Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Sep 1910, p. 1

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` Lou Jean 2 . . . . . 5 , Lady. Louise A*A Dgad Beat for Best time, 2.26. _ Farmers` G: Ruy L, ` . . . . . I` No Trouble Mabel D. . Blackbjg-d .... . Half-mile heats. I ELMVALE FALL; '-'73 Frcei for couutv; or smco: AND `rH:'oom|NidN or OANADA oun cnnanson. __ I .. __. Green ;?BeVst L Best? tifn::, L19`; ` Tvrot; time, FAIR. TV 1,07%- II I3 2I ____._. (`ondengst-d mm 2%.: 3111111-s, E-we : 45 IMARY DOLAN cmml of Child Muraer-senmio'na1 Trial T Closed Tuesdgy--Strong ` Rec-4 A o . _ommendation to Me_rcy. IPRISONER S sum PLIGHT! Bldckstock s Cogent Argument" Left ~ No Altlcmative. We nd the prisoner guilty as charged in the indictment, but we make a strong recom- . mendation to mercy. w... The above was the _somewhat une expected though` iustiable verdict returned by the jury who sat on Tuesday. on the infant-murder case `against Mary Dolan. This was the iculminatio of a` tragedy that began when the prisoner s child was cast by her into the waters of the Nar- rows last March. There were few dry "eyes" when l_Mr. George -Tate Blackstock, K.C., icoucluded his address, as scathing an arraignment of immorality in all {its phases as has probably ever been fheard in a; Canadian court of justice. llt shattered in many. particulars the [clever A address- by the prisoner s counsel, Mr. T. C. Robinette, K.C., {and practically left the jury no al-it l ternative. In at oaroxysm of grief, her_ bodyi ishakingv with sobs and tears stream-' ingv down her face, the p`risoner,i charged with the murder `of her il- legitimate child, was led into the dock .at 9.30. " ' ` The selection of a jury was short work. Mr. G. T. Blackstock, Crown _,P.`rosecutor, rose to address themu iand a hush fell over the assemblage. I i _ Extremely Distressiiig. O , The" prisoner, Mary Dolan, isi `charged with the crime of ,mu`rder,i _ `he began. The circumstances con- 1` nected with the case were extremely` distressing and pathetic. He said: I I , I . (Although of a respectable parent-' i `age, she formed some years ago an acquaintance and an unlawful in- ltiriiacy with Thomas IjIcNulty, a |h_otel keeper at Uptergrove, a man } cried man with two children. Three ,} years ago .-a child was born to herlf `at Buffalo, where it now lives in'a t home. .111 March last another? child \ [was bornat Mrs. Levoy s home in., Toropto. About Easter Monday theij `woman took the child and went tol1 Hawkestone.. There fortune favoredl] her for the time being. Burdenedt` with a child and her valise, a passe/r-| 1 by kindly took her to his home for supper and drove `her back to Hawkestone, where she was to take` the train for .Orillia. , The Crime. . In a subdued `voice, Mr. Black- stock` related the incidents that fol-\: lowed; how the girl, instead of -go-'5 ing into the station, walked up the ` track, took the baby. s body from a valise wrapped it in `a -cloth and hurled it into the" waters 7of the Couchiching Narrows. With deep , sobs the woman shook and cried out in her anguish as the pathetic. 1n-; cident was `recited. i Had to Call Doctor. _ 1 1 This cast a glooni .over the court,i and when the Crown Prosecutor re- - lated the nding of the baby s body. the prisoner almost collapsed and swayed "from side to side. A doc-i tor was called for and the prisoner- s younger sister` and mother conS.01d her. and in a. few minutes she recov-" cred.` The" Crown Prosecutor stoo-' ped his address for some minutes. , Cut Address Short. _ V Continuing, Mr. ?Bla,ck]s_tock said he would cut his address shot-t,"and said: This isone of the most- dis- 1 tressing cases it has .e_ven,been.m-){' 2 misfortune to -come`? into _c_ontact_ 3. with, one that is most` pathetic, but _1` I suggest that. probably she` ismore. _ sinned against`, than sinning. I am` 7"sure- that all will` ma.ke-an` efforts to lighten :. her; burden. sconsistctlyt iwith. I f "tl3e; seriousnies's'_of the off_ence.'cha1`9.'- _ 2 ` . ._-- - . ,', .. . "Li- -. Accox-ding_to' the statement madei at the inquei . the girl throttled the ; child with a -handkerchief some dis-Al ltance from the station, placing the` body in` a valise. She ` was seen without the child by several women and in conversation with `McNu1ty. . .\ Body" Recovered. , _ The body` was discovered by` Frank 'Utt1_ey. when shing on _22nd July, th_e head beinggrotted off. , ' . . V. Claimed" to be Ma;rried., A Noah Cotton. related how the7 girl farrived at _H awkes_ton`e with;_a baby in"h`e_'i-;arms;. and a.Wva1ise and claim-- ..ed. to be a .marrie'd-"ewomjan cal!-inst; he;-self-v-- Mrs.f__,'De_ach,. a -_da;1`gh,tu ~-of; V Mr. 5 Litsteg, ..c)`f` `Rhgb - i,_`1`I.t.,,.i dejscrib. o_-Sdfihf 7$.cdt.t1,n~a as in`.`{<.1ueei ? .s~a.n<'.1. as- L'R\'ISHEl)Vit()6 ..\_I-s`- T0 REN'l`---AWith,.or ' without hoanl. .-\ppl_\' to Geo. Jones. Bar- rieHutcl.o1'uI 61 Mcllonald st. 37-9 ___. ._. -... .r---V I If], tllllv nlirj y\vv -___' __:-,- . V: ,1`1e".;gi:-l s_eide1V1v_.,:_e jvediscjvosved 3.; 1_e- J VVVVVV UVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVI NEWS ABOUT TOWN 3....;;......: I goooooooooooooooooooooooz % The w.c.1>;.U. will meet'ii1 theirl rooms on Monday "afternoon, Oct! 3rd, `at 3 0 clcok. . /\ . `v--, ..o , v--"- V 'Co0ksow11 Fgir oil Oct. 4th and}! 5th. The Advance acknowledges re- : Cipt of usual qourtesies. T '1~..:..:..-. r~1.....-1.- r_r....---`; n-_.:j__uI """. V ""'""" Y """ " . I Trinity Church Harvest Festival takes place Sunday with appropriate services. .The pVica r will preach. 'I\L_ I* II` _-- _-v_ -- . -v.... - - . _ - N ,,.-..-.-. ., bThe Collingwood steel industry 15 to be revived, an entirely new com-`_ pany proposing to _ undertake the` ; work. T ' l;You' can have solid comfort by! 1 sleeping on a Marshall Sanitary ` Mattress. Sold only by Dougall ; B'r-as. ` ' V. _ . [ Oro Township -Council will meet`. on Monday, Qct. 3rd, instead of} Wednesday, . Oct. 5th, as formerly 3 announced; ` ` 1 l 0} . .`~`.\I.l 1.\' WA R I`) SIX -~8-roomed` Brick }!m1se.on Ilohruvc St. Apply to Donald Johnston. AHun ' 38-401) 1 , _'(___ I -Spices for pickling-pure, wholei and ground, in bulk and packages.u Garlic, peppers and all essential con-! diments for pickling, at Bothwe11 s.1 1 Anniversary services in Stroud} Methodist Church on Sunday, Oct] 9th. Rev. R. J. D. Simpson of New-: market ;will preach at both services,l II am. and 7 pm. . -Have' you bought the engage-' meut ring yet, or; better still, the marriage license? They _are on sztle at E. H. Williams , Barr1e s favor1t_e- jewellery store. 1 ;-PIE'S-Bryson. s pies. Pum.pkm,i Apple, Raisin, Lemon. Your choice,` D10 cts. each. Qur pumpkin pies are, a treat. From` your grocer, our sales- `mem or phone to N0. 26. . I The inaugural meeting of the A.Y.i P.A. of Trinity Church will be held. on Monday next at 8 pm. After! formal business, there will be a so-E cial evening, with addresses by spe-i icial speakers. . ~ . T1 `TV . u `Isa --'-I:Iarvest Home Festi\A/al In Eliza-i beth St. Methodist Church on Mon-i | day, Oct. 3rd. Auspices Ladies Aid.i `Tea from 6 to 8. Admission, 25~c;| children, 15c. Good program. 117 11'` '\l P 11,- A ,_.__`l Mr. W. H. Maxwell of Brentwood took 47 quarts of Downing goose-l ;berries off four buslfes this seasou.. ;One bush yielded 17 quarts. -The| only fertilizer Mr. Maxwell used was! wood ashes- I .~o - Iv \r\r\g u.u..--.. Did you ever go on a real o1d-i fashioned coon hunt` in the cornl patch? A glance at Otton s window! will bring back memories of the hood` old days. Two live raccoonsi ;in a setting of corn is the attraction fused to advertise:-. this enterprising trm s special sale of rearms and ammunition for the hunter. I T`IY'QI',,,_ . P. Radenhurst ned Williaml ,1-Iamilton, proprietor of the Vespra `House, $10 and costs .on Thursday. for employing an unlicensed bar- tender. In. the same court Albert Wells, porter` at the Clarkson, was mulcted in $25 and costs or 30 davs jail for serving an interdict with ~liquor.. Both charges were laid by Inspector Du. ' Two other cases `were enlarged until Sa-turday, Oct. ! I`St. i Henry Lytton Lount. I l Death cut s'hort a very promising `career on Thursday last when Henry iiLytton` ('H`a1)_ Lount, eldest son of! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lount, suc-i cumbed to typhoid at the Royal Vic- toria Hbspital. ,_- :1-.. -143 AC 6114:` LU] la 11Uap1uu. I Mr. Lount was on the staff of the. Bank of Toronto, Toronto, z_md some weeks ago came home 111. His. demise is greatly regretted. He was{ ginehis 26th year. . - ` 7~L_uA---. ._-1_ -1--- ...- C..L....,I....` nu aua ousu J-~-on Interment took place on` Saturday} iaftemoon to Union Cemetery, Rev.` iErnest- Biggs, M.A., conducting a! | house serwcc. 1 \.aAA|\a l IXUUCIT Alllg U1 vvu1au._y um. as a deep shock to many _fr1ends.', iWhile the deceased lady had not! `been in good health for some `con-' siderable time, it was. onlv a few days ago that hexzillness assumed a | critical form. ._ . Mrs. King was the only daughter of the late `James R. Bulliver, and had resided in Barrie for 57 years. Born in `Toronto (then known asi Muddy York) in 1845, she was~ married to Mr. King on Sept. .4th,l I866. The surviving` members of thel family, besides her husband, are `Mrs. A.` J.` `Sarjeant; Byron and |Char1e_s, of Town; Mrs. L. H. Ki:-kw Datrick of -Bawlf. All a'., and Frank, .1 of4__'l`or_9n.to." $3,?` T U Mrs. _ 1233.: King. I The death on `Tuesday of Mrs. Robert King of Worsley` St. came A- _ 1.... ..LA..`; `I\ want: `u-;AI1r`C 1 The "later Mrs`?King was an_ es-l eemed mem.ber of `Collier .St. iMeithodist Church- Her amiable `disposition `won her many friend- kships, and her loss will be mourned [by a large circle. ' ~ '._L_.___`-_4L .__:'I Ln ....-2'1` I-1q:n n:A|`_ U] G I|l5\v unuyavo ` Intei'men_t_wil1 be made this after- inoon `in Umon Cemetery. ` }vo1ting condition of intimacy be- ;tween her" and McNu1ty. She told ihgr story in a straight-forward man- ner, interrupted `only by pathetic in- tervals of deep emotion`. L " Mr; Robinette s address to the iry occupied about half an hour, i`..Blacks,tock speaking- for over an h o.ur. -'Judge_B_ritton s charge was lim:3rti:rI,.i but,` ag_ain`st_.the p1-isone`r.' `n.-~.. `.1-.1:1_-..-..:..'... 1..- IIIIVQI DIQDI, Iliny an - 7 , '__`- 7 V . The jury after `deliberating for [one hour, and twenVty-ve minutqs `brought in.the.,1're1fdict as above set! a---.... -__- V.V`Mc1\Tj;1 y s tfi_a_1_ is in progress at th' "hdug-.;;of_g`o1ng'~ ,h; LPTIICSS . .- x OBITUARY. \l`allI-ill it run` I Ian-I Hight-.~'I p1`ir_:v in (`ash paid for good cedar shingle b01I.<, dt-li\'(e1'c:(1 1n Barrie or at any '}T.H. siding within one hundred miles of Barrie. J. H. ('LAlil{, Shingle Manufacturer, ` Rn"-In nut {$1.66 PER ANNUM m fnovmcz gaunt I anon-c Tunic no-urn `(goooooooooooowooooooc-0: VVVV VT VVVVVVVVVVVV 9. :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO: _ Mr. A. D._ Simon of Toronto was i-m Town thlsv week. I 1': . -. I Mr. andvMrs. O. H. Lyon spent the {weekend in- Toronto`. 1 I Mr. :C. W. Plaxton is removing his family to Toronto this week. Mr. B. W`. Hunter was up from Newmarket on Monday. 15:. net am _.-.. ---....--..v van QIAVJIIKICIJ5 % `_Miss Russell of Toronto is [staying `wlth her aunt, Mrs. Cundle. '1'! 2 I A tr ..--.. nu nun, .u.;u. \/Llllkllb. Miss M. Kettyle spent Sunday at lthei home of .Mr. Herb. Maw, Ivy. _ N R`|n.on Inn.-I- TY__.._`L . 1.1 . .1 _-. ----- v. -v-.. oawlllg ALI-(IVY. J.V) ~ I Miss jgssie Urquhart left this week. ifor,Phi'ladelphia` to train for a nurse.` IA ,, 15 I . T` - -` - :-----.--v-la--nu. nu Ltullx JV], (1 IIUIDV-| Mrs. _Robt. Fielding of Bracebridge visited Dr. and Mrs. Patterson last week-. DMHC. -1- l Bame. Ont. Mrs. H. J. Sissons, \/Vorslcy St..- removed her family to Toronto last i week. ' Miss Anah Bailey is home from` ian extended visit in Toronto and { Brantford. can ussnvbvl Miss Machltxrchy of VT'o1-onto has `been the guest of Mrs, R.A. Stephens 1 tor a` few days. \l`,-~ '\r 1-` 4-- _v. .. --. \nu|Jh4g Miss M. E. Smith, daughter of the late Thos. Smith, leaves this week as ha missionary for China. l Miss -M. A. Storey of Uxbridgc, who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, has `returned home. Mr. andMrs, VVill Gundy of To- ronto were in Town attending the funeral of the late 1-lal. Lount. 1 i Mrs. Jos. Bald of Eglinton spent a {few days this week with her parents, r. and Mrs.` John Cheesman, vRev. I. G. Bowles was in Victoria. |Harb0'r on Sunday taking the anni- ` versary services in the Mctliodist Church. ' I - . Rev. E. R. J. Biggs .\I,.A., was in Cookstown Sunday morning, taking the Harvest Thanksgiving service in %St. John's Church. ---. J 7.... Mr. Albert Naylor and his daugh- ter, Miss Pearl, of Owen Sound, :spent a few days in Town this week, }_visiting `relatives and friends. K \r \v '\v - Mr. Norman Neilly of Bradford, ;Pa., has beenvisiting his cousin, Mr. `Howard Porritt, and other friends .111 Town. `He returned home yester- l 3,11! A '7`.. 1-1 1 . 4 .- `pvt: r.W. A:"`,Pae has returned from the West. M-efssrs. Frawley and Dev- 1lin..are expected home next week. Mr.'{_Pae,..ygb o was accompanied by | {Mrs-.f V}3_r_ent as far as Vancouver. I ` M1- ` ..'..`,`v x ,1... `.\,r,.r`....,n,.;_~ 1.....,, an.` `_d_._ I-Iyr -`gbggv 1' us uuuunxnyun-Awu I1; Mrswygc 1t Mr. `.and ' ;_ Irs. McCandIess have -been called {to Toronto on account of the death of their nephew, W'illie Porter McConnell, son of Rev. and Mrs; McCon:nel1, Bloor 'St., Toronto. Mr. R. E." Fletcher, after spending three months in Prince Rupert, Queen Charlotte Islands and Alaska. ` has returned to Toronto. where V he will spend the winter with his fam- lily at Kew Beach. XI `I A ,1 IIIUIIEI l\.l b\lrIIv We have a lz11`;;4- amount of money _to loan allowt-stcIn'1'4-1:1 |`ll1t`S.(fiIh(`.l` in small orm large au.cun'.'~t. on the sq-c.nrit.v of good farm mort- uges. .\m-.m~n\'. BOYS 3; MURCHISON. I hmlnn Qtmmv Rn I-I-in W111 JEVIIU Lu.\ vvnuuwn ulna: Anna 1.... ily Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Adams, two `sons and daughter, of Coshocton, 0., `were the guests of `Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnston, 44 Maple Ave., for` sev- eral days. They left yesterday for Denver, Col. `- 11-r I,__,I_ 0-.-; V. `av.- At 4 11,111. on Wednesday, Sept- 21st, in Dunn Ave. Presbyterian "Church, Toronto. the Rev. A. Logan {Geggie united in marriage Mabel lLucas', youngest daughter of Thos. Lucas of Holly and Mr. V\/allace Taylor of.Bua1o. N.Y. The bride lwas attended by her sister, ;\Iiss A. lLucas, the groom being supported by his` brother, Mr. W. Taylor. The young couple will reside in Buffalo. U\.lUl\. J..l\lIl. 4v;n. Ju~-. .----- I Mr. George Tate Blackstock, K.C., of Toronto, has charge of the crim- iinal business, two murder cases against Thos. McNulty and Mary Dolan, respeetively. T1... ..:..:1 r`r\r\1!If' Arn1\r:'I(`PC three \ ` The autumn sittings of the Court }of Assize opened here on. Monday ibefore Hon. Mr. Justice Bntton. `I'ff"` 1.1012111, rc3pcx;uvc1_y. The c1v1| docket embraces three jury and fouxhnon-jury cases as fol- | lows : ` - Tuuanco rt` JV!- V TI. , Albertlevoird vs. J- H. Jeweli -~Account for wages. I\ `II! __-,I `--tu;cuuuL (Lu: \Va.8\:v. 2. Emmi: fGattie vs. Orillia and % R. Eaton & So"ns---Damages for ood- k ing cellar. lug wwnnun n 3 Margarct Jane W'ice vs. Domin~ ion Guarantee gnd Accident Co.-- Claim under accrdent oohcy. 1 , _ Non-Jurvy. I. `Duncan Morrison vs. Mary W.1-ight--P1-omissory note. - -n at-,-4.--: `r.*.......... T..-a...:. ._ 4-A Vii 151:1?" A l\I||Lnu4I4v-J --~.-v. 2. Re Michael Fraser-I'ssue as to ilunacy. ' ' / `..,-._;.- __- r~......,.... \xr:L U||":J. {Jr py; uaguv SIB: V`--- 4., Rbse Clarkson vs; F. Clark- son et a1.-.--T_o set aside mortgage. -_-1 AK COL'.\"l'Y" l'mi<-1' and by virtue of 8 \':`ii. of oi` lixm-iiiioii issued out of the >5Ii1(`UE ' (`,mmI_\' (`mm of me County of 'i0\\'l l` \ SilIlL'O(`(ilH1 to me directed and (14-li\'-1'(-ciziguinst the lands and V ierionienls of lhv (it`fL`lld1!.lltS, John Whitebread Hn(1.\lrs. 5. A. Whiiehrcud, at the suit of Todd ` Brouwrs.Plaimi1i'.-. [have seizad and taken mtopxecmioii and wili offer for sale by Imblic nucn0n.aI my ()i:-- in the Court Hous n the , I Toiinof Bm'ri- in the said County of Jmcoe \ 1 on .\I0nday.ih(+ 241 in day of 0ctobcr,A.D. I919: at . iheimur of 12 u'vl0t'k noon.al1 the Plfiht. tit. e.in- lerest and equily of redemption of t 1e 83 de- itndams in to or out of the following lands and teiieinepts SiYll1lI(`.l_\'iIig and being in the Town 1 ofBa_rr1e. in the said County of Simcoe, and Pi-ov1nceofOmzu'io. containing by admea.aure- ` 5 inentone-liflh of an more (more or less) and be- * ".` "|B0sedoi' lot number one on the East I 51 e0fRl`R1if1\I-4| Q! in 1|.n nah! 'I`nuyn nf Rorrln ! 1uua\.._y. A` 3. Jane Wilson vs. George Wi1- ison--TQv set asule agreement. "-- 1'" 11? r~1_.__1_ 391` \.rl. uh J-\I u-vs. \Av~\nv ---- `The Grand Jurv is composed of the following: Benjamin Bertram, Oro; Jno. `Chamberlain, Collingwood; Eldrie Derochus, Penetanguishene; H. 55. Graham. Tossorontio; Lachlan Kennedy,,Innis1; Andrew Lawson, Flosz Jos. Montgomery, Tay: F. `E. McPherson, Orilliaz Donald McLean, Stay _`ner: T John W Potter, Tecumseth; David `Smith, Nottawasagaz J. W. `Thompson, -Essa; James Vair, Barrie. co_;15LIER STREET METHODIST 1\'I:` Sabbath morning th D35)? will-` ha 17e as his subject.__Chrf,St5a"` Vity-an Experimental Relxgxon, and 3.. Jlhn d1rhi1;rIn- CHf;f f` fhe `-T0111` fmqgt People. _ .."_ ._ '_ r - ' Lxpcrllllcllldl 1\C|l5l\JII, uII\u m -theevemng Chnst and the Com: \ urnn ANIVUM IN ;nDVAl` IINGLICOPIES 'tHR!'.':EN1 8 . AUTUMN ASSIZES. l1[(CE.`.\l('\.`\I\lll I . union Sm-.-I B:u`1'i(*. ".`W"1B0S(*(1oI mt number we bust eof Bradford 51 in the said Town of Barrie agshywn on lit-gist:-retl Plan number. twenty- W kit ! in Regisn-_v Omce for said County. W. .\1.H.\RVE\'. ` S , n _ Sherl County Simcoe. horn! is Oflm-, Barrio, July .l8Lh. 1910. 39-42' --___` 'lzlVI'l{($-(;-1;i.;_; in Case. Uwner[ can }`.:m3 smxw by provxmz property and D paying for Ihis au1\'m'Iisen1ent. :33tf i A\\'au'd -- w---Io f'3R0VVN-'1`u Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown, Brzulfmd St., on SundaY._ f 35th inst, 3 so ' ~sTEELE--On Friday, Sept. 7231`d`:V ta Mand .\lr.~._ John Steele: (TAUa1'1`A M9). :1 daughter. . A` - NEW ADVERTISEM-ENTS. SHERIFF! S SALE OF \ _ LANDS SUNDAY. ocr. 2. 1910- HARVEST THANKSGIWN U - -H0ly Cmnnmniun. ` - --111 V In 3 I ` H A 3- 0-H0ly 11-00~.\Iutins, sermon an 100-('hiYd1'cn`.~s .5`-rvicc. `-0~Holy Baptism 7-00-F.\`cn.sow,: and Sorn1 w:.\`I_\'g;_. MP MARRIED; T _ BLF.T0.\'-ROBINSON:-' At :73 Tadfnnl Q+ _._ \xr,,u _ n-_.n. - \\m:.\' 'l`1 \VES'l` BE SURS AND >"1`(w A1` 'l`l{l<`. - - - - x -I I I I \.r I 1 Z P. O'Connell. Proprietor. OH`. (`l'l`\ MARI I:'r ' `F46 Princess `Street peg W-(`lass Acumnmodution. Remodelled and I{vfuruishe Throughout. MAR }'m5T E L D t\vr\,,_, A? e~ ' 1 .St.. Bw*i 35 54; -Bulliver, beloved wife of-. `_f"t King, in her 66th YC35 `*e U$neral Thursday -at` 2.: e g `n` Cemetery. ` Kindly 9Wers. _ . '. J. FRANK JACKSON. '``Bh'1`O.\'-RO'BIN`SON -4 r) . adf1 St-, on Wednesday, ,Sep_t. `~ eldest daughter ' of I Mrand `D Math I910 by Rev. .Wm.T Hii)ku`_1;T `AH-V"-Ty Robinson, to Char1;e; -Dpleton of Sault Ste. AMar;e._ g:;:zar-English malt. TPVV` ' V` celebrated Canqdilh mlhllf Trinity `Church "Something worth while Brtraits L" 2.. 5 low cost they combine con. with absolute safety. ' rger sums use our Drafts. I 1 MONEY TOM LOA -5 .\.....-1 '0? cAN_AnA. ._g W, M CEDAR VVATHTED , 2.1 1-..` Iiev. notographic 1c you send a small `suit! 1: in Canada. or toa.ny the United States. Thev; under $30 $50 E \'}:.\' I:\'(;. at Inaugural Meeting of A.Y.l .A .- ev. 16.1: J BIGGS. Vicar. L4 Made by ~ . and Holy Communion` ._ >, . l pa_\`al1)le strictly in advant-e.~ ..-- ._.._..._.._.__.._.. | mtis:-nu-nts undetVthis head . lx'au1<`c. 1900. -English malt; AI-n-55-; Is...` .1: BORN. DIED. $5,644,700 .;. 44,ooo,ooo M arm Rest vlde d Prots f ' . 1.-nofg . Sormon. l\V1u .'I'UZ&1 U, PUILIIHII . --:-:--j-j WHOLE Nd. 15c. >. 5943 3.; [BEST FAIR IN YEARS I Was General Opinion of Ex-- h__ibition-.--'-Rain Adfected-Tlne Attendance Somewhat. jA VERY SUPERIOR snowmc Of Horseg, Cattle, Sheep and Swine i .-' x ~--The Inside Display. | \ "Whether the Directors have fallen lfoul of Old I_ .robs is uncertain, but Tuesday, the "big day of. Barrie s Big Fair, "opened,very= inauspicious- ly. Rain .fell steadily. during the earlydmoirning, and `it was not until nearly noon that the clouds rolled away. T`l1e,weather undoubtedly had its effect. `upon the crowd, yet, not- withstanding, there was a good at- tendance a_nd the gate receipts did not show the diminution that was at rst anticipated. The general concensus of opinion was that the fair was about the best ever seen in the County -of Simcoe. jThere was a notable improvement in `the exhibit, "of cattle, sheep" and iswine, Within recent years th_e ten- dency_ had been for` these depart - ments to fall below, not the stand-- ,ard of quality, but the usual measure as to variety and'extent. This year showed a conspicuous return to form, and many of the a.uima1_s would have done credit. to a orovincial, `much morefa qounty competition. . , . I Simcoe hasilong borne the palm `for horse esh, and Tu esday s dis- play was particularly fine; `The show` `ring fairly. teeined with drivers, and [those who admire the "noble steed. 'had abundant scope to gratify their ldesires.` - ' % In the main building there was the usual bustle of activuy`, as here is 1whe_re thsgmwrl congregate in `large i!1u_II1 bets.f"_r., e `local merchaqts` are evtdently . grtowmg more alxve to `their opp_0Ijtuuit_ies', and there .ap-W l'peat,e5i.ts S:'>slite `very `attractive displatys. 1 ` 1here?!is*::1:r5f9'I_n, h_owe\_rer, for an 1_m-' lprovement 1n_ tlus dxrectxon, wlnch condition" another`year ortwo may ! correct. I A 01.1 ` . n .1 .1 1 As {might Abe expected the ower show was exceedingly good, much better than one looks for at an agrL-g` ,cu1tnral exhibition, Special mention 'should..be made of pansies, asters and sweet peas..` Barrie is certainly well to the foregin this department. An exhibit that called for consid.- [erable attention was that of the [demonstration orchards of Colling-' wood district, in charge of the rep- resentative o_the Agricultural Dept;, Mr. I. F. Mecalf, B.'S.A., Thegdif- ference between good and had me- tho'dsl-of apple growing, in regard to spray.ing,. etc., /was abundantly manifested. e I -_,_L_l_I-.. ......`n on 1 exhibition ` here-. alnganuunvuuvuou Roots and vegetables. grand showing; especially Perhaps,lnever has there magnicent Va. collection or \:4\|lllJ_5I-I\JaI navn vu ` 9 Considering that this has been a;'` poor fruit year, there were some ne quality- apples on view. The North__- ,ern Spy and\Bleuhei_m Orange made, [the best showing. 9, 1!__9 --_..;.1. u1vp\z\ tut: IJCDL aanuvv.--5. Therdisplay of ladies work was about as usual. It is doubtful if this department of the fair serves its lproper end. The `time-honored crazy` }qt1i1t,-`hem of a hundred ghts, was sti11'in evidence. ! In the . poultry. buildting there was a ne assortment of feathered spe- lcies. Mr. 1; Bell pf Angus was `judge of the birds 'iu1dg-gave his customary satisaction. . Mr. Ben` La"wrence s Pekin ducks caught the eye of thextalent. _ mm- u...:.:......." m-`pcnnted manvt `CYC OI Int: Lauuu. \ '._I`he midway pr'esented__ many`! [objects of .iuterest.. A noveltys thisl |_yea'r_~was the miniature railway, and ljudgmg from the liberal patronage accorded it by the[p1easure-seekers its proprietors must have done handsornely, But there were other .attractions. You could have your life li/n`es\ scanned" by the fair 'pa1inist's,= or, if curiosity prompted; might feast youreyes with_ visions of- six-legged calves .or double-ta-iled pigs. The "`every. time you.-hit im on the headiyou get;a. cigar_mau also held\the boardsand plied his calling" vigorously. 1'. `.1... .......n.1 afnnri "the Citilll/flS" camug vn5u.v....._,. V In the grand stand the Citizens i.Band (15 pieces only.) under Con-` `ductor Addison gave a splendid pro- gram` from 29` o'clock to '5. The acrobatic perfdrgnance in front of the stand was of a `high order` of merit andzequaled the;best~ever seen here. Eyerybody selemed well pleas- ed with ' -` " * ' e - - . _|_...;I,l -' l\A-V+aIAc e`n'4 Of` ed with 1 t. . . 1 Special note'should be taken of `the exhib't of the,'Ca}1ada Producer and Gas `Engi`ne ,Co. A 6 HP.` en: gi,n_e was to .be Tseqn o crating ~a .grinder. The wworkmans ip of the engine. was b_e_autiful,j ,a1'1c,lL the `man - -ner_ in which it-Ifun,1is'hed~ th powiar. left 3` nothing 7 tqj"=be* `._;QSiif:_df.. '1`h'e " ' manufactures KP `c`cnn_panyL ~..of _.-c9u_r__e. rnade a potatoes. been `so tubers on; B%AR&RIE,jCOUNTY`OF SIMCOE. ONTARIO, SE13. 29. I910 BRADFORD LOST L T0 BARRIE CLUB `Local Knights `of the Bwl Ruin Up Big" Score in Three-Rink Game ' '---Won By 28 Points; ` . V . . Very unfortunate indeed that thel Barrie bowlers did not have an on- `portunity to meet the Scotch bowlers on `their itinerary. through Canada; this summer,` as it would not havcl been surprising had these latter gen-l _t1emen had the game of` their` lives meeting the local manipulators` of the tricky lignum vitae. It` is pro-l foundly. moving to see the wonder- ful deftness and agility With which they individually propel or tip their ,respective bowls to the kitty,. and their adversaries this year. from sur-' rounding towns and villages willi- probably never forget the drub~: bings received fronr the Barriel sports, the majority. of whom are] fathers of long standing"-a few are; lgrandfathers, and the fag end, sad` to relate, are still venerable old bachelors` who deserve better .treat- !ment at the hands of the fair sex. I [ULCIIL at. but uauua U1 Luc Jan :\.A. .The only %erious opponents the! -local experts had were three rinksi `from the little village of Bradford? with whom they competed on Wed- nesday' evening of last week,_21st- ins-t., with the result as shown be-l low; T E I ` It is unnecessary to make any` comments. upon the`individual play-A ing of the" Barrie artists, further than! to say that it is understood the "rea- son why Pro is generally. down' in these competitions is from_ the fact that he is alwa.ys`unlu.cky in the draw both for choicg,of men to make up his rink and in. the selection of the opponents he meets. Tljescoresz ` - an - _, Ban-ie--' A `Bradford- %J. B. McPhee ' Neilley V `D. W. Le Roy Evans D. C. Murchison Carefoot . I A. Brdwnlee, Wright, Skip 26 `Skip : " F. J. Lower _ Webb - WI. R. King _ ' Campbell {Geo. HOgg'- McWilliams' lD.,A. M'cNiven,. Coombes, (N 0 z Skip 29' Skip . . . . .. F. Marr ` ' Byers D. Powell Wylie . R. A. Stephens ` ..Hodgson [W. A. Boys, Livingstone, : Skip I8_ `Skip . . . . .. Totals ` -----------_:_- th'e afternoon. .'Owing to the early 1nor13i11g` rain, the course was very ,fast,`h_aving just about `the necessary resxliency favorable to speed`: d Mr. A. C. Garden presided in the judges" stand,` with Mr. Alex. '-Brownlee as Istarter. `Their work showed ex-i pedition. and gave eminent satisfac- Vtion. Summary of`:-aces: V. Sta 1lion E _ Black `Jamby l_1ad` a"wa1k-over, 'tt'Q_ttin g' the`half xn 1.16%. ' " `2.5o3Class. `. _ (Unnished) - %- ~ `a In connection with _the above `a special train will__ leave Elmvale "on ~c.t.; 5th; at. II.O_O `pm; for _~Ba.r_rie and L`5.!?:t1 ?"`33.P9311154 . kg 5 V Barrie IIl'ulu.;u-- ::w,j D. MORTON. Manager` A I

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