Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Jul 1910, p. 2

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V 1Conservatives, who know. what.` is V. 'the_ 'r'e cen'tly, import- f ie smxatnon. -created .by _ I-l"`oVn.L . M 38 rFx1_lIy[equippe]3;1i\]4"ith Lhtles, Planer. I` . RI'.I`., INCORPORATED 1855 BOOKSTORE. Barrie -Invites your banking business,` and with its large bresources, splendid facilities and complete banking equipment. oers the best of accommodation `to all who have money to defaosit, 0; other banking business to tran- s act.`\ ' Barrie and Allandale Branchm C. R. LATINIER, - Manager Exactly the same as regulaf $1.25 Edition. Capital $:,.,ooo,ooo. Reserved Funds $4,818,000. Bank of Toronto` Have you seen that line of {cloth-bound ` Books at ONEOF THE OLDESTAND STRONGEST` BANKS IN % .CANADA .._.y-- w. "III'l'o""l `.27....-7:50pm 26. ...585pm No- 09 leaves Allandnle 1.5) p.m. from Toronto for Penetang; . No. '70 arrives Allanjale 31.50 p.m. from Penetang for Toronto. `V 50c.` THE 4_._.____.._......_._..______._ III! THE Bll PLINING Mill 00. J. n. Romans] 0"?` fwm. onus Carpentereand Builders. Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of Rough and be e D;:I:ed Lumber T I ` ors Ines at n s Sun I ` stairs V . cellln s Blinds shlnnles loor nns Tanks and Wagar ` ` I Planing; Matching. pl , Hot Blast I .________.______.____________.___ UNWIN, `MURPHY & ESTEN,` L Ontario Land Surveyor_s, Engine- ers,` etg. Established 1852. Orlice, Medical" Building, 5. E. corner Richmond and .:Bay streets, To- ronto. _Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left` with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of` To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be i promptly~attended to. , . Lhe{urther_n:_Lc,`fI`1jzyutc ~ I mzxrnoon TO 1':-u: TANNERY Is 0 n for-all orders in CASTINGS. I " M Rls`.PAlRS.&c. ` _ . 1 12-11-... - v - -an 8Q." ? E II8,v.ing span; 4 years Pos_t Graduate wogk in K . L2"`{i3`?133{3 1`.I}`i""&%d S#`` - . ' `ax . ' . `H0SIJital, London; Rcgyal London gghthalzflsig 1 Hospital _(M_oo1-elds) : for -a term-as Resident IL :2;g.:a";.~;:%%a::.e.?g-"P `"*3;;* "W;;`==`*= ' 4' ..1'1s0;an ' ' i :fJ1_1__Ltv;1`3- _B`'m_ingham :former I\r1'$?1i`.`.`3% I _ , T-_-.,_, -..,,... uvnxuull upntnalmicl I Hospital (M001-elds) term-as Resident Surgeon in `Royal London0 tlxalmic Hospital; ` Bristol Eye Hospital,_Bristo ; and Birmingham , Eye Hos 1ta.1,- Bxrmjngham Member of ' British phthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. I Phone 51. P. O. Box. 96. G`_.__._________________.____ . G. SMITH & CO., PHONE 82. .Established 1869. Undertake:-s. Open_ day and night. Morgue and chapel inconnection. Barrie, On- -_tarxo. - M; 0;, c. M. (1`or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. omce of the me Dr. Smith. Collier: ' Phone 8|. 3 3: L.R.c.P} & s. Ediiiburgh; M.F. P. & s. Giasgo T ' --SURGEON-- "Eye. Ear. Nose 6 Throat, `[,]'n`.:..,. ,...,...4. A K ? pa. MORTIMER LYON 31 CARL. tOn S12, Tnrni1+n long I'\ D_.-_Lu FDR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- R _ cian, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, 1 Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor. Elizabeth and _Brad- ford Sts. (Dym_ent Gore). Phone I05. ' Box 456. - /R I `No 54.. 'l.50aim " 56.... 5.86pm _1- H. T. ARNALL,mM.D., C.M. OF- } ce, in`Bothv~;ell s block, Allandale. ` n the premlses at night. , ` LSTRATHY & `VESTEN, BARRIS-` ` ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. 'Ofces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten. oDONALD Ross, LL.B., BARRIS- .t_er, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, Barristers, Solicitors of the Su- I vpreme Court of Judicature of On- ` tario, Proctors. Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Money -toloan. Of- ce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. . Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. LENN_'OX, c~:6v-vAN & BROWN, Du-_.nL--n C..I.'..ZA......- IA- .-.I.A.-...-..... STEWART - '8: `ST-EWIART, BAR- -risters; Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 percent. Oice, I3 Ow.ex_1,St., Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, LL.D., -D. M. Stewart. W. AULT, BARRISTER, `S O_LICI- LA- Dnnntau `KT:-`Ln-up ("..-..-.......n.-H-an - -v- .1: JVIII `A_ll"v:v :1: d b pert hin- .lat' gndoguargzfteee g-itlasgfm , _._ _-...- .n.nLI.v. GIG- lioilera. En nea,..a.nd 511 kin farm and at: on machinery: and repaired on a ones: notice xnodexfnte prices. ? M. J. n. u. 1:.v:u\'a , 1'1-LISICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: W'illiam `street, Allandale. Tele-` phone 30 a. .At Stroud _O`Fce: 2 *5!) ,1 f\ 111 ;1 r\'oa.-1..-- L- I }: G6ing North. ,-_. -- T-"W yuuuc JU (1. -['\[ DtTOl1d UI`I`.C< to 4 p.m. _Monday to Friday. ______________________ ..L_\. .4.u.L1L\1.llU.IL1( LXUi\,,3I ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn; .(N. Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital,} will be at 67 Owen St., Barri:-:, eve::y'Saturday. Diseases-Eye, Ear,' Nose and Throat. Consultation; hours, II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. ` e__.__.__...__-.- ' I )R. -A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN,! Surgeon, etc;, L.R.C.S., Edin.,$L.l R,C.P., London. Office and `resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone 77. )R.'A. T. LITTLE, LATE Churchill, Ont. Oice and dence, John St.,' near comer E D1.-,1. ARTHUR Ross \.xxL1.uL\.I.1u1\.J.I., .D[1I\I\1D' 'te,"s$1ici:or, Notary Public, &c. Ooe, Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building. ,Money to loan at low- St rates. IJJLV L` \JL, \J\I VV 1 ll` IX; JJL\\I IV ii, Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardiatfship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices,- Hinds block, No. 6 Dun~ lop-V street, Barrie. Money to loan. at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch `of- ces at Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. ELI. Brown, LL.'B. V. `$\.J.l.4.L, J.J[lL\L\LuJJ.J.4L\, ~I\.J\L.lb\.rJ.' tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, `etc. Special attention in drawing and probatidg Wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guard- ianship, collecting accounts, etc. Ofces, Ross block, Barrie. `Money to loan. . _ . .---_ A. ' RADENHURST, BARRIS- :.- Q.-.l:,.:+n.. 1\T...;....-. D..1.1:- 9.- UJ Alp 8/P`:ge.48 Column Newspaper, Published from the olce, 123 Dunlop Street. Barrie. in the County or Simooe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every _ Thursday Momma. by UNDERTAKER; SURVEYORS. ` 8 in 9 t Drying iln. PHYSICIANS. - ,----_vv-1 | I` IUUTIIIIS ater 1`:-outns (Pine and (impress ing. Mont Re-Sawing. Blast Drying EVNS PHYSICIAN, in nnnn -- `AAA 6' Ina in kinds of fmnohinnrv mu}- 3; '67 resi? E11221-i F0 nauun OK 1- made co and . Gdasgow I in they/V9 .3Cil(SnaQ Dee IUVNH` gthirds ofcttltr-318 rmk, butpnply tw0_ T_W,nt. rather B :16? 0CCup1ed, Things "H5011: Walter `S3 y from the start. .1 -.ece1ved a mu -CE: the local premier ..t!9n_ than" did tch _m0"_herty recep- - m1111O'n_ The rte Premier of the D0- `-_ ..'-1 , thc__cuStom` e mrl who present- -.|i0_1_nJthe lusu lay bt1quet, departed .`3._t0;.t_eg,g3Vwha cqstom by bursting bestowear-3 I-den Sf Wilfrid Laurier -e`c-.5- .,D0n her. The pre- :3`-fr!Sed but little en- . 1. 9"`.1d-.that his govern- 8_ `a navy. Can- . ,Y.ot-kton, Sask., July 2o.--Thc Lau- rier meeting this afternoon proved 8 fdi5.3Pl?0i!1tment to the local Liberals- .5m 2.700 seatsvhad been provided 1...; 0 _ , In fh nIccu`:..-.. ..}..I_ An!" ful- N051` `EAGER TO SEE LAURIER. __v~va1\J1`r_LK F69 T,HEE3uNTv or smvcoe gig?` rtgziggable terms given on all CRAIGHURST, ON1'_ LICENSED `AUCTIONEER FOR THE COIINTV m.- e...-_ vo\.Io-lb \,.'.$J\Jll -Stock I Sales * --- wuuw. CONDENSED ADVERTISE.\1E.\'Ts_ Condensed adxjertisements on first as wants of all kmds, losgt and fn11x1(},m;:;?` for sa_Ie or to rent: speqxc articles, etc etc must; be accompamcd mm the casl ' 1. Cuts for advertisements mu case be mounted on s j _ St in ex-cry ohd metal base; ENJOYA COOL LAKE TRIP FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY FROM OWEN SOUND Secial train from Tomato 1.64) m.. sail- ` ing-days. Ask for {oh cr. --.,-_ ....... `"' wetn COMMERCIAL msnn. Rates will be given on appiication. . CONTRACT cnaxaus. - Advertisers will please bear in - notice of intention to change ad`-SE22 `hat mustbe handed into the oice not Iatexfnem Saturday at 10 Q clock, and the copy for th change must be m THE AI)\`.~\.\'(-1;0mc later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday he ` week, otherwise the ad_Vertiser`< a `"1 {nay not be made pubhc until I}: ng. . i_n8 - % uegax uouces. Auction Sales, etc.-F`irat- insertion 10 cents emi%:ment.` subsguentinsertlon 5 cents per ne, ' each Re ing notices, 10 _cents pep 11,,e { insexftion : 5 cents per l1ne for each subse ht insertion of the same matter. Obituarv um boner line. `W1 COMMERCIAL DIST. .1 \- I VIIVI wfatte r t d M u'Wo. r no em t its patrons. It you havgg31a;.;h9 Ilahtm Place it with the paper that reacl ms h W d not afraid to pay the price. `e3 the M 1 Advertisements are charged ace _ H mlzwlmes nonparexl measure min! to TRANSIENT ADVERTISING Legal Notices. Auction Sale et mm. s'-{`_`_11sem.... o. ., ya` .l.0VVllo . It `hit: also by far the Ian mg fattel` fact demonstra have any ; place_it ygiph paper that m ___A., Tm: ADVANCE largest circulation ( Town- urgent Town. If `an; &lI\3.\.Il. (l.l..l_LC.u . All kinds in be\t Companies Agt. Allan Line and C. P. R. SS. Co's "II. J. FLSTCHEE Agent. BARRIE Insgrange. Brewed Entirely from the Finest - Malt and Hops. Has a marvellous cm rough skin. One or two 1-. tions will remove the r~`u. and by its occasional '.:< skin acquires the smoozhnc "softness of a'bab_v's. (_,} _\'c 7it. Price 15c and 2 is not sticky, and glove-.: 1: worn a few moment ..4 (l.lCr c. I) ful after shaving. MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- arrivals and departures at and from Barrie are as follows :T Monkmazfs 'Glycedonia_. '[I._ _ _ .. Zjf Druggist. DUNLOP STREET EAST FOUR TRAINS FROM TOl10.\"l'O ndnnrn BARRIE BREWING GUMPANY Splendid ALE and PORTER. The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle GEO. MbNKMArg. ruz2'ist_ MUSKUKE TI-VIURftSDz.XY, Basal: Beforc tl_1c llV' Between the Hon. Charles Murphy V and Charles Parmalee, the Kig : V Vefdhter, Recently Appointed. . _.=;.%o`~y 136 Bala. _ Sleeper -urriod F3'_1day's 101 p.m. Vhnnipeg Express wr; ::;-p1ic8.- r.:m~.rnncss, 1! we the ;tI1nc-.~fs and C}?_\ ccdc-11ia res n:a_\' be nust bases ...-nuucem : week to 119w- A `POLITICAL BATTi.E.- )w+:.\' ST. H .u:P.H: i4`T .5 hf- -`rm the pic eve atte T0! ._ 711.00 p m.Cobalt Special .. `10 In In '. ; `10 a m...Bu alo Expi-esa.. *I:0Il p m 10.40, 3 mToronto 8: North Bay 5 15 p m 2 08 p m..Muskoka Express 8.6 p m " I 50 p m..North Bay........1MIp In 8.80 :3 m..Toroulao & Midland 7.42 am A ' > Gravenhurst 0.83 a m f Daily including Sunday. . 11'-MA I D l I 5 F FINANCE DEPARTMENT ALARMED. BARRIE RAILWAY duinz. ` Collinzwood and Mea!oi'd.. * TO ' - .. FROM 53....lo-Em N0. 5`ooI7o`7 '43IncI ' 4230001. Vanna I . moans. 23....l0;15am in nu- ;Thuysday, July 28, I9I0 Tnnus or SUBSCRIPTION. mm V Main Line." wan. Lu acc 11 11: carries them Ollt. `Hark back to 1896 when he prom-' ised that if the Liberal party were `put in power Canada would get free trade, Canada has not got free` trade yet and will never get it, from the Liberal party. These criesare only party dodges. Laurier is simply ear- rying out the policy of `Sir John Macs I donald, with the single exception that -SirJ'ohn framed - the policies that `would make Canada, and he promised nothing that he did not intend -to do .- Hamilton. Penetang. 6; a. m i " `2}n1.pm D m N._53.. 10.25 am 55....7.5 p.m South. 22.T.._.7.47 a m ,4 1 L*?3'~l LKIIH No. At the t_neeti.rpg of the Toronto 130-` lice commissioners last `week itiwas rporfed ,that, from March t'o.__Iu1'y 9 2,012 dogs have ben desytx-oy_e`d_ _i1=: that -_city. 4' As" Chie_f_Gra`setAtA' gttfsgit; i `."I7his L the penity .-'1? '4 7' -a. ..,, her,g;1j#e1'-j 1 . 9 _. 4! `VVhen the West gets to know Sir VVilfrid as well as the East, however, they will learn that this is just one of the premier s bluffs to catch votes. He has no more intention of carry- ing` out all the schemes he is advocat- ing than he has for extending the boundaries of Manitoba. Watch his speeches for the little-saving-`clause; There is always` acleverly concealed. modication of his proposals which the inexperienced voter misses. Quite an` interesting" study is to pick out a list of the promises he makes, and wait to see if hecarries them out. "I-Ina-`J lsanl; 6.. van` ._L--- L- ----A- -,vv --.--.. (1-yyvvv Ill 69V]- Dr. Bertillon declares, that to wipe out the name `of a d 'ng nation , which France so 1'ichI"y eserves, par- liament should "adopt Col. Roose- v'eIt s ideas on race suicide and pass a bill favnrina-`man -;a.-ma ...A 1..-.-.- vwnlua IUCGS U" fact! la bil} favoring` marriages and large ; famihes. ~ ---... .-.--u-nu uflu QUWJLI 1|-GI . I Last year s births in `France .w'ere ifewer than in any year` in French history, the. gures showing 770,000 births, as compared with, 792,000 in 1908 and`774,oo0 in I907. . n- `D-....:n-.. 1- c l Paris, July 20.--Jacques 0 Bertillon,! the world-famous .anthropo1ogist,~ in {an article published in La Libefte, sounds an alarming .wai'ning to France, in the. light of? her loss of population "and Tconsta.n`tly 'Vdecl,ining birth` rate. _ ' 5 ~ ` Bertillon points out that although France, in 1851, had as great a popu- lation as Germany, each had 35,000,- hooo, and more than any other coun- `.try in.Eur`op_e except Russia, she is now fast losing ground, with 40,000,`- ooo inhabitants against 65,000,000 in Germany, 55 in Austria-Hungary, 45 in `Great Britain and 36_in Italy. T and 19130..-7.. 1_2\..A.L_ 9 i i \.u uu.u .`LU \.cuI'cuJIdl1 LZIULCIIB, _ * '2. An attempt has been made to attribute the `credit "of the. change, which will benet the people on the` Upper` Red River, `to-the American Consul, anderathef than to Mr. Brad- bu1'Y- | Matters were in this posture, when! the Premier s `visit to the West drew near. It occurred to Mr. Bradbury -that thermatter-came under the pro- _view of the recent waterways treaty and he wrote suggesting, that thei matter be referred to the Commis- [sion now examining the subject of the Western sheries, He alsoz men- tioned the international` aspect of the case to an acquaintance who 1_nen-- /tioned it to the American Consul "at iVVinnipeg. The American Consul {thereupon mentioned, the matter to l the Premier. who immediately agreed ;to have the shway constructed. _ 5 Two thinszs are to be observed: I. The ]`?remier_einstantly granted to. American citizensowhat has been ,, denied to Canadian citizens. A J n A`. ..LLA.`4-.L L,- I I Now in the last session of the Do-` minion Parliament Mr. G. H. Brad- bury, M.P., for Selkirk, brought the matter of the shway up, in the in- terest of Canadian, `not American, i. citizens above the dam. Sir-Wi1frid Laurier promised_ to grant the re- quest. .Appare.ntly, however, he con-_l tontedihimself with stirring up the Department -of, Public `VVorks. A; while after the House had prorogued Mr. Bradl)ury.received a letter from the Departmenttelling him. it had} looked into the matter and that en- gineers had; assured him that no sh- way was needed, inasmuch as_at cer- ltain seasons of the year. the water [was `high enough to allow `the free pasasge offsh. Mr. Bradbury knew .all about that. The water is_ a-tthat ` height only when there is an ice jam,- and when there is an ice jam the sh .are not moving freely. He `wrote back to this effect. ' ' -v~--cs vv '--' `-'rr~'-'--V 1"""J- A The setting of the tale is the-'de- spatch `which recently came from [the new dam. at the St. Andrew s Rapids on the Red River below Win- nipeg. The American Consul, `it seems, made rrepresentatidns to the Winnipeg respecting the shway `in. | Premier that the absence of the sh-` {way interfered with the supply" of 3 fish in the '_upper reaches of.the river, \\.`I`I;l\` are an ' A ..............- L---A ; uau in we upper vreacnes or the river, which are in .A1neri_ca11 territory_, and that thereupon Sir Wilfrid Laurier graciously consented to have the sh- way constructed. - . = The Ottawa Journal says: . There has come to light a curious lxttle `story. of the government's re- luctance to give credit to a private member of Parliament for public ser- .vices-when that member happens to ;belong to the opposnte party. 'I1() ,.,.4.A.:._,, , I` .-..._, .u \.uuu.. VVIICIC is LHC IRUHCYI to come `from? How can" Canada`; go into the markets of the world and` borrow cash if the` premier goesoonl committing the government to the` most outrageous expenditure ever im- agined ? 111:, - --- ...v 1|\Il\J5IlJ u_y- Luv \7yyI.lBll.I\Jl.l. ` Therefore how the. ght will end it is interesting to observe:` Mr. Mur- phy tried to get Mr. Parmaleev red, but the premier would not stand for this. The next thing that would hap- pen would be Mr. iParmalee s return to parliament, and a very awkward situation would have been created. The two points to be watched are: Will Murphy he powerful enough to get rid of Parmalee, and when the Opposition get after Murphy in the House for his mishandling of; the Printing Bureau Afair, will the -rank and fyle of the Liberals support` |Murphy as against Parrnalee? jHow He Refus;edA tofGive Credit to uly H9 turn-IA `Adana-.- `Printing Bureau scandal: Mr- Mu:~p1;y,, has deliberately ignored] M-r. Parma- 'lee, and . has called." to his assistance the deputy minister of ' another de- partment, Mr. Mulvey, who is an a poin-tee of Mr. Murphy himself. ` r. Murphy is not, and has not been consulted, regarding the inquiry into his own department. Yet Mr. Parm- alee is regarded as an exceedingly. capable man.` He has been a suc- cessful printer for thirty years. D; o __I__...-2_- .L- ' ".i3}1E '3$132-};in"En" 7;3m22EZ}.t is found is that: Mr. Parmalee who was appointed. in .1909, is exceedingly popular 1n`the. House, having" sat there as member .fo:-`vsheord for twelve_ years. `Mr, M_urphy, on the other hand, was appointed secretary of` state beforehe -beeame a member of parliament, and faithful adherents of the Liberal `party were passed over. He 15.1101; popular, for he does` no fighting in the House or helped the party when it was-- being assailed |_s.o vigorously by. the Opposition. ' Tknaafnnn LA..- LL- .. 1 ,-,9 ,1 . "'G2B}gL"&'by,'11iTp.:'% ' - Selkirk. LAURIER S FAIRNESS. A nvme NA`I"f.ION.. for ll\t R 1'83. dunigg gm an v U1 aulc, _Lt: tly xeffreshed bl , _ .' Before premier had got farther than \'Vll1l111)L`g on his great jpolitici tour" of the West he had promised-`to: `spend no less than 268' million, dollars of the people s money in order `tori catch votes. A prominent official of "the Finance Department said to your, correspondent that ' if. this; sort Vofl thing went on the `cred:-t of this coun~, try would be ruined for half a cen-' tury to come. VV~here is`the money` to camp fr-nm:P -I-Tn." N...` r`...-".4--I I Winnipeg, Man., July 2I.-The har- vest this year will be at least a week earlier than was the case twelve months ago. The crisis so far as wheat prospects are concerned is as- sumed to have passed. Wheat and cats are already in head. Reports that come to the Canadian Northern `from various parts of Northern Mani-. toba,` Alberta and -Saskatche an are full weelic as" optimistic as they were 9: .pn.cler,-` Biitmels where~;along `;1_:,hcf"~l Mt-th . _ `ago, `A great deal of damage" has been done inepthe-jCari'i1an distri_e_t,,., by the 7 protracted dtought,j and fthere -_mt ft'chi.of` .th,e..i_fgraiYxi.;h3S' been ploughed ~ nynvvaxucu LU UIC Attorney-ueneral,' and further that other municipal. councils _o_f the Province be request- ed to endor-e this resolution and to send a copy of such endorsation to {the Attomey.~General. ` . , --.-.- w..v-1:--on unnu HIIJUDL VUllUlLlUll3o Therefore, it is resolved that the Ontario Legislature be and is hereby petitioned to provide `for such gov- ernmental inspection of assessments as will insure the dueobservance of. {the assessment law in this. respect, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Attorney-General, and fnrfhpr that ..n.-.. .......--._--l _- . --v V. p-av zunysvllu-.y\rID. And whereas such violations of the law result in placing at a disad- "vantage those mxinicipalities which do observe "the_ law, so that it be- comes diicult for such `municipali- ties tb [obtain new industries under ,such -unequal andunjust conditions. 'l`.L-.._-._- -v- -..a And whereas a bomis ma}; not be` given. except by vote of the rate- ipayers. - ` L "1 ""' And whereas a large number of municipalities in the"Provin'ce are lsystematically violating. the law by giving to manufacturers and others ` xed or reduced assessments Without 1 such_ vote of" the ratepayers. l A...1. .;-L-._..-- ` A resolution that thetown council 303 Berlin is circulating among: the - mu:1'cipa1ities prays for their ;ts$\;." auce in checkingi the abuse of the; aws regardirig the bonusing of :11- dustries. Berlin is probably as quiltv at. any. town in" the Province of the very thing it now sets its face again- st.- Nevertheless, `now that it has be~' come repentant, and is- moving in tl-e right direction, it `shouldibe assisted. The resolution submitted reads : That whereas a. xed assessment or a partial eortotal exemption from taxation` is declared by law` to be a` `bonus. c . ' WANTS BONUSING STOPPED - Vt, .-- ---- . That according to the evidence ad- duced before us and after hearing the lreport of Dr. Nidclrie who made the Post Mortem Examination, `we are of `the opinion that the deceased- Loretto Smith came to her death by blood or septic poisoning which origin'atecf_ from a wound on the left leg_bel0w_ {the knee, the cause of which is un- \ known to us. VV7e think the said Loretto Smith had proper care from the parties who had charge of her. arid that they in no way. neglected their duty as guardians. We are further of the opinion that the Crown ofcers only did their duty in causinq an investigation moreparticularlv in this case as the deceased was of il- legitimate bi`rth.a. > The kicking againe-t the recent Ent- rance .Examination_ papers is balder- clash, the ingredients being supplied by writers who know vpractically no- thing of school examinations. `The Education ' department appoints cer- TheBradford Witness says .:-- -` I tain men to set th_ese_ papers andl `these gentlemen ought to know their] business. But there are times `when they certainly do display a woeful ._ lack of knowledge of what a chil(lof 12 or 13 can possibly know or re- member, or what such a child can set down in a rather short space of tune. On this year s arithmetic pap~ er there were three questions that] were to be absolutely correct or no marks given. - On such questions aspl these. young children spend muchl precious timepworking them over perhaps two or three "times and have thus but little time left for the more` ` difcult. 'questions. The `Geography paper covered the_ world fairly well and. w.Ts quite stiff but pupils should have taken 60 per cent. on it. e i . Dr. J. A. C. Evans, coroner, along with Crown Attorney Cotter and County. Detective Beardsley, opened the inquest. on Tuesday, July 19th, at New Lowell. The jury viewed the body of the child, heard-a portion `of the evidence, and an adjournment took place until Thursday. .011 the latter date, the remainder of the evi- dence was laid before the jury, after which they retired and gave, the fol- lowing verdict :- . . FY`: --~-_vnnu \.v V! us: I Gill. G11 ' IIIHUCDL. This child, who was a little mu- latto girl, when three years of age, was taken into the home of Fred .-Rawn, `New Lowell, to .be brought up. She lived between the `house of Mr. Rawn and that of his mother-in- law, Mrs. Mercy HiIts,eat Sunnidale Station, backward and forward. The Week before her death she was taken lill at Mr. Rawn s but was removed to the hhomeof Mrs. Hilts, where her illness became very serious, and the Creemore doctor summoned in at- tendance. . r ' Inqngit Held inflge _Sunhida1 Case -v-. Iv--I. unnllll uuuJ. As stated above, Crown Attorney Cotter took the matter in hand, and the facts being laid before Dr; Evans, coroner, ;.he ordered `an inquest. De- tective Beardsley, was in Sunnidale on Tuesday of last week securing a jury -and looking up evidence. The circumstances surrounding the death of this six-year-o1d child, whose name was Loretto Smith, were suf- icient to warrant an-inquest. 1' '1`!-.:.. ..I..:i,i _.L. W I'--- lnmnor Lokmo smmil On` `Sundayfevening, July I7'th,i a messenger went to Creemore for Dr. Niddrie to goout to Old Sunnidale `to see a ch_ild'at Mr. Rawn s. As both Dr. `Niddrie and his assistant, Dr; Murray, were away when th.e_ messenger _ came, Dr. `Murray went out the first thing on Monday morn- ing and found the child dead. As the body.-of the child contained a number of bruises "and gave evidence of having" received very rough treat- ' ment, D'r..Niddrie thought -it his duty to . notify Crown Attorney Cotter, and an inquest was held on '1f_uesday. `From the evidence `adduce'd it seems that the child, a little girl of, six .years', had been the victim of very rough horse play eat the `hands of Mr. Rawn s two boys, a year or two ;'older. The little girl`told someone ,before she died that they had drag- jged her around by the heels and otherwise maltreated her on the 12th of'Ju1y.` Her body was somewhat bruised. Death was caused by blood poisoning caused by the V wounds. 'I"L - _ I. - ,. `I .1 , - rwo-yv-n-:58 .wuuu.:rg _ |r.|A\ ,` IVUHHUD. ' The above 15 th_ account of the case `as reported `-In the Creemore Star last Thursday. A'_ _L-L_I I 1-4 A TPiE, N()RTHERN ADVANCE "?i- -3:%%?ffJ tl'No rxew name will ;2e~'aZdddVto the Sub- I acupcion List until the money is paid. I V - Subscribers now in arrears for three months nd over will be charged 81 50 per annum. I C Smtcui. Pnnaomn. A'I"'I'EhT`I`Il\\l 9:11: I 5}'u~Z'` ;%"u} Iiorsahoeingl - V _ 1 I . .. . \ .._-I -- - 124.}-1- u_. I L Tnu vuucfrvmm. or ` " Buggies; Carriages. Wagons Sli;hs and_ .AC%3utt1A-s. j F . Enunvnni 1)-...__.W A A i 5f``"35 %?A s 4: u_uy equxppea wxtn La.tl.es. Planer. 1, etc. Harry ?li).mWo|fendeLh 59 Baueld street.` asi-no . ' 5z97Be;unV;l'c-I s't;eet.` Brrle .9. .0... Q. -vuCIIUI$Il' .` 1zooopooooooooooo0099999063 $1.00 PER ANNUM ZIi'.:kvB\.fANCE. UNITED `s'rA'rEs SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 IN ADVANCE ~ `":: .`..':. .::"" ~ corvnmrro ta. Anyone undlnc a notch and ducgzum may quick uourtaln our opinion other An" gl OR II IIIOIIIIIII SCOTT S A And `A Other. Users V of Machinery when .m_'Bam-ie call and see the VMILLMEN 2 X THRESHERS 2 FARMERS 2 usur BEADINB FORaTl-{E Hor WEATHER I :qPPOS'I1'.E< 9 Ross. .s1"'.` V J.,$TANf.: New Machine` Shop THOMPSON ci2Ew, 15iIi3L1sHER

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