Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jul 1910, p. 5

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were 2- exactly -with the telegram sent jby` me it would mean that a. `settlement had been reached and that the men could keep. on working.. But any % telegrarndiffering fro`m' the contents of this envelope, no . matter` -`who signed it, _would be ignored. ,No- such telegram was sent, so that the strike must automatically start at 9.30. . - ' `Million Dollars. There is a p"rotec.tive fund of one million dollars back of us now, and there will be no difficulty in getting `$350,009 a month to keep. the strike sroing, with 3,500 omen out on the i-Grand Trunk and 380 on the Central Vermont. The full protective feat- `ures of both the conductors and trainmen s unions will be given, with payment `of strike pay of $50 a month to meinbers of th' Order of Railway Conductors and $35 a month to members of the Brotherhood of Rail- way Trainmen . 'Montreal,__JulyV I8.--The strike in- . volves all the members of the Brother` _ hood of Railway Trainmen and the 5 Order of Railway Conductors, which , practicallymeans all the train crews I on both passenger and freight trains. I The`engineers and remen are, of 1 course, not invo'lved,-as they belong , to "distinct orders. The strike will 1 invo1ve~3,5oo men on the Grand Trunk goroper and 350 men on the Central Vermont, which is a subsidiary of the Grand Trunk. r ' The closing of` the shops, it is esti- mated, "will t_hrow out of` employment _` 2,7oo,men in- Montreal, 500 in Toron- to, 500 in London, r,ooo in Stratford, and large numbers of others at cen- tres in the United States. Petitions are being circulated by the shop-em- ployees all over Canada to the auth- _ orities `asking that action be taken to E invoke the Mulock Act, so that a _l Board of Arbitration may be secured - -I--1 ...:4.L. +1-an matter- DOHYU U1 .l'\1 uannun. A V . . . --.._ to deal w1th the matter. North Bay, July I8.-The Toronto- 0 Cobalt special G. T. R. express left 1: her_e on time to-night at 11 o clock e with a big passenger list but a small e ;crew. The train left without bag- .. ` gageman or brakeman, the crew con- ` sisting solely of Conductor Little, yesterday promoted to _be trainmast- er. The train left without the usual lanterns, presenting a peculiar ap- pearance, which was commented 1 freely upon by the large crowd of railroad men present. , The news : spread that Mr. Little intended to la take the train out, and a large crowd gathered, expecting a demonstration `; against him, which failed to mater-V t; ialize, as he kept himelf in the back- "ground. _Railroad men expect that the train will have trouble in reach- ` ing Toronto, especially. as the opera- tors went out at midnight,` and the ' engine crew will not proceed except 9 under proper safeguards.` News of 9 the strike spread among the pas- 1 sengers, who displayed much ner- 'f vousness, and worried about,- asking questions, and getting anything but 5 reassuring 'rplies,,as might be ex- el pected in a railroad town. _ ,. | Ottawa, July I9.-p-The strike of the `Grand Trunk conductors, brakemen, I employes on the Ottawa district. at every point_ where the railway touches. OPcia1s- connected with _the railway say that about fifty men are out here, but some of the strik~ ers . estimate the number as more , than this. The regrettable difficulty between the company and.'the men will have far-reaching results---as yet probably none can say how far- ` reaching-but one result` announced i to-day is the closing down of all dc-a partments connected with Booth s big lumber mills. Including those employed. there and in departments g on which the mill~is dependent for - _ its supply, 2,000. men are` thrown out ' k; a pay roll of approximately $5,000 a vyclay stopped this morning, and the men, practically all of whom ,, are Ottawans, will be out of worlg. 2,` `with little _hope of employment until the strike 18- settled.1' - ` 1 , _ `-4- ---.1- -.. an. "r: E MEN AFFECTED BY THE STRIKE. TRAIN WITHOUT A` CREW`. THC struw La cwsuv... The Booth` rm depends on `theAG. ; T.R. tovmove some 40 or so can-loads of lumber fromjts thin to its Fraser- eld yards each night, and the`, com- pany could not do" this yesterday, and cannot. to-day; a congestion resulted. .As 1800.000 or 900,000 feet of lntnher are turned out daily, the mill cannot run until arrangements can be made to move; this daily output. r,At pres- ent the pulp and , paper. manufactur-. mg departments are not affected to. any "great extent. PLUMBER MILLS CLOSED. ' city," health dicgr, ans`-I ONIWI, July ID-""'\Jl ,I.wv nu.-..-.. babies that died in Ottawmlast `year.- ninety.-seven -`died during V August alone. The `cans; of; .death, say.-Lthe chic _y; owin t - `the difculty `in koeeping ordinty__Jxl_1i1lt..a t.th_eZ, I `:3. T- ..'nn1'I\nl keeping ordinqry mm: .at. We uvunsa. To htiombagl gins the. git has to V4: ml prepare , n seve - lferent; st:-Ve:A:_g%tl_1s and 33:: up in .Q'g{`;a1%ra, July 18.40! -L:-- Mme dial in Otti AFfeihts Also; ' non-| ANOTHER BLOW. TO COUNT L ZEPPELIN. Friedrichshafen, Germany, July 19. -The ill-fate that is following Count Zeppelin was exhibited again to-day, when the gas works of his airship plan there, blew up,-`injuring seven persons. The shock was` terric, Km.-....:..... .nn+ the walls of the build-, pt`.rS0nS. `.1. he SHOCK \'Vd.b LL: 1 Lu, * blowing -out the walls of build-'5 ,ing,. h'azingi near-by cottages, and it 1 is, feared, seriously damaging dirig- ibles in the Hangar. ` . The .explosion- iocciirred about noon. The gasometer blew up. A ame shot to `a height of more than a hundred feet, setting re to the` debris. For a time the Hangar on the lake appeared doomed. The report aroused `tthe country`; for miles about, crowds flocking" to`, the , scene. 'Physicians- were sum-g moned and a eld hospital was con-1 , structed with the aid of the oicers , of the plant, whose emergency hos- [ pitalequipment was taxed to the limit. Besides the seven seriously hurt, fully. a score of the employes were cut or sustained other unimportant iniiiries. _ "H--3--~ -- am-. nt +1-up rP(`P,111' wreck. of t-hebiggest by the count, after it had made an} epoch marking ight,-to-day's disast- er appeared to unnerve him greatly. The plant was needed for the recon- struction of the wr_ecked.ship. The` `The plant was Ileeucu Lu; .... . struction loss is probably $250,000. iMAGISTRATE' KINGSFORI5 FINED THE ASSAILANTSE `house in order to give him a thrash- "My opinion of this case is that thei 2 defendants enticed `Kowger to theiri ing,'said Magistrate Kingsford of 3:` Toronto on Monday, when givingi e `Lbuis Pancer and Benjamin Berry 3 $30 and costs for assau1ting,Mar-tin I -Kowger. -This is the case which the E magistrate insisted upon an investiga- tion, because it looked as though the ; principals in the action were trying to have the matter `dropped. - Kowger was a liquor informer and the other men vganted to get even ,1 with him. Pancer invited him to ` Berry s house and when he` got there ,1 thetwo men blackened his eye and i: cut his face. After the charge of as-ii assault was laid, defendants" became % %M0t0I`iB0at Service `(For-the oovenience of tllose holding tickets and the public; .gei1efally,THOMAS MOTOR BOATS will run between R` Barfie and`B ig`Bay Pt. (weather being favorgble) as follows: BETWEEN ABARRIE AND BIG BAY PT. Arrangements may-be made for Picnic Parties to land any place between Barrie and Big Bay Pt. Come along and have a good time. Baggage and parcels carriedat reasonable n rates, Special trips can -be arranged at any time by calling ' ` ~ Phone 280, or applping to ime _for Pichic rt--- .1... ......a i friendlgg and Kowger did not want to give evidence against them. He cla1m-- ed that among other favors, he secur- ed a job for them. The change of heart did not inuence the magistrate, who imposed the heavy ne. The de- fendants protested that Kowger had only been slapped in the face because he did not talk 1ike_;_1 gentleman. The police said Kowges countenance showedthat the _slap was a very hard one. 'St. Laurent, Man., July 18.--A vig- orous Search is being prosecuted for `little six-year-old Maudie Munton, who has been los some days. `On Saturday and Sun- day a large crowd was out, the sweep ` l I "lof the circle searched extended from seven to a dozen miles from the vil- A farmer who was unaware that a child was missing heard a cry as he passed, and thought nothing of it until, arriving in town, he heard of the missing child. He promptly. drove back with a _search party to the `spot, but they failed to locate the child. Dogs to trail the child have been se~ cured from Winnipeg, but there is little hope of nding her alive. t on the prairie for .- HORDE OF OFFICIALS WITH LOTS OF MONEY Ottawa, July I8.--George H. Brad- burg, M.P. for Selkirk, Manitoba, is_ here en route for England. He says the vital issue in the recent elections `was the boundary question, and the jverdict accurately expresses popular !feeling in the Province on the sub- ject. There would not have been .a corpora1 s guard of Liberals elect- : ed, declared Mr. Bradbury, but for the horde of Federal Government 3 employes who, with plenty of money, were at work. Sir VVilfrid Laurier s explanation is regarded in the West as buncombe pure and simple. The ,Province has never been able to get `an offer or proposal irom him. `HUNT FOR MISSING CHILD. "Copenhagen, July 18.-~-Prof. Hen- n 1ng Matzen, professor of the Uni-- iversity of Copenhagen, counsellor .extraord'inary of the supreme court. anda_ member of the permanent gr- ibitratxon court at The Hague, dxed vto-day. HAGUE ARBITRATOR DEAD. are you bother- ed with ies in your house?` A small expenditure for Screen Doors and Windows will give youprotection i from this pest and in- sure you all the bene- ts of fresh air. Call and see our lines and . get prices. IIAMBLY HARDWARE - MAN ` OJ public: .. GENERAL .` . 18.--Fift_y.--3. Par1,,M{:}1{O_day rushed W095 0 every strategxc U31 F prance, followm p0.m_t '11.` H of a general th".Z`1?t11c National` 1 SLt r11i1:3L;1 c)2ntra1 co111n1itt,:.;" %x .C.ano~1 +119 rn on informz}ti0n lgud by means: Inspector Duff two lxquor `cases were - tried in St:1_\uer Uonday. Harry \\'i1co.\- mi \';m V1z_1ck, near the. mouth f the Nottawasaga River, -V,-;,.< nes! $100 and costs for selling , liquor \\'ithn1'-.t license, and his father} Joseph \\'i1.c-`.\; was n\ed $2o\a,n(_l( Q0515 fur hIL\ i1\_L" liquor 0n\hiS prem- ises. The cases were tried before` Police .\1:~.j.;'i~U"`tC Young of Stayner-.-` Mr, W. _\. 1~ -_v= of Barrie was coun-` 591 for the pm-secution and Mr.'John` %om_1 of Stayncr for the defence. `M K. Snulhc the In \\'iH 1 passcn ed frr I ` I T x324` ' x \J\J {hem wxll be _ - in the G.T.R . _ . ted in {system a';i:T . It 15 >111 use on 3'1: fir` `t!-`reg. 31 R` and a few other `gugan. _ kn! nnf much all-; Your Shaving Requisiles ARE CAREFULLY SUPPLIED BYT US. w.::H.:NnLE A COMPLETE LINE. _ Get a Gillette - qmmer 'I'I'aTTY m \-.,m the y ' \ 1 0 ' . {\ Hf R{"v am C05 *0` 5`91 ,_- ....,: hie Foo-I-mr Dy| HUB!` {T2111}. .\l{U1y pclauua Jguuy mm the rtmaway cars'ant1 .t1_1m- lwwn the embankment. -About ac-:"~`11~i were injured, .rnos`t, of ~`.i;;ht1y. A score of the in- I ...._1.1. `ant-A HEAVILY FINED. or; A Carbo-Magnetic in, _lu`._\- 19.--Sc\'era1'c'ax-s 'Qf' cm-~i~n tram on the_Great '1 R1i`.\\'z\_\' broke away from A A ;~n1n>ti\'e to-day, and, Ijunning, ,.\\'n (m incline, cras1_1'-_ed'into a` 0 my train. .\1:my .persfonsT Jump- " ~ ~-----V--van not-e nn fun]- Shaving Span arc to-day rusncu uy :pu\..wn s_trategiC rail'road[ following thy au- ranlroad an the Raalroaders r-;.-:LLno .. Razr Hones :1`: 3 $735 FU LLY GUARANTEED I The `best in every L 13. 13_.-Fift_y.--T~ tluousapi tQ-day by spec! ,__- `-n-o1-pan` rmlroat from y. f\ SCO!'e- Q1 ._L|1C lid h1`m1ght here fox-Amed1_ca1 ` < `V--""7" _"f=-b`~"~__' _c 1232: `om the ra1fi'oad"r5.'nk were reported to-day.` rike will involve `loo,-V for a ck-`:aVt1_s5h_a.1'f;,9 I9IO. Safety Razor IN IREIJAj`m:). } Mrs.` Agitcw Wallace. Mr. nd Mrs. "Ch_a.s.,; `De'eting of I-_Iuntsv.1tl_e are spending a few days with the,,latte'r s pa.rents,~ and us; 3. 11113"; I_:w VV auacc. Misses '" `Rowena and Millie Blak [spent `the -week-end with friends in Barrie. and Shanty .Bay._ A ' -----v, ---- -------I `-v-J v_ T `Conggatulations _to'_ Misss. Edith and'_ Mabel Beglbyg on passing the` K cntranceqwexamxnatxon; ` .II ___ ,1 I vuu -u-vw 7---------w-vuw--g iMany Hf our music `lovefs took in the band_con.cAe1T't at Barrie on Thurs. lent program. ' q A 1 co - day evening. All 'repbi't . an excel- -wuuu ru V , `Miss and `Amnda Hammel of Toronto are the-guests of Miss Susie Peacock fora few days, `I r 0 ` A ~ -1\7I;'g'g.;e-`'I;I.e.l's_<;r`1"h;; ` gene fer` a ;few weeks vtsit wxth her sisterjeand brother `at Weyburn, Sask. /\ ' Mr. J`c>hn"'l{"3r-11":->l.';1,s~`<;f---11e Queen` City is spending a few days under- his parental roofhere. ` j _ ` ---..c r-- vu--wu uvvu - Misses Clara angihlllturxa Ca'rrut1iei:s of Ivy, accompanied by Mr. J.`-Wile son of Alliston, were` Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs-."Sa-m. Broley. "1\&.' ' 12;. i%{r7aI1'1aZE'"o{'{a1i{ngwooa1 is visiting his brother, Mr. Andrew" I 9!1=:*e_-_ % L I __... _ . a A | wi\/Er."z;;ii)e.r:-Ii- `(if Torotito is spending his holidays with his par- 1;nts, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Reynolds. ocuuvwu "'34:; Elmer and Elliot Robins of Weyburn, Sask., are `spending a. few days with relatives here. A11 ,. -__,_-1_I_ -1' 'l`_..-..L- 2.. Gideon Qrisley, Dolmage`, whoseii death" occurred last Thursday, had " been` a resident of Stroud for many! years. He was a -native of Ireland 1 `and. hadvreached the age of 73 years. - Interment took `place in the Stroud E Methodist Cemeteryvsaturdayyunder ' '[ Masonic auspices, _the Rev . Mr. [3 Crockett conducting the services. 1` Mr. and?_M_rs. Robt. tonto are v_1s1ting the,..former'sAs1ster, Mrs. Galloway here- '1-xv . V `_p` _ ~l[__. sua-J. VJBLAV v.v ..v-v > Mr; Wwm. "Eonstaiue left on. Mon- .days for the Westrn` harvest elds. Miss Laura Wright is visitifngl` friends in Barrie`an'd _Al1.anda1e. f`2A...... f'.\.-.1-1`.-_n'. 'T\ n|q-mama` nyhnn CORRESPONDENCE Shake hands Miss Crispin and `ale lcw me to congratulate you on the ` remarkable success that ` crowned. your remarlgablejachievement. your eorts at the recent `Entrance examinations. You certainly worked more than the salloted time in pre- paring your pupils. When we con-. sider the "difficult papers your suc-"` cess seems -phenomenal. Out of six pupils sent up ve -`were successful] and had the health of`the pupil that failed been` good she would have suc- ceeded also. ~ ,The.T`rustee Board of Cheri-y_Hil1 may well feel proud of 1-..... .2-..-4-.1.hpld recentlv On. FFL- 1 YOU!` reYn3l'li1Ulfa\.Iuv\...-..--_, _ The _1a}vn` social held recently e jMr. `Willie. Boake s property in. con- ; ue'ct1on.with the Bible Class of the "I `Methodist Church was a remarkable 4 r.success_. ,Everyth'ing passed off sp1en-- 1 didly in connection with- said social. l The speaking was `good, the singing - l A-1 and the music furnished by the lssth Band was excellent. Of course {the tea was asfwas expected some- lthing the church may feel proud of.i . Althoughthe weather was threaten-I ling a remarkable crowd assembled l which was partypdue to the generos-5 he host and hostess of said. ilawn. You `can't beat Mr. and M.rs.`I {Will Boake for providing friendship} `for such a gathering; _ ' ` - :4 Miss Florence MeMenerny is hornei ';fr_om Torontofor a short holiday. . 1 Miss Vina Hodgins is visiting her lparents here. She appears to enjoy Toronto air. A A run: I __-LLnAn A; 0.1.. No. l? musical attracnon. _ } The Rev. W`; F_. is 3a.,member_of L.O.L. No. 450, Ivy, be above brethren in St.` { preached to t '~Ju.de?s Church_, on, the Sabbath pl_'e-` ; ceding the 12th July. V medical treatment , . `present. _ , restored `t9 her former . Toronto an. The brethren of `L.O.L. a good time in Tottenha` ,-I2th.. Of coursegas a ma our -band 'the.35th, was [ attractxon. _ -" H 7. xx], 17- (`nrnel V UlCLlllb1A on: -..I ~ u.de*s on,.the ,Sa.b_b th p1_-e- ~ July. M";-s. Charles Blackstock is under treatment ,in Toronto at ti present. tWe hope to see her fiilly to good health. Commons, viz., 5 I must `stay, Mr E _ttor, that Mn Lennox IS an unassummg gen who always; leaves a. ' on those'with w -tact. Ther " cialx talk about him, ang . .,.;~S_i'mcoe. .v xx V _ ~' are pleasedL to statte that_there is little giclcness in- thus localtty. . at - . um I-mun. three r'gt_narlc_a_hlgeold men: U53. abc A-..g 15:-up- xultructed `to .:;he . .` *-;-.24g M. _ s-moan. Tnonnfron. en _of L.U.L. mu. 1U-ua.u- Tottenham on July` 1rse,*as matter of fact, 1e_35th, was the star` I3`/2 -115 TRAINMEN A % AREON STRIKE L ' I (Continued: frorn.Page,__One.) their.-the tnen strike` or not we cannot * ;do anything more. The men have tcons1s`tent_ly. said that nothing if offer- d...would V be satisfactory unless it was thestandard wage they _are"i:a1l- mg for. "They have said" the same " elsewhere; _and have consented to arbitration, but now they refuse it with us. We have oered substantial ,-increases in wages. For instance, we gave conductors between Montreal and Portland an. increase from $110 to $135, between Montreal and Brock- ville from t_$9o to $140 a month, be- tween Montreal "and Toronto from . $110 to._$14o, and baggagemen from $7o.to $85, and brakem.e_n from $55 and $60 to $80.` On mileage rates conductors on through trains are to be raisedifrom 2.90 to 3.36 cents a -mile, and brakemen from 1.90 to 2.25 cents. -On` the run between Montreal and Ottawa conductors are Wraised from $110 to $140 a month, baggage- ; nien from $75 to $85, and so on. ln:r1_, 4|- _ `L; ...-,- `I ....:,I III\l! II \IlII ` J VF\I In I I K B Q V Q at A When I put this to the men I said. ` further, that this was a large increase, but that ifuthey did not think it sat- isfactory there was stillanother alter- native. - I said I was willing in such case to submit to the arbitration. of a board of expert railway men as to whether or not 'the- propbsition was fair. and would be willing to abide by their decision. ("I`|.,nI-___!! __:J 1.1`. 'r_1'.......- T ....:A U I-IAVIL \I\!\4lGl\lllo T .Further', said Mr. Hayes, .I said lto` the representatixies of the men: Suppose a strike is brought on with all its disturbances of conditions and business, what shall we do eventually. but settle it as I have proposed? You i will have displaced a great many, men, created. great losses all over, and got .. :....4.1.-.. .1...-.A lmo +hc-v refused to Created. great 1055CS d.l,l UVCI, auu 5v no farther ahead, but they refused to ` listen tb this. ` 'Montreal; July 19,--In announcing the beginning of the strike last night, *0` Vice-President Jam-es iM`u:dock,i of E0 \II\ the Brotherhood" of Trainmen, said: `The joint committee returned to` Q, their homes on Saturday night after .G` bringing _i_n the strike vote, leaving I `(he generalofcers and a small sub- committee here to see if a settlement` ` .could still. be arrived at.-The in- 2.-7 `structions `left with the sub-c'ommit- to tee were that unless the company 3'.` conceded for the territory east of _Chicago, with the temporary modi.- 3` " cations of thisistandard that "had been agreed to,.al1 the men employ- ed in the train and yardservice of ;` thefcompany should leave the ser- -_`vice-of the. company on Monday l` 3` night at 9.30, eastern time. u -, ` = In accordance with this we met , , Mr. Hays` to-day, when lie elaborat- 1. ed somewhat upon his original offer, - _and the extent of saying he meant e by the award of the Board of Con- C e ciliation, and that the standard wage h -' for the territory should be adopted v l. by January. 1913. Mr. Hays was tol; c 2 that the sub-committee and oicers` g e could not believe they had the right 5 e to set aside the strongly expressed 3 2- position of the men, even if they < i. i were inclined to do so. I l 1 `(ii V Not the Same. 5_. , With{this the conference adjourn- Ldl ed until thisafternoon, when the 1 `sub-commitee and officers presented l `Mr. Hays with the lowest possible `basis of settlement that could bet vconsidered. They proposed to put: 5'` D 19" into effect a temporary- modication`- of the standard until January I.,I9I_ , on the territory east of the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers, . . . Mr. Hays took that under advise- 9-d` ment, and called. the sub-committee -13" back at 1.30, when he presented the Ct company s position, which he sairie 3 was their estimate of the award of _ ~ the Board of Conciliation. 15 The committee found that it was LY veryfai from being (anything like 5`? the board s award, and that in the W` `great majority of cases where rates i had been specified these rates were let verymuch below those suggested by the board. er 3} 11-; Ennliah '` the c< `vice -c `L1 TRAINMEN S SIDE OF IT. For instance, on the Portland and Montreal runs we nd Mr. Hays oermg $2.25 per one hundred miles to a passenger conductor, instead of $2.45 8-10, as led in the board s award. We nd on the Montreal- Toronto passenger runs he` offers conductors $2.31. per one hundred miles, instead` of the board s award of $2.45 8,-IO. ' The minimum stand- lard monthly salary` for a .p'assenge:_ cdnductor in _the territory is `$125 a month. . Mr. Hays suggests vet) . many runs at $100 a month, and some as low as $80 _a month. .-The minimum monthly pay for a pas- senger brakeman recommended by the board .was.$56. ' Mr.- Hays offers in many instances $55; a monthly tn- --- -41`-per _ ghe boat-a. -Waswpau. ... m many mstances A crease of $5 on_ a $50 in n1'a~n3; instances $55, mommy in` crease of on $50 sa_1ary.- 2 : ~ Ignored Recommendation. Further; in his proposition Mr, Hays ignored entirely. the board : recommendation to `standardize con ditions on the Grand, .Trunl<..and its recommendation _,to put into effcf ' the mileage baS1.S-,Of freight service.- exratxng conditions, and in some n s to. make. them much. more ob- . W85 iectionable. since `there would be '_reater_ xneq_ualities- than in the past. ".`Th'er.eiore. `-wje. positively refused to. accept his ` ropositions on behalf of` the-men, w 0 had left us our in- `structions with power to act, _ .As. a result. the men wil.l;_leave the service A ,4 9.30 this` evening, because they will not act the tele rant from . us` ` ' at a satis `story settle. 5' (men: im ragga) ;n;de . Incn; `nu... ....T V L e , lineage. .. W Every delegate o"n Teaving" last % Saturda ha_d, mstructions. `that, an-. `less ot__ erw:se>_ orde:;ed',. tlge strike_ fwould gggrt `gt.j9:3_o t_hzs' event, " . Each ':ge1eg'gte;-e-"a'_lsp _ cafriegl g seale A en`v_`e1- j_op1;[ eap_)ta;nu_1`1;`a <`dg'hca't`e telegram. 1t;;:a:;4ers1ati$fa9;o e e %1fb1iTriI:fRN4 7ADvAN~cE% _. Not Enough. The result of . this strike order will be that `every train crew run- ning when it goes into effect will run their train through to its destin- s ation or regular terminal point, and 1 the Grand Trunk from will then quit work, no matter where they may. be,` and"; the order applies a equa1lyto freight as , to~ passenger trains. It will aect every tr in on \ icagc through to Portland `on both` sides of the line. ~Thus the full` eect of the order will probably not `be felt until 7.30 to-morrow mqrning, when trains starting before.9.3o this even- ing will reach their destinations and the men will drop work. But no train on the whole" system will be manned by union crews after 9.30. 275`

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