Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Jul 1910, p. 4

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I MILITI A TO `MAINTAIN ORDER .u.-uuuxau (1 nar % nessed the contest. 9 v---.15 vul- Rev. Mr. Thompson, who has been laboring at Jerusalem for some years is camping at Thompson s mill. Rev. Mr. Saunderson of Toronto ' took charge of the services on `Sun: day in the absence of Rev. Mr. Shep-' herd. - i - ' A`call has been extended to, Mr. C. Raymond to again return to Grand Bend and take a school 2 miles from where he was teaching before coming to Midhurst. _A meeting held Monday eveningin Thompson s grove re tent Rev. P`. McKay, Sec. of the Foreign, Mission- ary Board, addressed the meeting, as- sisted by Rev. Mr. Thompson of Jer- usalem. - Craighurst _Elevators and Mid - thurst `fsteamg shovelers football 1teams played_ an interesting game ..... .. .. ..,..,,..._ uxuvc ranu. j_ Mrs. J. Wallwin, after a severe, sickness, is able to be out again. Rev. Mr. Shepherd i_s spending a fortnight in the East and Toronto.` Mr. J. Lowrey met with an acct- dent, his horses being frightened by an auto. ` V Au-1`. J hi; ` Mrs. Edwards family are spending :a few days with friends here, before gomg West. n___ `f III: __v_ .. -vwy -nuns: .A(V1arge shipping t_rade is being. done at the station. Mxdhurst. Miss Florence Gill is {visiting her juarents at Apple, Grove Farm. J'___ 1 II? :1 0 appointed a few here. ?* COMMENCING FRIDAY; JULY29 C CLOSING { SATURDAY` xf0Ards"!!I%'_& Siiwers , B.*MYERS - \lV.I!4l( tog MEN will be offered at 10 per` cent. discount. That is 3.55.00 Shoe will cost 5450 V 4.00 0 3.60 I" n'No e} 'n;m.'a'v'v'il'1"l'ae`adci ed to the Sub-; Ienption but until the money in paid." subscribers new in arrears for, three months . 'nd over will be charted 81.50 perennum. , l `(%2l`JEEN% QUALITY FOR WOMEN `WALK . ovER*m. GREA1` SALE , Quin`-t'omce 95"`: AWBIK. Owen Street 5-, was. lms -- ' sx.oo P;-`JR 2i'1It}1'\-.-f;IT-AnvANcE. .UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS - ' $1.50 lN_AD\_IAN!}E M3; 3. met... me. * 1050 to $30.00 L_ it will gave ion time had money. vgdrk andlworro. --vv- CVUCI g&lnq:.1:.` These goods,we assure you, have not b at ctitious prices to be reduced but at regular prices, subject to above disc All other-makes including the celebrate FAVORITE for Men, Women and C be offered at 20% discount. That is a Shoe will cost 3.20 $2.00 Shoe ` 3.00 b. 2.40 1.00 |~-l ` if in 8 5:30 48 Oolulim Neiopdpof. Published from the o1oe.Il23 Dunlap Street`, . - Battle. in the County of Simooe, the Pro- f` V Vince of Onto:-ic. ' Canada. every Thursday Moraine. by VTHOMPSON CREW, PUBLISHE % $1.75 32 $2.50 sf `4N5lU`$6 LIKE What can AI do to keep cool P That s the question. . Let us suggest making use of one of which is the best way _to keep cool. We have the assortment; ranging in prices from kl -- 4-` ` ` our Hammocks. HARDWARE can on THE MINISTER OF LAB'OR. 49! Trtwtznjrs O "'* Cl\oll la5U\r\-K I Children. will In!` .5 1- _ 1, been marked up Prlnrprl kin noon .1! -cr_ 1 duced are allb-ffereg discounts. celebrated BOSTON fi l\D\4J FL,` 1 will cost I60 .80 Y, JULY : Thufsday, J uiy 28,` I9! ` `Dr. Point Mr, `S. `in th her 1 She war` Igiuogs t J0Ymg been ,...-in! 3!`:-.315 or Sunwnxuxok. ls T0nt1 "nde crea She pin. pink BIL l\ftc and ence unuu The U118. the P;(`)\' v 1531 IVY. S5 to 19 37> 5-: A.B. R. H. 0. A. E. `:1. . 1 V1 Banting 5,. 1; 1?? skbas .'.|.v'otVal . .' . . . . 45 ` 9 73) ._ - ?Summa.ry : Two-base -`hit-_--A. j-5t"+; B. Jennett;T;.. base on"-ba`1_ls'-"-V Stewart 4; struck`-out:-3, 1,1) . Stewart` 6; left on cg--Ivy 17, `T ornton" 9;_4_umpire---j wart, janting , I Bari-ie`: '-" at"tet_1dam:e_`-A-*1-1"2{L5'__;_ . I - . -_--.. . n can urvnaoo A very quiet --wedding was solemn: ` ` izedat the homeof Mr. Egbert A'vi- [ son last Tuesday afternoon when ,_ Mrs. Coleman,_sister-.of Mrs, Avison ,; became the brtde of_ Mr. McEachern , of Waslungton; Rev. Chas. Ierey ,7 performed the ceremony. Only im- ,I mediate relatives were-present. `Mrs. - l i Mc`Eachern will be missed by a large ,! circle of `friends in the Methodist ,; Church and community; The happy. `couple left for a -trip to `Seattle be- fore settling in their home in Wash- }ington, where the best wishes of hosts. of friends follow them. I ._.._,. _,....u..: uuulluglallu The pupils of the Teachers 4 `~ ing Class trigd the.i_r_ea,;ams,g.p: last. wfvcgk 7a_%t,;jt'he ugme%%r:%.;1;s. ,Grsje- % l cu vwuu J_lCl Co B_'i`1.cl1`_an`_'TV;41"ri'3V'_ <'3?"I_ V:\:I'e:\:`6v"""i*I3r1`1t`1-,Vwv" {is SP;d1; '8` ax-few` d=i:z8~vsfitl1"h!;-5 i!n.e.?: ; M_;.VA4TIames Buchanan; `VIM : TL- u - - - ,.-v..,.._ , ' :1*neM:sses_ Gilpiri. gr Tofon`tc_>_;a.x'7e% -s1Si;ndi_tiS`th'e1r holidays with .f'r1ends_;.i week . 7-; `A ,_-v _- J t l '1 Berry [picking is 1-the order of the `A `large umbef. "fr`o1_1"1 "here"f`attfh d- ed,~11;(he,:p1cnicA at `J;ack9_nfs Pointgkistj `wee, ' V; ..~L ii ._; ' 4' T. L1? `I , - . ----..= u.._;uuy IV \r\.I\o ' The Misses `Hutchinson returned to Toronto last week. ./Before leave ing Mr. and Mrs. Robson entertained a number, of young people in honor `of their guests and a very pleasant evening .`was spent; ` A _____if ___Ag 1 do ` .u.;-2.3-l..\lJ U1 _;u1;uI10- Vlslhmg L A __ . appe .V Mr_. and Mrs. A. E. Partridge`er`r- tertagned falfew..fri1e`nds on Monday revenmg o ast wee . ` A ` II` I LVJ. her _- -_- W--u -oqvynnwl at VV IIIUW 116111. `G<;i'don Beii of Oirof Station is `visiting with his aunt, Miss Drury. Miss . Ray of Toronto- is visiting cousin. Mrs. Rimma r`1.gm...n V ,___, _-vo QM, Boyd Ib .. R. Davis, 2b .. Banting, c . "G, Banting, rf Elliott, cf H. Banting, ss N. Coxworth, 3 KB; -Jennett, lf. . ,_-W. Banting, p Thornton-' L. Stewart, Ib D. Stewart, c . . Nixon, If. .. .V'I-Lindle, 2b S ears, 3b - etcher, ss . Miss Mauid 'Partridg.`of Toronto is spending her holidays with her father and mother at Willow Hall. r:.....:_-- A ' "' ` ` 15.11 P 7-.."--.-".5 uusuaxautvllly. ` ll The marriage of Miss Anah Viola, ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-D. Woods, and Mr. B.A, Richardson, at the -resi- dence of_the bride s pa_rents,. took place on VVednesday, July 20th. Only the immediate friends of,the bride s and groom were present. The young peoplehave the best wishes of the I community for their future happiness and success in life.- ' The funeral of the late` Mrs..vVV-'m. Johnstone was held in the Methodist Church on Monday, July 18th. A large number of friendsandy acquaint- ances were present. The late Mrs. Johnston was a woman well known as a good neighbor, and a sensible. p business woman--one who was popu- ` lar among her acquaintances, espec- ially the ` younger people. `She will 1 be greatly missed in the circle of her intimate,frie nd_s. The family have the deepest sympathy. of the, com- munity. .~ ' ' Miss Ruby ahdiher _b_1-other, _Clare Bryce, Aux-ora,_a.re yisxtmg their re- Iatxves `in this" vicinity. _ Two new arrivals,-one at Mr. Bee- ton s and one at Mr. Graves. We ex- tend congratulations to `the happy parents. T *` ` We are pleased to know that the infant son of Jas. and Mrs. Courtney, who has been seriously ill, is now lconvalescing satisfactorily. Tho rvlno-o-:n..- at "5- l Quite a uuruber of our young inco- ple whxle out wal_k1ng on Sunday af- ternoon were obhged to seek shelter at the nearest neighbour, during the storm. V . V ' vcongrattilatvionsy are due to` Mr. Fletcher, our school teacher, for hav- 'ing sent four scholars for entrance and three passed in-=-spite of the `hard exams. _ V - 1--`vain: VA .Ull\r IGLC {VI-Ira DIIHIII `Mrs. James Campbell is visitin 8 hex-.daughter,' Mrs. Alex. Mglholland of Collingwood. ' Mrs. Hagart and her sister, Miss McClinton of Winnipeg, are visiting Mrs. David Davidson. - ., [We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ias.Midd1ebrook has been very ill during the past week. H'er recovery % is doubtful.` -._ --a val vnanubb IGDI. VVCCIX. " Mr. Wilfred Bourdon is holiciayizig with his cousin, John Desjardine. Mrs. Pete Gaggin attended the fu-`_ Anieral of the late Mr. Smith of Ufopia. `Mrs Tnrnne r`........|...n 9- -- ;J5\Hl&` L '7 \J\J}I-'3 Mr. 'Tht`2s. Berthelott of `Utopia wasin our village last week. 1 `MT. ur.-1r_.-4 'n, - - - "3 gang uwquaalltalluca IICFC. Walterjardine and children 'of Midland are spending a few `weeks 1with- their aunt, Mrs. 4T. Coffey. V w--u at law; _ll\J|lllC LIVE`: -V Mtg. J. Cook and Mrs. J.W'Peacock of Mxdhurst spent `Wednesday rea- gnewing old acquaintances here. , `Mr-.. ur._u-,, L, 1- - - -- - vuvl auuwcu ms aomty as a heaver when he struck out the next two bat- ters, which by the way he had eleven` strikeouts to his credit and the; -I--Thornton left-hander had only six. 5:`The score : v - -..-g.-Q -'0 .Miss Mary Cole has returned to `Toronto after spending a couple of *weeks at her home here. 1[___ 1' r- _- --u-v cave V ~ Miss Etiiel Barker of Toronto -is spending the _h`olid_ays with her ,sis- ter, Mrs. J. A`.`Mo1r. . .- o. If Mrs. Rbbinsbnf ofA England` is` spending a `few weeks` at T. Muir s. ` Mr. and Miss Stone of'St. Paul spent a_1 few days last week _at M. Coughl1n s. ~ - i"14"{s's M'ary M'atAthewsT `of Coiling- ? weed is spending the holxdays at her ' home here. 7 V ' ` ..--- -5 now. vu yuynna UL v3). LVU. Zn 9 Mi;s Maud `McTaggaft of `Calling- Fafm. wood is holidaying at Bonnie Doon. y - - ----..._-... %' VM!T- i?5teW.a`rt 'M`cQuay spent ihe. Week-ed with Everett friends. ,l:fJ....~-`IA -.l__1 n - ~ ..,--- -..... ....... uvucu. _uu:uu. ;'Mss Mabel Rainey of Barrie is v1s1tmg her old pupils`o S15." No.'2 . Elfin... lK..--J `it run 2 `VNdt ;-Qcctrespondents in spking Vofythe` movements of visitors _please state the places. `from -which gthgy come; _ s.` ' ` ii CROWN HILL. `The first league game of the South Simcoe Baseball League between Ivy and Thornton at the latter place was one of the greatest battles for su- premacy .seen here for y.ears. The. game, for which the score is no in- dication of the play, was replete with sensational plays in which the stars were B. Jennett, W. Banting and M. '-Boyd for Ivy and Nixon and -R. Ste- wart for Thornton. At full time the short, scoring Jennett. In Thorn- score was nine all and when Ivy came to bat in the extra. inning B. Jennett got a life when his single hit S. Fletcher on the forehead and made a clean steal of second and went to third on M. Banting s ineld hit. At n this time M. Boyd proved the pinch- hitter by slamming the ball over ton s half, although they -got a man ' to third with one down, the Ivyypit-I 1 '-cher showed his ability as aheave 119 Qfrliniz nu4- 4-I-an can--L L_.- 1-`-I? SUIWIDALE CORNERS. LEFROY. .BRENTWOOD. f<;--- mNEsma...;..,-. ANTEN MILLS. People who are opposed to what they are pleased, to call surnptuaryj laws-that is, prohilaiting the sale of liquor-glibly- tell therworld that such laws cannot be enforced. The sheriff of Van Buren. county, Michi- ~gan, tells a different story. Last `suits. Wahisky and crime are twin September the amended local option law of Michigan went into force in. that county, and on the 24th instant he reported the jail without a prison-A er, and facetiously.` adds that he_ will 3 have to advertise _for summer board-i` ers in order to fill the jail with!` guests. During the scal year end- ing` June 30 last, 45 drunks and 25 ; tramps were jailed, as against 65 ( drunks and 156 tramps for the year previous, showing a decrease of `:51 in these two classes of offense. `As the new option law was only in force. for halfthe year the next report from `the sheri will show better re- ( J brothers.--Hamilton Spectator; . vuuu vv all UH Dunaay. (v1.V-Iiss 'MacKa' of Toron_t_c_> day. turned to` her home aftef vi the Manse for a short time. `Miss M. 'Orok, Miss M. Mr. I. V. Hall and Mr; J. 01' ed Dr. Orok in Cqokstown ow run ` - ' We are `glad to see Mr. F. Orok %at Home again. Mr. Orok will oc- cupy the_ pulpit in St. Church for a fe ,J,:M. Shepherd Andrew's .w;,S1_1n_days while Rev. ts gbsent. ing are the orders of the day. Miss K. Beat}: of Bolton is visit- ing Mrs. A. Coutts for a few weeks. Some of the [farmers had such. a heavy yield of hay that the haying `is natal] nished yet. I . Mr. and .Mrs.. 'D`ox'melly and little girl of _ Cookstown `visited .Mr. and` `Mrs. Canawan_on Sunday. ' ` - Miss 'MacKay has re- 2`FfAoI 1v:`-3--` *` ` Fall tvheatmet:tting_,and berry pick-T no 1c1auVCS at `couple of weeks. '"1&}f"b.*J. Fer guson are holid ` er s A relatxv gu_son a_nc_1 Mrs.`*Fer- aymg with .the form- es kat Chatsworth for a S. W F - - -5; us 4'1-I5. K11 UVC5. Miss Atlam and Miss Rhodeniat Morris of Orangeville are guests of Mrs. T. Bell, Riverdale Farm._` Mr. Hugh Smith is busy with the cement wo k on Mr. Jas. Cleary s la` Prairie,'.Man.,'*was in the village to.-day, ca1hn`g on a number _of_' old fnehds. - H spendin , . -Mr. J. T, B. Le -Fl-Miss Chisholm and daughter, Miss o YCIICC .of guests of M 1\n-- A'- C leveland, Ohio, are rs. Groves. V Crops are looking. well since the frequent showers. A Trade is quite dull in our village, `owing to the G.T.R. trouble. `returned after a splendid uending afew days with his father, Mrs. Hurst of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Klinkaand family of- Toronto spent a week with her parents, Mr. i and M rs. Perry. `Dr. Brownand Mr. F. TarBush outing `at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Leonard `Lee of Toronto is r. J. Lee. mu` .. . . , The cold hand of death has on,c e more visited our midst and taken ,away and claimed another victim, she bright and cheerful little Loas, daughter. of `Mr. and Mrs. Alex. `-Ness. The funeral took place on Sunday -afternoon to the sixth`. line cemetery, which was very largelyattended by relatives and friends. The many beautiful oral offerings consisted of pillows, wreaths, stars, crescents, _ sprays and boquets. Rev. L. McLean .~ was the olciating clergyman? The little pall bearers were Gordon and Dalton McKinley of Barrie, Douglas Nelson and Clifford Webbof Stroud. he bereaved family have the heart- felt sympathy of the community. - m ' ANGUS. f I! -... acpuft a g'00dAt1me. t fwiliss Mary. Patterson of Churchill was the Sunday guest of her grand- mother, Mrs. Patterson. A Mr. Russell Webb is nursing a nger with blood poison.. We hope for a speedy recovery, Russell. ' Mrs. Thomas Webb is spending a few days with her `daughter, Mrs. Wm. Irving of Big Bay Point. Mr. Elmer and Elliott Robins have returned home to Weyburn, Sask.. Q Q-` noun`. - Mr. E. B. Duncan has home after spending a few : ' Barry Sound friends. Mr.` John Hunter of Vi: Sunday with'- his grandpa:- and Mrs. `Hamilton Young. `Several 4'.-am I.--.-A -~' -.-.... .uauuuUn I } Wfeveral from here Herb. Lennox picnic day. All report a goo RI}..- `REA 7 _-- ....,....,5 ,.v.u_cuuSV 1n Laleaon East. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. E. King and Mabel of `Barrie spent Sunday with `riends here. ' Mrs. Alex. Duncan` ha gone tn spend a few weeks with her `sister in e Tackson,- Mich Mr. 'Robt.` `Robertson of Banff, Alta., is spending a few days with `us _ brothers here. `IA . 7` "` --an JVLIDJ J UIIII % Txiises. Belle `and are visiting friends i ],f___ _,, 1 It --' - Miss` `Eva -V;"ebbA of Toronto the guest of Miss Jessie Webb. ' Miss Edna Hughes wa a Sunday? ;guest` of Miss Gertrude Wright. Miss .Sadie_ Pratt is, spending a few daystwith Miss Johnson of Orillia._ Y\/ficeag, 12-11- ---- -._- - -.......vu, u..\.\.uu_y. ` ' _ Mr. gmd Mrs. J. Tiin,visited=town- lme friends on Sunday. ; \ and Mrs. H. E. Emery.` . - ._....._y -;.u.vvn1uav U1. ur.uy1a- M. and Mrs. Peacock and Master Evan palled on friends here on `Friday, r - Mrs. Ca.uiey _of` Angus was "the guest of Mrs. T. Gauley, 'Sr., last -`Wednesday. ' ` Mr. find Mrs. Havercroft of Nev? Lowell spent theweek-end with Mr. M':.._ 'D:...::-n,,, - _ -_.,. --. g. LJIIIVIJA ` A TMiss Birdie Russell of Barrie spent a.few days with her cousin; MissLiz- 'zie Ferguson, recently.` I R/[.. .._..1 `l|A$_- 1' rn-no 5 nus:-up-J All J Y J 0 "r1VI.r.]I.o -Htirdf of Egbrt spent Sun-A day withzhismother `here. _ o Mr. G_arnet Ferguson of Toronto is 1-ene_w`1ng old acquaintanoes here. Mr. George `Hart .spent. Sunday ? with Mr. Finlay Hawkins. of Utopia. DA`? 1) `III ____1 ll`- 1'1 . A woman in Penetanguishene has just passed away at the age `of 100. Her name is `Columbus, and she claims to be a lineal Eiescendant of` Sir Christopher, who discovered` the continent. Living in a reformatory town for the best part of `her life does not seem to have done this cen- ' tenarian much good.->+Hamilton Spec- tator. - Mr: J." ,l3eilp ei1t Suiicliay in An gus: Mr. D.'A. LGauI'ey and ~Miss Mabel `spent Sunday in Ivy; ` `l\A'.. 1' 71-; .- MIDI-VIURST. aftcgrmiristing -a short mm- Eid Mr; o'r Ibokstown o v er [Sun- ;C_OLWELL. STROUD: 1'-eturngd , frqtn. LTHE%NORT.H`ER\N"ADVANCE The letter of -Mr. Hays became public, however, and it was a well- merited rebuke to the_ tardy min- ister who oered his services `as a `mediator `after _the battle had started. ere t6ok_ii1 the" :nic las_t Wednes- good Atxme. l ZI':`i;)r'a- I2i;:{ds in Caledon East. rent n returned days with Vine spent nfnfa `|\A".. `it Toronto, July 26.-Major `Carpen- ter, with four officers and fty-ve men from Stanleygbarrac-ks, left at two o clock to-day for Brockville to assist in maintaining` order there. It seems the authorities are fearful of the threatenings of the crowd around ' the yards attthat point, Avrpassenger train, eastbound,- leaving Brockville i_ at 6.30 . n clock this morning, ly escaped being wrecked. The en- Igineer, whose" eye was particularly ` Ikeen,` `noticedathat spikes were pulled for some distance. He stopped the trainfmade, an examination of the _track, and decided to chanceit; `The `train pulled over_s1owly,and'safely.i I King in. making public last Thursday ' ' and `withholding the replies of the ' truth is that he was asked on July 13 _ The"course of Hon. M`ackenzi ei his own proposition for a rbitration; ` leaders, an_d saying `it was not his duty. to make the texts public, shows mam "to be a self-advertising gentle- man, making his own propositions as prominent as he can. The plain by Mr. Hays of the G.T.R. to bring about arbitration and declined to in- . `terfere. 'But when the strike broke `out on the 18th he immediately be-' came busy and proposed arbitration to both parties. Mr. Hays gently- reminded him of his change of atti- tude and it is little wonder he did not make the letter public. v

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