Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 4

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - ' ~ '4 `IVVVV 9IIVIC'C"'VY-'Y.'VIIIO I "Mexi s~ Frieze Coat , AgVqod' f.rn1efs' satin `lining, `with velv't c_ol-%_ ~_;l a1j,=$7,.ooAand $8.00, for .. .. ' DALSTON. A at Cut Expense tsjw rLo`s : [.MaI%_\tIe Bargains Homr. . The, .fMi sses' ( have returned_ ' spending :1 few Ardill. A Dinwlvoll 5 VHIQIVU I Weh can 'oniy` fecall with pl,ee.s;ur'e`[ the" happy `and protable. hours spent together, `and trust that 'in after` years you may "once in a while be `able to take a thought of the loving? heayts "on have left behind in your native hamlet. ' ' > ' can: a `. s I } ; i-s-s-g;;1; i;Ql;q;1:;:diedITuesday, -an. 25 , age 24 years. nterment ! yvas. made. on Eridav. at Belle Ewart an the ;Catho11c burying grounds.` Th f '1 h h ,.;::`;,:m::a* Wmpathy | 19 ., Y- V -l ..Miss Vera_' Grosg: spent Sunday with Miss. Mae vVVIallace. " ' , " *1s1is;"M,:`. few days last * `tilda ' Donnelly. A few from gut village att-endedl the At Home heid in Churchilllast! Friday` night. All report having had a most enjoyable time. ` ' ' a run Mr. C. 'Drufy_was'i.n _:T0!'dntO a` few days last week. A ' s '"i\/1i;; r1{4?$ iii,;;:;;;I"i{;`s";;u;;;;;;i ;.horr_1`e from. a visit with friends :"in` )New ~Lowell,- V ` [- - .. r V2t1aVrt'e1"'1;r fservice will be held in: the `Methodist church next `Sunday !morning at II o clLockA. 1 _..J - ---- ----- "'IIrs. Jack Fvierkins was taken `to; the hospital for treatment. last wepk. \;r:.... M -.. n:....1..._. 1...... ...........',..n i _1;v:111;l_)e;s'-L:-ltugndcd the :spe- I c1al_ serv1ces held at Dalston Metho-` dist Church last week. " 1 `Mrs; S. W'a1ker and Mr. Wallker of! ;Allegheny, Penn., are `visiting; their idaughter and sister, Mrs. Jas. Rix. -... . .....-..-.. ` \'l;fl;ile\we rejoice at the hapepinesse [which we trust is in store for ypu by your union'with'your choice-as a 1companion' on life s pilgrimage, we -shall mxss you at our musxc and sq- Eial gatherings`, but` shali never for-l get the pleasant relations that are _no_w to be severed. I Mr. Horardxy Ba1n-ting and wife` have moved` back ,tp _Iv.-yr ` ! 1:- 11.-.: c_-_,, -: "rr-..-..._ :-' ' "1i4'r.'7'i=}2Z1 '2Zo""i :J'fwKcnora as spending a few. days visting old., friends. . ~ [ i DAILY NEWS ,cRmn] The_parlor soqial at the Parsonage on Friday evemng- was `:1 _ spledid success. , = ' T ' - . Rpbt. 'El1io't.tVso1d a car of rpotatbesl to s R. A`. Thomas of Barrie, ship-~ ping from this station._ 7 " ' ' ` I ~1'\\I `I5 I I"! '"I'zev__.- `i -..11/I.wI- ~ a splendid` idiscourse Sunday evening on _t?1e| lcharactexf `of Eluah. -_ -` I _v_---- 9--vu -' `TAhe Tofonto i`s=ab.;%1.1Vt tad` begin Ma ,%srsa~t, e2 1.V`.`+``.`*.~ ` `Many nvew. mi_'nin,g_ '9nc"erns; `for-._.thn.-. ' Porcupme ,d_1str1ct._h_aye bepr /1t_. Ann--. An.-_;'. `-1-`n, 151 `womangjvas mu1"d er%eVd in cinnafij by bemg roastgd .to_ death`-_ one ,a.`Ras..stove. - ' " .. VThe% ALiT9ds~c to%i%dn%. ':%`1:~:=it%: d= rimei.m; Bans. L ithonymt cine: Fi.:.s)*7fly;g'falhna:_ `- .`V* . is--. -,-`II: .. ;-" A -..- .1..." v -- . -V-A1 - .o .4 nqnvt yuulco ` M` ' " ` vvniomsts; now m1em+ bcrs, the Liberals ,272','; the; :Labdri}s; .f40; gn}d,`._th: i1"_%3V.iti'A<>'.1Ia.IIL S_'fS. .'3.",-5;.` V ,` ig4;:';:1;:;";;;;a:.;*'L:s;:aL*%;;`; ,%elec.ted'.t,o the. .Commons_ for`: Ot.t.g,.-g IIITB .4 Interspersed with th musical part ` `of theprogram were short addresses ""h.'y`;:M-r;Wm. McKnight of'Egbert and Mfg,-_ I~Wn1. Beelby of Thornton, AMr. gvwis` making an ideal chaiyman L. hghis. wit ahd 1mmor.. ' \ _ Aftr jle completion of ` the `mo- gg,a }mm;Vall sat down to a lunch Dro- `"31t:1a3\"bllo\\'iIgVwhich in the_ wee xttxl-I,`-7by' the young ladies of" the` I'I5'In" I`ll\lIl'c" `kn nnonn n n . . . A _ . ._.A!.` i.- _,:'I_,.. .`.\.J QTJIIIIPI _ > . i` V_ I`. > _ 1. I . _7Mat_t-hew Mathqson d1e_tl`.};:;_;;L .-'I*`o:fc;qa-'- vto .,_Ge me'ra1, LHvc_as_p:tal' fr,o_m% an; ovgt-' ld.6;$`_ ifofg Iil6`fPh1n.? .. -* . `l`l` *~ "' ` " ` La:..y+`=~ - 2- ~ -- " .V_cIylyUAvlG`lIDl3 V OZ. _ _ -- . .1]-`i 1`-it 1.3, *'*3= 3* _(Continuedv_-om` ,1 '5tg;.-.V Si_3c_.) %M>oNnAv.JAx.%4Aaisn "CROWN HILL. LEFROY. ..ANGUS'. `Of: ' ` spent in week with Miss Ma: ' Guest ` of Tottenham I `to their home aftex` r dLayjsL with the Misses} wv wvvvn vs: 4 "On "this auspicious event in your life, we ask your acceptance of this silver cake plate and berry spoon, with the hope that it may recall the -happy days of music and song and the many pleasures of social com- mumcatlon m Thornton. T Mcn Frize ():vercoa;ti,`:;1ll _;6l;. Tweed and Serge linings, silk"{rePvet' -collar. Reg`1_;la_r__ $15.00. and $20.90, for'f..: ..... _ `L05 3Chi1dren s. Acoats, : t h_is; sea`s6fi,".s.} L Plfavn I;g{e-wi1:_th- red 3a,sh.:aa~nd , ,_. T OO 9` -/509' `.0 1:: - .e,'\7."a;-'..... .`-"3 ` V 3 ` L .j' . . . . .. . . . . .1: . . . . . . .....7.. . D._ LAIL.-wod`_1.__' Cheviot suit- _1ngs,<.`-48_`and;` -50 inches wide, apd ixiglilagk ;:t',1d;qoIo_;'s. Regular sel- Jmg pr1ces..&.f;_omz5c to $1.00 yd. To ,clea'r : (111:-i11g'i_thi.s `sa}g, `at only. . ,. 35c. Qvaxlnvyq; Iyado\-III. uuu .5 ?.~.`.`;'.'.'.'.'.?.=.":::%::: -.7.95 .`. . v BARRIE . V.-gun `n\a_ navy I`--".'l`-"he. ,family of IJ{.rutiman of 1 Hamilton had a narrow escape from `their b1 1.rning house. Three hundred Idoliars 111 money and some jewellery wasvincludedein the loss. "'n;'n;;R:;m;I.;;"i.;`mg B1 gineer, was killed at Hamilton when his engine jumped the track. The enprine and tender wefe burned. Cattle buyers at the Western C_at-H tle Market, Toronto, issued a notxce against sellers who 'doctor cattle toinake them -weigh heavier than E they would `do . I?turall_y.- " {north endof yancouver VIs1a_nd. I-Iflliur Dnqnnnln T .T_]' 9- D We now bid, you good-bye, with our earnest wishes that your future life may have in it much moreeof sunshine than of cloud, and thatlit`; may still be devoted to the praises of Him from whom all blessings flow! .i"" * 1 .1 1 n I Wh_e_at .. Oats... [Peas . . . . .. Barley ., Rye .. .. .... guckwheat .:_ J ["1 _ Price_ Ruling` in the Barrie and T~or-.~ onto Markets During the) Week. In S o u - o u Q o - o o c o Buckwheat. . . . . ._ . . . Hay, Timothy .. Hay, clover ., ., Straw, bandied` I .- . . Eggs, ;pe_:7 doz. ,. . . .B _t_ter, per.-Qlb. .T . . . . .. ..Chigkensj, _d`1-_e,sseAd ~ .Tit)$gv Q ;'. ; . .~ . A Pg:qs,`" pagg`; . . . . =; .% r`ohip'hs A g 1 (bag) -. . . . . `cu .A`0:.l"`O 0:0,. -'3`,-oolt` o,oo_9-no J o o o on` (baij()5::". no'c op.: wmga, nu: LATEST MARKETS rams. Barrie, `Rose Ayerst, T-illlie Carr, Mary Fletcher, Lizzie Kenwell, - 3)IDO '01`-IOIC VVIQ\IIII ECU` UJI%hlJIIlah3 II`-IVVC `Signed by the members of your- music class - 0 Bios. McKnight, Margaret Hen;y'.- Liliie Grey, Annie Grey, . Marion Beelby, John Ayerst, I Arnold Carr, A Mrs. C. Cunningham Minnie Ayerst, "Maude Simpson`, Olive Cunningham," Tom F`leteher, , .1T3dt.h.- 1V'IcM<.=n1ny, Belle `Stewart. ` I I I I I I I ; 1910.`. For up-to-date over-coats for men, good quality Cheyiot and Beaver Black color, velvet collars". twillcd .Italian eloth linings; Mohair sleeve linings, all sizes. Regular $r5 9 coats on sale `at . . . . . . . . . . . n For all wool homespun Astutings, Tweeds, Kerseys, Heay Amazon _eloths, heavy worsted "and fancv naps (made by the famous _Ha_rris Co..) A`most serviceable lot of dress materials, warranted to give .exce'ptio_nal_ satisfaction. Rrnember, these are "ALL WOOL, an 54 and 56 inches wide. Regular selling price is $1.oo,,$1.25, $1.35 yard. All one brice for this February sale .. ..`63c. A -l`L'ad'iTes Coats,' this Season s lines in Black, Brown, Green and Navy Blue. Reg-ular $8.50, , $10.00 6 I and $12.50, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00: :16` oo; `Butcher"- cows, choice. ` '0 n I O 0 9 `Biitcher ,Bull_s . .. ' Hggvy feeders, steers. *b1'.1l1sV .;.{S;;:kcrs; choice . . . . . w`1:...:...c - . ,, ,. .. l .. __ ` n Miss Haws behalf, her father! spoke of` the great pleasure it had given. Gertrude to note the progi-e's`s* ofeach of herpupils, and felt con? ndent of their ultimate success. This .in itself was sufcent reward for ev- . erycffort on her part, but neverthe- less the sentiment expressed in the nicely-worded address touched a ten",- der chord in her heart,_ and the beau-as tiful present would ever. remind her of the warm affection _ existing jbe`-` tween herself and her ;class. " i _nrsv\.n\.&a, LIIUILC II camcrsligh .. .. & , 7 ... . ... ..-V. V [516 4,-_.nI .,_ 2 I, -D `-5- `_..__I 55115 no cuc uncanny WUILC 'd.IlU blue, porcelain Sealshipticase from which we sell SEAL- SHIPT OYSTERS at our state. No ice or `water ever touches the oysters. It is the nal step in the Sealshipt `System which makes it possible `for us to furnish our customers with Oysters w'hich' taste exactly the same here as when eaten at the shore. They are rm, temvt- ing, delicious morsels of sea food. Sealsltipt .Y_S'=fS Havellxve Tang of the Sea You will be surprised when on see, Sealshipt Oysters. `ore surprised--and delighted `--lwhen you taste them. `| ...'t.......... c-_I_I.:_. A ,., _ --wu_cu yuu I'.a5lCC IHCIII. In buying Sealshipt Oysters. remember that there 13 no "liquor-nothig` but solid _-meat. ` The liquor is whzgt _spoiIs.co`mmon `oysters. It 13 L`--mjelted railroad. ice. ' T3 ...`-.. `-...I:.._..21__ L,. , - vs uvalalqlpt. ' Come into our store and see `our silent salesman. While 'he.r'e' ask` for: a copy of our ;.1>',ook_,"Seafs.ide_ Oyster Dishes. `.1?-..E'iV,e.$. many shore recipes. asa\-lG\n\L IGIII VG`-I. ICC- [, If you-`ordinarily buy oystrS :by the quart, get only a pint pf Sealshjpt. MA .-A.._ ---.. .A-- -~5 -`~'~ Mr. C. W.vLewis of Calgary wasl handed a programme arranged bvl. the class as follows: Instrumental selection `lay Miss Tillie Carr, duet bv Miss Belle tewart and Mrs. -W. J. Carr, selection by Miss Marion Beelby, violin solo by Master John Ayerst, instrumental` selection` by Miss a Mary Fletcher, -instrumental selection by Miss Lillie Grey,` solo bv Miss Belle Stewart, solo by Miss Blossom McKnight. ` . ~n. POWELL. autoim- -O pp.Wclli:`sgton Hotel This is the _cleanly white and lift: \r\o-na1n Co-.5`.-.I..I..LZ........ Soum uonwAut.01"" I I Stores also in Lindsay 6 Oshawa Qyster Our Silent Salesman 7`cB?`n; "and .\.gqa_a, '1uuuWlI_lg Wnlcll in me "wee sma hours the company repaired .10 their rpgpective homes, feeling they had emoyed a.very plasant,eve_nimz;l . mr=d- Mr: H. Lgate is visiting at Ed. ;Wilson s. , v V ' -Mr. Chas; `Wilson of Tororito sgegit ;a few Wdaysin our midst. - IE3..- 1-9119, . - L5! .vv -vvv puya Ill UNI UIIUSI. % Miss Elliot of Elliot's` comers $9911: .a few days with frigndg hefer TH`. A..4..... ` nun- u, -- -,,..... u um: uaya wuu xncnus IICIB ` Tlic. Anten Mills choix went -_ -New, Elos on Sunday. Taftcr,no.on tn {the missionary service he1d.in. (ghc; :Met1}odistkChurch. . _ , - `j-The Farmers and: Women's ;In`-- ~;t`iit`I'I'te ` meetings -_were ` held in'[ -Ange. , .. I/s._on Saturday. The` ladies g~,:was_heId at M (`nu-.l.I:'..!- _a...--= , D_M_lOIII - VII aaturuay. 1 I18 ` `i_ng~ was held at M. Cougl1lin sat-136. gang: xhe ;mnr met in the V chool .ousVc,.. Muss S. Campbell of 3 ramp-L Qll:;.3ka've _a verv Tine.ne+:..........u---=- %Thiirsc1ay; }V?F.e%b:uai:: 12.1.9: } - . . --' o ramp- toxxggave ._a very interesting; address ..,c,.aftemoon on he Judicious . _v__keeper, pointing . out the-V.dif-?_ ;&.e.VLbetw9%enT a. hou.sekee.3_erian;d . 8 m&kr- .M,c.s_m. ?sM 5;='ta1f`: _. '\ . . _ r. 0,0. . ,. a.L n 9, AMEN MILLS. ";`9" ;".i':"`=.*. V*';""`-`-"%"A"5=?-. -.m:_xa-. V-i`3+" ' i 9;-s;1*!11x~;~;a0f;`.:1i&adi9?la??s%':1% ' .. .th2:d.3. `d;P,t.}.-El "TSfW. xQ?3 5 vfv Mk}, 1*iity'; -.1?,`nI!12y;`: V me": " 1::. =:-1:1 nfif:,%%`>;>`f;.?:'ti. kinc~.A `nnk -'g*\_f *'zt" fbaxid` ?cdh'c1'-t in" -ft'I`"`rink. f o`n.;,Wedne sday `evenitlgs and notwith-_ stagading ..th`e. ..=,~unfav.'9tah1 ..veather..~~ thefge was'V a good a~ttendance.{ After Q the; concert Mrs; E.` H. `Sloan `ehfer-.. taig,ed,_t4hef members of the . Band _to" lu _n`jch." ' " V` A -. n~,;-_v.1._ _,,2.L ., ;r 1--. .1 `SJ.- to` iAii:aii1s26;9 Mi `."`. Sr \ ;k_Ch.11r_.c. _agn__s :~eids%:, ; .;, 1ati9`%`r?i:ik% ;<='1.i' Sat rdas? v{bnu`ig` Ias`t`.` V if"-- -"=3-"7-' .45 - ("up a. r-- t .o 1'-.re :~l?.,.4 `to IIII5 I? 50 _,_.,,, H A '. M ?I..5*`5 . '13-`94`t`.`?'. i' `7'5t??d7.'? the, M1? 5. _tgng_:}:;o ;.~g;yy;;sperxt -_a.;~V -csouple f qt ;"`*:M!.l'tt.l.1.uifr.1.<=nd5_' 1.'Ol':.9- .i~.'=:.;;>;% aI'..*.5"i31':-.... 'm..:n.. ...`..: n.-'...::..'...x ....'.V.T...r .. }*A.`i ~i1umb_er._ from __St. ,Pau1 s;;A.Y.P;.A. '.w'e`re `visitors `and trbvided part of _ most cases impromptu, `programme. "..-"Tt vt 1-:"r1`i`1ee`{d3.:3r "e'venih`g `Of. 'laSt.'v5v'ek theft. A;Y-.P.A.? gave` as -social evening. what was t. ant `exce 1_t._` hough -fin" Th Rev. E. A, Pget by reqgcst oc-' cupzied` the chair for the -ev_e_n_mg .% _ ` 1`"_._.'_ ..t `_A,,, Some `of `our young "men" ave` an At, Home".ini the Orange -all'onV Friday eveningqlest. _ There, was. a la:-`ge crowd ~`.pre,sent from Barrie, ;Cooksto:W.n-, .Br.adord.: 'Ihonn:ton.. and other places i_ntI1e neighborhood. Ivy orchestra provided excellent , music for adancing, ,;;Mr,..9Alex..r,w\VV-i_1;,_ 5 louszhbv `of"J51i""ni'e was Hoar t.n1`f!8:"%;.311l! gc`dclf'~tani. musu: wt :UaT,1Cl[lg_._~ .,L_.LV11"..-.,4`\lGX. .L_.vv';_x;,. lough`by;_`of ab; Eyeryorfev; w`as" p1'eas[e d; "with' 'evei'y*.- 4L:'.n-.. . ..'&'.2I~ .....'..'.....4..."..I': I.."..u:.. .... 1.-.! Ill .LVJ.IIlCBl.ll5o F The co11veyii1 g`v:5f tlie mzate.ria'l.re- iMinesing`village has begun. Wc' }quired for building the rectory in see piles of brick arid liimber await- ling `the buiI (1ers i_han:g1s,; Evidently` `we will have _somet.hingAdoing in the spiirin g. -' '1. n' I.,.LD.L, . `V1-F,.`F!P-'.-.*Y! '. C. Wallace ..S._te`wai"t ,` YelIoji$yj'.'Gxas's; Sask.,-.1s;,r_en_.ew1_ng old ;1cqua1nt_ancs . .A A . H ` ` > " 6 Y: P .I. ,-_-L-..Z_i `A in Minesmg. ;i1;;;,*;a.1,:;.'~ i ..Mrs. John Rowell, daughter `ofthe `Jan. -28th. `Interment `was made in `the Union cemetery. She leaves a `.1ate, Jan,1,es Crawford. died.o`n Fridav.r husband and two young e1ti1d1`_en._ `During the few months preceding her death he'r..suffer'ings. wre - intense, but borne with . Christian fortitude. Deenest sympathy is felt bythe com-` I munity, for ' the bereaved relatives. I I TL- DA-uv 1/fa "Il\(\l`|'Jl`I`I;A: rrnvn 1 [-HI-1:51` av-_ U-av` w--- _---- v-- - -,----- ~ -, l The Rev. Mr. Maconachiegave al lvery_ thoughtful sermon on `two clauses of Romans I: 16,17. He spoke of the meaning of the word Gospel, which is good tidings of salvation from God through Christ, salvation being the term Cwhich means;suc_h, environment as is most favorable to perfect normal development of either bodv or SDil'it.`.FFlitl1 is not only belief in `the existence. `power and love of God. but a perfect self-sur- lrender to His guidance-a doing of His will now and there. not waiting until we, reach Heaven befo'r.e_w,e at-` , tempt to live lives sweet, strong._and i pure as was Hislife. . ` ' -.~-u . Mr. M. Markle and Mr- G . Brothel ers spent Sunday in Toronto. . I `I f 'I\ I ' Cobalt, and intends to in `opportunity offers. Mr.-'~ Rob 1 I rt-Carter has gone to sec vest if an I '1! cl F '!|t_., . TT........ 1... `4vr1{/Ivr.."\'/:..Ve'li:s"<)_f. Mount Foreslt has been `here for some days, _and_ was a [ gt1st~ at the:-:l\_1u.'1 HOW?`--F _..--n -2 .1... PB_.._..`. -91-\-_.. I `R','Y"V vu xv ~ - -- - . Miss Cclwell of the Town of `Duff jham has beenengaged as teacher in :9!!!` i)ublic,school. We,welcome Miss {Cohvell to New Lowell. ' 1"! , .-'."!'-~ The cVa`r.nivVal- on Mr. ]cwll s rink was ' we'll pat-_ron1z_ed. on Satugday cvenmg.fThree pnzes were gnven for best "costumes," and three `for the. {best skaters. . . . -o . A an e o 1 "fl:/it? of `Sody Lake, Man., -is on a visit to Ontario,.and is at the Mzirkle Hotel. Mr. Limb (says he now wears the same ofdin-V r `my clothes as he did at home when the temperature wasfty-`four below zero. ' up pa. 1; av; vg Our tonsorial artist, Mr. T- O. Dart,` formerly of Barrie, was wed- ded last week to Miss Olivia Duff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duff `of this vicimty. The young couole gzre highly esteemed in the `commune xty. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. J.. Sturgeon. We wish.` that their path through life may be strewn with owers. V Mrs. McLean eof .Sta$'ner is~vis'it_.-I Hug Mrs. A. Y01,1n.E.- T ' We are sorry to Learn of `the con- `tinued illness of Mrs. W.*McQu-ay. Our Comer was well represented at the pie social at` New` Flos last `Friday evening. ` T % V Miss Lizzie Bates has been ill for a copple of. weekgg but. we j;,Qpg;s_j99n to hear _o'i;.het_ ;r_qgqyery;' 2%: . ` -"*."\;, !' l. n _. {Q .1... Ah .`11_n;.._ ._k`u`t$"I`_1n.'.--.`_--;-` " "~'"-. `'9. --'9. -V"'.-7.`-"',"'.V- `.' :- - ' M1_'.' Jas. McQuay, who fell jcvgmng last week. and ; broke 1 Wrist Is~i1>f.8ressi`nz favorably. - mu. . A_.r_-_` _-..;.u -1:2,.- --`1t'~~_`a..,. .. n---- put `a up`, vvw IO. ` >-: a : . .). .. 1 , g Mr. ; Ogle, and *-Miss `Mabel `Mon 1 returned to .thcir __hqm_eV neat; Cqol_ town afte `a 'p len`sa;nt;"visi`t` with. V friends. he e. 1 all `I nevus `on ~ On Tuesday a`f;tAe1-noon andse1ve\niug In the council " chambsr, ` -Stayner, `the Wbm-e'n"s Institutse -was` addressed *_by- %Mis.s; Susi; Cgmpbei! of, .~ Bramptoh` The )udi'c1ou`s,' .houseke,epe'r? a nd~ h_ome maker, V "aid *3" 1 ygry. "protab`lfe_'; pm`e was ' spent. Durmg . her after-if %`md?%1'.1lectute_ she gtouqhggl one stood` .h6i(s1 _ = s`ch`odI = T sanjtgt_i>.n. drinking vessels. buttev tmhki.g.r:sw:-= hi! if!`-"1*`1h no`-Inn`: >-Abs}! '0`|."..` `..~....'...l..`.'.'4.` _VCl.yUllC WU-B pxcaacu; Will] ii x_gg;.--;,afz'i:;;1;`.T3215ort;1.A$`gi"';,h'a3*ix1g igh 1o(1:tnie..:. .. unnlunpz vessels; Dl1ttet`jmTatK1ng,- sew,-: fnw 311 the sch-oois-rand the. prevalent % use of`-s1.an`g -_Vamfong.the youngoeoplcg: Of':`t0`dafy'a ` 7 _ E` `J. ` T: , V 7 ward! vv qigaggg ,. . \ \_ 5. ;_I?c_m_e,__:.:` .vxsIt'e_ .. v-.. _--y-can :Wa}t9`1,1' ?-of `Barrie was in` Mon ` " - SUNNIDALE CQRNERS. NEW LOWELL. MINESING- \vVVIJ_ had a one her fV.-1\'4-r'.'l)'lz;;rfi`;l" Maw of Barri was ixil __Colwell on M_onday_ opening a,Ancw kiln`__at the brnckyard. .. l - an 1-. cl _ A `The Misses . Pierson of` 1-'Jile:nva1e_i we_r_e the__guests_ of their cousin, the} ; M1sses Txftm. . L `I home fro_in' 1 isit `to;-_ffiends af Sault Ste. `Mane, . _ | `i _SW1.:V~:.1i'l<.`-`of. the hfrmers buiid-l Iinga new blacksmith shop.. . .. iiatvchwca-l-fFa1:'-1`-of.`Grenfel andi _Mr; H`.e1V-b Parr -of Fefgusonvale vis-l gteelirxends here on Tuesday. I 1' T7. , a The Ladies Aid of Utopia Memo-3 dis~t--Church` -are` havig a 'p'ar1or sow` `cial at` Pop1ar- Farm, ' Colwell; o'n ; Feb. 8th. - V ` ' V _-'1' "' '= ~"""""'."" '"' '4 *1 K V-The hoceky team purpose going to`! Mgnesing some_night this week. - 'l` '-Irvin: If The revival services have come to a cldse, and a great good 'has been done. _Some 55 converts, _were ac- cepted. - ' `Geo.-KT. Ba_1_dwin s. A `- Miss L. Edwards-spexgt` Sjunday at! `.9 ~ - I ._-..-`----3 -----v `u-Ca--C u---- v. v -"Messrs.-George and VWil1i:;2:r: Mc-! Millan of Ha-wkestone spent`Sunday at -J. M. Baldwinfs. : . i ` vv,- -v-v 1 Geo. T. Baldwin had as big loss by! re; on Wednesday`-nighi, 19th inst.` `Cause of re` not known . Great oraise is due to Vivian White and his sis- .ter, who aroused the villagers and did so much to `save, the property. Weihope `George gets his insurance. `n-1" Tlie opinion `of the Dalston hockey team is that the Craighurst boys had better have a recount with regard to the hockey. game there some time ago. Instead of the score being 5-3 it was 3-.-3. But when they come down for the retgrn, we will `see that` the score is taken more correctly.- Han-y.Dye1` visiting friends` in Toronto, \ v ` ` ' J _--y; v-u-u -anon av cu van`.-I Mr: and Mr.s. G...Your;g an'd famjlvl frGrenfe_l,spent Sunday with friends` ere. - ` ` A f -fI ubltIhod.trom the o ca. 123- Dunlap Ftreet,.,,;' ~aome._1n the Oounty th,13;p5 5 5 F1 T Miss_ Jennie Jago visited oven? Sim- day wxth Barrie friends. V ?. 1 -in 1:: C- 4 - ` gt-1'11-'geox1 of ",Cou1son s Hill` visited her sister, ;_Mrs. J. And- rews; `we: Suday. " '- ` ' 79 En .' - u run mfiysses Mafy and' Rachel Nixon of! Pa"ms wick spent `Sunday -with .Miss; Sadie Brown. _ . ____j_{ . ..'-q-u--3- . Miss` ,iI e ssie4 Keil.ret m-nied {:6 Tot- Acmt`o"o_n _Mdnday after Via twq wggksf visi,t z'1t- her Home here.` w-v cut a up nnvunn nnwny "Mr, an(.1~ i\/Irs..F:.`~A`St.w'art.avnd chim- ren- of %-Wey g Au_rn,_-~. Sak_.~, are, visiting `Mn and.%Mrs._ -Jas.-`Brown. 7. V. ~ -` - .'|A'...g" ,,_-.u. 11., mar`, . Q -..-- . -..`~-- oven `vs ; and Mrs.= Albert Guigan and familyaof th"e West and Miss'.Em_il-y: % Gt_1igan;;:ofv `Big Bay" Point~vi*sited MISS [~L_izzie[Gibs_dh2over. Sundayg ;_ .. . `..; % r ' 395*-%` 5 vs `feiurned t0 v M?'3*d#% Ta;-M W.1..`;S`pe.e.r`s*~_is .at_t"e_t1dimz the* 0-- .$,;C,.ia_t h M _A A Ii ..,\_ .A.\I'T_' I _L L K "15,/` " `-`La ,-.'>"*~V" --.-_ yv-- V-`-re-o3V(uua\aJ., ` { -HVoward*% bf cp1%1 n`{Agwooai,. i.-$1 renewins: ac New %I`~ts:.; .`.'il",_ . ;'..1s v_- - ~. ---'.. wvvvguou--no uuqnuuv-I >,.`_, g 5 . V 7 V `V ' "\pVV- r.j*RIt$s_el1';; :.iFm'._ch ..'o_ :_'_ `L`ondon_- ms ` ..f'e w'?v' wee.lcjs;,vvntl,1-._(5_;%V K; i? --`7v- urn -.._-,-va..run_p__, %T i7:We.. gefgret Vtd r:e_`{>ft jit 1{Le% i1lns "9f.l Mrs:J;_=Montgpxngry,: ` * L` ` --\I ..~.' -'l'- 734.. ) _. A --.`-n _`.' I Xian - I. store for` Miss` Gertrude E. ,._H-il}. when on Monday evening her mustc class, headed -by `Miss `Belles Stewart, `took possession of her father s"house. The following address '.was'read by Miss Bel-le. Stewart,` the accompany- ing presentation being made by . Miss A very Epleasant surprise vifas` in! hi I Ayctst and M55?` Lillie -Grey: . `Thoniton, Jan, 3152. 1910:` V Mgg Cz rtI'_ude'_I1_i_l.`: 1 . I g z ` *N;w?1Modn, 9th O`_33`l'.-'1` 1 ;~ Ieth Full`Moo"n. 23rd _ ,-r .- =Qa;1 y.c.:; _ , w;il:l~g- :1; short .cUt`to grea`tr"d`f1lybusmess; At this __.......`g.....___ .1.-_.;- -. `,.,. _ ,._;._.__A_ ,4`. . _ J; _ ,.- 2 awy.=o. 'kep u-;;%*\$vi.m, %;heA:%1qhge: months; A gm`-;,%;-._r . 2` m 3: <*.*.. .5 .fs.;<,` .`?i"7 `H ;-'-""."` . V % a%L.s_ at gcutfuto-gFreg_t e%r 1y busmess. Lg;QreLt;1ie%.;:e oar .cuswmrs--g-Shortcut prices on many. ` % % lftcgav L \` 7` . . L` 3-,, Yr". :` :_.~_ 1~.h"``re4%thy iztli ~sx9..r.y;. ` any ` "35:; -.1. .} :.,:?_. ; 1? -,- . 7:5 .`,` . -_ ,1-;gz;;., Jwvg " Febru'ry~Saie, no Wbman can `afford to put off buying good `warmrrduess .:mat,eria1s any longc_;r."" `--Ij1`i`ma,f;y'ii1f,;an?f$"ie .-buhalf their . 2` '_ : . . ` ' ., YD. For all wool homespun tbs-rse` %%arneirux1xy%+ara:s?iiz:c< we {st 1 my '4 % % L. `tisfy--}'.yourself. ` _, S V " H _ J T_ 1 sumngs, V ' .` % . .. ` - Heavy Amazon _c1oths, heavy . v.- .,~.s- " `-YD_. -wHeav; fancy a Tweeds", plan; s_erges; mixed jBradfo;'d. suitinjzs 'and ail] wod1."canva"cklo'th's. ,..12* and 44 inches wide. and m'bla_ck3 and colors. Regular L`-selling` prices range from 4oc_to $r.ob yard. All `one pxfi_c__ for ourfebrtgary sale 25; Child}n s Twed' and Serge_ Coats, `color Green... `nfi,`ceIy_. made, thxs sca- __sqn s gooids, $_5,oo "and $6.00, ' . . . . .4. . . . . . .. I `for _ M. .sutc1iffe 8! Sons Dixject Importers and Ra! ailers` .v~:nr:l W!`-'l IV'VPV damn c , 1 ; : 1 _vDi`u'- 1 '{end,-W'e, the members. of you_x_' mpsic glass, .desire'to convey to you our deep appreciation of your. efforts from tnme to time in out be half: and of the many kindnesseo re-`. ceived at your hands, by us f as._in-i dividuals,.j `.'Faithful, thorough` and painstaking `as our teacher, .vour `-la_._bqrs have `been such as to leave vlastmg results. ~ 1!? ` ~1 ' 1. 0.: 1

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