Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Nov 1910, p. 7

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A` I Thre s only one hest in any`thing---ranges of anything else. - Winn moon Is TAINTEJJ ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND `ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES A ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE A NEW METHOD TREATMENT This is a special patent found only on Gurne -Oxford Ranges-- . reduces household expenses. Keeps re running at our-fths the cost. Figure that out in dollars and cents. Another` Gurney-Oxford patent spreads the heat over the entire oven. ~Makes it bake in front as well as back--under crust as well as upper. Figure the time and worry saved on that. 71 _ I,_1r .14--.. _4.1. . _ _ . . -:-1 ..-4._-._.__ _._,_L1_ -_,,,, .1 - "'I'"" "6"" "" """ "" ' J Has a half-dozen other special features worth everything to you for convepience and economy. Featuges that can be demonstrated in the store In a. pffy, but we can't explaxn here. . These ranges are ma by one of the oldest and mo,` reliable concerns in Canada. Then` guarantee of quality is back of ours--we want to show you their good points. `'7 C , ,n,_.,n ,.___-__ n_r_A.1 ,.,, p u .~` "IITUIIj- vu u---r - cu-- ----- -- - L `Cor, Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit,` Mich. N All letters from Canada must be addressed I - _ to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- Canad-ian business only. Address all letters as follows :2 : '-.. .. ..*.-.1-_. onltilhv R. YBMMEHV ut:...I.....- nu} . -L y mentjin `Windsor, Ont. If you desire to` ;`so_n'. 1y call at our Medical Institute in Detroitas we see and treat . no pa onto; it our Windsor oices which are for Correspondence and._ -----v -v --v -- J v-- ------ -- -- ` --- - We also carry other Gurney-Oxfoxzd stoves for all purposes and`; all kinds of fuel. Whatever yap want 1s sure to be in their 1ine--and sure to be satisfactory. V Come 1n and see for yourself. Semi for Booklet on `Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE "If, unable to calhvnite for a Question Hal ` A for Home Treatment `uawxauyy Luz. uauuu-an mm.-.-.~ v-.-_,. --_.._-__ ___ _,,___f V - . .,_ 8: KENNEDY. Windsor, Ont. ;3;f.f:a1 L. k T . . If/Tc/2 en GIVES PERFECT RESULTS ON BAKING DAY Not to be Outclassed. SAVES 20 PER CENT. OF YOUR FUEL BILL Next to Sarjeant 8 King. `. A. HOAR Please give us ten minutes of your time next time you re down town. , We desire to call the attention of all those afflicted with any Blood or Skin Disease to our New Method Treatment as a gu_arant cure for these complaints. There IS no ex- cuse tor any person having a dist} ured face from eruptions and blotches. `o matter` whether hereditary or acquired, our s cio remedies and treatment neutralize al poi-~ sons in the blood and expel them from the :vgfem_ Our vast exnenence in the treat- 80113111 tne mood and expel Lnexu Lrum uuu ` system. Our vast experience ment of thousands of the most serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a. cure without experimenting. We do business on the plan-Pa only for the Benefit You Derive. It you ave any blood dlsease, con- suit us Free of chug. and let us rove to you how quickly our remedies wii remove all evidences of disease. Under the inuence . 0! the New Method Treatment the skin be- comes clear, ulcers. pimples and biotches heal up. enlarged glands are reduced. fallen out heir grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and ene return. and the zictim reelizesenew lire opened up to In. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED I Am I to understand there is some idiotic affair between you and ithat nnpemnous young ass?` de- manded a millionaire - of his pretty ` daughter. f\.-.1-. ...-... ..+L...- " | Hewitt-IGruet hasn't an enemy in `the world. 1171 .0 .1 '.I, Jewett--Wh:1t_<. the matter with the man? WiA1son-My wife can score :1 base- | ball ` game. T_'IZI...-u. \Xfn....n.. 2,. ..n.\Z.H.. non.-r._ I IJCIII 5(lll&\o Hi1son--Woman is rapidly usurp- 1ng man's place 111 the world. IJSIILVI n uOnly you. father." was the reply. CONSULTATION I-`REE o. , Zowc, Mass. In _ve:trs gone by. the farmer was \\'t`ii pleased to have a home ' or` lmme of any kind. In the days \\'ilL`H our forefathers hewed their hntntw out of the wilderness, the; m;1Il<'I' of :1 house was a second con- sider-zttion, Their days were days of hzml labor and little comfort, and it \\',)LliLi seem that the tradition of our forefathers has descended on their Children, for some of the farm huttscs` of the well-to-_do farmers of the present day are no better than they were a half a cntury ago. 3 1|- - In...-mano- \||\J vv\rl\/ 3,; AAu.nA u. \ra-vvuu _, -c,-. ll has been said of the farmer, uml no doubt with some truth, that he will build handsome, up-to-date l)nil for his stock and let his i`.llllll_\' shift for themselves.- If the l':n'll`.:-i- would Stop and consider this lltltxlillll for a moment, he might -sec this question in a different light. I l>l\' the question, Wlhy should not the farmer be comfortable? The mzljm-i1_v of them have the means to be It is a neglect of the oppor- lllllllltx xvllich the majority of farm-' crs li:m-. The farmer works hard, illlli :l< llL` is through this world but mice. I \\`>11l(.l say, let him enjoy .~..nic 4.1` the comforts of life. , The 1':lrmcr's wife is entitled to as" mznly lnlmr saving devices in and nmuml the house as the farmer has! llpnll hik farm, but how seldom you we ii` The t'urm'er s wife is also en- titled ll), zls many comforts as her -`islet lll the town or city. How many l..'ll lll houses of to-day. have a i).'lllll` Not many. Why? `He. will till you he cannot afford it, but` that .~;lmc fzn-mer will put down $400 mr ll mun of horses he does not ncerl, Zlll(l $60 for brass mounted ll'll'll(`.~\, zlnil thinks he has made a {(l()(i b:lr;,n'lili, . .59 Thinks a Writer in The Farml and Dairy Magazine. FARMER S W DRUDGE ?) HANDSOME BARNS` OLD-TIME HOUSES .\'ow_ :1 bathroom is not a luxury. It has M-cmnc a necessary part" of the 1n.rlm'n farm home. A good ser- \`iCml>lc h:.thr0om can now be plac- Ul in any fnrtn home. for $150 _to $200- For $350 _\'n11 can install a system `~l11ill In any in the city. Any plumb-l (`r will _.:i\'c you plans to build 8.} `5[)tiC 1:ml<` and the expense is no" nmrc thzxn or ordinary cistern. I Houses Have Not lncreaseil n Comfort With Added ` Prosperity. ; _over : $43,000,000 Total Assets Capital and Reserve, $zi,5oo.ooo s.w1NGs' .~\CL'OUNTS SOLICITE1) NOV. 3, mo. [ ves- tact- ence ng- ?1 \ve When purcl`1a_sing Hardware the lasting qualities; are the. points about which you are most vitally 1inAteres't`ed-_-but" the design and ~niAsAh% are not to be ovrlodked. % At our store we can iguararitee the quality-`bf ever)? article. we sell, and the. prices V `are, always. a A. pleaatit "S.l.iIf pl. _iSeI when quamy -iscon;siared; Capital L. A. . . .. -. f$3,ooo,"ooo Reserve Fund `. . A. (`$5,500,000 ~ Head Oice, Halifax, N.S. General Manager's Ofce, Toronto. _s CO l`I The -- Books Va r1d Stlatements of this Bank are annually submitted to `a strictly independent audit. General `Bakirg Bixsiness Transacted Barrie Branch - Five Points ' S. MCADAM, MANAGER will \7`enture `to say that after he has a bathroom. in. his` house forvone year the farmer would not take v times_ the amount of f1rst- cost and` ;do wlthout it. ' - Another convenience of other mod-l tern farm home is a. refrigerator, and its place is near the dining room~ table. The cost is not very great. i A good spruce lined refrigerator can- be "purchased for $25. It is not right, nor just, to ask -the farmer's wife with all the work she has to do, to go up and down cellar steps six oreight times a day `with her arms full of dishes whereif -the re- frigerator stood near the table, with very lit-tle labor she could placeall butter and cream, meat and fruit, on` its shelves and close the doors, knowing that the contents will be fresh, and sweet for the next mea.l. A._-LL;, _ . _ . . . . _ . A _ .. _ 4.LA ....-`A ex..- .-. wv.--_-__-- It is not not necessary to spend a large amount of money` to make a farm home convenient. It is the "little things that count. Aedumb waiter in the pantry. does not cost Vmuch. A New York safety can be`, purchased for $15 and placed in posi- tion by any good carpenter at a cost of about $2. v IICDII auu aVV\;\:L Lu; Lu uvnu Llsvumo Another convenience of the mod- ern homeis lighting itby gas. , It costs about $95 to install an average. acetylene plant. This includes pip- ing, chandeliers, w_all brackets and `hall lamp, in" all, "about thirty.-ve lights.` When once installed, it does away with cleaning and lling of. `lamps, which_is perhaps one of the worst household drudges. As regards `cost, I have 35 lights and the least it `has cost me per year was $12, and the most, $16. You have no lamp chimney to buy nor any coal oil to draw from town every time you go. _Best of all, our light is clear, pure, bright and pleasant, ._and it needs attention but once a week` in winter and once intwo weeks in summer. This will save" niany_ steps in _a day s work. _Everything that IS needed for the day can be placed-in I it in the morning, and this saves go`-l ring up and down stairs, which is lthc hardest `part of the day s work. Another help in housework is do- ing` away with carpets." Put down good rugs "in the centre of the floors and paint a border around them. This does awa. with much .of the heavy work of Ousecleaning `time. A clothes chute from ._ the upstairs to_the washroom saves the carrying of a heavy clothes basket downstairs and any person who is handy with carpenter tools can build it. We try to save ourselves all . the steps we can in the barn. It is then no more than right that the w_oman of the house should have `the same `privilege. Everylfarrn house should have plenty of water. Water by the cook stove, `in _the,pantry-, ' upstairs, and abundance of it in the `cellar. A, cellar with good drainage, cementl __ Incorporated `` 1832. `Oo.1fs_. `au1yd_- V plenty `of watr :35 one} ~that 1s.e`as1l$r kept clean., ` `I ; 1. , i__char.jactir is" y Vjudgefd 1 by! his surround- njgs. 1`he"_farme_r' should. invest a `little more of. his ` _ oney on his lafwnsi,-andfergces and in keeping-; the yards clejan` and, everything in re- -pair, furnish ,.l_1is house. with easy ;chairs and _'an abundance of .good `_~book.s, making it bright and cheerful with music. > Open a_ll the blinds` and let no room in the house he too good` for the `family to go into at any time.` Let the children take their friends into these rooms and entertain. them, letyt-hem enjoy them- selves. If your boy dr girl" enjoys music let him study it; if they like reading furnish them "with good books. Let them feel that you are trying to make them enjoy the op- portunities and pleasures of this life,` there. would be less discontent and wanting to go to the city. Make?` your garden bloom, with flowers;, then you will admit. that the country home is the ideal home. Take time to rest and enjoy life, you_w1ll live longer and be better satised. W'1tl1 the telephone, and the rural mail dc-'. livery, I think that the farmer oti the present day has not _much to` complain of.--Farm and Dairy; ` --_'.";`s :7i7T"T"7-TC". :.: x_;_._.I_t, has been"sa1d that aaman- s ` i Mrs. Alex. Currie, Him street, `was crossing the _track Wednesday 19th, while the afternoon train was coming in, and, -she being deaf, _did not hear the noise of its approach. Mr. -Cyril Berthelot, New Lowell, happened to notice her. and arrived in the nick of time, throwing her off pthetrack, just saving her from death. Mr. Berthelot deserves credit for` his prompt action, as without doubt- Mrs. Currie would -otherwise have lost her life.--Creemore Star. THE OLIVER TYPE- WRITER FOR 17 CENTS A DAY. -An Oliver Typewriter-the stand- ard visible writer-the most highly perfected typewriter on the market l-yours for` I7 gents a day! -r-L-_ L -f l Please i'ead the headline over l agajn. Then ' its tremendous sigm- lcance` will dawn upon you. ' A Jvvila luvs Q, \'-any-I so \QvvJ - " The typewriter whose conquest of_ thecommercial world is a matter of business history---_-yours.for 17. cents` a day! s ` - _ - The typewriter that is 1 equipped with scores of such conveniences as "The Balance Shift-The Ruling! Device,-*`Ti_ie Double a Release- ' The Locomotives Base-`-The Auto- matic `Spacer--The Automatic Tab- ulator--"The .Disappearing _Indica- tor-The-eAdjustab1e .Pa'pcr Fin- ger -- The Scientic Con- ` densed Key- board 7---ail ` We announced this new sales plan. recently, just to feel the pulse of the people.- Simply a small cash pay-D `ment-.-then '17 cents a day. That is the plan in a nutshell}. "l"l... uuooncib has knri Ellk 0': ("`II('I` The result has been such a deluge LIIC via 11] '4 llutllbllg I of applications for machines that we are mm 11 astounded. . ` "I"L.. Arcana-`A nnrnnc Fe-A011 nnnnhi nf The emand comes from people of are Sll II RSLUUIIUCU. W iall classes`, all ages, a1_1_occupations. I`I...~.......-J4.-. AC :r|rIIIi'Oln has nnn-up an claaaca, an agua, an u\.\.upauuu.u. Themajonty of mqumes has come from people. of known nancnal novelty of theproposition. An im- pvressive. demonstration of the` im- tmense popularity of the Oliver Type- standing who were attracted by. the% I I writer. . 419.. ,_ -_..C.......L:;\.q l\` nun kn- s Writer. _ . A startlmg conrmation of our be-' lief_ _that the Era 6f Universal Type- wrxtmg is at hand. A Quarter of a MillionPeople} are Making Money With The Oliver Typewriter is a` money: maker, right from the wo`rdA.go ! '50 easy to run that beginners soon! `get in the expert _c1ass. eEarn as! you Ieagn. Let the machine pay the] 17 cents a daye--and all above that isi 7`/ze Stamz am - i'z'sz'b/e. Writer; ` I Wherever you are, there's work to` lbe done and money to be made by using the Oliver. The business world is calling for Oliver operators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above ,those" of many classes of workers. "AN OLIVER TYPEWRI-TER IN V EVERY HOME! That is our battle cry to-day. We hav'e_.ma'de ithe` Oliver supreme. in` usefulness and absolutely. indispens- a'ble.in_business. .Now comes the . conquest of the home. . _s..__1:..:.4... no\A.:4'!'-f1vd"f`1 nf fhe COIIQUCSI U1 Luy launouw. The simplicity anti strength of the} Ohver t it for family use. It is be- coming an- important factor in the` home training of youngxpeopler An educator as weir as a money maker. Our new `Selim plan` puts the Oli- iver on the `thres old of ever home e in America. Will you closet door of-, your home or. qf'ce on this re-. mat-kable -01iver-_oppqrtm_1ity-if . Write `for fu'r theri},fdetails , of our easy offer and a free copy. of the new "01i_v?er` catalog 3 Addr'ss;; 9 - ;Q_..'Ij._..`a \-JIIVVL wt-its-uva. A, NARROW E_SCVAPE.T OLIVER THE :NORTH KnvANE# 'WI=W-ti.`- ;*i Yours for 17 ' Cents a Day! Dr. Clapp; Ex-M.P.P.,' and Mi`. D. V `M. Jermyn' Aspirant: for the Position of Sheriff. of Bruce County. _ Who will be 4th_ next sheriff of ,Bruce County? Both of these_ con- testants are well-known to many in. Simcoe I County. ._ `sou... n Dr.` E. Clapp, ex-M.P.P.,_ of Mi1dmay, has loomed ,up, it seernsp as the dark horse in the race for the slierishipof Bruce County. -It was not generall-y. known" that the doctor was an applicant for theiposition, iand his entry '-into t~he`cont_estscer-. tainly, lends `rene_we_d interest to the ' event, Theability of the doctor and {the great services he has rendered 'the:`ICon'servative party in particular and the public in general, makes him a strong claimant for the position; Mr. D. Iermyn of Wiarton, who has "done great public service in the North, is another factor not to be despised `in the reckoning, The race is practically between these `two leaders` of opinion, with all the other applicants `looking on and wondering I ` which of them is going to win. VVhichever gets it, the public is cer-] tainly` assured of obtaining an able` `official. o one of the essentials in `taking care of tuberculosis.pat-ients in a com sumptive sanatorium. The gures [of the last annual report of the Mus- koka `Free. Hospital for 'Consum'ptiv- es furnish illustration on this point. In butcher's meat and sh the ex- penditure was $8II9 for- the year; for milk and cream, $3318; our, bread and mea1,`$I279; butter, $2,- 321; groceries and provisions, $4,- 360; fuel, $3,529. The total expend- iture for the year in all departments l was. upwards of $63,000. fI`I `Good feeding, it is well-known, is` l 9.- -23-! ` "mg. buy vv \~A\.|~J v. Y\gU,-'-u i These amounts are quite aside have been made for extension of buildings, more than doubling the accommodation for patients within the`yea_r. ' from the heavy expenilitures that. - , -,___ . With these facts in one s. posses-` sion, one can. understand how ur- gent is the appeal of the trustees for funds to carry on the work. One `hundred and four patients, who do `not pay anything for their mainten- iance, are at present in the Muskoka ,`Free Hospital for Consumptives, while some thirty more payta. sum `ranging only from.$2 to $4 a week. I .Winnipeg, Oct. 27.--Up in the wild country. between Lake `Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba, 100 miles north of; VVinnipeg, two men, with over- whelming hatred of each other, met` in the bushlast Monday. Both car- ried shotguns, and each was on the lookout for the other. T ` RUNNING A CONSUMPTIVE HOSPITAL. N Conrad Kuezko leveled" his gun with greatest speed, and instantly killed Alex. Barko. _Kuezko walk- ed all that night and" all day Tues- day, arriving at Toulon, so miles dis- tant,on Wednesday morning. He told the people what had occurred, and stated that hewas going to Win- nipeg to give himself up. He ar-- rived there last` night. _ -He pleads` ` self-defence. ' g l ---- _- It is timate d_uring imer. ` ` New Liskeard, Oct. 27.--Crippled with rheumatism, and still prostrated with exhaustion, a man is lying in .the Lady Minto Hospital suffering from _his experience while. trying to `escape from the chain gang on-_ the. Mathesonroad. `He was for- two days wandering ?lost in the bush, and it would appear, by his actions "at lpresent, that he is not even yet re- covered from the demented state in which he was found. WALKS 50 MILES TO SUR- RENDER. ' ' His name is J. Rochon, aged 35, 'and he has relatives in Ottawa. The complete story of the 'man s `escape and capture are not yet available, as he wasbrought down the line last night by a constable, who left v7vith- out giving particulars, and the man himself. will say nothing, evidently iltlearing that it might be used against 1m. T - gnu`: pi` `He was brought, to townby. Chief Constable A. `S. Scovill and is be- `ing tended by the ofcial doctor,` Dr. VI-Iantchell, of Haileybury. -2-i-- Fort William, Oct. 27.-Because T. .Waugh, :1 Scotchman, did not cease iwhistling when told, Joseph Craz- enio, known as ,-Peruna .Pete,` is charged with pulling at gun a d {shooting him four times, killing him instantly, at O'Brien on Sturgeon Lake, north of hetje on the -G.T.P., Tuesday night. Crozenio made his escape. Coroner Bidsall, Provincial` | Constable} Stringer and `Superintend- `ent_Tisda1e of ,th'e G.T.P., left for the sc.ene'of. the crime to hold an in- - t e railroad "lgborer- s. honse. '_ ` nest. ~ `The shootin_g`took~piace' at 7 The oldest resident of Hastings! "County, Philip, Smith, died at. the eHouse of Refuge __in `Belleville on Wednesday 26th. `A The deceased. was 100 years of age and for. 75 Yrs had `resided in the County. g ._ 'j_ Mark Spenccley-, of` Pcterboro, had his`; foot. ..,fx-Qz'e;:n `=16 ygars ` It *ha Ytf- h?31d5i~P?91:379.F3sTi`?` '5'?"-~ HAD AWFUL EXPERIENCE. MURDER` IN" G.'r.p; CAMP. THE DARK HORSE. xv:-spy. I alleged that Kuezko was in- with the dead man wife the latter s absence this sum-i N Why try` this-thing. that thing, for your constipation? Why not stick to the good old reliable family laxative-Ayer s Pills? .551: your doctor if he approves this advice. No sense in from one doctor to another! Select the best one,*then stand by him. No sense either in trying this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, delibe - ately select the best cough W medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer s Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles- ` golgl for nearly seventy years. If. _I--I_-I 2,- AL! . . _ _ _4I_ . . . . _ ..- { Sirf1mie--I_t isn t always easy for` a man to wm it} a contest of brains. ; | Janie--You m1ght, if the contest I I were in the featherweight class`, Ine Docton--QnIy One] Q-an vuv won-& av.-n Cu 31;`: -v |No alcohol in Eoinwmedicine. Three tramps footsore, and weary, by chance found two $2.00 bills. One of the wandering willies was an Irishman and who, after debating the question regarding an equal div- ision of the money with the other two, `said he could solve the pI`O'a blem, and here is how he solved it: nan-A I-` `-IIvr\ gnu uvl'\I fitrn n11!` BPFP UICHI, `dllu. _ll_ClC Ia HUIW u\_. aulvvu us. Here us two for you two and here is two for me to. I - _ N orv We want to demonstrate to you Why we say this Imperial Oxford Range is the best range for your kitchen. 7e%0Xf0/?D 60!/Olllf

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