Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Oct 1909, p. 5

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.;~v',-A ' S` . , = ' -;.:.;... .. --.'..-........'_=v...`A....' . ._ `*"=PI'nfI-ion; - e 7 `. .`B`ng,;aome_umeu Jva` right to tell: 3wj;1ge`1Il{e.-inn :--st?` < A` _ T *2 % 39'? V3 ('5'! 3;. 4.4-vgm that we-_ o-can * , 7 I`! 1.. - Quick Repairs. Slam has electricity. says the Cal- cutta Times, and the thoughtful man-H utactnrere `of it have provided to the best or their ability for every conceiv- able accident. -For instance. when the , lights` go out the remedy in to follow the directions in this notice: Bangkok. . Sir-For the case that your electric light mhould tall we be: to send you incloned.n~' ~` team. which please send no at once i hen you and your light out. The com- . puny will then send you another post- - card. . Yours truzy. umhamn sum u:Lmc'rmcn!_cou-- - must. lslmufnzo. `- 1 '9"; 1.-op ,vv-----'._.-vv_ v uuv-u vuuu-v _1-`_ }:ettIe." in-Jed 116.013:-_M,aI'l. ` No Ha`m* con; i; 2 We've been hm-Iugg a regular clear- `once at h)tiIe. Y 1-xpIa.A|m-d Mr . 8.. at .,the oiee. '-'tbrowing;aIl sorts otold L.tj_1Albngseavc-ay. 1" put one at my`wed- dfng -presents`. go` the are trite" morning. .--nm nu-.. a.....n..u00.....:...'1 ~. n.-.`._nn.`A ---w- rwvn-` vv`-t VII Illk XIG DIIIT if W % ---ma ygu :4an,v':",as an `a hon`-ruled coIloague. _i 'Whu_t_waq |t`?" . 1 mg`. _,____-._ 1 -.. 1 -.,l .' _ ; George Meredith. E - The legend that In his early days the . late George Meridlth was so poor that be `invested on big funds in a sak of `oatmeal. subsisting thereon while he .`.wrote "Evan Hart"lngton.- lg denied by Iljr.-.J.t A.-Eamtnerton in his book ' "George Meredith "in Anecdote and ;_t'ltil:'lsm."` one part or that. pic- -tnut'_esque.if baseless story waste the ,`e_(:t th`a~ti_the novelist was notable. btiyujruel and .\was act`ustotne'd to 4-_the'..:hngfor ootmol across the `keep himself warm`. ale. [ .. 1 % described - as a u-man olfensev the } wori_:er_ is not compeiled toattend the 2 court. and the amount of the ne is oollected from him st his house by s polic-emnn; in the event of a more se- rious though still coinparativeiy ven-. .{isI~bt-each of the law. punishable by `ti short term '01` imprisonment. Justice is satised it he Works oilathe time by instanmvnts Sundays and hoiids .4 i. .--.-London Chronicle. A I V Fines In Germany. . aCrhe'German workman who the other `day was ned in a London police ; court probably considered that h'e.had { a genuine grievance when he complain-' .ed that. in addition to the ne. his icompnlsory attendance at the court ` had lost him a day's pay. For they [do these things better--at any rate. from thedelinqnents point of view- ln th tatherland. For what may he .3}..- 1.--4 .. .'. .....n..a.` -1;-n..- A Most Dangerous Thing` to Have 9/1.. Around the Home. ` 1 ' The loaded pistol in the home is an 3 object oi` -danger. wherever it may be " placed. To bent any use in an emer~ gent-_,v, it must be within easy reach it it is within easy reach it may gure in a homicide or a suicide." The sud- denly awakened person may. `kill a member-of the household by mistake. A hild may iind it and explode it. if it-issnot within easy reach it might as well be in a shop downtown as far asreslsting burglars or serving a use- ful `purpose is concerned. It it is put away as a curiosity it should always be unloaded. it` the weapon is a relic oi'_ the past. a specimen of an ancient form otfgunmaking. it is just as in- teresting with lts chambers empty as with them tilled. - .50! course pistols may be puf away loaded with the full intention oi hav- ing them safely tired or unloaded later and then forgotten. This is a matter that cannot be neglected without dan- .ger. The loaded gunis a menace to life as long as it remains loaded and within reach.` Even at the bottom of a` trunk it is possible cause of trouble. _i t_ behooves everybody to make sure `that there are none of these hidden tyeapons on the premises, to be found .by_ ,t-umtnaging children or suddenly disclosed in the course of houseclean-` ing or changes. ' . --av-vwvu us: new ` A friend who had b9en7_I`n England Ioncfe related a `story-. the point or which `I have never" fullyfppreclatg until how. Like myself. the first time he 'l;adM entered `a _dinlng.roo'm in Lindon- dihe-'lobk`ed arouxgdln surprise`-. Fina-lly ` toivard the end "of-the -meal he called }.tho waiter. "Tell _me._ pleaself no usked. _ "does anybody ever laugh .he;?`. ' ' n:--n .. .- -v-3--u -ru-lg-my-cu` nae`:-cu. -- V.` v v ' _We!`l." replied the ` waitr; `'1. any ~aotr to say `that we have. had some `often," _ V coqiplaints. but not foftelhf sir --not ,, _ -~ . A Geh8l1? -dsfthu8`.Writes'i .thelLondbn.s 3.10.- A dlnnet il.1D..Df98Fe53:atVa._nr`s_"t` .: ;hotel. Elegant `tol,1.et8.l splendid` ` surroundings -and "an -' absence or `=.sound!- Islowly, zstiiiiy. like ' automa-1` 7 "toi_la.?'.the`,din1ng ladies and genemen ` proceed with thelimeal. The scene is . undoubtedly very` impressive. but. .oi.|`.~ so sad! , Amid` the _sparkle or Jewels` and silvjer and crystalnnd. porcelain. a scene . that fairly tnwfltei;-hegs. cries i`or_s-`a bright smile. .a low; rip- pling , laughp or at least that deep.~ , ani . mnted.hum `that makes itself .other- - noticed wherever-`there is a large gathering. the diners sit as in exper-ta-V tion "at the judgment day. i sometimes - somebody, does speak-one word or ' two. The lips hardly part. The other l `nods his. head lniterrible earnest. The 1 silence reigns supreme again. ' ii A O-l-...l ._I..' s...: L.._.. e._ ua-.._n_-...n I THE LOADED Gun. i` Fresh` receipts numbering 33 cars, which included 581 head of cattle, vv667"sheep and lambs and 9 calves, arrived at `the yards last night and this morning. Supplemented bv 456 head of. cattle held over from yester- day, the ntire run of export and butcher catt le totalled L037 head. As AWest` Toronto,` Oct. I9.--The ex-` port market at the Union Stock Yards this morning wasrmer than it -waslast rweek,-but even yet trade is not brisk. Thefact that a heavy steer selling here "at $5.50 or $5.75 perpcwt. would mean a loss of many c_ents per pound atthe present mo- ment on the British markets acts as` a. forbidding inuence upon most of the Local export buyers. J The demand for good feeders was still strong to-day, and buyers were willing" to pay as high as $4.50 for the_ best_ stock of this class, There _was, however,-.adear:th of-heavy feed- ~_ing cattle, and `most -of. the prices paid _ra'nged,no higher than._$4. Milk- .ers and _spring`ers sold 'at'go'od prices`, one extra ne milch cowbringing $75- _ e g vRj_eceipts .amounted to 4122 cars, which included 2,146 head of cattle, '1,ooo head of sheep and lambs, 500 hogs and 130 calves. The best but- cher cattle sold at $4.75 to $5 per cw't., but only a very occasional sale was made at the latter gure. \ Near- l_v all the beef that was sold for but- acher purposes brought on an average. of from $3.7}; and $4 to $4.75. ! L ' I 0 0 I Rye _.V . . . . . . . .. .Buckwheat . . . . .. Hay, Timothy .. .4 vHay,_cl'over. . .. Straw, bundled Eggs, pr doz. ,But`ter, per lb. `Chickens, dressed Potatoes, bag Dry onions, bag` .. `Beets, bag . . . . . . . Celery (doz.) Tomatoes, basket Apples, barrel ?\E>i3i;;: `1;;r;.:1":t'.oy.::;; I gs; 2 go Live Stock Markets. Toronto, `Tuesday. 9 There was a. large run of cattle for a Tuesday at the City Market to-day, and although there was the usual scarcity of all- kinds of good stock, trade was fairly brisk, and everything was. well sold out by noon. }\_f\/h`et,4 fall 4-rt:-st ~ nn\._u._v.y ` dressed Chickens, per ll ). . He1_1_s Der lb. Butter, roll, per lb. Lard, per lb Eggs, per` doz. .Pota;9es,_per bag, I Hay, p'r'- ton 7.`Z`.` . . L Cured hides . . . . .. Green hides Calf skin-'s,. per; "lb. Tallow, per._lb. Wool, p1cks ` . . . . .. Horse hides. . . . . .. H-orse Hair Wool , washed 9. V unwashed . u W ucal. L` vlh o` 9",` '0 0." Pas` Barley. .. ._;.:,...,_ nous Be`ef, hind ( , I--- `z. 3.1. - * ` on:oTL`?M`an;g`a;%t;a`;V,Jnu;ingV_1:h>weck.A 5 "V;-`.B_z=irrie;-`Oct; 21st, 1909. . Torozito, Oct. 19th, . Your novels will not endure. saicl the critic. ' I know it, said the author. They arenot "literature," said the: critic_. ;Correct, said the author. Well, then, what do you mean by. - them?" a Money, said the author. Waitr er, fetch me a. porterho_1_1se_ steak. -:3}. 9 0454-5 -- l . iln Dojbt. _ A prominent. church worker of Balti- more was ofelivering one Sabbath a -talk to a class "comprising pupilsfwho lived in a rather squalid section of tlfe town,`says Harper s Weekly. ' The nnrnri rnnvs `nuankn IIV\l'\~r\ `LA uvvu; I.\ll\.l n 116 LU IGLDU H15 uauu. Not a hand went up." But a lad in the rear rose to ask a question. What is it, my boy? * Well, sir. what I want to ask is is it a lie if nobody ever knows? I don t see why you are not as auto siderate of my comfort as you used to be of your 1ather s, remarked a `bus- band to his wife, who had shown signs of,neglect. When I come into the " house I have to hunt for my slippers and everything else I happen to want. but when I used to court you, `and your father would come in from the city, you would gather up his things, wheel his easy chair to the re, warm his slippers and get him a head-rest and a foot rest, so that all he had to do was to be comfortable." llI\I- 41,'_4 `I ' :9-i.'L'1-1Ic.*`3: Of Kingsvjlt CaL1~,;h1 between a, cable and a.drt}zn_ `on 1h-_- steamer ..Ward-Amesly an.d-kill-I Iv`-"VVl.I., DGJD JLGIIJCL D VVCCl\lJu The good man touched upon the quality of untruthfulness, and at one point in his address he said: I ........c ..--.\.... I.'J.L`l.. L.._ ___1__ 1__d I-VVICIU LII JlJ ll\l\.ll'4's`.`D ll: 53 I want. every little boy `who has never told a lie to raise_h s hand. i 11.4. .. 1......-I ..-.._L __._ n__A. - I ,1 - \l\I " Q3 U\J III} \v\ILLlL\IL [K5315- "Oh,v that was only to make him go to sleep sooner! was the young wife s satisfactory exp1anation.---Lon- . don Mail. ~'-- Qu"o.tations 7ori~ Tusday wre j Export cattle, choice.';$ 5 '5o...$V5` 85,' _ mediumV..'... 5oo.. 5253: fBt1_tcher `cattle, picked 1. 5`-`o'o.. 5 35, ,* Vmedipm "4 5o.."5oo;_ -L" bomnion 4 06.; 4 5g B,utc1i"er cows, choice... 3 75.. 4 u ` ' ` A Certain Man, having read some- where that Opportunity knocks only once at each one s Door, concluded to Sit up all Night for fear he would Misc the Call. 80 while he was Sit- ting near his Door there came a heavy Knock thereon. When he opened the `Door 5- Stranger seized him and Best him all up and Took his Money and Garments and Chided him for being so Easy. But, said the Mm, thinking to excuse himself, I thought it was Op- portunity who knocked. < Go. :6 nun nnnn A...-I.-`.3 61... (\Jl..._ "nTiI.r`Z.1.'l-'i :";' 'gtl;.Ue;wt<:"'(%rry your Opportunity with you. .;,o:1'1y;:"~itvigb;-V,.;;)jet;;gijeprtgs:nt;atgl' [ * ,'th_,esI; {W09 ~V.l:ibugh_t' `maa. V .`p I`enti=_Y~', ,.w'u.a;.v tuck baac " a ` &C'_nI%,"'iI3y_l!_, T .liIlV..Wf~;;{'.f*?fi` Mt "thi ;;largc.+American 'rrx 1s,,-1 psfgs. this wek, _and,, as the` qua1it%yvdfA';t11;,. stock was, good;, pri`ces`: _. were advaticf- ed. `ave? th.e,-gu1:es- of last Tuesday_. `A lot of 16 export sters,__.,vv*eighing\ on an` average of 1,598 pounds` each, brought\the top price at $5.85 per`. cwt. `- ' 5 IV` "Till U '7 `CK EIJKIVETIII So it was. responded the Other. but it was my Opportunity." ':".:;;;;e:`L`tr;'.e.`*`:.seA* a" amgek ago; t;iiebi5e-'wer` .~...'I..'- ..... At .44.... '_..............;..4....m-s ~nF V red gm; Qgi Th; steamr Sicilian, four days uverdue, js expected at Quebec to- day. { A New Yoi'k"niag_istrate has dis - rlmrged seven-teen~' bo'okmak_ers- ac-% ` . -'9 <:u.~cd of betting. An Attentive Daughter. ___!A. _ -___I.._7_ , ,_ Antfior Op9ortui*Y- I What H:Meant. George A. Ostrander, insufafice :1; m at Picton, commuted suxcxde l._\ mhaling chloroform. V ' VS-ixty-'eig men wene killed op me] :\;.zmnal ranscontineutal Railway, t`(m~truel'iO1l in the last year. -' ']`|....4.- -..\.....-..nqnn.- `grunge 4`-an `nIit` `Hm-ty youngmen from the o'l(_llandl hzm- arrived in Toronto to talce.pa"rt m mi>`si0n work in the west.' ' ` 7 U1`. Cook says he willhad an ex-;- Dcdwbn to M.`o uht" "M.cKin'ley `in scar--h for records he _left there. V " A .~'2mguina1'y battle` b"tW_l'e'e=x17"-'re,g`-_`,` rular troops and rcvo~lutIon_i"s`ts .2-`was. fl8h1 in Santo Domingo 5..3 t1!"l (nu . - . " avg 4'- Very low rates. Fast Tim. > Via Attractive `_I{-`c>,`_.vi3t nanu umu Sept. com, . }; Return llmlt Oct. 3181. I'IQ Q.._ Fur Tickets and F11!) Informa.tio1x'c":aA`l l"'0`xi'::-V A ` } J.E. BILLINGSLEY. Depot `Agent. I A l..nd'on mob attem ted -`adem-V 0I1Str.'mon before the ;bassy Just night, but was driVl |-.'~_ by the police, ` ' A` Ti. 'rv . . I :, ,- nn ` can I "I. ~ .\JU5 Ida) - v H- yI.IuLL3. .`j ' .` --.`~ _- The United States will ~adn1i,t fr_ . ,f duty pulpwood from Wood -'C'._ltj'.- a"YWhcre in Canada; "QXCJC 5Crown hmds in;`Onta__';:i%; . .u ; te-Dav_1d Reid w;as dz`-`g, yc,r_ 7 vbgnptlng to swim; to_shg ivbbat that upscgt pear .-C0 j_u N.S. Twoohf h_I8./ }`"8 to the boat and `d ="~The Provincial suit` a ?Y|ad1'an N ia_ lipw ALASl{A.YL`KON-PACIFIC ExPOS1'riQN Including MUSKOKA. l..AI(B"ol?. DAYS. TEMAGAML; asonouu BAY. A MAGANETAWAN'RlVEB, ` " V KAwAn_1`IlA. L.Al&l:8,._ % * 1rm.1. sumyta SERV1CE"$'dW IN ` 1` ` J'.FFEC'I`. . - _ I<:x'.`I'nSION 'l`I(;KE'l`S 03 SALE pA11_A' The Popular_ Route h All Principal Tourist Resor1s_; ; LINDSAY Our Mantle valule a-tie 1 y really extra}, od, i Iging" from the ma compliment-} they bring fo Wg have '. avery mple` range in all qualities nd ca offer you good buy ' at, from . . 0 to 8 rgonbki}, OC'1`E)BER"18th; to'1'rxz1'tc`h','l9i<:Vav}'r` mgdgliigpl throughout and a specially ...GOO . MANT VA LUES, U11 ' - "".~' ";~'.F'.".-2' ' -.- - ~ , - -:.:-~~.-.". . . ,. . % ,. WOMENXS EC V .. n-v\nff" 1 hnnvv n'\Ar1:|"1'n nan ..-l.'."__'.T SEATTpM (Continued from Page 3.) noun A -D g-n::: DAY BY DAY } B'ARR%IE True bills for. manslaughtef I,-WHICH illrcc uvca wsnu :ua|..- . lrturned a. aingtwarry ;ahd,;F:,, ;. . .*I0plihz at V > , ; n'ecti1on with ` the %~-death :f % { Bollard pf Toronto lag; Al.__lg\lSf. :.w " i`:te:'!:"::~ i+2o?:`{'AVihL-;s`;:< n`~`L; . "3}};e;:i}}:{o}'. f"{' ':f(5 ;verAi_1:f 7% gbundi : shows" that the,...\yx:cck,.,qf:.:t.he; -Atha-3; ibasca _.wasjv *_:ausi-.,d 4 by` th..' L:?'3iIitak_. 05:. f {the _,wheeIpmgn_`,;_ who `.werjt.;` gnirgsccnyz; ~ dc o;up9bite' ti) til"? ,ca;;cgi_a s or" - `r `**'v. ~ . : 5.4" fl . .- 1'8`... . . V, ":1 ` ~1 ,,whic l1 -tl1.i'?eeVlives;we;|x-e lost.` . U1 tut` UVUIII .lpIlIl\;a:_,\Il &y`v]oV -, . Josgph M.=sGuiteo was found of crnmiqal nggligepce ajfthe ford ` Assxzes m roconnectton.--with `tlgg Mount Vernon. wreck last :yeaAr,o~)_;A4';_:,v [ -%71:1ae1rori'g72'1 ;;an_&:;>fI Don1 ix1io'i'1:. for {the `:rsf %six 'months` `of the cur;-'_ rent sqal `year amounted to V$394i;7't` 39o;o88., _ fIf`h'e..-gurVe.s~ now equal +`thosjg} of the. boom ,times:V.pfqI9_o7.T A` -- In - O{\}l":.` Over. ;si_x-~ hundred in-iti-h't wet} marched ;out of _the Londdn -Asylum in less..than three minutes whenT.T{e The loss was -triing.. u was discoverd in themain b'uiIdin.g, .I ` T` _ ',l `O .',`,l_,' Men in boats broke `into ,the cold storage warehouse at Quebec during the re and carried off quantities of whiskey and pr'o\_,risions. 7 , . It is ofcially lnnouncedf that the" fire insurance companies :will .pav the ; Province $146,136 for_the losses in the Parliament buildings, re. ` not me stqnes. L \. ;n`,ey. town-snap. A TUESDAY, QCTO'BvE1,! x9th. , I Fdur men were burned "to death in a barn at]WichitAa, Kay. j? ' Iubercglois causes Atwen 7-,.t:hOusahd- d'eaths a year in" New York. `} A Gvemment inspector is investi- gating njepoyted gold `nds in Whit- 1 ,_.I, ,1; -`If, '1" , :,'v I, - ---v--v~--~ . v 1 The German _Em.peror s South have been robbed of large numbers `African diamond elds are said tb ofifix1_e 7stcj_ines. _ _ L V 1 /fucked back, front and sleeves, c`o1'- lar trimmedwith heavy insertion and lace to? 'mat'c_h, front yoke trimmd . with,.lange buttons; Fu1A1 .`rat1;g`:?of_ 3izs,' at Mr) W. TKTVM-ixi;u;i.IfiiTPIi3.,says the Governmnt power transmission_ lme will be in Torouto':;~ins_ide_of six Imonths. : ` ` ~ .: `, ot a wide-spread conspiracy. K; A pumber ofiworking mould`ers'-agt Hamxlton were attacked by a mob, and two men were roughly 11andled.', `I `I7 1', If `V I . .`l"w'I\`I'\ |"'iv1.'jJ;{aE' Magee deemed mf ax; .low a change of venue or postpone - ment in the B1yth`e"case.` V" AA blood, battle ,.followed an at-, temipt bf aytien insurgents to am? {bush a body of loyal` troops. V II? I 0 1\. I E 7 "_Hen"t'y `V17. 1\;Ie1-<;l'<:,m for D3-. Cook, says his cl1ent IS the victim of wide-spread conspiracy. ' I A . _ Luwn-anxp. I_Count de Lainbe1t,' aviator, flew over the Exel Tower in hxs aeroplane. ` . .. It -It I an 1 . 1 vessel by some troops` ring .-from] shore. ~ 5 I A re at Quebec destroyed` the Great Northern elevatoxj, the custom house almd`~a number of sheds on the wharves.- `An immense, quantity of grain and -other merchandise-was burned, and Eifeman Jer mie Fortin was thrown from a ladgie and killed. Vosuawg E19 . ;j's1"'iih'Z3 V'u'u."'" "~'~'._ ; V ..-LI . "_ ' _ . . .` . .9 . ` Vt, - ,. ` *-.1 3 -`I 'v- ' 9, ' > ` s `i - I V 5 n._ c. navingion. Proprietor ? ; Five Ppints Store. oppositmwellington Hotel 3 ' Htorg opens 8' a.m.. clbaes 8 p.m. ,. Yo_u are normally invited to call at our new premises` (Pnlk's Old Stalnd) and inspect our Fall Goods. which are coming` in daily, it prices unequalled .in.Barrle. for such high class gar- monta.- Our nrlccs` are right, and it not ln' a. . position to`i>ay all. pay what" you can and o.r-' ` "range to pug` the balance on either weekly or "monthly -_paym ents. .Busmess strlctly con dentlul. F " - ' A -THE. aimat: , T` * `\ _ousofIiiiiiiiiE "VlBo?y\' - -- 4 .__ __- yen. Dr. St_ephn B. Pdl1ard`was'fou11d gu.ilty_;in `Togonto . of performing a` .cnmmal `operation, but the jury dis- agreed in the -case of Mrs. -M`ar.y Tins"ley,`- chared` with .b.eing an ac-- ce`ssory. be_f9t` the fact. v A'M}r.-D; D. `Mann informed a de- Board of` "Trade' -that"'the% rv western Iterminus of-th`e"Canadian Northern would be. at Quatsino,` on` Vancouver `Island. . -' putation. from . t}i'e Victoria; 4 B.`C., , _ . ._ _ Socialist mrnbers of the British -C.omm.ons.ca`-used a disturbance in the House by attmpting. to -force` a discussionvdf the execution of -Fer- rer.` - . ` ~ ~ - - \ AWorkmen_e`xcavating' for a'_ new building._`on St. Catherine` s_t ree`t,. M1ontreaTl,found the. ruins of an old French outpost i-nfa fair stateof pre- |_servation. ` -- i` A thief~ at-AWinds'or `stole $25 from under the pillow of Mrs. Helelia` |Sn1.ith,f a poor woman w~ho lay dead.- Russizi may send troops into Fin- land to force the people to comply with the wishes of the IRusian, Gov- ernment. _ V V _ . ~ The bulkheads have been taken but of the tunnel under the Detroit River, ahd the tube'is now open from end" to end. - Edward W. Bedfort, whd c'o`nfess'- ed in London that he had mu1"dered Ethel Kinrade at Hamilton, was reg, manded for a week. ' `- Kev. The czise for the Crow11'gai_ns`t Fred. and Harry Jo-pling, accused of manslaughter` in the death of Arthur Bollard, was closed at the Peterboro : Assizes. Guelph City Council passed a res: olution in favor of>allow`ing t-_>wns.of over 7,000 population to appoint a commission and do away with ,5 the City Council. " ` Al Ald. Bezirdsleyliintrodueed` a by.-I lawto license and regulate milk ven- dors.` The by-law received two read- ings. and was then laid on the table until next meeting of Council in order that the .M.H.O. and others in- teresteb might have an opportunity of examiningjt. . A 9 J vo'a a `pecial meeting of -"Council for Friday e ven\-'_ ing at 8 o'clock when. the matteriof`, taking another vote on; the bv-l'a..w will be co1_1sidey e;i_.. [ _ vv--v .vv--u was ur awynvlubv \.I\.\Jgl\-"I0 `r. Haughton Lennox explained ' the court proceedings on `Friday last when the by -law was quashed. Ask- ed his view, of the matter, he1intimat- ed that it would be wiser to have the re-submission .of the by-law~ take place by itself, when there would be no other issues. He reiterated his opinion as to the `rights of` share- holders. They were not entitled to vote, but would, however, have their names. on the new `list- ` ' A W t, A . 9 .j_m;a _t,tr,-t. .I't 9\irfei&`ex"`, ;` t&ai1d_;ze`ceive=t OOH`. the` :.90I"npany?s. a_cc0iint 2 f !1\/Lg." Hi H. `S5at'h3i,. who was: times- t `gut, was*~ask`ed about the` right "of. `-shareholders to __vot_e. '-He said that a \yhile "he `had~'-`given -`uthe question . some `c'on'sidera.tion he had `not `stud-" ` tion' to express a denite opinicihy He was inclined to think that at shareholde-rowas ixota duly qualied ratepay`er.t Continuig; `Mr. Strathy .,s_'aid thfe compahy. desired to `see the .by~lav_\{` re_-enacted; . The V ratepayers to i the n`un`1'beti"'.of nearly 800 had wished it` to be passed, and this mandate, It a the Council than anything the com- pany might say. The`company, he thought, would be quite willing_ to bear the cost of a separate electron. 11.. `l _1;A,.. , 5 ".*!.Y7.$t1'fS- ,91?SiS11f.fi<>n` 7 `cf e;'t`f:e .di- rst9rs;- `as 1.he*::. 1d not i think other w1s.hed;= to "see ` .e Town `~sutfer }oss g I vied it ;with-suf1i'cient- care and atten-A `seemed to hinj1,'was far stronger to. LAnu;s1 NEW s1`_vLE_ FALL`sU'I1fs. MANTLES Ann runs

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