L parts of foreggn cqxntrxes. izim. leans PerEctGown-Fit j1;mI;zsbAY, Nov.|'4 [Ihe New Fl e-if noon 1'0 TH cyan; ~13 for all nrnru in n 9....-- {gnu Mh__0h[ookerl `I8 I for all orders in C14. 311 REPAIRS, &c.- I - Boilers. E as and a] {farm and am on machi and repaired on s oxtgst :1 moderate prices. 1gil:;I.;o;l;_(_1one b expert ma lat apd guarantee first class. Expert Machinists % . % - Bv M,Aju1z1cE ,THbM'rso N.' % j *' 1: VJ oa+o_oo`oo+o o +9oo+6o+_+ ` r class machin. -:-:~:~-:-:-:~:-:~: ing: drui drzha which Iakr J I I ping f (lump I`. I c0rn-H spring And \ }O\'c1\' III\K ' She her (1 rows ll haul s Theskirmish began veiei;yand?1$ick-ew ered spitefully foretwenty minutes in the patchy copse of oak bushes and. pine sa lings that fringed` istony :'::f;ell.` Phe hoise 2 of .}it".ech d in` _-fthe mountain hollows and` rattled vjed escarpmcnts; then e_sudd'enly..f there fbroke a stunning blast from tl1,e,lfull- top, where the ten-gun battery had been unmasked, and on came a gray _column packed close and charging `headlong .at a run. A rnon'tqnt.ofv surpriseand inaction on the.pj'art- of "the blue skirmis her`s was followed by .a panic; every man took to. his heels. "for his own safety, and devil-; catch V the s'lov vj.sti' ' At one.end- of they zigza jscrawl of Federals, a youthful sol ier, named Ryan Melville, was barely missed by a round shot which plowed the stony earth beside his foot. He -(turned about and fairly ew over. a.'black-. jack spur, while a `heavy swarm of iron bees whined and buzzed around him. His legs were st_renuously wag- gling under him when a shell hit a little hickory tree, round which he was shying. For a moment after the explosion, which was at the very middle of the tree's tough bole, the air was. dim with smoke: and pulver- izerd wood. ` ` \I-I_,!II - ,I I "strangely against their 1ichenl$lotch- ll(1II-.` Mclvi 11;: .0thcr gardcx tpnh buch thc~k "self." and vi spring "I; "It clurcrl like pi CL ce 'low_ g doon I I frighte About this time, -Mielville. being: a bov and imaginative, felt on.e of those elemental, visitations of irrelevant `fancv. He thought of whata de- light it would be to cast a y--a brown h.ackle or a Lord Baltimore--- -*upon thosg swirling pools. Then. all at once, he became aware of a strange silence in place of the can- non pounding: and the crackling` of musketry. The little fight was over. Sherman had.felt out for Johnston's line and found it. that was all. To- ..,morrow, perhaps, the hills wiould once again grind together" in the grip of a great battle. A 1 The boy's `hea'd_ svvf:_u_t1.valgu His Vsprn1g Irupted doesn pardo and, swittn ieatly .~ \ ,_ her, gest .11:-x'1`1: :1 mi` .<:ui.~f. 31111 \( \ I unvv ~ .\lc Pzihin IBUU `V Ll`-J\lv Ryan Melville scarcely knew that "he was wounded, so cieverly did fate send the keen iron splinter from the born.b_cutting through his haunch: but involuntarily _he put up his hand and rubbed his left eye-, which was full of hickory dust. And, he ran on. while the noise behind him seemed tobuinp against his back like great wave's, impelling him faster and `fast- er, down the opposite side of the ridge, over three or four` jagged wrinkles and ravines, and then deep.- er into a wooded, rocky vale. until presently he began to limp.` as he pantcd along` beside a clear. bubble- -dotted brook. - AL-_-L u_2_ .2__-_ 113-: -n, 1 c nnrm nm 1 `NYC |'l(v" dot?` Said rott 7 fl. \.uau\;uy,u All thriuugnl the dreadful days and nights of the hospital. while ifevcr Burned him andgatuzrene threatened} Melvillefs mind harbored` thg rippling` J BARBIE B.RANC\Hr ' a $ontri.es.bbught Asoid. 5 ;2. AND`\`7":0NEY\ isld, gnd_ mghey transfex-{ed by ssnsm; BANKING nusmsss raAu_sA`cnn AT ALL miANCHES " gnd dvratfigsv on {he `_I_Jnited`.Stats, `I v { g.ia.pajnta1, %.%e-n-r-I--W-xu lzeserva ma, - jmoongooo mewrod J; GR ASETT;_Ma1ager. 'of that broolc and "the crowing of that -rooster. When, he went]: home to `Michigan, discharged and-` half- .committed' to the fate `of a life-long cripole, the `bubbling of thechill cur- |rent and the cheerful cock-voice still fha-unted him. And `even after the war` was endedgandu He had regained -all of his Vboyhood s vitality and rounded superbly into` athletic man- hood, he was "not cured of his dream of going back to angle where the skirmish -had hded. When his uncle. who hadymade the most of haying while the war sunshine lasted. in the xeld---.of. Chicago sbeculations`. gave` up the ghost, a_nd also an immense` fortune, all to " M:elville, `the oppor- tunity came, and forth away went the happy young man, with -rod and y- Jxnnlp near` `Anna k..'..l- L... 4.1.... 1......-.1- uupu_y- uuu5 nuau, vvuu Luu auu u_y- book and `creel, back to the brook amid the `Southern 'hil1_s. ' V.lXn angler is every-body's: friend Melville found mostrencraging folk i the cabins `of that lonely region. He- chummed with Bud Peevy, almaster rnountaineer,_and` one day, over a gourd of mountain lew. _`tOld him about the skirmish, the brook and therooster, discussing vvhichthey two became unusually communica- tive, and at last, after manv.waver- ings and back steps of reluctance, Peevy gave away, ~-`for friendship s sake, the secret of the neighborhood. `Now, if I tell it, it must go no furth- er. Even the whimsical mountaineers have riglrrts well Worth respecting. albeit s e of their ways are as in- explicable as were those of Bombyca to her lover. TL , , ,' I,L _1',_1',,,., ' 1, nnuvohyvl JtQ|\5 I\alJ\r\rv QUICK} \y|\.IVVV\JI Thar, - [cried Bud Peevy, you've forgot the bestest piece o -_ pa-op ty at`-the ole oman h.ed. Yet no more ttcn fur a crier an the` ole `rooster itself! ' V ' 116117." .I,'_,. 01', , I 0' u 9 ' .- |lW|| 6 _ -""Wcll, th'en, gi me `a'.bid fur the double-yaller hen-husban.d,, said W II\rI I\J'\vI The neighi)orhbod fooster Was hat- ched from a marvelous egg." Aunt _Polly Bickexawas authoritv in the ......4.c..'.. at . -......I........ ....A .-.1... .....'.l \Jll IJIVl\\-II ` VVQD CILILIILIIILY Ill IIIE `matter of its kzenealogv, and she sai that onquestionabl,v thet air aig had a double yaller. Cherokee Georgia, never beforehad produced `such a wonder` as a chicken hatched'who1.e and single from a double-yolked egg. Aunt Polly Bicker was distinguished asthe fortunate owner of the roost- er, and when she, Dbor. `lone w.idow, died before a matrimonial agreement could be reached between her and. Bud Peevy, there was fun shortlv af- ter, upon the occasion of Aunt Po1l_v s oersonal estate being sold "at admin- istrator s' auction, according to moun- tai_r'1L1aw. A - 1.:.1.1:..'._ -1. u._ .4; _Q._` _1--.-i he biddin'g,at the sale was desul- tory and penurious,` despite the parched wit `of Sammy Banter, the neighborhood cVrie1'-._.An old spinning.- wheel,five p'lint-bottom chairs,a chest, some croc`ery, two rude bedsteads with immaculate bedding; `a 'scant supply ofkitchen utensils, three hens with their; broods, and a big bible. yellow with age and sadly thumbed, made up the bulk of the. decedent s property, aside from the. hand-loom Lander the lean-[to shed behind .the cabin._ All.went_ at lowest mice and ithe c1'i`ei-`declared `the sale `closed. ...v Vanni: vvuuauu Luau, uuvnu \.vu\.au\,\oo "Just time; the rooster mounted'the 'ri`ck4ety yard fence and `crowed. urn-1-- ,, n 1 I `n ,1 0 - She A jiast alks ` oveir` jto: '_th ef ;_ `mlegfy -Tugrdi a achment r. u - - w v - - . v vw wuuc -- up -. dmwel drier In 9. 32 em- _` % fzitltachrgxent you `L 1.u'e_._on _o.ny. qt_!ier._ coto:ed . ` -The laugh ` went ro11.nd--that. sear, anhydroug mountain. chucklee-'-.-from txsiccated 1' to'.]lip;: hen some one oerd At e"n- c ts for e-rooster. 0611"}; ,5- .';.,J-_._n.-_.I 9-. ;l_~~L , ,,! _'._ Sammy Banter;-w with a 'dow'f1`w.'ard ars`s of his stragglin ax whiskers and "_a humorous leer r<>;1'n?% his whey- cotd_red'eyes. " , 'l`I\ `nun:-o`I c-cant onccnyjbka anal- .IJllCIII [VII BVIll` IWII EIl`F" IUUDICI n ` -Hit an `dnderstood at it crier " lI' hex} tr ketch the `doubt-e.-yaller, fur the buyer, `voice suggested. ' A D...` , ca-6:n':v`uo neaonin cinonnncu ' L_I.u tuc ._I_:u_yc1,b~ .v.Uu-G u55I=aL_u.I.. Sartingly, ?.` ass ted Sammy Bun- ter venturing ,a tesgue wink. e Bidding. was for a. while lively; it `urose decimally to the enornious sum 0;, sixty cents, and there . ung as if caught on a nail. Mean ime the beautiful cock st d atop the fence proudly. arching is neck and shaking his "ery lcon_'1b`. Now and again he lifted o'r'ie foot or the othe;/, asif to display hisidagger-like spurs. \ As goin at` s1x'ty,, who says the seventy? `pleaded Sammy Bunter. If nrac a en:-cnrr rlojuo 511.; ...\....L.... Uuuuta. , R_v,an Mlelville received in broken dose.a1l,'of the doings of `Double- Y`alI_er- up to date; and what time he was whipping with his , elegant tackle the incombarable bass-pools of the brook, hisunspqiled imagina- .tiOn `reveled amid a sort` of luxuries neimitted._.pn1y ;to-* those who have ghealth,-_`.leisure, and the ne. virile -(~taste".c_>; t'.,;_1usty youth. .,'So it; came t ,jpass,tha._t*'~.qnAa` mominxwhen he had ` -.._w;nz1ed;a.nVd, `.cast;% on a,1,1d ?_on. hae half a '7 mile `fag -th _rg, `up the by-ook, than` he- , ahgtclg ,eVx~J`, h `he`f<>r'e};;, 2 1e:. ;s1_1ddnlv.; ; .:.a . tien,fed .th;t9n a ,e2r wood- T .._t?_.,y{11je_rg,,19n ;a}.h,:gh;11a1t;,.stoodjiia mam #3; u, e ,4 ei, W e.e:3.`;:he 'rIi1?}15e,_h,,d;(;weihhe sh \`d;`_'*a :9 vfu 1, a -` pxcaucu oaxuuly --D uu L61. .It was a-spring day; the country ,was clothed in green `splendors "of every shade, `woven, into a rnatchless set of scarfs ung around the mon- strously shrugged shoulders of the hills ' with a royal` grace. `Wherever the sun -could kiss the ground there was a" shining pool of owers. Over- head -a, dreamy sheen, ..blue as no ower was ever blue, `sprung a span from mlo-un.tain ridge to mountain ridge; and from.` ieveryyvhnere came the" indescribable and irresistible ric `fragr,ance,/of opulent and un- / hr ered nature. (`A .._2__) -4 uuungla. ' There was no` appeal. Everybody paid his share for the rooster. coats were resumed, and friendly relations as well.` Aunt Polly -Bicker s estate being thusnally settled. to the sat- isfaction of her lawful heirs. the [rooster went his way in the woods tuncared f-or, because.`not being the particular. property of any on_eoer- son. and yet the lawfulchattel. `of all. he faredtas an outcast whom nobody dared, molest. -'.-And, in tlfev, liberal spirit `of outcasts in general. he be- came an element to be reckoned with in; atalting .up_ tliei tieighb.orhpod s 1,35-;_ counts. ` , , 'n_'____ \tL1_-2u,- o - c - ~ Lo L_u| a IIIUIIICIIL. rccvy K1210. me H001`. .. "`Thet rooster air mine, he said with a savage snap of his jaws, an I'll make er pot-pie out n the ngan at says It `ain t. Now that settles it. , . Doubttliess that would have settled. it ii3decd,~had'not the law been grim- ly interposed by Squire Potts. the old'justice of the peac . who. beimz present, .sp.oke up, and with absolute authority said : - IL! 41...`. 1.....- -3-` -_.v!--9 -A-. -' lCCV.U3o ' . ` - . '``Th_is.court, sand the Squire. seat-A mg--hxmselfo on the fence where. but :a fe.w.moments_before. the vrooster `had stood. Thxs court sees on y one p nt in thT-here case. The pro- p ty belong ter the highest bidder. Now. whooair the `highest bidder? Ye; all air the highest. bidder. co,rdin .-ter yer own sayin . Therefore. this court say an decide at the rooster: belong ter ye `all. Hit air. a. neigh- borhood rooster_.- "cordin ter law made an . pervidedh in the statoots av Georgia. ' -- d ` ' `TL--- _.--_ ._-. -__;__r 1'$ o ,,t,, Lu \;V Gill. ' In a. thotn thicket down by the brook, _a. brown. thrush ,_tr*illed delic- iously, and then ung out a. Istanza of V Witching song . ,A"t'lI\:| -4. .~.--4.-- _..-L- -A-A. 1'` ` ",'_" I-Z1"\'v`:.fv 1:}: via`. , -V .- A :Me lv1!l,e` -;nv;a;s__ , npt, t1rg.d. ,. thgt_,~. * 29.9. t 8&1 eelastw A -'>'.. "V uuxuclcu uatulc. ` ; V V A2go1n atsxxty cents, who.`says b the seventy? ' ' ' In on I-I-ups.-as LL:..I-..A. .I..._._. L at \{1WlL\;lllls bung. ` ,` A"E0_1I1,:` at sxxty, who says the slgxy-ve? The rooster shook __h1s wmyz. ' A _ . f/'`;"C:.}eo11;1l m:i1t si:hc t}'-s1xty--sixty;`once, 9 ""- ' V rnncfna BI0l\1cvoI` ....A .. ...--A.: 1 $VV'l\v\, at U. '\ \ -The rooster crowed, and a. multi-' ltudinous voice murmured: , Sixty'~ve'.v - - ' A . _ Goin at sixty-ve, once, twice, and th';ee_ tim.es, gone to-who was it bid `sixty-ve ? - it 'Me.!~ shouted a dozen voices. Itaturned out tha.t everybody had bid the last offer. ,The_ auctionwould have to`be- continued, and it was,- until` the crier wore. himself out. At .rst `the advance was ve; cents a bid; then it fell to four, to three, two, and then -to one. Seventeen .times the cried said Sold, and se enteen times the cockcrowed and seven- teen `times everyman on the ground claimed the nal bid. ' ' Gentlemen, said Sammy Bunter,' .with a hoarse gurgl in his leathery throat, ye've 'got te settle this here matter ter suit yerselves. I m done] The rooster air sold. _ 1 TY--- LL- a.u\; lUUD].Cl dll. SUIU. Upon the instant a row begaml which passed nimbly from hot `alter- cation to such limitations of pro- fanity s the Anountain vocabulary sets, th n into the stage `of coat-. doing and the uprolling of shirt sleeves, preparatory to a. general wild fight}, It looked` as if every man of! them all were eager to punch the first nose` that offered. 1'M.eantime` the rooster jumped dow outside the fence and ran crackling i to the ad- rjacent woods.` V ' l(,t"-..L-I._.__, H 1. ' I I vs no. uau uuuuxcrauuul. uns IICFC I'0O5[CI'. , Peevy _wilted,V ;and` they all `wilted. To_ them the law` fromold . Squire `Pott,s lips was like hot sunshine to cut. sassafras leaves: it dried them [to a` condition of rustling uncertainty. . r11nn .117`-`nan.- cpn'r\z-l~an.. .11.. IL 1' -I....l Luuu cuuuxuun UI rustung ur1certa1uty.' -Then-whose" rooster an it. I sh.ed hke to know?-Peevv presentlv ven- turedv to inquire, rolling down his `sleeves. ' T .(l'l"I-!_ __ , . n on .- on . uJa\.cuL wuuua. 'Gente1men, bawled. Bud Peevy,-l gleaping like a gaunt lion into the ;midst of the noisy crowd. I kin gwhale the entire hide off n the whole [ke'rboo_dl,e 0 ye, an ye knows it. too! }`Nc_>w Jcs git quiet, an that porty I qt1'1'glc ....g.. ..I__.-_I -,-,'I ., 1 In .1 \`IUl\pI\g "The. men glared and todk breath for "a moment`. Pqevy _h;1d the oor. "l"I1nI> banal-.v`sa nu- aua.-.. 7 L- --:J GLIIIIUIILJ Ddlu a Bad the law air'ayz in ye; an men, ti1e law air -a.;z in ye all. So vshet-Verp yer mouths an keep out`n . bad troublesabout this. here 'roos:er."". 'D.'....... ...:u..a ....u. .1..,, NV0%mAERN ;A DiVANtCE innnene; " a.;.;,;;ii;:g iii:ii"i1 a:x:~rad1 A 'sweet,perft`1uie_ smote, his nostrils}? a . mocking?-bird s . j/melodious ` vote?` from. a distant ta:(gle.was*bareljf ~aud~; ible. Tfa1ling.into his ear as fa."te'nder and soothing suspiration, and` an. about _the ground .was `ecked `with. pink, and yellow, and ' ameth'yst .'apnd sapphire, .where the wild flowers`, thrived. He waded forth from the brook, flung aside, his rod and creel`, and stretched himself atjull length uoon the bank, his head in his hand and his face toward the statelv old house on the hill, whence down the steep `incline a. yellowish path meand- ered to the` spring. . Tnb:n :0 `incur T 2441 Cl CU LU LIIC DPIIIIE. ' _ v gTakin it easy, I see, Mr. Mel-. villg. - I " I - 0 I03 ', .I , nI.- fH`e looked up indilferently; Tthme voice was` that of Peevy, [Who had armroached, `at the Dace common to mountaineers, in feline silence, un- noticed until he spoke. In : his, hand he bore the oxidized remains of an `ax-mv musket. .' Picked this up in'the- forks of a olel onter the hillside bv the erick `own yander. iH'e",jerked his thumb over his shoulder. Hit s `no more use for a; gun. The ants hev eat up the stock, an the lock air all rusted ter nothin ; but the bar l l1 do for a. re-poker. IHit s a Ya_n'ke:e musket left ther durin the ght I s pose. ' \'M"..1--:11.. ....._-.1 _. 1-:... ..ii-..L1;. `rlll\o.l\`t`| 5 . / . . A double murrain on you and your neighborhood rooster! growled the young millionaire under his breath, and his eyes had turned, wide open, to , gaze at the lissome girl, whose white gown ittered in v the lazy `breeze. 'I`... I`;-. ':......I- 1/r_1_-:n.. L_.I 1__.._.1l h;aun~ti'.ng",his. _ soul; alum: with .2the .'&f1?i31f`s "BrZf?"'1`ie'rY<$'c`i`i$ut }~";:.i;I, sqlutelv. he now `understood that this virl had b'een~`ial1.i.tl1ese _y"3rs simring -`br " andgthe brewing cpf;:k.j; ' `CCU .._....L!. =.-`.` _ 1| -1; ;`.4;;~_..:;-,_..(!|I?_.n.-_-A . aunv.u.15 u|U'U'l\ alIu~_.,I.lIC \vI`:"V"lK \.}P|.'l\.`} "`I mentioned butt'e"1i1_n`,f1l_,;i!':he light-"' < ly r`emihdd h.e;, tgkin1'z':bnef`$tep`*`-ftoa-' gytargl Herfbutfswet c:je'I" `wilt s;iv .- '~+1.*i, vr`h9:mml%b;A ~.;.`., A .4 ..--_~v w -an new--an-_y vpuullvlt s'pose." `T - 4` _ L `Melville gazed at him silently `through narrow, vaguely speculative `eyes. At the same time he was aware of a. tall girl, wearing: a broad- brimmed hat and slowly d_escegdinAg' the soring-path from the house. . "T -1 ...... `-11 --..n D ....... ......:.......l LI. IJllll"})dl.Il 'I.Il7LIl. LIIC IIUUDC. `f.Le me tell ye, Peevy continued after a pause, thet air neighborhood rooster, old Double-Yall-er. iunwed right uo. out n the bresh. a'n lit ontcr the end o",th et 102' an crowed. ies as I re ch down after the gun. Hit do beat all bout that everlastin ole chic_ken ! ` ~66 /A j-__L1 ,1 LIIVIIUI, In _uc-I.` Luuls. ' I am` neither a bandit nor a kid- na.-er, he added. half in explana- tion, -half in `apology. Could milk in the spring-house? `I3;-n out.- rageously %thir sty.. Helmet in hand, jvh'e"Abo1 nred.`; ` V ' ` nd `me a` `gomrdful of fi-es'h butter-- `She had risen. H e. stave he: a r comprehensive, sm_i1imz_ 1ook `of g`e'rA-.. } fectlv trustworthv" import`. and in.het:_ jcheeks some. dimples betrayed -hfer [acecptance of; his ftanl hjgmor. f'A"}Ea';f fai:,'{h' ,s;i;ni~1_11.i!'.`;)c;1;ien % ibl wn from mat'ure:.owers,Varosjin 1' -I'...`II.J- L.'.;2.. l`D-...-A.'.I__ `I__-.. -LL us uuuv. ' 15514. To` be "frank, Melville had heardl quite enough about the cock 0 the Cherokee hills, how it was in l the habit ofclinching withla cock+a- doodle-doo every particularly `happy incident of the neighborhood s life.- How it crowed on Nancy Ann, Roe s' ashhopper just at rthe moment shel cast the last shuttle and nished. weaving her wonderful counterpane of seven hundred and one stars; how -it walked right into Sara Hix s cabin and crowed in the middle of the oor when her baby boy Bob cut his ~.rst tooth; how. it trebbled its trimuphant lcry when Bud Peevy, at` the end of la terrible ght, whipped NorthiSham- ly, who had` come all the way from [Arkansas to meet` the mountain champion, and` how it crowed at every house in the neighborhood the! night that Lock Tolliver got con- verted at camp-meeting. ' I-lib o-..'.- .. L..- 9.; ... ......--...A .A.L-L 1 '90/9_+`+o% oo o`o.+o`_oo( ++++ooo flu " `arr 3 g./a~ % .:.. I in 4 4 1 R DLIIIB L\I `|WI Th ,slcuall`on, Melville thought. was one demanding prompt action and adroit diplomacv, in order to pre- vent a disastrous end to a. very prettv and romantic incident. He,got nimb- ly tohis feet`, and presented himself in all his stalwart glory of manhood before her. ` ' V u:~_,j ___ A.,~l_'_,n 1. _ -1 l-r UCIUIC lICl.o ` Good-.moming, he said. I was resting a while from `my angling. I hone It have not startled you?' No, sir,"- she` answered. with` 3. little indrawn breath; like the sigh of tone who suddenly enterscold,.water. 1 She clutched her violets as. if fearing ;he might pounce upon them. Yet i there `was something blithe/and shyly `friendly in her look. .. ' V? -~\`gn:LInA.. `i1.-n..)J:`A.` ..-... - 1-3.1`! \lClIIILJ VV IlIL\r II(1lI`.lDn --Melville` found that he was holding his breath while gazing at her, and the nezt moment. by a turn of the eye, she discovered him lying` there so near to her; A rose-leaf ush spread suddenly under "the. fair skin from -neck` to neck. and her oarted lips were cherry red;. but she did not st2'1_1"`t to rise. , - e 11,: on .1 J. i V\..`l`L\;l:l at. balup`1:l.C CI.lllg.. V I ` Hxt air. a tac at wenever "that ;air rooster `crows ther s ggod luck a comin ter somebody," Peevy,declar- ed: Hit never hev failed yit. un. ..o :.. .. .......... -....-- -m..-I-----I . rxxu. ucvcl. IICV Laucu _yu.. What, in a vague way, perplexed .Melville s imagination _was the con- sciousness that this incorrigible cock had been crowing` in his brain ever lbu since the day- of` the skirmish, now- six long years agone; that this brook had been babbling in his heart all through the same period, and calling him back to wade in its sweet, chill water_and cast his line -across its melodious dimples. Dlsnurir Ana-I-gclnnn {-14. LL- .... a.-- Ell G DUIIVVI Jill LU Illlc -Mseantime the girl made her way -leisurely down the slope, plucking large mountain violets right and left, and singing little fragments of` mlel-_ ody, in a`voice' that Dlayed hide and seek between a. childish `sweetness and a. womanly timbre. When she? reached the *-`spring-houses she seated herself upon a great stone and began, assorting and arranging her owers. Under her hat brim some uv curls, lloosely pinned up, were shining like lshredded amber. -She had a purely Greek prole, a `ne throat and dainty white hands. ' ,J\A'..l-.ZIl.. ........! 4.L..A. 71... ..-_: L-I.I:.. _, IILVILIUIUUD |.lllll|.llI;3u Peevy. doubtless felt the young man's mhospitable mood, ,for ..he strode away'over the hillsmmuttering something about /not keerin" as worm-eaten dried apple `dog gonejorh any feller who air nat rally' too dad bum lazy to`look`at a man w en.;he` air a conversip to_ :im. `II._-_-;!_, I I `MR; ALFRED W5 BELL, __the noted Horse-Shoer of Barrie. We i w 71:w'e X? V the of lead,in and are spar-3 ing nd.fpa;n s_ or Au'16tiey in putting our shop away ialyad of all - others. T Give us a trial and be 'convinced._ Tlini-In . qanLEiif6.;r.] The ~ea.gns,:or~a noosmzu .7 I ` I - . ' - 3 ' % Iqrthern Advance y T . ojooooooqooo oooouoo:| run WATSON MANUFACTURING c_o., L'rn., mi 4 people.'Tl-nelovely aoftnessan smooth"- neu of Watson : affords Undet'weu'-Com- rt v- _. _.__-__ _ _- VT _--__ ----v -"v v---- V. \. ,'.l.nderweaIf."yet Watson : costs you no mote. (-1 up ' . 1-9 . , ___.v_ .. -_.. l - -- --v-. - v---- Jvu -cur A-nvuwo ice some tine many ldieient Watson styles, : Qoi-rect Workmnnsbip about all our `Job and Commercial` Printing that will : plnce you business before the public in the most, convincing mnnner. \.~- - - - v V * - - v V .-'T"'-_w fr" 1 ` _ . . - 1; . 5 :_VwronEIeNysusmess. cl % here s the %to`uc1i. of `WE HAVE THAT VREPUTATION AND ARE_ JEALOUS T0 MAINTAIN IT- "IRY Us ON THAT NEXT ORDER 4 \JT* THE AjDVA_NCE has the . bjggest . LIVE Circulation of - 1`district_;l-- nb' half-priced 1... .,.'..9ti.Q'.`:`.`n,Pa.ddFd`M5- /._ I \v,yi=,-treyus{ rates. : Awoman knows `that no gown can possibly ug and pqrfect t of Watsoh's ' knitted nto the Un- in ithe making. instead of being an` ched in afterwards. '-T'h;s"\;`<;r1icile I glove-t is per- manent, re_ a less of washings. Covers the Prosperous V l'own of Barrie and the Ban-ncr_` County of Sim- ,coe.-.~ for` NEWS AND `~A%Ii%)VERTl_NSING. 17 It's the paper the Business Man wants as his medium, because it Reaches the Best erfect Underwear-F it '\Jl 5| UIIL lJl1|.lIUo 9, The boy's head swam vaguely. hand went to his thighand came away clotted with dark blood. He tossed his `gun aside. and just then he saw a ne red chicken cock stand- ing on a log. It was a brave-look-l ing rooster, with a` high. contrasted `comb and a great arched and re- splendent red tail, As `Melville sank down and was becoming insensible, this ery cock estret ed its "gorgeous neck and crowed, s that the wood echoed and reechocd with its claxfion: challenge. '- " All n....-......I. 4.1.... .a..-__u-_1 1;--- _;..1