Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Apr 1910, p. 4

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Direct r Importers 1,25 highly `respected resident of this vic- initv -in the person of Mrs.- William Quail. The deceased lady was-one of the early pioneers of the settlement about the 4th of Oro, on the town- line between" Oro and Medonte, I `Last week death claimed another! where she was born-`about 73 years} -_----....... -unannalnuu LLIC lllublc. Iago. She leaves. besidesher hus- band (who is in at very frail condi- tion), one `son `and ve daughters, of whom three are living in'_t_he west, one being a. school teachet. `The funeral. took 1'>la'ce.ori.'Vl/'lednesda `to St. Joh'n's"Church, Rev. R. IL. W.>eav`- er conducting. the `service . `In` the absence; Ofthe -regulsar,-`,oxf%anist,_ Miss I Bcatfice J'a_,_r.y-,.ablv' _lle'c_l _ t e position, The pall be`atei*s;,_were_ Messrs. `Jose'fh Kissock ;f ~J"dhn* ,I..`oek_hart,~- psep fs-_ mere,,Wm. :_Kissoek, ;t,er ;; hells , w.e1l,._a'n,d GQ8e.-i Fta2.fry;;f1 h?{f.:m`a1 i ._K c<$t1t{i%ibu..i 3 af:1:*.th3= fwasigay -5B : yeent .. froth? 3 ~ I: El` " 2M.`-..5.. :...: .154`!-':l`.."'7:'.'3"Tl.T ; There is a rumof going_the roungls' here that a new stoge wxll be buxlt` rshortly ,near the station. ' >1-u *-__ --1 ...m.e._ mu-nu-ay evenmg, _tne `receipts of whlch Will be devoted. to the s1de- walk fund, `was a success _in every feature,-there being fully one hund- *red couples in attendance. Barrie orchestra furnished the music. I nan. _._--`- ` ' . --..., . - u ~ . - v u -an. III as. LAID ylCDCIlL- {It must have been H`-a1ley s comet, Haunt Etna or the Coldwater meteor, all combined, that caused so much heat last Wednesday, the temperature reaching 80 `degrees. ` ` ' `I . ,, V ' P van sauna LVVU IJIGUC3. The material for the cement side- % walk` has been placed on the road be- tween the station and -the village. The laying of the walk will be 'pro-' ceeded with shortly. The ball -on Easter Monday eveninggthe `receipts will he dnvntnri +2. 43%..` -1-l-~ .._,--.a `lgv `Iva Vol.5. Mrs. Geo. Caston returned from Harrow last week. -"She left her fath- er, Mr. `J. Darby, _with small hopes of recovery. from her serious illness. r Mr.. T. Higgins of St. Michael's ;College spentthe Easter vacation "with his parents. His sister, Miss `Vera, is seriously ill at the present. Ta.. ....;.... 1...--- i..... trust 9 Iullnlnuu '"tli"o'3'o'hn"cy"'__ot" 's'1':n V yaw:-:z.-.l 2 # .' 9,. .'l`.u)u9r Sansone-nou..? f. i ~ 5:.oa~p-.:n ANNUW IN; .Al$VANCE. l `UNITEI5 .`s!r.A'1:n:s svsscearaxmg 5 `$1.50 In Auvamc: . CW0 new name will be added. to the Sub- Ionptlon but until the money in plld. V dublorlbera now in arrears for three months and over wlll be chanted 1150 per e.n_mnn. N CREW. yunnxsx-Inn? _ . $ - - - - --D `rt \l\'al\-V90 ' It appears from a Barrie paper that it is not safe for a Craighurst- onian to liquor up in the county town, especially at" this time` when there exists such a rivalry (speaking from a commercial point of lyiew) between these two places. T1,- .........;_:_I r, A ' ' . wuss. Ohe of the classical residents of _this village is said to be enquiring whether the .dog.Cerberus'has got .a muzzle on these `times. ` l /\ ... - -..---V vs: snnvuy 1.110599. . ver one thousand bags 9f" pota- `toes were shipped f1-`om this station ; last week. Mr. T. H111 was the ship-l lper, paying 35 per bag. I III ... t`'.. t'*'`'.-, - _ -_J _- vvin v--- uvuiqvn on- 0 j The Rev. Canon .C-rgng of Petrolia` \ is the guest of his brothers, Thomas` [and A. Craig. ' `II _ l` ; Mrs. James Morfan, who has been `suffering from a severe attack of ignppe, 15 reported on the mend.__ ` ` f\_._!,, . .1 .0 I - `.-rr.., .. .vrv-uuu val nus. auxqlu. T Owing to the continued dry end `hot weather bush res are beginning to show up especially along the rail- road. ' he??? Linklater of Peterboro was ! the guests of Mrs. .Th`os. Rix for a few days.` l Mrs. A. Jary wiisited the city last` W=3k- ~ ` _'WIhile the crossings are` being brushed up, the spot on Small St. near the bakery should not be over- looked. There a_ stretch of sidewalks extendingfor twenty or twenty-ve yards is covered with sand `ankle deep. Barrie CRAIGVHURST. . ` Whett``you-want a $3 boot or one along that price, you can't beat this`s'tore s values, and it s to your in- terests to come here rst. C. Lindsay and _ Oshawa Oats .- : Bgxrley _ eas HCGV "dressed Chickens, per lb. .. Hens,` pet lb. Butter, roll, per lb. Lard, per lb. Eggs, per doz. Potatoes, per bag . Hay, per ton . . . . .. `Cured hides Green hides. Calf skins, per lb. . Sheep skins . . . . . Tallow, per lb. Wool, picks . . . . .. `Horse hides . . . . .. -Horse j Hair . . . . . .. Wool, washed _unwash'ed . A1:gples,. per, bbl. .. ` "` " iTo`roh`fo,` tin . - (C Wheat, {all 3 06 :; _ Barley` . . . . Buckwheat .. Red Clover Se Alsike` * `Txmothy . . Flour .. . . Beef, hind qr. "nu-A na- HISTORY or THE COUNTYVLOF srmcoz-:. i b - V . I Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Tor-' onto M/arkets Du_rin- the Week. E Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace were! ;in, Collin ood, attending the funerall ;of Mrs. as. Wallace. A 1 LEFROYI Seeding is in%fu1l,swing now. 7 . Mrs. Thos. Archer and daifghter of? `Bradford spent a few days at the: home of Mrs; Alex. Grose. T I Fifteen shermen of this place and Belle Ewart had to pay a ne of five dollars for shing without license. `slept, owing to symptoms of` rabies, The mail (:a'rriei' will `chafge for garcgls or-`passengers to and from arrze. T THELATESTMARKETS Bafrie, `April .7th, @!`.';:l.!@f'.'%*"""2`4`}* *`;`%".1 Vh Iu-a--- R %c {T i !f'i`L:f`.:;:`z::i:I'. ` jChil.dr.;n 4s_Ta'n.Bl_;1`cher Cut Bals., sizes` '8`"E6"I6.`"A choice 1 35 a . . o n s . a . o o . o I jine, special ., _ Ir Very Special $5 Values Lilltblil V Cnluwu only ..,.,.:.., Men .s Dr. Vernon Cushion Sole ,Dongdola/Blucher Cut. Men s m Patent Blucher,`with riew style tf-C and cloth tops, sizes 5% to 10. Menk Tan Blucher -Cut, -with latest tot. The above lines are decidedly dress}- and of "reliable quality, per pair - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . I BoyS ,'heav'y"vorking Boots, sizes yto 5, Ladxes Tan oxford Shoes, sxzes 25/2 to 7. Misses Tan Blucher `gut Balsa sizes II to 2. ;xtra v ueeyat-per pair, nl.IoI._9g`0o"-y" o`: - - u - a o - o q on CLEAN T_I-IE cnossmos. T {HE petition of a inumber of` . ` ratepayers in the vicinity of Mulcaster St. with reference to the condition in which certain crossings are kept is timely. And the com- plaint could be extended consider- ably. There are many places through-.- out the Town equally" as glaring as `the ones mentioned. For example, the -crossing on Bayeld St. leading to the wharf has not. been sweptfor years, much to the annoyance. of the pedestrians who patronize the water front. It tertainly does look sense- less to construct `cement crossings and then` allow them to accumulate our 8poola|$|.5O Lines I910. Sprfgers Calves jS.:p. . . ms" There were about 1,232 110ml of ex `D011 cattle held over from \'L:`tcrG3Y _3n.d`~II carloads came in tol1m~. con- !.tam`!8' 214 head of cattle. 11'cal\'e:'. 1 I37 a , 4 sheep. The mtal run Of .8tt__i, t`, erefore, was 1.440 head. M,ed1,m'7?81`de or lighf export steeri .VI.1er~. net. so-. correspondinglv high as the choxce heavy stock, but` the weizh` $9,`!-...0f the bulk of the 1'5` `WM! }:$Wl'-; rst-class and mad` :9! _e3 as hi h and as rm35 mp prige of the mark1 f0r.exporte'rs~this. week was paid ." ;` 't-1'E13-Y.- for a load weighing 1.3501b5- Which brought $7.25 per gm. To-day the averageerange for the best cattle 3:-,..,!1!33dftom $6.50 to $7.10 per cwt fand. the.` secondary grades broush` f":`9s $5-5510 $5 and $6.25. I Receipts amounted to 75 cars. lwhich included 1,380 head of catre.,. '4oo calves, 800 hogs and 350 shee; and lambs. The average prices for -good butcher beef were from $3.75 ;to $6.10, and theextra choice stock brought from $6.25 to $6.80 per cwt. > Secnndnrv r'rPnr'ac A5 "* ~~! 7413 P`-I 9"`- '.;$l}'e,ep.anddV1axi1bs were lower in_ pr1c_e}`rto-'-day, possibly as a result or `the larger run than usual. The aver- age price for lambs was about S7.5a per cwt., while that of sheep was $5._5o.' Hogs are steady and rm at prices `quoted yesterday. Union Stock Yards, Tuesday. Although slow, there was a gocnl `export trade in cattle to-day at thw Unior;..Sto,ck Yards. Receipts wertp llarge_.'and"existing conditions on tizc marketsat Chicago are. such t'r.:= week that the demands from the bi; beef companies were more tzrgeni than usual`. M`orris & Cox. Swiff~`~ {Armours and Schwartzchild ztml Sull- iberger absorbed nearly cu-rythxns` that was left over from the .\1md3.`f ;market, as well as the light run or fresh receipts that arrived tihs morn- t mg. .- . ` VA} ` , V U-`.J.,`;.`. ._'t - III face (I Oollhl Alipitppqppr. ' Pgbluhod 1:-omthoomoo. 1!! Dual t.` Dun-lo.lnthoOountyVof8lm_ , _ vlnonnlOnt.n.n.D nu!-v any fnuznn rth`; LU QU.OU CW3.` __-.., lT-he secondary crrades of stock brought from $5 to $5.50 and $5.65. %Cows and bulls were very firm and high, selling all the way from $4 to $5.Z_ per cwt. ___J, -aunt an. n\.uAIalllCU. 3LCdU_V 'rm at previou high figures. The `increased demand for feeders and ` stockers to go to the country is hav- ing a visible effect upon the market `for the lighter and poor grades of cattle. To-day a lot of 15 cattle were sold at $5.75 per cwt. and they only weighed on an average of 850 lbs.` each. Hhe impression was given by the fact `that the so-called medium and light- _weight stock. sold to-day at remark. ably rm levels. The best quahzy of beef was no more costly than 135: iThursday, buy it remained steady and firm at Drevmue l-nah Ga-....`.. TL. watt 7, C0311`! com@m..mcE%; "A. ,A.AA"A. 41;`-.~ A HIAALAA`-A; L2 Thursday, April 74, 1910: MARK HAMBOURG. -v'IDUUBl . IJVIQUCJ3 ( it : ` `1VIi`Ss,_. elsabel R, 5,el_l`sp_g:ri`t the,E`t- er _holida"ys here. A ' , 7 - , Mr; Culham, whose sudden "death Shocked the commun,it_y% last week, -wasean Edenval; boy inhis childhood and youth. He had moved tov.'the West ` and had ` I Many'old` aqua1.it'a`s` the` fimerl -of t-helate Wm.` -H: Clark of ,Midland, whose reinains were buried` here on Mdnda*>""=afternoon,. lDeceased was `a formgi nsident of Ehtlfis place. '- ua_y wuu xvy uxcuua. - Misses M. _and V I. Mathrs: /%pent' a few days with. Miss L. _ A1lan or Knock last weieki. 1_ Mr. Alex. Ness*has- commencedhis I mercantile j.busin_gs_s: iin,-ihe- oid stand Lot H. Baker,-Wvhlo has ;'embydr,:ito LBar,ITi.';' ; Mr, anfd*`MrVs4. ;Fran1c1f A Quanta "and ; da'..ghter.,~Lena "oi *Barri_e and" angL"Mrs`.f*-Robt._ Webb, of ~B_'ig Bay Point? were Sunday vi_'s_itors 'f?9f` `Mr. [and Mrs; Lot Webb`. :2` j " `Mr . Walter VPatt_erSon7 has com?- menced work on hns new __house`. I { Mr. _and Mrs. Jas; BIak"spen,t `Sun-I iday With Ivy friends. i , -mf:u-'. 1\/r .....a.1 1\A ..a.L...._\ ..'__..g _ -'---.Iuuu--ounaozu )_- % ;%: vForstE5n s e t` `L Easger ; 1;o1id;;3:s:;;,,t I;,;*mg~a'# 7`. mm- 1-'..."1_`-. nu, -_-: -vv Quite a number fromnthis corner att_ended`the funeral of the late Tim`-A othy _Su1livan of `Stayner on `Saturday, mornmg. He was well known and Ihighly respected in this locality, hav- ring spent the most of his life on the ;farm here. He leaves to mourn his ylcss two sons and thxjee daughters. ` Miss" Mary Marshall vyasa Sunday' guest of the Misses Latxmer. ` ? } `1VIr.E.`u`v'eo;:g-:' l;I:lii's"'left- on Tuesday` ` 0* last week to'Join his brother -Wil-. he in the wild and woolly west. V _-"1; I-rs: & E; "ia1i{{'as "isan}'g"' 11: `soxi ?Angus _in Colliingwood, thi'sAweek. `[3. Av If 15 . ; Mr. Robt. Gibson went to Toronto ;l::stV week to see his sister, Mrs._ Mc- , Donald,`\_v_ho hadoheroleg taken off by jthe train atDavenport. '_ ' l'\ Miss Mae Carrutyherxs visited friends near Newmarket last week. - 'a`utly" on'_ Tuesday evening. - u-unawuq ` &@-nlnnla V1 63, Ulllhl r.'I TGIUI Miss A; M. Brown entertamed a few of her young fr1ends.v ery:ple'.1s- | " K ?{x}n'Ei&;hg:er Ji1;s?6x:{;ay5 `zit the home of Mr. Alex. Denney. "` IWe- are glad to hear that Mrs. R. Bell is able to be `around again. `;1"'hos._Jones, 4Jr., returned` on Monday after spending Easter with his parents here. ' `I.I I IN I O `I? 'iE';he'l Brooks of iwyevale visited Miss Florence Dobson'fQr `a. few days last week. " . '3: "Miss S. Page spen: over Sunda} with her brother here. " '_ ""U ` ' '1VIi"s`s' Vggnes Mic B.-ric_le- ' Erenfel iwas the guest of Miss Liza Smith." ` t__ ._ ~-v -w wv --'...__-- V~3----- % I-.'eona:'d `Speers_ is goihg to work '-for Mr. Oliver McQuay at Holly this summer.` _ ' - % su<;kersV are, up at the shery, as some have been caught. ll 1' A 11-11 rr _v-_-v -,-.q- _ -_w-- wvvvno--vi -Mrs. Jas. A. Miller was in Toron't.o for a couple of days last week." ~ -110` A 'll'l1'|l nu and Mrs. Thos. Gaiuley of Iv are residing.at present with;Mr._ D, % A. Gauley. ' T 112. 1:- n- '\t.,` rs 1 Miss Mary? Rowe and' Mr." Fred Rowe have returned from `visiting friends in Woodville and Toronto. Nto-_-Conqibndnu in" pgakinj bf tha .-movgmetm {of `yidtort will plane Int; the .plces;from which 'm';;*';=:u;a 'n;;g;;dge of c~,,.,,.f...1 visited frie1'1ds in Colwell on Tuesday. "}::;`,;;;t"';,;aT' "mg; * a1;:;;s Cloughley have returned from .T6- ro1_to.' - . . I ` ANGUSC . Mr`; Lloyd Re'dt.e,rn use 0;.` Weds nesdayffor the `Queen Cify where he. hasaecured ta good posmpn. .1 -_. - , '11,, . -1-an:'-;-`-.n.1. *La_t `week Mr. `Robert "Elliott'so'ld,' for. `export. market, a~ bunch of ` fat cattle. to Simon Little of Stayner. The_~pu'rchase price` was over $500. This speaks very well for the" stock [raising of ` the locality. - IV'I"c4-gntreal `Gazette : ', Matkv _bourg showed himself a consummate i:,1terp'reter of Chopin, and `in a gfoupv co;m.po'sitions' by ' that 4mas`tex[-`I of - . .131-avur_a piano t'nus_'ic"-"he pfpied a`;jqE`-: V Miss Ma.bel.vGaiile':y has returned` to Orillia. . ' Mr. F1-ank`TMcCrac'ken has gone to Hamilton. . `- ` .., _-..--_ -___ Mrs. W} Lennox of. Ivy wa`s_j a re- cent visitof to this .loAca_lity.; "i{4}s'."?fi{os'.' I*;;xT'~cl._1Vie'1vs-`Z {eiumed to her `home in Grenfel. ' A | Miss Mary Wi1s`On is the. guet of` iher aunt; Mrs. Roland Littleof Mid-. L1a`3:`!: A - - A The farmers in~ `this. `vicin{ty have- c`ommence_d' plpughing. p~\? .n'1\ , -,9. mi\i'i_ss,01ice'C).fton `of Tbroxito- S1$et- `lien Easter holidays" at her home ere. - > ' . % :-.-;~ g ' vv.u `Mr. C.'vG.V Spence and son, Herbert, returned "from the camp at Blind Riv-_ er last week. V ` ` . ~- co jV'.m('301.lins has returned `to ,res.ume he'1_'_ duties as Scho~o1_Lteacher `here, having spent the holidays at her home in'Allanda1`.e._ Mr. C..Spen'ce-of North Rive; visit; ed relatiyes he`re lastiweek. ,n &SSlOnzl.l'lCS who first carried the ..--- -Uv--"w row` The Coun.ty of Simcoe, the largest and one of the rst-set.t1ed;'.counties in Ontario, has found 7a worthy his- torian in Mr. A. F. Hunter, of` Bar`- rie, whose work, A History of "Sim- coe County," in two volumesrhas just been issued `from the press of War- wick .Bros. and Rutter. The compil- ation of the history was`un_dertaken under 1 the a.uthoriz_ation of .. the Sim- coe County Council, and at the sug- gestion of Hon. James S. Du, the Provincial` Minister of Agriculture, andthe work has been publeished by the County_Co_uncil. -Mr. Hunter has performed his task in a thorough and workmanlike manner, the two "volumes, written in a clear and con - cise style, being packed from cover to cover withinformative 'and'inter- resting matter, covering the progress -of Simcoe from the days of' Cham- plain to the present time. J -VVhiYe the. `history is of special concern __to the citizens of the county and to the thousands of Simcoe old boys who `have gone beyond its borders to seek wider elds, there is much. in the book to hold the attention of the general reader, for around no portion of Ontario do there cluster more romantic, historic and stirring mem- ories than are to be found in the records of Simcoe. The` names of Champlain, La 'Salle, and (in later mous explorers, are chronicled in its archives, while thegnorthern portion -of the county not only was the scene of the great massacre o`f'th'e_I-Iuroins by their bloodthirsty enemies, the Iroquois, but also witnessed the martyrdorn of ve ofthe heroic Jesuit cross .into Upper` Canada.'_If` any- fault is to_ be found with Mr; Hunt ` er s work, it is-his iailureto devote . a larger spacefto this fascinating period, on which he ledged authority. in J - . or \ days) Sir John Frank1in,_three fa-J is `an '._acl I I I l SUNNIDALE C_ORNERS.. 'STROUD; COLWELL. UTOPIA. EADY, . . 7 _... '. unl_usuu5\.v.1 "i V J. 1 . _|M$s _Q % itilafi _of_'__ Staynetf 1s A svn. 4 W i%.A!I1is4%%4;atV.hr i**m<= Ahew` 3 `.12 `\-vv ACLU IUK 143$ WCCK) Miss May `Black of Midhurot visit- ea Miss Mary ~Rix~last week. , Miss Harriet J_ohnsLt,o'n--of Toronto { is visiting `under tho` parental roof; and ;Mts:` --llayovidf Peacock of ` Painswickwfwoerg Eafs't33r- gu;e_sts_j:ofv Mr.` Quarterly meetin services will be ' ' % ` A "ethodistChurch April 7th to 9th.` Rev. .W-', H. Rey: nolds is.` expected to preach at gvery segvice. OtfnivaVEvnihs Jo`ur'nVa1 =. LA T .? ' ftetghiqu ' iras not":dn1y_Dee -- Arclat "The mo saw-mills our Mvillagel boasts of have ..comm_enced opera- tions, _ . making things lively. Wee are pleased to hear Mr. and Mrs. Simon Chappell are improving. L(11\II'r. Chappell `is able to be up each >. ay. - L 7 M_r.i Htarry Robinson` has` been jseriously ill_jat' the home of Mr. Sut- ton a.t*`Sh'anty Bay and is- still` too nwell to :be removed -to his home} ere. i ` uuwcl here. u \.aLuu:uL ux LIIC uuap,u;a1. I x , . Mfs. -W1a1ke1;"and s`on returned to- theni-: h-ome xn Pennsylvania_ fast wee . ' ` ` ,Mrs. Mr. .day. "f1131_. Kali` 1~71s'."1'\{e}edith of Strouc1_| were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dikey.< . ' `I 4 R M'r. and FM'rs. M. Willson ane1'| family` `leave for their home in Red "Deer, Alberta, this week. . - jars- o-noun nu, onnna VI \u'\l\o M13.`-Egbert` Avison "has returned from Torontqwhere he had gone for ; treatment in the hospital. j `IF..- 1111-11,, '1 Mr,- David Dixon has returned home from Toronto. T - . `We are sorry to report the death i of Mr. Harry Culham of Taber, 7\lta., who spent. the winter with friends in this vicinity. -After purchasing a car- load- of horses and other equipment for the West, he was taken ill and in a few days passed away. The fun- era took `place to the Minesing ceme- tetv. and wastiavrgely attended. e:.n ar'y. . 1 1- , Montreal Star: Mr. Mark Ham-V bourg has the power and _`ability to produce overwhelming .m'sse's* of gorgeous tone, "'to_ pile elimaxr` ugqg climax until` one feels the nai.-eclimax wilt never come. Hiisu range 'o f.-d`3r-Z namic shading is simp1y~'exh* a;ctdi$` 1 . 4 ~} 1-. _. , .1 ha '99.` I` Mr. George Roe_ of Barrie spent _a few days with friends here. ,Mr. H. Pratt of Minesing Station, who .represented the Township of Vespra, attended the trustee section of the Ontario Educational Associa- tion convention recenty held in To- ronto. Mr. Pratt reports having had a pleasant and protable tinie, and hopes that all rural trustee associa- tions-will make an effort to send ldeleg'ates' to_ attend the next meeting, {thus helping to extend the education al interests of the country at large. ` The `weather has been ne, permit- _ting the farmers toistart their seed- mg in this locality-. ' _ ' . 1"! .1\-Q I --- --. u---u --rv---- `Messrs, Lorne and Ernest Ricfxard- son have returned to Torontoafter spending p leas'ant holidays. but was not secured "and identied. It was outside the window, and the lamp which attractedit was immedi- yately. inside. Maples and other trees, `which bloom before the leaf-buds un- \f01d are full of bloom at _present date. Is this *very early vegetation ,the result of the proximity of Hal- , 1ey s _conj1et ?; . V(TC/`ate for Iasf weel.) . {Q Ma 'D1...-l_ -9 -:1-.u . vj1vo_:n`._3c(u;better,.ithan. .others--Why? Simply because - ;anfg,;be;1p;gt.; why we strqngly emphasize A` ` t:he= `:;b<':}st'[{ proczjurable. % % j % ' 7 Givc Bali , 4 + 3t.to.` . very :00 'ne. in-I ' % _ at, per _pair .. . -CROWN HILL. 4 Katherine Hale,.`vvritin'inVth, Mail and Empire, says: ` Lsutcliffe 4 23%. 2-7.$9i' i.B'lf>.3I.S .. _.v%V0;"l:i118' ,B9i)'ts: ;s'i2s to 5. Men s heavyrworkmg Boots, fas ca1f,VBlucher cut, sizes 6 to II. Reg.` $2,.so"value,_your c_hoice_"2 ` ' i . .q '.for,.,-ofnly. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. From this lihe up to $2.75 a pair vsje oer'v_eryAsp.e'cia1 values, and in- vxte your Inspection. at $1.25 5'1Cchifc;ri;?s7; E1Agher Cut Ba1.s .in -V"J`Ie'4ja1;x_,; ,s1zes~ 3;'t`o` 7. " ._ I an .Do"&nu6"'As:wA'a '6; LA I`) fl?:."1 rrI1d' "Ray of the abdve ~1ixi_e's very specigl, per. pair, . . . . . . . . . . I13 P:ja.;tr;t;_irsizs to 7, witlvi m$:%1;E2* V * ,3]-GC3` by ['n_ `"{)V;1r::?`Vf.Don@ola`(.- Oxford Shogs, `sizes 2%. to~7. Regular $1.50 per pant.` 7'1.` `f-nLLn Una--.;` CALAA1 Dun}: 'n:-Ina lb 6 .L\V5l-|llll..\p1o;)\I yws yuan- ;f_ Y,c'out7}i`"-ti-,VI_ :.avy' School Boots, "sizes" ' I to '13,. also Dongojla -Blucher .;sty1e, sizes n_to 13._ V - V , . ,5, W1om'e'n s Pebbled Bals., sizes 3 to EDENVALE. `acovering of several inches of mud " or dust; We have repeatedly drawn attention in these columns to this Vgrie_va`hce,' but -one would have to take it cor'r-espond e,nee~ ` course in patience to wait for some of the Bar- tic Council to make a move. Ald. Garrett, as -Chairman. of Works, has an opportunity right here to earn the everlasting gratitude [of -his fellow citizens by giving the matter_qa:-1) ! attention. . . I

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