Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Nov 1910, p. 5

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Ready Roofing i The religious quarterly services. will be held in the Elizabeth street Church on Sunday. morning next. Lovefeast at I0 o clock and the Sac- rament of the Lord s Supper at the close of the regular morning ser- vice. The pastor will preach both morning and` evening, the evening service to conclude with the singing of some familiar hymns by the en- tire congregation. 7 The congregation of the Elizabeth `Street Church at the annivegsary ser- . vices on Sunday last subscnbed $500 ` to meet current liabilities. . ' A branch of the Association otsi Christian Stewards has been formed in connection with the above. Church. Mr. F. A. Graham is Pre- sident; Mrs. J. J. Noble, Vice-Pre` sident and Mr. A. F. Garrett, Sec.- 1 1 ` Treas 3 The Sunday School of the Eliza~ b.eth Street Church has selected Tuesday, Dec. 20th, as the date for their annual Christmas concert. The League of the Elizabeth Street Church has appointed Miss T Bella Graham and Miss Noble as their delegates to the County Temperance Convention to be held in W. C. T. U. Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 15th. i Minister of Education and `Minister i of Agriculture Chief Centres or Attack. ELIZABETH %s'r. unrnonrsr. TheYo1111g PeopIe s Guild` of. the` .Presbyterian `Church held what is 1 known in modern parlance as a. Mock ` Parliament, on Monday evening, Nov. 1 4th. A large crowd attended and ., 2_l were more time. The Speaker,-Hon. Donald Ross, delivered the speech from the throne which was, indeed, a masterpiece of` `true logic, and more than ordinary intellectual facts based on our every lday. environments; The considera-A tion of the address in reply was` postponedunder the order of the! day. A motion of want of con- dence in the government for allowing bi-lingual teaching in the Barrie schools was moved by Miss Wismer in an able address, bristling with `ar-._ gument, and made interesting by humorous remarks. The Minister of -the Government,` to whom fell the duty of replying, was Miss Duff, Minister of Education, who made as Interegng News. of the C/zurc/us and Societzks DISCUSSED BI-LINGUAL TEACHING. than rpaid for digit. brilliant _'de{enge of the `Government in a` peonvincing address of some. a length`? %*R':' Dunbar supported- the at- ` tack on the Education i Department . l and had to be repeatedly. called to j order by "the. Speaker` for using `un- parliamentary language addressed to the Premier. Ms. `Seller replied in a `heated address, not altogether free from personal allusions that had to be retracted. The decision was. in` favor of the Government. Passing to the orders of -the day, Mr. Wood, Minister of Agriculture, promised Legislation by which all eggs should be labelled, showing the date of 1 their appearance, before being offer- 'ed for sale._ Miss Tate asked the Minister of Finance if he intended to provide for a tax on bachelors, quoting statistics bearing` on the question. She claimed that said tax, as a universal proposition, would prove benecent, but as a piece Of Provincial Legislation, would lead t0 disastrous results. i 1 Of Elizabeth St. _ Methodist Adult `Bible Class]. 1 ' A very enjoyable evening was spent at me home of the Rev. Dr. Booth, Mary street, on Thursday, Nov. 3rd,'the occasion being a social evening for the membersand friends of the Elizabeth street Methodist ;Adu1t' Bible_ Class. About twentyve of the members were present, and, after they had been comfortably seated, Mr. D. =Gauley, president of the class, was appointed chairman. A short programme was opened by an instrumental solo by Miss Bow- man-. This was followed by a re- -citation by Miss Hubbard. Miss G. Graham -favored the gathering with `a vocal solo and following this was _ ...s-:`:nqpu `mar Mza and Q d VUCEU UIL aglu IVJIIVVVIII OIIIQ vvuv `L reading by Miss sibam and a ilvocal solo by Miss Booth; .L', AL- V\I\-IaIl \V\Io\J -1., -~--v., - V - V _ Business in connection with the work of the class was then proceed- red with. After discussing a few {minor items, ' the_ appointing of the icommittees was proceeded with. `Q 1-` , __A___'A" bvllllllltswvo run.) I: . V u . v . V . . . . . _. A motion by, Mrs. Booth, seconded `by Mr. Armstrong, that conveners of committees be appointed and; that they appoint their own commnttees, was carried. :- Iv an I-an-.-V..- Th followinghare conimittees for the ensuing year:- \.I". f\ T.`I_L U I I V V O I 9 K I lie Jwv--u Social committee-~Miss O. Flet- cher, (convener), Miss E. Snead, Mr. Reynolds, `Mr. `W, T. Alderson, IE. 11 `D,..... I LA Sick: and..F1ower committec-;\I/iss Jones (Convener), Miss Sibbald, Miss VVilson, Mr. Armstrong. ` u.\\J -nvnuu, ..---, . . I.ook-`out commi'tte:--M'r. B. Rear, (couvener), > Miss. Furlong, Miss Ruth Hubbard, Mr. Armstrong. a.\vI-an 4--3... -4-.- w. Musical` committee--Miss Boxyman, (Convener), Miss B. Graham, M155 E. AG1-aham. _.. .__ `ru 7` Following thisia few games were; indulged in and each one was `served with sandwiches, cake and coffee. The hour becoming advanced, all took their departure, after signing God be with you till we meet again." Mrs. f Alex. Richardson. There died at 182 Euclid Ave., Toronto, on Tuesday, Nov. 1st, 1910, Mrs. Sarah Richardson, wife Of Alex- ander Richardson, printer, at the agC of 64 years. She was the eldest 3daughter of `Mr. James Naylor, `a llife-long employee of the old North- erh Railway, and came to Canada with `her parents from Liverpool, England, when quite young. She. with her husband and family remov- ed to Toronto about thirty. years ago, where they have lived ever since. _She is survived by her hus- band, one son, Chas. A. Richardson, `and two daughters, Mrs, John Hughes, and Mrs. Dempster, at home, also two brothers, Mr. Charles Naylor of Imlay City, Michigan, and `Mr. `Albert Naylor of Owen `Sound, and one sister, Mrs. B. W. Rhine- -hartt of Barrie." The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to Pros- '.. n..I- nor-nnnr-o ray-vv v-- _- ----v V pect cemetry. The I.:1(_lies Aid of St, George s Church w1l1 hold their annual sale of work on Tuesday, Dec. 6th, in the \'..\I3C.. \. Hall. ' Artllgr Patterson, A. .\Icssr.<, - - ' A `kn -.. |\ T.CZl-TZw T jg & rlbkly stops courts. cm-as colds. heals otlgroctuullnn 3- ,- - - Zacenu. Always Ready for Service SOCIAL EVENING. .--}an_ ingenious device--brings re under all the cook- ing holes on top. No matter wnether your range be `running wiih direct draft or with the heat turned -arolimd the oven, each top cooking hole is teady for 1}aiz}'f`4,service. . Call and let` us demonstrate xts many __-_'..'.I-.... _ .-1.v......a.......a 'ITunn Sfunn "rInn f- in!-nnrl in hunt , Very fewvstoves there are that will bake, fry and boil equallv well at same time. `You can, however, withfthe Happy Thought. A Patented Damper in the KJGII 9ll\O l\.pI- In-J uvnnaw-uuvnurv sou annu-I-I ucavy pcxvu. . modem advafntages. Even if you don't intend to buy right now, the knowledge you will gain from avisit may save you dollars and cents later on. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE OBITUARY. z'22e Points, fIarafwm'e Store WEST WARD HONOR ROLL FOR OCTOBER. Arthur Patterson, Crumb, D. Murray and` A. Mar- shall are pursuing the antlered mon- urchs of the wilds near Parry Sound. The A. Y. P A. had a most in- lt-resting acc0nnt given `them. on Tuesday evening, Nov. 1st, of the re- cent convention in Toronto. `Sr. IV.---A. Foster, Campbell, O.-Wal1ac_e. 1.. T`? TA` D(\n~'IrI`I:' LElI1'lpDCIL, U.` Vvulutcc. Jr. IV---E. Bogardis, C. Curtis, M. Hill, G, Meeking. S1`. III.--A. Hobley, H. Horseld, H. Turner. 1, r1'r 11- 'hl....4.:.. A f`,..~..-.1... D ICESCUCK, .|J, uxycna. Sr. II.-C. Montgomery, S, Robin- son, R. Wilson, M. McKinley. Jr. II.-S. Madge, V. Hill, M. Hill. Part II, Sr.---M. Leigh, E. Lewis, ie D.'H -arrvif. `I , 1': f`_..L.`.. 1 'CI....1....- n. .|. u: ucn-. Jr, /'III,---E, Martin, A. Cooper, B. Peacock, D. Myers- C.. 1"! I` \.1I\O'Il-t`I'f\I11lI`uv Q :1. I uulc. Part I (a)-L. VVisemzm, F. Chees- man, G. Snead. A E. Mason. 1'\_ ,. T ./A Part I'(b)--A. .\IcKin1ey, I, Hill, \ T `l'n..,... f` '|\.Tn:\{vn-f:n I}. 'l'1"dfl I5. Part II, _,Tr.--R. Carter, J. 'Sincla1r,. H. Poole. 11..-; `I /r\\ T \X7::nn1-an F` Fhppc- L. LVLHDUII. Part I (c)--I. Jones, C. McMartin, D. Gowan. GEORGE R. VVOOD. Principal. A CHANCE TO VISITTORONTO Account of Ontario I-Iorticultural Exhibition," Toronto, The Grand Trunk Railway System will issue return tickets at `single fare (plus 25 cents for admission to Exhibition), from all stations in Ontario within 83 miles of Toronto, Tickets good lgoing November 15, I6, 17, I8, and ; I9. Return limit November 21st. Full information and tickets from Gr`and.Trunk Agents. i Do you consider it a moral wrong_ to cheat a lawyer?" asked the per- Tson who is always looking for a chance to start something. __I_...... Mr. :\lexzmde1' Brunton of Dauph-* in, M:m,, is visiting his parents here. .\Irs_ Hedger of Kilworthy is visit- ing her son here. \.lId.uL\. su Dtall. uv ........ "G. No, replied the man whose `speciality lg worldly` wisdom, but I consider It a physical impossibil- ity. - Just as delicious, just as appctizing, .jt'1st as wholesome, as the minute they were taken from the shell. Sealshiptiase We are handling only Sealshipt Oys- tersthis season. We are Registered Agents of the Sealshipt System, and have signed their rigid contract to sell Seslshipt Oysters just as received-- solid oyster meats. We imve just received the rstsl1ip- `ment of tempting Sealshipt Oysters. There is no food more palatable - none more wholesome-than Scalshipt Oysters. They can be served in count- less different ways. Our little rec{pe booklet is free for the asking. Step in and get a copy. Butcher Sealshigt Ogsters smsnm OYSTER ' D.m, This is the R. Powell From which 0:} Are Sold Five Points --Wc sell the noted McA-R Cloth- mg (lute John Northway & Son)" and know of no ner made clothing :11 Czmutlxl. Szu'jea'nt & King, , l book 5 M rs. WW5.` u\, M The I...mic~- \ . teria11Cl111rci1\\`;\'d of ' hold Pr .. I a, 8 wt` Tllursdny H t ' " 5' ins t. Ir VV'111H I \. P` `5 01)e11intte`'S!1 lafe ` tore in thll 1s`_%ta.tio:`rM_a1-k_' ' ` B10 5 and ck Russel] C . `Gr 11 pnstabl \ mg her sist?,}1N`I`; St:-ouedh:-`1-etum ` .' A S. W V : . u - B W Visit. ' :95`) V L. Miss Sadie D have rcturx R3 and Burk's Falllgm to theiM1ss B k ' '1'-after Sllenzli homes; 9r 113- a In ` I 0 ham, The Woman's Auxiliary` Qf fhe. \g Hospital will hold a _meeting at V_\[,_.;, J, I . Lyons on Frxday. at 2.30 to -5"L' \4unyJ `"-v` 9. WV \II Barrie. (Ad.) Mrs, Alex. Scott had th tune of having three ribs bgolfggfgg. ,cent|y, while engaged in hanging` window curtains. J, _.g lo, but. Miss Day a!1d_ M555 33k?" returned thc1r_ homes Falls, after spendmg a couple of weeks here. . ,.The public would have been well stung if a bribe had been accepted keep The Carey Shoe Co. out of n,....Xn ) ' `nal that's slriclly high-gvada Ilrderow -- `Phone No.23 ...lle|+ vered When You Wish;.. .T0l'0`' . D;11_v \Vz!lkCr hast .ArAet1T1'ri1ec_l__ z0B1TF;~l_Ot:,`;1f1cx' spendmg a few_ week.` here 1 lZ.\, ' ;\;r1 b n` 'PreI)V- A. WILKINSBWSE V` Mrs. Saturday, Toronto. A-E JUST AS USUAI. `Six Nlctl Estate 9f__A.%w: wukinson south 0 and are is 0126- house, is also SHOES %R_EPAIRED A.W.WH|TBY S mcn1her;-3 of Craigvale O. L:: :15 p.'IlH)CZlI Cl`S at_the funeral ot. Coal for NOV J. G. scon<*f Coal`7.25% {gs of Powasszm madg it recently. _ 13}. Tynclaie of Z170:-onto -is} '5' \VtIn. St0l`ey S. I uhn 1'_.uWS01} has returned? ing friends In Toronto, 3 ,, .\lc~.\1illa_n_ returned 7 jog-V from vnsxtmg _friends:in.; YOU can an "-___~.% saae '\iriniu.}S-3." ' ....AdmlnIstratrlx Elizaketh A St. on. nnmunaun NEATLY QUICKLY Pricnc :1$:sj\V(; )'pXi9,;tf1 }A1'A4 .;-_.-37 Dunlap; Foopf1`oront6 0000 AT Cash Only F|3a!:rie' _l."1"' the iatc `Alfred Bodne, whose j- emains % clatmg. were recently interred in St. Paul s' chytrcghyard, Re_v. Canon` Murphy 'of- '_,--The `Carey Shoe Co. have jusi. received V the following telegram from Chatham: Closed deal at 75c. on the dollar. Spot cash, $3,000 worth of children s misses boys and youths high-grade shoes for Bar- rie. The above goods will arrive in a few days, and will be put on `sale immedlaitely. `Store one door` iwest Queen's Hotel, Barrie. tic American` drama, The White Squaw, to be presented under the direction of Louis F. Werba at the Grand Opera House on Monday evening, Nov. 14, has written a play not only founded upon facts but shei has drawn for material upon one of i Della Clarke, author of the roman-l the "most pictures_que periods of are laid in the forests of Michigan, just a century ago and the characters are practically new to the stage, The story has to do with two sisters who grow up each in ignorance of the other's . eing. One of them is rear- ed by ndians and is made to believe she. 15 their own child. .Fate throws \the sisters together under conditions romantic, dramatic and appealing and it is_ from thissituation of tender! sentiment` and` strong heart interest that a beautiful and typically Ameri- ! can play has been jbuilt. 1 _ lthis country's history. The scenes, About noon on `Sunday, Brown s bakery, a comparatively new struc- ture, `was discovered to be on re, and, although the remen were quickly on the ground the re had l gained such a hold that the building *was entirely gutted. Mr. Brown `cannot arrive at a denite statement of his los's,'which is only partly. cov- ered by insurance. One V hundred bags of flour, which were ready for the mixer, were destroyed and three large bake-troughs will have to: be replaced. -` ` -rs , `.1 1 Mr. Bryson, with characteristic kindness,_ has placed his bakeshop at `the disposal of Mr. `Brown, and until the latter can make satisfactory ar- rangements, `the bread for Messrs. Bryon s and Brown s customers will be manufactured under the same roof. , ' ` , Since the pioneer days of .Birtch, Buckiey and Luke Schoolcraft, down .to the time of`Haverly, H`i Henry and latterly Primrose, West and iFie'Ids', the minstrelv form of enter- tainment has t_md_er_go_ne many. chang- I ,1: ,,,!AL ..... ......-.A.,---- -.-,-__, - .... ,._ % cs. From the old-time circle, with ! end-men -and `all blac-face, and_ al-T` jmost every other member an ex_cut-: iiant -upou banjo, mouth-prgan, Atam- . ; bourine ornbones, to the modern row ]-'of soloists, with only the -end men "FL , C-.. black-face, is a big fhe Sec- ond Part of the modern minstrel en-` tertainment isrpurely *a vaudeville show , with many really clever stunts, and the music of the orchestra is usually decidedly in keeping with the act being performed. 3 -Guy Bi`-os., who have been mak- l ing annual call on Barrie v.frier_ids- for thepasth 35 years, `have kept `steadily. abreast of the times, and the show presented by this `popular organization at the Opera `House last week had many features of merit. The musical portion of their enter- tainment, which is under the dlrec-i tion of Al. Richards, the wizard cor- nettist who is well-Akvnown_ to many local bandsmen; was much. above the average, thei,,cla ss of `music played by both band and orchestrabeing. great-y ` -~-- M42... 4...` 51... ; nu-oennfoi-I"\\r' nV "(We V .-, v|ll5' it tho n the la: the would farm. Ehoul, VTOASTED BROWN'S BREAD. Mc|l0llIiAll| MUSIC AND DRAMA BOTHWELL BLOCK cams ruxmsumcs and DRY Goons THE WHITE SQUAW." BONES AND "1`AM`BO.' ur-to-one STOCK uowasr mucus gr?" ALLANQALE Rev. C. B. Jeffrey, of the Dalston circuit, will preach anniversary scr- mons .in the -Shant Bay Methodist Church, Sunday 13 , at 2 and 7 p.m. ico.LLIER STREET METHODIST \ject is-, The I and_ in the eve hood of Man." The Dominion Alliance has made! arrangements to hold a eld day in Huron"-County next Sunday. Speak- ers have been engaged to appear in, .between 70 -and 80 pulpits; The eld` "day. will be followed byia c'0_unty_f fconvention on Monday for temper-' lance workers at Clinton, talre object ;being the extension _of local option [at -the coming elect1ons.--Maile and b Empire. !. ANNUAL 'MEE'r1NG 01-` oN'r.` ARIO BRANCH NEXT WEEK} . Toronto, canals, (2)) Sunday work on i _ The annual meeting of the Ontario! Lord's Day Alliance will beheld in the`Y. M. `C. A. rooms, Yonge Street,' on Friday, November `II. There will be two sessions beginningl at I0 am. and 2 p.m. A In. the after- noon there will be a conference on such subjects as` ([1) Sunday works on! % rail-E ways. (3.) Sunday trading, .(4) `Sun-, day pleasuring, (5) preservnggv "the ci il rightof rest, introd ced by sp akers having "practical -acquaint ' ance with .them.--Mail-and Empire. 1 Of all the current temperance _lit- ;erature coming off the -press to-day perhaps no single paper is better suited to the needs of the Sunday school than the `Temperance Lessor. Quarterly, issued by authority of the , Dominion W. `C. T. U.. and edited by Mrs. Blanche Johnston of. Barrie, O,nt The November number is ready} for the subscriber. ,a It is suited to. both teacher andscholor, containing blackboard illusaration, anecdote, editorial, lessonexposition (for Nov. 13) graded in character, and easy of application. This will be a boon for teachers who nd the temperance lesson..the most irksome and tedious of ;the whole quarter." One dollar -will buya year s supply of quarterlies for" a school of twenty-four teachers. The `editor wili be pleased to "supply- further "information if desired. Next uvvlnl storey seven ly ( and The njet ship _of -Car':ada s navy to an-iveon t_he Pacic Coast. It was greeted wxth a big demonstration at Esqmmalt. CHURCH CHIMES FIELD` DAY IN HURON. Sabbath `the pastor's sub- The Fatherhood of. God evening, The_ Brother- - -- -- ; Brantford Asphalt W. C. T. U. experience; ~ k It is made of two materials, viz.: _ - Pure Wool Felt and Pure Gum Asphalt. The Aplnilt is melted at ti'eme~ndo11s heat laud brought to liquid form. Then the felt isysatuvated with this ashphalt several times. Coming` out the last. time it is sanded and rolled, producing the most `durable waterproof arid repa'oo material obtainable. _ Free sampleqgiven. .,,Get them. .'We also hive a high-grade roof. paint Iuitablefor roofs. hoilers, _ emokestacks._ &c. V Come in aud'ta1l:.you'r roof trouljle over with us. We have had This roofing is rapidly coming to a position that no other roong `has yet attained. . - . _-n:..v._ ..-. :L.. .......:L- '1`,HE NORTHERN ADVANCE "'rH1: cRUisER RAINBOW. It is sellig on. its merits. -' " "7 3 It is lniginly xgommcuded by Fire Insurance 7 Underwriters. foam: rLAnY{iTs1'ENoenAPHx:a aiga BOOK-KEEPEIL. A J...` .4` -kn `nlrnu ULVAU `till! .I._ un- Apply' by letter

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