Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Nov 1910, p. 5

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Eould 3........................: I the Stroud Telephdne Cogwill be held in the Orange `Hall, Stroud, on iS.*.1turday, Nov. vI2th, .I9IO,~ at 8 o'clock, for _the election of ofcers and directors. `Stock books will be a. Mr. H. Young's tailor shop up to lthat time for -parties wishing to sul,- sscribe- R. A. Sutherland, Chairman IVV. J.- Goodfellow, Sec. ' 1' \-I\LI.\Al\JI', savvy Fines aggregating $1,125 were inf- posed on Owen Sound ba'r-propriet- ors and their lieutenants, as a result of the recent i'ound-up by liquor de-` tectives. Two of the convicted ones left-for parts unknown to escape a jail term, and -the balance cashed up, only one case being defended. Therevsure must be money in the biz in a dry town.` '7`! I .,-. nlf u. --- u x... -- ` ---The nicest and latest thing in] }Pastry. is `Bryson s Raspberry Turn- overs. I5 cts. per doz. `From your ` grocer, our salesmen, or phone `No. 26. W 1 In the annual report issued by thel lHospital last week the following lfacts are of interest in'the Medical LR_eport. Fifty cases of typhoid fever ,were treated and from enquiry it is !learned that most of the cases did [molt belong to `Barrie but were brought in by train from Toronto and other outside places. The report shows a 76 cases of appendicitis treated -`in the. hospital without a death, 71 of them having undergone operation. 22 births and 24 deaths' took place during the year. | -Vinegar-English malt, Tarragon and the celebrated `Canadian Vine- gars -manufactured by Wilson, Lytlel & Co., noted for their strength purity and avox, at Bothwe1l s. HI... 1`. _..L-:-_1__ f ---The Carey _Shoe Co. certainly ikept their promnse last `Saturday in` selling rubbers at the prices they sold Saturday. Never in Barrie were} there more rubbers sold in. one day] ,than they sold `Saturday. Why 50? }Their 1)1'iccs--tl1e lowest, and quality` C!-un `~.n:~G- n9'\I1kuv ..ccI\I\n9-n no-n fhnl 1 -..-.. ,,.. the best. lib??? l Tlfe Y..L. AP. A. of Trinity Church lure holding their annual fowl supper iin the parish hall on Thursday of next week, the 10th Nov._, commenc-1 ing at. 6 o'clock. A programme will be given at 8` o`clock by the follow- ing:-`-Mesdames A. W. Laidman. M ; P. Duff, Misses Boomer, Emma King, Reta Griith, May Dougall, Con~'_ stance Drury. vocal; _Mrs. Wilson,| lviolin; Messrs. J. H. Morgan, J. B.[ llidwarcls, Ralph Johnston, Robert -Payne, Jack Powell, vocal; Miss !Audrey MacLeod, and Mr. Karl E Dreyer, elocutionists. The Vicar, Rev.l T.` 15 T .5 | '[):'.-.....n f"`Inn:-cyan (`I\Q\`o~: LJIVJVI, uluyuununnnuuu. -I-III` vlvul, A\\.-.` R. J. Biggs, Chairma_n. Contri- ,butors plea/se send donatlons befo:e {no0n,. ` ' 71 I I . ;I , ,,, ,_'_ E JUST AS USUM I Il`J|J.II, . E ---Have you _. bought the engage-J gment ring yet, or, better `still, .the 'm'arriage license? They are on sale` uat E. H. Williams , Barrie s favorite` 1 jewellefy store. `IP.l 1 II, __.4_..__.fv__ 1'- . `_,v..---v._, ~ - ' . -- ` With commendable enterpnse Mr.` lVV`m. `Freek, on \/Vednesday last,` {raised a new barn to replacethe one ldcstroyed by the recent disastrous Cnn ('\..-In. 4. nuqnqknr A` {Jan I-\-1ie;_ \.DLIUyLU lJ_y Lzlh l\v\-\vllL uluuuvl \Jl.(U Kl re. Quite a number of the busi- .ness men of Barrie, as well, as the` incighboring farmers, assisted in the undertaking which was _a huge suc- cess. After the-raising, an excellent supper was served, when Mr. Freek, assisted by Mrs. Freak, demonstrat- ed his. abilities as a host. A short \Ll .I.llD_ `ll-JIll|.I\tJ (IO 55 lives. (nu, Ullvnv toast list_ was prepared and ad resses were dehvered by a number of those` `pres._ent,V Mr; Freek, in a neat sp'eec_h,' fnlerestzf News " oft/ze C/mrc/cc: j - ` and Societies (`Continued from Page 0115.) Lll\r L\.lIv\.u|. uuu \iI.II.IIII.J - A/`Granby rubbrs are the% en Bertramirf-Toronto visited their` agqt, AMrs. Hamilton,over Thanks- ` gxvmg. 11:..- RA :.....:.. .'nr`..._1`-1- -n_1,.__- ,1 slvlus. ' ~ ` 1 Miss Minnie Wood of Dalston and Miss Alice 'Sherin of the same place, are spending a. few daysat Mr. and `Mrs. H. E. J0_ry s home, ` `RA - _.}.n.`!\;I ..- A `n c~_:_- ,.,1 xx-,, ~ - --- -' -Iv"-`J -' '-"---'7 |, * Mr. and Mrs. A. Spice and Mr. `land Mrs , Norman Rodden of Toron- [to were Thanksgiving visitors at Mr. |T. Cavena s, Bradford street. {the T. Eaton .\ Co. harness depart- T zixr; ifli. aggj, n'?:Ld"cI{t'{ M ment, Toronto, is` holidaying` with, friends here. % y ` _ I " " "' ""' { Mrs, A. Hun-ter of Toronto has` ibeen with her` daughter, M._rs. Hamilton,` for the past few weeks, and expects to remain the winter. ' | `I 1- -\ 71 Mrs. (Rev.) J. J." Cochrane of Fern Ave., Toronto, called on friends `in Town, previous to going to visit frlends in Thornton and Ivy; `ll ' w---~.--J. _ fand Blackmorel of Ottawa and Mr. Norwood Black- more of Toronto were Thanksgnving guests of oMr. and Mrs. A. D; G. . Hanmer. Mr. A. C. Batten, manager of the British and Colonial Press Service, Toronto, accompanied by his wife and family, visited relatives in Town over Sunday. \I' 11' 11' - n. In _ _. N. C. Babcock and daughter Irene, of Hamilton, `are spending Thanks- giving~ holidays here. Mr. Babcock is an old Barrie boy and he certainly enjoys renewing acquaintances. It . -Inc 0 71" 1 . .~ lwdvwl misc: ....._,. i. _M'rs. McMurray of Sunnidale Cor- :ners and Mrs. Langman of Lang- man,`spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. White, `Charlotte street. v --- -v1----------v-- T i\/I;;te-1'Vi3Z' Hickling, son'of G. .VV. Hickling, who was operated on a few days ago for appendicitis, in the Royal Victoria IH.osp1ta1, return- d _to his homein Dalston last Satur- ay. - Messrs.` Geo. Gordon of Port Hope and Stanley Hopewell of Toronto, formerly" of the staff of the Canada Producer and Gas- Engine C0,. renewed acquaintances in Town on Monday._ [ The informal dance given by the [Aquatic Club on Monday evening was greatly enjoyed by those present. Addison's Orchestra supplied the music, there being about I25 in 'at- tendance. Estale of A.W. Wiikinson F Alfred Gulston, G. T. Agent and two sons, of Lefroy visited with Mr. `land Mrs. R. Little last Sunday and Mrs. Wm. -Henderson of New Lowell spent Thanksgiving Day with them also. . Mr. R/Oy Brigham left yesterday _for Bradford, Pa., where he will in future reside. Before leaving. the `choir of Trinity Church, of which he 'ws a member, presented him with la Waterman fountain pen. Among the many Barrieifes home [for the holiday we noticed Mr. Wm. iAult`of Toronto, Mr. Clarence Both-I Iwell of ;\Iontre:1l, Mr. Hub Grasett aof Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bing- lham of Hamilton, Mr. Randall Mc- Carthy of Toronto, and Mr. James; Mockridge of Toronto. l thanking the company for their valued assistance. The affair was very much enjoyed by those who were fortunate enough tobe present and all are loud in their praise of iM_r. FreeI<`s enterprise and hospit- lahty. T ' 1-\ rxvxv 0:: l" 7" . V . . . --B. D. Q helll 1s leavmg town on Jan. 1st. He is now clearing out all his Men's Suitings, Overcoatings land Pantings at reduced prices. If you want a bargain `Suit or Overcoat, ` now is your chance. ` run a - - . ._ ` _,~v.. The dramatic and musical recital night, was'a grand success. The programme was carried out as was intended, with few changes. The in- strumental numbers were particular- lv we'll rendered, and every vocal inumber was worthy of the greatest commendation, if space would al- low. Mrs. Leidman was in her usual good. voice and captivated the entire audience in a more striking ` Methodist , Church on Thanksgiving held in connection w;ith Collier St. - manner than `ever she did before.` iThe auditorium of the church was comfortably filled. The net re- ceipts ofpthe entertainment and con- cert ew'ere_ exceedingly gratifying to the ladies of the church under whose 3 auspices the "entertainment was _held. SOCIAL FARAGRAPHS (Confimieii f_1;om page. one). W`ha*t is most required in a cook stove by every careful housekeeper i_s great baking heat in_ the oven, with small fuel consumption. This `requirement is provided` for in the A-by Pyramidal` Oven Plates. This is an exclusive feature of "the Happy` Thought that makes it far more valuable than an . ordinary stove. 7 Yet it is only ONE of the several exclusive _advantages that have made ' it invaluable to thousands of hotnesgin Canada. You are cordially invited to call and have the OTHERS .e xplained to you. MIHWELL BLOCK THE` TEST of A STOVE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE%\ {:5 A_ Poz'1.zz`s 1:1'a7:iiz7ga:1':e St7_'1"e .;\,--..--'._ _,. nvith Murray and ;\Iackey' C0, .t ?Grand Opera` House. M0n(lay_, Tues- day and Wednesdny, Nov. 7, 8, 9. Popular prices. J ust as delicious, just as appetizing, just as wholesome, as the minute they were taken from the shell. ' Sealshipticase We are handling only Sealslnipt Oys- ters tbis season. We are Registered Agents of the Sealshipt System, and have signed their rigid coutlact to sell Sealshipt Oysters just as receivexl-- solid `oyster meats. We have just receive`d the first ship- ment of tempting Sealshipt Oysters. There is no fool more palatable- none more wholesome -thau Sealshipt Oysters. They can be served in count- less ditferent ways. ` Our little recipe h00k`.9t is from for the asking. Stop in and got a copy. Butcher Sealshigt Oysters SEALSHIPT OYSTER Season is On R. Powell This `is the FLORENCE J. MURRAY From Which Are Sold Five Points LETTER 1; A.W.WH|TBY ;s yams FURNISHINGS and DRY GOODS ._.._..._:._...-....-._..-.._y\--" A1 Coal for NOV J. G. soon Coai $'L25; JP-TO-DATE STOCK LOWEST PRICES,` . ALLANDALE Sadie `Wilkinson. ....Administratrix Elizabeth st. OPP. DREAMLAND Yours truly, Public School Teacher. NEATLY QUICKLY` TO THE EDITOR._ NOV. 3, 19176. Cash Only % Miss Logan `is visiting friends ;Toronto, = ' , __..J v -, v-----&o - l F. Dunn, Toronto, was with usyfor a short time recently. Harry West and `family move to Toronto next Monday. ` ` f'A4__!,_)I J`. `W. J.`-`Clark-visitec l frichlds in` Co- ;burg recently, _ % - ' % The Sons of England-will meet next: Friday evening. - 1 17 TN A- H` h fin: ` the T1 -._v-. -...._,._ .V V Captain `Story has moved go Mrs. Armstn-ong s house. Miss ' Mary Tobin of `Toronto, holidayed `at _Mrs. Tr_'ask s. \ L. E. .Brunton -T of `,1-Iamilton visited` (many friends here recent/ly. _ ` " C. Catcher of` Toronto, ` spent Thanksgiving holidays here. .+Mr. Walter Marshall moved. his family to. Midland this. week. Mrs. Eagle and daughter of iTor-- . onto are here for a short stay. f Mr. Philip McDonald moved his fainily to Collingwood Tuesday. The Misses'Cr0ss'land of Hamilton, are `renewing acquaintances here. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hen- son last Monday. Congratulations. Harry Webb of \Toronto visited his mother Sunday and Monday `last. Morris i\/Vebb_ of Toronto, visited his parents here duringthe holiday. 1m .." `n: .9 11811 . {M:.$;g';u%T1a; ';&;;i.:.1';."}.;;.:;1`;;.;' wth his brother, train-despatcher W. l Pngott. ' 4-. _ _- . _.__ _ _ _ K/Ies"srs. George and Herb Webb of Toronto, visited Mrs. W. B. Webb recently, _ - . rI\ not -up `- The `Misses McMorran ali-e holi- daying with friends in Midland and Penetang. ' '11-... -9 _. Mr . Mvoffatt of Toronto, spent Sun:-I day with` his daughter, Mrs. J. P_. M_cMi1lan. . T Miss of '1;oronto `and Mrs: Shaw of Potoine, III., are visiting Miss Catcher. * (_ V Miss Ina and MissKEthe1 John- ston ,of Toronto are holidaying here. ix `Mrs: Josephi Day has. returned from Torgnto, where she had been visiting friends. ' 11' v-\ no r!` . n 1.!" i 1\iIis_: Shiv-v, Toronto, and Miss `Phillips of `Hamilton, are visiting at the Culross home. ' Miss Wilkinson and her- nViece,.i Miss Jessie of Orillia. are spending` 21 pleasant few daysvacation here. 1`: 1 t . I 1 1' (V; .1 } Miss -Sadie was here for Thanksgiving._ 7"1V\/I'1'vs:V2~1r-1dZc*:r1Z)urg and [daughter oil Hami1t0n, `visited Mr, and Mrs, Al-l `bet-t "Webb recently. V E 2 (IW<;td1sta11e 0f..Stroud! "visited her sister,.Mrs,` W. B.,Webb| :>\'e`rV Sunday. a\nd Monday_lastV. Mrs. Harry. Alleni anxdu Master` Earle are visiting friends in Toronto` and London. ' _;_ i - V _ 1 Mr. Albert I-I'unt has returned to iMez1ford, where he assumes :1 higher_ pposition on the G.T.R. than he form-L lerly enjoyed here. I 71- 1 r \I1_-,1-.,-,1_ ..--.Ii V` "'-IVJ "' " "J "~- . Miss Hodgins of Woodstock and] Miss Small of` Mount- Forest and? Miss Kennedy and Miss Pass, both`; [of Toronto, all of the teaching staff; Ehcre, visited` their respective homcsi [during Thanksgiving. A ~ T g F .1 1 . `l"\,_ . x*"""'a u . -- ! Ths many friendsof the late Dun-{ `can 1\Ic.Mil1en, Jr.,Wwi1l be sorry *0 `hear of his demise in T0ronto,Junc- tion rccently., The young man con- tracted that mu_ch dreaded disease,` 'c(:11su1nptio11,,and after `ghting `the _---.1n-I_- I-.n.ar\:nnI`qu `tyne ;f\I`l`t`-II" 1-n (lI1;f Cl,'l|Dulll}JLlUll A' auu. a|L\.; IIEIILIL-5 malady heroically,` was forced to the eld. His parents and Mrs, T. P.`Loughead attended the funeral. A wife and ve .hildten 1TlOl1I`11. are left to 1 1 The Court of Revision "for the Town Voters List continued in sues-, S1011 daily last week, and conclu_ded lon Friday. His" Honor, Judge Wis- mer presided, thecounsel engaged in the cases being A. E. H. Creswicke, *K.C., and. W. A. Boys. The pros~. pect of a vote on Local Option next January-had.added rather more than the usual interest to this y-ear s court, and both sides fought hard to im-i prove their voting strength. ` In the ~ aggregate results, about 48 names were added to the` Voters List and =;a,,'pout -103 others were struck off, `be- - sides various changes .and correc- tions. `A provision in the .law, re--' . quiring _tenants to reside in the town, disqualies some `others _who_ ,were not struck off owing 't_o.gett1ng no jnotice by email of thesittmg of the " c,o'uf_t. i ' ` . V " -NM. of The .-\d\'ance. b 1 "Dear sit-,--l was more than su_r;_- the recent discussion "which 3 place in the Countys -vC`o_'unci C0nCQ1`lllll_;` .\|r, .\lills` rnanner in the SL_hO0]r(}(.m tm\'at'(l teachers, Iwwould W H, ,;t_\~ that during a number of Mr,` in the teaching profession, un iigr different lnspectors, I have found We more courteous, none more able and willing to advise,, than Mr. .\lill.~`. He, himself a successful teach- , and thoroughly understanding my tlitiieulty and sympathizingy with the teacher in her efforts to ,`.\-mmne them, makes his visit onc\ 91' plezt.~;nt'c as well as of prot. This inspectorate is not unique in bgmg unable to retain good tea- chers. We, of the noble profession, have also the love of lucre, and the incl that we are in the progressive Count_\' of Simcoe, does not counter- l:ltlZlIlCC the extra fty,dol1ars offered in the next Inspectorate. I cannot, however, understand how my te.-telter. successful in a school l UUlll, ur endeavring to become suc- qcssfitl. could con1{)1ain of Mr. Mills tltattttc1' toward her. I therefore do mg; helieve that any teacher in Mr. .\lill~' lnspectorate ever left a school ht`.'ttt.\`e of .\Ir. Mills` discourtesy. unless such teacher miscalls needed 7.ll\'lk`(` and criticism discourtesyt. If the more discourteous Inspectors tltcre are the better for the educa- tlrml interests of Ontario. l-`t-~sliti;,* sure that I am voicing the (DillltIll~ of the progressive teachers: /E the wltolc Inspectorate in the =::t:tttet'. l am ' Tlhel Barrie . Cudrlidng. the following oicers_ meeting held in the ;Ru St.," on Wednesday eve` -* run. A "um; u--.-:--o The Barrie.Cur1inge Club elected` officers at the annual the ;Rink,Cla'pperto\n St., evening 1ast:-- ` Hon. `Pres.', A. Hay; P:-es., H. E.` Jory; Vice `Pres/., J. B. McPhee; Se c.~-. '1 reas.A A.i F A._ Malcomson; Chap., Very d Rev.- Dean Moyna; Representa- tive .toAO ta.1`io,Ass., A. Brownlet; Alternative, . `Jory; Exe'cut_ive' Com., A. E. Stap eton,-_Byron King. and- W. E. Todd ; Aud1tors,:,lH`./`J. Graset_t,"e T...,Crew.- . Q _ ~ `N 4-_.-..-..!.. `\l\f\l(`G Grasett, '1. brew. The T reasurer s books showed the Club to be in good standing, the : _ being a_ balance on hand of $55.00. A motion .;om Tmentarynto thz. re- tiring `Secret`a,ry- reastirer was `pass-' ed unanimously .for th efcient mannern in ` which pe-r.o_rmd-. V I hi's dutigg pad bn- .-. -;."-}a;.:AA' 5 confer with; It was` also dec the membbrs ~ of wiih ,-the ..ob.iect V :-spiel V in` Ba:-ijie _thi ACROSS THE BAY VOTERS LIST` COURT.` de.c"ide`d to confer with bbrs the,.Thistle Club, j_ob_j ect df _hoMin_g .a bon- 3j3ifi;lJB` _th?1s%vst1A11e._tf. -' ; OOOO E: mu cm an Day, of Burk s Falls,j a short time during HCIOLLIER sr- M'F.TH; ODIST`, V CHURCH. . N xt Sabbath is'Quarter1y Meet- ing. `Love Feast at 9.30 am. in` the` schoolroom. Sacrament at the morn-i ing service.` In the evening. the. past0r s subject will be "The Soul s Longing AfterGod. " % l A LORD S` DAY ALLIANCE. The regular rneeting of the Barrie Branch of the Lord s Day Alliance, will beheld on Thursday ,evening_.! .Nov. 3rd. in the schoolroom of -Col-l llier St., Methodist Church. A111 friends of the cause are cordially` invited to. be present. 1 `THANKSGIVING `SERVICES AT} TRINITY. V X "Large congregations attended the special Thanksgiving services at Trinity Church on Sunday. The Rev. Baggnes-Reed of St. John's Church, Norway, Toronto, occupied} the pulpit morning and evening and; delivered eloquent discourses, special music being supplied by the choir. MISSIONARY INSTITUTE AT * coLL1Nc.wooD. Arrangements are being made for a Missionary Institute to be held at Collingwood on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, November 27th, 28th and 29th; The Instituteis undenomina- tional and it is expected that work- ers in tlfe missionary cause through- out the Counties of Simcoeand Grey; will avail themselves of the oppor- tunity to take part in it. The churches, missionaryfsocieties, young people's societies and `Sunday Schools are invited to send delegates. " T L _-._ mum cu. socuzmzs i HONOR MRS. GARDEN} ,., took _\`e:1r.~` th GIL lllvnbwyg \.\J uvuI\.| ~.---c.,V, _The program has not yet beeni lcompleted, but it is expected that it_. will `include several prominent men and women engaged` in the `great work of the evangelization of the `world- `Copies of it will be_ mailed |to' all interested as soon as arranged. ` Present Departing . Treasurer With ' gt Handsome Brooch. _'! On Tuesday afternoon a jiointii jmeeting of the` members of -the? `Social and Working Guild and Wom-';_ ~an s Auxiliary of Trinity Church wasn. held to honor Mrs, "A. C. Garden, in; view_ of her approaching departure; ifrom Barrie. *<\fter tea had beenl aiserved, at which Mrs. G. Stephens` `presided, the Vicar, the Rev. Ernest ; J. Biggs on behalf of the two soc-I fieties, presented" Mrs. Garden with a5 ahandsonme turquoise and pearl ibrooch. In making the presenta-r ltion, the Vicar referred to" the very} `active part Mrs. Garden had taken. in these branches of Church life and work, especially. as, treasurer of the} W. A., and, on behalf of the sub- -scribers, expressed the hope that ini her new home and amid fresh sur-3 roundings,' Mrs. Garden might ex-E perience a similar happiness and` pleasure to that `which had character-ti lized her ' association with Trinity Church during her long `connection therewith. A hearty welcome would await her whenever she might: be `able in the future to visit Ba_rrie,and all joined in wishing her and her` )9 family God speed: It _ r- f__| In a few words.-Mrs. Garden feel- inglye acknowledged, the gift, saying, how keenly and deeplyeshe felt-the [severance of those ties with which, I T Una. V {quickly stops coulihs. cures colds. heals `the throat up-I! [unis - - - 25 cents. CHURCH CHIMES Your Home Grained and Demonstration B1 A Finih_ed* bx Your WlEEN3N S Owix Hands TH}E%NoRTH`ERN ADVANCE 1 `$36? Is what we infenll _demonstrafing for two days---Friday and Saturday of this week. Half an hour is sufficient to.learn the new process pfgraining. Come to _the Demon~ V stration' atjurv Store---Friday and. Saturday, Nvdzremhef 4th and 5th. 5131: OUR WINDOW MDISBIQAY NEWS ABOUT TOWN . . i i it in loving sympathy and work, she had b_eqn bound so long to .Trinity - Church and its -various organizations`. i She would carry away with her the! happiest memories of her life in Bar1_-ie and hoped to be able from ytime. to time to revisit the scene of so much happiness as had fallen to her lot in connection with Trinity IChu'rch, of which the loving gift` she had just received would be an constant reminder. 1' I 1":oo90999009: Goa! `chars strictly high-gde nierriow - Phone No. 23 ...Ue|ivered When You Wish...

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