Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Nov 1910, p. 1

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& II\o Monday, Nov." the afternoon. --Childre1;7;- Felt Tams in all: colors, 25 cents, at Sarjeant & King s. 1-! `I ,1 1 . 'A. F.'A, Malcornson-, the Insur- ance and Steamship Ticket Agent, i-has removed his ofce to the new hKing Block. ' S -e . .1 _ ---Cannel Coal $7.25 per _ton' at G. ScQtt s. _ V43-44. ` Excursioutraie was exceedinglyl heavy on Saturday, the depot p1at-; form being crowded on arrival and; depa_rture of every train. ` In 4- on - n -fA ic loaf 0} is Bryson 5 Homemade.` "'l"'7""' "" "" `Guy Bros Minstrels, with their` ashy uniforms and silver comet band will pay their annual visit to day The show is said to be the- ;best carried in years, t i `V ' -/1 In l ` .-Now is _.the.- time to use `Carmel. icoalin your grates. Buy it_ at :Scott s. - a 43-44 The following members of Barrie :Lodge, No. 63, I.0.0.F.,' attended a District meeting at Cookstown on" ;Monday: W. C. Andrew, C. Jones,` W. P. SO.L1leS,'Ji10. Bebb, 1 . i\ICLZlI`t_)', `H. G. Robertson. ' V -A Lady Demonstrator on house nishing and graining, will be the centre of. attraction at H. H.lOtton5 & Son s `Hardware, Friday and Sat--' urday of this week. .All are invited! to come in and learn the new pro-| cess. - 4444. 1 ; T-VCar_ of fresh mined can1;r'e_lcoa1 just arr1ve_d at J. G. Scott s. 43-44 ' A union Thanksgiving service was! held in the Baptist -Church on Mon-! day morning. Rev. 1. G. Bowlas,' Pastor of Collier -Street Methodist,i delivered anueloquent discourse. The. other clergymen taking part in the se_rvices were, Revs. Dr. Booth, J. `Hipkin, A. `VB. Hiubley, and J. Elder. { `71 ! --Wear'the Harvest King guar-E lanteed Overalls and (Smocks, $2.25` |the `suit. 'Sarjeant & Kings, sole lagents. ' V 1-\- n.-,-_ ,__L-_- 1 _,.__ 2- ._.- i 3- ..Mr.eR0y Stone, whose home isou ;Mu1caster street, Barrie, was one of `the unfortunatettrainmen who were Hnjured in the head-on collision om lthe C.P.R,. near Orangeville on the! R28th. On receipt of the news, Mr.| I I Arthur Stone, brother of Roy, p1-0-? ceeded at onceto the scene of the} |disaster; . .- T Qluuuvvn - ---Fownes Gloves for men are thei best; $1 to $3. to be had only at Sar- jeant & King s. ff`! 9 1|, . 9 A_`_A ,_-I,1_ ,_`_ A: lleyun-w U. --.--5 .. The followers of the noble art of Isaac Walton still continue to [brave the elements in quest of the -nny inhabitants of the _bay. The hauls are not so large as in pre-' 'vious weeks`, but the cropiof sh yarns ,will, no doubt, be as numerous 3 [as ever. ` -Spices' for pickling-pure, whole and ground, in bulk and packages. Garlic, peppers and all essential con- diments for pickling, at Bothwelrs.` I` ______ _ 1- A..- -1! 4.1.: ulluhiuts pvt rnvunupa, .. _-....._.__ __ That Simcoe County is one of the` most productive in Ontario was de- monstrated by a picture` publihsed in: .the Sunday World of this week, The engraving. shows'a eld of broom corn, averaging twel,ve feet` high, and "n the foregroundw stands -Major` Currie,.the popular member, who 1 much interested in successful farm- t Kine- Illay - i ---See our fancy Tweed Ulster ,for men," with convertible colars, easily adjusted; $10.50` to $18.00 Sarjeant & A meeting oftthe shareholders of J M In . . . .. a....'\ Rhodes, 5oc..;' S. El`lio_,v 5oc.; Jno.` Tart, `5oc.; W; Buie - 5oc.; Jno. Rob- in-son, 5oc.; Jno. Mulroy, 5oc.;" W. J; McGuire, 5oc.; W. H._ Spa:-ling, 5oc.; -Jas, McGinnis, 5oc.; G. Shana- han, 5oc.; Jno. ,Coy'le, 5oc.; B. Rich-: v-....|-..o{ `ago A IIIIJVI mg. il'l'S0, SOC.; JIIU. .Luuuu_y, 3-4..., ,,_, McGuire, Sparlmg,` 50-$ McGinnis_, nhan-, 5oc_.; Rich- [ a-rdson`, 25. V , L ' T `Goods. Donations. L ` L:Th_omp;son,.75c.; W. .A. Upton, soc:;~;_;; H; G_reenwood,v V. 5012.; :Richard Roe;-1-..o5oc.*o.:.._ ~G0`.';'>fE.,A R9,,__$`1.25; . .13, 1_1 1:2 h1m.'1; (: 'r 1 lLCUI.|u5- V; on .p....... (Continued on page -give"). r Two NEW OFFICERS OF THE R. v. HOSPITAL Mn. F. R. PORRITT, President Perhaps we. all like to be prz1ised- It's human nature for us to like com- plimentary references -to our W01`1\ ..._. ..1.:1:+.. Thn A.rIuam-p rnnhassosl ,p1uucuLcu_y 1C1\.|L.u\..\.a `Lu vun qv. or ability. The Advance confesses to the general weakness and here- ;with reproduces what The Printer Wand Publisher, a monthly journali devoted to the printing and publish-"I ing interests, has to say. regarding a% [folder tnrned.ont in the job dept. rem ;'cently: ` 9 rnl. ._ A .1 KVIILIJ u ' T `It s your move, says The Ad- vance of Barrie, Ont., on the cover of an attractive and neatly-printed ifolder of brown cover stock, treated! lwith gold, green and brown inks. On the inside page the merchant of Barrie who desires to `jump .111: lprinting troubles and land in the `king row is_advised to `move in the, direction of The Advance oifceui where printing and` prices are alike` `right. The continuance of the `old-i time fondness for rush orders is alsoi am1,Q;gnced by The Advance." I`L.n (`I55-ienano co"|Ct'\I1 ic nnf inf illl~LQ`uuLcu u_y aux. Jxuvtlluww. The Christmas season is not far]. "in the future_.--only a few weeks-_--and the merchant who is looking for! some `out-of-the-ordinary advertis-` ~ing novelties can thoroughly rely ion ourjob department to supply hisl Hleed. The `king row is none too- [good for Bar'rie s merchants. Leti iour representative talk it over with `you. i nmssw srocx BARN ; E IN ONTARIOBURNED; u1n1;.n 9 1X1}. Barr` PRKISE FROM HIGH SOURCE. `Forty Thousand Dollar Blaze at ` New Lowell Destroys Toronto 1 City Daii'y s Buildings. 1 3}: There were in the buildings _at W the timeof the re 182 head of cattle`, and only two head were burn- ed. The entire year s feed was des- troyed, except what was in the "silos." The cause of the re is " un- known. ` ' ` . - The Toronto City .Dairy s Vbarn.-`.,i which were_ burned at New Lowell last Saturdgy evening, were the most extenslve and the most costly ibuildings .of their kind infthe Pro- vince of Ontario. . V A , 0 '1. 1...` Vlll\a\- U]. \IIIl.I-OI Av. These barns `were rst built by. the late Robert -Hay and Mr. Robert Pallin, present Postmaster of Barrie, about twenty.-four years ago, for the purpose of stock-raising. After the ;death of Mr. Hay the estate was iclosed up and nally came into the {possession of the Toronto. City_ I Dairy. Theepublic has no idea of the ex- tent of those buildings. The _cost in the rst place was "$22,000, and sincel the changing of the buildings from" stock to dairy purposes the addition- al cost would have been, when all lneeessary changes had been made, 'not less than $10,000 more. To._re- place those buildings would `cost not less than $40,000, owing to the in- creased cost of labor and material. The buildings. were in the form of a quadrangle.- The Jjrst part -of the foundation was of stone; four feet, wide by four feet high; then a ten-I -`foot brick. wall, fourteen inches`! thick, `and then sixteen feet lumbex-,. so that the w'al1s`wereV from .the bot- ,tom of` the foundation thirty feet jhigh. The roof was made of iron. 4 Icon, _A CRE]5IT SALE. W. S. Pigott will Asel1L by public auction at Lot 16, Con. 7, Vespra, on Tuesday, Nov. 15, I910, his entire .`,stp._c_ k- pf lxg.;- pigs, jimple-_ . - it Harp. Upon the death Qf MW Rog/cra'on., Mr. Bennett took up the work of the l'reasm'er for the bal- ance qf last year. T MR. J. H. BENNETT, Treasurer 3:8 ital. lvlde R d g` and). f0tss" Tgoobooooooooooobooooooooozi l I CC SOCIAL PARAGRAPHS VTVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV V7 i Q uvvunu I Inunuauu any V O _ . O 00906000OOQOOOOOOOOOOVOOQO - Capt. ,Lyon was in Torontoi [on Tuesday. i P. S. 1. Mills was in Town on{ |. E VVednesday. 1 Mrs. J. E. Wilmott is in Toronto ivisiting `friends. I Mr. VV. C. Ferricr has gone with. P. Love's hunt club. ` Mr. VV. C. Hunter visited Toronto` ion business last Friday. j i Mr. Lorne Tyrer was up from Tor-J 3onto for the"ho1iday. 1 \"`|-\J l\'.I. "'V' I-\/--V-*vJu ! ; Miss Jossie Switzcr is holidaying`: iwith friends at New Lowell. 1 % Miss Barry of Toronto iVsW.spending` ithe holidays with Mrs. Bidwell. .-\I",An AVJJDD ua1i_y U1 J.uIuuLu 13 cyylnulznbg v- - C, - the holidaysiwith '1M'r, `Beiinetfs puhlic career in Bar~ Miss Sheppard is the guest of Miss_ rie has given him an insight into the Urquhart: Charlotte Street A lecoiiomical and progressive adiiiinis- l, Dr. Bosallko visited his 'l)1'O tl1C1`ltrat on of civic affairs, his keen bus!- llln Michigan over the holiday. ` lnes judgnieiit having saved the I Mr. Clarence Griftlis of Midl:iii.r_1_.'Tp 11 many dollars in the lilcctrirz }visited'his parents over Sunday, Ligt t and \/\.7_ater\v0rks Dept. I ' `II -vr e vs an .1, , ,-,__A.l al _` All I` ' __`.-| Kl gnxslanwg ;.-\..-\..a V _- ....v------~,;- Mrs._ Rorke of ,Thornbury visited friends in Town over the holiday. V Ur. HQ1f_ord'.~\r(1agh of Toronto? [visited his parents on 'l`l1z1nksgivingf ` Day. ! \I'.. ]_I,...1\ .[)nu-5;-1`-r\91n xv;c;f:`Ifl 11;C' 1\/Iiss Helen Dougall was the guest: of- 'Stayn_er friends over Sunday. , u: p rru, ,1, ,, ,,.-2;_.1 * may. _ _ . A ! Mr. Herb. Pcpstozic \r1s1tf: hxs' `parents on SOph1:1 street dur1_ng thei : holiday. ' ` I b'-Ir v u 9 1\ Ft`! \1'\' ,"A?\"l`F`.I'7--Good girl for .-m`l:, Annlv tn `.\.`lT{.~`. i _i'liViIi':JCeo. visited his ;R10nday. `....v......_ , | Mr. Jack Reid, Toronto, spent the`: [week-`end with Mr. J. G. Durbin_.. gszmford street. ___ - _ q 'I\ I Mr. F,w1VI .' \`,\/'yatt of the Bank ofi } Commerce, Toronto, holidaycd in : |Town Monday. I --- . . rw. .r 1`. } Rev.Dr.* McLeod was in Stratfordii on Monday attending the wedding of! his grand-niece. . I 1]" V117! '. _ .__ ,\__L___ E Miss White, nurse at `the Ontario: iLadies -College, Whitby, is withi ,frier_1ds in Town. 3 Master Tom'and Miss Ida Cres-i wicke were home from col1ege"f0rl Thanksgiving. V -i "' .- `II I . F`. ----c,-. ` -IVES. 1VI.-X.'Hunt;- Mulcaster St., is; lspending a few days with her sonf [in Newmarket. ` `Th? Miss-_e'sV Pa11ing of St Mar- I I . Igaret s Colle_ge, `Toronto, are homej lfor Thanksglving. - I P ` Mrs. Grant spent a few days visxting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Saunders in Toronto, . 9'1 1{[is 75:6:-t Ii -'{i{ west Ward! School spent her _, holidays at her home in the village of Arthur. IN 11' I I 1 Mf. .0. T. Lyon of Toronto was holiday visitor at Cam. and M-s.` Lyon's, Owen street. v- - ,,, '_:- rr`1-_ \Vl'Il\(' H J|C;.L\' lblll &Il0\\'v.~I1`11r1'r'.:I 1':l\L`S.I 81n0l1n'.s'. mx liw H('(:l1I' gages. .\lM`_\}:'l`l!\'. Uunlou Sm-.-I U;H'Z`i(`,. J4J\.1lpsJ, xa--V .,---v- Mr._A M. Bock, forema_nV Of The Exam1ner,' spent Thanksgiving at his |_fQ`rmer home in Preston. I Huotor anti Miss Rhetal Brodie of Toronto were recent vis-[ 1tor_s' of Mrs. H. H`amilton. i ;'71'\}1'. 34;.` 55. " i2_og'rson, = comng-| wood, is the guest of his nephew, Mr. T.~ Cavena, Bradford street. I Sask., is holidaying with his mot`he1,! `Mrs... E._ Ellis, Owen street, Barrie. " II I u ,9 'l`_.____~;_,. -.7i\;Iri ` of Lockwood, .Johnsto1`1 "IS/I`:-1-1'sv11'z;11'l' gf -'l;_c;i'on to .spent the holiday at her father's,: `B/Ir. _Chas.- E. Partridge, Owen street.% it Ino.. T has gone` Ito Aurora Hto a.tte1_1d the funeral of! ihe; cousin, who d1ed th<:r%<: recently. ` A H J..- ; f_'1T\IIi`ss'-(;.`ve.lrtr1-1"cie " `riau of Syracuse.` .N.Y.,A is. spending a. few weeks w1.b `her. `niece, Mrs.'Wesley,' Mary stree{.l Miss Wilkinson .and Miss Jessie! W ilkinson I of Orillia we're holiday` guests of Mr..and -Mrs. J. T. Dougall. ' Mr.- and Mrs. R. `H. Butt of To-I '1-onto were - guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Jackson ov_e1< the holiday. I V . . _~Miss Viola ` Brownlee of Toronto` vlsxted her parents, Mr. and -'Mrs. A. Brownlee, Grove street, on Thanks- giving- I - _..-....l ` I OR \l.E linzix-e Stock of China. and Fancy ` G0011snH'hinu Hull ', at 8. rate on the dol- lar. Op:-n fur Iwn weeks. One of the best stands .in liau-x-i.,-. Apply L. Stephens, on the, prunism-~3. -3 44 | -__j, v` Mi;-s K. McNei1'of the Bell Tele-` phouofce, Cookstown, spent over .the holiday at her home, Dunlop Hstreetf T - _ _ ' .L__".iMisjS_ ;Et}gl,-Hunter and Miss He]-. d VI Lourd Qf Buffalo, N.Y.,E? parents on Sunday and_ s1,oio PER 'ANNuM IN ADVANCE 1 smmzcomss TI-INEIICINTS MUNIC L CONTESTS ! WILL BE EXCITING lCivic Slate Being Discussed by l * Electors. --'Mayor Will Likely : V Get A Second Term. 511110 WILL 111: 1911 11121av1=.:r lEx-Mayor Bennett and, Dep-Reeve | Caldwell in Running. T The battle for municipal honors will soon be on, and the prophets are making guesses as to who will ;be the chosen representatives of the ipeople around the Town Council Board-the men to whom is entrust~ ed the making `and repealing of the ilaws which, no doubt, will place jthe County Town of_Simcoe in the iforemost ranks of the well-governetl ;towns of Ontario. His Worship Mayor Beccmft whose admihstration has been Chii1'~ acterized by efciency and econ- omy, will, no doubt, receive gt second `term. At present there are no Irumors of any opponent to the Chief I Magistrate. : XPE1iH1NJF.l) S.-\l.ESM.-\N WAN'l`ED,--- To sell 1J1~:(`u1<-ndurs in this locality on fonlmiszioln. Suluplcs ready in December. U0Qdpro1JusiIi:ml'm' capable man State ex- Wlcncv. liolph 5; Clark. Limited. Toronto. Onumo. 44.47 . L Reeve Garden, having removed to Hamilton, will be out of the run- ning, and the question of a worthy successor to the popular Reeve is being discussed on the street." The [Advance has been informed that Ex- May0r Bennett is to be u czmdidzite gfor the Reeveship and he, when seen lpby a reporter, signied his intention {of crossing swords with all-comers. ';M'r._ Bennett's public .` R$m10r`~s2i':ys Aldermzm Craig will be .3 Ci111di(la.,te for the position of Second-Deputy Reeve, and that Sec- ond-Deputy Reeve Little will be :1 candidate for the position of First- Deputy Reeve, also that, Donut}- Reeve Caldwell will be a c:m<.li(l:ite for the Reeveship. By all uppe:ir:mc- les there will be few returned by ac- Iclamation tor I911. Any. qualied ratepayer 11:15 the _privilege of running for any of the [municipal positions in `the gift of" ithe people of the Town, hence no . 1'\2-.I.-,. 'D_Jn-L.4- '%ST.Ah`DREW S?_;CH0lR mum on TURKEY |.ls\. ywvynv Divine R-igh: Were Guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Leod at Complimentary Ban- quet Last Week. I I l ! I l A complimentary turkey dinner wvas tendered the chcnr of St. ;\n- }drew's Church by Dr. and Mrs. Mc- lI.eod in the basenient of the church llast Friday evening in consideration iof the valuable services rendered by ithe choir to the pulpit as well as to l the church. St. Andrew s Church has a good choir and deserve all the commenda- ition they receive. { Mr. H. E. Jory responded for the choir and spoke of the great work ithe cho4r had done and is doing for `the glory of God and the raising of the song services to a higher place. 5: l 1 Musical numbers of a high order `were then rendered by Mr. Ralph ;.Johnston, Miss Ada Richardson, Miss ;Mae Dougall, Miss Connie Brownt ilee and St. Andrew s Male Quartette.,. 7% EW ADVERTISEMENTS. .another link in the chain that binds ithe worthy. and. able preacher and (his estimable wife to not only the |different- members of the choir but This social gathering [forms still` -th,e'dierex_it- departments of St. Ana drew s Church. 'GRAi\ii > OPERA HOUSE ' ,,','.'.,";'.',".f,g3 Monday, Nov. 7 y`\V|Iy Ila` ivorced Iler `John J. Mu_'r|-an Presents J. M. Donavin and Florence J. Murray And a cast of 16 acting people. Opening play for "Monday night .Speeia1ities between acts. Aearload of scenery and elect- rical effects. ~ ePri.ee'--I5c., eg5c., 35c., soc. . V gt Wa11;e1eBros . Music Hang, III (ll- _6 Slock >___ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 __ __{ .... _ I URMSIIED brick house to let. Grooms. for| winter n1(_mhs. at Qun d`.e's. 8b011t 093' mil. :-___ n ,,_- :1 .l....a.....l . n`nn `l/lh\lbll|LH m'1cK P101130 [0 mu. 0 Fuuulu, LUI _ nmmhs. Cun Imle from Barri:-. lfse of horscit desired ;also new piano. l{-ferences re uired. \- l`erms mqderatc. Apply at the A Vance Ofce or NEG. H.P1m\'n1an,(Tundle's, Ont. . 44-411) #_ Teaelle 1* of Violin I . ]AI'..\l `M21: .\`.\I.h`. OI . REI\"l`~~\`o1'th half L Lu: < .m. >3, lnnislz soil uluy loam; `U011 I'!`uIn~~ au.u~.o- u:`.(| frame barn: good Well. `em-r-..~.r.n.:;v.~ -mi-.u;_r. For further particulars .mI\'1u`\ \\'ul1zu-0. Ftrotrl. or W. C. W. n .5..\` l \' [:1'.\IAIIIf\l`Ll .`R.I,5]] I 0D0_n t01'cr:ciu: :1 limited numbc): of P313113 (1)-Wu: the Wintvr .-rruson. For terms EDP ; at `~9```U1<'v.L4' ( `n1`.iu- sr., Barrie, or `Phone 3 4. *' P- 0. Box :54 40-ly + < Wlnax'l'1w.'::1.x.1xu \VES'I` BE SURE AND .s"m1- AT THE { ' MA R R1? ii-I`76_T E I- D r.vn_,,, ' - I \ In` I I I j u 1 :- 1 . O'Connell. Proprietor. A *"'- 91'1": .\1.\l4KlCT ' 'F`1 Pljincess Street peg m'(1uf_as .v\--mnnm ion. Remodelled. unu Ht`f'.1!'IliShcI1'l`hl'Ollgh0ut. fond:-n!-_3cd At!"(lL.[Vi5(ll1`n!1ts under this head 59: 3 miles. 506 ; payable strictly in advance. __ Ea*l`u.; { T j Ike nlmem of Taxes. paumapt` _ `-3 :"" 0" or before -aIs,i7?N6`v"" " .9 at once and avblll L- I lgace auoweg .ORTl\ AITS FOR CI I RISTMAS FMONEY TO LOAN min T8'3~Hol -u. I1\JVo pg " ,1 Y Communion. A n '0~Mat1ns and Sermon. 3 Holy Communion. `9-In-~Children s Service. -4101? Baptism. MC;NEY TO L0!-`N t'h:1\'v;l i.-.-_r.- mnmunt of money tolotm \\'1'~II`llI`l`I-'1! x':t1(_`S.(`iUl('I`i!l small OI` in large um-. H.- -.1-<:l1X'iX\` Of good f&I`ID_Ill0l`t- >15. ;\lv(`_\1l'l`H\'. BOYSS: MURCHISONa 1 .. v I).......'. Mluantixyof private funds to loan at i 1 i BARRIE xms 1910 -......a_. Lu1'll|5OI payment- LENNON. COWAN 8: BROWN. /. /H1111:/c /ac/csoiz mu enable this Bank to oe; eptiol-1:11 servicekto the Firm. ation or Merchant whose bsi . widespread. ' 7rinit 3 ho n`.`dCl`ed now and dc- -rwl when required. New ins and mounting the most n;I}(`I{` and artistic ever slxown. T OF CANADA. llnnso to Rent - - All convenicn- ` .p;.:_\' :0 Charlotte street. 4'2-14p Mr zine Appointment I'0-])ay 1` .\l ll \. Tmomu. `W1-`%.\' terms of payment. N\'('\\' A... . -- - __.... _E1iJl`.R wAN'rr<:- 3 J D--. J[u/.'(7' Q/` I o2-traits ms made anywhere. Nye-V )apCr discounted. Travel-~ rs of Credit issued. Mo-ney d by Money Order, Draft aphic or Cable Transfer. 1 Barrie Branch-- "` {HIT SHlt()~l"_~.wTIIlf{k3 run)-lambs - ;\ppl_\' to Geo. Iiaikes. Barrie. I 41--161) I \\'_L\T\"l`Ii) for School ` I Anni. on I.` A (lune? --Good girl for general nousuq -_`3DDlY to MRS. M. BUR1T4(?NI -1 - 2 Rev. ` in c:L~'h paid for_ good Qedar .:~1i\'<-1-c:d 1n Barrxe 01' {If any r xxuhin one hundred nnles of t`l..\ HK, Shingle Munufucturgr, t. .LZ4Ulnl"n UIIIII I nan: ` \\ .\ N I [LU IO!` DUHUU1 ccuuuu App!) to E A. Guest. Secre~ li. Ont -U-44 I;~_1- and Ilzn-noss for thge wintex. uwshtonn Lonnox. Burma. 42-Lf _.__.___.._..._..___:.._.-.__ ,.nn~;ihlv person can have a cood ` l w, n. MORTON. Manage.-1 5` PER CENT. Solicitors, Barrie. L mr Root Pipe in uw by provxngz .Um-rllsmmrnt. . E. R. .1 aiiies. vtcaz. j U|ilL'\.', -`tluu I` yr. I;.\'ccmors. F VI I'I$-- CREW, Puuum-mu. 55,644,700 44.ooo.ooo I. 3, 1910, wt-tofu: No. 39_4_`8.."y CO]1gcti0l1S m Eotiablc paper. 1; Letters 01 transmitted `O, Telegraphic Case. Uwncr nun-unufn an 1*` L/1150. U VVIIU 1' property an d 3$t1 Section &`nnnn_ LI. V! . 43-15p I 44-4)! ` PLOWING MATCH f GREAT SUCCESS Vespra and F103 Plowman : As-! sociation Meet` at Phelpstgn >| % Last Wednesday. '|NEW omuaks in Canada cn; an exceptionu .Corporation G 11655 is widcs Every Event Keenly Contested and Decided on [ti Merits. The Flos and Vespra Plowmen s `Association held theirfourth annual ,match on thefarm of Messrs. Loft- lus, near Phelpston, last'Wednesday. There was a large crowd of` in- terested spectators present, and each event was keenly contested, there being 23` competitors in all. The plowmen commenced work at 10 o'clock and worked hard till almost dark, the sod plowmen being unable to nish"-in. time to have their work judged that night. i At.,the.close' ofithe match an ex" cellent supper was served at -the `I-`h-elpston hotel, after which a meet- ing was called, with President W. S. McCullough in the chair, when the prizes were distributed to the stubble plowmen. The election of oicers for the. ensuing year was then proceeded with and resulted as f0llows:- ' -. a you -Ix H Suitable addresses were delivered [by G. H. Nyland of Barrie, R. G. |Richardson of Edenvale and A. [Priest of Crossland; After a vote` of thanks hadbeen tendered to the` ire-tiring President, the meeting ad-l `journedjto. be called by the Secretary` 'al)oial3`.e...a c-he first of January, at the [l1L111c5'O`f_'Chi;s. Kidd, Crossland. ` .0 I ' President---A. Priest; Vice-Presid- ent, "R. G. Richardson;. `Sec.-T`reas., .1i1'ncst E. `Maw; Directors, Chas. l~lickling, R. G. Richardson, H. Lav- ery, S. C. Campbell, Jas. Maw; S.I `Anderson, R. I-Ii se y, D. Bennett, W. ;McGee, R. Roe, J Fleming a-nd N. ;LeClair; Auditors, R. G. Richard- Pson, S. C. Ca1npbell._ 3 The following are . the successful} ! competitors in the different" eve11ts:-+I l A Class I. 1, . Robert Stranahan, $18.50; 2,` A; '* Rd. Stzmden, $13.00; T 3, W. J. Dickey, $8.00; 4, Chas. Kidd, -$3.50. L - Class II, . e 1, A. Maw, $r3.5 o; 2, A'Jno, .Kidd, $9.00; 3, J.` E. Kidd, $5.00; 4,; W. Mc-c {inn Q`) 511" W `I, Geo, 1\/IcC`3;;;:1-is,'-_1o.oo; 2, \V.l M_idd1eton, $6.50; 3, Marshall Lang- .`-nn Q6 En $VLJ\I\u|I\ol.V-Ill man, $3.30. `1'V V`* 3 -)1 J Gee,_ $3.25 `Sh-4 ;c; , C3Iass III. Class IV. 1 61: THE INTERESTS or aAnRI:.'1'H: cuufv or SIMCOE AND THE common or cannon oua"cm1'moN.` ELECTED] %BARRIE :OODOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO000600: VVWVVCVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV` . NEWS ABOUT T0 AA4A4AA4444A4AAA4AAAAAA 30ooooooooqoooooooo3E The VV. C. T. U..wi1Vl meet on! !Monday, Nov. 7, at three o'clock in `L- ..4. ..... t'\`& loves I90 RANc iIEsA`

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