Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Jan 1910, p. 5

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goou pxugs aux. Next 'Tt;esday.` ";(inihi:g,i. V . Methodist Church Z.'=Reir__.? . _ ; will" delivier `his .famous . The Fliamof Destmy. `- . V Increase for near. _$o,:`s'o,3`oo $34'.5'I3.89'I $47,989,693 lmatter taken out by the process, and Ias to whether the whole of the put- l rescible nitrogenous` matter is remov- . Q ed. It` is the intention of the city engineer to have continuous tests !made, so as to determine the neces- sary` time that the sewage shall be `held in the tanks to give the best re- Esults. Sewage varies so much in dif- ferent cities that it is only by analyz- ill`!!! the effluent that the best results `can be determined. i. Ottawa, Jan. 25.-The old question of the extension of railway charters withoutlimit came up before the rail- VVlI.Ll\lLll. llannllu Vanna--\. 3. , ..,v-,,_ _ -,,_ waxi committee of the commons this jmorning and, upon the suggestion of `Mz_-. Turri of Assiniboia, a sub-com- mittee was xiamed to revise the rules JAL|.I.\.\. vvuu Anubnonvxo `V -.-.-_- .. so as to secure greater safeguards %ag'ainst unlimited extension of char- ; _ters. EXTENSION OF RAILWAY CHARTERS. ' 81 8i!!.l0_,I1_; 1j\ra:s_L`xIs=&;I.lIl\.w -v,-9-..-.-~ [n .13.. . =*`e Jrbyi gr; nrjeaghmg inp`as:`t%`. f jyts. 4:: %";1A475sn:r,e% ,:thdi~*:none `of `~` the`n-ff` `-c`:ea;td` ~a1g:..:mqx-we iTB?r4o`?n;;:' " iS`-t`~h..` gang Vi%pi:a:chLAi% has ::b7"en `risia .et, favorable imp_x:essi'bnV with ..the"jvc,on-_4 gregation thatfiz `*did;4 the Rev. `- B;-pwn`, the new] p as__tor,,of the Alan?` _da1-e `.1-'resbtgri :1_n `Church. ` -I\___". ."i.*._;`_`__'._'.4I A,_~...._`1 M V ? V `dale..,wg ::vw4:;g~$$t,j dc: gt31:`!5P?;; ii!!!" 2 . , `Wag '*lu1ed."l.'a_.`t'.1.h. 1attgr;.;sgttsse;.l 13.9 `C93 . agregatzon was de_1Ight_ed,wlt itht, 10: [.....-no and nlovnhna sermons `D1'3Ch* I . . t The new` Secretary;r,M`r.. Allan `Thompson, slate of` Montreal, has ,now become fairly settled down in. ' his position, ~and..is working energeti- cally .for the promotion of the `As- sociation s interests. Mr. Thompson 'is.a native of Dundee; `Scotland; but spent ten years in Montreal'at the printing craft before taking up Y.M. (.'.A. work, in which he has been en-` gaged for,the past sixteen `months. He" likes` the situation in Athekrailway ward,ve.ry much, and speaks favor-` ably of the prospects here. ' aux; yn nu. y..\.auy-...... -.---. _7 _ `Secretary Thompson is anxiouswvto `b_e_c,ome acquainted with all the mem- bers as early.`as possible. . Heaims, f;_af; reaching a membership of. 200. . i 1-..- L....-... `r.(3'~]|.IllJlJ\-kl 9I.AA\.| away-s_y_ ova vvvvw` . [ Mr.~-Thom`pson will speak .in the} iBaptist' Church to.-night (T-hu'r`_sday.) _.'(|,|_ l\v(I.\as1a1 u. -------- ..._.....r I... A new bagatelle table has" been: placed in the__roo_tns, apd` is now ,.cquiDped and ready, for use. ' ' 'I"t-.---,--.- __:u ....-....I.'. .. 4.1.4` 4, T Y. M`. C. A. Notes} `IW.`.ir'e"ix'z"AT'Lt41.1.- :ts;y.nosp;m. at --Ha'in: 1 i1t Qh.".did`i'iome damas: age .o_tnpe l1,e"d_; fhcw4i`._rg;t:6r:5r;1 at;;ap~%nu@htAjo'pa:ieme:;~4 Mr. Mex. ` Btuntoxjij `qf'*~.j]5)aup__: V ?Man., as here fotscpuple .:q_f`j1gj7;e;elgA;;j ' Mr. Ed 'Bruntll.,bf}:; M spent over Sunxday- .vyxth?+% -, the Ward..- < < j: "5 The`-tea. jan .ehtertaiqn;e ;;i ' ; Pfesbytenan S.\S.' on" Th I .... "AA uncut n;nVh`h;' -V-V--.v ? cued :19: Chin` :er;w;.ns rth9re%Aoh1r;Afour :Jhai;:.- . . ;rn<:rc1iaxi't; :*-*%1 5va.1s:- zmardemr; L55. ` fbbts igybhis _cellar*.f~in . New York. _ L. [mid electric l_img._ fin w_stem*Onta_r"1o. F `A {.Fed'era1. `Grand T J_u1:y-- at {Chicagc'> .v wi11~.b.egin1 V.an;,i;1vestigatiox_1,,gof V the Amethqd Woffi the . meat` p.aking trade toggy, . H .;. . - ._ _ __ 4. V 3 I[.e nndi,` iriextiber for` _No'rth York,` and -Mr. Albert Craig,` =member forI.` LA_l:gOr`n`a,` 1 will move and second`frespe_ctxv`ei!y the"r'epIy to the .peech ~',f:_-on'1:_the` -_thr.oLne. `.- - `TY: Willils7;CA3oolE,l. tarakeniari/,. ivasylstvrck by a` simwplough at Port .Stanley`and killed; _ William Cleland,` another` brakeman, fell off a cat at Kingston, wasfrun overa and killed. V ' Mr.` ?Redmon`d_ has: announced that X it 'is.fnot_. the Aihtention` of" the Nation- lalists to embarrass `the Government by `demand_s for `home rule until the `Commons hay settled with the Lords.` V` V ;It has come to` light in Liverpool that a woman. .serving] a sentence thefe for bfeaking thenwindows _of the jail is Lady Constance Lytton, a brominent suffragette, who was re- :cently released from prison. _, T` Duszzilclx Campbell, '5 Toronto `bur-V -rister, `committed suicides: i _The City `Council decided mask %.forVpower to expr,opria`tethe Toron- :t0 Railway. - V , ' ' ' The..Uppef `Canada Bible Society \will"ce1ebrate the tercentenary of the ` "Authorized F Version. _ t resbytenan a.~_a. on V1:55`,t,g1 __'-`.:"-",`F__'- _ proved very enJ0yabl.- ,Th :19` 3.`: good program. ' " L` :2 I`?-_4. "`..;u:-`nun ` `" WycliPfe:E};i1'e;e-Vglne made a _presentation to Bishop` Lea of Japan. _The Consrvativ `Committee de-I ;c1ded to hold the national convention. iat Ottawa. `June 15th. V v i I ` The Pre'Marq;tet'fe Rai1w a_$r xi- nouncesa general incrase of pay for Its locomotwe engmee'rs., . .l`__ _' 1L_D lUL.UlllULlV\. u1|5naAyw;u.r Mrs. -James Cameron of Farnham, Que., was burned to .T(leath whnle alone in the house. She was an `In- valxd. . V i V T drowned. George Hamilton, foreman,` and George Sxmpson, laborer, employed on the.Vancouvex; waterworks, were IT T,w.en tyA-ve hundrgd ptsons were Hchrown out of e1nployn1.gnt_ by the lclosing of ve ghread mills at Paw- }tuc~ket, R.I. . _ 1 ---T-;.T,| cw-v_--v, --_.\. ` W. W. -Van N01-den, President of "a "New York` trust companv. was rob- bed of $28,090 by-two- women whom he -stopped `to assist on the street. Sixihundred thousand persqns in] the, Pitt_sburg district will abstain from eating meat for a month in an, attempt "to force down -thejprices. V Q5 u.-.-..._'.,. ., ,, _ , 7 An inquest was held~~at Mamilton in the case,o_f,James Miller, who died in fhe-tells"; Thejurv 'fOun'd_that his ` skull was fractured, and recdmmend`-1 1 .1--. 1.-.-_1-. .41-it-5 elnnnlr] hp nnidl Skull Iractureu, HIIUH ICk;UluIucuv:n` ` .ed that hourly vxsxts should be na1d tc) prisoners in the`c11s. L "C 1' Id` \\Jl IIVU-`pop-gv - ` On =I\ /Iondayi a:t'ernoon;__ _'=:_,':v Mission Society was ..oranize; V:by3.A' the Presbyteriansy Mrs. (Rev:`e)'~x 5 being elected.Pres1dent. = The W; F.` M. S. met yesterd5;ygin'i -the Presbyterian Church. `."'Mrs;.;`:A;v-`ii Cowan 83318 an 'in*.t'eresting""pa;p,er;qn; `the Honan (Ch'in'a)* Mission;`~--:?1`-`A. Mr. C. W. Poacher, a_ccompanie_= by his cousin, Mr. D. Steeper, who`; is on a visit here from the West,oare { ; spending-the week in New Yorl` City. ; Rev. Mr. Collins lled thePresby- C 2 tcrian pulpit on Sunday morning`. speaking in the interests of Sa.il_oi`s" Missions. In the afternoon _-he gave an address to the Sunday School." '- An effort is being made to secure Rev. R. Knowles "of Galt, th_e_=w.ell`-1 known Canadian author, to deliver a lectulc under the auspices of. the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church on `the evening ofnFeb. 7th. a .. I I Th Qntario Legislature was open` `Ved. ` .__-. n I ,,,;_ L---` `LA-.. 'j"T~h'ousands ofApers,o1'1s have becn ruined by. the oods in France. - 2 The>Manitoba Legislature has been summoned to meet on February 10. ` .'TIie new` Imperial -Legislative Council of India met for the rst t_1me yesterday. I - P -----v d - , I '. Fivqev b_odies were zfecoveredtfrpm the Snamsh River yesterday, makmg the; numbgr of victims of the `wreck . Ligntmng strucx a uancu apuu. u_u a, `Texarrfarm and revealed an ml well ;that has a flow of 200 barrels `_a day. --~- - g _ . . P "47. w ---J. .\ `Mr. William L. Grant,`son of.the' late Principal, has been appointed to ;the--. new cha_.ir of colonial, history at Qne en s i _Un1vers1ty. , ` ._o . - .-.._;-_-._2-- z.L..L ISICI .91 ruuuc Vvuusa xv: \JII5unnv, ~`has. he_en appointed "Deputy Minister; of .Ra;1lw.ays -at ,Ottawa',- to L sugceed 1Mr.. M5-`J.-gigutlgr, _ . 'u-~~- - `v---~ -v-~~.. ~ , In _th"eT British copstituencies that made returns of .the1rLvoting yester- wdav the Unionists made `gains of, nine- seats and. the Lib'er'al s.-gains of two. . . Ari f`Ifali x{ _Merino_ shot gnd kivl_lTe`d Fo.rengan' " F rank, Maranow. at a raxlwiuf \ Camp-.=-T.ne`ar` :G`raftonI and `;`yyg5unded=Ltwo.. dtligr Italians; Merino was Jawtcd Anew eC9%hme- . % M1pg ge.rN_ _Powgl1 haus__ ggeatwpleasure ethe ya: .xeshn: on . u'l'Isd'aty,..- `_ Ioth,-.a='t'he.=celebrat- :_;e.d.V.: nz&.sVht.dcamsdiaIg.4A% George Pe ._-Ii'`it`t,1'?e3r',`,.:".;ri;I't`1`<`__!` hfas ; .I JiJ !_`i tl` c ompanv;. -in t,l!7i~."."*" * Wmedy E3 :i:="v-`iitgy ,GIi';eY;3'z+; 1ghih%att:action`= wilf- ;'i~JJfe?i;?l_!s'ly;% :the,__:b:g"t4 pd mqlst im-. W 315*` `. ' M. '- -1-4 `L In proportion to its .p0.p.u-lation','l Canada is building more miles o_f1`ail-_ ways that the United States. Can`-j ada s entire railroad mileage. is now 233.000, which is one m4i1e`to.-every 300 inhabitants, as compared one mile for each 381 inhabitants in the United States- In 1867, "in all. Canada therewere just 2,278 m`ileS,~: of railroad track. Therewere con- . 7 structed in 1909, and are unc`1,;e__r cons`, struction or contract`, nearly `tw'i,ce'_Ta~sE" many miles of track as there wer.,e_'in Canada in 1868. or 4,327 miles; ' f Mr. 9 ;Campbe1l.,."I35eputy Min- ist r. pf` Public vWo1-ks "for Ontario, .'.._"L_`.... ....n.-`ind-AA 'hAn11fu Mi`n;Sfef' `ENGE1\mNT` % Exr1iAORD1N- .7` Lightning Vstruckv -"l`....a.'.. Cd:-on and WEDNESDAY; JAN. 26th. TUESDAY, JAN-. 25th, Elmvale Lance: The .anniversafv services conductgd on Sunday by the a barren spot on V_.......1...: .. nu ' - Arrangements are bein_g made for excursions from outside pl2_ice_s. Fur- ther particulars in followmg issues of this" paper. V The -vigiiance of_ Capt. Jr Godfrey Bird, R.N., Commander of the Brit- ish cruiser Perseus, who.is a nephew `-of Capt." Bird of Town, resulted in an important capture recently of contra- band` munitions of war. , The haul] consisted of rifles and amrnunition` consigned to the tribes along the north-west frontier of India. ' The` ship landed a force on the coast of Beloochistan which surprised-a gun- running caravan containing the con- signment. .1 1 . P, , -.{.,.--------. During the last _few .years.quan- tities of .303 ries and ammunition-- mostly made in Ge'rmanv-have.been} shinped to the Persian Gulf, and gen-] erally nd their way into the hands of Britain s pugnacious neighbors on the Peshawar and Derajat border, a serious matter which both the Home! and the Indian Government are en-_l Q? - M " Know WATCH DOGS OF EMPIRE. Mama R3-Sch Fimiv Egsimie unis any you mu want (0 any--ox help someone buy-a Phno. Why not` have the knowledge ROW; that will enable youto un ly_choore the only` piano anyone real y wants- the .hih.-grade. artistic, re `toned instrument. as against e ;cheap| made. com-nercial piano; built to use on appearances: which cannot , hold its tone. and soon, becomes` an affront to the eye and ear of its possessor. Such knowledve is at vour disposal in "INSIDE INFORMA'l`ION"-free-- -withoufcost orvohligation. Knowledge that will certainly benet you or your friend: if you desire to avoid the lite-long disappointment thatfollows the purchase of a "cheap Pmno. IOME day you :will want to buy--or I hpln enmnnnn hnI--I Piano. WHY BANK of TORONTO mono I-`on YEAR ENDING sou. NOVEMBER. 1909. BEING THE FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR or BUSINESS: l.K}"V\_}AV1Ll,, Wu`! uu._v-nvu: -_y\..uu..w v._ \-cur ........ ... ?`n;_}7`st;ce_ssfxl' .jbanl in Canada, with ample resources, with large wjitli ,}'videl}'r;_ extended" banking facilities, and with a large la;gg15;;5:lwiggling ` .ma f,i1y the `best business houses `in Canada, offers to slam`: Vandifother business men an unexcelled banking service. f .}:< ,f_".7 V[}d,,.:0NTO v'.wi,`thV fty-fourj years of expefience. of $Is'E1r"`e`BsSfj:v,ba;ing;busi:1ss in` 51-1.-;' ---..._'.:....a- \.......I.:.-m 4`-militia: and with :1 laroe DEPOSITS LOANS a JmvEsjrMI:N1"s % $3'l.438.588 TOTAL ASSE_TSj ._-Catipital. Paiiidv . . . . J. . . . . $4,000,000 ?I-e%$Arved ;:0 FuncI _s.%. ; . . . . . . ; . . . ; . . . 4,813,871 39 King Street West. Toronto, `Sat. ;..,-"in ` _ .,`x i (:8 - I I '9. , ~ 4 . . .r:T 2 _ V . ' A yourwcopy of lnaide Infor- _ _ 9n.|yA 9 His!!- ` X _is'a>vmud_o*b(it"3vou- 1 -be :_xhle",to--judge expert of forty stand} :13 by the fact .that we have embodied` in T "L* 1ka$ hfrly; editedi`5`ilIutr$atd` feditionor 1,NsI1J`E~,mFoRMA:r1oN" x_p'erien`ce-during -a` lifetime _of ne piano building. E: been publishegi for those who yvich jg e;alg`J.ggj;dge_;'soi a_ purchase as a piano by other means y,.tn-mp,` ' on piano, in simple, easily read rances only. It really gxves a master bu:1der s knowledge ` . ;;'* :. 2' devoid of technica1ities._ e 1 A?`mDEt,}1VORMAT10N"g,does" this by t_aking,t'he reader through iorie`,-of `-`su;'.:'e'Ss`ful Plano Faetories in America, telling` him why-,ea';cl_1~is'tep__is taken-, from the selection of the timber to the delivery of thefilishsed prodiict; how the function of every depart- =xi;ient`ofia high grade piano should be lled; above an, how the heart of the Piaino--its tone, is arrived at; and how to decide whether the - tone of any Piano, no matter how pleasing at first, is likely to be _enduring or not. Head Offic. Toronto, Canada. ` ' 9`f`I,N_VSIDE INFORMATION endows ifs reader with forty years `ci'yst$.11i'ie:I. exp-3:1e_nce of ne` piarn making on -the part of men who `thoroughly understand and love their work. Wouldn't you like to Xklnovlsf what they ;kn-ow on this important subject? You may--in a few busily read pages--free. ' Write now for your cop`;---a postal will do---to dea_vorin g to check. uvuovv.---3 ..v -..V__. V A The British have threecru_isers and{ la. gunboat inthe Persian Gulf waters` and a` detachment of Indian troops. on the Perso-Belooch frontier, while` the Bombay Police keep an eye on! traders--Afghans principally who are} believed to engage in the trafcll which brings them gain. i TESTS `FOR SEDIMLENTATION! , % TANKS % . " A. . i In new of Barr1e s experxrnenti `with sedimentation tanks, now under, construction for Wards Five and Six, }the following item may be of local ' interest ; A . F. Mclachlin, city analyst of t.` `homas,' has made the first `test of the amount of purication se- lcured by the use of the sedimenta-' ` tion tanks, lately built, and the result shows 82 per cent. less organic nit~ rozen in the effluent as it goes into [the creik, corgpareda toalts entering the tan s. ther tests are to be lmade as to the percentage. of solid` I'nc`|fc_ase for near. $1,094,092 y----., . lnc|eas'eJfv)r near. 3.234.090 t.:o!=!' " 1: `.81 ` . azrihtssa Hid` hf steam: aw` ,.dancsa.- a;ry?- ;1:avo r_able 4 repdrtg } we're`? presented-`;b:y=" ; the various .o'r?g'aii'ttati0ns_ 1 of 1` `*"the`. .Ch _urch_.- ,1, The Chugch is . now *_entirely _free from, debt", 'and.- this event-[was ' `duly signalized by the--burning ofxthe, old mortgage,` a ceremony -in which -Rev.M-r. Brown, D. C. Cameron *and _ E. Shear tookpart.` Mr: R. McBride, was elected to the-Boardeof Managee meat, ~`1'-eplaigor ~iM=r;. --vWam.~ev.Ctposs. V The latter has been eoonnected with the Board, for many years',`but*`f::l~ sing- 1_1f:_alth;,1:eng1ets it. ._neee_sary tor "to `take a. - less `-gactivhn-`-.`-interest. ...He_- was -_madea_n honorary member of the Board. After the `business meeting, refreshments .were `served 5 andta"p1e`asant social half hour spent.

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