#880 such Dfnhnrti ` MINESING. E. A_.- H-en'ry, Teachef. . y , . i VI if? Ingvvealth of matter and variety of,l ; -subjects, everyone i. interesting to" ' `sportsmen, the Christmas (Decem- ` be't") number of Rod and Gun in Can-_ , yprobriate. iclirjstmas tinge is given to, #:he rst:..'tw_o "stories and adds some- 5 ada, published "by J. Taylor, Woodstock,-O._nt., is notable. --An ao-. thing to thei interest both will evoke.` Hunting; shing and exploring pap- ers, widelyfajdiilerent "in characeter and displaying."in"-at-remarkable way the wonderful";-esources of the Dominion ber no sportsman can afford to miss. fI`he_ stud_y_jo\f the_ wild waterfowlff. `the ` Paci'c'fOoast`'_ by "Bonnyca,sl:i_e Dale willeia-ppeal to all lovers 'of`bird .ili_ie,.,vv,hile.i.tht.` Stqfies of days with the deer, mountain sheep, bear; ` wolves in these several respects , ll a nuin~" and a"fox- will recall many pleasant : experiences. ' Whether the Forest City Paving Co. will some day make a formal de-, Vmand for the $1600 which is now ly- ing on deposit in the Molsons Bank here is a questionthat is puzzling the Town Council at the present time, says the Meaford Mirror- This,-, monev, it will be remembered by, those who have followed the reports, of the Council` proceedings closely, was either retained by the town or, left on deposit by the Forest City, Paving Co. as collateral security tor,'| the permanency of the granolithic,- sidewalks `constructed by the com,-, pany in Meaford. The guarantee. was ,mad e_ to cover a period of ve years, which vterm, according to,` Mavor Horsley, will expire sometime `next summer. , - I cHR1fm_nAs_` ROD AND GUN. ---- ---V...-_a, an: a yusnulu uuayltal. ";1`he State of Michigan ha's.written asking Hon.` Dr. Pyne,`.M'imster of (Education, how Ontario sec.ured_ V-cheap _ text-books. j . I . A . .lV....."Aust1ral_ia ' has 'ask'ed the British _*Admiralty _to commence the construc- Ltipn of a` battle-ship cruiser to head` the..Aus\tralian eet. ` _.-_-- -v.-o --auonnunv mMAr. 'i'homas Hi1.ton of Toronto found his son, who had been missing for six` months, in a Buffalo hospital. TL- C;..c.. -1 1\.r:-s.:_--, 1-,- w1Z7ive_ men` were drowned in` fhejl sinking" of the steamer W. C. Rich-t ardson near Buffalo. -L ` Two men, V-A. VJ. Wilsonnand Lew-.: Oster, committed suicide in Toronto.;- - Mr. "Thomas White was killed,at'-` `Sparta by being caught in a.ywheel.. I2fnP tnhn l|n`c\n;-I 61- `'--:`-1 uyat ca uy ucu1_g caugnt In a.nywnee1..' James Rankm, who helped to `buxld `the xst Grand'VTrunk engine,_died in Toronto. Thirteen` men from the `steamer Clarion agre adrift in an open boat on` Lake Eme. ` twhich an.op_e:-ating surgeon had sewn: _1\;L`i-lwauihcee woman diedafter Suf- fermg forfour years from a sponge, up in her a'Bdomen. . , , to Wi;$hingt on by -the Canadian G0.v-.; ernrrient-ja ainst.the actions of irnmi-_' gration .0 cials in turning people` back at the Manitobaboundary. (A .remonst1anc"Vwi11 be fonivarded7l ' \ `7 1 H312. u, q.-nvzn -\;\JJ1u.u L|.CLl _l.llb_l\..lC. 'Pugsle'y and Dr. King -have "gone to Washington on" busi- ness connected with the boundaryV dispute. .5. James LMacM*ath, of To1:onto,.aged U-nu uuncu rccorus I01 I11!!! ' 3_i'*th; attempted` -to" kill his foster m_o ther, a'n'cl then commjtted` suicide. Han hf "p|1rr:In:nr' 0:01;` nn `l1`:...... Y ` `ll sJ`7"VVt :~ ~ Two New York men claim that they were engaged .l_1x_DL Cook to` 3_f3keL Dolar records 'for him. I` Iarnae ``ouA`..`_L`. _t 'F_,,.,_ -~v --, -v-penal ` A ' Mrs`. Carrie Na`tio-n was an-este' at ~Washington for smashing whxs-ky bottles ina buffet. ' 'Ontario?s mineral output for .the nine months . ending `September 30 . egxceeds $16,750,000. "l`_- _ _.. mu: u; leprosy or tne.m`ost v1ru1~ ` ent kmd has been discoveredin Calu- met, M1ch. ~ . Elscgmeiatui `stree t ;c_ar on VYonge.`street, Toronto. nzlas blown into the canal and drown- n V `. ' ` _`nKing' Leopold of V Belgium` :is v\ery x A ' ' bbrdon *Holrr_xbecl `was. killedfby 2| Miss Euphemia Sharra of Iroquois I "II: i`a'v'T'Kdak V-,1: .. gpd Brown` 9 '* (`guide-'-.4 .'.-h'--:. pi. .\1:Nca\iIsVe<)gf"l I ` 'T A " -1 ... W ..,.e .E .'.?..S>:.:!3::*3.: 1132! I WI! IJIVB IXUGBKH 2 nd Browtile ' .ca;m6i`-an _ul1:r~;- the ;L %v"`v.7 I'v`.9""`;i:." 9!`3.f`. ? . . ` A - i13E%f,6ut'f3t"Fof .*'!:=?!:| %::;1?hf 8T%Ph5~~`dvewp,in9 t ; m printihg th;%.picturLe. W 1 $=iz_e of` 919,. %. 2.%x 31 % 3 W ` 1 .`.- AMEAFORD S% WIND!"-`ALL Retaincd as, Security on Pav ting Contract Awaiting ' Owner. FRIDAY,` DEC. 15:11.; s:oaramzN%mvANcET u.wu10O a or same '3` Had the location of the Georgian f Bay & Seaboard Railway and the ' Canadian North `rn Ontario Railway i Companies in t e town of Orillia, I been left tothe unfettered control of] ,' the Board, says Chairman Mabee, I `should have been in favor of requir- ` ing Joint use of the present Grand Trunk Railway tracks and terminals, :with such enlargements and changes as might be necessary, with `a joint " union.station for the three roads, with a new swing bridge over the Narrows at or near the site` of the present Grand Trunk Railway bridge. `The Georgian-Bay` 8; Seaboard Rail- way Company and the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company have. however, obtained the approval of the Governor -in-Council of a new structure overthe Narrows, and this Board has _no power to deviate from this ' location. ` ' .l - \ Ele\7en Iievel Crossings. ` . This prevents the Board from re- `auiring these. railways to. use -the Grand Trunk Railway tracks for an entrance into theftown, and so the new entrance must be xed from the noint at which the new bridge is to -be'locatedrover the Narrows. This necessitates a level crossing over the tracks of the Grand Trunk- Railwav at Atherlev, and the. establishment of T at -least eleven `level crossings over streets in the Town of Orillia, all or most of which` might ; have been avoided bv_ requiring joint use to be made of the, Gra\nd`,Trunk,._en'trance. The Board of -Railway Commis- sioners have made their report on the location in Orillia of the Geor- gian Bay & Seaboard Railway. The line will provide a new grain route from Georgian Bay. ' In Fixing Location of Georgian. Bay ' ` ' & Seaboard and C_. N. R. ._ Railways. , . I i Premier Asquith announced in a speech in London that the policy of the Liberal party included self-gov- ernment for Ireland in purely Irish affaiijs. . . Sir "Mbntagu ,AlIan nas again de- nied that the Allan Line has been sold to the C. P. R., but_he says al worvking-agreement has been arrang'-I ed. ' e e | UV \lI The -German Chan.ceAllor, speaking in `the Reichstag, declared that Ger- many had no aims dangerous to the world's peace. ` ` ` nose to establish a steamship service from -the St. Lawrence to. New South Wales. 1 - Sir Henry M. Pellatt has decided to take six hundred men of the Q.O. R. to Britain next August to stay for t e The Elder-Dem1')steri-iCom1'>'any pro-I i I I l a month. . ~ I .- ._..... ` A v?_vestern 'delegation' waited on the `Government at Ottawa to ask foraid `for the Selkirk Centennial Fair. The percenta `e of earnings paid to l'the' city-bythe Toronto Railway ex- _' ceeds__$I,4oo per day. V _ v [An apnea] is to "be taken against the Medical Council in the case `of `:l)r`. W. R. Cook of Toronto. .:`A German and a United `States rm =each,. contemplates establishing `a smelter in Ashbridge s Marsh. _-_-Jv`. -J ,4 `Thegreatesti boom in cottonin ve years caused excitement on the New York Exchange yesterday. TL- ..-..-.--L-~: - - |a`"'.`["he'_;a;-i.r;; buding af the Mani-V to_ba`. Agricultural 0.llege was `de- stz=oyed by re. - ' T 1 :;`_l\/ I_z:rJames Ande`:-son vas k .'Haf1}ilton by being caught in gine belting. ' `- 3.. _____ __-j---, raVO Jbtllo 2` -"'lV3heV `Arnenican Federation of Labor in endorsing the strikeof western swytchmen. ` -` ` [ ,f'rI:`he American. Ice _Ti-ust, 1 'c_onvicted of attempting to fmonopoly. - ` - I x 1?` ' _ ` \ V. . -The 'ai1th9r_iti`es _of `the _University of ,' Copenhagen are; not inclined to credit the story that Dr. Cook is `ask- }_imz them to cases; on faked` records. The very rotigh weather continues on. the `lakes, ,'vessels~~on Lake Super ior incurring considerabll -danger` from the enormous coating of ice [that adheres to` them. ORILLIA WAS msn _ SA.TU_RDAY,. `DEC. J nth. ` ALI.` and-Igsoe` themand um-. ;o t.he`photo;e; l: T.Vl"i!,lt.V!l1l-_":_;j -V doVaDe\'el_oplng vert-lie. advance no other 11. Thu has "been create . a killed. at I n the ' gn- _ been of-_ .h;e1i&eirAedL that " ""gi`:lature%. . w,iI1_ Interesting . Specihzen `Fain \-'----:~--'- --------1. ~Dr. McCallum,. of the 'Penetangui- 'shene Asylum, has shown us a couple of rare specimensofeeel-Iizron relics, from the Crawfdrd collection, un- earthed ;several. years? 1 ago in Tinv. One. is an ima eof woman, carved ftom. bone, ea, foutv "oinee and a `half missing. The bthei? .i_.s...-a*ei" comb, also .,fet,- but the baiclci'elo11'g'atec_l into`tw__o s.sero.e_n".ts, held `by a -.cros`s -faeetion near iitl_`1_e_ li_eds=.a&.l They` arei*out}o`f the ord- inf; t`l1'e[.: gauge-` of. Indian : -relics, _3:1"_j_%.,Afii';x1`f.,ari""i.int-eiietimt addition - to .9li_i `l_a.-1"nFg'!:r"-."}:9l`(3_,'ti01`lfv`, illustrat- ` t xiii =lra1;its,.:`-`ggqli 'cust_c_otns.~ inches in length; ";,t_l,Ier 1ow'er limbs fa`! ;'b`one; with.the ..teni1nne`a'rI$r pe_r-- I The courtre'served judgment, and in a few days gave- a decision in favor of Mr. Ryan. Such a feat of pure` in-4 tellectual effort or of cognplete de- tachment from anything like `personal feeling in the matter has probably never been surpassed in the Canadian courts. Naturally, Mr. Ryan was more than delighted with the inspira- tion that led hi_m to entrust his in"- terests tobhis opponent. ' %?eirGr$mURE- _.._ ---_, VVCCC vs. Loan. In |,uC l.lld.l.LCl I The proposal was laid before -the distinguished counsel, who also was anxious to have the matter disposed of. He dernurred on the ground thatl it would be difcult to .do justice to both sides of the case. He was as- sured that; whatever the nding, Mr., |Ryan` had -condence that he would do his best.- The plaintiff made no objection to this novel arrangement. When the day ofgthe hearing arrived,` Mr. McCarthy 2 rose a-nd/presented in the. strongest possible manner every argument in favor of his client s con-I tention. Then he took up the brief for the defence and pointed out with logical clearness the vulnerable spots in- the case he had just made out, giving his interpretation of the law as` it aected Mr. Ryan. When he had concluded, no phase of" the question pro or con had been left untouched. FIVI . u. Any`-|.\;\J ;uuJygI1ual1;;OI day, MT. Alexander` Fraser, f su`ed Mr. Peter! V Ryan? in-; connection with a timber transaction; There` was absolutely `no dispute between the .parties"`as to the factsfof the case;"the only question : involved was one of law. To save! costs, the` lawyers in the cb.,se,.M'r.; Dalton McCarthy, representing ,'Mr. Fraser, and Mr. James Haverson, re- presenting _Mr. Ryan,`_ decided` to abandon the calling of evidence and submit-a stated case tothe` court; A day was set down for the hearing of th'e_argument, and Mr._ Haverson found that, owing to ,--a prior engage-i ment, it would be quite impossible to. attend. Itwas equallylimpossible to. ` obtain a postponement unless the V matter was left over until after vaca.- . tion, and Mr. ` averson sug'g,es-ted. 1 that another counsel be obtained. Then Mr. Ryan had a happy thought. Let us ask Mr. M'cCarthy to pre- ` sentpour case as well as his own.,l1 said_ he. No one is more familiar with the facts in the matter that he.,.=, and another lawyer brought in at the ( ilast moment might mix matters `up. I [I have absolute condence that Mc- ` %Carthy will be fair in the matter. ` TL- -_-_- - ---* - ` I \..tvv--- -.v ..n\, LL\lV(LlJ.\p\yol Careful buyers read the adver- tisements in The Advance at all * times; It `pays them_ to do so. Every week s paper is virtually a catalogue ofhousehold and personal articles oered in var- ious stories at prices which in many cases `effect marked sav- ing over regular gures, Buyers find this particularly, true now._ when. Christmas shopping is general.: The Advance s advertising col- umns contain widely varied sug- gestions of appropriate Christ- masgifts, with prices attached. so that ,mnch time and energy are saved in the search for what ............: c-..-:L:- L------J madman` 3' 0 '90 such ad- any auvyu Lu Luv 5t-al\.u LU! Wlldl. is wanted. Sensible buyers. therefore, read The Advance s advertisements. -_.-v Vt`-"U? now) The ate Mr... McCarth`y wasina` man so acute that when he had a,.br_ief he grasped in advance the arguments of the other side, and by anticipating themlwas able to win many a legal tvictory. A good many years ago now, a noted lumbv.-,rman,_of the; day, Mr. A1ex?an_der` Fraser, stfed` `Petey, R1/311. 111. (`nnnnt-f;r\n nyitl. ` L----- A A MONEY-SAVING V TIP FOR YOU ` undertake the task `int-hood` faith.-"is.so" .-Dalton McCarthy,_and so faithfully did he carry out his difcult task that V , . . _` ,l\ " ' The caseof a lawyer acting on both_sides' of an action is so rare as to be-zalmost unheard of in,our..cqurts.A In fact, the number of ynfen'wh,o ..,0uld. limited that they. cog1d,_he;xp9ssblyl counted on on'e s nger` trps. Yet suchif an achnevement is credited to the late! both :`ides were.satised, says .Tor- onto ,fSatu;'day Nxght. h ' 'l`l.... 1.4.. `A5,. 1|: r~ .- H66: Thrifty uyers Ca_n~. 'l`I.-:- I -_-_ a_-_ !v-n- ag \ patience in Big Liim- T V ~ bet T1-iail. f.iWAsL% COUNSELV ` % A (Special to The Advance.) .._,.:._I 1.----- _, ABORIGINAL REHCS -`_ _ -...-v--- wA:l{!ed to Pet; Collection. L (Midlanfd Times.)_ ,f`_ OI,.,,_ ron[B0TH%sIDES%! If not on sale in your town. write J. S. Ronnxvrsox, Sec.-Treas. Natinr)g[v Sanitarium Association, 347. King St. T W.',-. Tomato. . `AIL `il:1,f<).1`I!)Q.ti0lI_"'.`ftt|'|j.~;."` will be used for the extension of the work of the Muiknkat Frvo . Hospital for Conmm ptivos. The avai 1- sblo bqdn were trebled an. the result. at . last year`: Stamp Campaign. L` BUY USE THEM.` HELP rnwaoop wonx 4ua0.\`a. _, um BEST 11~r;vnsimnN'r YOU EVERMADE. . foNn.cnN'r E-Aron. V I 5 tin 10 patient has..eve: .faLfi1lOdldu' .ionm~ -`; - tor` ecau-rot iv. -bi!i!r~t %1=.,';,-rs * ' '5&AI IIUU IIIVIIFUUWIU IIVIII Ul.ClllPU XIII` CHRISTMAS STAMPS Among the stockholders of the company controlling the Lacroix in- vention are J. P. Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Perry Belmont and Clar- ence Mackay. _--rrv- cv--cw-w-u Three times the train and` unat- tached locomotive started toward each .other at a` fair rate of speed. Each time, without any effort on the part of the engine drivers, they `came to a `stop about a quarter ofta mile apart. Rear-end collisions and run- ning into an open .s vWcch also were attempted, with the same result. I` The special train, with nearly a hundred passengers aboard, left Jer- sey City at half-past eleven o clock and proceeded out the Newark branch of the railroad. Between Newark) and South,_Paterson,.a stretch of twelve -miles, onwhich the system has been installed, the experiments were made. Accompanying the train was a de- tachecf locomotive equipped with Mr. : Lacroix s invention. . c at jj I Mr. Lacroix s invention not only permits telephoning, but also acts as la safety device to prevent head-on on mar-end collisions, or the running of an tznain into an open switch or bro- ,ken rail, and it was this feature of the invention in which Mr, Lacroix and the railroad oicials were most I` interested. Third Rail Device. Mr. Lacroix explained that the cir- cuit for the telephone was formed [through a specially constructed third lrail. alongside the track. A battery worked the track relay, and a uynamo on the locomotive also furnished cur- rent.. The third rail was connected [with the wires of the telephone sys- tem at various stations along the road, and the method used in tele- `phoning from the train was to call the stationmaster and have him make 3 connection. - t In over _|l bacon - _-- wuss; u 5' GI: I-0 ; | e Yet this will not be impossible with the perfection-and installation on the irailroads of a device `invented [by 7 F_rederick Lacroix; an electrical en- . mneer, which was tested in the pres- , enqe of a large number of railroad officials and engineering experts on` the Erie Railroad. By the use of (Mr. ;Lacroix s invention telephoning xfrom a moving train is already a fact. ' Got Market Quotations. James Harriman, one of the pas- sengerson the special train on which the tests were made, telephoned to a bx-oker s qice and'asked for the mar- ket quotations on Erie, Copper and other securities, and they were given to- him. Others also tested the de- vice, calling their homes or offices. The words of the persons at each end of the line were au'dible to each oth- er, the rumbling of the train making little difference. - Children "thrive. on; `fEpm s " BREAKFAST SUPPER In strength" delicacy of" lave nutritiousness and economy in \_ Epps s is unsurpassed. EVERY `S'l`AMP`S,0LD IS A BULLET IN THE WARFARE , AQA_lNT zrunlzncuwsns. _ __r7 -.7.. 7.... qyayatbll aaya`: I`; :y.V(hen' on a railroad trip it should dawn upon you! after the train had ;,`sta'artbjd _that you had forgotetn some- "thig_"or neglected .to receive an im- ;lp orta`nt commission, if, instead of fuming until the train stopped at a _station whence you could telegraph, and then resuming fuming until you received an answer, you could tele- phone from the train and have all the annoyance over within a jiffy, you probably would be grateful, wouldn't you? nu:us'r_ * soon-\ :wmy%rr;m.: cona.aon..;r.c on Remarkalole Invention of 5 Frederi_ck- Lacroix. \ on `H8 net proceeds from stamps ooh} `IQ maul` '1-`nu Olin nnobn-uni.-on I h to do egpeoglo` _--(K}511ision.` Already a Fact A CONSUMPTIYES HELP CANASNS QOCOA MOVING 7. : OIHGDII 1 VEER E0 n on all Barrio. W U111 or word .s wm-an '`1 Yr wum W Mr. and Mrs. L: Ravmer our sincereVsythpathy in this hour of their bereavement. ` i\/I'r'."Chas.` Moor? returned from `the West last week and is'_ visiting his `mother. _ .~ - _. ___ - \ Mrs. M . Weathe`ra.11 w,as the guegti `of Mrs. Levi Ayers of Nottawasaga last Wednesday. ' ' `II I If T Mrs. Rice has returned io her home in British Columbia after spending` a month with her mother, Mrs. R. Bong. ' "S"c>-t;miers., and Mr. James Binnie went to O1_-illia Saturday to attend the econventnon. V - \rQ unsung -4 vs-v v-gov-u Mi/-Irs. W. Tr;in .and_ ziiiss Ellen Kirkpatrick left on Tuesday to_ at.- _ Miss B. Montgomery has gone to` Barrie. . ' I ._- --.--.-`or nu you play vault A5-Flu Ben- Tracy of Minesing oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church. Sunday._ `I O *. Bavfrie g.'l;0.tSv _onzc.-.d by thci +maJaQ.ia;$,t5;; J?-ustbane is D0;-nler. It comes pac,kd m ,cap.s. Pearly for use. .When` y`u.`*;i1s.9% Dustbano the dust docs1'_9? .7I around the room and -fall of1:_thf' Carpet and furniture. absorbs the `dusty '-l0IVi||I*-:-I_l ~': 3fI>et or floor: clan, It will can you xibuiiiniii ` ' - vii " at.` Dustbane to 5;-n,c1,,.yoI,I_ A V, Of Dusgblnc .. on` la` . trial. You ` wTa'nt it.' ..vv- v vowvpowou `(Q `.rouu;ouJw "are st-)1-ry to `report that" Mr. Charlie Knapp is on the sick list. use HHSTBAMI V.\`I(iss Lena -Curtin has recovered from a severe attack of `pleurisy. `1fA __M` ___A___ L_ - `ll T Mr. Webb of Auandale called on A. Brooks last wegk. A T V pugs? IUD 31 PPODGWI etc.. etc. ~ and will per word 1! urn-A ` Dust is $1 Vg;en'eral.nuisz{1iceAm the; home, thej7 ofce,_ g th`- `&'..,.b('>o'_1-.. mum, in fat afnywhjr_e'-'vsfh,ere~ xg` gathers it is a nui'sa`n'ce,-`=nd_ it causes sickness and disease. Don't have "another dusty`swe_p-_ iI'!Z4d'~y-_ 1.. - L. O. L., Nog 533. met on Friday. evening last and added (three new members toeits list. It being the` annual meeting, the officers for7the ensuing vear were elected as follows: W.:\l.---E. H. Sloan; D.M.-Dr. Lead- er; Chap.--N. Grdse; IRec.-Sec.--W. B. Sloan; Fin".-Sec.-W. Stewart; Treas.--T. A. `Sawyer: D. of C,--C. M`cCullough: Lect.--`R. J. Garnbel; Com.---F. Whan, F. Morris, F. Hindl'e, H. Donelly, F. Grose. . - ' The Churchill Citizens Band held a very successful concert in The .Orange Hall on Tu day ve'ni"~gl last. The copcert, w ich yvas well worth the prxce of admxssnon, `was given l)y l0_cal talent. UlIl\.\..|n'L.A\.\.|, GNU ULlICI3.- all enjoyed a well prepared su'p`p'er. cu u vv MUD,` .L\Ul)l._. Vvynltewooa; Lu , The installatmn of oicers-~w,a:.`o;j- ducted by Bro. `A. W . Green, Short addresses were giver! "by'"t'he oiccrs-elect and others, aft.er which all nn;nvpA 9 urn no-a........A -.___-,, At the regular metin'g of `P:7'iriC:i of \/V`alcs_ L.O.L., N0. 605; `the Velecg. tion of. officers took place 'and_ resuu- ed as tollows : .I-._].-"V.M.--'.vVf_`VA.-5].;-I Ngely; WZM W. Reyd; D.M*.i--M`J.; `S. Ln - ard; Chap--James _Booth ;" Re','. .sy_ .,W. Lcnnox Blagk; `Fin,.'sey_j_.-_E-d__. win I ` >`"1St.0n; A. Treas.+ --James ``I-`_~';"ati-4. mer: D. of C.-.--Alex, Black; Lt.; Geor.'= Neely: L-_Com.-Jo.h n Cook; Thomas Hearper,` D. -J, 1V1.-cu}KVmh, Edward Webb, _R0bt_. Wyhitewooa. Tho ivmfnllnfinn (S; .-snz.-....g... ..-.`..._.~-_-- .~hICCa11n. 'SY.-\I{r R."Se . M. Bell; EI]`&t, ,"`BA.`\:.;Gi&} )X'G' Bush. V9-ai'!b~M; .~ c.3mFS` 'rC"`*"` ._~ 3 < .` ' o - _-V, Riv V Rood ,~1XY,~ Har3'ilsl\J.A `;"{`kh 1re`r5. the a11(1i{(?rc;a1 codighe l3n 8.nf;y'. rDrt. 1 as giei}i`"isz` '10 u... _ .M.~.R_ Redf \.` N. ' "fi'D.W'*.s.. at their annualjnieeting".:|as_: K5/_1v1~_--. . Redfern; -, ~.:_I`..nn IR -nnv "`-."*=.`P-. ; " - The fol1ov\{iEV'.b`V`rs..'V: for the ensuing, `yea:-= in ~ A, .153 1; ann.ual` `1 "5 ~33 x7;r'1\?r .._I; Redferrrs . an ysult pa inch. ANTEN MILLS. `from CHURCHILL. ` A NEW FLOS CRAIGVALE; 'AU$ 1' worn 9 words) nf nnvnn Hirlehey, `G, v_,V_7I_j1 ors4ti_clcl, L;larke. 7Sr.;f II.:-',-f"-B4,.` `itidl L'ee (en ual),_A M-ati; , P, `White, D.` Pye. A MI, A; sum, ` IN, 9, m, .9 f E , :S:ayt1on. _ W .3 A . , ' Hohor :61! 7for November. ` Jr, I'\_7.-:-.A.A ,Foster.'. L.v;"?iIt3'v >aTi'<`i7,:V . ,1-!m!ield;!*G. Clarke.:. 4. . ea may 4-?:`uvi:;._ia:.~l:;;.-.-.`....z*3'* `J? Lu . 15' A- f;;:77I"'I7if~c"1-a{2,fs~.1;La}:a:,;3 Fillingham, May **Rob`e rtson, . George Grant, ' Harry Ball,..' Edwai`d"*'Johriston,'~ Viola John-' ston, Byne Bal.1,g.;M3'nnie' Sutton, Ma- kbel_ Ra;t1_ds._ ~ % ` -_ % % Jr I `I'U!O - ' ' ' J pf II."""C1as`s.*I-=> R11'th!'Cam'pbeIl;Katie Camnhs!l,.;4M;a;garet: M.cMa'.1.1an Ralph Parlimentl? [ :; T Pt." II.` 'Class.-Jan_ie"`Sutton, Wil- mott."Fi1lingham; ` - . -'-fri0u- 1 , rs, WI: Ei.:-"i~':}'vin `' Finxingham, Os-T wald Packard, Ethel! Gilchrist; George Simpson. .. . I. ~ e . . . ' - ~ \:f (`.0-znanhu 'Tnh`1nr _'iSr:w:_-CIass.--VValter Palk, % Alex. ...`v "' aa;.I.4'. .~g_ ..u.;.'1- - -- -.. Laura 1'eterseVr_1V,'-Rosamond Petersen, Hefeward Ma -Vgftirn,-_. Berfthzi" Simpson,--, Neie Fillingham,' Herb Fillingham; Efpily Mills}, '- ` " J `- ` Pique `n:`:o-Inrirlno-vs `Knu- `Honor 1.'ol1."for Novembei " V. Class,--Lilly ,/Pattersog, Iittgifei Hart, Edith Day. _ . _ IV. T Class.--Marjorie Malcolm, Laufa Petersell. "Rosamond Petersen, ` 'He'iwarrl Mnliifin, n.s;.-`ma `L Qimnenn-. Jr. I.-Tho Brown, Alice Atkin- son, Clarice Ferris, Cora Brown, Kenneth Cameron," Norman Atkin- son, May Armstrong, Loney Atkin- stun-I - . _- ---.,-- . , . .3... onulajn 4. av vv annunn Sr. I.--{Gladys Armst ong, Lizzie Tuck, . Richard L Armstro'ng,_ Gordon Brown, Laura Forbes, Rita Atkinson, Harry \ Vright. . `(",`.z;t.1;.eron, Vera Dob- son, `Edna Robertson, Rita M'cKeever, _Willi.e Dq1l_ld._ _ .. vv ollhu azvuanu. II.-FraFE Dobson, Jeah McKee- ver. Archie, Smith. T. -t .--I.I-.-'-4:-i;:('l.'1;_.z;.?`I-Sobson, Freida Fer- ris, Mabel Brown, Herbert Plowman, Norman Wright,` Hugh Plowman. , IrH_`_1, _ Honor roll for November; o Sr. .IV.-T-Lina Moait, Greta oDa1y, May M"oatt, Martha Parr, Willie Henry. Della Ferris. A V 171- -- hThe fspa~smodie effort to `keep `churches and church property in clean, "desirable condition "has evi- dently passed, "and the `reaction-< has set in. We are forcibly reminded of ' the man in the parable of whom it was said, The last state of that man is worse .than the rst. ~ ` We understand -that Mrs. Tracy,- so v_v`ell_ known in .conne'ctiOnA with various reforms, ete;,~/wasi agent-I`: didate at the Inter-Diocesan Siin a)"," School Examinations, held "on-_-1Nov.i 27th. We hope to be _able_ to\co1`- gratulate` Mrs. `S. F. Tracy when t results of the examinations are `rnad,e ::..v,~ 5 % am3ntI tor Chit for such { olce not y in any cement tollew- wed Do: on rate: use their ids [hal- The w_e1l-House in our town has been in a very -insanitary condition for some` weeks `past. We wonder what can `be doneabout it to put it and keep; `it in a more satisVfac_to2-y condition?.'_x-_- T - ` `Mr. Sinder -of Stayner has assisted r.`Brown in carrying on a very helpful series of revival services at Ebenezer Church. `Rev. Mr. Cameron,` Field Secretary of Baptist Home Missions, delivered an instructive address Monday after.- rioon inVShiloh' Church fend the;Conventi4ox'1 of Women s In? stitutes at Guelp_h. ' - ask` assistance from the Ontario Gov`- ~ernment.for the Sparrow Lake sh hatchery: ,The Minister, took a good deal of 1_nterestJin"wh`at' t'heidep.u't'a-' tron had to say about the hatchery- .wh1ch_the'y claimed was a public benefit and not by an means con- ., ned to the interests 0 the lake resi-, L dents only. In view of what success had already been obtained by the in- ' dividual efforts of f the settlers, Dr. '* eaumefelt V disposed`to assure them . that the Government would give the ` matter, careful consideration;_ Per: sonally` he was lfavorbly' impressed` with the possibilities in the under- taking and promised to do what he could to get for` them the assistance ] asked; A few hundred dollars of a 1 Government grant would nance the ` proposed enlargement of the hatch- ery next spring.-'--Orillia Times. S. S. No. I, VESPRA. _S'1-ANTY BAY. Qrispin, Teacher.