Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Sep 1910, p. 7

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owuvv she e ex- that g her vvo- wh_0m ,Dr.` .Cr{ppen` and. Miss Leneve were` commxtted in, Bow Street Police Court. London,ao stand trial for the murder of Crippen s wife. ' ` o A lgogus check was sent to Rev. Fgank Vipond of" Toronto as a don:- atgon-towards his new church. I` 0 Iauovnn nun an... -.v The.f(`i'1:g Edward i-'Io?<*:1mz1'fmSchrie- `ber was burned. A.-Finnish girl was burned to death, and several of the guests had . narrow escapes. 1' 1 , 1\, 1',-,-____..j ;L!..A.__ 3;-. bVI\r~tw|.l anvou any... ' V `Judge Bazin dismissed thirt-y~_in- formations `laid -against Molltreal 110- telkeepers fo'r_violati_on of the license 1aw,as the wxtnesses fauled to ap- pear. ` ,_-_!LL-- _l' LL.-. f;noaLcnnn` (`u 1.1935! . V A cpmmittee of the Montreal Citv `Council censured Mayor Guerin for tplacingr the French ag behind the Irish, ensign `during the .Euc_:I1aristic Congress. - 117' 17 .;-; ___-,__`___14_ At `[)`__,..;`._ IL) jail? KI\I6I\r,hlo ` i ` % B". Yates, fox-'m'erly of Brant }fo v;d, hanged himself `in a_ Cleveland ~maetesA for the year, Jung. Germany s revenue" will fall about $10,750,000 short of the [Budget est1- P I`*-~A-_--- _--..A...u 1 `The employers of~German metal workers are threatening a lockout on October 8 that` will affect 300,000 men. ' '2 ' T __ _. - . ,.. '37-` L A. D. M_cCurdy, the _.C:madian` wavtiator, will attempt a. dangerous ight to-day from Allentown, Pa., to` Philadelphia and return. - \ Rev. Dr. Richard Davidson sui- ceeds Professor MacFadyen at Knox College. . ` -L-._...- f\ \l\lI`\rB\r0 T'o avoid arrest `on a charg of wtheft Richard Richardson jumped from the third _storey of 21 Wi_x1d_sor hotel, and sustamed S1'l011S injur-1es. 1' A ,,I_,_ yllkltwl, lIll\l vuu~u---vu ~.-------_ I . 1\Irs. Lancaster, V from Ltghdon, Ont., jumped into `the bay at Hamil.- ton at the same spot where two oth- ,, _._.`._-.-ux L.-..un Infcdsy nnh1n1;f- lUll zu Luc aauu. ayu; VVIl\-l\p .uv V... Ver young women have lately commit.- ted su1c1de in the same way. -,,I_.. _;_ |.\- . A re in the Deering wqrks at Chicago did "damage Vamountmg T to $200,000. Q - - I`-_._.._ f`L_--.... LLA Damccuyznti n\v;n_ Dulunxau All vngv v------ "J' Vavv,vvvu , George Chavez, the Pexvian avia- tor, succeeded in ying across the `Alps yesterday. but broke both his legs in alighting. The Council met Sept. 14th, pur- snantto adjournment. Allthe mem- bers were present except Councillor Finlay, the Reeve in the chair. Conirnunications were read from :` Creswickep & Alexander, `re gravel taken from pit on the Barrie Electr c Light Company .s \ property. at iVIid-_ hurst; Robt._ Barnes, quot1ng'p1-ice of cement tile for .Sprmg Creek drain; R.tTreadwel1 asking permis- sion to `remove tree on. fth `line which obstructs view on C.P._R.; M. r~ ----- .. ......;... ha nc:n:cn1P111' 'nf wmch ODSII`l.1Ct_S Vl_Cw uu uh; ._u., ..u. Caston, re errfqxf m assessrnentv *0: ` I ' I ' ' ` Mnftnn 5:- VWi1s0n<-Wattie - That $15.00 be granted to improve hill on townline at Anten.Mi11s-,_ providing Flos Coun- cil grant a like sum. ` - Wattie7-Ha1`ris-That W. J. Bish- op be collector of rates for 1910 at. a Salary of $120. ` ` _ Harris--Wilsoi1-That the ~Ree"vec "and the Deputy Reeve be a. commit- tee `tobdea1'with_the water trouble on the 14th Con. lune. 1i'r:1-.-... -t'l`t.n- 4-Inn nnnetrltt! oiw .. , THURS-DAY;,' sE1=T. 22nd. tne l4l KJHII, nu. VV\attie--Wi1son--That the consid- eration of the report, `etc., of the 13 Township Engineer, re Spring Creek u municipal `drain, be deferred until i, next meeting} ' _ 3` j. The following b"y-laws were given '1 their three readings and passed: A t by-lt'vi7establishing a road on part N of the of 191. 18 in the 13th A_ Con.: _a, by-law, establishing a road` on the N. V4o.ac'res`of the`-W." `/2 of lot 6 inthet. 5th .Con.; 21 by-law con- ` : rming the -lappoin.tmen_t _ of J. -Bishop, collector of ra`tes`t'or.. 1910. L _ eIhe.;'o11owing gcoun.were. pass- I- ed: , Hy. A Fiiatt,- ditching on 8th -7.Con., `$`24,5o: Ja1s.._..Kava,n`agh,` gutting, hill ` gn` Con. -7, _$59. _- IaS.`Kava'jnagh, . rm... culverts, on V n. 7.,.$6.o.o;'*i Hv. l Prat__t.*(lit"ehing; on; C911: 8, $25.00: B 3 -Coutts; ._I`e_.mster1n=g ; "deeds ; ` and r h;;_$3.16o-;JVi-J,-=Beeton.. A 1 W J . SATURDAY, SEPT. 24th. % IFRIDAY, SEPT. 23rd. VESPRA COUNCIL. %I1~H.E;NokRT;HE-R-N- EADVANCE Mdtions. -reV(l.er!#1ing }SoLId: `through error,` $5-.95. L - V` `PL- r~___-_-21 _~,u:_--__--4 `L- _.__; ;%f:';Eh7'"c Y;i jv$urned to meet 'I4pv::I7th, at IO a,m. _ - . f V ' A.`B. COUTTS, Clerk. aifhlfee ; jr_ ne`n: -;-who 5 were journeying 5 .f'1 ;M`n-W31 had ' clilite -an` exper- v1nF_1.11_t`11'e nlixup. that. occurred on." ;t1'.31}1"*th1ff3{-ve a at, Bethany yester- !:day"~A_aftern0`on. They came as far. as t I-"ort?H'ope- in a day `Pullman coach. -on N70; 2.. There they-gchanged t- the ; Port-_ gHope-Lindsay train `:1. charge of Engineer Wellss. and Con- ` 'ductor Crozier. When about a mile from Bethany four"cars were derail- ed and the passengers who were on {the coach. . behind were stranded. '_I`here`5va.s nothing for the three afore'sa.id gentlemen but to mount the engine and make the best of their way to Omemee, where they ~ were met by the auxiliary crew. The little incident`shows the vicissitudes of life, only in this particular case the descent was gradual. First they changed from a Pullman to an ordin- ary coach`, thento an engine. An other pecu1iar'circumsta.nce was the fact that the number of the engine was 247. The number 0-f passengers on'board- were I3. 7Add the gures of the engine number together and what do you get? 2, 4, 7, total 13. Is it any, wonder there was trouble T I...-1.-o... `Krno-1-`or 15 1!. any` \VI.Jl1u\.|. u --Lindsay Warder. Miss Gidday, began -41`. Tim'mi'_d', I thought to propose- ._ ~6n,...11.. 1\/I- 'P:mm$A1 qnfm-runferl 1 tnougnt t0 propua_c- R_ea l1y, Mr. Timmxd! ante:-rupt,ed Miss Gidday, I m sorry: but--.- . That we have some Ice-cream--' .Oh, I should be delighted to tAak____:s ; V H('*.___. ___.L2..... ...Ln.. 6-`an vnnafhnr nus OLIVER ma- WRITERFORI7 ; % CENTS A DAY. >.JUl1l\. \.v w is wa.rmer.* ' Please read; the headline over again. Then xts tremendous sigm- cance will dawn upon you. T ' -AA,-.l llhullyv II All uu. -. .- _.r V__ d , `An' Oliver Typewriter-fh'e stand- ard visible writer--_the most highly perfected typewriter on the market --yours for 17 cents.a day! I ...- _-1...-w... o\r\o4\rII1nE`- A; -'-_)'Uu.|b .lUl 1'] yvusa u \.auJ . The typewriter whbse conquest of the commercial world is a matter of business history--yours for 17 cents `a-day! _ ,__2A.:.. LLAL .n 431-:u:\\nr" a.-uu._y a The typewriter that _is equipped `with scores of such convemencesas The Balance Shift--The Ruling Device"-The Double Release- The Locomotive Base-'_1`he Auto- matic Spacer--The Automatic Tab-' ulatoi---"The Disappearing Indica- tor"-The Adjustable Paper Fin- ~ .gers -- The Scientic Con- densed _ K e y~ board--a1l ' `Yours for 17 ` Cents a Day! We announced this new sales plane recently, just to feel the pulse of the people. Simply a small cash pay- ment-then 17 cents a day.--That is the plan in `a nutshell. ` ""` L--4- ..---I. - '.l..I.-....-.1 IUI. J. L.|\, C_ )1 of Peterboro writes: In the rim three years,1we tested a7(j0\\'5 011 an average each year, " 1 mi our rst season s work At the em .Our11crd had produced en average mum of 7.500 lbs. of nnlk and 250_ H,_;_ of humr fut. We have a}1w_ays fed wen since we started dznrymg, hm at the mid 01 the year _I907 we collcludcd that we cquld produce bet- ter rcmlts with :1 llttle better `feed- ing, so-the wmler of I9C_>7~08. we fed hcncr. pl;u`cI1 \\'.'tIcr haslns m_front of our L~..w~. and ciezmed them. thor-i oughly uncc :1 week. At the end of thu \\'m'k fur the second year or the_ cm} of mo> _ H111` returns from the` 2:1 ()ttawa showed'_.us ('.:1ir_\` di\'i~'wH w\\' 01 8,400 1bs._mi1 k- .. fb` ::11:1\`v1';1~;~ 1w 1' axe;--' - _. ome eveing when the weather 7 ___..._..... $9.. _ Lllv lllull Ill 5; -a-. - - . . ` . -. _ ` The result has been such aedeluge of .applications for machines that we` are snnply astounded. ` rnl ,1 ag Jllllllll I.|stIp\I\ala\n\r\-0 1 The demaqd comes from people of `all classes_, all age_s,,_a1.l.occupatxons. x 'I"L_ ......A..I4.-- AC nun:-nous-one `I116 nnfhli all classes, an age_s,,_a1.1.occupauons. The majority of Amqumes has come `-from people `of known nancial standing who were attracted by. the novelty of the proposition. An im- pressive demonstration of the im- mense popularity of the Oliver Type- writer. ? ' ' 7` I -` D _,;,. L- AA startling conrmatiiqn ofiour be- lief that `the Era of Umversal Ty.pe~ `writing is at hand. A Quarter of .a Million People are Making Money With- . The Oliver Typewriter is` a money- maker, right from the word go ! "So easy to run that beginners soon get in the `v`expert. class. .Earn as you learn. Let the machine pay the ` I7 cents a day.-and all above that is `yours. ` ' - 111: _ _-- 4..- L`n4-4\,A\ --mob On T/ze Standard-A Vzfsile Writer .J\.wua Wherever you are, there s work to :be done and money to be made by h using the Oliver, The business -world is calling for Oliver op_erators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers.` AN OLIVER TTPEWRITER IN * EVERY Hours: 1" T - That is our battle cry to-day. We` have. made the Oliver supreme in usefulness and absolutely. indispens- able in busine_ss;- "Now" comes the conquest ofjthe home. a T ' ' .,.,-n2-2;-- -...s' ..A...-.L..sL at ck: `\,;y1u{uca|._ us any ........-. ~ ` The simplicity am} strength of the Oliver t it for family use; It is- be- ',coming an important factor in the` home training of young people. - An educator as well as a money maker; -4-'-._ a-A:.-no -u`no\ C\I1.E educator as weu as a luuucy ulanun. 1 V Our new selling Ian puts the Oli-' ver on the thresho d of every home in .America. Will you -close the door of yeourchome or oicei on this re- `markable Oliver opportu`nii ? `_I-A.'2I.. -2 A`.-_ At [Ht LI-u `our herd 131)-o< ]`)i4 we of co11c'1udcdth;u ( results a so the winter \\'.'m c wee wm'l< the 5 I 1.\n\ ,`H`. -r----_. ollvor %Ty`p% u;vrltor A -- _.'_.__ 1-1.; Iuauxauxc \Iuv\a via`-v.------, ..VWrite for further `details `of our eagy offex-'_a'nd a`fre_e.co,py.` of the new ~-Q_I;1ver cat;1log . Addes`~_ ` T * 4.: . -- frru`3A omivim --nrn`-swlgulsn Unnished Sentences. A :3 Hoodoo. OLIVER p\NI'i'l cr ` VARIOOSE VE|S_ _Q!lED WVTT T T j---- Vi`, _ BLOOD POISONS are the most revalent`and most serious diseases.-I`hey sap the very lite blood of the victim and un ess entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious complications. _ Bewa.re of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms-our NEW METHOD cures all blood diseases. `J YOUNG `OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.-Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken "down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, hysically and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Will you heed the nger signals? Are you avictim? Have you lost hope? Are you intendin to mar ? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? ur New Imaon axwmaznr will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for _you. Consultation Free. No matter who has `treated you, vmte for an honest opimon Free of Chu-go. n....|.. I.-....-"-Rnvhood. Manhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on Dxseases of Men. who nas treateu _y Books Free-Boyhood, Manhood, Fat] --- --- -__._ ---_.g -cnunocnlrr 1 Are Have Are mtencun IU ulun . no... Have you it others treated you,- wmte NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No name: on Boxes or envelopes. Ever-ythinu Confidential. Question List and Cost of Treatment I-`REEFOR HOME REATMENTX o.;s.Ki-:N_uEnY& KENNEDY -`- I 1- 79,_,-_I.I CL n-4...:4 Mi. A-an-v:- .- 2 E` . ` CO-o We eke the original manufacturers : . _ -' Limited. e ,` T 9f.bral wrappfersonow usedhfy 1ead`- : . ' - .- ~ mg acers 0 ttawa, _ ontrea , Q d _`other. cities. ,` " \ `u . Villa l'II\olIlaInuI Iuvwu -.-.. _.- -- .. H U c E All letters from Canada must be addressed - to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- . T ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us nally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor oices which are for Correspondence and for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. lENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. HAS !i11cu1'.r:.:; the \\'1nm` muvh 1wuv When -{You - Need ality Printing Oiljl V-Ij: - -'_.. ..__._ Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. oet}3i `Mich. ~~- l'\---_.!.. ........-.L La nq-AI The Advance luV o A vv-----v--- v- - - to es. One da. m bos: I t%`11d him m cgndion. Kennedy, as e had take: they were square and | Mmaon TREATMENT. M; +1.4. Graft mnnf.h'sl treatmc withacomplete cure. 1 coulu uuxy cazu W. .. ....-.. 8110 before treatment, now I am earning $21 and nev I w all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. - . HENRY of any kind, forany purpose, get our ideas, samples and prices, The cost is nothing, and it may mean many dollars to you. Our ability and equip- ment `enable us to plan and ex- ecute many. classes of printing better and cheaper than most printex-s--a look over our sam- ples will convince you that our claims are` genuine. JOB DEPARTMENT Uuu DC 58 an n BREAD... Should` avoid danger 1 u,.._.'. 2..-...-. 6114: run Should avom danger U1 uupum... delivery from the. oven to the_ hom_e. Insist on your baker wrappmg Ins `so-nor` `[1 EDD_Y"S are the origi: ' of . bread Wrappers ing ba1r's_' of C ,- Afpronto `and UI'C'dU BREAD WRABPERS ' LII Uanun bread in eatmens. HENRY C. LOCUST. of impurities `in- ~--- 4. L`-its knqnn Thi < Tllis wu`.2 icvcr gm<'1 come. Scat \'it1L` anal Ii every farm iurmcr lmw gr0\\`in},r. 1 5'.1>k:1Ichc\\'; by me:m< cmnpx-1i1iu11 m1r~c of cicnt 1:. < now been 1 : much `will 1 c111:nim1 1'12` L. . v Supcri: mctmcs u.u\"ll|l lhrouuh -1Il\ ihe km` of one two tr. \'erv h1 In tht- '~-'.tt1tt-:t. part Of P6111?` s3_h:tt`ti;t S;;..-, says :1 correspondent 0} the .'\1]l\'ltk`.'lll Agriculturist, pump.` lgttts \\'L`l`L` tVw.'tnct'1y very largely 8l'W'n' I<:r the 1>ttrp of being used -85.3 Sllppletttcntztry ration for hogs _0f Steers that were being fed heavily _KY.ail1. The pumpkins were STOW. ``1.v with the corn crop. Latter-T v +k:.. 1--.. '1.-- -almnstb I THREE YEARS OF cow TESTING. n(-mi! .u:\n ah':11I': . u - an. ,,,,u...|y mm 1pc corn cgegn b Iv. this 1>1`CCc hil)::cause 0? `the 'h0Yl `;b.`1'O::,egeed clover vxghwiytnh genera ]"' rn, 8. . , last 'cu1ti\`:1t10 of `the fr(i)nes scf1951y this seeding: Pump m ' interfered. TI `Is no fe 4' butti`4"% t the ? naturz11vc0`0" O I _ vroduced. _-.n\,I u' ..` | .- '. the. 1 educt1.o1".'m,Onv- . There 11:13` "9911;-:'ng grow" 113 dif- huantity 01 P`.ml1pbe C3Se Ofuivatins ' tario, too. mznn yew in. wmmonly _ cultics 1h<`.v.P` ghey are 6 him; to ` com with wh1ch be a good .t.ty of Brown. It W`.`11d qble `1ann5e'1V_e,5'_;. grow =1 `1""ct3r1d by.*h1`pe they? 5 \"``" seed .1: was an; mm _ , ' e 1 _ hfve a 1ncd1C`_1 V;1a1t:'ticu13';1e{,..?g4 cattle in com_1.t10 en' theot eyurc time in nutum `V is jsca1" daiI.'Y"{ of a similar ture elished by"*_]:~.giVf . ed more '1' S and these V gm pumpkm cows th :1 rich `HM in `.111`L`C 230 . "*5.ll-LVI-'4 V-y'a- "xsomc 15 W/ears `ag"o _;a'-;feA 9.Tt merchants of. .Den m:_u_' mfhat they. could gtg; '7 b11 ALFALFA CULTURE. Ih: gai. ut of acher :Total Assets overV g $43,000,000 RCSE I've! -4: Capital am'l :------n 3-OPERATIVE E839 CHlllY'.':'_\" i.~ getting the alfalfa`( :`~w l ;~:iil lizirtl. We.say let it 1 Scziticr the ,germs far and < llltl l{l.'L'|) up the supply till l i< inoculated, and every ; il\`t`Hll1C.~ zi convert to alfalfa 4 Uni \\'cst the Province of` l CllC\\'liI i~ spreading contagion :m~ ii (1 big alfalfa growing lilltvn. ,\t the beginning a 5FW>0 was consiclered suf- l the spreading. It has ten lwnnil that ten times that will lw rwluired to (lo- the i110-l in li`:'v'i"llj4'lli)'. In Ontario the ll'~<'l``i"l1l mi Agricultural S0- i~ --'.i the \\'.'1r1)ath. He is en- .ll'lli .l in do the inoculation :li llli' l'N`.'li agricultural socie- ~\' mi crop corn- ine il-A i=<;-mimnends where al- iilw 4.: :i frmtliold in any dis- ilw "~ ~ \l'i`l(.`tV of that district l i':~.-s imxiizigioii by including '. Inn-`nu-- the list of crops to bel vim`: .\l:iy the contagionl "l. l`~-`~-rul of impoverishing; HM :-`~f:.li`;-. enriches it. Instead` l` W 1 in :i season alfalfa yields, "_l~i:" vimn_=. Eacli crop has a` lnizli l.'.'il`.lC for feeding purposes.` `. PUMPKINS AS FEED.` `Kn lira -SEPT; Ea,t.ene{l k1\"u x;; 1~m1c1' fat. - ,~.-- than we vi Kl 1Il!lC(l; LHC luaun, n u... ~c:t. when it drew vwml us an average of milk per cow and over. 1 fat. In three years ~cd the average return .:- herd nearlv 2,000 lbs. -per 50 lbs. of butter fat. ar the third Vear is all H1 we take into consid- rt that rme-thi'rd of `the 4-. .1...-.25.).-n 4-1`y(\ .|AL\| Attkt by these results,` . in w<.x\ -O!) we fed not mm the prevxous Wm- ...r\ .. 124.4-in rnrn-0' l.llI [UL |J1\-Iov\.I-J n..- we gzwe a little more` a c=v\\'s were dry, but ~..-m uff mote. averag- ~c :1 week all winter, ~._-r of 1009 we fed m feed and corn when `:li'.c the result` was ,_1_ ,..- IA. A..g.-" `H'1T]. I ( )1(1`.` ill UIIL;-uunu U: ....- were heifers two roth- ausca INTERESTS Capitalv . ._ . A, Reserve Fund. . T. `. . $5,500,000` Head OF:e,~-Halifgx, NLS. -- L Genera} Manager s Office, Toronto. The Books and-` Statein`en_tsxof_ Bank are an_nual1vy~~submitte.d `to a strictly mdependent audit- ' GcneralVl_Bankin`5g Business Transacted Barrie Branczh - .`Fi v_e Pdinvts S._McADAM, MANAGER _ ' ' ' OF ne`1ts;;a1_l 'a,;ff M at; 2 ~g_!. price 'than the small, ill-shaped, difty or stained eggs. ` - ` } f\ A C n l" """" ' Once` the demand for these eggs lwas created on the `London market, the Danes were not able to.-`keep pace with the. same. This led `to`the first effort being made to organize gco-I operative egg circles. At first, the -progress made was very slow; it was nevertheless sure and stable. In the course of a few years whole `sections had banded themselves together with the one aim and object in `view _-to get _not what they thought the best egg for market, but'to get the `egg that brought the largest.DI'lC `per dozen on the English market. VI`! _ V , , . ' ' _IA--_-._ J -4--- ...C yvo \n\ra4vAl va; u,--v .--..B.-_.- ---._-_--. The egg most iri `demand was `of the best qualitytpossible. The Danes I have made a_ -specialty of- studying 7the market. They have gone so: far as to studythe exact wants of the consumer and then to supply ' the article. And this is the key-note to success in any organization of pro- ducers in any, line. T A I`; ;I-_ '4-,!-...L.._'- L...` 1-A5Vl'Il\IlIl" V 11111 . she n his inno- UukC1.3 III uI_y xnuy. A.ft__er the industry. had `reached certain proportions the Danes found .it necessary, in. order to obtain the [best results, to send one of their own men direct to Englandto follow the shipments as near aspossibleto the consumer, and thus be in. position to nd out if there was any way` in which they could improve the deliv- -..-_ -.. ,.....1:+.; nt 1-kn ornndq at anv 'n1(`n Ulty CUUIU Uupxuvv Lllw uy... cry, or quality of the goods at any ; time- Ultimately,` this ymeant . abso- lute satisfaction to the consumers- and it was not long before any price demanded could be obtained. . ._Of late y.ears, eggs in Denmark are , not only according` to size andyoutward conditions of the shell, but also `according to color, as the English ;market will pay `more nu - ..z... 1...... non than thv will 1ngl1sh;mar=xet wm pay mu... lfor a nice brown egg than they will fora white shelled one. This latter condition, however, does not affect the producer in Canada yet, as we can obtain as much for a. white shel- led egg as we ca_11,for the brown. although it will help the appearance of a case of eggs a great `deal to have themlwliite and the brown sepa- rated so that a customer in buying eggs of arst quality avor may be strucktwith the appearance as being a uniform lot.--J. I.. Brown, in `Farm and Dairy.` 9 _ , ,__:_:._- Incorporated. 11832, i HINTS FOR Save inside` soap `wrappers to rub ' xrons on` when xroumg. T . V . An oyster s_he1'l put ihto avkettle will prevent the kettle becoming flur-I . red. Eggspoons ` that be rubbed with dill \ ishing. an `Save cold ~coffeeA1eft from bre fast and use.` in place of Water iyour fern. V 1 A v i Sugar is a _valuable foodstuff I children. but it sh`9u`l'd. be eaten v lmoderation. " ` "`-1 `On Q1! ulvuunu .... .. ' `In order to mak allow the water to making the tea. Save tea leaves, rinse cold` water and use 9n thevcarpet when sweep- `xing to lay the dust; I _, ` . | Bread should'a1ways~be at least a I day 0-ld befpreit is e_at`en;~NVew bread Qshou-1d be avolded. e goor1-.tea never boil twxce before -- -`.a1\cI11` hp from was T from eived and '39 a;rab_xc, J;2.!1d? __i1fQIii__ on - By putting*~the ,end_ot a Canunc . to? hot water it will be. found to t. any caxidlestick quite easily without` Wrapping pape; round it. To make sang which [has bee'_n wrmklbd appear `like new, spongeVi%thc;:: surfqg with:ia..,weak o1u.tion.o_f g_um*i:t-. t_h_e;i wr9ng_ .s1 5. To make silk wrinkI`ed a_.ppea.r 1 s`ur_fa` wxthgaw W4 3115 that are. stain-ed should damp salt before` 001- THE I-IAOUSEWIFE. Eee 1eft I from break- place water on uvv_\yuGU L, that when -1.-- `E fer wlth Eignts` o,ftl1 e%Wek `CoIiil ensd..:for. `T Busy Advgnce Readerg. A ' News of th se}ious illness at `ydershot of Lieut`. Roy Gzowski. was cable51 by Co'_1onVeVlT Sir Henry Pellatt. \ "m...~~r........z- `nu. - -.._-_._.A- -4 ;`r_v_aVaJ`LV\4`| -5.111. I .LL\_._l|1_'_y .l. cucut. The TQ!'0I1f0'B0a1'.d of Contrpl de- cided to extend a civic reception to 1the Queen's Own Ries on their re- turn from England.. TL- rs; ' __...,=,.....,... . V The Provincial police were notied `of the arrest at Toldeo of ' Frank. Jackson, a. negro wanted at Chatham.` on _a charge of murder. ~ ` " I "'l"L`.r< v.-vu. av was canyon Q: a Canada` Steel -Company will build a `four-hundred-thousand-dollar mill at H:ax_niltqn.' '[ ..... - you -------..v--u I 3: Deidr'icI1 -Hiebert, a thirteen-y.ear-` Old boy, has been committed for trial at _G_retna, Man., on a charge of mur- V dermg his cousin. ` . 5. --- ~B ---... vv------ I _ Three men_ were arrested at Oak Lake, Man., with -about four .thou~- sand- dollars worth "of: jewellery in their possession, stolen from a store In Hamiota. . `~* ,Br.yan has announced 7that he cannot .su1_mort the Demo- cratic nominee -for Governor of N<:- braska. A ' DAILY NEWS` GRIND

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