lf -' 8: 'Coi. i "'-'$IT"Vv`V. }; -.u.....- ..... ....`..| ._u 1....-l'>'7I..... .2 nu -us. '.\vf'V-1.3 av &`l_':.,|.\, l.'_-7_5.'.'_.",'r .._= ~ : %-m go4%ane%w:%4. .*`It was you` who 'tt1bi_tg'!1t`.';`oVf;";'v it, ` you. know!` ` ` '. I .. - ' ` 5.31 A ,1- . ,. _ , n xr'.'_.._ 1!`; .:.'In 7.1. _' .r. IIILUNV I ; ` ``N,onfsense! A Y`o u_- di"d-=it_7!" she .d ;c- elated}: _ ! on go : `zgnd 11.3 w`aite__fhere. No, he pr9tested,_`*w7e ll `botlf tlgen, _. 2 -. " ' V 51.. And again -taking her by the hand, they fairly ran down the hall`~1;o_'g_e,th-` M _ A T __ \ -I-IIC yngaautg U1.-ECIIIU5 lI>Ul.s . * In answer to 2; sl"gntv{n_ir,dg_e, Migbeig answered: _ _ ' V -You tel1.h'1`;-she's,` your mother. There was no isputing' this. right, o `Henry rst -told the ~tac1;:s,Vgiv1ng ` M'abel all of the credit. Then he .de-` D scribed the `trip in a most. dazzling manner. ' MA . - r ' -n 9' no. ,|__ (SW6 IIUIIL JU PGICIILB UCIUIC, Ill you she askga} sympatheti.ca11y..5 Unamun 0:`: `can. a:vv|u\`cn:`uo I V p JDVUI3 IlC Gal\\r\.I, JIIf`lGIyII\-IIVGIIJI Henry sighed at her simplicitvfand not until the next evenimz. when they were under`the kindly protection of the park shadows, did -Aheenlighten L..- ,he1_'. `I1 ',her. . .. . * `_ Wlhen the two enchanting weeks had passed, Mabel, with eyes dancing and face alight, stood again on the dock with Henry, also a picture of |haTpTpy anticipation. ' --.. . ......<.. l'\: "'4... :......i I IIGPPJ GllL|\.IlIlLI'JlI- __ Upon `greeting, each of the. four! seemed striving to transcend the oth-I ,ers in radiance_of`expr.ession. Mrs. Wicks faceereected the joy of liv- imz while in Mr. .Wicks. eyes the re of ambitidn had been -freshly kindled. t\.. LL- ._.-_- L-._'. `L1. --.\........ a\1l'\ den the-money in the leaves of her clues: , I18 asncu Yvucu xcauy t_.u l.l3_l|..| Yes, I ll get 1t,.and again Mrs. Wicks plodded the distance of the hall to the room where she had hid-, Bible. 661'- ..1.:.. -11 '1... 1.84?" 04-11: aalmrl I apolied to Barker & 'C0.`, he con.- tinued, _for a position and got it. `Seventy-ve dollars to start `with,- in their advertising department, and as I am now self-supporting, you will have olenty to take a trip every` car. And now for the big su_rpri'se.- -_he, llllall. LVU Iuulc uIuv\:1:u|,_y xv: Any.` Wicks "was; j11'st`.<.c1osi`xL1 gi" L` -oven dbdr when they burst in" 11 9:11; her} Eachgwanted to give theo` gr the pl9asur _e of telling her. `on lioauvvtxnn LA on 1-`in.-Lu qniurinun UH LGUIC IUI IICI IJ\JGl\.ln This will be the Iongest two weeks I ve ever spent/ .He'nry said, disconsolately as they turned toward thfhstreet. _ _ ' ' L `II- _,,!__ ___,_, I_____ LIIC DI-I CC|.o I expect" it will; you ve never. been. awav from your parents before, have -..\..3 -1... ....1....f .... ....LL..L2....II... LIUVVII $115 IIVLI LIJVVGIU. LIIC Janc. Mzabel had arranged to spend the time they were away at one of` the dormitories, -where she was to wait [on table for her board. ' 'I"L2- __2II L- LL- 1 . . . _ __A. 4__- IIHVC Ultfllly LU L656 4 Lllp cvulg yan- "the suyprisef -he said. smiling radiantly, while his fa- therand mother stood by in wordless wonder. T ` , an-1.~:_ 1:....1_ ...:..:..L;... ;...f.:...... -s 'M|'o_ I , A. good polish fQr_ oileloth 61' Iin,o-! leum is to save all exifds of candlesl and melt in the oven," withit suicient turpentine to` make` a soft paste. This is" really an exceilent pie- _{pat-ation. ' - r 0-. . . .. ' .1 -V` "a `x. O` '0 I 5 }Pom'rs I-`OR E} I IuIL\p ICQL I7Il\ Jvusan ' Both she and'=Hlenry ' waved fare-l well from the dock -to the excited couple as the steamer carried. them down the river towarg. the lake`. `|A"_I__I 1,-j -',- wonder. Tliis little minister, taking Ma- bel s "hand in his, has opened the eyes of your selsh, thoughtless son and she is so` afraid that I ll.go blind again. that she s promised to` stay` by me alwavs andlead me,- hay/en t you, dearest? , 5 j ` And before the. still soeechlessly haoov parents,aMabel yielded shyly to his embrace. - . V, v Bible. _ . | ``Is this all he left?" the boy asked, counting it over. T.... a. `Lac no-casinos`! Agar? :v1nnirr` IldlIlICls ' _ V` A trip for your Pa and me!'-she ga`:r)_ed,A incredulously. ' An-garnish --Ana nu-1.", U,Anu-. nneqqbnar` 5:;-:y\;u,A nun. Uuunuualj . !) ! . Correct you are . Hxenry .assute_d her, taking her face` between Ins` `hands. and giving her 'aj hearty" kiss. AO`II` 1,101 pvt-\:o\nv. `l\ 6-once`-u ->'l\-I; `\'r\o1- unaupuwnaunnj, allu. CUICICIIUIJKII MC Ulu Mabel freshened up Mrs. Wicks bonnet, sewed a _new braid on the botton of he; gray skirt, hemstitched anew tie for her neck and took some of the fullness out of the sleeves of a black silk she had worn` as best for the last six years. ` DALL. at... ....An.I.'I".......-- ..-..-....l 1..-- K V Thick b1ottiagV-pa#per- nrlevr-lcioilies . 'po1is_h`e'd~ tabI".Ls .Th;`_ blotting-_p`aper;`' d will ke_ep"'hot dishesN-from marking a ; 4 'sho1"1ldA be7'u_t,th. s:ime,size.- a s. their / V?.tiQu:% a1f*}=11`<%s % }tLt>1*=1e Lf* 2 .asbctp%%:ma uauua_ GIILI SIVIIIS IICI G IlCdl_Iy ISIDDO V /`And I m goingoto. trim.y`ou`r bon- net over with a` fresh bunch of vid- lets_onVit!" > said M'abel1,: mgay antici- - pation of add_ing he; mitetow_a1;d_tl_1`is wonderful trip. 1 ` ? "V. V ; .D..4- A-Inn 4-`nag . K-1-n `XXTLLI... .134 ...-.4. wonaernu trip. . " But the dazed `Mrs; owi1`s.jdi d nail hear. It was not easy for one, whose life had been cit.-`cumscribedg by daily visits to -the but'eher,_baker, and can- dlestick maker, to conceive; herself on a steamer. looking out _on a:`h_or_i- zon bounded only by waiter`, as Her_n`,y had said; "and living in a beautiful hotelwith nothing to do- for ten whole days, but enjoy herself. T cqinnnnn 1vt\1c- Dn nt\n`r' an aha.` nun \.lGJD,_ll|a|l. cuJu_y ILCIDCII. , I suppose your Pa ould go, -she said at last; `fthey ve been wantin him to take a rest these" many years, but he never felt he could}; V` 669---- L- __:n"ln __ 17` I When`unab1e to procure soft water kfor toilet purposes,` kgep.a mus.lin bag `with ne oatmeal in jt,` `and-' squeeze out in water before wash'mg._ Use fresh oatmeal` every third day-. ULII. IIC IICVCI. ICII. llc Uuuluc ` _V Sure he W111?" answered` Henry, masterfully, and sure/enough` he'did!. `unahnountl anon Rlfgn 1172-1... `rich v---'--. I Pastry to be cutisharply and neht-. 1y requires that the-knives: and fancv cutters be dry, clean and op:-e`d~. -The `oftly other way iof'A_1-cutting is to dip them; in` boiling Twater `and use _the_r_n atonce." _' ' ' '- : complained; O O I - I-know -you did, dear, answered; -his `mother patiently, "but_I haven't,` had a minute till this morning. Yes- terday I hadsix extra cakes to `bake for the Exchange, she explained, and the icing had to cool before` 1' could take them down. As ospon as I got back _I had to mend and -press that tear in your pa s every day suit, so he wouldn't have to wear his best one again to-day-and the side room had-to be got ready to show. I won- der if I'll get any answers to my ad- vertisement, she added with. sum- moned cheerfulness. ` 16111, 1' _'_-._........ T911 I-nun. LA kn! I"n*lining' a tin tfof Baking" .'.f._i'qi_t.$ cake, etc., turn the_ gxjcaed` side ; of the paper to the ma, acl not to the `cake. B_y};doin:g ysci the Vbapeiij` ,. will come 91?; quite gsily` 'in._:_1'. pice, lth-, out breki t1,1.%3`<..`f-g` ; V "\Y6'ung .hbuskepefS -`it? a I. good plan ., t_o_T..V ke..e_p_ ,ax3. .;.a.ecoxint -;bo;o_tk. - and `enter, wgxtht '1"`gu'1at`1`1ty,_L%aIl house-5 keeping : e`x;_)en.ses,:adding up \ag:(_z;oi:ntsf ' every evemng and 3 -manlc`_ing~ 4 twklyf} 2 _sIm;mary; _ ,peli _hfg.T otxi<`)~ns ' `sgfme _.,.p:gqpl fl- suffer :y%much ff91?thie.$r~'ee L ' -' V d. about ane yard of tap is most! -us efu1~when.in the kitchen. Pin the tine to'your belt and you have al- w;a'ys'at hand a holder to lift anything `hotf from the, stove. T navy cove..- up--v vuvyv `_A.tow,el fail in the kitchen is an essentiai. Buy aotwopenny bamboo 'rod and two; long brass cup hooks to- hold it.` This will hold your towels, so that they dry well and be far more Iitidy than a niece of string. If` Ir IV` A 1'. 1 ' I "-"-1 """" " ""' " _""" ` l I Black Kidv G1oves-After buyingl black kid gloves put them on, and rub asuspicjotf of vaseline into the kid I till all trace of grease has disappear- ed; This ill make them wear much longer jtha usual. .~. : A C P!` `l'V' wipe with a cloth wrung out of luke-u with soft dusters. This treatment will --_-5-- ------ -.-,.-v--. `To Clean Japanned- Trays.-F'Lrst warm water to remove all dirt. Then sprinkle dry our over, and polish not injure them atall. . , _ _ I 1'\| 1-`: pp ' Ah. nthetn thoroughly with a bamboo or nnvu an: ounnonn can scan. ` ..~Ke;;-lgvlankets Fluy.-After eare- fully washing and rinsing hang out blankets, and when nearly dry, beat rattan furniture beater, and they will be as soft and fluffy as `when new. | -':~.:-,. 1 , re` 1 f~Great_ care should be taken td dry towels thorou hly before putting them away. I placed in the linen presses withou_I_:g b`eingf._weIl aired, Twhile_still damp; 3`-'moult_l is` likely to ',f_(prrri-'j_,`i1p.,on_/.tlriert,1;-` whicli,.it is; said, iprodudeseskiigidiaases ` W ` `re. :1, _-`- moneu Cnccrluuuzsa. - ;-``Well, I suppose I'll, have to be' late, grumbled the`'boy, manifesting no interest in his mother's latest sac-| rice of! moving back to the room of? the kitchen in order to rent the one in the middle of the flat. I A few minutes later Mrs. ,Wicks drew the coveted shirt froml the board; -her steps dragged wearilyfas she carried it the length ofthe at to her son s room, off the parlor. utns` _._. -;-.._ tnnf\OI| in _.,`Ig.-.. nf_ lll JISIII '\.|I_._\p GD\pD-_` `f? [ ;If`_-lea`ni;`xgvLrgl _I`ace, gfsrggd it but on a, s_h'e _et of:w`hi;*pape1'-_,;.-Qbvet with gge calcined ma`g"n'csi;i,'_ tJ'l:1 ce another pgper over, and press`between two `pgges ;:of~__a bulky book ;fpr`a day or mo, 'The.. powder 'tnay"t1'{en" be: sh`a- `l:Te_'r1off; and the lace 5 will be found` ggitel clean. V ` - W5. is. ....;.l. A_-_. L- irggTni;}g';n_;y be `made ea_1s_y by sev-l r"a-lsg; tf_u`cRhe`sse's_ f_o'\__.'t1 ins. teadV gf _c1oth, being used when press- u arc`-l I.L_lA\.p\g'I.CaDa U1: ,-`|lvV.'&[.ld[JCIT-,5; )ll".. st!:eadv of `cloth, hig Ausd` press? ing. .Th1s prevents the shiny aopear- |anc e_'which qften follows the ixse of 1 R >_. ' '7" \" ' ' . I. . .-?;!$'591m3`hvefundlthat Just _f 'e1"0f dti1y connections is Tlgidtele hone hasV"becom.ev ' s`e without It ` % ` A` `toga what they , the: city 1imit, ` t}nf`f`hel13sj to carry 1t ' I fgr you to be V. a- V. .. - -_.-~;_; ;`._. 1 ` . ;;'_=h.i"..11=m-.*s - -43:;_--;-;.,.-i:.;>' `-1;. .5 i. J g + _-__. J LLAL :I1r` Mr. I. F. Metcalf. the District Re- Ipresentative of the Department of Agriculture at Collingwood, was in `this district last Thursday and Fri- day looking into the matter of drain- acze. He had with him Mr. D. E. Thompson of'Grand Valley, Duerin 'CoutIty. ' Mr. Thompson intends `to purchase a ditching machine this win- ter, and is looking for a good locality Ion `In t\o\}u-rut,` :6v Q'\r\1rL ,.. - n [:1 .da.mp1 cloth. Using a newspaper when `pressing tucks in dress .~kirts instead of cloth wilt render the imn much easier in,use. t0 ner. son 5 I'00IIl, U11 unc pauun. f`I ll putnyour buttons in, she of- fer.ed,~- unconsciously "fostering his de- pendence 'upon her, which now amounted to almost complete help- lessness. ``T`\! J T`- 1----.- LL` nn;qa\QCll-n :l'\Oi IGQII I.\-I, uuu lo lvvnnnng ILII cl 5UUu |`J\.u|I|.] in which to operate it next season. He thinks of locating in the ats north of here, providing suicient work can be obtained. A good des- cription of the machine, which is the only satisfactory one on the market, can be obtained from the 1908 Agri- cultural Coege Report. Persons who mav be intereted in getting this work done should correspond with [Mr-. Thompson in the matter. - ""_.`d _-_ Tine : Avttfncy-General prdered :1 `qgid invgstggation into. the_ allega- tion} that doped" liqnor 1s bemg sold 4 in andarouhd Fort William and Pgrt `A . h`..'_' M 7 o ..I Brownlee, the Auctioneer, Barrie. handles, credit sales of farm stopk _ja:_;.'riAmplemnts promptly and sans- 'fhtorily ~ for $5.00` and upwards. "Date": can be `arranged for at THE A IN`? A.\Yl`I3 f\`l.D`I lIP British capitaiists soke optimisti- `_cal_Iy_ Qanadian . investments. . The 'Advace Job Print is kept busy these days. Unequalled facil~ _it,ies make it easy for our price: to .b_`e `right. Rftish along your orders. T1533 ll 3; $5111 ADVANCE FFICE UN DERDRAININ G. Jcssncas. . Did Pa leave the money for mv dues?, he asked when ready to- start. u\r__ `I !!! ...L :4. -...A ntvn:oq I/Ienc` countmg It over. " _ _ V Isn t that enpugh, dear? mqunred his mother anxmusly. V KT. 1' ... .up\'L LA Laura `urn !`l\`19!' V sides. 75 ms Iuutllcr axuuuuasy. No, I've go't to have ve dollars more; I told them I d take one of the `frat -pictures and I have _to buy my tickets for the `prom to-day, be- n_ . ___,!I,I-____I L--L . . g n - AaL:4\a.:ou1v` aka I Bewildered but unqnestioning; she trudged back oncemore to the hiding place and brought a ve dollar bill she had been saving toward renting a piano; Henry's friends liked to have one to play onwhen they came to see him. ' ` ." L 'I`I-- L... 1.4.`. LL.` nmnncluo CII:`_ to see mm. _ A I The boy took the money `and, with- out a word, thoughtlessly slammed the door upon a misty eyed woman who stood waiting and hoping for a parting caress. V CI...-. zucnnnaant` 6-La rnnws On 4154: `rhhfn away, 1180 rcacucu Luc n1.tus1F:a~uuv.. % ".1 told you yesterday mornxngthatu I wanted my green striped shirt to] .wear t9 that `trat lunch to-day, he` scamplamed; , 0 46`! ,l...nu. "nu Ah! rlnnr answered: 11! -SILTUKCS E15 311:. apunc. .By,this time her son, a student at the big university only a few blocks away, had reached the `ki.tchen-door. "l' bail` uvnn uyncfnu-(`I917 ffninav p'a1'uug Lcucaa. ` 1 She crossed the room to the front; window. With a buoyant stp hei swung along, whistling a tune. 'as_ gray" _as the tri.-colored hat,nbaTI1d,' now _a. Dart of the insignia worn by a Stu-i -n,r,,- \'n:-1__ L..-.-I.-.1 ........-; .. 4..-_..-... J `:13, Mus m _`_h_e. irritability. 1n the tone` was unmnstgkable; Mrs. Wicks heard, an b__ent lower over the board. - - SUSIE LV vv,\va vv v--w ~v..- -. j 7I m \_ "on the last ' sTeev_e npw; vHen.ry, she called back, qunckemn her strokes as she. spoke. V V - 11,, 4.2- .2..- L-.. 5;... n gnu-Inn! at '&LGV Ell yet, Mta?" ' 'i`1._ 2.. IJCIILIUII L11 HUI" Ully uuuca. - ` I . They had lately moved near the university, that itumight be more con- venient for Hnery to attend. True} it was that the rent was higher, but: Mrs. Wicks had` taken her second; wind, and, by securing the privilege! .6: doing some baking for the Wo-l man s Exchange. was able to add; enough_ to her husband s,meagre salt-, ary to make up that decit. The lot" cation they now lived in necessitated Mr. Wicks sta`rting`a half hour earl- V ier in the morning, and a longer waiki for him at each end of the line, buti both of the parents, although in the fties, were ready for any -sacrice in oi-_der that Henry might get an edit- _ cation. `Of justswhat use the iedincya-`i -vtion, so dearly bought, would` be afi- ter it was acquired. was not clear to. anvone--least of all to .-I'Ie.nry5 him-. _;'., self. e- ' -1.. _2_`_:._._ ;i: 4:- I.-I'1'7"'I.'....`. :.Li.`li. >a.'.i -`the window to the soulewearying Try CIIL. . Mrs. Wicks brushed away a -tear with her apron as she turned from` petition as her daily duties. 3 Inc! Ian.-I Ind-AI`: vnnunrl `nnc- fh~l elasncnzv. .39? '._sM, She opened the door" and found`a 4 _` iarkfived, 1e {_ er T git-1. _before ~ her; _ `f-Rcame m ai1swer.to your` adver-. usgmeat Afor,;.a.:{"f'ootr1'er. . xer caer .`t_p`w fgvoice whosc. vouthful T_Vha_d_ a "vi_\'ri'x'yin`g;j gf-4 Wm-'&[ cc`; `,up_uu; ~;v1.ra.V:vv u.;_n.a_, ,;:_uuuug up-_x um. " Sfepi-fih ,"`._wd?t year???` `aia}.s94h___"~61d:_ V"`apd [T -Mil ` hdyg _:yQuf 1.19 "B:{yf5.'yIe.n` a.,%n. V` r Mr 2 no.tLi ' I ` ` V pmuat F. ' 4 " % In LLI!D,Ginora1la.ns[e.r -~,6,&_00.0,000 1 1 ,. {:b5'RArT AND MONEY oaosns Tm, am: money transferred A "by BUS|NESS. % cheque; and d;afts' {an t;nied States,.` -_--- _... __ , EQJELEOTITJNS madeinan` 4 cl#an i.n-f'oreign.co\1n`_ -7- . . _ "9`~Haven t you got my shirt ironed_l .4. `AK. . CA "GENERAL BANKlNG =n_usmss IRANSACTED In `All. BRANCHES za ftelegjraph or letter; Great Britain and other foreign Countries. bought, 123 BARR,lEH~B%RArNCHr .1. GRASETT. umggr. }f;3.;b"oirrxc3. rouotm VII I l? VIRGINIA D. HOLTAON. in Blue Book. |l1l'lIll Ancnry gut Lu: cuu\.auuu~a. V _ Her answer was `one of character-. isc selshness: ' I11 try in rnissP - g I Oh, thank you! and the girl icauvht her hardened hand k1 an n- Jpulsive little squeeze, which brought an unbidden catch to M`;-s. Wicks Ad1f'y l throat. 3 - CA,_j ..--__ 1 .-........ LL}- n-`lraoII`If\(\O1? `CCIVCU a Ua) I1Ic11 nu au.va.u\.\.. Good-by! I'm sure we re gomg to. lika- each other! the girl `saidwith friendly spontaneity and was gone. A34.-- n`1\a:1r|v I-Inn Annr nnnn~H1R matter OI. qlspualuuua. A _ . That mszht she put argother leaf 3n the table, set here articxal fernery in the center. of it'and cooked an extra- vezetable for dinner. ""~- ------ `-----I-.. lfakn` RA ...-oi.-. K1? I 1y DCYSISECIII. Mrs. Wicks brooded gloomily. Could she cook and ' wash dis-hes, sheets and towels for another? `Each day became more pitilessly exacting, `each day. demanding more. yet took -relentlessly its toll from her sparse `store of strength.- If itonly lasted until Henry got his education.!,- L1 -.. ....a`....;.. 1170:: Ann rs` phat-anfpdr- Il'0'dIo ' And may I come- th1s afternoon? her new boarder asked as they reach- ed the front door. (5 A ..__ LI..- LL.` -Anon : 4-`nan-A and ea `me Iront uuur. V `Anyet1me--the room s there and ready npw,_replied Mrs. Wicks, -who felt much as if she had already re- ceived a uayment in advance. ur~_-_I L__I T9... ........ CIIQ,$$ nn\:O'Inv n Irlenuly SDUUIEITICIIL) auu was suuv. After closing the door uoon ~th1_s animated sunbeam, Mrs. Wicks mus- ed for a moment upon the capricious ldisnensation of Providence in"-the |matter of dispositions. - rr~1.-.. ..:...1.4. -1..- ....L ou~.'n+|1'ag- Tea` in! IOI me aII10uIlL.' . s `.`Couldn t_ you give mqmy break- gfast and dinner? the girl pleaded. !I am ai student at the university and [I wait on the table up there at noon, so I'wouldn t be here -for, lunch. I could` pay `ve dollars a week _ for room with board, she added, sweet- I 1y persistent. L I M... ur:..I.-4 1~..-Ami:-A a-lnnmiIv_ veszetame I01` umncr. V The new boarder, Mabel Martin b name, s5>>n overcame theconstraint "at the table. dxeaded bi the retiring Mr. Wicks, while Hem-y s displeasure over his mother's move gradually vggwe way to a curiosity over the new- comer. ~\ . ' - CS1 A-_-_.IlL 1--L ...a._ can AmAAa (Inf , l -\ -- . I taught last year-_in` order to get enough to e`onie"to the university for a ye.ar,s she was saying. It will help me in gettimz a better place to teach- next year; Then. bv "waiting on the table noons, and 'l1leIoing' Miss ,Be`Iz2:s `in the Extension Departmennalfter hours, I get along very well, she ended, with `frank simolicity. Hem-v listened in silence. i Don't you get all tir_ed_ out?".in-T lterroszaterl the a'stomshed~ Mars, `Wicks. `_?Henry seems to have all he lean do with his university work, don t ;you. son??, . ' L ' - . _`T7aa 3|:an:A A1|,t% Anfrrhfzh l aU?l,UCUlV. ` , His -university work inciudeda ma- sjor oortion devoted` to his, ifrgternitv, "and a minor; portion -given. tothin stir-` dies.. But. be displayed :: brilliannt ,mind --at the rare intervals A1vvLheti1 he 1 |chose.toIanol _.himse1f. . i U. ....:.-1.1.'.y`.........1... .1..- .;..;.:.}a.`.`>.. bor, had a yoting lady _r oome.1-:;v'_'i-11o was either entertaining her, friends in. the barlor, or pressing\he1` clothes in the kitchen. .. - These dismal forebodings wer-e in`- terrupted by the same melliuous voice saying: This would be splend- did! as she entered the small but fresh-looking room, with its spotless curtains and counterpane. How .._...I_ ___...IA 2;. kg? CU! LGLII3 auu \.uu much would it be? urn, , ,1_n-__ _ , Imucn would It Der` - . _. | Ten dollars a month, replied Mrs . iWicks, mentally placing each dollar 'of the amount.` `Gf"___I_I_-Y`_ ..... 1\:uvaL Vang other `\I'nQ`.P_ i) (._)`11. aux}; ` _ . ' __ `I'm afraid I'm not so en.erget1c.as Miss Max-tin-, Henry answered, abashedhf. V. ' " "n -~-._--_-:2-- _--..I- ...- ...a.`.:_ ....._ gcnnse,to.'ano1y,mmseu. _. , He .qu1c} caught the %-unyvxtaf -reectxon m the natve assertion '0 Ethisslender, frail looking girl`, that {she was largely workimz her way `through the university. And again he ,~resented her presence; that. after her own day s .work, shershould.-novgvt be insisting noon heluing his' mother 'with the digheseonly disturbed and lperolexed, him the more. . - . - nu.-- 1m ... 1124.. _.-_.- ._ ___. 1.-- KUCTVJICXCU H11 THC more. , When. Mrs. Wicks went to out her new boarder s room, in order the fol- _1owin.g morning, she found the bed ghnd been made and everything done. ;The ,shad_es_ had. even..b,ee n. drawnzo 'l(-iceepfout theglare and heat of mid- av. 'uPnn-;. `L4. - 1,`. n V c ,9" vs- ._ ;a.uaI. an; I. ug_g:u.~ vvucu auc .9 y_;:;|_ me `to do.;the work, Mrs. ~Wi_cl cqg_n- mented out loud to` herse`1f. '~f- A...` -4 -`L- A.--._..`-.I `._-__-_.. 1.L'.. ;!__ ruscuuzu Uul. xuuu l.U uc1acu." n And as she turned a'wav._ the` dailv j jdeeoeninp: wrinkles in her face-a gfnce` chas_'tei1ed by `a `long. epoch of l charactf "`-%l5:ijt`ii1ding--met,1g?tved.. A V f t:2<%ewess.,d . d , % - "' _, -. .,,,vxu _ I .: xv i a dauE%st<-;`1*.foo! 1`h'ed; ...t%gmul-' . g M` L siy; `went 4ba_ci.<-~;*I:tf?.!`*~.1it%>;0ltr~iI_4. i',43,*e',![ .4` - `cakes. . .; ;";';:`.n"--` A Uoon. m-ote.s.tin`g tq""jth%;;`littIg5d;t" -ved 'B'i*_'.1 tha%t~~evr; "E. 'f113W1_`~- f . 1 ` as-tow . guuucu - - `L pct U .'al. lfYF'o,?U'._kVj .l\l. f`*n.= _v>.1VenVf.7rf'c_>f ._m_-,a_:' ;+r1~_ air.3'v; ;1;`df(1ejn;1yi. i fen;-1n 2'..` ,-.tha1t_ j- Mr. Wicks ,f:VO1? ' 11 have i'S`nifz:oV 'x:"iti:i `V. ` ` I ' ` V 0" . T`fThat am : right-when she's paym an Ln A.-\.4~I-:1. uwv1\Q': 9' \'.`..-. .1-172-1.-.. -;. .n,' WJIJII 3? . .-giahie A ...Miss' Martin fintq VAth:`"p"arl6i+_.to` Jshbjw. `her :the: new _.pic_~ -ture of hisVfraternityV he was suddenly met wi th`.thev question: ` - .\lI...a. \an:nnnnn' nan r --Ann aualha-unahat; .uu`:`I.. ,vvu.| -`uzc; qucu0u& What. "si'ence' 5 are ~ ydu to follow, Mr. Wicks ?f V . 9 ll- AI. 7- o`Anc L `hjout "no. 7 I... Ill8- IJCIIIU3 1!}! *G ll\.`I |\rGl\\&o He could not now tell her of -his decision to sell the prom tickets he had so'thouzh.tlessly bought. After all, Miss Martin s society on that evening would not be a bad substi- tute; he `thought as he stood in the back door, until he was reminded by the object of his thoughts, that he was letting insthe ies by keeping the screen open. RK..I... ..... ...-A1: llcnni ..:..I!9i .-.1:-A |.UuJuvvv,, 511.]. `IV Inn; 5 , ' - `Me--D-o -I don t know-yet, he stammered, confusedly. - . ' ha ~. urn at-`Anon urnlc ofaln , DIGIILIJICI CU, \i.\Jlll|uIU\JI o f`-Do; you mean you a"rVe going `through . the university with "no .speci`-- cv end ini view.? with"frAank sui-`prise. Dru-k on .:-u6q:b;nn' . For. isympath nu lulu! `Lu !GVI;6.,` .v|_ulI lluuu Bill I r 9 ' u o `r`.'. tig:*1tXtu;t10n. be yond - h_ i'~j ei'ghteen .. years; enabled; Mabl M51-tin to read-the se1f_-'deni-`al and hard ivork gravn with itneradic-5;` able lines .-upon Mrs; Wicks sallow face and /in the: eyes_ of Mn`, *Wicl where -the fufe_of hope no` lp`ngi_er shojne. ` `II ___,,__!_ I__ J- _I_ ---- _ L __,E -14 P- _ - uuuu vv u-awn 9-my no--ovvunau sun`: A linqtient dues named in th-isl ten!" He at once sought his In her at the back of the_ house. As he. enter- ed the kitchen, her voice rang out in laughter. It_was solong since she had laughed aloud that the sound actually startled him. On the back Dorchshe and Mabel M'artin sat hull- ing. berries fora shqrtcake. `[1 ... ...-...IA AL `A... tall 1...... at Lh- \.U|"llIdIIllC\.I,' 3WCCLlJo I May I eat one once in a while as a sort of oartial payment? he laugh- ed as he drew up an empty soap-box, sat -down beside them..and commenc- ed hulling` from the bowl. His mo- then- s hands dropoed motionless `in her lap. Nor could she understand the reason for his uncommonlv high spirits as he worked. Such is the lea- en nfsacricel ` "FL- _I1A__!.... C`--._.I-__ 1"_I_-I --A. 3U:`CCll UPC. . v . Make yourself useful, sir! she commanded, V sweetly. \ n- 1` an` Anon sauna : an .055 Cl! Ill. 3Q,R.lIll\pC The following Sunday Mabel sat readinmtheloaoer in the oarlor while Henry strummed dreatnily upon his mandolin, watching her slender white hands in the manipulation of the biz sheets which hid her face in such an \ agzravatinz manner. . I c...a'.:-..1-: .1... .:...........a .1... ..I...-.` M` I It s my colossal `mental equip- ment that tells"'me my limitations, she laughed. Here's at most temot- ing oer-liS_ten ; , A TRIP FORTWIO--Four days on 't_he`.`water and ten days at the , nest hotel. in Mackinac for the. best phrase sent in to us before` June _rst,, advertising Barker & Co; s Toilet Soap. Must be short and pithy in the exposition of the "soap s merits. ~ A L v If I` got it, I would present the trip to "your father and mother!" 1)!` mandolin was sgfddenly silenc-. |aKKra_VallIIg lllalIlICIo Suddenly she dropped the sheet to! here Ian. and said: Do vou `know what I d do, if_ I onlv knew enough? T _--.-1.I..h. - .... ...... 4... ......u ~n Rub VVIIGL L U UU, Il.__J. uuly nuuvv cuuuue I. wouldn t- presume .to guess, but whatever i~.it, I don t'see why you: should hesxtate o_n account of 1nsui- cient mental equipment,.~-Henry an- % s`w e`red; gallatly. ((1.9 [1 c,,,_A..,1 --._.!- uuvvvAV|.u_y, ucuuu llU|. appnuuuu. . Even the breakfast-table was now made gayer by her presence. He no "longer reserved his jokes and laugh- ter for; the"; ears of his fraternity `walls, but dccassionally succeeded in ` "ly-linedf face of his father. a --This` `in- variably .en 131 relish , -gs? . " -f , ' j L, `g;;gg%%th yname;:-of 35'3" I ~`',i1n.An'ni'-'hpi3-.;:5h11no'I` H-5 :b1-singing-a hearty laugh to `the grim-. ,llUlEo I.-Iem`y s. `haixdsom I `boyish 'fac`_e, ushed painfu~llyi as he quickly sensed `the rbuke soartlessly administered : him. _ '`.' I }r\vn fr "un: Iualinvn. in 1 011 or nrifq; IIIUIU Ul IL lllall IIC LIIU `J1 KICK- Somethinsr alive now` g1 owd- with- inrhim! The money he had planned to soendon the `5l5rom, would go far toward the amount of the- de~ lintcluent namefl yhis.lter! ed. cu. V . - ' They doneed it, don t they? he answered. . ` "FHA- _.-__ L_,,4.,,!,_, 4_,. -9 _ ,---' `fyduj; believe in"l1igl`1er ed.t:`;-W cation. for its own sake? he argued, half-heartedly. -` "-` K ` I1a'\I- Inn-it-\ou ' t\r|A n.. A:-mucosa: ulugc \.IU|C3o , , . The boy: went quietly to his room with the letter- He sat staring at the words with clear, `steady eyes. His thoughts` traveled back to the days when he had been more intimate in the knowledge of. home life, and he recalled his father's custom of at- tendimz his lodge regularly. He re- membered his mother s laughing pro- test that she believed he; thought more of it than he did of her; (`A.___.1.: ' 941- A 1-A,__, GIIVVCIC- / The gay _bantering tone of amo-' ment `e`arliet"A was now subdued and _Uhoughtfu1. - - un.;... n,'r..1..;1'A..-......A .1... .......... 4.- UIIUKB IIUI Ill .When Mabelidropped the paper to- go and set the table--one` of the many responsibilities she insisted upon as- .su__mmg--He`nr'y quickly folded it and: put it into his pocket. Most` of the af- -ternoon he spent in his room, and when he emerged he carried an envel- ope wh1ch`he immediately carried to the Dost-box on the`co_mer. t'\.._ !___ 4,..- |.-'I___l . L _ . _ . . -..'__l ..4.I'_.. }lg.ll'IlCGlLCul . 4 _ f . That depends _up`on' one s~ cix-cum- stances in '1ife;`she answered earnes$t-5, If one can afford it, I knowfo no}greatet`;p1=ivilege, but to others,;'fI4 believe it should be only a.Amean's__ _to an epd. ~ ' FI'\I_w-_-. _--9--. ,_.._.__,___`_ "1--,1, v(\-`vv_-`n A . ' A sudden vquickening of perception came to him, when, by: mistake, he opened a letter which had comevto his father. It proved to be a notice of suspension for non-payment of 1o `d`ues. `, 5.0,`! n. I` ll \ril\lI These" naive utterances, . which at first :merely, piqued Hem-y s interest, had gradually assumed the form of a; challenge to his .owi1\ `friV0101}S- inrncii-A III`; U\Il'II\IJ\ VIII BIIC \plJ'lIl\iIc One by one he had " treasured `the `fragmentary. bits of philosophy, `drop- ped as pearls fromthe mouth of `the frail ldoking girl with the darkling eves. and `had woven, thetfn `together into a beautiful- fabric. In his day- dreams it encircled her and ,set her apart, and whilehe coveted, bei_ng1.yet unworthy, , dgarcdi not approach. 'D`..-.. .5315; `\-n`L`na` _Gn`\`an" IQIWWIB canny gvuzu, All???/Ills Vl5UlL_(\Il - F_ea.rful, ;"\(e.1:;5,.`exp.ect.1g`i_1t, sheg quicklyr Jonened L T33" A V * _ Oh! pefffabg yo_ur`Vknock = W35 3 f;%=?$7?**if!f;~1 1i%=L:-33313-ieii; , * ,x;:hi:`8:`>$13%3;:t}f ..,th`f111mg! W hzl wit f"b9yxsh7 I:llYC!l,(:[.!_S.,l `t`(`IFu3g?:___A_l-,;_ *{l.*llB pgunc `U1 .1;hj'jl & :11 one cornergfound its ,w:`_W to Hvi-y s chiffonier, ;_:fjHe tore ' ,. n and rushgd td;._.M`abe1 s V Ajing-vig_orq:us1y.= . =-=`=.r:.sa.sc..I::;;..+. ..m...+,=.m `chi n.a:.-mu. W xuuq yr ; 6 SCII. ' , v . The ringing of the bell` brought `, Mu-s. Wicks once more down thelonge. ;N_ ,,V.,ball,_` _`_S'_h`_e grabbecl her white apron_`i ....-gm =:ts- ~{i6Qk,"`7slippi'g1g it over her. -dggzlc szing`.hamf-ais eshe ;went._`.', Her. . iris! .time"5;;hsld :13-' it