]e at .... .. 1.75 01 \Todd s. We are "handing them out ev n Overcoat or Suit for half price the 91 \There s always a big rush the last ' four days before Christmas Day and `many customers, in spite of our good /,_ser_vi,c`e, do not see to the best ad- -vantage. In order to avoid such ,a crush in the Handkerchief Depart- - ment,-we will sell Thursday, Friday, Saturday an,Monday=' only : Three 25+c Fancy Lawn Handker- ..'l-.1...-. I.-... K- -....;.... Mdreen Petticoats :;;?2&;_specia1 .eort in underskirt excel- .;:fI nc,e,..\3,-,.;.nx,ftty styles of high grade "`Mof e`x`x,'* s'izer 38,. 40 and 41.. Prices .--$3.-5o;.$4..oo\.~and .. . . . . . . . . . . .. A 35 ends ivufe silk fibbdn, 2:0 7 inches .wide_, -in `P_lain Satin, Taffeta and "m_o1"_e exqmsxte Dresdens, regular sell- ingiprice js_from 25 to 60 cents. On sale in M1ll1nery Departmegt .. 9" .-.-.4; UV nJ`\. .I.'au\. pawn J.J.d.1lUl\Cl` chief _A for. 60 Jcents. . Six 25-c Fancy Lawn Handker- , chiefs`, for $1.18. ` :[ Twelve `25-c Fancy Lawn -Handker- chiefs, for` $2.25. - - `Best 25-cent quality in Barrie. This is a rare offer. _fS`hop early. Bargains in I'Ia_ndkerchie,fs _Og|r_R1l>bon Bargain} (Continued from Page V One.) The Store of -Quality =:2'i."1:..::..:".%E`3_'_1<:'3 _ oclset`, ;.-~;~"--.".-~'..-.'-"'*.'!.- Morris chair- Top Desk. 9%` ._ ' I..0f.6.lI."Ise. ardrobe. Ch'"` _`n Barrie ..v_... -u .v vv vv-nuu. \JAI nery ....a-. .o...oo. 0 4 Only e- 0`xford Grey. with hiuh Itorm colla_r. Reg. 7.50. on 5 ~ _aaleat..L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4_ Ollllj-`Extra heavy (`xfox-:1 (}rv)'. Prussian `collar. :1. beauty. 15 20.0%`. on.sa.le git . ... .9 0nlu- Genuincvlrish Tweed. Strei- f &l1d.bl'u\\'1l stripe. Prussian 18 collar. keg. 2`. .in`-. on sale.. - ;very my main buy ms: NW ,.h`ndi118 every day. It for half map. at... -4.-- :...1: ""'6 `uclu U|-II CVCKY uay. price other half II1A Quinn: `.11 3; I...` - _ Overcoat: Clothier ` Special uwf 3 IJIIIIII 0 "' Morris LII 11:: MI! `DP- p LlL\'\a3 . I gures. We and have a \I BIIVI [Jail it but an Sariea t& King :crs` Store V 19.50 15.00 lI.50 7.50 _Pai Sxtua. `App! Hig =ahin r; 'l' 900 7-_V ` V ` ` ' . ' `: >1 `C v'_ K` . . , .1 . _ I >. I: 3 ` A ~` i Y`. if > I. >1 .4" :__ _" ; . , _ .` , _ .. - I .` ' `x . - ' , ' ' I . L . Barri Barn un -Lot 1 `to R. Stra the ' <;1Loy;es jtji 3% C T T we; ate selling` `fadies'KsdT;*1o % % V % "this "week. j `Regular 7 5c :gloves. at 50. nd ,1. . ., . 00.3.9 Volooooon Io;Q`O ' 0: ; IV'c u"`:nA.'yovIr I_O"U.O.?, f`O . 7 7xEat?rL1Zss7rImenc of Ladi *' Fifn` ;Nec1;wear at ! attractive prices.` All nicely boxed 3 c.:5_Q_c;,.65c, ,75c`, and- _ ' -If' ;(;u Ere ' d'<)_;l-3tvv;; at` to giv t1-1e m, Tc through our Xmas stock of j - ` . ' Neck Ties in fancy bo es at_3oc, 75c and.. %Men s Depa gut} V tr -.-... -..- :. .'1_..La. ..Z ..a. 4.... ....... L- -+ - % `WE i{a.;'e ;{15ouE&3eBiad`i TbeforcChristmas,'thcy are reduced `.`?'."."..5`.}&: 15.00 . f".?. 01: e1e_.esir:% 20 dozen Children's Han%erchiefs, with colored bor- eachog oolnoloaooon no'o vooo 00:00!!! 0.0 I! 0 oo,oo_~u'o_ . ~r-_ g.__.. 12:... c--.:-.. `lT.1L..-.'.l. ..-.I :r_1.....n-.'.-....1.:..r.. 4 5" 'T`eB53z'n' i5a}.'v'i '1:"t$o}1d 3'I&;s}siei.c1&{r;'. with hemstitch or scalloped e ge. While they last, 2 for. -~---~- :--:--1 vw -. ` - Fine pure.Linen'Ini;i;leclv Very dainty, for presents, ouly" ;5O per"box,"or` each `.2 ` C derpricl Ladie s Suits `I7. `I..... _L_--A. _ J-__.. T `. ` 1ni!ia1F` !.i.1..=. > t ' _, ~ .1` V Y,` - `O yo | `VA VI .` I. :.`.f-"~.* 1 `T Van-y..g1 gglgctggn that`; mI1I% Interest each-.:urem?B;r .35; thencw 0Vn'|-"Ol` 3 _ .':`,. , is : -T * - .;_';3.' Books are permanent bonds: f :"indship.{andA w ~ . _ % family. Ann R , {]inbfel.lz:1s 1 tJ6'0n we we - smaauy J a -'3' r. '4` I 1 - and otter oxmptionavl. va111AeaVatf{,f . 50-%$759???-99%% f`%`: i-33 . * -4 The Nw Churgh of land Izlymn Bbok is an A poppropriatg; % `g. _u --. 'L. |-_ -..----vY. www we hnzve thud:-lna,z1__l btyiee of mncih V . A _i vayxd qotvexcetipnav}. vl1;ga7 ' rah The next 'class'of cattle to beused were `two;;.heifers and a cow from Mr. S. Dymefit s herd. These have been! producedgwith the idea of making the best beef:`;'animal, milking capabilities being a sfecoiidary consideration. Mr.l .Jg;1xg`:7.:vGardhouse of Higlield took! chargof this class and eniphasized WW I thi'eA_f.rious impgii poiqts which imustbe looked- ` erftln oriir Lto, get, ~;.1;heA,, " ' `est cuts_;;= i:>f%..l::i v_<=,`ef, gopg with`; a min um of waste.- a I The class next took up the ques- !tion of < judging cattle. Two of Mr. ;E. C. . Druryls `_dua1-pumose, cattle iwere trst brought in. These were` 'shor.thog;n;s which had been selected as milk-pj;`-oducers. `It is in reality a, "milking strain` of beef cattle. The; ,various bints of these were gone; lover. andzgthen Mr. 'Drury' told about; `the milklifecords of these cows which, vwerelexttfemely good. v I la Mr. C. F. Bailey of the Provincial! 'Dept. of` Asrricult'ure"tookicharge of .the bunch of hogs. He rst explain- "ed the- desirable points which go to {make up the good` bacon hog and ;why these" are desirable. An open vdiscussion followed, and a number of uvery important points were threshed [out by the farmers present regardmg ithegtyoes of hogs which can be most {protably produced. . . . . - |w`as held.` in the -Market -Building! Work began. promptly at .I.3o p.m. E;%:::5,2?s2`;;;:o. 1'3;50 `.'i`?.".`f.*iff`.`.*".' 12;, %15.00 Glovc `??`?`Z.5. 750. rm!`-'; m?.UZ w_,v _G5p9s,e Cifl, by :3` H , by Re`. V V, : '7*~``-2? ~ ` 4 A Truxton L bv-_MC`ut 11' A % f`B3f5f-Iiich; 74 AR3?.W%?J39 2 % come and I look qimited) 2.00 :1.00 1 L50 ? 75c :.~5oc : 250 3.00 750% 1.00 25c 25c I The afternoon was taken up with [heavy horses. First, an almost per- Ifect mare,` belonging to Mr. Crawford of Oro, was exhibited, and a little time was spent in ..giving as general `talks on the conformation of heavy ghorses.` Then "score cards were pro-' =cluced, and-' the .class,~ under Mr. Gard- I I Tuesday forenoon was devoted to: ilight horses. First, a team` of good` roadster s was brought in from the Palace Livery, and Mr. Gardhouse in-` dicated what were the desirablepointsl for that class of horses. 1`hen'the .class was asked to place the two as :they would at a fair and` give reasons. This started an interesting discus- sion, and the good points of both shorses were demonstrated; ' Next, a !_carriage mare and her colt; belonging ito Mr. Coutts, were presented, and the carriage conformation, was shown [as distinguished from road conforma- tion. `A The carriage horse is larger ,and heavier than the road. horse and Imuch more attention is paid to. ac- jition. All throughthe afternoon the class present showed the greatest interest in the work, asking questions and dis-`| cussinor the various points, Thismadel it especially easy for the judges to: bring out the desirable points in the] various classes, and made the course! ,of the most practical value to the lfarmers. . ! The weather turned out better for. the second day, and made everything' more pleasant. This brought up the attendance very materially, so that there were about one hundred farm-.1 ers out in the forenoon and over two. hundred in the afternoon.` T ~ -only a few tur.ned.out., How_ever,'j,n , The course was 0 havqbeen start-l ed on Monday morning, but owing to the extremely unpleasant -weather, the a'f_terno on, upwards `_ofj;7o. `farmers . and farn1ers"sons came out in Vsf'j[)ite' of ' the" weather,` and` {stayed nht `through ntheaafternoon session, which < , -_ 2-, w A . g . my ...=.:-+:.:~.:.-_~. ADVANCEL `. A v_- ,-. -. ~- .7_ 7 ` ' or .~ fCh1`i8tma=is ??i!!5i.$ %%%45h`%% Lm[I'~" #A`24i1;` `V3" ` *9 % .discriminati_`ng ahc31$f;$L1?sV `c_sfB;ari?i'e: n`d.3imc oe C*ounfy to vidit thig' value-giving` store. canomy mention a few ofxthlhor guy spprecidfiv -i[_ts `:"o`f mm-it here. You must SEE% ifor_ yo`u1-s_e'I V Tlie `t.`liiuiI4beragxd `a saving in "mickey '% "stilt willgbe m`orc tting. presnts for all whom you uuu_ cu \.uuA\.\;aL LULICLLIUII U1 Uillllly fabrics for evening wear. Beautiful eects in delicate shaditngs /of Rose, Shell Pink. Mauve,-Cream. Sky. Alice Blues, Champagne, Wis- teria, Nile and_ Reseda Green. -Prices are moderate. Per yard ~ 1 75c,85c and...~ . . . . . . u `sun. .--.. GEORGE lOur stock of Kind Gloves is the larg- est in Town and'you can prove it by a visitbto this store. Our values can- not be beaten and the choice of shad- ings is splendid, buy now while `it is at its best. any size, any color. Pop- - and . . . . . . . . . .- . . 1: ' What : a Nicer Gift than J Gloves" .EiWlerio.V%v'vx \`_ConsAforters Bo; 7jvDf.Pa.]I"el"._-_d nvelos' the day. Ontario stood very high`! compared with the States of the American Republic. Much praise fori this was due to the Ontario Aszri-i , cultural College and to the work be- ing done by the various institutes, clubs and experimental unions; The, farmers now knew that they must; apply scientic methods to their call: ing otherwise they would fall` behind in the race. The Major drew atten-` tion to the noxiousweed evil and to: a proper system of seed "selection as it two oi the most important topics for] "the `consideration of the farmer; T t _Short Course in judging of live stock Thejudging Classes. . On Monday afternoon a two-days was inaugurated here. This was con-| ducted by the local; branch of the. Dept. of Agriculture, of which Mr. I. ' F. Metcalf is the District Representa- -`tive, in co-operation with the Farm- er's Institute Dep t."at Toronto. . is;21e.h ra1lyV `-a ivegcndnfg p1j'_e's'ei:1`TtT afar. %anyo-nfe.;j: ' We` havgmhem from, `zsc ea`chVLV'.uj>*. L` V Pm-s%es "fCard C_as's ` I-Ihf1dBagLs . ` Dyessing Cases Mu.si_`c'*R 0 " -. Gloves `HVandkerTchi'_efs and; V.C<)`ll_a1W.rA V.C..35,.M5'. Reah ViTc:TkeVrs/ V;\/;z;1'11Vvs . 'Ai1 I This concluded the_ short course in Barrie, and everybody went away well flpleased with what .he had seen and heard. Mr. Metcalf, the District Re- I the Collingwood Collegiite Institute, `Agriculture, expressed himself as delighted with the attendance and i. the interest taken. He made the an- nouncement that he was putting on a larger course to-cover a month at to `begin the middle" of February. This. would include the `judging of stock and grain, and i.bt`her_ fgeneralv agricultural` subjects; He hoped thati all farmers boys who could would presentative of the Department off I avail` themselvesof this bpportunity. ' . / r_ _- ` - . . 3. The Barrie _Short~-.`C.O(se- has now gone into history. -What,of the re- sults ? Thereiis no doubt that the farmers of this district have Become more` interested in producing the best kinds of live stock. They have, more- over, got some training in noticing.` the ne points, all- of. which go to makejup the perfect animal. ,_How`-' ever, the farn_1ers'wil1,not. be satised` with what they have got, but will de- mand .a longer course in the future in which the ,infs_tru_ctor's', will have `an opoortunity ml 8'0 muc.h;, .depr into I {their subjects an_d_._thus do_1fn_ore,_good.! `Algood. agricultural colt, also belong- ihouse s direction, scored the mare: ing to.Mr. Crawford, was used to lshow, what. was meant by the term gagricultura1 as applied to horses. lNext,' a good draft team, belonging {to Mr. D; Quinlan, was brought in. `for the class to judge. Those ores-g ent gave their placings with reasons lwhich brought out a Very intcresting , discussion. ` . .` I ` ` T `. `i :7"? ` i` ,Our`sa1eb_ff it; means quick selhng for us. and 'savings_ for you, only. I6,left. ' % 13_2-_.. - $2o,oo ~ $17.90 $15.00 $14.00 A _ $Ig.o0 All stylish gar and trimmed. `TALKS ON AGRICULTURE Our Millmery` I hive tliese days. hats are also red Redoction Trimniings L Bargain in Those who hav bestx hat yet no save a goodly su Every colored h feredv at a cutpri ry over choice-- from. `All trimrn' J ? %%*L5". ` 5Pr-ices? .. uits -for $19.50 ui1&s' for $15.00 `its for $14.00 its for $12.25 `its `for $11.90 A V its}o1f;$ 9.90. `S.-. r ents aiidnwell nigde` ' artment is abusy he attractions a1_'e:v in Hats and d , jbbqns not bought their have a chance to on their purchase. l;.,,3_._,,--.I\ 3- -1? kill LIIEII Illdl \.vllG\rI (trimmed) is of- --no need to wor- ve a lotto choose gs and untrimmed ed. - - 5 I % :%:Qv_;gmrY HIGH, PRICE Low AT Tum EURNIIURLJME G`n(|mn+_8moker`s chair. -Ammln (`half VI CK ER 5 East Part Vickcrs $19050 . ' ` $Ii.o_q_ :3 _.,.._ ......... anv an _ `sale at; remarkably low 1": mustand will get our -ck lowered. Come in a look. eWhet)l1er you yet ` ` ` OUR _ SUITS are all` nus a._J -_:n ..-- - expensive gift. V n navts JUST ECEIYED W ane assortmento ies..Hand- kerchiets and `Braces. ne up in neat. fancy boxes. at 5 to $1.00 per box. A very, nice 3 snot too HAVE` JUST iccmiwmn pe asgorgment o ies. Hand- nn an _--- toil:-tn week of our Big" MaVkAe-Room sale Y_ VV_a.nt an IaS- Gift ?-...