Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Nov 1910, p. 2

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W. AULT,. BARRISTER, `SOLICI- V tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyance:-, etc. Spepial attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guard-{ ianship, collecting accounts, etc. Ofces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to loan. ` -._-. L.R.C`-.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 85 S. Giasgow ` ----SURGEON-- Having penu years Post Graduate work in`; British ospitals and having served as clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8: Nose .Hospital,vLondon' Royal London Ophthalmic o itaumooreids) ; for 9. term as Resident H Sursoon in Royal London 0 hthalmlc Hospital; Bx-is lEye Hosfital, Bx-isto ;and Birmingham e Eye Hos Ital. B rminghatn ;former Member of British phthalmological Society; - 0FFICE--78 DUNLOP smrmr, BARBIE. "Phone 51. ' P. 0. Box, 96. L`, l ers, etc. `Established _______.____________.____:____._. UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, Ontario Lands Surveyoi-_s, Engine- 1852. Medical Building, S. E. comer Richmond and Bay streets, To- ronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructans `left `with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of To- --ronto Btiilding, Barrie, will be promptly , attended to. Office, i Late of Toronto General Hospital. Ollloe of the late Dr. smnn; comer St. Phone OI. 32-ly MA VUFACTURER OF Bllggies, Qarriages. Wagons Sleigh: and Cutters. -a\o4un- \\.___..- , - ' ` ""`f STRICT Piznsoxun. Auvrmu-"nu Dntn . 'Il ~ .1: ~ ._` -;-.`.___ __ ','* ' to all stations (`hulk 1 inclugivc: and I9 .\13<`j L Cowan, G. E. I. Brown, LL.B. ENNOX," c6VvAN & BROWN, -Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administratioxyand general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Ofces, Hinds block. No. 6 Dun- lop street, Barrie. .Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch of- ces at Creemorc and` Alliston. Haughton Lennox, K.C.. Alex. I 1 -No. 51 .. ,7.50o.-m 56--no _ . V lncluswc. xd t0,lws1 mu.\...,... .: ` ; ' L ` T Q0 '1 und .\'c-w1mu1s\\'xc1~'- 4;.-. ---a __ OCT. 20 T0 NOV. 12 CRESWICKE & ALEXANDE `Dane-1.:-I-no-Q crs'|:n:LAo-a l\: LL- C DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARL- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.),Eye and Ear HospitaI,l will be "at 67 Owen St._. Barrie, every Saturday. Disc-ases--Eyc, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. ] STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS-| ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice,"Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofces over the Bank of` Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest` current "rates. G. H. Esten. j--------------------~---------- 1 IDR. `ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI-I cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty~-Eye, } Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and` , residence, cor. Elizabeth and Brad-I } fofd Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone r 105. Box 456. { . G. SMITH &v CO.,T PHONE 82. Established_ .1869. ' .Unde1-takers. `Open day and ,`night. Morgue and cha'pel in connection. Barrie, On- -.-----------------------------1 [DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN,- Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L. . R.C.P., London.` Office and `resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone 77. DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF Churchill, Ont. Oice and resi- dence,.John St., near corner Eliza- beth. Phone 213. H. T. ARNALL, M.D., C.M. `OF-I cc, in 'BOthwell s block, Allandale. On the premises at night. `DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. THOMPSON CREW, PUBLISHER .8 II`\I.I 911$`: I | ~ 1 " _[ best companies l\t. "AIlan lgl:;_e;;_gnd R. 788. Co's } 1I\S_!1.!`ance- .lU\JlB\J "1 Eye. Eatjulzlose Throat. )R. J. A. C, EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: \Villiam street, `Allandale. Tele- phone 30 a. At Stroud Office: 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander.` 'L\l_}J" .l.\JJ.\L'4 \& f1L.4J..'JJXI'\.LVl. .|Q1\, Barristers, Solicitors of the Sugl preme Court of Judicature of On-I tario, Proctors. Notaries, Convey~{ ancers, etc. Money to loan. .Of-1 ce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. r.I.\. _v. 11. .l.l`\.l.\.|._, `LrI(."\lJUi"\.l]L U-bl Trinity University, Toronto, Edin-I borough and Glasgow and "Post -Graduate of` University College, London. Office and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until 8 p.m. Phnne ]'2A E-\.- IJPCII T\fi1:)ne 124. ;. A.` RADENH.URST.' BARRIS-1 ter, Solicitor, .Notary Public, &`c. Ofcf-. ,`ISt oor Bank of Toronto Building: Money to loan at low- est rates. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS HON. CHARLES MURPHY _IS PILING UP TROUBLE FOR HIMSELF. . OPPOSITE ROSS ST. JOHN B}_A'RR S?0LD-STAND V A._ HART, `GRADUATE OF Fur tttt 1-:4-.- _.__._......__ UNDEREXKERS. M. D.. C. M. (1`or.) `sURvEYoiRs4. PHYSICIAu,;_> LEGAL. 32-13 gum _ADVA`.}'CE largest clrculatzon Town. It has also by fa I renei rm: @hsf3J.%*!t*t%!.s*_?v`I its patrons. If you (llmnonstmms th ` v _ ".'1_ual1t place it with the paper 11.2" ad`m' m not a.fra1(_1 to pay the dver!:1se_ments an fm '1`RANSIE.\"l` ADV Legal_ Not_iccs. _AuCIirm _e .--F1rst1nsert1un 1: m subse uent insertion 5 mt Rea` ingr nnth-n~ II- l uuusca:al_1enElllSC_x'tl0n (`:-nt.-; Re . mg notmcs, 10 mm insertion ; 5 cents pr-r 1im- f insertion of the szmw mu! 1.- 50 Der line. 1..-...-, \,u.\H{.\"T ('1{..\ Advertisers will ]I`l`{l'\'(1 1, notice ofintvnth>n to gun rnustbe handcdinto Mu-nu Saturday at 10 O'l,'luI:k, uml change1nusthein'rHrIAI 1ater_than I2 0'cl04:k mmn ( week. otherwise thv ad H-r1i.= may not be made public um ing. ` ,.,,\.,,.,..m.-. LI_cENs_.1;D Auc'1`ioNm| uua` ur..\ar.u .~\l)\'I-LP." Coniensed m \'(-1Ii.wnwm as wants of all kinds. 103:3 for sale or to rent, .~:p--itiv must be accomvaniccl wilh * ' FOR THE coumv orumuczqo? Most reasonable terms given 0:: a1 Stock Sales T. In: em mmui Ml J. n. n n ` BARRIE GERS om. iWM.GALLlE Carpenters and B '1 -`Q ;n l.).x\Idn`I:I.' '. b...`,nUf`1"1llI`f`r: Al I and Ilnnlnrcx ])_'-S\-(.`{ L`n}"_r "'5--uu'J Doors Frames - , I Turl :'.:'.'.s ::::.';es . gfgf Tanks and Water T ` Cynreggggns (Pine ` Planin , M t-1` - , `` `h39i`fi:.+ I,I[:'Iil'1I('l71rl1..(-:"v\ `Cuts for advcrtiscmcnt.<. case be mounted onsoli -An 8 P730 48 0o|nmnl;ew_Ipupor, Published {tom the olce. 123- Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the County of Simooe, the Pro-. Vince of Ontaric. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by 15:. John `him FEW , , __ __...4- COM 31 [C114 Rates will be ,L:i\'0n NEXT DOOR TO THE.` MAKES YOUR sxn? LIKE VELVET- Tm: _ADVA`.\'CE -T3881? cu-anln ti nu , Monkmatfs Glycedonia. Has :1 111ar\~;iI rough skin. One 0 tions will rcnmv; I and by its Cvccasi skin acquires the St softness of :1 baby : is not stick) . and 5 worn a few 111011131: it. Price 15c and ful after shaving. \l:`rvv- " n.I=,1~cuIaR- e""' # Daily including Suhdayf. Druggist. Brewed Entirely from the Finest Mal! and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST B A R R I E BARBIE BREWlNG BQMPANY ,'pcllu:!'5 anu t5lHl(I','I`.i. and Dealcrsrin all kind `THC.-4.11 I .. Splendid ALE and roan-I The Best and Brightest in Cask and Bottle Boilers. Engim,-S and It farm and stutionmy m.-u-hi and repaired on . moderate prices. IS 0 on for ullnrrIu1'~in(`. .MI L REP.-\lI{S.\\' . _ All work dom- nst zmdg1w.1-aum GEO. MONKMAlf{." CRAIGHURST, ONT. coxozsxssn An\'1~;n' nnnnd .. .1 _ Expert Machinists 'w.u:1ung. .\lm.ll I Hot Blast hr)`1n.;I\1ln. CONTRA! .'=s1nu.llKInrH of Rt I)r(:s~'-cl Lmnbc-r Stairs Shingles Ill_A--- PHONE 136 BARRIEA RAILWAY GUIDE. . Mk River to Port `Arthur 3 best hunting pumts In 1 `New Bumswick. -_A l'I.\[. ADVERTISI lmn 9" .\'G. In R` cu! m _& Grookerl (.'HA.\'GF.F. l .: hear in V- !i1HL5f adu ,,. ,.m ' *11.oo p m..coba1i: Special . .. $.10 a m ' 10.40 a. m 1`oronto 8c Northay 5 15 p m 8 50 p m..North Bay.... 12.5 p m 8.20 p r`n.."1`o1_-unto & Midland 7.48 a. m Gravenhurst . . .. 9.351! In cnts mus zsohrl m : |.l.?CrS nnt1lIl' ntsnn rstpa [ . I I f 39 51 :13 :{n:`. .".T`,' P'De or I_wo applica- the rougnness, sional use the .='3Joot}mcss and Glycedonia Collingwood and*~Meaford. . T0 _ FROM 53....10.27am No. 5t....7.47 33513111 , T 42....1.05 _- _ -- w- ----c - 'I`raLin No. 17 *1} 61 ll .85 ' I 67 I on mac} class ITANNERY `.\%'I'I.\'(;'.~'. rgll kinds of umcrjx made HOIXU: an-I 1198552 nus: in eve." metal baa ES s may be fer using Delight- fie-Sawlng. 23....10.15a.I;1 7.50pm Barrie. page such - property fbllow. }ns : and Thursday, November 3_,` I910. :umWam u"3$pm `oc'\u p In Trauma or Sunscmrrrox. RECIPROCITY. Main Line; Mu? Hamilton. Penetang. 51 .`.'.'.'}'.'47 a m p m 06 ll! EQl.._. There is this to be said.of Hon. R. H. `Scott, the late Secretary of State, that when he was in ofcehe did not interfere with the old. Conserva- tive employees who were thoroughly competent men, nor did he, as `the representative of the Irish Catholics in the `Cabinet, allow his. religious convictions to interfere with his sense of justice," but the same can- not be said of his successor. ` His aim is to get rid of the old timers. Every Conservative vote driven out of Ottawa helps the Liberal party,; for the country generally seems to. look to Ottawa for guidance in its voting. .Even with the wholesale introduction of by Liberal votes into `the city during the last few years," `the people of the city have become -so disgusted with `the prevail- ing condition of things, and the barefaced thievery of the public purse, that `with Sir Wil- frid Laurier himself as the candidate .at the last election the Liberal maj- ority, was reduced from about 1,000 `to 400. Every civil servant `outside or inside, was forced to the polls` `to :-make the result sure. No. 53.. 10.25 a m V 5i'n....7.5 p.m w_Goin`g BEIZIAIEISE 3 ES LKGIII '1`: No.| '46 U0 =?| "f-ryinjtb inak it ap:pai' . t.l1a`~th'e intefests of LtheLCanadianfa-rmer are Opposed - to `the interests `of _the man_ufacturer_. and as a result Wt: should have reciprocity. i The County Council set a danger- ous precedent when they passed a resolution asking the Minister of Justice to consider the commuting of the death sentences on Thomas McNulty and Mary Dolan. Aside altogether from the question of whe- ther the crime for which they `have been convicted is one for which the_ death penalty should be inicted, there is ce_rtain machinery provided for the `administration of justice, "and ' bodies which have no responsibility-in the matter, such` as the_Countyr Council, should not invade the province of the courts, unless under the most excep- tional circumstanees. Once the `practice is begun,` it is apt to go" on until it becomes a scandal, interfer- mg seriously with the course`o`f/)us- tice, There is a sickly sentimentality" abroad which prompts individuals` to interfere in such `cases, ` and prevents" men of stronger 1 mind from .V saying No! But it is remarkable'- that." a resolution _ so, ,:inani_f_est1y outside} `the 'Council s s'ph`e_re`; should vhavje: ijbeein passed` ._,;without` protest-,, stand _;suows either @a. ewoerui ._lack*;6f back`-b7c>:'nej,~ zor` ', amai-vjiellous ' yvantf. of j_a1)_pt_"Ci3_.ti01'_i.:"`()"f`i T"!t;ifneSfiof tthinss~,+o;ri11iai?ai' ~'r11e greatest manufactnrer in Can- .ada. to-day isthe farmer. The farm- er of Canada _us'e-s moxfe labor, has `a larger expenditure on plant, runs moremachinery than any other.class in this Ucountry.~ They wofk along the most scientic plans, and has a result no other `industry-is as high- ly developed as agriculture; ' l - HE ONE great question that is agitating the minds oivthe `people of Canada at the pre-. sent time is, who. of call the `inhabitants_ of this fair Dorrginion wis'h for Reciprocity with t'he`=United `States, -.-Wbuld the lumbermen ,of Canada 1_>embe'netted by7 suchfe treaty? _ Our lumber is brought into comfpetition; with .t4he"'VSouther;1'i 'iS,i1t`aLt.es_ product, __and here; Wwfe y, that owing to { th.#;el1.AeM:I.j;_Li- ltboi-4-'Lt,(heief1_ y` coljcn-.V'e,`_d_I -,vhi3:1i?:+i`s-:`%1fis`es_i;i; i'n`i _t:1: i. m.aaf5*ur , A, ' Even patriot souls that are said to be cankered with hatred of the Brit- ish ag m.ust -be thrilled by the story. of how the Irish priests of Lis- bon walked and Vworshippedn in safety, kept unmolested and secure by the Jack. And the Union Jack in Lis- bon was well employed in shielding priests of a faith and British sub- jects ofva race that have been repre- sented in the ghting line of every `British battle. ` ing Mr. Han-na s way this week, One of the greatest experts in work. with the feeble- minded, Mr. Alex. Johnston, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, has just declared thatfor the superintendency of an idiot asylum a` medical man is not i VERYTHING seems to be com-! necessarily required, and a _ layman with good {ability is probably` a bet- ter manager. This answers the `partisan objections to the appoint- ment of Mr. Joseph Downey to. the Orillia institution. Now,. Capt. A. H. St. John, of the Penal Reform League of Great Britain, commends the new Guelph e Prison Farm as the greatest thing I have seen,` and the very best in the world. The Provincial Secretary seems to be. doing his work well. La Pattie says that cotfary to` general rumor, it is unt`rue_ that Mgr. Fallon was :31 part ofV thc Oyangye .d_e--1 1egation' .x.v11ic11Hwaite_d. on ;th1e. .pA'_iTin1C.. jini11i`,ster xof _ .C).A1VIt-a_r'io` ` '-1'f".'g'.L'1'.(lbVir1__ scho?>1s%L[Tf Swsment. V-Russs=?11;%? " ab = s.n`*a. lENA.TO'R Melvin J-ones. makes the statement that under free , trade, or reciprocity, the large manufacturing rms ~ of _'the- East vsjould have to move to theUnited States "in order to compete on an equal basis with the manufacturers across the line. Reciprocity on most articles, he adds, would be more benecial to the United States than to Canada. `Statements such was ` these from a well-known Liberal" make the, campaign of ' the Toronto Globe more .and more,my- sterious. W`h__at can be at the bot- tom of this attempt to create a feel- ing in favor of a policy that will be more beneficial. to the United States than to Canada. 4Only,. a few-7 needy politicians would prot by theepcampaign `funds that `the.trusts of the Republic across the line "are willing `to subscribe in order to carry out a reciprocity campaign in Canada so they can con: .trol our markets. Do the rnanufacture`rs Of Canada Vwant Recipgocity? A A ; The answr. to` this win `be found {in an articl of last week in `this paper. ' ' "r"' Now thAque4s_tion is, \\'110 WiSheS for Recipnjocity with - the - Ui1ited States? ' V I THE UNION` JACK IN LISBON. ON. Charles Murphy is a. young Minister who ostensibly has` . been cleaning up the Govern- ment Printing Bureau. There were scandals undoubtedly which he and the Government refused to- inquire into when the Opposition asked for it. But when he found that the probing he instituted was affecting good Liberals who had been supply- ing the Government with goods, -he stopped and turned his efforts to the real purpose of the inquiry, This purpose is to get rid of the old em- ployees whoawere appointed - before the Librals came into office. Men who have been in the government service for twenty or thirty years are being turned adrift in their def- clining years. They are being dis- missed without being given a rea- son. ` i A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT. ?1EEDLEss Loss `OF LIFE F? AND A % WEALTH. Q ~ it alibi? `resiil_.ting'i` from the . V interest: resfin ` the VRainy" River "Disr- t rictp'last week will make;-tha_t ter- . rible event" goddown into history as . one of": thei_.rn.ost disastrous forest. _re_sp in , North America. It is `possible at present to think of any- thing but the pi-tifu'1 human su_lTeri-ng thathas resulted, The property loss, however, will have to be borne in "mind, immediately, and it is in this connection that, as a lesson to the country, the event will havea for- cible moral. The propertyliloss `of this /great realone, if it. had been` "wisely spent in the establishment of re protection `services, would have been suicient to do; everything that human ingenuity can devise for the prevention of forest res. It is a humiliating reection upon human nature that after an event of this nature we are so often ready to pour out our resources, yet beforehand, even with the `lessons of experience _to assist, we (that is to say, our gov- erninents; who are primarily respon- sible) will dispute and haggle and procrastinate indenitely over the apportionment of ridiculously inade- -quate sums of money for the protec- tion` of_the forests. Moose meat when found in the cotnmissariat of lumber camps proves expensive; "Two provincial constabl- es examined .a lumber camp at Pearl Lake -in Thunder Bay. district, and found that-the men'1 -were fed on `moose meat. W. Russell, ma- agex-~of~.the company.-. operating the :camp,. pleaded guiltyljto; the charges of infr_ae_1;io`n of theiflaw and was,n- ned; $565; nand:c0sts in...-`%h-\3S-V e n aught in a Stoi-m.-Messrs, Car- ley and Barr and someothers who came up to_ the late regatta, ' left when it was over, for Orillia. On` their way they" were caught in a fearful storm and had to make their way to the nearest land, where they stayed all night, awaiting the Ida Burton. The captain of the steam- boat; seeing the position -they were in, took them on board and carried. them Orillia. I The Packet--AA new paper to bear the above nameisv about to be pub- lished in" Orillia. We do not know anything of its parentage or who its godfathers and godmothers are to be, but we rather expected to find our `neighbors getting -another shine, e as their light has bn ickering somewhat lately and we know that they. rather like 1 a `steady blaze. W'hen the Packet appears we shall have nine weekly papers published in the County, of which eight will belong to the North Riding. Pretty good for .North.Simcoe.. _ i Market Prices.--Fall Wheat, $1.10; Spring, {$1.00 tb $1.03; our, mixed, $5.50; Peas, 55 to 60; cats, 28 toasvb; butter, I5 to 18; eggs, I5; hay, $7 to $9; ,beef,- $5 to $6; pork,` $6.50 to $7.50; pqtatoes 25 t0 3o; gucks, 40 to 50; geese, 35" to so; turkeys, 60 to 70. . - . . ! iHeavy freight for Orillla and` Muskoka-Th,e Ida Burton takes out an enormous` quantity. of merchan- dis'e for Orillia and the North, run- ning as high ias` twenty--ve to thirty tons at E1 `trip. ` -The international natur_e of the Rainy River re maybe _the nieans of showing the problem in its pro- per light. Thereshould be no con- tentment with one or two provincial or state forest, "protection services. An international commission should be established, with power and {means to handle the question. There protecting its forests, unless" all neighboring forests are protected. Had the Province of Ontario pro- tected its forests `properly they would not have been saved from the ames starting across the bor- `der and vsweeping everything be- fore them. The same problem has "presented itself to individual lumber- men who have not been willing to spend money in protecting their own timber limits, when all adjoining own- ers have not been compelled to A do the same. Many lumbermen in Out- ario to-day would be glad to burn the slashings wleft after their wood operations, if` the law would "com- pel their neighbors to do likewise. But_the law simply provides for the appointment of re rangers to guard the forests and makes little or no provision for removing the cause. One might just as reasonably leave S no use in one country o1-`province this premises in a highlyinammable condition and spend 5- lot of money. upon a fire alarm system.---Christian l . , _Guard1an. $1.00 PER ANNU_M IN A I lVI\l U0 LII} IDSVCIAI A CV16 l5iIANCE._ UNITED STATES SUBBCRIBERS $1.50 IN ADVANCE 'No new name will be added to the Sub- scription List until the money is paid. Q_I._-_2I...._;. -..a. I... a---nAn-n CA`: Oknnn vandal-`\n FROM THE ADVANCE OF 1870.. Too MUCH MOOSE. ` ?_ TEE TN ORTHERN[ ADVANCE The institution will be organized` undeihthe name of the Cobalt. Young. Men's Christian Association . and. - `will be administered by. -a, board of direct- ,or__s` .se"lect'ed `by _tj1e_n1 e _mbers of .`f_it`he,~ .associat011'v1ft9ni` r1.>TeSe`z3.t tii\r.j.es .ti:n min;esgamd,i9f.ss1!ii .; Fihef: Fully equipped _with Lathes. Planer, Harry &;.mWdIfende'n Ill Qnnnlnl an`... n__..|_ 1 fgooooooooooooooo9999990092 i `.~;am:..a;;i.i 3-1;-e'e}.';-1'-Ea". ooouooooooooooooooooowu (iqing North. -I`....... . V V --v-v`--vv uruullvu IVVUII. mm illustrated week! . IA:-gut amnion ogmuny oclentlno jonrn nl. Terms ?:|.- smsveor.poItusuvnvald- Bomb: ..:::-'":.!3a':r.:':.-:m:'..::.*::'.:.':""mv Invent on ll probably I: omxnnnlca. HOII Itc 00110110113 ll. I031 ; f|`OO. t on Patent: dent agency for 3 nu. lilgtioc. ggthtog. hnmguugtgncgmn All) Quick lnvan wmamocm. wltuontohu-co. tnt.Eg"' ""` sclemmc Jlmericau Lhandnomely muenna wmnc. mg... -.. For Yog_tj SCO'I`T S A Safe Savings Account in Fhe Bank of Toronto is a much better proposition than an investment in stocks or -bonds, thereal value of which is unknown to you and the A ,matk?3t for which is uctuating; uvnsyvavu Aauivv unauna vuv away; on ya...- Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over win be charged $1.50 per annum. . Money IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interestis paid ever}? 6 mos., and your money is available i to you whenever wanted. LIBHTREADINGI ron THE FALL . EVEN|NGS_ And other Users of Machinery when m Barrie call and see the MILLMEN! TI-IRESHERS! - FARMERS! INCORPORATED 1355 Barrie and Allandale Branches C. R. LA'l`lMl_.':R, A Manager BOOKSTORE. Barrie New Machine Shop comuxr pRoGREssiNG. It will thus be seen that where the Government is known best, ' there the people ,rose to destroy it,i but they could not. It was the people against the machine, and the ma- chine did the trick, but it just scrap`- ed home. equipped with'Lo.tbes.'Planer, (3. Drill. at Tho B ank of Toronto Capital $4,000,000. Reserved Funds $4,818,000. Exactly the same as regular $1.25 Edition. ' Have you seen that line of A cloth-bound Books at 500. -4-A SAFE -SAv1NGs :~' ---ACC()UNT. ` pent 4 iears tish ha.ving_ serygd `nn3n6no.L In t`1-I.J-~ A` STEWART` -& ` STEWLART, BAR- -risters, Solicitors, Notarigs` Public, and-Conveyancers. Money to loan -` in any sums,at 5 per cent. Office, 13 Owen St., Barrie. `H. D. Stew- _ art, LL.D., D. M. Stewart. `Train arrivals and departures ?a't 5nd. from Barrie are. as follows :. T

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