pmcao To save You MONEY zasins BORE S 3 sizes I I ."...`.i`.?. 1.00 t Lace Boots, 1. .51??? 2.25 to. 85c u.; ~vv- `v v- c o_ u 'u{a J a 1,3. iv. :0 q I ` . 9" 9'1"`! '_'-P 'J I0 _ ` ` ,'g,`,,, . V Table and Tea, Kmve_s . 3,`V`~(1~'2;['-.7_f_J'i'~.f"V ` Butter Kqii'es,_ PjeiKn;f;a.;mgjt,;;;,__ _ Meat `PMks.*:;M;{P1?',g?a:?!, ' `nib Liuufnvai. ~ i`n:nl"r I.I1 NU} USU! -_ ,9I.k'.1lIl I"V`V`W "`~t"V.:._"3_"I_' K - lug wucrcuy me nouse naa Deen made -.=to. sink about five inches, the walls cracking. The,` defence set up was that Mr. Pullen had granted permis- in any event the damage to the house `had been caused by the boggy char-. acter `of the foundation. A dozen wianesses were. heard on both sides, His Honor reserving judgment. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., appeared for the plaintiff, and W. A. Boys for the defendants. i Railway Construction in Canada. This year (I999) has been a recorc year in railway building in Western Canada. No less than $28,000,000 has .been spent non construction work ' alone,`and. railway supplies and ma- terial have cost another $28, I D i ' ision to deposit the gravel, and that l I D I l year"`com.pleted the second track from-_ Winnipeg to .Fort -Wlilliam; it shortened-`the {mountain section" by building its spiral tunnels,` and has forged the last link in the third trunk line connecting Winnipeg with Ed- monton._ `In addition to this, it has been '. building` shorter branch lines here"-and-4 there. The Canadian North- ernhas, constructed a line_ into the '.Goo_se Lal<`e._country, and is pushing lyywestward from AM'idal'e. The Grand- Trunk Pacic opened its line across` the` prairieto Edmonton, and extend- The Canadian Pacic Railway this ed the-- Yellow `Hlead. whileal- 4 ready -it, has ., begun the construction of: branch lin_e`s` both north and` `south. But y{While`thns~year.has been a record .-_one,`.nerxt;.'ylean: promises. to ecli ' set it. `In. -British Coluinbia,` tin -_ the airie -\?1?rovinc-es, and, .:to ca. more..1irnite,d exl f ` _,_Ze jnt`, V in the? :eas.t;,Qalso, `it, is `expected : ll*t?--I91o..will=ibea period of.unus1_ial; *af.ctiv.i't:r~` in. ;r.ailwa'y 0nst.r11.cti,dn. 2: .a1o`ng..~,wit.h t11_8.;`8VitY`89$' a cor: ea&pOtlir;apact1vn_tyitin :h\1ild:ns `f*set-- ' I, |?.* 1 ,.. _. o . if 1r'?'=t1z he"ox:.eni%rirjttii> of `v`ast`~ Fireman Mason Drury s- life was `quickly snuffed out at Bradford on Friday-`night last. He had just n- ishedcleaningout the yash-pan of his engihe, which stood on a siding, when _ he stepped in front of the Cobalt y- er. The-impact hurled him a consid- erable.'di_stance, breaking his neck, , ! but otherwise not marking him to any extent. His body was! brought .t'o.Allanda1e:station and thence to G] VI G. 'Smith s morgue where it was pre-l .'pared, for burial, being shipped to` [Grimsbyiat Saturday noon. Young 1Druny was only 21 years of age and had been ring on `the road but ai shortgtime. He` formerly acted as ioperator and ticket clerk here. Mr. |W.. E. _Drury, deceased s father, ac- compaiiiedg the remains to Grimsby. Pullen vs. Stewart. ' `A The Division Court case of Han- Mnah Pulle_n' against Stewart & Co., icontractors, engaged the attention of iJudge Wismer all. day Thursday,i I lasting -from',1o -a.m. until 7.30 pm. .It was an action for $60 damawes [brought `by the plaintiff for injury `done her property on Bradford 'St_., [near the Railroad: House. It was claimed that the defendants had with-' out permission piled gravel on plain-" ti s property andagainst her dwell- ing whereby the house had been made .-I-/\ 5:.` A`-`An-L C-.- 1..-`.-- LL- ,,,-|`I, ~.: -L._-O..I_... A432 elected oicers on. -.'Phu'rsdAay_` night last as follows :. W. . M.---A.`-Little -; .D.W.M;-_-G, G. Smith; Cl1ap.-.-`G. Stunden; Rec.-Se`c.--,H.. .Lougheed;.' `Finn-`Sec.--VVr. Soules; Treas.-_Geo'. Leslie; D. of C.--Thos Campbell; `-Com,.--J`. Marlin, M-._ Camobell, J. Woodford, A. Dyer, C._._' M. Srigley. An oyster supper was. afterwards vgiveh. . V ~ : Jeremiah Bauidry Dead. Bordering on four score years, Jer- emiah Bauldry, one! of the oldest resi- dents of this district,'passed away on 1 Tuesday, 14th inst, after three ` months illness. M'r.i Bauldry was a i `native `of Suffolk, Eng. He was twice] `married, his second .wife predcccas-Ii Ii ling him by about (two years. David ,and Samuel H., of Barrie, and `George 'and Alfred'.G.; of Flos, are surviving sons. The funeral takes place to-day lat "I p.m. from the residence, Main St., to Crown Hill cemetery. Killed at Bradford. I Th pV1-o`ce edsfof the sa1e-of .w_o;-k by.- the--l_adiS`_of St. George s Church I-`ar%n0u;It,d_-_ to $rscL V Mr. Ged.` Poacher wasvisixea om` .St;ndayVby-his brother John of Tor- onto-, who was -oh-`his return from the `Cobalt- ` - Edwards of Gravnhnrst was `visiting `among old friends here `during the` week. 0 ' V --Mr. i English of. Cumberland`. =51. ig remving `his family to Hamilton this wee _ ~ ~ l" . CfO1; gfrat;1l1ti.ons. to Mr. and !Jos;'Pp1ford on the arrival of.a.son. V Benn -was in_ Pdrt` Hturn,-:Mich.,7V during the week.` ' -Reyv. Frank,.M.A., `occllpiedf the Btesbyterian pulpit "on Sunday. . % w'fVGfiad3}s A West is :: visitdr 3 M5iss'4L:`LAda;.,WebB` rcturned from . a .3X9nthfs(.,tay in__'TorontQ. ' ` _ ~? _-Miss Ruby Moittjis `visiting in Toronto jand Owen Sound. - ' T`JB;"'V. L.` O. L, Election. Men s and Boys all wool. `Special Boys No. .1 grade Heavy Rubbers, one buckle, sizes 9 to 1.3. Special. . ._. IV ' Men s Kid Blucher Lace Boots, toe cap, extension sole. Special at . . . . . . . - Men"s Hea.1vy,Gum Rubbers,one buck- % le, No. Lgrade, all sizes, special . . . . _ Men s Pa? Colt Blucher Boots, Good- year welt, new toe. Special . . . . . . . . . . `Women's Hockey Boots, low heel, all leathers. 1 sizes 3 to 7. Special.. Men's .Fine_wBoots 1 leather" soles, sizes to I 3. Special. .v . . . ' IE have 5 I33? e;ja,s5ort_ nt';`bffq}rtjles; W Chtistriiais%.'i?tesnt9~.i % tJn.i*57\Tb1.i?-2. ~ %*h5*:?81`#a;::1 ; `WWW ` I : ` ":r`-:E`=3r `:`s ` ` " 4 , Pearl-hagggseu - !I,j<`1V':i;|1`.\,T8E3 ; Carving % % " `M;:n_ s Hockey Bpots, No. I ':C a1_.s. 6...t?. .I.I.' grad, strong, tiziy styl,' sizes I td` 5. Special..- Hockeybots 5 Sizes I fo 5. pecigl. . .. .. of dress Boots, `Slippers for evening or ho `-,. ' 9 "V. g{V_Vith a stock as complete and `ass DAY SHOE WANTS `with eyes shut, not possible \in any other stores andvat pr something that will be appreciated," it will ment as big as oursnowi re of getting style,. comfort es _that means big saving well for you to consider e comfort,'Hockey Boots young people. Here are a few suggestions r the Christmas buyers. 2 tpossibi _of B. Youths Hockey Boots, all Boys Hockey ~B<$ots, Nd. I sizes 11 nuyooqoo ' any other beLa' , Here -A I2r:z:I;st?:as`.. S;a; ;:%~1.65 _'I`HURSI)AY,% ARE 10001) QAYS To LOOK THROUGH OUR STOCK--Other good days are % may AND SATURDAY . -v - .31 S with her` stores p aeaopreciated, wil rs for evening or} are few-sugzgestio 3 and-"at pr < .ted;= `will aning oxho -suggestions % , Men's Fine `Ki Slippers, opera stvle, Black nd fan, `turn soles, all -siz 1 . I l Special . . . . . . . . . . 5 . - Boys Warm Hous lip- pers,.al1 sizes,.from 35c 0 .to'......._ . . . . . . . . . . .. Wrcua run: CH3 suppers, exible leather s s,all -I sizes 6.tq 12, 1. _ o.. . Men"s F t soles, SIZES .Spec1al. . . ._ .. , E V. nis_h`s inn '\ suitable HAT MEANS th-at every"'day in the " 'eek we have abun- dance o good things ALL CHRISTMAS ` v1['We would like _ at_ our stock fur- G I ;F T S . to suggest BOYS suprs ="v1en s Fine `Sit Slippers, av-n Ina!-11.34 0 ' n -11 A -A 2.00 1.85 3.50 ant as. -big": ; mean well foi"y< 3 comfort,'] 9! Chris Ladies and Boys ~Buc'.$skin Lace style, sizes 3 to 7. S ial . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ladies Vici tip, new toe and very smart` style. id," Blucher style, dull kid `eel, extension sole, pecial . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. b_i`g71as-.ours mow is", you can choose 'your.H?OLI- rtting style, comfort and good serviceablev qualities means-l_>ig_sa.v,inor `,;t_o you- For gift purposes-- f'oif57you;to consider the usefulness of a nice pair f.ort,'.I-Iockey and M'occ_asins to please the Christmas buyers. at a small outlay : ..-.u. :Jnu\,u\..I. LJUULD, LUC ole, dressy street style, 2 Wecial . . . . . . . . . . . I cap, extension SIZES 3 to 7. Slippers, felt .550 Childrnfs sizes,-5;; Ladies \_71' A Kid Blucher_ L3ce_ Booti, E09 I-r\ QII`(\0|RI1\oQK\`_ .1 .__, Men's all felt felt soles, all sizes, special 1.75 to . . . . .. Ladies` Felt Slippers," felt soles and leather soles, special 50c to . . . . . . . . ' Ladies Felt Lace Boot, Kid leather, foxed leather sole, special quality, all sizes 3 to 8. ' Special `. Ladies all felt Lace and J Congress leather sole, all sizes. - Special. . . . . Barrie VI/arm Felt Boots