'V``-'_'l:hel%eo`x:e, be .it resolved that we desxre t'oplace ourselves on record as most emphatically protesting again- st_the action of the.Governrn'ent, and` call` upon it `at the earliest opportun- ity to soamend the criminal code as to make book-mraking and racefrack gambling a'crim.inal offence under I the` code. - ` The past wet season has shown the value-of underdrainage more for- `cibiy than anything else. in ' recen._t years. Drained land` has been dry enough that in spite of the` wet Weather seeding` might be `done, 5while on undrained land in the same localities seeding was much \de1aye'd. 'Il _,, I, , ---..--_- ----.J -_. `Many who see its value are deterred Tfrom underdraining `by uncertainty as to Whether they have suicient `fall, the best system to adopt, the size of tile to use, `how deep they _'v_vil1 have to go for an outlet, how :to determine the grades and depths ;for drains, etc. ' }pRAiNAGE % DEMONSTRATION L _. Whe`reas` ve beiieve st` is the duty of the -State to lend its best endeav- Qrs tq 59 ;\prot'ec_t and;-help` manhood" that; it tay accomplish the best and attam_to the highest standard of cin- lzenshnp. . d e HA 1 I >' - n .- VI _a.uxvu|.UI, ulcrcuy gftillly aluyug gamblingand making ~Canada'a re- fuge for gamsblers now driven from many of the States of the Union, / '('lVI _- f _ W _ _ -_, _._V \ ` The Department of Agriculture at 'Collingwood is endeavoring to help farmers .. solve these difficulties by describing simple methods and 7 sim- ple. instruments, and demonstrating these methods and instruments in actual use, Mr. M'etcalf,ithe Dist- rict `Representative, isabout to make surveys in this district, and he will hold a meetin on the farm of Mr. Jas. Duff at ew Lowell on Friday, October 29th, at 2 p.m., and demon- strate methods of drainage . survey- ing, determining the fall of the land, working out the grade of the ditch`, digging the ditch true to grade, etc". Drainage matters in, general will-{be discussed. -e ' who are interested in drainag are cordxally invited to attend. The rgular meeting of thenlocal Wt.'C.T.U. was heldjon -Monday, Oct. `I I't'h , with'a."f'air1'y g`ood .3 ttendai1ce. .**4no%um:o1_%VqvE2gmnur A L A connzwhnnw w. c.. T. U. MEETINIG. Epwbrth and Sablugll-School l Con:ntio'n at Ehnvale. j I _-Wednesday and Thursday of last. week. were set `apart for the annual convention at Elmvale of the EQ- worth Leagues and Sabbath Schools of" Barrie -District. The meetings, at which Rev.AJ.,I. Ferguson, B.A., B.D~:, of Orillia, -presided, were held in the` Methodist church. "There was a` good; attenda_n_ce~at all the Sessions. `The first session, Wednesday af- ternoon, was; favored viith the pres- ence of Rev". S. T. Bartlett, Gen. Sec. of S'v..S_. and E. L., `whose splendid address proved most helpful and. in- spiring. Excelle11t= papers at `this ses- sion were given by `Mr. T. J. Camp- bell of Midland and Miss A. Keat of Dalston on thedifcuities encounter- ed in S`-..S. and L. work. About onehundred delegates at- tended the -Morning 'Wa.tch service at 7 `am. on Thursday, the regular session beginning at 9.30. Rev. E. -Church. of Whrminster opened with an address in~-which the need of per- sonal work was stron ly emphasized; Rev. J. H". `Moore of gictoria Harbor followed with a valuable paperon Privileges and esponsibilities. During this session t e E. L. Secre- tary for the District reported 15 sen-l -ior and 5. junior leagues with a total `membership of 1231, an in cre'ase,of I23. `Contributions for missions had reached $427.40, and for all other urposes $565.13, making a total `of .53, an increase of $104.53. Elec- tion of officers resulted as follows : Hon. Pres.--Rev. 'J. J. Ferguson," Orillia;Pres.-Rev. E. W. McBrien, Elmvale; ~ISt `Vice Pres.---Mr. Rum-` Staples, Orillia; 3rd do.--Miss Strange, Barrie; 4th do:-1-Miss A. Keat, Dalston; 5th do.-Mrs. Neil, Orillia; Secre;ary-Miss Lawson, Barrie; Treasurei----M'r. J. Arm- ball; Victoria `Harbor; 2nd doMiss strong. Barrie; `Rep. to Conf. E. L. 7:'On Wednesda.){' evening the Gen-_I eral 'S`e'cr_'etary'again addressed thel convention, taking as his subject the convention at` Seattle. The various cities visited `en route, theucity of Seattle .itself and the services held there were all ' graphically desc`ribed._ Rev. Mr. Bartlett s leading idea was that lives should be lived for others, not_ for self. Rev. W. Adams of Penetang delivered an adfnirable ad- dress dealing with the importance of home training. DISTRICT _..-_ ---. -_. Iaopular `pr-Ices, ; 1-% L53 U N TIL 3% -an'd Tn feminding you let us draw .;t6 t f1'`fat"Ahat We are now ready With a . ~1a%rg%e#;;o1;.of. R;IFLES`vand AMMUNITION, all 5 siz;s,, aIsQ' CAMP sTo\(Es and UTENSILS. ~n , _ , ` . . - . I .. - . ' ' ' I` '7 . A ' ` \. .. -2.-_ q - - . * . .` K-7 ;, I . ' > . - I. _ 5'. . ` -. . , .. 1. - -:w~:.~ FOR .:?.QCbn1 e inand ee us about your outt. ` 7 vl'.`ii,e, Hardware Store. EE R ..r .... ..., ..iiiu41e` Rev. Dr. Hazelwood of Toronto delivered the first address on Thurs. ,day evening, the theme being The Young .M!an. It was well handled as, indeed, was the address on Mig. sions,in the S. S. by Rev. 1. G. _Bowles of Barrie. Two thoughtful papersywere read by Miss Vcnner _of'Or'illia and Miss E. F. King of Barrid dealing respectively with jun. ior` E; L. workand primary S, 5. wotk.; A consecration service closed `cone of the most successful C0ll\'en. ions ;ev._er., held in this District. R`. Am rig" those who attended from `Town Wf1"eReV. I. G. Bowles, Rev, R. Aikenhead, A. J. Sarjcant. Rae Hunter, -Mrs. C. May and .\Ii.=scs E, F:. King, E. Rodgers, F. Frcck and P. E.qLawson. % HORTICULTURAL socmrr Six Options Offered in Premiums for ' Next Year. At the last meeting of the direc- tors of the Barrie Horticultural and Tovgn Improvement Society, it was _dec-idedvto. give the members for 1910 t_,h_ir' choice of six options, that is, each member may choose any ONE ofthegroups of premiums given be- low. _ Each of these is worth, bought, `re'ta_"l1,,.from $1.50 to $1.75. ` ' i i Option No. I ' I Rose, Crimson Rambler. I General J acquminot l1"Pa.u1' Neyronl 1 Clematis, `(white or purple), 1 Dahlia, (named). "Ex.-I-.-Rqev. R. A. Spencer, Hillsda1e_ I .1 -r >1` K D an D. `L! . . A . . A... expensive this season: . Good Clotheseare not necesisaril in S and Boys` `Clothes V We can give .yc'>u the nieest_ -of -L _. --__I_.. ....--__ 7.-7o'pI:Ton{Tz1:o. v .1-Ij.o$9,.- Mrs. Paul Neyron. 'i"Roae _ Coquette des Blanche. 1 Rodiftmagna Charta. 4 Oa.'n`"ds.' V 65 o ' u 4 (jannasfwwu ml 50 Gladioli, choice. 1 Dutchma.1; s Pipe. .1 Hydrg,_n"gea. .' `\nH"k'h>` I-`nu-nnA\ _. no; u-_~_q_uausnu .: Dahmih,` (named). Iannnnlbw o 'i"uberous Begonia; Tubergus Begonia, - Hydrangea. Tuberous Begonias, single Tuberoi1's`B'egonias. double. Dahlia, (named). 1333;, Fisher Holmes. Dutchman's Pipe. Hydrangea. owe} No; Option No. II Devlin &Mun`.hisonl V opiion No. III 0-ption No. IV double. single. 1, `V " 4"). l'~`11lar xfou ay. on-rsl can -011 X I ~;cd. "char cusc F or age: by i Si Natl con havi Ipedi `sear ALA ...c.4 EXC .d B Men : Suits-3 Buttons, sin- {gle or double breasted style, made from the finest W orsteds, up-to-datein every way. Sale price $xo.oo,`$u.5o $13.50, $x5.'9o la);- V - Bbyh Cdilgge Style" Ovati- co|ta--Neat stripe pa-ttern,si_zesT 26 to 33. Sale price eac_h_ ' In An non` /31 en Men ; 0 Chesterfield Style `Overc0ati--Made from black or dark grey Melton or Beaver cloths, `velvet collar, and; best Italian lining. Sale ..price each . . $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $15.00 Men's. Suits---3 Butt0-ns,- sin- le V brezisted,- such style . made 0 romy greenish brown tweeds, very stylish and up-to-'d_ate -in every way._ Were $7.50 to $10.- 00, sale prxce $5.00 and $6.775 I. Men"s College - bvercqiti .'Made from `heavy weight dark tweed, extra stylish," .-tw'o. dif- -ferentpattexfns, I2 `coats only, wetje $15.00, sale price each ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 and 819.00 Men.'s.Co1lee overcoat; - Made from a `heavy weight" dark eloth,`high "collar," straps on sleeves `very st'ylis_h. ~Reg- fular `price 10.00, sale price $7.50 jo CHIC PYIUC CGUJI. no . .........'85.oo'and $5.5 I! ms.; % Edith n % A xyaw bf: %=d -ss I IOMJOVIQ `go `v'Ba`irii V 9%?` . Vuuuaysvl Pill] XVII uuuysay , .~.. Addie ajiad Mar; %BItil*Mc: *Conke'y'j`Sundayed with "th'f. fMisses Barcla.y., . ` " .4 % ` ~..1h.v o n I v--- w-wv" M5ss"Ln:a~?iwrs h:V:;anaVsy:m;ssano- weha.' 3 ask mat. Witi%Miss I993?" 3.7". ,-` Q-,.V; `i", .4-CI. ~, 1 %--Mr; 4ET;;i:B?$ncd1i`:")ias;"3t`3iit". ` % a .v `#.ti.dn ..a:;V1%3*wi4tn -.'``a--,' M usav \IlI IJKIGUII NIGUIJIII The Bible Society."-"n,1e`eTting% which was held in the_'M|thodi_st `Chtirch "on Thursday` evening, Oct; 14th, `proved a very great` success. ,- 1 `I u. l ".M'r. Charlie `Grey -ha"s gone." to `the |,city to- work. . . ;. ` - . XORQHXI . I wRev`s. `Crockett and Madden` have commenced evange.1istic . _rvices in the .M.ethoc1ist.Church. hc're,jTatid., will Lcontingfc themfor `some t`i_m'e;;' vfgexrttgtalnxf-r<>'mT T ht took! V: ix} `the. Bradford* I*`?a'ir._~;_;t_livis< Week; `II I -5 v.-_v-w - vv vyyvp :M'iss M431 )-"""'l'\iaj\:1".;.hall spent`<`%};:S t1nday with `Miss 'IE_tl1el,V Robrts_oxj;:5}: ,' . _-._ __' '--, -wv--- --my.-r ;it.m1ber from here. todlic: `the Holly ,anniy'ci'_sa1fy,oh"Su;igk)f;.j:.`; '. \'.l\!_.' A' ,I _|Q- I I `ta/= `rub.-'.1..A1t \ A -zihibefiVfwro`f1ii;e_r; the annivers_a.ry` sexjvxces held.-._ `at .,_,G`1lford onsunday last. " ` ' lin 4 -'- I i one STATION. The funeral of Austin T." Kendall, second son of Mr. R.` Kendall,- whose death occurred on Oct. 7th,- in the Thunder Bay District, 7 took place from his father s residence on Wednesday, I3th_inst., tq Crawford's Church and cemetery. Rev. E.` Brown ofciated, assisted by Rev." N. Camp- bell. Deceased was in his 18th year and wasihighlty-esteem.-ed by his com: panions and friends. Six of the for- mer acted as pallbearers, namely: M.'essrs. :G. Uncles, J.` Leigh, F. Leigh, H.` -Morrow G E. Morrow and J-. W. Mbrrow. Ilhelereavekcl` parentshave the deepest j"/s ym15ath'y . of '\the ` com- munity in their loss, .` . on % aunaay -last. . __ . _,, ,. We *w-gre very'- pleased` tpV.sg_-.e our 01d friend, Mir. I-I`alber.t-`,3 in ;the_vil- page on Saturda.y.; " ` '-_'." ... `Miss Lila Tgpent . `Sunday with "Miss Annie. Nesbitp. T T H spnt Sun- day with Miss M?ah1).el,S;tevya:rt. ; 1 . I ` V Boys -' 3-Piece" Suits--Single. or double breasted style, sizes .28 to 33; Regular $6.50 to ' . 5 5 sale pnce . . . . . . . . .. ' Men : Tweed Pants--4Dax;'k colors, sizes _33 to 42.` T Re ular $2.50 per paxr, sale price` 1.95 Men : Fine Worsted Pants-- All sizes and `all colors. `Were $3.50 and $3.75, sale price $2.95 . Boys .Ov`,ercoo.ts--`Some with? close tting collars "and some. 'with=velvet collars. These were` $4.50 to $5.00. Sale` price . .. . . ` 33,-5 10 $3-.75,` D o 0 O O I I O Q I I o O : 09 Boys .2-Piece Norfolk Suits-- VIIAQ `annoy: os:nA an-:4 6:-lrA'.|l`n j"`lThO~VW p1a,n t of the,.;TadhBpe_ V 3Gii?riag"-: CO., ;`QVr.i|'lia,` which p is us" t;-` ;..mc.e.. 11,1: one ;,dest`r`oye'd;., by, rg ., ,`t'fe' * in-Augu_st, is mofe _thai1V,t{n'r:o-`1,irds `Mfqrk was not s't'arted_-_ unt_il` ;ar`s; week _jm SEptihbbtf,'""': age Of.tlfe_'Q1l,igkE wufgfgigz 'the` Pr . , -.c9;nprise gum` jfgt of Q ,.=vs`vft'l1` ' . G` 1v_1aue ITOHI HICC _IlI`.|e IWCUSIS, ;_si2es~22 to 28. W'ere"$2.5o and; $3.00, sale` price $1`;95't`nd 82.5oT . Boys 2-Piece Norfolk Suits-' ` -Made from good strong` t_we_ds, sizes 22 to 28. Were. $3.50; sale price . . . . . . .. $2.9o= Sizes _29 to 32`. 2 wge $4.00,.- sale mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50- Sizes_ 1 sale price Boys 3-Piece Suita--VDoub1 .or single: breasted st le, .sizes 28 .to 33; _Regular .50 and $5.00,` sale price . . ..'. . . .. $3.95 ' H?" 3"` IVE` IVUGIVIZ 33$?" -fade from nice _ne tweds, ..2_-- _ an L- -0 \lI|....... DA can-A Boys Odd Pants--Short,siz'es' 22 to 33. Sale price soc to` $1.25 a . nu nu-".-'zau.uIfgg3.:u,I,,a|. . *,v-!.':,-!wL-."-;-a*'.'- v. T; , ` `- ` ~*s-gnours. ZLEFROVIZ Angmpnmuefa ,;1='r'r_AwA. : :zT::`jv1 :1T1'-:J'1:izTe`'`A;ered by 1F. '1_*`oys`fon,1 `9. . best` ing "doi1'e` by A'the` upils in '~th 'schoo %'we're' won by` i. arr y;Foyston and Vplma Crawford.` The"new red hanging, beztutifully ":eVid$ 4.1,9=.=:.1f3QWi 1~;59m<= 0* ` W15 W0 dam V s$3. t1!;v* ?hat: Tth `.F%:in-. ; .;1t)j'=.,.v,,s_eao1_1.,; .__c_c_>4lVo,r_.i ' an" A Ang i_can. ; 5Chn;:_:11S. -i'sj'5"g`re..en, ahd `only op `the, 5 'days ,.;kiepAt:in ,m_'emm`y of -.o;1r ma-ftyrf ed `Saints (19 w`us,e .th_crirn:son-1_me dV . llnotrrautul-51% ' s 'd. `Of `the`Board of Trustees` of A'S.~S'.7 % .9 qrnbn-_oide`r'ed,ffor_St.-_1 eter s _arc~in.. `y It might be we]! to draw`atteution to the danger to` passersl-by of fall- ing mhterialyin} the c'ase.of buyilditfgst being erected __close' to the sidewalk line, and to the necessity" of. the Towxfstseeing that proper_ protetiony iojprovided. Only at cobble of days I,.9a citizenywhilc walking along tBra,diord'..Street narrowly escaped ' injury `had "resulted, but it ~iis' `the dejauyby _a falling brick which just eseapitag his t head landed, betwfe'en his feet. Probably `the contractor iould have been held Iiable if ;serioujs "l`o'~vn s business vtojsee that-. the . [inb- a're~ `protected overhead ` coveri- ihga, as%is- dox?ie=i:i['othe1_' V-places. not know `whether Barrie-_has;:jta. A `governihg.,ijh;s tatt,'e,ts',` i. L[ify,;thereA isn't: one_/there-. f h if y"'S.ucVh`."xif`%P}Vthai ,3%a*' ' , . I vi 1.1."?! [:63 `Up -:".. ..z .`:`T-' .` .A terrible tragedy was enacted at the. home. of Ira. Tupper, a_ well knownfarmer of the Townshipof Widdi-eld, on Saturday about noon. Mr. Tupper resides on the` Trout Lake Road, la short distance from North `Bay, anqon Satu'rda,y,was ab`- sent at work on a. ?fa_r_m )which he I owns. in another part `of the ,town- A `ship; In the house at the time werie `Mrs-'T'upDerr and h;er~.s.on.. aged. ten years. The boy in` some manner. se- .c11red possession_ _of 'ar1,oId 22-calibre rie; ,an'd, thi_n1;ing it un1_oa.d_ed ,_ play.- {ully 'lev'el`e`d `It at 1 his 1 mother` agpd `pul; edthe trigger. .'U-r1fortunate1y,- a loaded"art_r1dge "had'beei1' left in the rie,; and tothe' `boy ; horror it" was I di8.hai" ed,; ` I;lfd' his" mother drogjped -fjtoi th`e_ V oorgrx an`. agon'.y':~ of, ea.'-r:. he. _` shed-' top-the -e1side;_.-ofophis _ prostrate` ' =rpha`fe1te,;-aj1gl'.;trie'_ jin, vainto the: g f*`c``r+;%z>e,a,1c;* : `dctciiiih fridm rhous'ih.tant1p.:t+ r ` W I 8": wqaffqnnde Tapper: *d .. g . i,:iab1e<:t.0 :a :.nz%%V%ammg[,bss*\ T . '-'>*. l-ff- ` `.f\!r| . .1. ' I -.~ v--o- rvvunvv unaaallao Quite a numb_er from here atte'n(_i-' ed. .the anni versary sefvices " 2;`; Clowes last `Sunday, and report twd helpful sermons preachdtby Re. `H1 Erwiniof -Windermere; A ' -' (7-_"*".-`.9 :;;y-v-.- . j 3Mw's;-`i-;0'_ ~Bri-_ 7ha's5 v i.si`|tng` tin .Sg1nh_iiial S_t,4y;2er. A ~" .-_..\_ v , _ -vr-w, u--u- upon:--v.n.urJ~I_ ,. The .fowl`st.ipper in cor'1.i1Vctiqn..-with 'L.OI..'., which ,was to 'hai_ve-- bqen held, on_;Nov. 5th, will not .take `p_1ace,.ofw-, i.ng`t'o the. "lack of fowl` iniour r`u=._ig'h-` borhood. . * `" ` ~ -- " .-""""T"_" , | !Rer_nember the _ann1yersary sengtces in connection .-w1th_th_e ,C`on'gx-,ga- tional` Church of thxs *.laee~'~Sund'a35 _next, 24th inst; Services. morning pastor. ` and evening by Rev. Kelly, _a former From lowing : . ""' ' "" " """\`7"" < .;.f[iwof`.SuQis1;b:xi1s:'in` on e]W*k :y_va_s=' zoixr i rie txce sinct: 0ct.fI2th ad` ~Tg}`I1e.s Wind . alternating` " with sun'-'` --;8hine~and{rain. '- ` " ' 3 `I ..-_5 H --r-vv--.-F I_$pIU , - unun \r".%IIllO'_ ` 7A. niambei-. rrom`" here `a.'tt'en\dd,`.,he} `D_.isti'?ict' meetingbf th S, O; T- in? =`1`h r_n'fon' `last week; V W are sorry to feport .M'r. Tlipsl Gauley under the doctor s 'ca.re,Wbut hope t_o see him aro"'i_,1d' again '_s_c_>on._ ~1ur.;` r~_-'-- `l',I:`_I_5.-"---"'I`I .. Mayor Vair contd hardly have had, hisaesthetic eye with him when he i `became responsible for the: midway? crossings. The.y_'do not accord with .either beauty, or convenience, and "suggest the Iizase of the man'in a hurry who stops not to consider. [At the Five Points it is stated that two property owners offered to;stand the cost of. one crossing, leaving the otherforr the Town, provided both '_\vere laid at the corners, but that tthe"M`_ayor would have none` of it., The `crossing lat" the P. O. _h"asTthe unique distinction of runningsqixare-V ly'into a. telegraph. pole, possibly to test the equilibrium of the dizzy-pan ` cd pedestrians. novxy,` |'.v I`\/\I`llTILlI dh-Ill -` Mr. Ge" 4RQbin'sdn_ has '_pui'c the old1 Maley `farm north of t lage and has commenced fall mg. hhedi 11 .v_i1,-; pl'o"w- iofv Toronfta visitlfd friends a,nd..re1atives1here .la`st wee . _ . ` r *~ ntochr sht ;.Ex;}gh ; Heart b& ' ' " Tn-Year-Old _Son. , .v. gfvn I `6V_flI 99 _;;:V'o J7 `N 3 . 1. % ;.1\l4?r- i'1V Mn Davad Gauiev Vt-2ited:% fr1nS!s in Angus 1.as.t. , Sund.ay. ` 1 1 . "l"I._ `D-.....-._.`s f"I_;L 1.4 1 . . `vI'\i- on: uluIl\|$"o . .. \. I*`a I_'r!i.er$ . -Cli1fl$T`lr;l`d_v,their,1:334: 1113: meeting, last" ,51`hu'r,sday ev.eni ng.{ _.,.V_ v-.- y.-v .. --- A `;A_.. L... .LA...\.I ; J R ev. ~c.` -B.-,I-<;1x'-e;:i;"I i_61idayig" iii Win'derme1-`e. ' , J` . " . Dr. Erne'St D:-u&rAy_ and mother hall- edon friends in this plac_e .last wggk.- JFI- - , ' I -7 v-- ---`v--1-v` `DII UIIIII 'II.l?Ip VI: ' The `rainy weather is quite a hind-l x_a'nce to the. a_r_mers for` ploughigg and potato dtggmg. ' . f\'_-!4. , W WWI F ` ' " ' A distressing accident; occurred -tp Charles Emrns while threshing ygt Alex. Richardson's, Craighurst, ;I,-Le was endeavoring to put a belt.ox}, and got his arm caught, .brcaking gt 3 in tw_o places, besides smashihg _11':i% shoulder and face. iChar1esV`1g[as tjj ; heartfelt sympathy of his fk11ow fbOi - bad!`-I players, as Well` as" of th'A'nt'i'1`E `commupitvy. .W'c hope'. to"hear dpf `speedy recovery. V . . .1. at-`e pieased to hear -that this teacher-, M; Carefoot, `has been" en*- .- gaged for `another -year. . . - 2 0 illl LB I Vhang1'ngs3" _ ' ' `u,-_. 5;. . u ' ` . ,..r~,,-.. ,, ` . . 1; '.'-H.--...,_-.. .. ,' _ ` cm 1 I... ., , ..-.- Nnw . _._.j__- '?M. rs_. Lyon's'of Toi'ont_6_is .t h_e_ .of"`i_;er sit`er,`~Mi'rs;_gW?. J, _:b.lAt_.. ` 1-n._ j;_ 3'` ~17: \ Quite , ta ` number, from here ' attend- ed .the fowl suppe; and concert in Hgonnection with St .J..ude s aChurch,. I Utopia, last. jM.'onday._ 'r~|._ :-_-I --A--, ' 1' ' -- "~z`;-1;.rxiveg'savry services vnirillfbel in the Centfal `Church `Sunday, `Oct. 31st. R"ev.`M1r. McVicar wi4l1'_ preacflg, `morning 'and'eve`ni_nlg, ' `J. A Thanksgiving service "will `lie held in the Baptist -Church Monday evening. Rev. -M.r.fMurray of Edgar will deliver an address. ' M;ss*fhea;'3;;m;:n'"52" Mt visited friends at thev Sqtbxare _ `1a s t week. . ` _ ;; `Miss Evi-:C);- s`1J`<;11vt'S;t'ur{`lay with her sister, `Mrs. M"ars11al`_l. ChaArles.. .l:f2.~.. T 2.....- __ - `Mi-ss lizzi Lan gx_naVn-:sp..ent` Sun- day wlth Her sister, Mrs. Lon.z__e Turner. ' ; '51:. 1 . . auu su I 3. L Ilua. LVLUUUIIC Q1 Midland v1s_1ted friends . here, _ o.v_t;4r Sunday. ` ' ' ' - V M{r. and `Leslie `"3: E_lm'vale`spent`fSunday with the forx_I'i,- er s~parents,' Mr. and `Mrs. Spring;-_ * _ . ' ` ' _ .on of' "I'o1"Ont6is` h `t? 'f~h r siI'hr*-=~Nfii-:~ in -'1 'I-I;t.1'+e-"sues "Mr. .and Mrs. Thos.McGuire bf A l:AI....A ..:..:4...: :..:.....I.. 1.--- _ ;'_I"ERRIB.LE TRAGEDY. MITCHELL _SQITARE._ '11. 17-` ` Bay` `comes the; fdii. ALLENWOOD. i DALSTQN: The con_cert- season in4BaVrrie was commenced very ~auspic`i_o`u-sly` b'y_j_ an entexztainment give`:_1,~..<`_1_g1: ,1?uesda;yg,9 3.flast' _,v_vk,: in" `;.th`__ -EIi_ ggb_eth,.-. A gM.eth"odist _Chm_-cVh- _ .:ljy`~z; Vthe--V. .;;'-.l-eVn'1pl_e lM'ale. ua1`Tttel ,'_I?;ntp';e,' with -_.fMAr.; V John . lexang er,* fh`-"faIE_i1?" eIqi:u 1, Ltionist, assis_tu`1'g.`- .'1?h:e,;e'nsembl,ea sing`-A "ing = of .'+the`*'~qua.tttt.=sWS: .a. -t reat;stj1_ch5 `; gas _.th -l3#a_nr4ie,;- ci`t.izg:ns;, I 1_3a_xv seldqm *:e:3.v9yed.-:<*9;0h_w x, , * I % ~ ;bcrrurr%LA==s:iexhI ` Amber,- 705 sh Aioo `um: ..a%novs- sm'rs .uov.mcoAn;%& specially priced away down" because. we have only at few`. sizes in each line, % % J M - ` . V % A "L " ~*.' ' -=t .- we .. .4 . 5 3. % -: fie }5 meat.` :app"r . .IfiEl}t!on:-5 of ~;$t,ooo: to ; be V rspgnt-` _o`;1 fthe mfork V` this f year, ;"a_nd _thiS'_ has; igaused 2 the water - to be "-lo"wje re_Vd`_ by `abdut two;f_Ve"t'.` The `fuxgds are now` e`xha;usted',: but` there" rAe'jm'ai'ns=,on1yV about` half a. mile which`; if ctea;1.ed =- would have the: eec of draining a1i LI... land ..J..'.;.A ..4- 'I".-. ..,..-...I.g4-.. Aha .Plans were 'dis'cuss`ed relative `the future work, Dfelegateg were appoint- ed to represent Barrie at the Pro= `vincial `Convention being- held {in Bslleville 't_l1i s ?":w;eek. The `November- meeting-`will _be"helAd `on _the a _lt 3 mock. e !V\lllaI\L IIIIVC GILCVU `ll `J-_I-Glllglls Gil r ;thej;laVridaijx11:ed'at; V 'comp`Iete- the `job probably j~"$`I"-,`O0O ,;more~vvoi1ld be required} a`d`~ as "the" *w',ork~ was in-` .s"pec`{ed "by most` of` t'hT`eV ` township`: fcouncillors and WM:-. I Alex.*- :Ferguson.7 M..`P.P., on Friday _1as[t,-`it is epipected sufficient funds will be fortoming' `from some source to -nisti the work in the near future. '1 .he:gdv_ermnent ".engin,eef"` is , expected hex`-e this week to- `make `his `nal inspec5i9n.._of _the Work ` ;don_e. H ` It was unanimously recommended by the meeting that a. resolution be forwarded. to the Minister of Justice, urging clemency in `theucase of the unfortunate" woman, Mrs. Robinson, under sentence of death. `Theeaction of the` Toronto District (W.-C.T.AU.) in advocating` -ia post-card petition r `was heartily endorsed. The request- is,[write a vposta_lc:`1rd4z';s_ follows :- Mr .... ...;..:`.;n-. 1.-.. -1: ___.- .- ___ --After devotiorial exerciss,'.'repor_ts of. VOm:mit_tees _'we1". -fgivenh.-'. ..,'1`,~}g,e_.~ Y.~_ Committee rep9'ted' va1jic_>u_s.` gifis` to add` a.` little monfcomfoft io' the rboms of the Allandal branch. Minutes of 'p`r`evio us fneting showed` good w9r_k aloqg sgveral _line, es- pedally'in hosp;taI'v1'sitatibn. 'V -_ ..---v - ---- vw-.. -av .-v-uvvv-r - . , ` ` ,. '```I respecrtglly beg.of you to re-. cgmmend that the qg:a.th~j _s_en_t_enc.g passed on Anna:Robms'oi1' be `com- muted. T, `Sign your sname: and place of relsidence,-and address it to the Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, vOtAta_Wa',% Can- ' ada. . Do it now. , O : The following resolution --was uns- animously adopted at` the Barrie `Fin- ancial District Meeting held at VEl1'n -` 'val.e"0c_.t. `I3th :-+ A T _ " - "And whereas one of the greatest- evils of the day as tending to de- stroy true' citizenhip` ~is gambling, which is honey-combing many of the political,` social, commercial ` and moral relationships of life, uA___I . P ..__v--.- v--o-cw--u--a u vo annw A_hd. `whereas the Secretary of State recently grarited a charteqt the -Mctropoluan Racing Assocxatno 3 of _Toronto, thereby greatly aiding fI`I0!t':I'Il'I J`:-.uo.A- ' ll aA,,