Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Apr 1910, p. 2

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GRESWICKE & ALEXANDER. Barristers, Solicitors of the Sn- preme Court of udicature of On- . tario, Proctors, otaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Monev to loan. Of- , ce, `Ross Block, Barrie.` A. E. H. C reswicke; K.C.. Arthur Alexander. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc.. L.R.C.S., Edin.; L.-R. C.P., London. ` Ofce and resi- Adence, Dunlap `street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. . . V J >N.liXTDOOR TO. THE TANNIRY Inf agargogam CASTINGS. e-and aiuindao: 1. .- hmud hI%a.mMo ` " tut-Ln .7 G.` A. TRADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Nota Public, &c. Of- fice--tst oor ank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low-. est rates. DR. A. T. LITTLE, late or Churc-h-i-ll. Ont. Oice and residence John St., . near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. TEwA11rr;'?*}BAa~ ', s, Notaries ` .Puhi_ie; _ > 5 per c`cnt.~"Ofc.e; " I3 O "w'nA s`Efct,%` Barrie. `H. D. Stew- Eff, ; LL_JD9|1;D. `Mu rs. Mdngsto loiin V W; A`ULT;`i4BIl-RISTER, SOLICI-_V ' tot`, - -1Pvo'c'tor, Notary, Conveyanceg, etc. Special` attpntion in drawing . and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of admimstration and guardian- T _ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- ces, Ross hlock. Barrie: Money to loan. ' ` JSTRATHY 3; ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten. LVIUSIZ T3350? VDONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARE- te_r, Solicitor, etc. Bank of. Toron- Stock sales to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. W W am PER ANNuu m Anvmqm; UNITED -8'l`A'l`ES SUBBORIBIRS . f H.T. AREIALL, M.D..c.M., ofaz .:... `R.-.ol....`.-IIi. l.I.\..I. AIl.....l-1- n- LEN NOX, C.OWAN & BROWN, Barristers, Solicitors" for obtaining probate of wills, ardianshxp and adnnnistration, an general. Solici- tors. Notaries, Conv ancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, 0.6 Dunlap street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch ofces at Creemore and Alliston. ~Haugh- ton Lennox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. B:-ovm,_LL.B._ ` , j`; V 551113111.` -'-- Eye. Ear. Nose 8 Throat In-I-- __-_A A IL` 1: LA`, LV.lUl'.\"1'.l X & ON` ta:-xo, Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Office, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. `Instruc- tiotys left with Strathy- & Este no Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, `will be promptly at- tended, to. _ - )r; J . A. C. EVANS, PHYSIQIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner -for Snmcoe County. Oice and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phon,e 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. 1.. J. . lI\LV 511.414, V \v.V.| o, til` I` I'VE in Bothwell s ifc'1}', Allandale. On `the premises `at night. so. u .. mam " 58.... Ipm umunacrunnns.` -----1 `T ::::'.;'.:EI`.';*I:."':..`*"x'a..* SURVEYORS: FINANCIAL. PHYSICIANS. ruulul lIlll.I. DU. f' [win gaunt: n-.. -n- -7 { - sum! 0! I14 I Lumber QC I Lite-Sawing. ,`;,f CRAIQHURST. om. 35 LICENSED Aucnonmg FOR THE COUNTY OI-' clung. .. @R?_:*E?r2A9!`v| `gr:-::,nro`1"l9:x{>L to Horseshoff . M3 VIUFACTURER OF Bttles, Carriages, W380 Sleigh: and Cutters. Q--.__ .n___ ra;.:%%"ss" `iguana sr . 5. ,1,-.~.~._ -~-v- - --- ------~-' 4 . j DoI:`bgeu:vLeuing. Grooms in each. on Ch; T Vacant lot. iofsn tore. on Penetanguiahene i Street. Apply to _ Va" . FJL MO!~TGOMEP.Y[. % A MIDHURST PL?" alhrm and stock Sales a Sneclaln? V f Dwelling l roomeltetsble. dnve house, 51:52,; and nesrly 3 of acre of land in garden and mm ` Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets. Bum T Dwelling-6 rooms. stable and shed. Lu-,._ lotion Peel Street. VIIIUU UK Illlfllh U VOf, I Thursday Moraine % THOMPSON CREW, PUBLISHER 1'.".;;;a.."'..i'5 3* `:0; 2303:; i`o`;.g ;`;,`' wept; otherwise the advertisers announce `W5 -._` 3;: not be made public until the week ,1f;; IYIIIIEKIEII Anvuvnonao... n... , unAnu.m1`4lVTS. .-rr-"""""t;"e ts on rstp880 5 ; conggngod ldkvindm fggtnand fotlmd. wuluofall specic 31-tic es. e c.. en-_ f.;. g, ..1eort `;;, edwith the cash. mm; be accoln ' en-1entS.I 1 1L1.sf m CV8? `Cuts. lf)orm8g1t: nt" 15 on sohd metal baggy` case 3 ._- . Vvu-nu-nu. vnnnu14__ ' . ortlaen will please bear - notice oflntent on to churn e a3'ive `id mustbe hand into theo cc not 1afm!n;;. Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the cop ,Wm_? change muatbeln THE ADVAN(,`I.y ' later than 12 o'clock noon on Mond ' Irdnk: nthnvml-A tho .au....:......a- - - ,_v_'*`a ! ran Tl-l_ courrrv or SIMCQEE 3Most reasonable terms given 021;; `cl-An`. All kinds In C-o;n;;;nles Alt. Allan blue and c. P. R. SS. Co's j `L "- 5 alcornson Spgendld ALE and PORTER. , The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle Insurance. `!:."*._J",'.I>*.=r?v.Fr~?=%% C\.___ _. _. Mn. Lmmox scones. R. Haughton Lennon,` M.P., has been letting the "white light shine upon the G. T. Pacic eastern contracts. An amazing over expenditure has taken .place. The growth of solid rock` in sections where engineers found only loose earth is astounding.` Mr. Lennox put it this way :-It will cost Afty-one millions to excavate the rock alone, the exact gure which Mr. `Fielding estimated as the cost of theroad com- pleted, down to stations, telegraph lines, shops, etc. The line will cost `thrice, possibly four times the esti- mate. John J ennettg Maxis YOUR sxm` LIKE VELVET- Monkman's Glycedonia. 1 %f Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the rougnness. and by its occasional use the skin acquires the nnoothness and softxiess of a baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a. few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25. Delight- ful after shaving. Biewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER E'I`C., pumop STREET EAST` a_4_x}_=g_n I E BARBIE % BREWING BIIMPANY GEO. Mbnxmn. I-non!-I n___ ` on-1-osar: ROSS sf- JOHN BAR.R S OLD STAND ` "'" ""'"' nqingnonh. A saga. E... In. ' 1.-I- This coxnnxuo ADVER'I'I8EME1~.'1-3 `nnnntl -Jwnvflnnrnnncn A- n . ' CONTRACT CB ANG E8 0 non ---III -I--__ L, . pHo'u': ' 1' 3'6 ' EI{ I6ulluu JV" u there are .tqrms or printed -motto: that you @103 yuur Aw .', , aupgliy 1'4 : . W . .._,Yonr wants will ' nauve prom` ` )`AY, A-PRIL nomlnd Y0 - Onnn nf VIII ' Barri; " am. m..uome_ Spa-ah! ;. -5:16: u'i,` . ` IMO I m'l'o:-onto 8: North Bay Ill 1) m % '-DIlIuNOI'lh'BIfbo._ung.' l.I p m.,'l'o'Ionto& Midland 7.0 I In Guvenhm-at ..., h 9.8: III A3 Daily including Sunday. J uxivau Jud. aepmum A at .d_from B_a_:_'__i_ u:-e_u itollowa: `23....1I.lIo-In op P In MILLER RACING BILL. comngwood and lloafrd. 5 ZIIRII Thursday, April 7, 1910, Tunis ol""8u`;1cItt1-I-tot. Hamiltoh. FROM -No. 5I;...'I:lI 3 In " n....1.I 9 in 56.....I p In No. 58. .V 10.8 3 m V ` 55. ...7. p.ln s2.ICUm`m. 26....I_'Dm ` \ / I T \ - An 8 `[0 4'! column !i_o\_npa'per. . Published from the once. 18: Dunlop Street. , iuurle. in the County of Simone. the Rro- . w=-...:..'-m......';-..*.>.:.:'.:.+*.-..:'-rr VI? In his defense, the nance minis-` ter is bravely backed by the Globe, which makes much of the fact that the `concessions granted mean real- ly little or nothing to- Canada. But `the Globe is forced to admit that uy making. these `concessions we have olaced ourselvesin a position where it may with show of reason be as- serted by future American govern- ments that Canada is precluded from. making exclusive tariff` bargains, with foreign powers without rst 4' making peace with the United States. Its answer to this contention is that .from Mr. .Fielding's `-statements . and _ `letters we. may be. assured ' 'that' can- ada _s rights in? this re_s`_p:e c_t;a re fully n_1aintained.. We_ could "wish _th7at- this were so`, `but .-until athlete` is . a different sort of` government. -at Ot-i tawsaiews amass 2; ? i?~fle;i3=}@-l timeseto-;hair:e;aeti9us duibts. A - etninent:V:_tliat.%l`eassutidt-..!sf"`that :o;m:o%e 3: :9*iidf?$io*i't,-`i n-, this a * 'a'1';it?.jf_,clic`' t gym iHamilton Spectator: Hon. Mr. Fielding has made his explanation to par_liament_ and would have ushe- lieve not only that Canada has lost nothing as a result of the `conces- sions made to the United `States, but that we a're1actua lly_in.a better position now to meet our neighbor _in further deaings having for their object advantageous reciprocal trade relations . Hon. '-Mr. Fielding must imagine that. the Canadian people 1 are as easy as our bargaining friends, \ the Amdericansf found him toibe; . A __ vvvv vvoqv-ov\ne It may not matter. very much to us whether we buy tableware, per- funiery, soaps or feathers and arti-a cial owers from France or any other country. Ouraction may show smart diplomacy,_ but it savors very strongly; of sharp practice, and it will be remarkable if France does not_ consider it as; an indication of bad` faith on the part of -Canada.` If Can- . ada then put forward the only avail- abe plea that we "could not do other- wise because. of the attitude of the United States, we should be open to the crushing retort from France -that the next time she desired to treat with reference to the Canadian mar- ket she would would carry on nego- tiations with the Government- at `Washington, and not with that at. Ottawa. l s tyf a -.-._~:P fthsx;s2f!!!9t..ir5oWhi1 - .._,u-an-. ` for .. the members ; to ,,j_:!VgIinf_!i`;f:trl_ie_xx`_I_c-A: i51ves`o`c teeny an ff c5;"}diitiba,`csvs`lwi11%l make no effort to ke"e;p".the"house-.in:' ` session. for `any jextenil_ed" .-period -- :to; put the bill through ; its 1na_l;..stagfes, even if"it is not defeated_on Na vote in the commons, . in .;_.cas_,ef_ the : delay should` arise through the. action of the senate.` `This `is. `very "im'po`rta nt, i in view of the fact thatcthe members, of the red chamber are in a~'position to c give thematter'deliberate as well as` .independent consideration, unswayed` by such tactics as have been invoked. to secure a majority for the measure ` in the commons. In the meantime, `American horsemen are giving Can- `hda the go-by. Not a single :applica-` tion for.stalls or enquiry has come _from across the border. On the eon trary, one leading Canadian stable is at 'Windsor and myayship to Ken- tucky instead o coming to the Woodbine. But the"rca'l ght has not acutally begun, and the outcome of the__ debate in thetcommons is ab- solutely uncertain. The friends of the thoroughbred have a good ght- ing chance of giving the bill the six months *hoist when the division bell calls in the members. M'Fheu-\-iVinnip"eg Telegram says in part :-M!r. 'Fie lding s concessions to the United States have diminish-1 ed the value of the Canadian treaty to France without the value of con- cessions granted in the French mar- ket having, Been commensu`rately -diminished to Canada. Either, then, we havegiven something for noth- ingtothe United States, with the rest of the world thrownin, or we have received something for nothing from France. We have been grant- ed a superior position in the French market in return forgiving France a superior position in our market and then, in deference to a threat from the United States we have im- mediately proceeded tf-put France `on a level withothe countries in {respect to the articles scheduled. THE TARIFF SURRENDER. I Considerable adverse press"com- ment has developed `as a result of the Laurier~ Government's surrender to the United States. on theetari embroglio. ` ' `A A There are several reasons why. horsemen should keep` cool; The Miller bill is in nonsense a govern- ment measure. The tretnendbue or- ganized agitation by the . p_rotnoters_ of the Miller bill has not stampeded thegovernment. Sir Wilfrid Laurier himself distinctly, refused to father ?-the measure. and,_V_ has_n pointed put -- quite frankly,t_o its _o_cial "supporters- '..t_hat `there are tigo ijto fth;e[ i t.ion.- Moreover, ` `the: megnberswiif 9 made by them to appear as a sup- pliant for the tariff clemency of the mighty President-of the United States. This is the signicance of the concessions that have been made. They appear to allthe world as the yielding of a country that has been cowed by its neighbor. It is not the commercial value of the conces- sions, but it is the humiliating im- port thus by everybody read into them that will rouse the. wrath of the country against the n1ean-spirit- - !d and truckling Government that has made them. Mr. Fielding at the : outset showed himelf convinced that _ no concessions were due. Even at the last he knew they were absolute- ly unnecessary, for the Plresident ' was bound by the pressure of public opinion at home to do everything to avoid `a tariff war-that would close his enterprising countrymen out of ' the most expanding of the world s markets. A Why then, did our weak Finance Minister do this thing? He willnot admit-that this wound to his `country s honor was inictedsolely to{.,re1ieve the embarras'srnen.t of his .pat roniz'ing friend of the White House. But it is none the less a fact that in making Canada -look like than that of enabling that clumsy diplomat to retire gracefully from anvuntenable position. To say that. the concessions weret a preliminary move towards an pev'entiua'l' recipro- city agreement -with the United States is to attempt deception of a looked forward to it `stillimore wist- of rm Canadianismm in this`'` transac-I `:A " ' thebleating, lamb in thepresence of. ` `the wolf he served` no other purpose .ve'r.-ya -shallow :quality. . If President. Taft now looks forward _to srecipro-_ ' cityf with, Canada, he would have fully had he been dealt with` by men a A {slur}? `$353. 858.? V Ill . 9 kl I I: ha, `cures old h In $'.`...',.. `:`?:...a%;:...... . . 23' :1. Lmasay waraer-\. -`Eggs, `are "getting doyvn to a. price` at `which the Ordinary man can in- dulge in a poached egg for breakfast. The mild weather of March no doubt had an` eect int sti_m`ulating_1aying by hens`, but does this `not; emphasize the teaching of some of the poultry `experts thatif "hens" are iproperiv cared `for in the winter they will lav as well or `better in the winter than in the summer? To have the prices in winter and in summer brought nearer to an equality is a consumma- `tioudevoutly to be wished. Rev. J. Macdonald, editor of, the Toronto Globe, spent last Sunday-. in Albany trying to bring about a trade agreement between Canada and the United `States. We would suggest that it would be a good `idea for him to spend next Sunday in Ottawa try- ing to persuade the Laurier Govern- ment to be honest. ..If he failed to persuade them to_abandon their evil ways he. might return to Toronto and devote the remaining six days of the week to denouncing their ini- quit): in the Globe ashe would` de- nounce it if they were his political opponents instead of beinghis poli- tical friends. V . , Hiniilton =S'pei".fta1:'or.'_7 _ A .~ nu .- . --,,__ I T%2{i:;ri;ain "iti5}nedF swift nla `~m;;m'd_ a girl named Hufry . That's gqing-some.`-`. V ' i T011-ox_1to T`:-ile`'raxrL' The cohcessipns may be _a _smaIlV price` for American good-_wilI, but experience suggests that the value of the good-will is a `whole lot smal- let than the price paid for it. v V `The Canadian racing situation is both novel and complex, "says the Sunday Wforld. The Miller bill is, of course, the dominating factor. A peculiar picture is presented of the big jockey clubs on the verge of clos- ' ing down after Canada s._ tirst half century of the premier British out-- door sport. On the other hand, the spectacle is witnessed of the mem- bers of the Dominion Parliament be-' ing called upon in the closing hours of a protracted session todeal: amor-, V tal blow, to `the, thoroughbred in- dustry. V . Toronto` News. A dark comb is the indication of , ag congested . State of 5 the system. This from a "Poultry Journal. And, we may add, that a rhinestone comb is an indication of a abbergasted condition of the pocketbook. E Peterboro Review. _---w -vu Lindsay Wardex-\. The Lesson of It. Straight I-lifting. 1'! .._S -,,, ` the Size. ' Finger Posts. ' "w-I 1) i'_:!"' "` " ""', rm Eb-,Tf.'.i:oVur:I\c;V an `Wi'thf.i},i'. j`xa;macern:it % L -7` ?'r`HEoRTHJERNJ ADV " ;-won but end ot hark! Q I I: Grownfmmboodoutot ..... new mu wontof beat eld '62` E1711-"y": `"3n'i5 , tnndi nu ms. 353;.` com? o'{on3nS"."Ii'}bn3.)so I 1 `HQ F A3155. 19 A J...14,zs .14 9.23 Icy 3%.-12.31 J 1a; 12. as am. 0. 2o ` TIIIOUOI SPICIAIPIIAINS f `I'D! NTO 1'0 WINNIPIO AND -WEST o ` ` I-an `|`uauh` ;| ).0l.n. `JI3 CI LOW nounn nu nus H A I-IX(:llR$|0N$ Bank of Toronto panic and Allandale Branches c. ll. VLATIMBR. - lllnnaler In dealing with the farcical com- mittee" which proiessed to be in- vestigating the Lumsden charges, Mr. Lennox was equally elucidating. The Government press had spread broad- cast the statement that the three Con- servatives had retiredbecause things had not been coming their way. The facts were that the Conservative members soon discovered thatit was not to be a full and free investiga- tion. The whole weight of the Lib- eral majority and the counsel forthe commission was devoted to condemn- ing Mr. Lumsden--to showing that_ the man whom the Government `had 66 appointed Chief Engineer was a complete fool. .That was the sole object of an investigation which was costing $1,000 a day. The three Con- s ervative `members found that they could not serve the public by remain-` ing and becoming parties to such proceedings--proceedings which Mr. Lennox characterized as the most thoroughly dishonest inquiry ever `held in Canada, a discredit even to _ the spotted record of the Laurier Government. ' ` ~ The most ignportant fea- t_ui_'e 15 t at It costs very little mo than plain pa- per. We iwould be de-V lighted to show you this new stock embossed with your own initial. is now being. used by the aeknowled ed leaders in the sociai and fashion- able world. All stationery should be embossed with the initial ofthe writer on` the .front page of each sheet, the embossing giv- ing` that distinctive tone lacking in the plain paper.` Heretofore this has been so expensive that it has been practically prohibitive but we are pleased to in- form you that we have now one qf our ne linen papers, put up in dainty- papeterie form and stylish- ly embossed with every letter. . Bookstore Scott's INITIAL STATIONERY T N o ,i11atfe1?.`hpw small, "No ri1.tte1" how Iarg, will "give it carfula._`t_-` tve-ntion.1 This - mes.- sagc; applie; `to the men. and.wome!1. alike. comb mus 2 5c a Box. YOVCIIH IIICIIU3 SUI-lU\I_nllIQl|U 37.50 m Anwmc: CR0 new name will be added to the Sub- Ionptlon but until the money in paid. A snlilorlbere now in amen for three rnenthe V `and over will be chewed 31.50 per nnnmn. WESTERN CANADA! THE nmuun. . Tanya` a Mini; ad Water lhtohl .. . `at B t THE Blll Pllllli Mlll (30. 4|, II, Inna:--I QAIHIR l____ nhnnnbnng -_.I I-I..nI;, cu-pento:-I and Builders. Manufacturers of .and' Graduate work in served as Clinical . Throat & dun: I .nnA.... I\_I_ 1.; ----'----v --Inn nuuv BUFVW 8.8 Assistant in Golden Squnxteliar Bristol Eye Hoeital. B1-into and B1:-mi Nose . London` Royal London Ophthalmic gloorileldel ; for A term as Resident Royal London hthalmic Hospital; ngham `o:o_i``e.l`,__`__ _`i_nley;_: former Member or I mz.c.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; n.1r.p. as s. amgow I --SURGEON--A o `rate of, interest. ._._..___..__________....___._ $70,000 i.FOR_ , INVESTMENT ON` good freehold security at lowest _ No principal money requnred until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., . Barrie. - _ _.:o- Having H Post Grad to k I 2:.u:.2_a'.e:;.e.xgm-a -arc ..'<':u'ms -... gs- .. rq _ M. D. c. ll. (1`or.) 4 Late f'1`oronto `Genet-al Hospital} mice of the Inc Dr. Smith. Collie! 3:- Huang II. _ 32-ly ...___..._...._...___._.;_._.___._... IUNWIN, MURPHY & Esggx, .ta.flO [and `cup uuuuuu -- D123. Q4-Q4 an _ DR. ROBERT S. i3RoAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone xos. Box 456. - DR. -MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton -St.. Toronto, late of B:-ook_lyn, (N-Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospxtal, will. be at 67 Owen _ St., Barrie, every Seturda . Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and mat. Consultation hours 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by ap- : pointtnent. No; 5.'..T.1|.I'lnm ` 48.... Ipm .. I00:

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