Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Jun 1910, p. 5

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0'. \'(ll'lll.\ll('(i 3U (13 Lu uuuu. uu.un an .`llli,Hlil :i.< possible. This method \\`i'*l'.i(i not gt) very` far. Another way 3+ 14 mince the friction on the track in timing wings, or lifting planes, all mnml the train. the object being to lliiii /.t* the resistance of the atmo- $l)ilt`l'L` to lift the Weight from the lr:u`l< nml thereby reduce_ the track n~.~i~i:uicc. The third method is not lo run the train through air at all. 'l hi< vnnlrl only be done by "running the train in :1 tube from which the :2 1910 3: UMPIRE SMITH walks on to the eld. , _a,; . ' Doc Banting presented the prizes` to the winners. 5 . AVVilliam McDei'niott was a mmbet _of the County Council 40 years ago. Haughton iennox, K.C., voiced fhe. sentiments of the guests in a neat vote of thanks to His Worship. Bill Mc Dermott Grows Remi- niscent. Aleck Brownle and Eddi Byrne worked like brothers in supervising the details of the trip and outing. Dick Graham and Tot Hammill enjoyed the sport as wel} as any of them. ' 'Some`of the councillors could have run better if it had been the first Monday in January. It was the unanimous opinion that this year's pic-nic excelld all efforts of previous years. The Warden s_ entertainrnent was lavish. Drs. Palling and Arnall, Surgeons- in-waiting, had an easy day of it. The casualty list was light. Perhaps their services would have been more ac- ceptable the day after in straight-. ening out kinks and knots in tired muscles. |"'L Lor.d Kitchener has resigned his position at Commander-in-Chief of 1 the Mediterranean. A large party__ of Detroiters who are touring Georgiah Bay in a spe~ cia1_steamer visited Midland and were entertained at luncheon. There was every appearance that the b_cdy had been in the water for a con- siderable time. It is believed that at least 150 per sons have been killed in Germany by a. c1ou.d-burst. "" `1- 7 G._. 2.. L2.` if \.l\Jll\.l'|JIaII Duo Charles K. Hamilton ew in his aeroplane from New York to Phila- delphia and back. Snap Shots.` /T /0/zaw R0oz'ig'. sells for $ 1.50 per square. . OOOO J'UN_E 1'6! jgid ` ._air hadbeen ,exh'usted in editaltcie ,K . oithe train by; means of powerful" pumps. Of course, in addition to the -;.driving of" the electric motors "in the oirdinary way, power.~:~fo1_- propulsion would be obtained owing to the ores- __sure of the atmosphere acting on the ..;rear of such carriage. This would `supply `air for the passengers` to breathe. None of the methocLs_ is im- possible. It s all arnatter of` money. f Go to Wilkinson's for all kinds of Dry. Hard and Soft Wood, also Slabs, sawed and split any length you Wis: and sold per. cord, not" box loa s. - (Continued from Pag`eVOn`e.)-T The Carriage Works administered a dose of kalsomine to the East End chamos. on Tuesdayfnight. Score: Q--(1 :O6000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO01 SOCIAL PARAGRAPHS | .Wait for Trinity Church .`Sunday School picnic to Big Bay Point per Str. -Geneva`, VV_ednesday,~.Ju`ne 29th. Three _ trips, . including moonlight. Sports and refreshments... Altogether one good solid day s enjoyment. Mr. Wes. Webb ;is the nevs.rcaPta iriA wf the re brigade. Mr. H. McDonald is 1 `d- . a kick` from a horse. al up Wm` Mr. L. Brunton was u f - ;] ilton for the week-end. P mm Ham" Mr. and Mrs. D,W. L` - their honeymoonfm~e are m from :1 pleasure to visit. G C... --It is Smith & Co. s big stock of furniture Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson ' j bury arc guests of Mr. M of3r'1V(1)1m- Mr. H. Goode of Toronto was an n`\.c`~,S11ml;1y guest of Mr G H A most unfortunate accident of a very painful nature to Lieut.-Col. Bruce has deprived the 35th. Regi- met of its commanding ofcer dur- ing parades at Niagara. While leav- ing the dock on the way into camp on Tuesday of last week, he was thrown from his horse, which took fright. Some of the ligaments of Lie.ut.~Col. Bruce's leg were torn, and it is believed that he will be confined- to his tent for the greater part of the l camp. . 7 EV VIIQ1 I I-nblnni-an -or V 3cooooooooooooooooooooo3I There was a thorough disinfection of the main. room of the`P.ublic Lib- rary last Saturday night to prevent, as far as possible, any communica- tion of noxious germs by the public circulation of thebooks. With 3. san- itary purpose, in thesame way, the Library had been fumigated four years ago, but not since that time. The rooms on the ground oor are undergoing cleaning and kalsomining this week. i V _ ,_ , ,_ .. ..-v-, _ '--' vi ---woos The attention of merchants and others sending mail from Barrie to Cundles is called to the necessityof putting a two-cent stamp on all seal-, ed letters. A great many put" but one-cent on such, and consequently the people `receiving th - have extra postage to pay. So ot caring to do this refuse the letters, and, they are forwarded to"`the'dead letter of- ce. ' o-van -n. -.v_.__.. Mr. Jos. Pierson, Rce-ave of Tecum- scth, is foreman of the -Grand Jury at the Court of General Sessions. Miss A. C. wood of Galt; is;c*ohi'n-_ ing to Town 1}ext week to open a _class for phys1cal `culture and danc- "'7f>}'.' A{{m{ (-31;ee'1;evV1.la 1s 'p`:;1sse'd the nals in medicinc at McGill Univer- sity. n 1/r.,_ 1.1, to _, , .9-1r___,_ w'"I('I'r. and Mrs. John Swan of Vasey are visiting at the home of Mr. I. H`. Swan, Bayeld St. V - `I .'I'!!-,-A_ -___! `Al . I" A 0-! vv sons Lt|p_y out-u gag. Rev. E. R. J. iBiggs and Mr. G. A. Radenhurst are attending the Angli- can Synod in Toronto. - ' , ,r Pn__,.;._ Mr. G. C. Pattersonqwas priz.cman_ in Italian, at the x-s't year s examina- tion of the _'Univers1ty of Toronto_._ Cum 9 IV 1. o "'14{},_}S1"'Hinds is visiting her. uncle, Mr. H. P. H`-inds, Orillia. Mr. L. F. Addison spent the week- end in` Toronto. ixif `Ll 1115. Mr. and Mrs. Montague-Leedstof Alberta were in Town this week. Mrs. Leeds. is a daughter of the late Dr. -McCarthy. .. ` ` -ru ,,1*| ,_ 4_1_1 JJI . `HI-I-\4un u-.1 - Mr. A.`J. Neve,. Phm.B., an -old Simcoe County boy, who is rapidly climbing the ladder -of success in Uncle Sam s country, iave`The Ad- vance .a call this wee. Mr. Neve came East to visit his`-mother, who *3 not in good health. ` ,,_L_. 1.- .._-- LLAL Lug 3 uul. nu 5!-Vuu u......... The Packet regrets to say that the condition of the Rev. Canon Greene of Orillia is such that his "physician -has, ordered complete rest and change of scene for the summer. He is suf- fering cfrom` nervous collapse, and while `able to. get about is `feeling very miserable. He is- 1ea`ving..thi_s week for Stony Lake, where he will spend a part at least of the. season at the summer cottage` of his son-ine law, Prof. L.` B-. l`Stewart.- . -1 an B:-acebridge at Glenholme, when- A_very_ "pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Wednesday, June 8th, in the seconddaughter of Mrs. Charles Shier was united in _marri_a.g_e to Mr. Clifford W. Carley of Town. ` - . The bride, who was given` away by her brother, entered the spacious parlor to "the strains of Mendelssohn s Mweclding march, played by Miss- Elizabeth Wise. She was gowned in- a beautiful costume_.o_f' white silk_ crepe trimmed with `liberty ,satm,'a.nd- carried a boquet of cream roses, ghe usual veil and orange. blossoms being worn. The ceremony was performed by Rev: Mr. Hiucks. - . The groom's gift to the bride. was a pearl neclc_lace,~and to the organist Uy CV. nan. ------- -. ` , gift. to "t1 pearl necklace, and to a peaxl crescent. `After `the ceremony. \ who were only-the inti: i adjourned to the dining LA... .: oh. rlninfv .d-ei CARLEAY-_-S_I-IIEIR NUPTIALS. pea-I71 CIC3\.\uu V ' After -the ceremony. the guests, intimate friends, the room to par- take of the dainty .d-ejeneur. __The , table was prettlib/decorated with.vio- lets and ._m`a4ideA_nhair' form The many i and va :'1edt"presents` attiested~.the Ves-4' teem `in:*wh_ich thegyoung couple are I- -1": ' pg-\\'>])l '1.1. 4 I-CCIII. ua nu...-.. ---- , , _ _ held. - . v A Amid, showers of. rice and confetti Mr. and;_Mrs. Carley left on_th'-_after- Fnoon t1't'a=in.for=e~Barrie,'the bride trav-L ;_i'V:.\atch_. L;e11i`ng'*in; a~'m."u've .su1t, with hat to; V lVLl . allu- :Wdm:sda~ .. mews ABOUT TOWN :ss:ioa:..~:::.h:*2 %m`;;s:: ' It was `a, happy inspiration. About 175 councillors, ex-councillors , county oicials andiothers more of less in- terested in matters municipal formed! the party, which was as jolly a crowd as ever pulled out of a Barrie clock. The Str. Geneva` held the commission, and the far-famed Big Bay Point was i the objective. Arrived at the Point, no time was lost by the. merrymakers. A mighty program had been prepared by the committee in charge, and thiswas carried" out to the letter. Field events were freely indulged in by the party, and brawn and brain were combined with agility to show that the crit- ter's athletic habits had not forsaken him. It was a return of the old- sensej movements to their former tracks, as the philosophers would say. I I '1_'huxfsda`y aftern.oon. V A regular Chinese. Holiday `it turned out. A Old Sol "had Sir`-W"i1frid eclipsed with his sunny. smile, and the afternbon was as warm and gen- ial as the hospitality of the: big- hearted host. ' {After a spirited football match, be- tween teams captained by Ex-Warden GENERAL SESSIONS AND coun- F TY COURT. . at the family residence, Peel lSt., where a few friends met to welcomel the happy couple to Barrie. -A sump- tuous repast was served from a table handsomely decorated, the centre piece being a basket lled with white lilacstied with white satin ribbon. Here and there were placed dainty vases lled with blue forget-me-nots, ; the whole effect being pretty and pleasing. After the usual toasts, the guests spent a pleasant evening in the drawing room. The Genefal Sessions of--the Peace! and County Court opened here on Tuesday before Judges Ardagh and VVismer._ The civil list is as follows :1 7111-11 2 .Ha1V'1-iet 1\IcCu`1'1`eJ\r's. Patrick Sulli- van--Breach of promise. - -- -R ' ~ - r-run n .... ,_, B. F. Tracey vs. G.T.R.--Damages for horse killed. .Verdict for defend- ants. V Chas. `Shaw vs. David Lewis--"Dam- ages` for wrongful conversion and detention. . ' Jas. Vair vs. B. P. Clarke-On bill of exchange for $405. Geo. McMann vs. J. `C. Parnell- $300 _damages to ahorse. ` A. Rivoird _vs. I.` H. Jewe11-<$665, for wages. Adjourned. . J no. WiIori_ `\.r-s: Tom--Archi- .tect's bill. iCas_e settled. " W _-- nu... r:;i..t.-:.+_ . cd._ 3 Illa |G5 U v v v o v V-- V Jos. Langmait vs. Wm. Gilchrist-- $Io7.46 balance due on contract for house. Adjourned to 22nd. -Towzgship of my vs. R. s. Hud- son--$5oo, arrears of taxes. Adjourn- - - -_--!- u- n. ..g uruam. THE W-HISTILE had_ to be kept V W815. a-` The t'st' Canadian strawberries of =th*e_' seasoufwere sold onfthe` weekly. `%famrsj{ :mar`sts aSatIm'da In- =,'Dominion_ Carriage `C0. Vi V 5; rnumphnes-$I37.oo, value buggies. Adjourned to 20th. :17. T! .;.;.I 1.` I13 11, TAG D iv -v.__. Buggies. rxupaunus. ~ W1 H. and E. `Hill vs. Jos. Desour- die-wrongful conversion; Adjourn- ed to 21st. V - ` ` The criminal docket is `as follows : Rex vs. oh_n A. Stevenson. Theft- of over` 2000 from Massey-Harris Co. while agent at Midland, being amount of goods sold and not ac- counted for. I V . V ' Rex vs. Arthur Ritterspec. Theft .of `fowl from -Mrs. Catherine-_Poo1eA| "of: Vespra,` A V . .. 1 . diah str:iwber~r'ievs- Of .-1.1 n.11J*I-HF` weeklv N"3.'7' THE N.ORTl-IERN ADVANCE `LL work and no play makes Jack 4 du1l,and, realizing the force of this aphorismf War- deh Garden call- ed o his trusty band of muni- cipal hayrnakers and took them down the bay for an outing on 501 H WHEN THE WARDEN ENTERTAINS There's Generally Something Doing. av}. Wilson --- . ,. V 'll5\Il ofz A Long-Life Roof is one covered with Brant- ford Asghalt Roong-a pure wool felt roong with a thorough Asphalt satur- ation. \Vcather, re, acid and alkali proof. No more durable roong is made, to our knowledge. But whatever style of r l. I Barr of Collingwood and Reeve Copeland 'of. Penetang in whi_ch there were manyexciting pedal passages, 9 Umpire Fred M.`Smith called a game `of baseball for a prize (2 boxes of smokes) donated by Mr. C. R. Lati- mer of the Bank of Toronto} A Joe ` Stephens, VV`ilkes. Kelley never selected men -with great- rer care than was exhibited on this occasion. It was Councillors vs. A11-Comers, and the teams were as follows : Councillors?-- Goodeve, `Simpson, Clark, Millard, F. ,Campbell, Boys, Vair, J. H. Mitchell, Law, Pot-' ter, Card and Moore; All-Comers- Be-ecroft, Latimer, Jackson", Hisey, Crew, Evans, MacL'aren, McIrice, Stapleton, Cline and There was the usual reper- toire of features,.from home runs to squeeze plays, and the ocial scorer was kept busy with his tab sheet, recordings the various deeds--and misdeeds--of the game. There were no spectators in the ordinary sense. Everybody was , on the coaching lines, and the voice of His Umps was frequently lost in the din of the multitude. A sigh of relief went up when the agony was over; the All- Comers had won by 13 to I2. It was unlucky thirteen-_-for the losers. c There is nothing that makes so much excitement as a. keen foot race, and the crowd had plenty of it inthe various contests. An age limit was set ' down and rigorously observed. Spiked shoes were barred. Here are the winners : T L 60 yrs. and upwarrds--A1d. Clark, Wm. Orok, R. J. Fletcher. The following program will bel rendered by the Barrie Citizens Band at Post Oice Square Thursday even- ing, June 16th, I910, weather permitt-l ..:- o ing 1 REWARD\FOR IDENTITY OF THIS PAIR TII`E' MORNING AFTER. (The exerise was pretty violent, you know.) The funeral of the late John Tom- hnson, whoserbody was found in the bay -on Wednesday evening, June 8th, -took place from Meaford Webb's 1 stablishment on Friday to Union Cemetery, the local lodge of Inde- pendent Oddfellows, with which de- ceasd. was afliated, attending and taking charge._of the services. """"u u -But little is known of the deceased. He came to Barrie about a- year ago and-worked at v rious times as `night porter in turn or the Queerfsrand L Ban-ieHotels. He disappeared some ve or six weeks "ago, and was last ' seen going up Baye1,dStreet. This 1 would be around the 5th or 6th of May, as he was among the Oddfel- lows at the annual -parade _to Christ Church on.Sunday, May 1st. He was a Welshman by birth and would be about 48 years of age. He is describ- ed by those who knew` him'"as being So FUNERAL OF J. TOMLINSON. \JVCI`|.ufC"` L CLICD, US \J\a\.uA|. (Qcean Pearls)_ ermann Intermezzo-Cup1d1etta ? . . . . . . Theo. Moses Valse Tres Lento-Amoux-euse .... Berger "" - I` I`--4--A.- `..A.... `Tina, `you select you are certain of superior quality. Brant- ford Rubber is without duubt the best rubber roong on the market. And Brantford Crxstal is a real no-paint roong- not a mzxkeshift. Brant- f0rr1M0hawk is a good roong. too. Call or Write for samples, prices and in` tercsting free roong book. 'March--Criterion . . . . Voelker Ove r\t:ure--Perles, dc L Ocean _- _ `I')--_I..\ ugornnnn .""6"` Du'e't' "o' ' t5c;;,;e;;;;.;;n Vien- na s Past . . . . .. J. F. Wagner Selection from--The Governor's Son . . . . Geo. M. Cohan Descriptiire Idy11--The Mill in `the Forest ? Eilenberg March--University of Pennsyl- vania . . . . . . . . . . Seitz God Save` the King ! usm T0 nu: BAND. yrs. and upwards--Ex-Ward_en Cos"! for June _CuhQnly J. a scon oal `6;'I5 omce- 91 Dunlop - Ph6ne as Ya'rd,--FAoot Toi-o_nt9 St. teuqmxs _ an`; 12 Cement. Lime. ` Shingles. ate. . . _ '* Price: on Applloot1on_ vv',right; J. Vair, Ex-W`ax-den B.ell. ! 40 yrs. and, upwa`rds-Dr. Evans, C. G. Strange, W. Cline. 30 yrs. angl vupwards--C. W-. Pouch-l .e"r, J. Carlyle, J. J. Mitchell. 'pai_xi of heels. -Co.nsol'a'ti'or_1--A. P. "Potter. _ A named V1-a4ce,_i.n which Major Rogers, Wm; -1_\;IcDermott (Ex-Reeve of Tecumseth) and Mr. Nettle.ton started, proved most interesting. The` contest -went" to Mr. McDermott, who showed that he still possessed a clean -- .. ...l A- E`x-AA1d. Bob Ness and. Ex-Ald. Charlie . Bouchgr played a. tie in the quoit competition. ~ Bra ntfo rd Roong Perhaps the best race of all was the race for the dining hall of the Peninsular Park Hotel where a sump- tuous spread was in waiting for the behungered athletes. IHere as.on the eld there were many feats of prow-' ess. The chairman read a letter of regretifrom Hon. Jimmy Duff, the popular Minister of Agriculture, without whose presence no function in Simcoe County seemswcomplete; Post-p'randia1 speeches were made by irie, .M.P., Alex. Ferguson, M.P.P., Mayor Beecroft, Ex-Warden Boys and others. All spoke in the highest `terms of the unbounded hospitality of Warden A. C. Garden. Mr. Boys sang. A 7 After the banquet, the games were resumed on the lawn. At 8.3:the excursi\onist_s took the boat, malcing a short cruise before commencing the return journey. ' Haughton Lennox, M.P.,'Major Cur` of a quiet,_retiring disposition. It is said that he was addicted to the use of drugs, and the supposition is that he walked off the wharf while under t their inuence or fell into the- water 3 while asleep. The body was seen oating in the bay near Bayeld Street dock by K. Lount, who immediately apprised A. B. Thomas of the discovery. Mr. Thomas pushed out in his "launch and with the assistance of one or two others the body was dragged ashore. ;Mr. H`. G. `Boag immediately identi- ed the remains as those of the miss- ing porter, and they. were at once re- moved under the Coroner s direction, an inquest being deemed unnecessary. HA1`f\Bl-.Y It will be to the interest of intending purchasers to call and see us. We can save you money. As in the pastwe can save you money on BUILDERS HA.RDWA_RE. METAL sumcuzs. % connucxrnzn smmc. mum. comma wnu-3. wuu: FENCING. STEEL` FENCE POSTS. RUBBEROID noon-`me. BUILDING MATERIAL First Dcyox; Barrie Hotel.

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