Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Sep 1910, p. 4

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H833 K-5: 1! VX-3. Sheep, 7 CWCS . . ;. Bucks and. culls Lambs, Cl#`f cwt. .. .. ed.and- W: heavies .o.b. ` '! O UBC 4 H ats .. v . . . . Oats (new) . , Peas .. Rye .. . . . . . - .. ` Buckwheazt .. , ." Hay, Timothy , Hay, clover . Str`avv, bundled 1..--.. canon o c n o o t 1 o ' I E Stogkers,. Bugchef Butfher Butter, per lb. Chick ens,`dressed . Fowl . . . . . Ducks (spring) Turkeys . . . . . . Drv onions (bush.) Cabbage (each) Potatoes (1>ush.) New `beets Cauliower .. .. Celerv. _(dozen) ..... Apples, (barrel) Pumokins .(each)` .. Pickling `onions, ba: .- \4 \IIlIvLI, `i W'I}eat, fall, bush: ` 6 ("unh- goose .. aviss Ida Malcom spent Sunday under the parental roof at .Shanty .Bay-;; ' -" `,f.__ -[AL 7-`, u. u l uCd.V_y . . . l , dressed . Chickens, per lb. 13. Hens, per lb. . . . . . V. . Butter, roll, per lb. .. 2o. Lard, per lb. . . . . . . .. 18. Eggs, per doz. . . . . .. A 20. Potatoes," new, per*bag 45. gay, pirdton . . . . . . . .A 8 oo. urcd i es . . . . . . . .. 9`2. Green. hides s -\ 8. [can skins, p'it}.'I.'I l 12. Sheep skins I06. . Tallow, per . . . . 5-A . 3 W001, picks . . . . . . . . . 5. iHorse hides - . . . . . . . .. 2 50. Horse Hair . . . . . . - ' . \Vool, washed . . . . . . 21. I ungvashedm _-.. .. ' - 13. l Toronto, Sept. 28th, \7l'l.....4. :..n L, - Wheat _. Oats . . . - - QI- .eas .. l'Bz;rley . . . . Flour - Beef, hind qr ulvu UIUDB lVIlII\I\lolDo Quotatipns _on ' Tuesday were :- Export c'attIe, choice..$_6 255$ 6 L .med_ium '5 65... 6 . bulls . . . . . 450.; 5 Sutcher cattle,_ choice. '5V7o`.. 6 medium .. .. 525... 5 `vcommon .. 4.25.. 5 Butcher cows,.choice. 440,. .5 - vcom.'a.nd med. 3 00.. 4 . ` bul}s_.. 3 5o.._ 4 ,..... -an uuauA_y_ U]. \PLU-LI} ff;,17h'e;Vf4?11i<(vv5v in`g. _;=1.c';<.>.'1iAx1_,t$i.` 3 The (ilblie is rtryirigyto live u;;_ to its recoid in the matter of keeping its readers posted,_ aside altogether from the ordinar_v sources of local and telegraphic news, ` ` : Prices Ruling in the Barrie end Tor- ' , xonto Markets During the Week. ' Mr; M. O. Hammoml, Editor of"the Iillusi-' trated Magazine Sectiuu of 'I`h:e ,G1obe,_ is con_- tributingilettersbn the political situafion in lthe`United States. Theiisei will be continued Iduring thelnext few weks,` Mr. Hammond s instructions being to trdvel wherevr good copy from a Canadian viewpoint can `be so- : cured. It goes withoufsaying that not_ in ' fty. years has so much interest'been taken by Canadians in United States politics _as`i the case_ atthe_present time. ' ` ally equipgd for such an evxpe`d_itAioAn,' having spent several years in _ the mining camps, Ameria and South Africa. T h nu-: LATEST MARKETS uva srocx MARKETS. Ioru--:4-inns an "`---- ` ,---,-----~u `nan; .1`--ua_y.~ 7: Mr. Geo. Contable is veneering, his house which he recently pur- chased. ;~ 4 ' EssA Vacuum Automatic Barrie, Sept. Op~erate-d gasily by a `V child. COUNCIL. * b'a'si. Mr. Mrs; Hunter, "of Bar-rie,'accompan1ed by their child-` ren,_ were guests at the home of Mr. John jMetcalf last.;.-Fr1day.-- - ' K/T- F`..- f` A Gleaner 1. 29th,` %WfV A1194`-$8.1 1910. "1910. _7 so} 4 7% 3 so 6 15 0 IO 8 2 s 8754 .50: .10 00, A 101 10 so 20 I 5 so SO` 25 So Wedding bells are ringihg I-loudly. in our midst. V - . Miss Martha Rogerson of Lefroy is `the guest of her sister, Mrs. Irv- ing Nelson. - Mrs. Jas. Booth of _th Fgueenfcityj is a} visitor at the home of.Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Black. 1;. The Canadian Northern Ontario Railway has issued a circ_ular to deer hunters, urging quick action to get the Department of Agriculture at Ot- tawa to apply the dog quarantine only to townships where rabies is lmown to exist. As matters stand now the transportation of dogs from the infected area is prohibited-.-i. e. theearea west of and including the Counties of `York and Simcoe within ithe westerns peninsula. The circular points out that `there are `no wild animals that dogs could possibly in- fect- --certainly `not wolves-antl re- fers to the loss ofhuman life attend- ing the still hunt. V ' I l_e,d.: Ingham `Sharpe, 407 yds. gra- vel, $6I.o5; 'John7 Dobson, lling! Wash-out on 6th Con., $1.00; Andrewi iMiller, building culvert on 6th Con..: !$2.25; N. Asaph, sDlit-1og drag and. !rep. to grader, $5.45; R. J. McAfec. {cedar and spikes, $13.12; W . T, Ir-- Hvin, -balance of account for operat-i `ing grader, $2.00. I-rq__ ra -. .o v--:3 h-vU\-ow. `gin-ouvc The Council adjouned t m t `t! Angus Monday, Oct.` 3rd,0 ee 1 I ' . 1* n I f"/'\`7IIP/\I'ur!1v-v .-..- - , I$` 9`. Jo .n.IAs\c|\a ' Miss Lizzie Kneeshaw has return-I ed to Toronto to pursue her profes- sion as nurse. Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time. bably_ been in- tendin to try Red Rose Ta forsome time but from force of habit have- just Kept on using another tea. have pro- I__I.I__ `I.___- 2.. Always Ready for Service I Your Grocer Willi Recommend It -4-an ingenious device--br-ings re under all the ccokinrr holes on top. N o matterrwhether your range be runnin: with direct draft or with the heat turned around th: oven._ each top cooking hole. is ready for heay}. Service. Call and l/t`u_sjc1emonstrate its many modern arkazltac-eg Even if you don t intend to buy right now, the know"! you will gain frorn a visit may save you dollars cetits later on. ' V l I - Very fe.vAvlstoves there are that will bake, fry .-boil equally well at same time. You can, hoxvevcr, the Happy Thpught. V A Patented Damper in the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE ' uzvn SOLD IN BULK __ __ I..." V. uuu ll. 13 a great comfort to be assured how. independent we may become when our inexhaustible water-powers are` made to supply those needs forus. Nova Scotia, Alberta, and" British Columbia have great stores of coal,` which will last at least until these] are well worked out; but the water powers of the great rivers of On- 'tario, Quebec and New Brunswick will last for" all time`,"with cabacity. for transmission at a fraction of the cost of coal. ' A 0 0:0 0:0 Ojo OI 0O_0O*OO- OTC O-O OI I-[OAR A WARE S3 2 IVe /cz:'e` /52/22u{1.~`;`J cz/[:'55 it/um 605;` a mm:"(V/u: :m`r`5 U1 tire 5/001` of m2,'x/%.`L'.< mm ',\`.'u;:1' '3-l7`III(, Il/.\` mm z`.':':I cut ire /at (2! one. T /22': 25 ,f>o. sale of good ~:'a/xx: ma,{ e your .v`; e'zf.V ` THE BARF-`HE }Housef_urnishing% `Q9 ! nnavv uvvll Luulpcllcrl by abandon the uIl(ICrZ.'11-;1m{_ j Isijic"-1:} AND~\wHIIE ' -_ HEAPE-Rlight-and~ power>are' . A promised under. the regime of .` Ontario s hydro-electric policy, which goes` into. effect` {niow with :'d-i Strin- tion lines extending to all the in-or _ important towns. and cities through- out`: the western part`? of `the province, Electriclight for,_t_he homes, the pub- lic halls, the factories and the streets will ._be served from the_great_, water, powers of Niagara ,River,. at lower; rates -than have ever-`7 been `possible "heretofore; and` light and power-enter largely into. the wants of men in our- ' dayt The machine "shops," the city "railways and the public _sy`s'ten:1.s',of `water supply` derive much of their ` driving force. from` the` el'ec_tric -[ct,Ir- If rent,`and' everyyear of this century has witnessedfa. marvellous develop- 'ment of: this `force in Ontario` andthe 5 other Canadian provinces. Mr. ` K. i Mc'Nau_g`ht's "pamphlet on Black valid-_Whi`t*e Coal com es`o ut opporri 'tunely with the open.ing of the On- tario Go`vernmen_t _s_ hydro-electric policy, now on the eve of startinglt into -life, and every.body is `interested . in. itibecause everybody may be a l gainer `by the enterprise. "And leav- ing out all other considerations, every citizen who works in a `fac-. at-ory. ofqce or store will be a gainer in health by the `substitution of e1ec-l- tricity for'1ightin,c: purposes, and in comfort by the elimination of the smoke nuisance. Mr. McNaught makes a strong appeal to the Cana- dian sense in showingihow much we `have been dependent on the coal mines -of Pennsylvania and Ohio for heat, and light, and power; and it is `d n ..........4. --- v e l l .T" "*""`\--Ll (IIHI ]`f) favxators who attcxllptc-(1 `Pans to. Bru.=es1s with }have been C0lTlpCHL`:i 1 NY ahnnrinn flan ....,!.___ 1' ' Cial that's stricy h%gh.grade Urderow - `Phone No. 23 ...Delivered when You Wish. Estate of Aw. wiikinson D. G. Davkison Prop _W|lK|NSON 8 SKIRTS AT HALF-PRICE .B0th Mahieu and I, Lafnrc uyl-..-\ ......_ r0.~`p0Ills to every possible II:ml- wM`e_.t_1ced, an-.1 If by any chance" we l1avu'!: the precise article you want in stock, it can be got by first express. -WE HAVE anticipated the growing demand for lCarpenters' Tools of t ght sort, and will also Guarztntee All Our T0015- FIVE POINTS Hardware Store .....r ._v.. _....v ..--.--- --.v away; no ycuauu . I isilbscribers now in a_il-rears for three mbntha and over will be chanted 81.5 ) per annum. Ioo1-oojo ajo 3- joojoojo :-_C__C JUST AS USUAL E Sadie fdilkinson. ....Admmx:!ra?rix You can an :3 Ioojoojo 3% -OQ-7 3` ` o3--o0Cgi IOO-O J11 __..I, 'y and r, with "$r`.oo. PER ANNUJSI iii AEIANCE. UNITED` STATES svsscxrsmas $1.50 ..IN' ADVANCE ' 3'30 nw name will `be added to the Sib- scnption List until the gnoney is paid. .I;.|.......:I....... ..-... x_ .._______ n__ A_L_,, , -' .- I Fix c }`u1r...< .oredzm, D m1.~'ha;; -7- --_..._7_, ._' ,'!`.HOMPS`ONi ciuzw, -p'UBLIsH"ER fisfs. Rita Wbb of Big Ba}? `was a week-end` visitor at the.-home of (Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mathers. - `III. 111- .`I , An" 8 P730 48. Conan}: Nosvupiper, Pvabltqhod tromthe otce. 123 Dunlap Street, Barrie. in the County of Simone. the Pro- , Vince of'Ontaric.- Canada, every ' Thursday Moraine. by _..._..A____.___ ._.iz._ P!*3n%"f_*ti`!?.t*!%#?*r`*"v*! Thursday, `Sept. 29, 19109 Tums or SUBSCRIPTION." STROUD. ; -.`Mr.` R5. I:{a':is;~*`9's.;dent, who hs htd- ?hjarge . of `St. `John's Church si3;ce :`er:1y ?ping. pfaehed his ,:farfe-i : _a la~r_g attendance, aignumber. T-bf _stran`gers being - prese`nft, . jSin\ce5, `Mr.- ;. ?H'arr_isL `took Vch-agfge of this VVmiS;;?-$13411. I he has earned 'iuch.~pb;pu la,;rity; H15 'e_r,m;onsL:- vgvgxge` `. paVrt ic'u1a 3r ea `iiejsil 5; . 'ae11?2;'}serath:9za:`ibn sun 4 y. Thtevaczasj` _--.v. . ...., gagnnlllll-\.lI|. ; Two :e(:_tl;ree cases of `typh":d\ fever appear to have .dev"e1opecki.n this. locality. The sufferers are `Miss Da'rby.?and brother "and Mr. F. Cow- ard, the. lat_ter seriously ill; . The young` man .15 said to have contract- ed the fever while employed as `re- `ITIRI1 nn' an cinnnr "ntrn ...'...L4..... _ ---- ......... w \:5I1.lLUJ (;Ll. as auc` man on an upper lake freighter which recently was _laid up for the seaspn. . Mr. Coward: was ill when he returned home . Miss DarbyT.h'as been removgd to. thj_R. V. I-Iospi,'t al,' Barrie. "ixi}'."o`1i'nw'1\4. Kiel of__ this vinage and Miss Hamilton of`Hi1lsdale;]te'ft here on Saturday morning to at,td_'do \ the Normal School. at Hamilton. > TX.` A `L`A`_ . `; `:4 .....I......_,- -u._-. Juunva .I..l..'Ul U1 _JLlIII_Ya]C was amqng the `guests under . the parental roof. - L T `It -Au do at --- ' ' contiiigents of iint'er`es f`A;'cili'i spectators, as well as exhibitors, at- tended the Barrie Exhibition. All `report excellent exhibits, and an en; Joyable -time. ' e 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brokovskieof Coldwater were visitors in this_vi1- Iage last week, being the guests; of 'Mrs. Geo. Snider. ; ; Mr. and.Mrs. D. `Hill of Richmond Hill and son L. A. `Hill of. the Stout?- _ville bank staff motored to thisevi;l- `Iage on_ Saturday. They were _tlj1e guests, of Capt. and Mrs. Hill over Sunday." M_r. James I-Li1l'of'_AElm"vale ; 2I11f\fIn' I-INA 'mna`I .... -.. LL- .-.-. suulalyuull 4u1a.uuau;. ` " ` `The anniversary services of the Methodist Church wjll__Vbe held on Sunday, Oct. I-6th?" 'On 'Mond'a) evening. Ofct.` I7.tAh,"'_`ha11 "excellent ton. Celt.'-Wi`lI b'e' gixien by Mi`. Herbert Morganfs q.uart"t and choir, asshisted I } by VMiss', NQrkI__,tarr. y--u _I|\rI\v ,[\.\,\.llI.l)'. .V wI-{'<:'t; ,.Ea111,pul)e1l_spent;;~a {few l d`ay`s"j-last week \7vit'h her`a1"1n`t, Mrs. M. Campbell, Allandale. `~. ' rnl - - WV. -.._.. ,.--... . _ ` ; .-_1\_/I;'s. Clarence Sngley has been yvxsmng l1er_parex1ts_at Co1c_l.water_.;,_,_` 7\/fa ...-_! `AK..- T.` ,, 1'7 1. a I Jaw; V. ----- --pl `.qu....-.aV cu. v_uu.g:\va|.C1_.`...` and Mrs. John Kell of Cooks- `town visitedfriends here recently. R/[:2-... `DAL- f`____.,1.,|1 . P ` 7 1'\1}. T-"5-<;;z1'_"1:/'Iulho11a11d ~ and child- ren of Osler, Sn-sk'., visited Mrs.,Ge'o. Dyer "last week. ` ' ' ` . `Alf..- F1 - I" - --., .u...:. 4; 1/_y\.A. . l\'I1:. Ben Redfehi has fetumed '10 Toronto-after an, extended visit witl1| his parents; . V - _ m V _ I } /J1VIiss' Mary-- Lougheed is `visiting [he]:-' b1_-other, Mr. T. Loughe`ed,;Alla-n= l dz: P 3 ' , 1;; i dale. IJ If"i'I'r. and M1-s.*M;. Andrews of/Big +Bay.` Point spen't Sunday`-with Mr. Andrews. ~ ` ' . -...-v--u Mr; and Mrs. Herb. Black .and children of Thgrnton wer_e Sundav guests of the former s parents, Mr, and 5 Mrs. Johnsotb _l31ack,_.. IA - ,..1 `I Mrs. A, Maley of Ba`rrie snpent ai few days last week with`her daugh-1 ter, Mrs. A. Dyer: 1\.f.. `n __ F Mr. Horace Partridge is wearing. a` -broad smile these ...days; A _1it_t1e `daughter came tobrighten the home [on Saturday. _ . T. -_ . ~ V` i Anniversary services will be held` `in the Methodist Church_uex,t Sun- day at II and 7 o clock.. Rev. E. Brown of Hawkestone will preach. |The thank-o erinVg will be taken. ' `Ill 11' 1'\ ! .-- v V1 -.n-D qnvh `I \J\dVn yUIlI . Servnce next` drawn 111 St."`Ja1nes Church. A - - - Sunday "will b with- the work here Oct. 9th. Mr. ' Hafris held his -farewell serg vice `in St. James Church on Sunday evenmg. Rev. James takes charge of Chappell. V Miss Rainy ha-sf-rett'1`med ;to. Bar-- rie after a visit with her sister, Mrs". Miss Je1i11ie.vQt1i11l.ai'11 left. for Ham- }i1-ton'on' Saturday,.,to attend the.Nor- :'mal School. _ . j . I .4. A-aaqaya LVLKJIIQ > ` ' ~ .Miss Maud Wiggins of` Toronto {is home _for `a `holiday. ' - r` `Mrs. Baileyfand children of `Shrig- ley, accompanied by Miss Preston` `of. Bethany. spent `the week-end with |the Misses Moir. ' ` ` ` ` V I lVi`i__s s Edyth` =Tho1pson"is .visiting `friends in F105. ' ` . T day. V? gnu, v gun a. Juuuaulr .Dli1ClS.. Mr. and Mrs. $z;muel` "Brioley, ac- companied, by them children, -renew ed ,o!d acquamtances in Ivy. ,.0nfS`u_n- -_- .7 ..-v u n o n Av ~ aJ\J\(ll Al-\IlIIl\voV Miss AnnierMcL%ean. visited. hr-_ sxster, Mrs; M_cKe1Iz:e"' of; CO1l1ng- woo d-, `this.~week. * ` I I , SUNNIDALE ~coi2NERs. Miss Maude McTagg?art of -Cdllings `wood and Mr. and Mrs. I; A. Adams [of Watford spent a few `days this week_at their` unc1e s,,. Mr. G. Mo`i-r s, "Bonnie' Doon Ho'lme.f ` A If` I ' ` ` A C ! - ;fhe infant son of A1\/Ii`. and __,Mrs. Jas.- Muir, who "had been aiIing'fot some time, died ori Saturday morn-' ing. The funeral took place on. Sun- day. from St.-- Peter s Church, where the service was _conducted by Rev. Mr. Maconachie, whb gave a sym- pathetic` addr~e_s"s` from I. Thess. 4, 13, `I4, 18. Mr. and- Mrs-.` Muir have the latrosannl-14-. At. LL. I. A.-A-3-_ 14, 10. Mr. ana-1_v1rs; Muir have the sympathy of` t he.-ent1're commumtv. Mis.s Kitclhin-g. '1.'61:bnto, Zspenf . last week with her,aunt.-Mrs. J. Rus- sell. T - ~ V I Mrs. Spohn, Toronto,` is` visiting %`M1-.'s. F. S. Priest and other friends h_er ` > . _ \ -. .v _' -vnvuuxc. U14 uctuuluaj } Miss A:gg1es "L. Richardson left on_ }Saturday to commence study at the iN,o rmal School, Hamilton. V _ I ,_-.._-J own. -v-\IL\JI,I.\.Io 1 Mrs. George J, Middleton return- ed to- Dovercourt` on Saturday; \ 'l\.f:.... A.._--_ `T 1'-`VI ` '- Miss Bessie Thurlbw, called. on .Hil1sdale friends recently. 1\:f!2.._ T_..,-2_ f\' ' - . - - - - _ ___ . ' . . -vLA\.|u |\1\v\vll|-ll: Miss _[ennie-- -Richardson left` on `Monday for Toronto. ` ` -T ' studies at Victoria College. "1;/.[Er.f John Peacock has `gone to? the -Queen City, where he will resume h1s_ l , Mrs. ?Alex. `Duncan .has; returned home: after -enjoying a very pleasant time with her sister at Jackson City, Mich; ` ' l i Note--Corresponden`ts_ `in speaking of L` the Vmovements of visitqrs will please state the places from which they come. -\ ' A VCRAIGHURST. FERGUSONVALE. . CROWN HILL. :9 HOLLY. MINESING. ;:?`.I3ii`ers_,i '4'f1Ax1`g:Jj.(",A.1a.1'Vt:`1_`1c,5.z_1V1br of btzjhe ,.,st1>a;9` tLt1a*&.G1%214e%:FiE.j?3?fn=%%9riTa 1>in%~e*- M heGozgaaA%E1ts LsIe`e,Aas1thel at `0.rth'Tco ntr; lfers execptnousf %"6?u} giaial bxackmith, :.Mr. F. T.Mat~hers, shod nineteen hor"ses`.t'hat> vw~e_1-ge exhibited'._at j Ba,rri`e s .F,al'lgFai,if. 9,_ j The citizens comxnittga-I1as.5j sh}; .II'th for Stroud --`civic holidav. ate}; for '1)Ailg._'v.`;;.> . , ;s_<:.-~.. " , ',_`[.4;'fi-g_e list" of`.sports in the park.` The Globe has tri`6'd during all its history not to lose sight of the fact that a `newspaper can play an important part in nation and em- pire building. `One way in which this has been effectively practised is by keeping train-V ed members `of its stat!` constantly on the ping in search of "useful and interesting in- Vfo'rni_atio_n.. Wherever important national work or, world events in which Canadians were c_onccrned were `teking,pIace, or where`, pioneeif development ' was in progress,` there! The Globe coiiuiiisioners have been reporting with intelligentdiscexnmentfor thebenet 0! V this ceuntry. V V I I This policy lies 1:arely,~ if ever, been more generally prnctised than at present. To-day` `the Managing Editor of The Globe, Dr. J. A. Mncdonold, is in Mexico, `where . a. three` e\'i*eeks V celebration of the centenary of repub- lican government is being held`, and upon his ratui-nhe will contltilingitei; series of `sketches o;n_-that inteyestingl country:-"la country whose :.rp1tionit9:Janude `are: becoming very close. ` .~ fa . `F `I `' u --- *. ""'(:};zvpt.::ZiT:`zli'ray Edton is_ represetT1ting The fexlvusive presg Globe witAhAt_h' ip Egglaud, _the biy _ coi14[5o'ifdi5t` biii the trip. __ ..._ ~ ' _"a;.. 12-, 1"-f`~.'. _ , `T ` - uf . `Harvest home` service was` held in St.. x, V'1`homas _ Church last Sunday. The church was beautifully Qecorated by the members of "the guild. The? Rev. `M r. _Meek ofciatedf Miss McMiI1auTofQri1liTa. is spending a few ! daysnnder the -parexital roof. ' Mrs. Thos. "Brooks andwdaughter of Allis- ton are spending a few days here.` ` x . ' 1 "fhe la-.Iies(of me English Church choir gave Miss Meeka send-off -in the form of a dinu'er served on the beach.` The weather was ideal and all report a good time. Mr. Geo.VMor row a1j_d brdther have rented the Fillinghaur farm` and are busy getting, things in shape. . I Mr. Stowax't_: andffamily, who spexit the sixmxner here, returned to Toronto Monday. Glad`tc.> See Mr.`H?Pckard home :igaixx_. M133 Ruth Meek leyft Mondy to attend Toronto I Univcrity. ` Johi_1VCowan. ~- ' 11- - -- "M;;` 'vx7i'1'1 1I'{a}1"{e;`c} B.radfo'rd~;-s1;ent Sunday at the home of Mr. and _Mrs. Miss Maggie Rands is home again, having, l spent the sutnme'r in Muskoka. ' I stltunxef home. ` . V . Mr. Fredeharivcv Nicholls `and Semitdr Cox of Tor_or.to made `a shorbvisit _to the fonnfet- sf I .We are very sorry-to crofhbicle the death of James Stewart `.Muir, infant son.ofLMr. and Mrs. James Muir, jr; who died very suddnlyg `on, Saturday. _ The funerial took place to St. ' Peter's Church, Minesixfg. oh Suhday after- nooh. The-bL-1'ecwedV -faunily _h1a.ve.t}1e'sym_ patlxy of the entire community. ' LMr'St'an1ey Reyxhmildsu of Midland is spend- I inga few weeks 4with_.Mrs. Thos. Coffey. Miss Olive McDermott of Elmvale a1Iedl on friends here on Friday, before leaving for, Pete_x-boro Normal. School. - ` . ' I ' Mrs. George Pe_aeock is very ill. We hora for zyspeedy -1 ecqvery. . : E j.iIig;M:J`Atkinson of Crown Hili is the guest of: Its. G C. Caston.- `M:,.- 1...... LT._.-4...__ _L- ` tr A "beef trust has-Tbeevn c.>rganized m th1-s locality. T _q o * . A. --.-. J Lu ;.V',u\-UL Ul'&V.ll3. \J'.,\./. K/d.3LUll. | . -Miss. Lena -Hunter of the 2nd of; vOrog: is visiting Mrs, James Mc- Cracken. - ` . ` and `advice to young men. was receiv- ed with much serious thought; con- sequently .he* commanded large at- tepdances. `In visiting the siq}; of his parish he"was particularly` active. _Mr_. `Harris next eld of labor will beia missionin, South America. The Rev. Mr. James of Alliston, it _is an-| nounced, will be the`ne'xt incu'mbent| and will probably be,` inducted in St. Joh_n s Church` shortly.` TL}- ___..-l \J'\.I'V and M`:-s . M. Ma~tl'1er`s..VsTpe.`nt _ Su`nd%a'y-with Mr. Geo. -Webb of; Big `Bay. ,:Point. (Y..'.. _..... 2 - ` g.._ '1 0.: -no - \/-GUI` \o|1 u nun LIJ week 'wi1i nisii most of the _threshing in this locality. Mr. J.{ Emms- of Dalston threshed 2ooo_ bushels. (.500 being fall wheat) for Mr. Geo. Binnie last week. Grain of all kinds is turning out we11'and the sample is good. ` ' A1,, I I A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. OTTON & SON ANTEN MILLS. SI.IAN`1`Y' BAY; Cleans CARPETS. RUGS. CURTAINS; DRAPERIES; FURNITURE " perfegtly. Guarantged to give ~ satisfaction. For Rent by the Day or sold for $25.00 Ve1ach. =1tIiE: NOMRTHEJRN ADVANCE Essa Council met pursuant to. ad-` jou1_'nmer_1_t.at `Alliston on- Sept. 19th, with an the .members1 p`resent. , '- A `by-law to apgioint a _co11e`ctor of` thxesVwas` int';oduged.T gnVd ' % | C`. "~b. [W3'8f`8PP9i'md`TV `.1: - 99.15!-I-` ` $12 " say, . -V .. .-, 'Miss `Susie Peabock left for the` West, where she vyill spend some time visiting her s1ster,?rMrs. Ram-

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