Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Aug 1910, p. 4

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V~IVr:.Avz:1ccc$r with ne instmccions gh-.9ii1;.-'2_the_ eucgtiqn` depattnientg.-A`.th e_ ugopm N15RT HE `RN A%DvANci: uu.ua.u. U1 `nugar thxs vxllage over and i dvaughter cf '19: n5 M- .....1 nu: UL uuxwcu former s sister, weal: sh` of `Fesseia acquamtances is visiting E Barrie. 975 her home of Coks-D Miller on. _. an} `s 5.3. as - Published from the oloe. 123 Dnnloptreet.` '~ Butte. in an County . Slmooo. them-o-. * , vlnppot Ontario. _:Lnodn.evory; A L_ L ,'1`hnrs,glay Motninz.-by ` THCSMPSON CREW, PUBLIsHE_R 008: ll ,Stocke1_'s. choice ". light Canners... .....;. .Mi1`l` choice V ` ' com. .and_~ ,:f\II:I1tAI-bu. . jBu uvsuluuu " . bulls}. Heavy feeders, : kIQ"Q ' ` com. an: Springersx . . . . . vCa lv'e,s .. ..`. Sheep, ewes ; { BucIcs and" culls. Wheat Oats .. . . . . .. ;PaS . . . . . . .. Barley Buckwheat .. Flour . . . . . B<:,`ef,. hind qr. ;l\0A no Prices Ruling in-the Barrie and 'ro':.i onto Markets During the Week. ` ' ' Barrie, August, 3rd, 1910. ! nus LATEST MARKETS cvwuvl 9. i O bulls` @TPf.@vv 9 41."n.....___ u-_ xmrd Shes&S|ippers fford:athe"g-reatestopportunityto get F iRsT-CLAss Foorwmn at the lowest W minimum price. This sale comprises the entire stock of Leather and T p ..,Cani(aS Goods in all the d'ifferent kinds of Bright, Dull, Shiny and Suede materials of every style, _size, half-size, and Width. _The large proportion of these goods were bought for this season and are characterized by the latestCanadian and American Styles. Consequently we have assernbled. for `the sale. all our Oxfords and Slippers from the lowest to_ the highest priced lines, including the world fam, tous,Queen Quality". for women's tvearand the very notable Walk-Over for men .1; is not necessary to particula'rize.orprice any/one line as every pair of Oxford and every pair of Slippers for Men,Women and Children. go in this sale at the re. niarkable discount of 20%. All goods are marlted in plain gures and are subject to the above discount, `It is worth your while to come direct to .71, $. Myers not only to. satisfy present needs in low shoes, but to buy anticipating your futur h requirements. ' The Sale continues uninterruptedly to SATURDAY, AUGUST I 3711. .1910." -~$Iz` SALEV OF Emi ans I Cdll at office waus'. mock, uwen%smm?{* .{ nears. -our utnusa vuv I-I-LUIS? ID pll-lo I ".*.!:b;;;lbe'ra now in arrears tor"-three onih nd overwill becharzed $1.50 petannmn. ~. . - It wllluve you time an L Inolcpwvorlx undiworru. A. HOAR $1.75 $2 $2.50" $s4 $5 $5 What can do to keep eool? That s the question. VhI_4Et }lS suggestmaking use of one of our Hammocks, w xch Is the best way to keep cool. eWe. have theassortment, ranging in prices from A- j LIKE THIS; or nine 13. HARDWARE my SUCH % INTERFERENCE 2| HARDWARE O O-OO-O0-H OO-0O-G joojoounooi "oi no ojo ojoojoonig IO O-OOTOU 0-00-00- 10 0jO0- CURRENT -%cpMMm. A Thursd`ay,fAugust 4, 'I9 I0 Tamas pr suisscnxxvrxox} . -----rrw-an Mr. and Mrs.- McEac'he'ra' left for- their home in Spokane, Washington, '.AF.u.e:-a . % " "M`1`Sf 'R0berfSd'n "of l3Aa 1itiVe` was a Sunday guest of her daughtegf, Mrs. Sam-/T nHirhrn.. ` , .. - "Miss ' '1`- is,_1yisiL- Ting Mxfs. John Luck. ' ' ` ` ` 1 .4` It - _ . - These few examples wil1`sui_e`e. to `show how -unchecked are the de- _mands made by an increasing class. of U. S. citizens. in regard to`-Cana; .dian affairs. ` Roosevelt's strenuous interference with other nations af- _fairs is setting a bad example to some of his fellow citizens.` Cana- dians are always pleased to.welco'nie" U. :S. citizens wlto know their proper -places and keep them, and who are always ready towridicu'le._,perso1_;i.s of any nationality who` s,tep..ove_1f thE;{; . bounds 7of propriety. `B'titthis _i,s'in'ot.: always the sort rthat j'CanaE!ians_ `meet - with, and `those. who`.oend' Lshonld , - be promptly invited. to .l proper places. , . . ..~..p "IQ-I.1:s.~E.}vii;'.oy of S;katche- warn are` visiting Mr. .and- Mrs.` Simon '-Chappe-11'. ~ ' v If no... . 'A'- AM1f,_'Jas. -Partridige.` A ' sam"'buxH6re'J .-"-T"'i .'.`f" Mr; "and Mrs; Fred Smith? -and daughter of Toronto _ are: visiting `$13.. 1510.: A [7 v'i\;Ii;s:'.I<;i;-1.1:`-X`;vei ;c.jn, andj_!a'dy friend of Toronto were guests 'of_, Miss Maud . Part-ridge over %s;_;nday.% _ ` lI-us".-n ...:Ii '1... <.'..` --..- Q7. V .,r.... -..u --_-u.av VVVI -`|vlIl'\'JGJ| ' _4 - The:-e_ willibe no serviqe_- in; _the Methodxst Chuv;-ch next Sun gity_Va.fters ,uoon.:. . `unday schqpl,;;t,_._.9?clock,_TA' `ar-...:. ' 1 ... - rt 2 .- ~_------r -~--vw 1--~ -2? W-"-`*9 is . Mrs; Jas. Rincha.r4t}fnet-.with attac- _ cidem:-. 1-03 _ ursdayra , nther-. : ~ v e gm ' mg 'egg1.s- =slie~ sh f'1~i}`. Robert Gibson of `Elmvale visited over `Sunday witlr his: brothers here. [""I-SE.-v and Mrs. Fred-El1iottVof Ve's- [pra spent Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. ;W. J. Andrews. - V M_iss Margaret Peacock of To-ton to_ Is spendmg a few weeks with fr1ends' here; ' A .uvo _,__- . `Q:-ucn_9_.vv .3 `Miss Lucas f fNew: `York is spend_ing';her holidays wffh h,e*r par- ents. ' ' % ` Imb; Sunday, JuIy._24th, --a daughter to -Mr. and Mrs. `Geo. E. Vander } burgh.` ' V - up 1. - _--. . A -'- Simcoe. The newly arrived investi- A further example of an artful in- road appears in the 1909 report of the Geo-logical Survey at -Ottawa, just printed. It shows -that the Sur- vey still` employs so-called expert _investigators frorn the United States -for the work, especially.`for the sur- face survey of the land around Cake. gators` contradict all former Cana- dian workers, and obtrude their theories on Canada in the guise of doing survey work, the Mines`~De.-'; partment encouraging "the" iu_teTl'fer.-V ence; In the report. of `the previous` __year (1908) it was excused as an-ex- ; -change of expert men, but no such excuse. is offered-this year,`_and:theJ expe_rts 4 appear to have fullyestab,-i llished themselves in: the .confidence of the Mines Dept." Earl Thompsoh of Ottawa gent last week with ' Mr; Arthur . er. ' - I L . us a _ An. A :4 O uvnnvn nu ' "'I'i\'4rf 'g{1E1l4"rs; Frazixl ~H`i,1 l"6f Allan- 'd`al'ej are "holidayingat the latter s `father- s, Mr. Ira Spicher. T } thgugh the Northwest. . . _ V rs. S. Miller: of Churchill has ibeen visiting Ti";-iends here. 1 We are sorry to report the illness `of Mrs, W. J. Amdr__e__'ws. _- . - ' F 1 `Mr. Geo. -Vanderburghis touring` Miss Sulsie Rjsebrough bf`Brace- bridge,-i`s,spend1ng the vacationxat "her ' home} here. We are sorry to report the illxiess of` Mrs. `W . Watson, but hope for a ;Sp8-Cdy -recovery. . ~ 1-g_ 7. 15!" . up 'b.lll\i"fVIJ I\v\.!\JV `nil J.` Rey. J_. A.a;1_1d Mrs.` Moe,s'Bwl(11o are ca1_npmg.a.t- asaga, spent _ n ay at \ Mr. W.. Carruthers. . ` ` Jaind Mrs.` Agus Buie. of Col- Lliqgwood spent Sunday. at his moth- ! er_s. V ' l --v_-....J-.-1, can. now: lll\llnlI\rl do Mrs. Freq _'Ros and children were `week-end vtsxtors at Mr. M. -Kaiser's. ,.co- - --_.. ` .. ---_ v--up 3.... i _Mrs. Clubine of. W`hit'c'hur`ch` 3;` wsxting her niece, Miss' L. J.` Mc- ` Murray. ' V _ n 11- ' A. _ . _ _, _.. 1V_Iiss Kate Shaw of Toront` is lholxdaying at her_ mother's. T 'IR',,_ 1'` 1 r\ I v-_ Y - run- `rants! Alva we ` Miss Leona Coughlin en t'ertain.ed a few of her friends on Wednesday in hcixiOr_of her birthday. Those who were, present from a. distance were: [Master Earl and Miss` Addie Jardine, Miss -`Reta Craighead of Midland, "V A:`iraggd1ilbad"6f'b1Sd em %ez;sa` ._;by .,_0tta.Wa.; nStab1e$I&Monday ing as not complying. with" the `On-` t_ari_o' breadact. This-was the rst "prosecution. there, and Wednesd`ay_ .g.!*3s )('d _fOt' the Pt0 edings; Q ` .-.`a`-`an.|. u ,v.\u|_y \.lAJUJaUlC IJLIIC. -_ ._fMiss-.3l_ara Carson .and Miss Mu-" tie! Hammil have, `returned after ispending {a few Idays with the form- er_{ par`en'ts here. ' - " it! 1' A l _ `ed. the garden party at`Edenvale and -report a very enjoyable time. -"if..- f"I_.. 1'! 4 1 a Q- Qtiite annumber from hr avttend-J] Mr; C. Wilson, Miss Hazel and `Master Leslie of Toronto are spend- ing a few days with `relatives here. `|'__ 1 `fl __- _ _- . wig v L\pl.cl.|.AvV lL\.-IC- _ Mr. `and M'rs. Arthur Carson of o Toronto are spendmygo a, few days `at R. Ca.rs'on _s. i Mr.'Ed. _In_app is seriously. ill with ; acute tons1lxt1s. T ' I M. Orchard, Buffalo, apd ,their children, are visiting .`at \l}1s'father s, Mr. Albert Orcha`.rd s.. R911 `R Mnnnnnnkin noun`. ......;1_- v------ r----vv---av: -'---~'--=---m . Miss `Belle M. Millan, Toronto, 35 the new assistant in the A.Rona1d Co. s commercial establishment. We `understand she is giving general sat- .isfact1on. ' - - ~--~- --v---- w, ovens Aoallvllu l \1IITl\I 9: K Rev. R." B. Maconachie and family have moved from Barrie, and are now domiciled-in the Church of Eng- land parsonage, Minesing. ` ' I 1\/l:-- 11.11. `I! ITEII rm ,pMrs-. I`; Downey. is _seriously ill. We hope she may, soon become con__- v`a1`esc'en.t.f L __ __. - Note--Co rrespondents in_ speaking `of the inovements of visitors .will please state the places from which they come.` . g ; ~ A -n_g.1.--___. `Eiren more snrbrising have been the proceedings in connection with the recent `strike on the G;T.R. `The .1_eaders, after the strike vi'as`a;f ` days old, blandly offered to'"sett1e".the matter by arbitration if the -arbitra- tor_s were chosen. from I the United "State-s- proposal most gal:ling_;'to Canadians. The small.fracti0I1 of- -G.T.R. track in _U. `S. territory." `did not warrant such an extravagant clair_n_to arbitrate. ' ' ' --~}-v -,_R>4|? mi in his "8_9t',I1:7'::="`3'rv,e$r.f ,. _.'1"he.,. death of` '..'George_ :_Yo,t;ng - j{1_'e_ealls I the `time when: Win- nieg was net; when Fort Garrygwas a T `mere -dot .. in `.,a.,_~fa,r-o _wil<;l erness. A and,--the} first `Riel rebellion. threaten-_ fed to rob 'Canada-ofjthe~ vast terri- tories of '_the Wlest ere yet the DO- minion -had entered. into.pos:ses_si"on of Ithe-great lone land. A*Dr. Young," was; at Fo1jtV,,Garry .j3when. the rebel- lion_ btoke out and he attended Thos. _Scott when `that unfortunate young man was led o'fut to -be shot by order of Riel. '_Dr. Young was born in ~Pr1'ncej'Edwa rd ~County" in 1821.- Weekly Sun. 0.. H "IVIoleyV of Barrie anr 1 D: F. Mooney of Toronto spent `Sunday t Mr. A. Dyer ;s,A V ' V - V .x_ ,n91v .-;sntilsi- fn':t_.rt-I: I t11.'e.:- collgiate ' "ix1sfitut`f'a.t'.the vbeginning of the fall teg:3ifi1;;_,a.`Lx;d.:_VZ.s`eventy-ve` more ,..ar`e . g - ibi f9r`hdrr1_is,1'_on .to the commercial cla`s}s"s. . * 5* 'f_3:tat4l-~`ir::i"sVt"11?;nvc.<: .1.<):.ses:3:in the` Campbellton, N;B;, re, so.'fa`r\ as cal- iV13t993?ahT $1444359' . j 1,. SUNNIDALE oR_NERs.. Renown 1-111.1. TANTEN MILLS.` mrnzsnia; F9??- ' In the sheries question now under` arbitration -at The Hague,_ the Vcouri-~ sel for the `United States claim for their sher'men. a right to sh-rial I-Iudson s Bayland` otlfei` Canadian bays, and to help themselves to our food products of the sea, just the same as if they were Canidians. This is an astgnishing claim, never before heard of in international law. Mr.'J';_ Wallwih took in 68 loads of `fall wheat from 35 acres,--a very ne crop. ' ---- -- vv -I-`rung. wavy ,I`||. I-III. -. 7` . M,iss S. Coutts is spending a few days under the parental roof, [Balsam Grove.-h ` . >"` [7 Miss" Mackenzie. from near Bolton Nspent a few `days last week with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ,H. Dawson and little (Continued `cg Page Eight.)_ sly l.uACDo LIIC llCx[_ (lay, [Hey a bee-line: for home declaring that like Cook rthey /had found the north pole. They `report the huck1eberries all frozen and dried up in that sec- Hnn AF 1413 nnnnl-an I cu uuacu uuu uI'lC(1 non, of the country. I W. Vkfalt spent Sunday at his home in Inmsl. ' , _ Mi_ss= R-eeves of Hl.1s_daIeV i! visit ing' Miss Lottie Wattxe. * `A number of the .f.v ; s-rs .have their wheat crop in the ~; e='. - _ I ' `Il'!'. -.1`! '1'! N- --v grvv. u nnnvnntll LU DUIIIPICLC. . The Huc leb erry- `Syndicate, \com- posed of Messrs. A. Bell, H.. Laven- der, Geo. Drinkle, E. Bell, Bert Cas- tonande J. Higgins, that left he're'foi the `north country last. week -in search of blue berries arrived- "near the Arctic circle. -Comingto glacierthey slept one night under ursa major," in company with walruses and Arc- tic foxes. The next day they made .'I I566-"119 far` l1nrnA !1nn'n:on.- LI-AL . -- V-4 gnuuavp There is.a busy time around_ the 'C.P_.R. station these days in distri- butmg merchandise between here andothe Blue Mountains, and the agent,`Mr. Christie, is kept on the move attending to the extra train service and the, large amount of freight that comes pouring in here for villages west of this-place. There is; also a. `steam shovel and a large gang of men at work widening out Craig's -cut; a piece of work that will take over a month to complete. 'l"l.... t.r..-a-a-:_.-,.__, r- -- - \ wqnunaau; ~By~(th`e1l>i--e_ail;ing of the front rack] ladder while loading a load of fall wheat, Mr. A. `Richardson fellover the front of the -load starting the team to run away. He was partially run over by the Waggon and was ,,se- verely hurt. - , 9. V I - Mo-re frequently than. ever Canada _ receives busy attentions from United States citizens of theisame kind as A Theodore Roosevelt, who returned lately from Europe, after informing ` several nations how to manage their ownyaffairs. ' Fortunately, most visi- tors to Canada .from the. United States ha.ve some prudence, and do not meddle with Canadians aEairs, , `or if they. express an opinion it is with mutual benet torboth sides. Yet there is a sprinkling of busy~ ~ bodies who create international fripc-' t tion, generally in an insidious way.. A` few recent examples `deserve a up passing notice. " U vv ------- --3 IIIIII |u\J IIID ' llcuu Mr. Colin M. Kiel, teacher, has re- cexved advrce that at_ least one. of -this three entrance pupnls at Mmesmg school. had obtained a pass at the `recent entrance exams. -------- us` III IJULCIIIIIHK PC3353. W The many friends of Mr. Sni- der, who _'returned from the `W.estire- cently,'w1ll regret to learn that his -illness has assumed an acute form, conning him to his-bed. -|,__ psi`. I`! out \/vs: auusu last WCCK. I .i\/`I-rs."3.0hn Darby and aughter, Mnss Florence of Harrow, ' ` . t e guests of daughter and sister, Mrs. G. C. Ca sto_n. I Miss`Beatrice Jarjr and Mis.s Mary Caston, who wrote on a musical" ex- amination at~ Alliston `recently; were successful in obtaining passes. 'n.- .....'..-- :_:...-v P It Or .. _ !*`iV'I- _"&}e--N-,-vw. mat. WCCK. F5.` 0. S th d d |U_htho were 'n\3:sito:1 ofaul\$.I1I1'.t` lMrs. Geo. Ostrander last week. Mnn T)-\I._. 'I'\_ -- ---- -v-J a Mr. and Mrs. T. Waller ~ were visitors of the form: Mrs. W`. Dales, last week. i mt..-` r~-- H _.Miss Beatrice Jary Sunday. friends at Bracebridget Mr. Van Norma: visited friends in --- . an-_y VVILII LHCIIOS l'lCl'C. 'i:l1e Sacrament of the Lord s Sup-A per will be "observed at the Metho- dist Church here on Sunday morn- ing `next. Angus choir is expected to be in attendance. " Mrs. Richard Bell andiMaster Roy have. returned` from ..a two week's` visit with Callander friends. M... r -.._- Ar m A Callanderi friends. .Mx_-s. Lang` of Toronto and M`ss Lizzie have returned home after a short stay with friends here. Th. c...._------- - __,_v_ .vy\a||.lJu Miss Lizzie M: >1-efurned afteg a_ 'M_1ss Bella, M1IIer.' ! 1;. - r the country" at large this G- Tr;-R.r ..The opinionYi's' pretty. general, as in-` an Industrial `Court in which they `its decision; or the powers of the asfto enable workmen's unions `toi- 'What` a great loss to shippersf and strike has been-! 'It'has `been setticdi by mutual concessions on both sides, dica't_d'\ by the jpress.._comment_s_ -on" another page` of` this `issue, that in= `dustrial disputes should come before. an Industrial Court, ;and be -nally, settled there." If workmen `have cause for complaint there should` he could bring suit, and be governed bv present courts might be extended so: bring suits, and in" this way get" ex : pert opinion to decide the. cases. -..,. --vv -- Mr.` Duncan McIntosh ton was renewing old ac here recently. `AA':.... 1 9 ' up .. ; `1\Ezss Etlie [ town visited Av-u. vvuuc-rarr an.d_M1ss Raclg of -Grenfel cal1ed on fnends here cenvtly. ` ' - _ L It` M r`.Vand Mrs. H`. C_ameron of` Gren- fel were Sunday,visx_.to'rs at Mrs. R. Dobson s. _ _ . _r. Samuel Ford has gone on a busxness trip to the Mamtoulin Is- 1 1334: 'ing `a rib" `and, her 'ar_m.-.in?- tw6315laces;_ ]'She,..was also bruised and ;h'e_1- ~fa'ce cut._ We hope soon .to see her out lagam.` ~ = . = V, 4 311.18 bllllp "`1VErs;V '1 Wilfrid Drury of `spending a few days at 11 here. . ' &Q9Q&l'&C A `Miss Aggie-Ti1r1ey_ is hom from Toronto. 7 Miss` Sara*Wade of OfilIia.is the guest of her szster, Mrs. T. Jones. . mac 4-11- ..1xr:n; __ ,1, .,..-~- V. uvn aagsvf, J-V1.13. H1. JUIICS. Miss St_ella5VV,-illoughby has return: ed to.All1ston. ' c---\. o ones: .3 V1151 x_Mrs.`, _-alsh "and son of Bfiice. .M1nes`; are visiting the former s sis- ter, _Mrs. Jno. Smitli" ` v wvon Zly 1.8001063 up V `wow; :3 I-AQJAI |.r 5 Mrs. Ro_e of` Toronto spent the holnda-y. wxth hgr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno, -Toner. 5 . THE 6., R. STRIKE sE;~'rLEj)., "R,"t\I` n t'IQl|L"1\n_ L- _L!.._____.,. TN`I'1'.rl'?.'c'>b;r:'tson and son Albert Vof. T-_oronto_ spent the holiday, with Jno. and Albert Toner. ` . Misses .f\1_1nie and. Agnes Richarl`-' son {are v1s1ting at. Victoria Harbor. `If , ,, is _Etel McMa.ster v1s1/ted Miss `Susie :17 Inc!` ' ' Willie-Pair `and Miss Rachael enfel Dallprl aw. ...'......:_ I_-,, `- wvvun-nay. n ['1' Van_ Norman of ~'Ed`ga19 nends m Hue .,:n.....- ..-.-_ FERGUSONVALE;~ CRAIG!-`IURSTA. MID.HURS'_I`. $I00. PER ANNUM- IN ADVANCE. ~tmITEn- ` STATES _UBscRIBn:Rs " _ V ,$I.'5O IN ADVANCE ' ., 3&0 new tiamel be.uddd to the,Sub.~ acnption List uyt the money is paid. \ V , ' Jnhnnulkfugg -43-. I- --...--..'. .._ A.I__.__~_ _; ,'--{-AI. ,

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