hen- dersonv, aged ` 57 years_ - and .10 The Weekly Mail and Empire and % The Northern Advanc ` -,, .7- no-au\yvvJIJl.Il_, street, Stratford, by Rev. Dr. Mc-I Leod- of `Barrie, assisted by Rev. R. I Martin, Janie McLeod, second daughter of Mr." and Mrs. Wm. Preston, to Mr. J. D. Robb of De- troit. . V 7 I erstood Dr. Merchant, e of instruction me ' be`"ablAeV to] icgecl ic. and dahin. v I 9 v v -4--- - DIED. j- Blanket time is.h`ere, don't wait un- til an the best are gone. Our blan- kets are `well-chosen and bought right. We sell them at close pI'lCC,S' and have a large range . 6 to choose from. -$2.40 to .. I Madras Muslihs for Curtainsl Some handsome designs and color- ings in Madras Curtain Muslins, Ecru, Arab and color com- - binations. Price per yard 15c to'.... .. .. C. "An extra good Union Towel, hem- med, 33 inches long by. I7~ . ' inches wide, a heavy towel. Special each . . . . .. .. . n Now forA%BQYS O_\/ERCOATS o What many women want, soft`, warm and du'rab1e__knitted wool '_under- skirts. English and Canadian made. In grey,1 cardinal, navy, green, black and. stripes of various 2 colors. I_ -`rice $1.75 and .. . . n Women s Knitted Skirts V -- --~v---- -~-------~--_:- _7/ V7` ets mldd cman 5 ENQUIRY Towels a%t15c. at 7/ z'ekers % 9 ay5' Blankets ""57 "P '1??- :., 4 --J ji`;b$I;_Family and e`V-prize% in _a. very simp _:,1-`t"*th;'s ofce or kl With all expenses plaid from Old Country and return, and a money. . . T AFTER THE FIRST TOUCH op 1=.Ros'r ' Scene from TI;eV1-my Herald and Weekly Star -"The White Squaw" at the Grand, Monday, Nov. wh- Have you heard of it? It's nCw-\\'e have it-it is made in Germany, The uppcr of this stocking is a very ne egauge lisle; the lower part, from the top of the boot to the toes, is of a pure wool cashmere, all black. This is a boon to ladies who wish :1 H510 stocking and wear low shoes. We have the exclusive right of selling this stocking. `See it. Per pair .. ... 0.1 .-o ...; ..- Just arrived from London some 1]t'\\ Blouse S1lks m Parsley (lcslgm, mh ,subdued colorings, soft and g~1- wearing,` The newest in Waistings, 4 yards to thc-1 waist. Per y:1rd.... ..85c. and x Winter Coats fog children, in ,3? \4 to 14 years. They are \g_\-1,;h 1 little garments, in semi-tting 111` box `eects, with velvet or plain col],-m and cuffs. Made of cheviots, Ker- seys and. Twilled Coatings; mm} colors or mixtures. The best child'ren s Coat values in Barrie, $2.25 to Cashmere Boot Stocking EVERYBODY NEEDS >1-iEA\"/`Y BLAN1 aid {mm your home in Czinada to the `2 find aliberal allowance for spedmg New Silks for Waists Children's Coats % 90 P;r To tal Ass "0 Jan. 1, l9l2,for $1.50

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