Apvmcn ._......_.._..--J v. nu-my sunny: -avwoouu , . `Capt. Ralph Pringle-, " who killed a Canadian sailor at St. Clair, VMich., last winter, has-" been .qonvicted- of V: manslaughter. _ _ V -- . g `Mr. Dgvid; Lfoyd-Gporge Statsd _t 2 g;,.5 .NW3.Stlc ,tnat_ th.%.~:3:dRt-}.%; won *1` 3 .ha.v9-' 7.16 932;; t.h., E01: `s ':p`raLc-.'ticVe,x-_11y; . 1.7 .25 60 19 oo w wry -ruuunoug V- l`U' " "',' t Sheep; expdrt elwes-..{.. " bucks & culls.. Spring lambs, each .. Hogs,` f.obI . . . . . .. :l\A .....I ;.--L---,l ' ' III. a Springers Calves Sheep, export 1.....1... 1 - 115111. Canners .. . Millfers, choice 5 ,.,..~. .... I 5uuaC . . . . . . . . yu. . 9/ Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 42. . 43 Barley .. .. .., . . . . .. 60.. 61 Peas .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75.. 76" Rye .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 75 Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . 60. . 3 . Hay, Timothy . . . . . . .. I5 00.. 20 oo ` Hay, `clover . . . . . . . . .. 8 oo.. 10 oo .Straw, bundled I4 50.. 15 ml Eggs, per doz. . . . . . .. 30.. 35 Butter, per lb. . . . . . .. 23.. 3 .30 Chickens, dressed . . . . ~ 14. . I6 Potatoes, bag . . . . . . .. 75.. 90 Dry onions, bag . . . . .. ' .. I 50 Beets, bag . . . . . . . . . .. 60.. 75 Celery (doz.) v 30.. 50` Tomatoes, basket . . . . 20.. 30 Apples, barrel . . . . . . .. I 50.. 2 50 Live Stock Markets. l Quotations -on Tuesday were :- Export cattle, choice.;$ \.$ 5 5'0 . medium 5 oo.. 5 25 Butcher cattle, picked, 5 oo.. 5 35 ., medium 450.. 500 _-" common 400.. 450 Butcher_ cows, choice. . 3 75,. 4 60 .3 common . . . . .. 2 50.. 3 753' Butcher. Bulls 1. . 3 oo.. 4 50 Heavy feeders ,3 50.. 4 50 . Stgckers, c`ho`ice', . . . . .. 3 oo.. 3 so _-_.._ _._..--. -...- ....u-nu I The merchants of Montreal will fappeal to the,`Priv Council to>ups`et the early closing y-_la,w. ` -~ A'L.I,-i' `If . n ..- vu-`I-up - vial! I-VJIQ olrlu 'hIG'l\IlllI\Ga The`, V and: Covney =.- Island I T Jockey Clubs will contest. th_e-con -n s_tit_utionality of the" anti"-'bJetVt.i'n'g law,` k:l'..-;. ti-|.'_u. 'n, 35 10 on 00 :I-<`)wh1;-I\'/Ivgtdows fell forty feet 'while`w_orking in a Vsilo near bWood- gtock and--was killed. ' Ab&5ii' 1i;{z{{&', tr}; '-<;e}>'os.eAc-1 Sultan `of Turkey, made an attemptto es- cape from his captors a.t%Sa1onika. ` I r|I|.,. TI , 11.. . 4 ;n". --- - Ma-%. 'Jo1In` 76;: '1{aYiHs,"oE"}ath London fell out of an apple tree and broke hig ba_c}<._` >IZr\_ramS't;t(`:-I-of"I`)`raper is under Q5- rest at Brac'eb?idge' on the charge f Vmurdeying her * infant. ' ' - j Wheat, ';f.all (T0116 MONDAY; OCTOBER nth. ` lc\lI-In -c-`n fed and" watgred oi Timothy . . clover .. 30.. ; ans, .... -14.. es, . . . 75. . :ons,bag . ag . '(d0z.) :oes, basket ;, . .. (Continued from Page 37% DAY *BY DAY Toronto, Odfzt. set siny a ` % inetion. in all the newest and " mostapprove styles. THE VALUESTOO are the very_ `Kest. and are ade po Vsible by our personal selection. in our Buainss-perhaps th R I N S. T We pay special consequegtly shown large an -`DIAMONDS, sues, PEARLS, EMERALDSX, `PPHIRES, OPALS, TU ? QUOlS`E, Una VI we \`inme .lE,VlEl.E, 12th, I909. oo..$ 1 02 43 61` 75` III! _,_. -v _-- `r-nudist naunus IIVC PClDUHBuI The young man killed by4a tr_ain' lnear Hyde` Park was William Steele lof London, Ont. . nJ5Q\JIlIpII l T M'acdon:1'ld, leader. of the Opposition in the British Columbia `Legislature, has resigned, and the Liberal convention at New West- minster, B.C., elected `Mr. John Oliv-I er, M.P.P., to the position. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12th. ._,_ --_---.. .3. w :11: LIIP. ' I The average registration at the] )University of Toronto will not fall much below that of last year.. .(".'.-3| -------- ` ` - ----n q,--up vs IGDI. yCdIn . tCi_vil service examinations will be `held at several points in,the Domin-' I ,._, _ . . _ _ ..... "sun uquuu d.ll.Cl HURTS. ' Toronto Women s Christian Temp-D erance ,Union has instituted a post- card petition for the reprieve of Mrs. Robinson, who was sentenced {to death at Sudbury. "\.f'_ `I I A terrible yclone,created' great ;havoc in` Cuba, killing ve persons. 1 -un....... ...-__ I_91I I u ' ---u`r-- \fIIl G(ez'many s Big sudper-Dreadnoughtl .W'estfa-len has developed a speed of twenty knots on a trial trip. I Inn-I-A-A --*`:-` `. ` ` ' ` . mm--- --- 13'? -"-J- | I The National Grain Dealers of the` [United States have passed a- resqlu-u non favoring the admission, without! du_tY,_0f Canadian wheat.` I __,, _- -.. . . . . . . . . . . .u. . I Albert Duffy of Toronto was ar-3 lrested, charged with a brutal assault: Non a. hotelkeeper who refused to sup-` ply accused with liquor after hours! 'l`.-.......4._ 1IY-__-, 9 rwu 5 . I Constables had a running ght with three men supposed to be the -VV-right safe robbers, at Galetta, but the des- p-eradoes all got away. . l r1`1_- x*r_.s_ ru - n - - l`/yqilr attention to thAl'aZ 1thatwe,are now ready wit +1ar`ge stok of Rn=_ 1:s and_ AMMUNITION, % o vEs and UTENSILS. LBEGLNS NOVEI NOVEMBER 15th` FOR REEVE Otton, 81 5011: |e%i:i1.'and us abbut your outt. ';t_ron_gest-is L A D I E S attention to this line and I vcrychoice selection. 2 .t. yts UNTIL: infeminding you let us draw; that :we_ are ready with a; Two children of Eugene Fournier of St. Henri de Levis were burned to death. The re started while their parents were out milking, and de- stroyed the house. slity` , While a party was.hunting cougars near Ashcroft, B.C., a- shot was red into` some dynamite in an old m.ine. One of the hunters was blown a. hundred feet down the-mountain and killed. i A work train released by some small boys rushed down hill a.t 50 miles an hour at Vancouver and col- lided with a Grand View passenger car, smashing it badly. The passeng- ers escaped with a shaking up. ion, commencing on Nov. 9th. Two suffragettes were sentenced to a month in prison for their at- tack on Mr. Lloyd-George at New- lcastle. ` '_ Winbourn L. Burgess was arrest- led at Vancouver on a charge. of rob~ _bing a `Canadian Express agent at. !Truro, vN.S. i Wineld Halleck, an American icittzen, accuses` the c:_1ptain of the British steamer Miramichi of spirit- ing him away from Baltimore as a.. isatlor. l A head-on collision took place be- Itween a Grand Trunk passenger .train and an Intercolonial engine at Levis,. and one train hand named Begin was killed. ` BARBIE. Iaude ildren lendid. me in rvices : s. H13. music For 'l`iuke;s and Fuil Information call on-- J.E. BILLINGSLE Y. Depot Agent. l~`l_'l.L SUMMER SERVICE NOW IN EFFECT. `EX'_.`UI{SION TICKETS ON SALE `DAILY ALAS}{A.YU KON-PACIFIC AEXPOSITION - We have secured the services.of W. the noted I-Iorse-Shoer of Barrie. ` We {sad in Horse-shoeing and are `spar-' mg no pains or money in pgtting our shop away ahead `of all others. Give us a tgial` and be convinced. [`yune234. ORILLIA , 791:. lncludln MUSKOKA. LAKE OF DAYS." TEMAGAMI. GEORGIAN BAY. MAGANETAWAN RIVER, KAWARTHA LAKES. Z13 Very low rates. F astTime. . Via Attractive Routes. Dally umll Sept. 3011!. I000. " Return llmlt Oct. 3131,1009. Noticemnrsemenl The Popular Route to All` Principal Tourist Resorts. AVL BI-nun. James. . Bell- zed in ednes- BHURGH BROS. SEATTLE ;.45 arm ;;9UAR'I l3iR _ 'Ifhe/accused. `durin of ,her, hild.- ~n'1ade_. "a'llJ~ sor_t '_cu8.*-'89y_.ihg.:th .tiJa~ % % ~:.:At1t 9 Bracebrvidge,-Oct. II.-Eva Setex-', o_f -Germania, is in jail here` charged with the murder of` her tw,enty-two- months- -oled son, .and the zadjoumed inquest Will. be continued 7 before Coroner 'M`cGibbon to-night. " ' " `Y IIIVOQ this at no. _them 1511. You are cordially invited to call at our new premises (_Palk s Old stand) and inspect our Fall Goods. which are coming: in daily, at prices unequalled in Barrie. for such high class gar- ments. Our prices are right, audit not in a position` to pay all. P33 what you can and ar- range to pay the balance on either weekly or monthly payments. Business strictly -_conpV dential. n. c.- mvmson, P:-Iaprnetor` Five Points Store. oppbsit Wellington Hotel ' Store opens 8 a.m.. !o'ses8 p.m. I ' * Eva _ S/euter, a young unmarried woman, coming twenty-two, left her father s home after a quarrel three weeks ago to-day, taking in her arms her boy, circulating the report after- _.wards that she had given the child to a family who had adopted him. Suspicion was aroused, however, and it `was found that her `s'tory_`was', un- true. She told several -stories; and her, family instituteda search. IFail- ing` to nd the child, they informed the `authorities, and a warrant was issued. The county constable placed- -her under arrest,.bu_t she pleaded her innocence, blaming her father,_. say- ing` that through a dr.ea_m_ she 2 had` seen him commit the deed.` ShCft0Ok__ the con stable -.t_eo1: fthib-'4 `t.-place `i in - the ' swamp `,vval1ere tithe -zychild was- *buried'. Here it"; `was found in ,a:_ nude cond_i.- tiom 7 ham: nothin$: -alter body -but the aplronf string. it} liiadbeens strange, . led`-.Witi'l. The` infant had been` buried.- under a tree, in` .3` swa-1Pji.!1bt_:._far'from, `her `home, -an'd-`wa_s jin,;; a.i` "cod .`*st_a,t or `preservatiop. OWil ft0 ` at r :. e. t'_i_on_.= agededfgby ":.the.: :-=:vv. ater'-a:a"; :`r;.~' '1 1 !"!-9-'7r?Ii3|?5`~5' I= vl avvaaup. . _ (~ ' . . The p"risonet s"fath_er, Mn;-tin Seut-' er, is a -`x'nanwell-known, and,the sympagh ofjthe public oes, qutto him ,,an '?,_hisi]fan_1'ily `in L e calamity` |that;l1a;sL o'jvex'+takenL them. - L`. L V -I..'E.a'.':.uA Young VVpnan in Braceb;'idge- Jail Iu.-_..-_u 1192.1. nn_L_.I_# . LADIAES `NEW STYLE FALL `SUITS. MANTLES V AND FURSE MUSKOKA INFANTICIDE. We only ask you rsx? wha_t we can sell the gar- ment for, and`-that price is one you cannot beat. Men`: $18.00` u clearing at $15.00. coats for $14.00 1:2" tum } give our cui- Ltomers at as price Vbef6w' their l'g\il8l'- value. Mm will do wen to come? and see ' these lines; and `become acquainted" with .this store's offerings. _:l-1Iere_is al-ijst of the `sa vings:_ \ $20300 Suits for $16.00 051300 " $15.00 $16.00` " " $13.50 $1250 $10.90 Men s-$l8.00'Fallover- ; VVUHIEII H1 DIICCUKIUE Cl-fa:-god With Min-det; '_|'HE ABAI-'tITE mate}; Ald. `H-'ors'eldV inquired as. to the removal of a tree from `Dyment s .Gore. The committee knew nothing of! it. ` "Deputy-Reeve -Ca'l said` the `tree had`.b`ee.n detrimental to the foliage. N ew w\l\eat Oats .. Peas .. ._Barl.ey .. Flour . . .`:1;-ggf. .hind';' fbre `Lqmbvr Mutt_o__n_" .':. . , uyuv . J .,d_re,ssed 1.Cliickens, per. lb. V. .H`gns:ner lb. i.._..-_ Bntte_r, l'O",':pCl' lb, _LaIfd,` per `lb VExz=.%p;er~ don. tfP?t03rl`P ' 'b3E{ l I ;A.ld._llBeax_"dsley. carried a` motion requirmg rmlk vendors to be licensed at an annual fee. of `25c, and the ne- cessary- by-law will be introduced andeubrrutted at ,next. meeting of tl/1e -Coun_cil.. - I v . Wells taken, `as-- they ; u `against; the amendmeh 3 -f::3.u:1r_ 'S.':I.;Jl` "1Y1l1lC)pal I I'\_Ct, 1 3'-WQid`l 1`;rad it? into -` the stat . or _ t, , _ , and ennox-,=~:d1d '= `not ` believe `- "-the "cour`t d "f7'Ald. p was not simply "voted . _ t [t0 P.0tP011- Conveyance of voters to the po_lls by rigs. hired and paidfor `by the company orits` agents would, if es- tablished, act of bribery: Mr. Lennox was of opinion that` the Clerk was wrong in using the vot- `siF`s shawl vibe .:Mr a tapleton j;votm'g- in ,Council` eers .+list of 1908. The assessment roll for 41909 had`? been nally'"revis- -ed, and the list to be used should h_avebeen prepared from the last re- vised roll. Such a. list would have eliminated those" who had died or pa.rted.\wi_th` their property, This ground alone _would not quash the by-law, Mahy of the objections raised were not formidable when taken separately, but there was their cumulative effect to consider, and the court ight not feel sure that the will `of the ratepayers had been actuallyrecorded in the by-law _as passed. ,The Council would be acting fairly by all if they determin- ed to, have the judgment of the` court upon these questions, but equally would they be discharging their duty if, in order that there should be no mistake or doubt upon- the question involved, they "determined to consent to the setting aside of the by-law and its submission to another vote. . The chairman after `reading the dpcument through summed up its -vital points.` The Mayor took the ground that there had been nofwrong doing sug- -gested on the part of the Council. Neither was` the `Clerk to blame. Speaking for himself, he intended to vote alon the 1ine`of having the by-law quashed and: re-submitted in January next. The company could] not in any `event build this year. He thought._the question of costs should lbe argued at Osgoode. Hall, if the applicants would not consent to hav- ing the by-law quashed without ' costs. ~,The` .1\/I._a.yor,sta.t.ed that it was` a responsxbzlity restmg on the com- `-mittee and on every member of the committee. If the_ overseer was not doing his duty, hrs servx-ces shoul hp dicnpncnrl uric-In ~C:.....:1.... ..-_-,.:- :25 mo; uvung uxa uuty, [115 Services Should be d1spensed With. -Smular reports` `were being made about th; sewer constructio`n. |CounTcil.: went `into committee ofl the whole to consider the.-nsolicitoix- s opinion, with Ald. Beardsley in the chair. . 7 Under the order of inquiries sev- eral questions were put tending to show that the sidewalk construction work_ was very unsatisfactory in various parts of the Town. ' Lu.~u.sv|| yo Eggs, -- hxe, _ Ald. Horseid believed there was nothing to be gained by ghting. ThefTown would be divided against itsel . V ' ' Ald. Beardsley made a motion em- bod-yingv the sense. of the committee,:. wherein-it was resolvd not.to op- pose the motion to quash the by-law,| save as to costs , it being the opinion of the committee that as Council had done nothing to warrant the proceedings it should not be held liable for costs. . ' f Aid. Craig wanted] fo know why the by-law had `been declared car- ried when it was so many votes short of -the number required for / Iothef by-laws. . _ -e _ V - pgicefnuxang in {he Barrie and~*ro:.. onto Market; During the.Week. ` Ald % effect.` The Cvlerk ` pleaded hressure Of work and that he had been guided in his course by the advice of gentlemerf learned in the law. ` . `Ma-v ng to which a Ald. Poucher asked why the -Clerk had not pursued a similar course in regard to Barrie Tanning Co. by-law, but the chairman ruled that the com- mittee were dealing` only `with the |Carriage' Co. -by-law. V ,Igad=*-i"e` th:e5rig'iit for on II-In mm... r -.;..-_.--_ _l;Vad'['_I.t.f th`erig"ht for `a sc_1i_1jtiny\'also Igo ;He (`M112 L'e'n'nox) zdid L"i`i.Ot.3.thi11k onfthis Vhgafd... that _the-_ cour1;s would -q1V_1ash~ the byelaw. `R_aiym`en*t`~ of tail,- wayffares yvas not an; act f bribery wider, the Municipal , Act, and - Mr ermmz din um k..1:.,..,. an- ----'+ Tm: 7MA_nxE1's ` 'fro;1 1 'i?a%geV% Onfi) ` Lic.ense Milk Vehdors. ' 'Bidwe1l spoke to the same Bin-rie,;' Qt. Inquiries. L" ._}ReX`