Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 Oct 1910, p. 4

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S. s. NO. 15., INNI~SFIL. 4THORNTON. CHURCHILL. . Salmoln ,of Minesihg I St. Peter's church on THORNTON. V cf: spen.t V sr.1I.-;'E1`mer` D,%r!;. Sadie; Givens, , Bert S__r_ig1ey, John Kell} Fliqrenbe S1-igley,..-Georg V,.8.,tund.5i{:;.1::. T "L Sr._ III.--Frances H bbcrt, Lilian Hartley,`. Elsie Tyndale} Reggie Srigley,Ca.1jmeeta Stig- /ley, J688i8 W ibIs'0!`l.- ' I ' ` V ' .,- ---v...-v-.uaa. During the evening upwards of 50 members were enrolled. Jr. Iv;-- Sadie; son, nvvrvl U IV ' Sr. IV.-F1oyd D} Allen; Dora Gib`sqn.' Splendid services were held: at 'the`.LvIetho- [dist anniversary last Sunday. Rev. `E. Brown pteache earnest, practical sermons. Collec- tions amonnted to $78. 90. \ -r _ The h`a.tvesl ; home` service will be 7 St. James Church next.Sunday at ` and 7 p.m. , Rev`. James will:preach. (1._1 N, 1' V Owing to the anniversary segvics at Dz`:ls- ton the service in the Methodist Church will be witlxgjawxunext Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs; Wice of Strond were Sunday guests of M r. _aud Mrs. Fred Wice. Q Miss Cla.ra'Part;'idge is _v_isitin g friends `in 1 Toronto. - ' A - I 1 I Miss Scott of Barrie was a Sunday guest of Miss Rix. ` M rs.Simon Chappell is spgnding-some `time l with a sick frignd ii: Barrie. Satul'1a3;.-' ' Mr. Ax'l1ur flubbert, of Shaggy B ay,` ed at his honle here this _week. "' After the Vicar had thanked all those who had so generously come forward to assist in the en-tertzuinment of the members, the meeing, which had beenn marked by, a, deep ear- nestness thrpughout, was closed -by the benedictnon. of the '15{c},C}\1-`s. 1 Mr. Geo. Vanderburgh and two children spenta. few days lastkveck with friends in _ Allandale. 1 | Olive Tynda1e,of Toronto,visited hex`. aunt, * 1 Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, last week.` 1 A number from here attended the funeral` i Lfr.` L Jago and Miss Jennie have return- ed home from a two weks' visit with Mrs. G. Young, Grnfel. Adjt. WaA.1te1fAJ. Peacock, of Toronto, spent a couplo of days last week at the home of Mr. T. Campbell. [ - -. - - -. --... an-J0 nuuLl\lKLJu l zinniveral';' servi-ces will be held in the D, Congregational Church on Sunday, Oct. 9th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. M. Kelly, a formerlpastor, is expected to take charge of {both services. ' , -~------~--~-~--~-'~-J- Mr. W. R. Best has been re-engaged, [as I teacher of our school for 1911. V ,I A number from hezfe attended the anniver- ` ; sary services at Crown Hill last Sunday. ' I Annhyoraouuuw n.....:...... ._._'n L, I as - Mr. A. Richardson,` who spent the summer here, returned to Toronto last week. Master Melville Carscadden had the mis- fortune to break his arm on Sunday. * Miss Ray Brandon is home from Muskoka. Mrs. Mi1ton.Carscafddcn, of Maple Creek, Sask., visited friends here recently. - 11.. nr 9 D--. 1.-- |-._ -T " Miss A. Link is_stayiug with friends in `Barrie. V U Refreshments were then served by the members of the congregation fol- lowed by a musical programme in whlich the following took part: Miss- es Laura anncl Gladys `Graham, Marion Drury, K. Donnelly and D. Boys, and Messrs. Hickling and Wxastnage, the cello solos of Mr. Hickling being greatly. appreciated. During an interval in- the pro- gramme the Rev. E. J. Peck spoke a few earnest words on the rst of the rules for members, Pray Daily, pointing out the power of prayer and its ability to help those far separated from us. ' Large congpegations attemled the anniver- _sa.ry services here last Sunday. Rev. H. D. McCuaig, of Totgr-.nham, was the preacher and he proved to be a splendid speaker. His sermons_were both able discourses. The Ivy Presbyterian choir furnished special music for the occasion. The day s collectioxi amounted to 890. I I ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKnight and family, lot` Tottenham, were week-end visitors at Mr. ` I D. Dunn s. " *j}.i'i?i._"v'sf.'32};11 n,;, `1`."`1;&;'m...e,,, M._ Bowerman,` \\/. Allsopp. ` C--C. Livingstone, L. Ayers." V B--M. Livjmgstone, R. Grant; N. Chappel, G. Johnstone, V. Carter, A. Orchard, R. Standen. ' A-I.'Thompson, M; Ronald,.R. Or- chard, A. Orchard, H. Fralick, Alvin gGraves, Flora Ayers, Albert Graves, ;C. Graves, M. Rowell. ` S:r."II.-;B.1\/IZa;o1;a;;i{i;, R. Mcon-T achie, L. Chappel, W. Standen, M. Fravlick, -`L. Adams, F. Fralick. T - luv 1: wvn q Jr/._-,'IV"I_I'.V-V- -I:2:' Eh'aL}'i,"ii. Chappl,| ; Ralph Chappel, jH . Graves, Rx Chap- ;pel, J. Mason, M. Grant. 7 an - -- ""7 " _""l'l" -jSVr. III.--E, Crawford`, Priest; `P. Maw, E. Watson, N. Livingstone, B. Fralick, H'..McCullough. ~ 1.1- 1- ` ru- h i? T I\/".-._-'S."i\./I-<:'Ir{1f1'1l"3'r', % M, McKin- ley, L. Orchard, .E. Armstrong, C. `Grant, C. Knupp. - ' 777 n 4 .-~. -.-. - s. s. NO. 9., VESPRA. } Honor roll for September: Sr. IV.--`-W. Orchard, P. Priest, H. 1"oyton, F. Allsopp. A 1-17 1: 17- 11- `u ..n Th; sntiroing wind of Saturday. bliewl down Mr. Jerry Ra'msay s silo. -We understand that our grain mer- chant, Mr. John A. Jam-ieson, is buy-. ing hogs? and cattle, `he having tak-g en the place of Mr. H'arry Broley who I followed this business for years. . l "M}:"13}$}}':1 'aI.nI1m1C4'i' Edith MC`. I kay visited friends: in Cookstown re- lcently, _ -. ........._y susuauu pcuplc. .l..C speak- er urged on the members the import- ance of the study of the life of Jesus as a whole and in this connec- _tion pleadedfor more attention to Bible study. After dealingnin some detail with this and other points in the constitution he closed by wishing the new Branch a successful and use- ful career. U\ n carce enough here, but "they will-be more so after the high wind of Sa.turd'a.y. If"Vour or ve of our nimrods intend going nqgth in guest of the'antIercd. monarchs of the 'WiIldS.. rllalll V 9! J 93%! V I-\p_\r _ I .' _ -{Messrs} Jamegv `Sproule and Russell N1xo_g_1 z;_re_ workrnng for. 'contract,c_n' Rosbmsom at . Cookstown this a . V V _;1v`;1;-h;r1_cisc~>1;1ve: $`I 1'9-Loo realized at the -1".rsbyterxa1t`town-lxne [anniversary serv1'c_es_recent1y.- { IE , ` - r I .n c 4 is I tb__l)_.*"a.1"o{1`1'1< l' agais 'aftr I .l'.1-i s_re`cen_tV xmshap.-` ` ` A V . '2 . ~ .2 rnc, 11, 4-4 \v (`V .7` " _;_-,c,_ _. Th:-`Rev. G. N. Gra':}"."1>reach`c21d at 'thg anniversary service , of` Bethesda Cl_t1`rclu_` fast; Sabbath`. . '_ _ ~ 5 CROWN HILL. HOLLY. funeral \ Sproule, of. Craigvale, on T Executive officers were elected as follows: H-`on. Secretaries--Miss J. Drury`and Mr.-W, Dodson; Treasur- cr-Mr. F. 1C. Wfastnage. A. strong working committee was appointed and weekly meetings arranged for. ' The Rector of Elmvale (the Rev. Frank Salmon) was then introduced to the meeting and spoke with earnestness o_f the necessity for in- creased objectiveness in the life work of members of the Anglican communion and the way. in which the A. `Y. P. A. tended to diminish `the sti`n.ess so markedly characteristic of many church people. The speak- urged on the mmhnrc +1.. :............ EDGE BA XT ER. J M; KERFOOT, `service will held in .__L to GAR Teacher. ll a.'m.4 YaVisit. Mr. Jo7h;1'Millet,V of Barrie, with ~ f r_iemls here. ', I I Saturday's \`\'1"v;7-I put several trees across the telephone wires. F. `R. Day was at it bright and early.Monda_v Amox'ning- repairing the line. ` s Miss Frances Meek has returned to-Ottawa. The Rev. 1:1.-gmeek preached at Cookstown last: _Snda_v. the atten-dancenumbering over `The _Vicar ,(the .Rev. Ernest R; J. _Biggs) opened the proceedings with prayer, and then after giving a cor- dial welcome to those present ex-I plained in a forcible. and interesting way the aims and objects of the As`- socia.t.ion, Mrs. [Cameron of Barrio spent Sunday` with her son, Mr. A. Cameron. Mr. Williams is busy building a silo, and ` will be better able to look after the welfare ) of his cattle; V AAV_'erage attendance, 32. M Teacher. ~ ' Class B.--Lottie Cochrane, Willie Gibson, Sandfonl Tyndale, Eva. Kell, George Wright, Frankie Srigly. S`r.sI. -G1ad_vs Srigley, Alberta. srigxey,` Irene Kell, Ceneth Gibson, Bessie Wilson, I Lottie Srigley,Leno. Minniken,Willie Givens, i George GIVBHS. Class A.- Edgar" Wharram, Ada Lynn, Dorothy Srigley. V .. Canners . . . Milken-s, choice com. am Bert Hnbbert, John Cochrane. o--oo-- ` --oo-_o__--O1oo--oo--oo--o 033* :~uun: 3-3, o--oo--oo-`-0o--oo--oojoo-uc=auu ; Janus oo--oo--oouaoo--oo-i-V anus; :I I ._ _ - ..: O ' Clo u ` -"`,""' OH 0 ` c|0 CID LUHI. auu INCH. "Springers .. . . . . . . . .. jCalves .. .... 3 ;Sheep,ewes H.. .... VBucks and cus . . . . H Lambs, cwt. .. .. IIogs,fed and watered heavies ". f.o-.b. l I ` Stockers. 66 1 The inaugural meeting ofi'1`ri.nity. Branch of` the Anglican Young vPeo5ple s Association was held on Monday night in the: Parish Hall, the attendance`numbering ' "l`l.- 17' ' - - v 1- 2 uw - `r wan urn: llillll I IIC I Quotations on Tuesday were:- ` Export cattle, choice.. .$ 6 25..$6 40 " medium 565.. 600] bulls . . . . . . .. 4 50.. 5 oo ' Butcher cattle, choice. 5 70.. 6.25 ` medium .. 5 25.. 5 so ` common .. .. 4 25.. 5 oo Butcher cows, choice. 4 40.. 5-2` " com. and med. 3 oo.. 4 25 C "` bu1is_ . . . . . . .. 3 5o.. 4 25 loose . . . . . .. Eggs, per doz .. . . . . Butter, per, lb. . . .'. Chickens, dressed.. Fowl .. . . . . . . . . . .. `Ducks, (spring) . . Turkeys Drv onions (_bush.) .. Cabbage (each) . . . . . . Potatoes (bush.) . . . .. New beets . . . . . . . . .. Cauliower .. .. Celerv. (dozen) ;. . . .. Apples (barrel) . . . . .. iPumokins (each) . }Pickling onions. bask. L Toronto, Oct. W l`1`ea_t, fall; bush. V goose .. nun. .o ooo_ on Oats, (new) A . Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ry.e . Buckwheat .. . . . . . . . Hay, Tfimothgr. .. Hay, clover .. .. . . .' Stx;aw, bundled . . . . . . IA--- --53. , ring; up: n o otatoes, new-, per ' a.y, per ton` .. .. Cured hides `Green hides . . . . .. Calf skins, per lb. Sheep skins . . . . .. Tallow, per 112. ... Wool, picks . . . . .. Horse hides . . . . .. Horse Hair . . . . . .. sW'ooI, washed 7 unwashed aqvvl, lllllu lilo 0 0 I o '0 j fore qr." V Lamb, per lb. Mutton Hogs, live, select heavy . ti , dressed Chickens, per'lb. Hens, per lb. . . . . .. Butter, roll, per lb. `Lard, per lb. . . . . .. Eggs,- per dz. I n r\.6nL1\.v-sn ...n.... ....._ L :Prices'3:R`uW for- ` ontq Markets Duringg the. Week. ' ' Barrie, Oct. 5t_h, 1910. _. Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . .`.$ 80.. 83 ` _ Oats . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. . 32 Peas _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75`. . ' '80 at-ley .. .. 45.. -50 Hour .' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 5o'.. 6 50 Beef, hind qr. 900.. I000 _ as g V nag nag ' 0 A- C) __.l {q._1{x_{1-; srocg MARKETS. . V--- -7-ga Lt, buishi T. . .$ 88. .25 goose ' . r, per,lb. 22.: mions . ge 5. . 385 40.. .. [ower 10.. r. 30.. 5 2 oo. . 1 kins 10.. 1;; .v..' ..v.- ...u- uuuu vuv suvuu] ll llllo ' subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum, uulna chbice -light SHANTY BAY. tle, hum . xmon 25- vs, _ s Lbice 4 50.. 1; { . . . . . . .. 3 00.. . . . . . .. I 00.. nce . . . . .. 45 nvw a u and med. 'bzi" e, spent Sum1.i_v E. P. Anderson, ; .._ ..- vv--vv-Iiv CS6 tie}. name will be addedto the Sub- Ionptlon List until the money is paid. llnhnnrlhnrn nnuv In n--...._. 1.. 51.--- _- -,.AI - 5th, 1910. Ceci;I Lynn, S0 So 25 So M UV U5lUlIl1'l'INo sx.oo pEi"A3NUM IN ADVANCE. UNITED ,. STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 IN ADVANCE Agni . _-_- H " " It Vooks as if the px-i,c'e of beef must} taAk'e1a. ` 'in this locality. " On Sundny,`tw6, Cir` ' _o_f 50 fat steers _ arrived atbtixis-station . _t11 Western praies,"EA,'ThQ%.nqml3`were J ndVwe_;je"tI1e' jjropiirty MEIF, . 20 A very successful fruit >0 i the town hall on .\Ionv1.1_\'. under the auspices of the 1.1-if Church. The Rector, M1. Ms: lled the chair, and the :`u`.i~\\` programme was given: A vi duet by Mejsrs. D. Guest 41:13 tution by Miss Ivy Guest 2 \'~ Margiarot Somers ; recitati-w;.~ 'rv_' violin solo by Mr. Dolph H9.-v~ was indeed very ixltemstixug i;` Adam's `Apple. After an ali Maconacln-ie the latha .~`t3*'\'c I ~ 5 0113 repast of fruit, mko an 1 1 abundance. Everybo-1_v m-an ml 30 22 I4. 25 50 An Io THOMPSON Ci2i-\;I-,ml;'I.I"BLISHER' I The } resb_\'terian Y. I`..`,'.C' social on Wednesday evcnin_: I A local branch at` th-e Bi? been established with thv :1-ii The Rev. Shepherd. Prexi inn: Orrock, Secretary ;` -.\Ii< I Treasurer; the Rev. .\I.n 011.1 ;Garvin_. M.. I a._vne am! .\I:-. C `pl Executive. Mr. John \\'attie hie extended trip thmugh 31:: Wattie reported 3. p1e.a.sa1.t harvest in those p;).:`ts. g Mr. and ,Cmi:_; A Pr. Sr. -Annie H.-nry, Ii`: ~:'1' ham, Fred Plant, .\I3'.::'i-2 Ii-i I. I Booth. Int.-'/.eta Sharpe, Tim `N .z. T Px'.-Norene Webb, N)Z`I:.Lf1 ."-fa Keist, Jennie Plant, 811; \`-'m I Betteridge. I --EarIe 3Ia}'es; CI:-Liz `Keist, Frank KL`iSt. Jr. II Sharpe. I . . , II.--}Iagg:e liettemig 1 . `Luella Easton, I'.:`ne~t F Adams, Janus Bctt:`iig:*. ....-.,.-.,, g ! The Rev. Mr. J`)h.'1~ur: Thomas church last Szml 1-.- Mr. G. W. Brooks uni in Alliston fair this we:l~:. Mrs. Hart, sr., ii\'i~i`. Mrs. Thos. Brooks, of Ail M1. and Mrs. Tary, 4? Tu `H ' . f his I P730 (8 column 'Nown'pupor. ` Pubmhad from the oloe. 183 Dunlap Street. "`v`i;.,`}. `.`z8.`. e`}.'$. :'. `i:'.'5'.`.%.".i2`;$'v`e"y'. Thursday Morning. by -no-4--1---- _.__-,- Average, 24. M. (321.12; Sr. Jr. VV'El HAVE anticipatecl 7't11e 5:1-bwirxg deniaml for 4Carpeuters TTools of the fight" sort, and will also Gua.1_'a1ntee All Our Tools. THIS SIORE 1'c. 3 ~. to .e\'-2:3` possible II:m1- ware need, and if by any chance we haw-1't the jfecise article you want ig stock, it can be got by first express. l the combination of {me avor, smooth strength and richness. all these elements are so generously included in- Red Rose Tea it well merits the term good tea." . IV.- IV .- `III. III. care and experience in blending-~nmm L mh;@aiH:ru:dEut2| lI-I.-._._ -1-- .fea is Your Grocer Will Recommend It L .-GIa.l_vs \\ xigh .--LiLbie Pismt, .-J-ack Rerl, LE S. S. .\';v. 6, I.\'.\'I~`HI. Report fox" S:-[vt~`t::' -\Vi1Iie Mayeis. NEVER SOLD THURSDAY, MIDHURST. G. C. Castou has about nished apple ; in tlnis locality. The crop was short mzmy instances interior for shippinv. commissioner, Mr. D. H. Minty, has {ll'\:l:nro At` ...-.....1._ QVRA .\1.nox:.1~';.:-=. _\I.. :1.\I:`.C..\I.1I; IN BULK Ha: .\I1_`. -5, W11. .\h}* Rig` , ,.. .-v. --u an-uv_v, uaa ding ()I' nearly $100 on the county this week a gang of 1'uenare haul- I Mr. 31-" 0'4. \~ ` {Nth ...,` Iowin hi"h1_ D person great W healtl few critic Tomn -after grew re`eus CARD ;`~Iz1le Th by al s_\ 1np 1'r-3:1} ]v01i[i Cons (1 M31 AT TRINITY CI-TIURCH. CRAIGHURST. Thursday, Oct. A6, 1919 Tznus or Svnwnmxok. I E- A `VKYIUID HQ? A ju- ,,,,,_-.- .....v vu ritual CVUll|U5y Lu5\n0n- A. Beck, has not yet secured ajuonopoly on ` all the electric energy. The storm passed cansiderably north of this loca.lity,con"seq uen-T tly therewas but little rain andhno damage 4 by lightning. However, shortlyetaftar the etorm -large r`es;were noticed six pyecven -xjjilea to_ the west and north. _ " " OF THANKS. friends, who gathered a- hour of sorrow, showing-I -_-' ___ , ..` A ..-.... L- LI, "'ii'3n3Qr' v;i_>'r.it`i~t.1`c";:m;-;"l`1`---3VGx"eta.V Dufy, ,Robbie Cameron, May; M-o'at,., Djella. .Fe;ris, Kenneth Cameron, -SVte'll'a. GO .Ve, Jean McKeve1",-..Laura Forbes.- V A-;HENRY,'; } v,Irf:-`."-'I:_ f('Z lass.--iCora Brown; George " 5W5:-ight, Willie Mc:Keve`r, Cecil 4-fP1pw`-. man, Louey; Atki;nson.;4- , " ._' ` ' `L'l .'.-. - { Sr. I. Class--.H:arry VWright, Ken<-' 1neth ;Cameron; Clarice` Ferris, Theo. `Brown, Alice Atkinson, Norman `Atkinson. * = = j --cu. .u.vu.a|.. Class -- Edna Robertson,` Rita McKever. - Jr. IIIv`Cla.ss--Jean McKever, Le6`n- ard Horton. -- `Sr. II ~`Class - Herbert Plowman, Mabel Brown, Freida Ferris. Jr. II Class-Ch: Part. II Class--Laura ~Fo'x'bes, Rita A?tlEinson,- -H-ugh." Plowm an,_ Lizzie iTuck, "Gordon Brown`, ' Norman :_Wright. . ` . V F Honor roll` for September: IV Class1-Stella. cove, Greta Daiy, Della Ferris, iW~illie Sprott, Robbie Can1.eron,~ May Mo-ffat. T " _ C__ T1 ? t"l The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn thatathere is at least one dreaded disease that sciencehas been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh` Cure is the only positive cure now known Y--- _---cw-sauna, VLVV I to the medical fraternity. Catarrhli being a constitutional disease`, re-l quires a constitutional treatment. Hall s pC_at.3rrh .cur.e_,is taken i.n,t.ernn-` -ally . acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of, the system, thereby destroying the foundation of_ the disease, and giving the patient {strength by building up the constitu- tion and assisting nature in` doing its :' work,` Thc`prop'r_ietors-have so much` . faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for I list of testimonials, ' Address F. J. CHENEY & co., 3 Toledo, 0. - - . , v `v 1 .So'ld'by all Druggists, 75c, - Take Hall's Family Pills for 'con'-- stipation,._ `A -r ' : V f { Merry, Ivy Dart, Leslie Dart, VVillie Vair, Eva Brooks, Harold Ferguson. ' `_ Pt. I.--John Prince, Cecil Pringvle. 1? `li1fTY7I1vv` I Mr. am"! Mrs. James Morran celebrated, on Sunday, the 50th anniversary of their wed- V ding day. Over 100 guests were present,com- prising friends and relations from distant -psrts of the United States and a number from Toronto. Mr. Van Norman, of Edgar, "ftook photos of the company. According to the grand eIectricaI tlispI'gy witnessed here on Friday eveniug,ttl1e\Ho'i1, V "A. Ran]: 11nn'nnI- ".1. ....----J A -- - AJr.I'i/'.--Iren.e Dawson, Ida Minn- ikin, Amos Johnston, Ruby Minnikin. I_II.-Adeline Smith, Doris Prince, Willie Smith, Cecil; Thomas. ` II.--Frances Dawson, Lizzie_ Alker,i hmma Cropper. , ` Pt. II.-Rob_ert Pfingle. i 1 Sr. I.--'Ruth Alker, Norine`Webb, Eddie Prince, Jack Bay}is, Earl Brown, Alex. Glenn. V [ I" FERNDALE} Honor roll for September: Sr. IV. - "Goldie Minnikin; Mae Brooks. Vvll/l'i;;"llllary Orclnaird and Mr.` and| lMrs. lW.- E. Clarke were the guests of Mrs. W. E. Bartridge, Crown Hill, on Sunday. . ilgzatzrice Milliczm, Toronto, has beeu holidaying with Mrs,`_ D. Campbell. ' - - Mrs. A. Rona-Id, jr., is visiting in Avening. Mrs. Pattenden, who had been` ill for some time, died Tuesday morn- ing and the funeral took place `Wed- nesday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Legate, assisted by Mr. Lamb, conducted the obsequies. .Mrs. Pattenden had for years lled a unique: place in Mines- fing, and she will be very much missed. A large number 'of friends and acquaintances followed the fun- eral cortege. mro n - ------ Frank Comartin of Toronto is I~ nv*1da.ying at.her mother's Mrs. Jno. O .Connell s. V , - . V Mr; Perlcy Gauley has returned t Toronto Unxversity after spending the sumn}er_ at home, . Mrs_. Mc-Cann of Utopia is visiting her sxster, Mrs. James Gaulay. Quite a nnmber of our people at- tended Barr1e s Great Fair. All `re- portta pleasant time exceptmg several who returned home minus their ,pocket books. "1\4'is' Sarah _McCarthy Wand Miss .Tillie_ Desour'd1e_of theAT._Eaton' C0; ,g`oro"nAto, are vislting ,the1r parems V ere. 4 V T ' Miss`Dbra Gauley is visiting fx-ien(;is at. -Co-okstown. - ,,,, , -__. '-._v'.._-----v vu; \J\IlllI|5VV\I\J\lo I Mrs." 'J. Jackmaln of Stayner wisited friends in this locality last week, . , 1{4}s..` MLean is 'visiti1'1g" her daugh- ter, Mrs. ,Mc_Kenzie of Collingwood. ` `Rd ... U V!` Mr. G pickiugi and in 2 nu. auu nun. 11. \_J. Luulr rcturneu th1s vsfeek from vlsxtmg fr1ends' in Toronto. ._- ---.-...v. u.\1o\r -uuj luau vv wvn. ' . Miss Jean 'Faris. spent` the weeks end withthe Misses `Coborn of Stay- n ner. T ` ' .. stork-left a~ -bOy'a.t` .' `Lou. _]. Burkho1der's.one day last Week. 112-- `I ___- '1` _ I Miss Jeqnje Tliompson has return.- cd from vxsxtingv friends _ in` Clare.- mont. - , . . ` .4Note-Rliotfgspondent in speaking `of the Jnovements of A visitors will please stitg the. places from which they ' come. %AcoRRESP9!{P!iN9_ i and Mi's.'H. G. Moir rettnxhx-ned `I-:0 Circa`; 13...... -.2...'4.:.. _, ..:---.I $100 REWARD, $100 SUNNIDA-LE CORNERS. UNDLE& . Several instances lmvo been reported this season of cows giving birth to two calves. Last week Mr. John .Jenuett's high.gra'!eo cow brought forth two fine calves. 7 ` % `BRENTWO-OD. MINESING. _` 3 f I :b.3",;.,'.*:* ".`. A'T:`V`3V %' '3 , W`!-{"I'ii~3-," -$".E`_efa{;l.1er.,l TTJe?;'cherL. ! I _'L'1\./1;`:-"w('}ecb)rge . 6ooks -town; visted h'is_-gnsiece, Miss Edith i Ka.>:.L;,:!n%f1=1w%. % ` `Mt; nggrasfzi Ofving to harvest home anniversary servlces in Christ Church, Ivy, there [was no service i rr'St'. Jude's Chui'ch_ here last Sabbath-.. ' .,Our . unxg friend M'r. H$a1b'e1:t, who .succee ed in- passiiig his. nal depart-* mental exam. for- -I1st_+class, . is, `atteIh1din.g_..,_5the-`School of_.R'ed2igQgy 5531} 7 {.T. 23F-`f;r'-_.. - an H . ---- u . . V V V uu. pnnnua. - ,. -Squu-e Grose, Lefroy, occupied the Memdist Dlllvit here last Sabbath morning. ` T . ' l'\ ' `- `Mrs. James Caston visited friends in B.u'rie `last week. " Mrs. J. Orr, of F xmead, is` visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo.Ost under. _ V Mi`. George Snider reeurned from a trip to the west on Friday. Miss Mabel Perkins. of Toronto, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm. Hodgson. Misses Beatrice and Andrey JztryW',is?tcl friends at Midlinrst, over Sunday. ` ' Il_. /1 P` "' u.\.uu\?LL,.lJdl'l`lC ralr and pronounce it tq be a good one. Mrg. H.a.rry. Dun- lmng showed" twelvepant of fowl and I succegded fin procuring eight first and`four second pnzes. ' c,..';:,._ r<,, - ,, V -_- ---v .`yvu_novJ. l (AMI-arge number from here at- y`tendedf'Barrie Fair and pronounce it to be a ounm-I nnn `M...` .u......-- nu We were very much. `pleased to hear that our shoe merchant, rMr. Hill, had purchased the old Ball pro- perty from Mr. ChCS.\ Thompson. W.-henthe property has been thor- oughly renovated, Mr. Hill will have ` one of the . most up-to-date shoe r stores in theeounty. ` A 1_.'_._- 4,, 0 . ---- --_ ------ ~- - 1 . .Mr; "and Mrs. Bert Clement, of] Toronto, spent the w'eek-end -with ,iriend_s here. ` ` I`-at 1('Ir.':Iames gproule and Miss Laura went to Hamilton recently, the lat- ter now being a. student at the Nor- mal School in that city. In. 7...--- ---- -` Mr. and Mrs. Richard Power are! enjoying a visit in Grand Forks, U. S.. with "Mr; and Mrs. Sewry, form- erly of Barrie. - I 'kMi{ ':E'{1}xt11 VVi11$on'is visiting friends in Markham, , A ? kt ev. "1-\"Ir. V preached in Sunday last. _ ,1. ""7 """ . _ ' ' _Mrs, Totteu Hastmgs, of` Stroud, v1s1ted her mother, Mrs. Maleomson, ` Ia_.st week.` ` _ = ' I _Mrs. H. C. [ Wi.1ls<`) is visiting fr`1endS in 'l_`0ron.to,.V '. . V ` Miss. Jessie TruemVan, of Midland, _is visitmg friends here. Road commissia the expending road, and wee ing `gravel, uyz: `_ nd_s -isAa4bl;e__ l The harvest thanksgiving services of,St.` Peter's Church on Sunday and Monday, 25th and 26th Sept., were, the most successful and interesting services held for years. On Sun-- day there were two services. The] Rev. E. A. Pager, rector of the par- ish, preached in the morning. The Bishop of Toronto preached in the afternoon and had a conrmation, eight candidates being conrmed. The church was crowded "to the doors." On Monday eevening the an nual supper and entertainment were held in the Orange Hall. `The usual` array o-f `good..thing`_sy to eat was in evidence "In the basement,` and after! tea a good programme was _ given in the hall. ~ `- . l V CEl-:;1_s;;M./-\..-Alberta Hazelton, Rex` I-Iazelton, Mary Halbert, Florence Barlow. Cook! conduct--Mim1ie Gilpin, Ray` Cochrane, Rose Ayerst. . Average attendance,32. M. E, CRISPIN, Teacher. pm. , e I Class-Ernest Goodwin, Bessie A Part II lass-Jimmy Hergy, Wil- son .Cra.w, Guy McLean, Jimmy Gil- Lennox, Irene Barlow, Howard ` Cochragme. Honor Roll for September. V Class--Rose Ayerst, Georgina Patterson, Helen Corbitt, Ethel Corbitt, Tillie Carr, Ray Cochrane, `Elma Goodwin. - IV Cla.ss--W:`il'lard Stewart, Ar- nold Carr, Lottie Bone, Frank Good- win, Minnie Gilpin, H-attie Bone,l Elmer Halbert, Emerson Morris, Emily Cochrane, Floyd Bannerman, Violet Hazelton, Ida Hazelton, Ar- thur Reid, Ritta McLean. [III Cla.ss-_--Mabel Gilpin. ' II Class-Elwood Bone, Charlie `Lennox, Lorne Gilpin, Claire Mc- 1Lean. F - - ' __._, -_-.-J V a n n A u v av ; ' Class A.--Herbie S_ummers, Willie Bogardis, Stella Gflhooley, Mary Alpinne, _T'eddy Dawson, Zada Gil- hooley, 4 Joel Thompson, Wilmat `Thompson, Reta .W'alt, Ervilla Lock- har_t, Russell Lockhart, -Esther Mar- tin; - , ` I 4 iPl1:imary Class, Sr.-l-Sa.dy Alpine, Leamer Lockhart, Bowman Allen, Louie Ness, Willie Reid. l Primary Class, _Ir.--Jenn.et Bogar- dis, Amy Gilhooley. A .r'x...._ A 1- v_ IIC_l"a'.ss, \J_r.--'-Fvrank Coran, Mau- rlce Marll, Finnie Martin. ' 1- ['11 u u ~ . .. .I Cla"s_s::VV.il-l.i`<.e"b1vVI<.)'ore,' `Lena Gra- ham.: V - Rev. \V. and Mrs. McConnell and daugh- ters, Toronto, Oct. 1st, I910. __-. -, -a.nu-v xa llaxlkl ,_V_____- . - ;vJ . -' I'I "Class, Sr.--'Bessie Cpnnell, Li}- 'l.ie Reid. \ I The following is the school "re- port for the month of September:-- . . IV. Class -VRobbie _Ness, Edna' ljohnston. , ' -1-r- A. -- ' I` VC'I(lvess--Florence Connell, Glen- ora Ness, Jennie Loekhart, Lucy [Summers, Elsie Gilhooley. 4' T.'l .t"t_ _ _ - ---= _7v- v.v-wu Miss `Cavanagh; our teacher, Sunday at `her _home in Barrie. _- --- _- w--- -~--v--v-luau. The most -severe` electrical trin that hasgbeen. in these parts for some years passed over on Friday night. I. M. Baldwin s lairge h-ip-roof barn was t damaged by the lightning "to a con- siderable extent, the horses in ' the stable having a narrow escape from bemg ~ struck. I The aimiversa.ry services in con -I nection with the Dalston Methodist church will be held Sunday, Oct`. 9th. Rev"-. R. S.TFralick, Q Ravena; will; breach morning and eveming. `PL- `It! _,` rlr. . 1 . 1 -..- _-_--_--.-3 .--~.\. . - v--..-.a. I Miss_e`s Watson have returned `home from` Muskoka; "hvu1;11> ;r from ; here a ttehd- }ed` th e anniversary servnces jat Crown ;--Hil_l on Sunday. ' " ` , i >' "'>"`v- .3-`.i` o+`4!!.'....{";`:.1~?`y"` - `: - ` `Potts-fo diging seems "'td='-be ` the order7`of the day "'` ' .3-Eu`: ~ _-. Average `attendance , 25. f A.A RAINEY, Teacher; To the Toronto who round us, in our showing kindness in so many ways ; to the people of Iunisfil,' whose friendship and abctionafor the son of their old pastor was so deeply ex- pressed; and to all who sent tender messages of sy_mpatl1y,we return most heartfelt thanks. l

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