Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 Jan 1910, p. 5

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v p--- -----v r-'--_- _-_.. -_ After `he `was it: tl_1e_i1t- eendence he told his troubles." Huh!'. said one of the. professionals, it s easy enough. I'm going; east tjonight. Stay, _by `me and, I ll Show you how to get ;on a br,hk_e:beam apd'w_e' can` get to Utica. before", mo;-em n'g." _` The :work.-. .i;gmar1_ "s`-taxed. ,f`Present_1y" t a;L; train Fcarne, s1oyy1y`_'.vtftough_ ,'thie_;.1,3fzrd's`, and `..t.l-e. Pf;3$io.i'1:iI , h9Vd: jthe-;W9fki11R-, -;31?a'p'tohe`tith' :hein*-fa'.ndi"gct='d himself. `The train gatheredsp`eed. Down bvfBataviagtheregwas a ripping, roar- ing=:"`soug1d, `and: .. the u .wo'1-kingman, - Vangingl ~ son-. with. .-his _teeth' ~a nd toe- 11aiIs;jva s'.=d__renched; `- ~ v L .`..,`Wha` t ;yygg~;:-Ventd2'?vj.n;%;1m:. 1 9 ,\: ;fsir":`;dl;. .1? i`?=;i17i`ed` ?f1`>*~?*'* . ,, ~ j atcr--" n th_ v-.-v 1 vs vs; vv---v-- .%:*vir'e:z. aiF`.:sas:?*z3'qibrmm, %i*'181`:?"-1.`'=-!1'f [.i*1`-`*5! 1' 2 .`t9.;;take .31 cal 1w1l1`:yo1'3?. . D_e_ath of Mrs. `Bowen. T`akih~ oh ' 13ii?t?in;%}AJWh i1 1ri=-~f~"+`?:a7s'- si.:md- Ian aigzr`atvated}'f:: Af0t:11.' some `v$eks`\' ago,-`died iat~=-his` residence; William Street, V ox(1f;Tue:sday`: `mowing. Mr. Burtqn was in hi"62t;d yea;j.. ` ._ `-5 2316'-- may Cgunt-`y of Dm-ham,':~iu 5I84`.8_. :He` tame` te Barrie .twen'iy'A:yearsA later` and` eg- . gagedin , the lumber` bdsigxess, which `was *carried:'on' almosg uninterrupted-'. sly down t.0,the- time of -his death." The `partnership with `his `bx-other,` Mr. _Martin `Burton, was severed two or three years age, when aicotnp,a.ny was-formed.` which included Mr. J. L. Burton and his -son, Major Frank Burton. A Mr. Burton servtgdithe Town in `the, capacity of Deputy-Rdeeve for several` years, and in 1889 and -1899 occupied the Reeve s chair.` He was an active supporter of Burton` Ave. Methodist Church. Mrs. Burton and Major F. L. survive, . ' The funeral wiii take place _`to-mor- row at 3 p.m. to Union cemetery. |(2ARRlAGE C0. S BANQUET} Isecond Annual Fnlfction Passes Off | Very Successfully. The second" annual dinner "of the employees of the Barrie Carriage Co. held at the Queen s on Thursday evening last was" a great success. Upwards of one hundred sat down, the banquet and the proceedings throughout being of the most enjoy- able character. President F. A. Lett occupied the chair, and associated with him were` Mr. S. Dyrnent, Mr. J. C. Irwin,`Mr. J. R. Hambly, Mr. W. C. Hunter, co-directors, and Mr. J. B. Barr, Manager of-the w orks. .All of these -gentlemen made short, happy post-prandial speeches, but it was reserved for the company s tra- velling representatives to tell those present with what favor the com- pany s output was being received by the buying public and how far-reach- ing the business had become. * Need- less to say, this information proved most gratifying and showed the Bar~ tie` Carriage Co. to be in the front [rank with its competitors. 11' r! can. Mr. S. -Barkley of Calgary, the com- pany s representative for Alberta, told of an increase of Iooper cent. in business there, and expressed the opinion that, from the satisfaction being given byothe Barrie Carriage Co. s goods, the sales would be again doubled the coming` year. Competi- tion. however, was keen. Eleven other rms were in the eld in A1- berta, some of which hadbeen estab- lished when the country had rst settled. The Barrie Carriage Co. stood second to none of these. ---_' -v-v--- -v -.'..v v. u.- Mr. C. W. Barker of Regina, Sas- katchewan, stated that in six months time he had done alconsiderable busi- ness, and he predicted that he would double it in 1910. H`.e_believed that he and Mr. `Barkley could handle the entire output of the company irl 1911, if prepared to take up his challenge. `:1 Mr. W. C. Croome had had a sim- ilar experience in Ontario from Ken- 01a to the Ottawa River. He ven- tured to say that he could get enough trade `from Quebec alone to_ keep the company going at its present capac- W.-. l` "I . .I I ', . I Mr. S. Bateson, the home travel- ler. makesa call on the factory everv two weeks with a handful .of orders, and is always complaining of lack of ,sup'Dly. He --mentioned having gone to Quebec recently, and having inter- viewed` a Mr. Legare, a general im- plement man of that city. Mr. Le- gare had desired to be supplied with 1500* vehicles before spring and _a large number, besides, for the sum- mer trade, but he (Bateson) had to withdraw from making an agreement owing to the company's lack of ca- pacity. Ir 'I`\ If,1 )",_,_- . ___L- ; ,-___I- ll\-blbablull lV\-ll u_y It was,I_.3o. a-.`m. `w1 gathering, disprsd._ 'rv V: `J u Mr. W. D. McKinnon, who travels in Ontario, had found his sales in- creased by 60 to 70 per cent. during the past year. In looking up the re- port of each VProvince in the Domin- ion, he had found further that, old Ontario was still in the lead. ' GIIUUIU CD I vvuu . DIIIIUVU The shoot: that are eatqn not yet "bIfl.nched,- of 43 conical font and sheithodafin an envgtope tnenlly coveted by small. ptlkly bristles. young shoots emerge very; vic- oronsly from the soil at the foot ;.'.L.L-_ A.'.L- flu.` Blulngan 'Congratulatory speeches by` .Mr. .Haughton. Lennox,. M. P.,_ Mayor .Vair, Reeve Garden and Deputy- n`;....~.. r,\..x.1._.~.`I1:.c-u-....;.<.A : * V (Ill, L\\F\rV\u \JGl\.IVlI -uh. Resewfg ;.._(_3a*ldw'l_1:i: followed. Lxccygv;..u1uwcu.:-Juuuwcu. _ - - During the vcours,e `of the gvening songs were rendered by C. Kmg, V. Lawrence and Walter Kelcey. and a recitation given by A. `B. Hupisony. ` II-Juan :1 `an '=h rh9n' fh nreasnt`. bum tufts. The Ghineae and~Ja`na- nese. i appears. consumeiart Quanti- ties of them. "They use them as sea- aoning with pork. and chicken. The that thing` in their L prgptration nun- nily in to theyspronto` of their din- acr.ee;nb|e.nhent_h.` no then out eitht hr in `alien nd `nu ,-nlficgtlpln Lwlter. mate}: in: l_y Flo JJ. un avngv. Lwhenh. the pleasant`. id-I ` `I . i V . _.E`i~'.`.x= aunot K Dr,-J:)hn__!l`1re"rqr'_li1fted mg mg mm- pied `black. 11gd\ gum ms book `aqd. ? with fhislmlnd stm 13:11 at j-mnor sur. 9i'!" scovfed on his friend who had to!` some time begin talklngpnheeded. `He concluded to givemortqn a min- ute's attention and then '1! necessary 'put him bodily fol'th"tron the otc-9 and_ner1aotmm. __ - Irv -v< w- -----v '?Uome out of your hole for once and help` a fellow ,in a pinch." um-ton was saying in evident continuance or 1 s (to him: interesting subject. Be : llumdn.` e You used to be occasionally decent to a girl in college. .1 need you-honest, Trevor. Miss Dell is here ut the -Kings with her cousin. You knew her at school-Mary Trenton. it seems that one will not stir without the other. 1' wish to goodness -you "would take Miss` Trenton to the club dance tonight. ' URL- .l__,L_.. I---I--.I I_l_ Q-l--J Ag.-- cv--g-- ; The doctor looked his friend over with good natured contempt He was 1 snapshot diagnostic-ian. No need to lookiat Morton's tongue. it-always proclaimed its owner : ailment in time. an A ..-l_ I99 I... __..._.g-Iugal Auununl-Innlln yowwucuxrun v v--- - -------- v- .- Again!" he remarked caustically. ; "The hundredth time since I have 2 known you! _it's Miss Dell. 1 take it. ` o Morton. it occurs to me to inquire why in thunder you don't marry and have lidone with your sufferings. Why be lthe eternal target? What is the lm-~ portant thingin your life anyway? If the law is like medicine you should give some time to your profesnlnn. and it looks to me as it you do noth- ing but trail about after some pretty bundle of skirts. It's well enough. but you don't seem to be landing anywhere in particular." a ..nv-n nu; --..n..--- ;.|.c.. `I... It I III-.11! has ton-V-I _ Well. it's serious this time. If I thought she v_vouid-have me ld-du~ `anything! I'm hard hit. I think she 3 likes me too. But how much? I can't get her alone if you don t help me. .\'0- body else in this` empty town is lit to amuse that little cousin of hers. Ynu remember her : Little and blond am! -awfuli,v sweet. you know." lllI._ :-_L_-_ A_!.J .. ._4.II .... Ila...-n . 71~i$'1i'{c?{;'i;:2& 50"}-ail up um % 'I`rentun s face. _ _ --. nc.n - 5 uauuuuu nu u-u.`- 1 "Seems to me I do." he said thought- ! fully. Morton groaned. ` .491`- .|_1..|_ _A ,.__. I. .. _._ . _ ____ I____._ -----l. .----- ---- r,-v-~-v-- "To think of any human man having to`remember Mary Trenton-that is.\ unless he had seen her cousin! An-1 you going to be decent the next rwu ; woeks. Trevor?" 1 ;..7..J 1 -so-u. -.vvv- Sure thing. boy! Make your plans. and I'll p_lay dummy. anything t0~do you a good turn. But let me tell you this-the important thing with me is in build up my practice and ground my- self at every turn in my profession. I ~ beat piano money can buy. for I miss my-music: I want a pedigreed Boston terrier and a tnotort-ar that cam in- beat. But I don't want a wife-not now. I can t more than support tttyseli yet-in the style to which I have been aceustonted. and I don't want to much what Aunt Joanna left me. I want `lo make good` myself. i tell you this be cause you are a vile matchmaker and because you may as well know now that if `you have anything up your sleeve about me and Miss Trenton you can shake it out now and have done: that's all. (`all around. and Hi be in gala togsnanddo your bidding. Now want another year abroad: i want the yyget out! `weeks unparalleled in the history of Norton obeyed. . .'1`hat was -the beginning of two! John Trevor. M. D. .\-iorton tried his complalsant-e to lhe utmost. Constant- 1y every ereulnmytnany afternoons. ev-A ery spare minute and many minutes that really could not be spared he. danced attendance on Mary Trenton. while his friend won his labored way I to the. heart of Eleanor Dell. Mary was used -to slavish attentions. and this great rugged. bluff. brilliant. total- ly delightful than or at-lent-e piqued her -.pride..st1mul'ated her interest. lie was beneath his pt-rye:-t courtesy indltrer I eat. wary-nn_y.y he seemed at llltmtl even disapproving. She felt for the `duct timein her spoiled -young life, In- adequate and futile. it seemed that --even her great beauty did not blindi 3 hlm'to her little faults.` l_,-,_._ _-_j 4- Dr. Trevorhegan to be interested. lo think that with a- little training the girl might really com-ern herself with the real things of life. He took her through the hospitals. and she found a . nw life of helping open to her \-lsium. All these poor._slx-k minds and bodies were to be healed! She fltmm-e Illa u everhsllly and tutlle. more than ever. htjmhlei and admiring. The doctor ex- i.plain_ed "everything to her. told her. or ` me. ltstmru work. its l:~h_lhalms. lts.stl'mulua to better enn- [.:j`di__!_o.hI.for the -world. - . , L;._-_. -_ .__.__n_. -1 ...__4_-.._ ulnuvuu. av Tho speak of return- ing, to their own house in. another ond uummer fesfivltis he-mm to multiply In thelr honor. The duvtof his practl41-9. and his `work was forgotten. He did whaf ns upon him until hrwoke from a dream of In-`I--7`. ."nn-'n n-Itfunnt nolnlnn lawns i."bl'okaa arm without giving found It was Mary _l.lt_tle arm. It seemed a flI! |!l t ta` He` was _ 1_o_r-_Ja`;,.,.pt-;ute when at " i muun:%;J%:ittn:s swim ~. msglf tor- 'w1_tht sort of terror. that he was in, .1019. prospods was guarded. Did it Tnlinvn hurt lllrn ' H-uIa__'Inm.9 I3. - 'e"'d:ete"r:ed om, .experienced; hlortaonii havened - in = an engagement `t_o"`;HhI `Dell? But be, John` Trevor, M.`.D.. would~not weakly settle into. i there happy-domesticity. He would de- ; fote_ every energy to his noble protes- gluon; nelwouigfngnt olr thinweaknesa b He` prencribeda dose or absence for himnelf. In the morning he phoned to Morton that he had an important case and would be" busy all day and even-~ inc . Sorry. butlt could not -be helped. in -his private omce -be proceed- ed by, th_e..lixht_ot his reason to con- vincejhimnelt`that' it was but a sense- less tancy. Men `often got over worse- ailmenta. Then there came again be- tore his vision her little fair face with the new sweet. helping look in the deep blue eyes. the serious attention to his words-as it his words mattered. He could not help wondering whether he could notpbave made her care. He- auppoeed Hilton. the idiot. would take- his place in the moonlight picnic par- ty on for that evening. He went into his laboratory and began to toil. f-_... _-_A. __-_ l__ ___A.-|.__I Ln. 1... ---vv ---wv wuov-` nu---cu --new Long past noon he snatched histor- gotten lunch. He was restless. Well. hot as it was. he would have a walk. He had a theory that plenty of fresh air and still exercise would cure any . known form of temporary insanity. je started out. \_ But the girl went E with him. Coming back. persplrlng land disgusted. be determined lirmly not to pass the King house. In the rst place it was out of his way. and she might be in the big old garden or on the veranda. and he would have to gain a minute and be decent. No. he would -.not see her. Still--well. he would go past. for really he should see old Mrs. Patton across the way and ask about her hay fever. His step qulckened. He made his call. talking with his lazy. comfortable old patient on the porch. As he left her she pur- sued him with gossip. `L __- _--_. l|-___. I'?.IIL-..IlI ..|.-, uuuuvsn - vu --.- .,'~ Ah. there goes Percy Hilton!" she exclaimed. "I suppose. as usual. he is going to see Mary Trenton. Eliza- beth King would be delighted to have her cousin marry him. isn't it a pity that money and brains don't always go together?" He laughed and got away. But his blood boned. - Hilton. that degenerate son of the overrich- it would be hideous! He did Hilton injustice. however. for he really was 1 decentenough in his way. The doctor i l decided to call at the Kings` just for a moment. As he turned the corner he * saw the other man swinging along. evidently bound for the same goal. A_.J Ill.` _ AI`.-.I. 1'.-ml`-Q r"Iu-nucleon Ivnnnv Vilubuoag wvuuuu av. ... -..._ And. like a ash, .lohn Trevor knew that there was but one important thing in the whole world. and that was tc get to Mary '.l`reuton-rst. Surely that fellow would not have the unbelieva- ble impudence to propose to her! Sure ly she would never accept him if he dld! As he came to the foot of the long garden. walking in his restless. bend- long fashion. something twltched at his coat sleeve. He turned to see Mary Trenton. The girl was leaning over the green hedge. smiling up to him. her great garden hat pushed back. nu- 1; -- l_...-..;....o nun` all that \-nun. IIVI .I\rIQU ea-nu-nu -.--- r--_.-V_ Is it so important as all that. your case?" she queried. mischief in her eyes. If somebody is really dyipg I will not detain you: otherwise it is too hot to race like that-past yum friends especially." He looked down- on her. helpless. aunt- -__|_ n..__-_A.....L plain... In chic VII IJCI. uvapuuuuo The only important thing In this world is-you." he said suddenly. whim`- ahe trembled and blushed at his mne. -____ - A.|_l_._ A- _.-.u Happy tb be eren-a thing-to you. she murmured. mischief still in her eye. `His look rebuked her. Do you-can ,ron-Mar_v--l aduw `you: wm you marry me? Wm 3'~ou':" It was -snmclently precipitate. and the sun was very hot. and she saw Hmnn looking over the lawn for her. nII'I.X _.- --III -uncw 'l\n (r'I0l.n ft];-1; "Jill C IIFIIIJ o `Come-over into the shade." shr- ltld. I don't want--lhat man to ndf me. The doctor cleared the lwd;:-. and like two naughty children they naked behind the shruhbery to safe ty in a tree hidden corner. Thvn he taced her lnqulrlngly. Tears Rlldd.elxl_\' lled her eyes. and she laid her arm up across her face like a vhikl. He took it down and drew her close. lo ask me!" Dearest. dearest. what is it`: Wmn you tell me?" She drew away and looked at him seriously. I was--afral(l-_vou--weren't ,c.nln,; n--|2-Lu rt... "-"~'" a'eZ;vTfx ';o'{. }-"'r'r.; Q1.-rs fa--e was very hnppy. but she was yet 2| woman and would not be too road; with 1 reply. 'nAlI-_..- -_.... l..A- AI..- chains " Mr Was ever anything so foolish? Ur Itralghtway lufnrmed .\lary 'l`r+-'.n.m~. --und thought he was telling the truth- --that from the rst tlme he had set eyes on he: he. had loved her um} would have followed her round the- world to_"ask her." The really foolish `thing would bar! been ln devote a big `warm heart to a more profession. Love was the Important thing. Balloons and Eagles. A bopkbas Ix-on dimovered In Vien- nu bearing on its title page this legend} About the lnventiun of air navigation- by means of hulloous and eagles: by "Jakob_K1eserer: published at the or- ;.,|[0llle of the author by Herr Loos;-ben~ A kohl. Kohlmarkt. Vienna. 1801.`? M is "an; 91:-borate n;-entls'e on at-tatfon hr in; balloon is steered through the- .. an-iby eagles. which have been *t1-nlned T `7'de_imvgd of Ihehrtalons.- Minute Vafo? Tglvetinsas The Ham)? Hour Theatre at North Bay was burned; % ' , -'- '_ The last yea:-'was the best in the `I building trade of Toronto. 1 Keir Hardie says thenresent con-` test in Britain is war, not politics. Three persons were killed in a wreck on the Rok Island Railroad, near ,Trenfox_1, Mo. \ ` The University of Toronto placed $2,000,000 fire insurance on buildings and e uiprnents at 85 cents per thou- sand or three years. 0 1 rs, ';!_ 5a\-an ,- a vaauvc-, .v- v `The Ontario Government has in- sured the books in the temporary Legislative Library for $60,000. ' Charles Freure, who was badly burned in `a gas explosion at Galt a week ago, died from his injuries, Mrs. Ulric Cardinal _of Montreal was fatally burned and the house de~ stroyed by re. Her clothing cauzht " 42.... t.9_=-re GL1 \ll re. Spencer Trask, a prominent New. York banker, was killed in a- wreck on the"New York Central near Cro-. `[011, NoYo` F71`, , . I,_..I \o n\J v JV`- W:i`he of .R;1ilway Cominis-? sioncrs have authorized the Opening for trafc of the C.N.O. Railway lxne from Sellwood to Gowganda Junc4 tion. ' ~ Major McBride, formerly of the Irish Brigadg in the Transvaal, in a speech at Kilkenny, said an invading Germany army would be`we1comed in Ireland. DI. 11CIll'l, 1v1uuuca.1. -' The tube scheme was endorsed by the citizem of Toronto. T were given a free New Year s dinner in the Ex- hibition buildings, Toronto. "'iv'1}'.' "D;Gi1"iT3 yJ-E6}';, speaking I at Reading, said Britain had three men on the sea to Germany's one. '4 I1vu.u -iEi;zhtT families v've}e buaed out it St. Henri, Montreal. ' - ..~ .v.--- V. -vov-..w North Toronto voted in favor or Sunday cars by a majority of 146.: A sL'1ragctte- attem{>ted-to desfrdy camnaign literature at Battersea by throwing acid on it. . - H-:1\vr::;1-t.;e1;1`x;; v'v;s"x'r1ade `to blow`-qp a bridge on the Baltimore & Ohm` Railway at Baltimore. ` - 1 `II * oc;;;.1;o{1;, Ge`:-1.x:y'-w;a1soelA'ected` or of Toronto by :1 majorityof 4, 2` over Contxfoller Hocken. A T R21 /xiii" tiili ci3e'3r I1'e"L.3}i';7ea}"5:; tv-one distilleries and ve; larger cantuooks. %suia4iiusfTonxa. c.n:HukgH%5*54iS. % . N ; 2- _ 1 `- "K;n`n - `V > We ar e Ixadqua;'ter f`o" j|_%'-%t'l\i Special blue of Axes for Prtl5"' CHOIIER I .7 I , % We have; the B881` AXE HANDLES` In The Saw King The Leader: : Improved Racer SATURDAY, JAN. Ilt. MONDAY, JAN. 3rd. Ivvn-up IUII!IDr-9-I-Q; `-b w-.-, ....._.- __ V - Logging `Chang ctomsshuca. :1. I1-_<.>.tt.9n. 6 Syn. `XI V11: wv---- : Vi` Five Poin?s"' Hardware Store: x-c sAws 1'} % Am: THEBEST % brevyeries closed down in Tennessee. uuv i `Waggoner, gi."_I'ex.ani mil- lionaire, gave each of his three child- ren Christmas presents worth $2,000,- flll George Bulman was _struck by Wil- liam Bradley after a quarrel on an electric car at Merritton `and died `from his injuries. " - ,fV1 `I71 `I .1 ._- vvu-u dell. 1' our brinlg ounc. --v--- ..--- ---J..- eCharlesW'. Morse, the former ice king, was taken from New York to serve` his_term of fteen years in the Federal prison at Atlanta, Ga. '--.I;'i;>'1 1.trez a.-l 3's" g?E1ua11y getting .,':h better of the epidemic ,of typhoid that has raged there recently. I Two ;n<;.1'1"v;e'rwe. -l'cilled on a railwgy crqssing at Lake .Megantic by a tram `staking their slexgh. T M-'au'rice-.I'I"ev\;i<'3i:`t:mthe novelist, hzis entered the political campaign in Britain on the Liberal side. The _ _British Conservativ-es-' age` complalmng ;of rowdyisjm at their meetings, especially in London. I, -ceived last night. ---v`-----',-, --I' v v - w -Ca --- -.-----v--. Locgl option was carried in .61 municipalities and defeated in 48, ac- cordmg to the incomplete returns re- c, _,,_in; Kingand Skill, who p1ca'ded'gnilty' in Toronto to selling obscene books, '-and who traded under the name of` the Antiquarian Book Company, were sent to the Central Prison for one year each. a V , `ORG STATION. Miss Minnie McArthur of Toronto is ho_t4ne for a week.~ - . TUESDAY, JAN. 4th. ` % The Roosevelt expedition in Africa `has d1scovered.a new animal. 1 ` "A1&I'.3I,' I3. bzgleeilv.'d;eH--5;-Windsor~ in a. street car Just after his election. 533.3% WW`/; r-VS;;'-x1"1'<)nski, the Rainy River bank robber, was sent to the peniten ltiary for ten years. V vv-v w~. -wwv-v _--`=--`-- ; An Ottawa shoemaker named Bov- er has been sentenced to six months imprisonment forfrobbing ex-Mayor, F Cox `just before his death. ' aw 0-vu-o - 4 Mr`s.~J.as.. V-Carzaivagrd Spent Sundy; with friends "at Gamebridge.` ' ` ` Al. ,-.I-,_ Vnightriders. , _ V 7 --- -vww wv-o Ju--av U1- -- u vuuo-av--v '.l:l.u:.' United' ,States `Government is preparing to take action against the 5.: abuts` "?I:i1'4::';z`:'-o;s's'eafhings of the C. P. R.` last year will exceed` one hundred mi_l}_ion dgllars. - swan lunnvo-`ow-I `av ._.----..-._c-- _ 1' Our school started -on -`Moday with Miss. Day. of Shanty Bay as !*_*` -_ ; ' m1.\`/E-1:..Sandy Douglas of Saskatnche-1 man is the guest of his. mother, Mrs.; A. Douglas. . A ` L ' q .110 '-r1u-,-1:, At ,Miss Moore and.-Miss Hamlin of Barrie spent a`fe'w days with 111'. Wm. Moore. , j ~ _ ` ~ Mr; Tom Bell `and daughter, Tresic, f Clearwater, Man., are visitin the A ormer s mother, `Mrs. Jas. Belg. ' WI? , ` ...M;_'.: ;_C. .~GI.1?0I.1 _-.-1-.g53,:V1'%11_4s:;; ghgsgyveeka. {:t9;.Lendon. `~: -. ig .~. * - . 'q-.v.'u" . '.p ant, `.vw-yuv_g-- "; Mi`. _:_1ohn;1i`, ` .`f19diii V gaf'v_isit.. 't.o`*I-.1?anfii'lt`On.: - Mr. I. Ellis "of West TomS is 3Iisitin"g 're1a t iv es % %_here..i- `went! 9 1'1, ,'_`_-1.- , -I,-qununoca a Ioounog I _ , saw. v- . -gMss;;} xra` M06}; `g2 Haizailto i; j_hdi_r1 ` "t`h e hdlidays`. ` `born; aftx .'t1gi_: holiday. >.4` "Miss; Mina :Ross;i'etu_rnd to PVe3ter- Iv\vov)\r_-_\ up 0`, ---y -uwg---vv - \ -V'MiS_s V. V-Cd1lins,.h;s fsumed Ah-er Ateaching duties; at `V_asey;'_ 4 `W `wi-Ier maxiy friends ivill be sorry "to hear of Mrs. Frank-Heard s serious illness. ` -.-..--._-- _--_v_ - .._- |A Mr. ;nd.7 `-Wfsdtyam :ver'e; `in Sytaynerj for Nfiw Yea_r s. j (,1, ;--f-1\Ex'_;:'f:'-1\`/I61;1'1; _;).ff"l)11-n` %..;S`has: heu t11eguest of Mr.AJos. '.lTrak. 1`ir',Lu ~ M1-.,and Mrs. W`m. Litt1eL'of Tor- onto were` over-Sunday visitors. 3 3 D 7-4" -- ..--_-A,a--- ___..__ "riVI :.*i-iarry. Webb `of TO!i'Dvl:lt0. Spent Ii New Yea`r sxat his oldhome. "..1iIi1is.' 35. cf camera}. 5&5} A few daxs in Hgmilton during the week.` The S. O. E. will meet on Friday night for the installation ofofcers. Mt, Wesley D_obson and Miss V. Dobson visited in Kingston last week. Qiiocc 0 ' 'Ivi{s" i sfs'i' R}-{ -l1-<-i-z'1.;<-:o'11"'z;r-1;l`A `is/HE; Mary Culross have return_ed to Oril- ` V1ia.'~ A V ' I I 7 ` n u 1Vii's. Trask of Orillia has returned from -a visit to her son,4Mr. Joseph; Tra_sk.__ v V ` v | `V Edith Crown of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. Harry Riddell over Sunday. ' ` ` Q If 1* I1 I 9 A 4 Homer Heard `of `St. Catharl ines was the guest" of his ' brother` AFrap`k. _A_ _ _ A _ _ 1 -_ -.y,- -ou_' - Mr. and Mrs. Ge_o. Cowie, Jr.-, of` the Soo, are visiting the farmer's parents. . ' I` 1-\ --n n n >10 Mr. P. Brooks , of '_ Neepawa,' Man.. 1s-v1sitmg his sister, Mrs. Geo. Poucher. , ` - - . -_ - , - ., __ I Mrs. W. Can_non ar_e home `again from Guelph, havmg visxted the latter s mother. H preached to large` congregations in the Presbyterian Church on `Sunday; ' `N U . --.._ --- v-- vv-v----.-I; The Advance Job . Print is kept busy these days. Unequalled facu- ities make it `easy for` our prices to be right. Rush along your orders. Thevextreme eold had -a bad effect onythe railways trains Tuesday and Wednesday. Yesterday morning thei Cobalt special` south was nearly ve [hours late. - ' I ' uucncr. Mrs. 1, Hunt and family of Tarba- to` are visitors of Mrgand Mrs.-'D. M V` ~ ` 1 - 1 `AV-Tl )`ivl)"-ie Enls bE{13z}'"oI{n?c':}on with the Presbyterian Church will be `held to-night -at Miss Ferguson s. I `V-(Ei1wx'i;oo'her Smith, 21 former resi- dent of Sixth Ward, died in Toronto at the home of R. `Rae on Dec._ 27th, aged 84 years. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith lattended the -funeral. In the Canadian railway service for the last reported month there were forty-six employes killed and thirty- eight injured, compared with twenty- six killed and forty-four injured in the previous month. Twenty-nine fatalities _were due to derailments, seven to being run over, four to falls, two each to collisions and to beina caught between cars, and one each tofallimz material and to an explo- sion. Twenty-one .of_ the non fatal `accidents were due .to derailrnents, ve to falls, three to explosions of boilers, two each to collisions, to be-. ing run over and to machinery and one each to being caught between cars. to falling material `and to yinz material, ' " ` Miss Ross classhad to be dismis- sed on Tuesday morning owing to the coldness of the school room. Yesterday: morning Miss - Small s class was dismissed .for `the same Ireason. < "'f1}e wasi_'a very. leasant New Year s gathering `at the home of Mr. `and Mrs. `C, W. `Poacher. About thirty-ve sat down to dinner, the guests being limited to the two fam- ilies. The`man._ out of a 505 was `in trying, to devise ways `and means for getting `halve. :I-Te hung around the railroad yards and"scrap,'ed eh acquaihtance with some 'prpfessional- tr'ait'1_-jumpers. General regret was expressed on "receipt of the sad news on Friday last that Mrs. Sarah Bowen had pas- sed away. Mrs. Bowen fell a martyr to maternal` duty. After tenderlx nursing a son and a daughter throug the crisis of typhoid, she contracted the dread disease and succumbed in the R_.V. Hospital whither she had gone for treatment. The deceased lady` was an" active and `esteemed worker in the Presbyterian ` Church where she had a class in the Sabbath School. The funeral took place on Monday to Union cemetery Rev. A. V.- Brown _oFciating. __ \ . vw---`nu still` III! _ dew moro- anh- f- en-. toro- llveilg

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