-4sY,our ~-;`sicfk"j iends` :wi.1 l have ';$Ea- ibriz_ht`er`. X%_1n_als... :1 `ey are ;r_e4rner`x1be"t-..' .e;d'~;T.$Y_it1}i 73.. fewl fr ~-7ow'rsV- Til 16;-`--'thL.j4tist; . < V `2 .. _ _. H rt ' he} .1'_I_e.wesh;__ . ,e_s' us in- M;3551i!.;V: 933 ,. " 5' E..`;%|1'1`-11$ : Ltheft ` rockers atV.4-l:_o;a`gg'a1n_ L` ' at.-Dbugafil , V--_-The, `1`eay([sit..'g i.Aiesixig cc.;>`:f`tVesyt;,: . the :sea_s,o. ll be jvemat` the ..,_()Iyn1 -A, g na~.*Ca;d\'r `A ' ) . % A*k EA sb `-5 j* t:9r%%`%V:8bibmt ' W cm ~)1o'i`de`r~wil1`-Vbej.giv =~sua*r`% ahd*%`%sppg~ L :2 in `begin an i` ,3 .~,, -y _ `.`.-.,;L _` ' " rot; I`7`gd:ry;_ De . W3Y- >Th..,':;si V - 1.4. :2. ~:~ a. 1 George. Bar:-phl{I,;c"CGraf`:stak from : with thesme 0mpa`:1tg< ! :0ns story. . nolvir blaying in, the Ciiy c$1e]t:')y.tetc., - V - y ` e roita % Opera :HoZsif"`??e at `~~"-` Grar.1dA evening, Dec, 273, 'T`h.U, Mondav :.h`9:i'StEP.8'eSt'a`tt13a2:tigm`S {:58 one `gf .W99na:`:i:id` ac` `M! "1 ns. *1`T=**sr_*.}~n~et ,%v 9: `?=s;= * I er .-present for. Xmja,a_'.' immons Fm-~li:fz_eed . You can`*'tlI'.fot_1;r y goods 3t` --.-What I than ibne 0 -Coa`t`s, or Mink . V-rnaltpe frot 31.1! fa Iglancg; and what` abo xnqnawand;kunpanx.nmwm _,- -_...., "guy vs uar c LLULISC. { John -Curry, who.w_as anded for L sentence _ontthe charge of stealing = $40 from .Geo. .As_henhurst,,came up ; Friday before Radenlhurst. P.M. His ' Wors"h'ip gave the prisoner one month in jail at harddabor.` Two `prior con- ._victions had~been registered against 4. ,: ."'_Snc1fipt-eng *~w-ithout-z.-chame 1'0 _ chased from E. .._e1le.r.~ _ _ " ' ' _--Fancy fruit! for 1:39 lidays: ..CiI.n.adian and S anish` _n_; _ ` .` `Florida, nmii ca.-and- Tanger- ine 01%-gazes ;{>PgIn:npplI., Bananas and [Ca1ifo1-ma 46 : 'I"I_-t_. ,;n'~_';, g_ artistically i done 11" a rt_1cles "pur- v'.:. .. .~'u 151 olpr'y', at Tl_3othvLr`el_l_ s. T , " flf 1 , - ' z - J : , I. '_-T-The Social and, Working Guild 4of.Trinity Churchwill hold a Bazaar Hall to-day (Thurs: on in t e_afternooh, ening a novel program for which ` . in the: Parish day).' Admissi rec. In the ev will be given, will `be, chargd. --eHoc1u'e.ys, moccasins, spats, ' leg-` gi@z i_;fa 4. .~.fe1t.-slipprs.anv of those make" `le X1'nas'. gi.ffs, and to save money ;right ID"-lace. -Carey shoe store wes_t$v'of Ba . tr`I|I- r'----`-- ---L` h`oe"Co.. arst ` o House._ A ` a fee pf -.;oc ` them goto the l . -...-. -.u\.ut\- HUI E1111. ` ;SomE ice % oak roll seat rockers, at ba ices at Dougall i Bros , " ' A holly tree, six feet high, import ed_fr_om England, adorns Geo. Vick- ers 'store. It is probably the only one of its kind in Ontario north '.of lToronto, and is indeed well worth [seeinm I -J: w Simmons and McRobie ' School staff had the 'n`1isfoftune on Monday to f `walk and bre all on a slippery sid= ak. her arm. - _ C Qklii ' ----_, nu. u\.Un "" `At the S. A. Citad evenimz M-rs. MacDbn . addression Floods and Flame-s; Be sure to come to t:heVXm`as. Tgee and entertainment December 23rd. An in - el next Sunday ed. ald will give an interesting programeis being prepar-D .._y> .5V\JLl {o;-.iT;.:t:ra,:aa `Come-and see. - A . -I ' ` _ --__ I,$l\gV The rst ganie ofithe ssnn was= curled at the local rink on Monday night between skips Hogg and Mc- Nivenx Result, 12-14. The ice was in fairly `good condition. _'I`..--1'--- '-- ` -I._:I;cz{{[el our : ` ; . ilrlh? ness cogdentia. s oe me, `co where to go. .`Ros_s -Block, I. A v .._jBennett and T. Beecroftfor and $Io , _respeefive1y, in recognition` of. the. men s services at the Music H.311 Block re.` % The Xmas. _exammat1ons-are now 3 on at the C. I.` Reports will be sent 2, {to each parent- or guardian. The v examinations `are fair bui searching, . .b_eing basedeon te work_ of `the term. I -- Pict " vya?aI l Bros , ~ -Holly, Mist e o , cotch Heath- er, church and home decorations for holidays, at Bothwell s. ' W'm.- 1: - - ` __.., -, _uu._ navulWGll 3: 'l_l`he remen s benevolent fund` has been- increased by the cheques of 2]. +H.._jB,ennett and $25, 'aI_1d` $IO, resoeefivelv. in rm-m...:.:-..: _---u a&IIulW,' LOVE and` K0` . the '-Boa_rd of Education. T `,7 3 D_on. t .for?z`et Mr, Daniel R-yan"s '7'play,` The Fox, at the Grand t'o-' }_nf1orrow night (Friday.) .' 3 7 Distribution of certicates will take 5' Dlape 11;` West Ward .School on Wfed- nesday, Dec. 22nd, at 2 pm`. i;~be"t`S(cV>n _are the retiring members -of` ` xties make it `easy f - u -I-VI-DI` AJLUY L The Advance Jo Print is kept Vpusy these days. Uxjequalled faci!-V ` or our prices to be` right. Rush along your _orders. ----Xmas. j in Baptist `church on Thurqday`, Dec; ' . Keep `the date open.- . . _ _.._, , av. aauu ` "--There at a in leather UN land's DrugM Stor TL- A ' ' -..-- can-.v\.A\ Ill. Co- -Secure our r- 1.1` \xr:n.. -9 V..--c__ n\u \I`]lI-`_{l +,'.:|7rus`tees Andrew,_ bertson `are the retx: J Han 'D----- " "` vuinulrl VIJIITIEU ~ " V at _ Highest prica In cash fa! . tor} gooitoedar H shingiv bolts, delivered arrie or` at any ?.'l`.H. siding within one hundred -miles of mm-1.,-. J H. CL.uK,ShIng1e Manufacturer. anrru-. Ont. " * tf T tte1(*T"v-v'hat is wanted in the 'eople-somehow know 51:0. {hoe Co., o_pp. n of ce`1"tV-i'f;:ates take It Ward..$choo1 ml '22nd, at 2` r _few'good bargains ra 1; sets at Cross- _q`fn :- marriag liVcenses qtT '. Dunlop `St. Busy- gbbd assortment W for Xmas. `Cw-: COUNTY OF HUGO!` IND THC gooooooooouuoqoooodoog " - :.: rA1d.v.;B_ards1e'y;%; A s. $t::.atz.'anj1 D. % Mnrchgsqn; s-pen,t_, 'Erada,y;:_ ' `om; _,..:;R9g;str_.-W M9 _.qt;1e.,y` a? ` an_S`," map`sV,;_~' ~ " _at--t!e`1-%9~. :H`,l 6 T{:oh.nso1 1-._ will. b`; -sheen` `here .........,_. wucrcul an ltanan Count and_a prosoective husband engaged through a matrimonial bureau crure largely." The complications which re- -sult give rise to. endless merrjment ;an_d..a,Qndt,Atwo hou;_s._,and, a half of the most fascinating kind of a "i1se;` :n1ent:=.-;::~-:=A` .com'oany. a. .o..- awevllkn vm ; _f,3ceur?'~headed by Florence `Forrest Arrival }_ t - ,_, I , Go "to. Wilkiniotfi or all kind: ofl 5D..t-_y'." Ha":-df and`,-`_ . jalqo .1951. aw .i*. Q1" A heezvon . "`vvIlA.` x..:x_aa1auu, U16 GI gglst, has` Just out 1n_sm a full ass tment of Kodaks, Films 5"adPl1oto`s hes. . n ` --I_t s the rect thing to buy your ne Jewelry at ; Williams . See` our wedding_and e ent rings. The Arrival.-o'f Kit-ty, `a farce comedv in three acts, by Norman Lee Swartout, will `be the attraction` at-`the Gran/d Opera House on Mon-[ dav night next. The farce. is'ma;de. "no ...of .brilliant j comedy situations; vvtoxffenl around a case ` of `mistaken `identity, wherein an Italian Count 2| Y\I'l'|!\AR`:IrA `an.-`._-4` --lWe A are 1, sometimes surprised when we look the volume of busi-' ness -we, ha ve do ince we came to Barrie, but when w ok at the small ma_rQ'ins we are makx it is no sur- prise to us. Carey Sh `Co.. -three rdoors west` of Barrie Ho . held in _aectionate retnembrance many fr1ends., ` _-. on v \.naI\.llL. i The boiler in Central School was` , renorted as having passed inspection, being found in good order and well cared for. ' ' Report No. 10, P. and 5. Com.. re- commended that the matter of equip- ment of drill corps be laid over. - A similar recommendation ` was made in regard tovthe new equipment for the C. I. ' ' -The wood supply `for -Central and . V\/'cst Ward Schools has been nur- ; .ch"asc`Ll. v : a - ' cent bereavement. -_- ...-ways. nu]. VVALCI} ; lsrin. Shear wrote acknowleglging} Board s words of sympathy in_h1s re- fl`! I ~ A petition.presented by the C. I. pupils for permission to convert the basketball eld into a skating rink, for use of young `lady pupils during drill Deriods, was granted on the pro- __vision that the Board would be at no,` expense except for water. ` I 1 `D`..:_. 01, A m-um-uuxuuxmu urwx nausea tor rem Siluuu- on Bayeld 8:. All conveniences `Apply MKS. .IAs.4KEENAN. 41.-tt :.r At the rrieeting of the Edqcation ' on ~Monday ev busmess for the year was V .lAccounts were passed $375.11.. . - _The ' Treasurer reported $271, tuition, fees and proce.e of old material ' ' Voyage on _,_ -- -. ..... waAa1lULLC VVHSOD 01' me same city. Mr. Downie`resided here for some years when Asst.-Supt. of the G.T.R. (No:-'thern Division), and his many" friends will wish him bon vovaxze on N19 mam-:.+m..:..1 -.- On Dec. 8th, Mr. ZVV- m.'* Downie of St. John, N.B;, was united in mar- riage to Miss Charlotte Wilson of the Lg. I'7` 1" "` ' /sv . 1;'ir.-_-`C. T. Thompson and family arrived from -Wetaskivin, Alta., on Sunday morning , and will reside in Town for the present. ' _.__...a .. a..4v\.a.L upuull meeting. \. W -Mr's. H. G. Lake and` son Walter,` of_ Calgary, are spending a few weeks wtththe formesvfather, Mr. R. Pear- son, Mary Street.` 1|/r, A -- "`- - -_ -- ~....;\\.\.uu'vc. " K i1'\-Iay`Qr'-V.air and- Mr.-. W. C. Huntr were in Orillia on Monday night ad- dressing a Local Option megting. H C T Qbn lI\r" nu--- II? I- ( Major and Smith were in To- ronto for a few days visitingrelatives and friends. ` ' Rev. Dr. Witten left on Menday 1` for England whet he will likely spend the - winter. A Mr. Jack Dymeyt was in Tqronto 3 Toronto. _ 'M`ViVs_s Ethel Mc_Grego1" of" Duntroon spent Friday in Town on _rout_e to ` 1 v yr :1: Mr.` Hauhton Lennox, M.P.,"is" home from.Ottawa.for the Christmas- vapatiori. % - ._.,........-._.. POULTRY WANTED HiL:h(!Pt cash price paid for Chickens. Ducks. Geese,-. 8: 'l'ut-keys properly uted. Alive or Killed. with crops empty and dry picked Call and sue me or write for particulars. 47 50 R. A. THOMAS. Town. "Mr. and Mrs; Arthur -smith of] Tornbury are visiting fniends` in`! O . , 1 ;...e.............t t ...t : V` Miss 'Spry._has b'eeq`visiting_in To,- -ronto. _ - _ iiMiss Ida Lewis of Abemethy, Sask., is home for the winter. _ Invitations are out` for the` Barrie" Aquatic Club's dance on` New`Year's eve. I ; SOCIAL nmsmzn up YEAR uu.uua Wlu WISH H1111 the mjatrxmomal sea. 7 `I .- I i:`.:*:d*;.E$:e.:`:1g.s.:s.*;.ha.2 I no, me at ggist, has a `full assgktiment of i..A `DL...._.._' `:9. ' .1115 U1 LHC evemng the P V99? 1-non un-......I - r receiving! proceeds of sale] DOHTNION Q? CANADI`OU CII'I'_IBlON' ,_._. `av vllllls ar ;vas wound up. totalling" tjhe Bc.>:zA1xfd' A g L .M`ajor Currie, ' MLP-., `spoke briey owimt 'to- thelateness of the hour. After -touching a moment on the sub_- -a'ec.t_ of trusts __,1;eferred to by the Chai,rm'an, heHsai,d-`the farmers were t'akimri_too*m_uch. to]! .fr9rn `the: soil. .'1`hIe& [timb.r .,s1'9Wth had ..c1is=nx>5 ' V1'2vot1Id`~,-,b~e%-`.n_ +essamz_,4f,131."` men. `to V-untf ii. 1:Vthe--`SW efofestipg he, denuded. V . ::_:qd1 wastgsz 9f _the posxb_I j ' that % ;:rr1_ga,- u on of 3,heV urob`-` ff The`, Chairman observed that the} `farmer of to-day was not getting his! national life bv the farm that could` `not be supplied`_ from any` other srource. H'e alluded to the trusts and I `c'c>mbi_r1;'39.~,:th:*o,tt_1ir1z' the country, and ,. declar_ed that the farmers must have Ia` sq uare..d`e ,al..- ` ` `- - T ' due. . An element was supplied to our V ; great deal V,rVnore deeply than 130;-T "I l J. Gardhouse of Higheld told how . present farm conditions might be im-p , proved. It was dillicult for a prac- tical man .`-to teach, By helping the farmer, you helped the whole Prov-l ince. The jzreattrouble now-a-days] was that young people. on the farm: didn t~ see_-right.` They were carried} away by what they saw in cities. The- -sp.eaker'urged_the farmers to pay more attention to breeding. Ontario, he said, should be the chief breeding zroundfor the other provinces. Learn the right . types to breed. Get an, ideal and try. to attain it wasanoth-. ler niece of advice. Know one thimzf `well and asfmuch as vou can about everything else. Mr. Gardhouse con- cluded an intensely practical ad`-; dress by urging` that the bovs be kept . on the farm, Tothis end it was ne- - cessary to` give the`. boys. an interest in the byusiness. Take=plentv of Rood i -Aaariculturalf papers, and make home' ~1_1fe~.plea_sant.r _ ` ~ L681` ` ` One durkred two-year-old steer and one red "and white steer, two-yea;-old. A rewagd will be gl"en' W, Rlilntxfn rlvuilnalvll t\ - ve classes. The ideal aimed at was uvuuI._y. uus year there would be!` to have fewer courses, but of longer` duration. This would enable the in- lstructors tqlgo into the subjects a` great deal deeply now. I f C `.-......,;. .Luc xarmer ot to-day had to ristudy. Much help could be obtained znfrom farmers institutes. farmers lclubs_. experimental unions, fairs as- sociations. horticultural societies and - the like. Then. take the short course 3 movement. The Government hoped to hold 35 short courses throughout, the Province during the coming wid-l ter. Farmers clubs had been in vogue {for four years. Now there were 140. such' clubs. Institutions of this kind fostered a community of interest among the farmers. Speaking of ex- perimenting, the speaker thought ' that too many varieties of potatoes were beine` grown. We should'con- t ne ourselves to "a few certain varie- ties. Then buyers could get-carloads of the particular sort they wanted. A and the local market was beneted.i` In closing. Mr. Bailey stated that he . did notyfavor ihorse'racimz at fairs. as it detracted from the interest that should be taken in the exhibits. I. F. Metcalf, B.S.A.,_ Dist. Rep. V Dept. of bAgriculture,.explaine_d theli short course `movement. Six; classes '1 had been held last year in Simcoeis County. This year. there would belt CIKSSES, TBA `Ann, o-:0-v---` -` `W P P n D 4 J ( l C. F. Bailey of the" Provincial Dept. of Agriculture spoke on Agricultural Education. Horse sense and muscle was the .old rule, but things had` changed now. Agriculture was a pro- fession, covering many branches of science. The speaker referred to chemistry, botany, physicsand bio-I logy as applied to N the soil. Then,` there was the science of breeding and `feeding. The farmer of to-day had lStl.1dY. 1\ Il`lCh heln nnnlrl kn .-.L...:---J ago`. ground The Chairman referre_d to,the time` that he and Prof. Zavltz had gone over a` sand area of so square miles n`ear Anggs. This was some years 5 Simcoe County. s waste lands of r`lll1ich he had `made a limited. survey. " COl'I'l grown. - - l A. Mackintosh, B.S.'A., was the rst` speaker." gave `a description of ere was-. the Holland River section`, although`-. the owners claimed to get? a goodrevenue from the mars}? hay. At Midhurst plains he had seen good It was a-pity` to see this immense tract devoted to grass- hoppers. The mouth of the Nottawa- . saga aorded another waste area. ] Apples of excellentqgality could beg` raised here. Then, there were the" swamp lands andats, such as the Essa ats. There was no doubt that a considerable portion of these wastes could be reclaimed and. made pro-` ductive. ` I _`: ~ Part of the program of the `Stock " 1]udgin g- `Course held here.on_`Monday . and-"Tuesday consisted.of a number of-practical addresses given on the . evening of 'the"rst day at `a. public meeting in the Court`Chamber of the Fire "Hall Building. Qwing to the inclcmency of the Wea;h'er the attend- ` ance was rather small, but no lack of interest was shown by those resem. Mr. E. C. Drury of Crown Hil , Mas ` I Cd. ter of th.e.D>minion Grange, presid- f Tand Hear Favbrite `Topi s Disfmfed-live Stock , .,__.--......uuv.. H43 [(1 PTU` covenng speaker `y, bio- Then I *1 [S T119 eninnno A5 1~---~A-`A " ' FARM roll SALE J . Om-hundred acres. more or less; South half Lon 17 Con. 7. Innisl. Fer` particulars. write to R. '1`. DICKEY. ' "918 Buttonwood St. Reading. Pa 43! A ,_, -- ..... ...v.uvuu;xa.1 UCDI. .re on sense Id but v. erlng ITIIIHV I'1ra-n-Lon A5 `Walter Ross has been committed for; trial for the nmrcxcr offuf Rex-cy~ Parkinson at Enizlehart. He ad'mitted .a quarrel and s'a1d"he shot Parkinson tinyseIf`-defe1'tce._- ` . L- O. L. N2): 452 met on Monday niarlit; The purple degree was exem- plied in the initiation of four can- didates. E-l'ecti'on of_ofcers for the 'ensu1'ng year resulted as! follows: VV. M.--C." Partridge; D.M`.-J. F- ?ppl'l)'y;' CR`efi-SeSc.--C. '1}:-l`ors'elg: in.-,'ec.-- . '. mith; 'reas.-- . A. Luck; Cliap.-R. Bucl_ianan_;- D2 of 2*-I lam; Gimp r `om.--Is, ea or e ; 2n- .` . Partridge: 3rd`. C." 'Co~leinan; 4t-h. Jbsn. iflihvis`; '5tli_', W:tr1.d.M*cI:_'.ar.ty. Tlljle Bf; ; cers-elect were ul installed v_ . ` T. I.-D. Banttnz of ' ookstfown, Grand Lecturer for Ontario W"est. At the ` f'esti'v"EvOard` which followed` speeches were given by .B'r0s.~, Banting and Boys; and" songs by Bros. B_oys ancf ?HQ"PS_el'd. - - ice of the Cantata. Queen Esther which was splendid1._ given at the. Grand on Tuesday evening to an. { Lack of space._forhids. atting. not:~ audience that lled. the theatoriuma Mr. J. Herbert Morgan,. the Con-- ductor, mustfbe congratulated on the; A % success of the performance which. {was of exceptional merit. Where all. did so well it would be invidious to `particularize, but. the program went with a swing that: was highly pleas~- ins: and that reflected the time and pains taken by those who took the (several parts. St; Andrew's Choir, under whose.-auspx"c.es the cantat`aw-as~ [put on, will reah"ze handsomeltr one the nancial results. The B-`arrie [Orchestra of" twelve pieces deserves- ia Uassing-reference for its good".w.ork; Arrivals for Xmas. in L..--;-. W. utton; 2nd Prin. H. T. Grafton; 3rrl.Prin. J.e-R J. Sprott; Scribe` E;--J. N. Hobiey; Scribe N.--F. Sneat; Prin. So)" H. H. Burns; Treasm*er--G'eo; M'onk`-'- man : Janitor---Wtn; Taylor. I I 2166?.` uh eurlytelexsgion--[Buy your Gifts zfcL_r.-Gc/ntlevmon NOW. and have them I :pp;'t_; g.1;oja_yj unti1requtred.' _ ::. " ~-` by .3 . ' utruycu on to we 6. Con. 5. lnnlsl. on ~ one yearling red heifer by proving property and pa .5.)-52 , W. T. HILL. uses of W. '1`. Hill.` Lo out Now 20th. '19! ' er can have sum expenses. urnton P.O. (in Prin. Signet Chapter elected gr ofcers on T Z. L` 'I` r` The colts had their first` breeze aturday night on ice prepared for them in the southern` annex, anclwerc under wraps most of the wav: so anxious were they to get into the game again. If the weather comes in cold it will not take long to put them in condition` to be let down. The team will averagea few`poun`ds heavier this year._which circumstance \ Rive a good" account of themseIi'es` iwhen the flag falls ,, $1.00 PER ANNUU IN IDVANCI IINCI-I CQPIII PW! `INTO -...s.uuu nrom 101-onto, will guard I the nets. R`. -Horseld will be at point. Sib R'owe, of whom great thihgs are e'xp?ect'ed_'this year, will? "hold down cover-point. On` the rush line are"`Dutcwh Meeking, F_oyston. itlie" Minesing st'a`r: Stan Hprseltf and Leroux, te last-named being Mid_ILand s clever wing plyers of 1908-9. Then there is other" promis-- ins: material to draw from. Bruce Thompson will likely be secured as club e.trainer.so that the colts` should not fail to be right when they go to the` post. rl\i' - 4 --l'a'ni cn hliudkcrehlafs -.wnuc pane-. with lnltlnl _-,-Fancy Silk. with. Initial eljeckwqqr and scpus ' Neatly loxd ` The grouping of the cluis and the arrangements for the schedules have inehockey _circles, Barrie is repre- _ sented in the junior series only, and _ everv effort will be made th ( r _ ;- brou'ght~ the usual revival of _interest , to land a. winner. The other clubs . grouped with Barzjein No, 9 are , Collingwocid, Alliston and Newmarket`, with G; 0: Cameron as convenor of the schedule committee. This schediile must be in Secretary Hewitt s hands not later than to-mor- Q-row, and the commit't`ee`-'-will.probably meet here to-day to arrange it. With regard` to the o'tl 1er'cl1ibs not 0 muc IS known 'as_ yet, but Johnny have ever presented; Brown. an ac- aiiisition from Toronto, will the R`. Horseld mm 1... ~- is season ' -_----.-q Evlythingf Points to 9. Succe Sewn With the Barrie Juniors. 81 0|1Ding :'ram a-nrnnnoa (A. L`. HOCKEY mosrscrs QUEEN. ESTHER. . . -n u-uuvvm IN HDVI COPIII `ue`sday evenivng : Ist: Orton; 2nd Prm. 1- 1101-` T r` 7 f the not ion` average a r._wHili circumstance f}1p;r Pknnnn- T'_I.',, . -~ 452.. thp fo1low_-~ ` snuv ' S'F\'..`-xYED Into t e premises of the under- angncd on or about Oct. 1st, 1 dark red t-wo-year-; old steel`, with broad horns. W. BROWN (Jundles P. 0. 48-50p . u an P801 St. ` -`-N"1'ED once s1:J.V:m4i..,,_;ie Pan] Qt And` Other Users 6! Macliinruj when In Barrie call and see the 1-0 new Pm semi-detached brlckfhousos for rent RU` 011 Ravnlrl Ht. `AH nnnlrnnlnnnnn Stt"as-`ed on to thn . CON. 5 Inliinnl nm Hgrrv M."W6'lfenqu . nan-nulnl Qt-ngg X--- MILLMEN 2 V V THRESHERS mnunnsz New Mgclyjnc V. Fully c`1xip;edVwlt1(i Ilathe , H Drill. etc. ' ' 7%` we deliver when of weather. ,, ... HRS remodeiled and re_paire'd. MISS Ml Ml: KERNAN. Small St. 49-4p ` ._..._ _- E ARRuE BRANCH W. D. MORTON. Manager. that will be more appreoiatedby a good portrait of yourself .w one dozen pictures will ta 0 0; dozen f_z-cinds or relatives. Thu your mmd. '. You cannot make a present tb those nest and dear to you on ' --cumsmas um" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j mm uousv oansnsl IVI \I I` E_ I We huvq a large am `:30\Nerst currentratemt ounm. on the Ieclm `W168 M.-runmuv i Travellers .Lettrs" issued good the W Exchange bought 4 Dmfts and Telegraph issued. payable in all parts qf .CaA':1ada..'f`f~ and in the leading cities of` the- United States, are sold aft.:eve_ry l Brhllcll of th Union $ank;; ` They cost little, and areabso-X5 Iutcly safe. A I ~ I Momzv -ro LOAN :3 u lnnnnn nun...`-'u-b lg` -..-.A Total Assets 09:. Sh, -_ '-. LVIV. no.-so " V" ruom-sou.ccu:w-. lI",0?II,_l'!_:nf ;j` j_ j*` viii! I3 $33!` . large amount of mony to lhdn `cut rntmI.elthnr in nmnll nr Inlm-bi '. rllaer of 7Portmz'ls.V _....__ CEDAR WANTED lidnn In Ana`; -..l.I A-..` s42,oVoo.o96f w. BROWN, Cundles~"P;,0.- V 48-901) or CANADA; STRAY premise int 1... . A , ---.. uv5u.L_ UVGIE and s_old.[ Transfers. e a. Goon GILVERAL ieterences.` Apply temlq yourself. -Whzsi Won 1 takeoazfe of one latives. That. mnnh new mlses of W. '1`. Lot 20th.'l9u9, name [an mcnnmma Lettgrs` of Credit the world ove1_'. ......LL ` I promised regardles. take{oar_'e ofiix 5. Thu much of! by_ them than W by Worry? 5,081`? of nnn HUD!` D981` - -|JU_\uI,_"'IJ`t'I in LJI U\lI\B \Io U. IJIIICUIIQ I ` Chanlain--Rev... E; R. JJ..Big*gs; ,I.G.-,-- J. C.L Lan ; O.G._-- !\.W_-';o1"sle,`;.Co_m-j ~ mittee--- . :1-. M9I_'8',a|1._i C-_ -Hop. MW. -Do'd;,on_ `and; -LA; Hoo`k:_ _ `uq5ti)r,[s_V _Chees_ma`if C:'*%-I-`Bor`s em .!rrgg4gte;::-e43. A:;:~.xR&ad:_en=, %huf3f;.?~%GOs`F.?a3% east. N.[Hot1ey;: kA9rxanisAv+6:i A . .9. :5: " `C lows`: -:--,;, `v vy ,--v.-f` '*.~"-'-_.'-vvv`.-`V? -, _ ` .. ` . . , I 7T,Vfs.u;hampzbnV5;Ladsc.Aj?_$.Q-;fx;:;;e1t. ed. %o'1cers;j 9n}~'W4g;gd_ga-3; last IL;-_; , \ f .L.:.u.v;.u 4 12% '2' .-,.;.x.. 5.`. .4. .-V. .... . ....-...r luwa. .J,`> .. 32".! - VPffdeLi1g+-3255; `T0. Bdi K4?-Vie-. ; Prgidfezit-gv;,C:-`is?-.E.f5Pattfigc .-Br Ir'|.-..|-... 13-... n'- .1 mu.-....... 1 - ".&E5"z'.'zE3vEiE'Sr'SiI:Z'{u. ' ..=:d~:s*a=~maw.::: . .ea 0 a scene . V to ahose olnltgngs of which` phe uh` _no on. % ` - " r 1 7M GARTH. T` L is % 1 V `Solis: tivrpjqil-. _ wanted at same thla\1ot.h aay `oi % 1 SON - i . _ 38 `of Chap1;er,12%!o 1897.e and amendments e:_ ' e ereby ":1 M13: 'i`i~?` i `clamor: w e c.-amenge. I e~= e, _ an la main . late-o_t the, Awn,ehlp`opann;;_ ale.-_; in t e Uounty,ot<>imqoey ho dxedhon drabouf ` the 24th du of October; one ulredon I Pursuant te sect! or before rldl III! I! '"-'-v bar, 1000. toe,e'5,by.: regei, or ot er- wise deliver to? n.- M Seymour. New Lowell 9.0. Admlnletratr _ r to &he:un er- Ilznerl. their full `name: an dresses. w particulars of their claim: pro : veried A muunihnnlmnbn \YA`Ina .III\'n 'C6u' blag` nkhl f ADM! s1~uA1>mx s NOTICE 9 CREDITORS amount on we securities (1! any; new them. And ruriher ta e notice that after t c said 20th do of Deoem I`. 1909. the said administra- tor wil proceed to distribute. the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled there- ! to. hsvin are am only to the claims of which he shall t on ave notice. and tlxatthe said ado ministrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to an person or persons of whose clalmnotioej shal not have been recei- ved b him at the time of suoh.distribution.' Data at 'i`oronto_ this 25th day of Nov., 1909. 7' ANDBRSON.& GRAY. ` ' _ , Soiicitorsfor the said Administratonig .= ` `. . _~.m.r.nv.- svlsed Statutes or _0n,t_ario..1897 tchapt 129. and amendin .acta~that alieredltors an others havinir cla me against the estate at the said Alexander ltyrle. who died on or about the 12th da of July. 1909. are requested on ` before the th day of December. 1909. to sen _ by pospreneltd or to deliver to Messrs. Ander-.._ son 8: rs. . 0. 936 Keclo btreet. Toronto. t solicitors or Gofotlge Alexander Ross Ryrle. t '3 L uuur. ll! nereoy gwen. pursuant to the R%`o their Christian an sur names. addresses. and: I adminlstra tor o estate of the said dece descriptions. the `full particulars of their claims. a statement. of their accounts and the u t {the securities (it any) held them. anzftidnrgrther take notice that ..m..". i... nm ' NOTICE ig hereby ivn. pux-ulxanttothe i Tvlaed Suggutea .Qt35r1_q... 1897,`__Chap 101! nuiol` unuun-u _.- -..I-- `In the mattel? of the Estate of ALEX- ANDER RYRIE. late of the Town 0! Barrie, _In the counw or slmcoo, , reman, d`ecaasod{' . {No1fI<:.I_:%1`o cnznrrons -r- vuuutiii f 59[B>a'ulIe.Id `Bu-eat. Barrie 'ooooooooooooooo6oo00-0019.1 ._ . - . . _ . . ' . - -1- r1 1 I Ulii ShUNDR_V'. DEC. 191"!-l.? 8.-30 a.n{."--Holy `Commun`1on._, ` . . - _ ll a.m.-MorningVPraye_r and `Sermon. . 3 p m.--Sunday School. . 7 p7. m.~-Evensong and sermon. ` mm E. R. J. areas. Vicar. wxupmch` * All Welcome. V beats Free. mum CHURCH SERVICES IIIlf\A\l Inn- - nu. uurnnul _I-IE8 PIOIII Pfesentedf by 0, Company of etropolitn` `V , Favarltea ' . Prices. 2:, 35. 50. 753. Plan at _ 8: Son's -..--v-u\I-I JITCEE P. O'Connell. Propnetor. _ opP. c1'r\r MARKET ' Ioorrlncessstreet o Wmnrpex }:`1rst-Cflvuss Accommodation. Remodelled and Refuruished Throughout. . WHEN Tnavmnnxsa Wmsir AND swop xr was Q2131... -- Tnavmnnxsa Wicsr my arms STOP MARKET HOTEL P_ '(!nnnnll Dm.........a--- GRA n ovum must} ----- day. Dec. `20-%-- A mam ii6LasoMn rim 3-lmrch of Engnanai f-+-GIcA1~ rnc- put at` cost of 'ma Must have "room. fr goods leaving" from sea. Cal1.e arly. Simmons & 60., Furriors. % _ ._ in - _Fu}'s to be 1914 We vfvill offer i ;;__ no ' m,anuf_ac~tur'. L for s.pi'in g ._ >m Over the H N u urge amount or money wzullu ,] Iowan . out-rent ratemelther in small or 3 lmounm. th I -u . `cod 1 Bases )I:CAl'I`I-!7.l%fIS'&*M "10I_J;SIt'eel. Barrie. H -