' ` Dwllng` 1roomso)tamb1e,arivchouae;.uneai4 -and nearly iot core A d _ D.w. at f-l;eerl(>. !x:1s."vI:ahlg pads lflnfti - I H111-Ant; land in cl-tden and `lawn , sss Tniakfe --._.lxln`...-.. " CI-IEAPEST nice The~9!i9.9I ~.:'.'.-.. "-.-:2"-'...`M"' ' ' % l mud: 10- Au-%- we -8+ cw 1 lirwed. Entirely from inclines! Malt and ops. `H-0: Nonmznu ADVAIWE ____... nu--an-um-In--'- \ BARHIE smzwmc comm oum.oP s1'n::'r EAST B_A,8_R1E i jsplendld `AL: and ron-ran. The Best and nrmnest In C081: _and Home ' opposnriz Ross` ST. JOHN BARR.'S OLD STAND OPEN .;GRA'l`E ::_ IMPORTED DIRECT Fnoxwnsr Vjaamu. is` A TON 91-` oun ---1r6a YOUR- PHONE 136 ' INC 5211: UL uawuuavu ...-..- -- where all meat. to be offered for sale within the limits of the city, either in butcher shops or on the market, shall be slaughtered under competent in- spection.` The reason -for this is that the only means of detecting tuber- culosis in animals is in the glands. After the animal is slaughtered and cut into parts the glandsvare missing. and it. is impossible to detect disease. Hence it is imperative that the in- spection be- made at the time of slaughter, when diseased animals would be promptly detected and re.- iected. In this way the public would` be protected. In the case of poultry, disease can be most readily detected in the head. The custom in this city sary toestablish a municipal abattoir It is now proposed to amend the by- law so that all dressed poultry may not be offered for, sale without the head. This course, it is thought; with adequate inspection, would en- sure a good supply of poultry. ' Issues affecting the health of a community are of paramount import- ance. In the case of meator poultry calculated for 'export trade, the Can- adian Government insists on a rigid inspection, which itconducts through its own officers whoare stationed at packing ` factories throughout the Dorninion. But practically no means - ~A--A--.. -1 t...'...;. is to oer headless poultry for sac Coal I . I VA, - 4 .3`. .. STEWART; BAR- tgrs `%`S91;;1_gors, Notan__e _t_:L `Public, 1 V M01153? to '~`l.`0a,1*. in{;any," "t spgr cent. Oice, 13 `Owen street, Barrie; D. Stew- ._art; 3;.I)., Stwart.` `/ f.ENN'6.x,f cowAN 8:3 BROWN; .alj__`..:..;An`... 'Cn"l:4-Hrnra `ni nhf2;l1.;Q G.- A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor` Bank of Toronto Building. Money to `loan at low- est rates. . I ORESWICKE & ALEXANDER.` Barristers, Solicitors of the Su- ~preme Court of Judicature of On- 'tario,_ Proctors, ; Notaries, `Convey- ,anc,ers,_ etc. Money to loan. Of- fice, Ross .Bloc`k,. Barrie: r A. E. ' Creswicke, K.C'... Arthur Alcxandei-.l , STRATHY, & ESTEN. }ARRIS- ters,` Solicitors i High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofces over the Bank of ' Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at `lowest current rates. H .H`.-Strathy, g '~K.C., AG. H.~Esten. a {DONA D Ross`, LL.B., BARRI'S- ..__ c-I:-:;.-_ -4... .`D-ac-.1} AC "PA:-n11- ; H.T. ARNALL, M,13.;c.M., OEFFI-CE in Bothwel1 s block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 5 .-__......-.-. until ne HIUHUI I3 '31; I V Enhloribera now in arrears for three months and over will be churned 31.50 per annum. l 1312. A. T. f.ITTLE,'1ate of chm~c711.' Ont. Oice-.and.residen~c;e John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Office and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- AL A...` not _ LDR. RO.BERT s.- BROAD, PH s1-1 cian, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty- ye, Ea1_', Nose and Throat. Oice and resxdence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (lgymeht Gore.) `Phonei can Do... A "tor, P:-oc'tor,_;`Notu`-y, Conveyance:-, uetc. _ Special attpntion in drawing and probating wills, Obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian-1 ship,"coI1ecti1'i-g accounts, etc. Of-: ices, Ross block, ,Bam<;. 'Money to ' V`f"1i\ULT, BARRISTER. SOLI'CI- ' ,u\.\.w,. loan. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N-Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67-Owen St., Barrie, ' every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose anu` Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to" 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. 1 \.\J_VV.l\LV G: lJL\\I.VV.)` .,_3-1-,5ters,f'So]l11cxtors fcg; o::itIa;xn;z`:(gl p-`fbatg;:=o _m s, guar an _ . admi'nilaratx_on,_ and general So11c1- t'ors', Nb rues, f-Conveyancers, etc. .Oicc, inds'_ block, No.6 Dunlop street, Bar'rie. Money-to 10811 at -.1! -...I a ..-_ nan` `R1-all:-In nFFu-9: |Dr.. J. A. c. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, | Surgeon, etc., Coronet-`for Simcoe County. Oice and- Residence : | William Street, Allandale. Tele- ~ phone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 ` to 4 pm, Monday to Friday, I 1W. A. LEWIS, M. n.. c. M. (To:-.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. olllce ot the me or. `Smith. Collier : Plione CI. 3 THE Brantfoid Expositor, urges the city council. to establish a muncipal _abattoir in order, to `safe-guard the people against the sale of diseased meat. The Exposito: says : t As to remedial measures, the course open to the city is well de- ned. In order absolutely to prevent the sale of diseased meat it is neces- ~ '~-3 -3---1 -Lnlrnir \ I L.R.C.P. & s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. es. Glasgow f --s vnmsou--- ' Having spent 4 years Post\ Graduate work in `British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat & Nose Hosllitsl. London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moortlelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon ln Royal London or thslmic Hospital; Bristol Eye H ital. Brlsto :and Birmingham Eye Hos mu. i ham ztormer Member of British (gphthslmoloacal Society. ` .o1`1I"Icu-7s Dunner s-mm:-r. BARBIE. `Phone 54. I P. O. Box. 96. $70,000 j `FOR 1Nvi:s71'iEnf'rW AAA aA.n._:L.. -4 1-___--L street, uarrne, xuuncy-nu luau a. 41/2 and 5 percent." Branch ofces at Creemore and Allisttm. -Hang!-r ton Lennox, K.C;, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. . ~ ou1'3 I5"LK't56's'Cn`\7E`ron. u:x1' noon -ro THE 1-Anmznv Inmt or TOION1'O.IUI|.DINO'. Inivuc. * Is 0 for all orders in CASTL\'GS. %j9W?" M REPAIRS. 8:3. UNWIN, MURPHY & EsTE1j. ON- tn:-in -I and Qaqrurnunra 1?.--...--....~ Ourpe` uteri . ifahufacturen of V ~ and Dealen in all kinds of Rough sud Dressed Lumber 2 G. G. SMITH & CO;, ESTABLISH- ` ed. _I869. Open day and night. V .'CO1l1t ,a.nd` Clapperton Streets, Barrie; `Phone, 82. 7-`I5 and 9-0.0 W- _ 8.30 apd_'1o I 5 pm- V 5 ._ D(:>ubl'c:-Track Rout ._V. IIUQIIIIIIVIM -tub r - - V - - w - -- are taken for `the protection of home consumers. `Surely if, as a matter of, national policy, it ' is desirable and right to guard Canada's reputation in exports, it is likewise proper thatthe health and interests .of-- `Canadians themselves should, be protected` at home. The problem, however, inso- far as it_'coii`oern's'the home .:market,. appears tobe one for civic authorities to work _out under proper provincial direction. "It cannot be -appr.oached" too quickly for the public good. J . s A, . 'UlVf\.141{ L130, .IJl.J.lJ.,` JJ.'Ls\:.\u.n.a | tcr, Solxcxtor, etc. Ban of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. \l\ll\.\-, phone `7 7`.". AUIU OLE. \IJJ4 105. Box 456. ..-----v- Eye. Earxblose 8 Th:-oat. {v,vvu_ L`\Jl-\ 1&1 V that Hillel` J. KJLV good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the term. H. H.- Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Ra M-in Io! vy co`, 1v1.u1.\L 1.1.1. xx 1301 DIV, \J.lV' tario -Land _Survcyors, Engineers`. etp. Establxshed I852. Olce, Med- ical Building, S.E. come Rich- mond and Bay Streets, ronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy _ & Esten, Solicitors, `Bank of Toronto Build- ing; Barrie, will be promptly at- tended to. . EDI Illa ll Barrie. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS A.c;AnbAdT rnnnn IAMH ennurv. GAIN the -Orillia Packet grows very restless ` dyer the prospects . _'of the eNottawasag"a.Ro1'1te as - the northern outlet of the Trent Vale 1 ley 'Canavl.p It cavils... at. the dday, and` suggests that Barrieis hol'ding~u_p,th` mgitter 51} her endeavor to the wtervay connect V w}i't11 , ` Hie Upper" Lalies via the Nottswasaga" er tin`-_ ' stetdsof-_by~thc 'S`e"jernff} ` is not `Ban-ie"s--i is they ; _ P"`fS-.+'~`V hsts9e.:1v%;Ts`?* `ow I~.' mblgieyi "t q `I-Iauehtong A .6! '3' pfejvio ~ _Miuist"er;'t of f gcuvrecl iii '1.` ing of ?a ` mWFA ----uo- _UNpERTAxE: :17z'" SURVEYORS. 4:~GAL._ _1=xNANiAL. i`f;;f;gi33| Pno}a'2'34. oml-LIA-J '" J 32-77 ran NorrAwgxAaA noqrn;.! ' st. _; lfli V Auvaycz 19 proven -largest oh-culatzon of any paper j Town. ".'O Inna g`nA law On... 41.. 1-_._,, . I1'1nvn.2 ~ -v-any has also by far the largest Subscription recei ts. ' ~ g t _ I , latter tact demonstrates the quamy of `itqpaa `us, -. It you have any advertising to do mth the paper that reaches the peone no; a d to pay the price. " Advertisements are charged according to spa;e.-13.1ines agate measure make one inch, TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. Legal Notices. Auction Sales, Amuscm | etc.--Fira't insertion 10 cents Yer line. 533$ on . gent h'1s3rtlon1%centst8per ine. ng no ces, cen per line for . insertion : 5 cents per line for each subsm 132:: insertion of the same matter. All items under lines, or this character. charged ass lines Obltuarv Poetry 6c oer line. I n o o o - 0` -I .. 3Preter1-ed positions or local Bdrtigg. ments in the paper wxll be sold at an ;1d\'3,nce otone-third on above ra_.tes, and on no other account will snecml p0B_ll i0nS be given. Tm. rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CH ANG ES. Advertisers will please bear in mind um notice of Intention to change adx-c-rziwmem mustbe handed mto the office not later am Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy form chnnge must be m THE ADVANLW.` office not later than 12 o clock noon _on Monday in any week, otherwise the aivert1s_er s n n noum.-e mm pay not be made public until the week follew. mg. . Burie. ` Tib Ivtuuu -------- Ln`8_Pao 48 column ilvgnidpoi. Published from the 011100. 123 Dunlap Street. II.--I. In tho nmmtv of Simone. the Pro- {nay ID8- lug. ' 12 changes of Adversements allowed W year. If more are reqmrcd. composiliun me; I will be chanted. Advprtic-r. n. will nnf ho all.-n.-,.,1 .- WU] O8 CDEPKCG. " Advertirr: r. will _not be allowed to use their SP3-03~-.t1' 3"*'rum8 nything outside their own regular busmess. should thcv (10.30 transient rates will be charged for 'such ad. vex-tisements. ' ...-- ..u_..u 14.1 1 5. Coniensed advertisements on r- as wants of all kinds. lost and foux:d([1,pf;i;;r{(e;pB,_P,-(Eh for sale or to rent, specic articles. etc etc, must be accompanied with the cash, anh w1='1 be inserted--x-st insertion 2 cents per work each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (gxamesmddregsea and gures counted M words, ut a. reducnon or one cent per word will be made when the number ot inscrxions ofsama matter exceed tour '. roa THE country or suvucos. .-Most reasonable terms given on all L,-` (`A1__ onus for advertisements must In any ease be Inounled on solid metal hulon Rms ELICENSED AUCVTIONEER "l`.II'u ADVANCE 19 nlnnaulntinn n! on E3Ei{"s";1E' " MUNICIPAL ABATTOIKS. %% %H%H+++ ` iMAK1-:s YOUR sxm L1K1-3 VELVET : Druggist, ` - Barrie. -1' .5 %++%&+H+Hr VC `DCLUICLJ LII Jul V Ix.-I v MR. ALFRED W. BELL, th noted. Horse-Shoer of Barrie. W lead in Horse-shoeing and are spar ing no pains or money in puttin our shop away ahead of all others Give us a trial and be convinced. Noticemorsemel John J ennett, [The New Foundry| SI. John I: Grooker Has 3 murvelloun effect on rough skin. ,One or two ap;.1icaLiom"f will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires + thonmoothneu and sofmess of a 4. ba.by a. `I Giycedonia is not sticky. and: gloves may be worn a few momenta.g. after using it. 3 `D-Inn I7. and 03'. We have\secured the services 01 nos-A-sunvx uvv int`? 7 LL Ialuuvv--o:-y -.._ __` . 1 _ ` ` "Dily in'E1u_1ing,Sunc4l ay. cuuacu anus, con/mnncur. CONTRACT nu-m. -`31355 r column : column` MONKMAN S GLYCEDO.\'IA. 0 for M REPAIRS, as .. u Inn` gvnoaaaa Gill! `Allin! tnovo Boilers. Engines and Q11 kinds of fnrmund stationary machinery made and rbpolred-on sholtest name and - moderate prices. ;. . All _-_,, L, , ,,___._. -......).un. --vv----vv rnuvvifl All work done I) expert Inm>hin- lat and guarantee rst class CRAIGHURST, ONT. CONDENSED ADVERTISE)! E.\'TS. ,., -_ J _ :I_--._A2_,.,, - -' - . u 12"` Wt . r'.k3" ;<.-' -_ ~"' ~_ . ' ggr`-5:."-' ' ~,-" 11: 1 : 9 V RAIL LY GEO. MONKMAN. IICIIIF I 00 Price 15c and 25c. Delightful after shaving. TR A I N S DAILY TO Expert Machinists k1Wk.`1 Mo.`l3 Mo.:i6 Mo. 1 10.17am 18.... Iilpm coir proven_ to have the y paper In the Conny 28....1015am` 27.... 'l.l0p'm' Collingwood Jud Meaford. I0 ' FROM . Ls... 10.17am No. 5l....'l.llo.m mint! ` -:--.1o`D-Ill, lam lUm enthng. Hamilton; No.}>3.. 10.301!) ' ,5!-....'H5p.m irrivals. and .depa`:tua'{e__s_ .,a`t. .i,!|'1i3.tom,T.Bar;ie date an f911qws- :._, ' rl0***`1-inc, . ~ 22...-,-Lu gm" `J6...;5upm- W?"** t).9ts?ii|iat.t ., y 4 ..:t_, .s.v.hich,-: qtlig.~;fa;=lsfst"". ac; ` , - :; hgws $1.0} sw'ishtwIfh` ..v.. ..:.~,.sy. ;s;`.. 4. ,_ e E ~- ; me o Paicletd `y_+e5`ti;i` ;e: "the -"ssej; . L. w`1ye`;i 5 iitff?%.r},fs5-iii!-itfesiithib-}-i 51`htive? H 1- as abusda W: 5 n 5;, he:id.5.7f"If7;tAhe"S_e3Ffej'u*"is` really the su.-1, um ;9"rio_r'% .rou.t!3;;a. w.eu a.nd7fefgoQd butdfif-~` n 41 vantages ages `not the Packet wish T to see-_. .th '_c'ana`l this way ?" _It se'e't'ns' to `u ' as`=though thzit journal desired _a.`_ snap verdict in favor, of its lam own *t1ov'vn`ywithou_t regard. to the <`- merits 5of _rival outlets. "Delays::arei in not `7'nec`essa`rily injurious. If they. opeugthe. way for something higge? `um ,.a_nd. ;1_>_e'tt_e'r they should be wel'co_r'ned.` `pm; :We* want only the best in this mat- s ` ter. ' Let's have it, whatever it is. they;Nottayva.saga:"has` the g_r9ater ad_- _ 1,, . HE Montreal Women s Club} _ the ,\N'ome'n _s .. Canadian Club, and `other `organizations, says the Witness, are rnaking a-plea_to all . womenl togdo their holiday shopping` so as to make". the strain as easy as possible upon the `employees of the various bi'g i`stor_es, who alwaysf ha\7e -a hard time during the Christmas rush. In her inaugural address the President of the Women s " Canadian Club drew the attention of the mem-, bers_to this, and.urged all of them to do their Chrismas shopping as early `gs-possible in the month, and as early in the day, so as to lighten the hours and work of the those em- ployed` in the shops. This effort to help` those employed in the big stores was greeted with an `applause which showed that the members appreciated its value. - At this season when plans for bringing pleasure to others are in every` woman= sl mind, we surely should not fail in consideration for those to whom the -comingof "Christ- mas neqessarily means much addi- tional work and wearines_s.? This is not a new idea, but there are many who haven't really brought the mat- ter home to themselves yet._ It it none of the cases where pain `is wrought more by want of ' thought than by want of heart. There are many who are in the habit of doing their shopping in the afternoon, but `who could manage very well to go , ,-,-I.I VVII out in` the morning, and who would do so if they realized` that they would be doing something to lighten the burdenfor the girls behind the count- -ers. `It-certainly `must be easier for ithe,-saleswoman to serve a throng of customers in the earlier hours of the day. V when she .is fresh from the night s, rest, than in the afternoon, when she is already tired. From the shopp,er s,` own point -of view, the earlier hour is best in more ways than .one. .T.hn, too, ' surely some- thing might be. done to lessen the rush of the last` day or two, that leaves the saleswomen too much fag- _ged to enjoy their own Christmas at all. . There will always be likely to be` a fewithings that one forgets or -overlooks. till the eleventh hour, but every effort should be made to mini- mize.these.' There is only a -.week now till Christmas. Let us all put the `early-shopping. theory into prac- tice as soonas may be. ` \l \r\lIvIl\I ooooo Inna`: v --J .. llulllll LVII Llywwuubvn 9 Twou1d `be oniy simp1e"gra_titude. [for Can.` Bernier to get those 8,000 Esquimaux in shape` to vote for his friend Laurie: at ne:it\ele_;ction.; ' ' 5 vs wuss; an saw: `an... _ If Johnson and J effries have decid- ed to divide the ptirse, why not divide the rpuiiches also` and toss a?`cop.per for the championship? A ght is xfo .longer an athletic event,but- a_pr_o`b-' lem! in highdnance.` . ,_ pvouuv -v .A seam; It; New York Sfock Ex-_ change ,is_ yalued `at $96,000. VP,rob-F ab1y.beca1(se: the owner is r:ot, c'dt_1A.l'e-iV` pelted tq get "up, and give it to i wof. mam` . _ % , :'l`h Metnher` for` North Pole} % Hanilton Spectator. ` ' ' -,_I .' _..__L!L. I `win .'1&Ii,h sp:qx"o.1"f=,.Ti-*?_i':_1Q'}Vai 1 =0`. ` IMO:mTor9nto_&`Nog1iBuyjI.1Ipm I ' 5 8IOp!nuNorthBay........ ltpm I 1? II p m..'l"o1-o ntoz Midland `M! an I I _GA:7avenh\_u-u II a In 4 ,. ,_'.|___ A n_ na } Toronto . Tlegram. canon 17 Toronto w: l C` onhclhy. O`t_tawa.v%-`F1!I_Prgs:A L ' . - .n libs: >vI. -w ,3. - -_yq< - - 7-- A '.'1\.Toi-At_h Middlesex 'has 'g`< >i:e`\ConsVeHAr-: vative. as .Was 5 exutctd` ,Bhiti 099: Liberal -more `or less. in ;hl_;e`g_,,s,-`L: laturc, makes -:,little;., diexfence presehtv gj1diti9;1s. = 1. - ' f SHOP EARLY} Nocnmlry` Hue.` High Finuice. saw an; bropses _-tc}V erec afhirt3'{- `thousand -dol`1ag sghool` "building; `" Bfi. ca11;;.gv;o`a ha; been appointgl to..the_1`0.1-I-.A_. EX_C117 ` N: 1 h'ai(re 'e1~j tVed. `D'r. J'. ;N. `H':?u'vie' and, GA Madden as Dis-~ tric_tgCV_?up~ Jskipg. 1 A V % `Ix%i?`1iaha%3' isa-Nainaxa last` week .inducted_ _as -_Rector. of -All' Saints -1C-hutch,` coningwo-od./r ' _1 ` ,1 -Cl.1a th`a`m city ouncil. taxes AAlat1Wh -_' dries`, big and.little, white and yellpw, $50 pe_Vi*-=~year by way of license. L .1\/Iafg%'i.stT1':1.te - Makay _of -Creemor"e} ; has been: ngnposmg some pretty stiff nesV`on hotelkeepers for infraction of the. liquor law. This is a. local op-. tion. village. ' 1 John A. Best, e x-R eev-Q of Mulmur, is the `Conservative candidate for the` Commons for Due`rin. The` bye- election is/caused by the death bf the sitting -m`ember, Dr. Barr. rv * Innisl Consrvativesimeet in an`- nual sessibn to-mo:-row afternocin, Dec. 17th, at Orange 'HalI. Stroud. "I-Iaughton Lennox, K.C., AM`.P.', and Alex. Ferguson; M.P.P., w}ll speak. * .L&.:G,`,5, ........`j{i 1..-L. Steve Vair left o_n Thursday for Cobalt where he will p1ay'.'profes- sional hockey this season. It took pretty big money to tempt Steve, but the miners gvidently have'the price, t . Au 4 -3,. 1-uo -Cant, Alexander Brown `of .the S.S.: Athabasca, _wh'ich"grdunded off Flow- er Pot Island in October, has lost his certi_cate.as'm_aster, as the result. of the investigation recently h_eld in M"`ontreal.' The deaih oiccux-red at H`awkstone- on Friday,'Qec. 3rd, of an old Oroy oioneer, Mr. Simeon Barnhardt, .in' his 81st year. Mr. Barnhardt led` a very active life up until a few weeks. ago. I-_Ij'e'had' a large acquaintance- s_hip-and enjoyed the deep respectdof everybody. A widow, four sons and four daughters survive. `Interment Iwgs made at East `Ora. " y S. A. Morrison, A. Mac K~ny,.]. J. Brown, vW'alter Sarjeant, J. Archie Smith and Rev. D. D. McLeod, D`. D.,` were the Barriedelegates to the Lay}? men's Missionary Convention in. jO__ri1-` lia last week. T` , 3 Barrie music lovers ,did `not turn out as they should to hear` the Royal Welsh Ladies Choir on Thursday` evening last. The work of the choir, under, Madame rHughes-Thomas di- rection, was of a high order, indeed, and fully justiedtl1e advance not-* ices. Besides the splendid choIruse's, the program contained many beauti- ful 'solos, the whole constituting. an ' education and a `delight. -On Monday evening last the resi- dence occupied by Thos. Iiumble Hillsdale, was destroyed by re, to- gether with all the contents. The -re w_as.caused by the little twq-year-old `son pulling.the tablecloth off. the table and upsetting the lamp. Mrs, Rumble was out of the room at the moment getting some wood, and it was with diiculty-that she rescued` the child, its hair being singed and clothes partly burned, but fortun- ately it received no bodily harm. The fire `seread withamazing rapidity, and it was impossible to save anyof the contents, althought the neighbors gathered quickly. It was with .di_f-| culty that the adjoining residence, occupied by John Rumble, was saved,i the. sparks blowing directly over it. House and contents were insured.- Elmvale Lance; ' e I Geo. Teasdale, `pt-oprietpr of .the Bristol Hotel, Colborne, was sent-` enced to. fourmonths in jail fbr sell- ing liquor. without a license. ._ . `It has been practically decided that the Queen's -`Own Regiment, .400 stromdr. with bugle,and brass, bands will goto England to take part in manoeuvres at Aldershot "in celebra-` `tier: of_. the regi`ment s jubilee; LIIJII \Jl . lllb I BEIIIIVIII 9 JU|lJIl\r\.n' ` an . - The details as .to_ the expen`se now `being worked out between oicers of -the regiment and the partment of militia. " Lv_e "needs 119 interpreter. _ _E`very blessing makes you _a debtor. Aection is never" guilty. (of a ecta- tion. A " ` Heaven ranks" by service, jand `hot by salary.` ' _ V ' - .1. Q.-. -1 No.4 A 11;$t.i an ,app`etif e i`n .-eat of "t_he;_w1l_l._ w ' v .. .. . 1110" *v1Iyf`A'y'I"s' Vigor " % hmn;I_xa,ir1`c . ' %.?% "".%`x; ' in I-I:O_TELKEE`PER s1=:N'r4ENcE19.T :A'Y_:l3'I._ Hair `Vigor, ima- vrmd l9rm|a.vl!l mainly op Iqlllng Ofrthc hair. `lndqadg vebclieve it will alm_yb[do*.this Lunleuthere it `disturb-_ mdic!he:% PW: `C"'~ WILL so To AL1$E1zsHo'r. V W ""'UWllV vuv '--~v,- -CD10 new name will be sddedts T Ponption List until thsmonsy is paid. .....-..a 5.... runs! In arrears for months gq gguut uIpv'a,Ugg3[Il." vI_IIl;|'V"' '. are the I de- I IW. C. Andrew} -MA-*JU>1`AC'l`URER on Buggies, Carriages. Wagois Sleigh: and Cutters. s P . V ' - J:;`.$u`:.`.:mo Horseshoennz N9 .. ` H , '~ ` ;-.`-[v4 V Xx.` A 1-` V P -I "I `I, I With V},-,`-` the : L, : Viank f`?F Mcini: % . jy. % a " fnoney frequently makes . A 4opport_unity_,V and weallth ; lies just past opp'ortunity~ V -_ ` for the \ man `vhd is ready. I A g V I A savmcs Accounrd Red % ` [Jacket no. 55 . amino. s1 Au '1 Inca V Anvuaovacu -Gytstiieat ! lfasts Well 1` l` TI 33. 5 `$1. 0 `KCVIC U V 3II ,B\u'n up Clean! _ |a_nd only .. ; . $5.75 per. ton . Cumel Cool": ;25 pl'_ ton i in _this"bank'wil1 h`e.lpA you tdseciare the neces- ._ saryv start. Afew dol- lars is p1n_ty/- for a beginning. You add V , your spax"e`o_dollz'1rs, we add interest-w'atch the result.` '. Bank or Toronto . . _ _soLE lemurs ..'5""'." 'Ol _l?`1CE-41 Dunlop St,` YARi)--Foot Mary j; V s;. - _ALLANDALE_4-Stephe.ns Block. PHONE 83. 'f ' \ 1 ' lucbnroluvrzn ms . Assets - $43,000,006 Bmie and jllandale ; Branches _ C. R. LATIMER. Manager Published Dunlop lu1'l'i.n Ion. 1:11 : County (6 81310:; tl:;Pro- ' 0 In `- `- - Thursday Mornlncgby "rl-IOMRSON anew. Pno'Mu:1'on T T5338 0!` SUBIORIPTIOIC. -