_g`Date:m.is 12th day of ocwber. woo. , -4.01 BAa1iIi;i. COUNIY oE*A*MCO1;!oNTAmo, `O:CT(_)BER 14, 1909, \\ _ Luv vvyxgxalla rurclgn JV1lSSlOl'13.!'y' Society of .the P;-esbyt`_erian Church will hold their annual thank-offering: meeting on Wednesday, Oct.` 20th; in St. Andrew s Church, commencing at 8, o clock. _ Mrs-.. Goforfh, a; re- turned. missionary`. from China, _ will give an address; All who come. will.` [be welcome. ` " " - \ -Remnants--3o oo rolls of new wall Papersdq qne `and two room lots, mostly wfm"" d ce'1- ings to match, t one pg-ice. Johnston & Warten. - to ---~- - o*"*-wrmerw 4 `Frank Crooks of"South Ori1lia-ao- pared in Judge Wismer s weekly Criminal Court on a charge of steal- ing a heifer and disposing of the` carcase.' He was found guilty, and there being a previous conviction against him he was sentenced to two years in the "Central prison. _ \ v-Now, gents, if it s_a.7 nice, natty patent leather to wear with that new suit, we have em. .The only differ- ence from `<`)t1iem.,`s. Q:-es is that we give` youthem at w biesgle prices in- stead of retail prices. `C&ry, Shoe Shoe Co., OPP. -Ross `Block. .--Big .Ba;'ain Values 'in' Dre.ss go1ods_,'-A-Silksw . inens at Vickers ` }R'eiriember the meting to-night` to or_gan'ize a, Yo1_1ng "MIen s Canad- ian Civic Club. At the`Cour; Cham- _bers. " ' ! "Es? Tv H. Durham and.` his son-in-' law, Dr. Register, of Norfolk, Va., are spending a. few days `in Town with -the former s :father, Mr. John I Dvr*3m- cyw I. once. --VidIi Anniversary Sale begins] Fri it. Spices for picklin'g-pure, `whole and ground, .in bulk and packages. Garlic, pepper and all- essential con- diments for pickling at Bothwell s'. 1 . - - Go to Wk1nson s for all kmds of Dry. Hard and Soft Wood, also .Slabs, sawed and split any length you wish and sold per -cord, not box loads. 7 _ '~ ` J. ocowan-`bf McMaster Uni- versity, Toronto, `preached in the Baptist Chur`ch- `here on `-Sunday. tWhile in Town. M31 . Cowati was the guest of Mr. and Mrs`. Wm. ' Smith, Mary Street. - A 1` fv-:-`I.a;l{;2; ;-ubber"s, frsh stock, 49c `pair. . One pa.ir.to zi customer. Carey Co.` ' Wrs. James"B eattie, whohad the misfortune recently to break an arm by falling down the` cellar. stairs at her residence, is convalescing nicely Eermany friends will be pleasei to ear. ' -- beav- brgad. nun uxauy Lncuub hear. -F;._or that,taTstz 1 I-xnrl ` I` is tfz lstola on Howard ,Porritt s' numerous friends. will regret to hear] that he has contracted. typhoid: and is now a ptient in the `R. V. Hospital. He is; owever, prbgressing favorably. ,~~_.'x.-rvf--_ . .~` '; V I . .` Mr. S_.A.B.'Hmds. has returned-from ,th V Qowganda country. He ..inten.ds. .r'e_tna1ning herefor some weeks. .9 \. _. _,.. - .v a. e V", "Rev. 'W'-illiard -Brewing of "Christ Church, Toronto, `will preside at_a congxzegatiqnal .-\meeting' in IChr1st 4-Church to-night` (Thursay) 3,! 3 otgxqck. , ' % run a:u.a:s--A aeznrume us-to-date house. stable. over acre of an with orchard. glendid locality. Except onal terms Apply ntj cc. ` ' V:icke_rs_ Sa.l_e V starts 11. ~ | `Th: ;M:oq ay, Oct. .18t 1` s`es.s;on-, _A , Coimty. Council will - meet on b, ` `for the autumn I .'7~E ,`3,`~v:~% 7`.-f%i.;%l .m.,,..._**`?`*%S *"_&?f`m8S 8! .' Vv-" ,' "'","' V "-`."""*""~3'F`3'-\`"F.Y7:3-u- V %T.he Wpmans Forexgn Missionary l'\(`lPf\)' (`FF fkh 13-ncl-anon.-2:... (`I-.......I. mum, .1'H.I! gfrong faoint-in Diamonds, et"c.,l '1 n.n nncr ? K BARGAIN A FOR SALE--A desirable ut?-to-date house. Sublo. over mm M mvmn with nlurhnn couurv"or"sivg_cot7 `rt-1: oommou or cnuaoroun cnrrcmou. SOD-. S HOITIC-11 Barrie Brewing C(>._y_ are ,ex- ,,te_ndir;g theip premises ...by` ,1~1:h;e` iitldi: tir.r.~ :.of... :W9~. new -%`:conc:9t=.i Jjcsllar h;cha:ar9,ghsin,gT` ,c_orjxs`trut_e tqi`:-i`th ~.-. `Twelve trains will run between C9- balt, Haileybury and New `Liskefrd daily, under the new se`r\'rice,t which it is said will soon be adoptedtby the Temiskaming Land lorthern Ontario Railway. .'Six` trains _will run each way, including early mor~ning. and 0 late ' evening % accommodation trains. `An. early morning train will `run be-. tween Latchfoxfd and: Englehart. `Thjs ser`.vic'ei `will be , `of. % great` value;.'i_nl en.- atzlinzl e~pea'p1e., sivho; ha_v~.:h,n.sinss in Cobalt to; reside. in other towns." Co- bIt"is.so` situated that it it *1diic'ult~.. } to -` _ perfept s'anita_tion';.. V the` P J. Young, Minesing; on Wednes- day,` O.ctober 6th, their eldest daughter, `Miss Alice 'M., was united 'in marriage to Mr. George .G. John-i ston of Minesing. Th' bride was given away by her father. She \wore a gown of d esprit `over, whit_e silk -mull, The Rev. Mr. Sheppard offi- ciated. . Miss Bernice Young acted_ as bridesmaid, "while Mr. Walter.-John- ston supported the gr.oom.v The "Wedding March was played by Miss Anah. Bailey of Town. After de)eun- Ver Mr. and,M.rs. Johnston left _for Toronto and other points of interest, the bride travelling in a. suit of navy ' * I At the home of Mlf. and Mrs. II blue chiffon broadcloth, with hat to- ,m_atch. i 'rwEL_.vE 'i*nAtns DAILY.` an In: /auu ) C3.I'. SBOONER`---At, Dalston, on Oct. 6th, {(909, Wilfred Bentley _Spoon- A er, in his 27th year. _ ' CROSS--9-On October Ioth, 1909, at -Gazette`, Penshnrst, `Victoria, Australia, after a lingering illness, Elizabeth Robinson, wife` of Dr. 'W; J3 `Cross, formerly of Innisl ' and Barrie. ' v . 'I RUE-1nR. V. Hospital, "Bar;-ie, 'Oct. 6th` -1909, Edmond M'.cDer- .mot True, aged 32 years, 3 months D `and 22 days. V 5 . WI DIED. %BLAKELY--4At Amen. Mills, on Oct._ 7tl;, 1909, Thomas Blakely,` in ms 72nd year. Q]3r\(3T\TTu"D;,,Aa. 'n..1...-.. -.. f\ - uvuu .u. uuus, Lu-uucrly OI \..l'OWl'l Hill. v , l MARRIED. ` ` E CIRIPPS--W'ILSON--At the parson- ? age, Collier Street, Barrie, on Oct. 9th, by; Rev. I. -G. Bowles, B.A., B.l).,l Joseph Cripps of French `River to Vina Wuson of Shanty Bav. J __BO_RN. SMI'[AH-At Barrie,` on Oct. moth, 1909, a son to Mr. and Mrs. B. `I , - * I ILUCK--At -McLeod, Alta.,'on Oct. % 4th, a. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. gyrlin H. Luck, formerlyof Crown vI,uIuIu cu-. nurnu. ucln uulo 0 comprxsln Z3 uresofland. Splendid bu'fId1ngs.anaanogec er nnost attractive location. Apply to B. PARKER. Allandaie P.0. . 23-tt 'It may be pointed '~out that the City of Toronto haszobtained very tsatisfaetory results from oil sprink- ling during the past`season.- After a -two months trial there on the macadam streets, the system,-bids fair to be adopted, permanently. It was shown in Toronto that the oil- ing was 25 pe.r cent. chea$er`than watering would have` been," and `it was much more effective. The oil used .Was the same- as was tried in the Barrie "experiment, being a- by- product of the.-distilla_ti_o~n of petro- leum. 'Owing to the srr1all'~e-demand, `it -is largely a waste product, hence ,its cheapness. ' ' gauuu. ` 1 To The` Advance, Mi`. ' Bennett, when speaking of the results of the oil. treatrnent, expressed himself as highly pleased, as, indeed, were. all the residents of that part of Bayeld Street. `_`It has certainly kept down the dust, said he, and I see no rea- son why the method should not be tried by the (Council next year` on a "number of the streets} A large ter- ritory could be covered with great convenience to the public, and at a. very small expense, The very slight, odor arising from the crude petro- leum is not objectionable. in the least. . . _ u ' -.--....-3 uuvux Iauuuluaa -IUGQ-Po '; `Early ml the summer Mr. Bennett obtained permission from the.'1`,own Council to have a portion` of ~ Bay-_ eld Street, opposite, his residence, prepared for `the introduction _ of crude petroleum.- It was not, how- ever, until the latter part of August` that the experimen,t;'.fwas tried-,...and the roadwaffreceiyed. its first sprinkling. The 'sprinlllng*, was done in ,a small way, -a ,can,l_,-being used for the purpose.',.. Three thosand square feet of sjtreetfwas treated - a stretch- .IIo`fee't- 10t1S\_ by .30 feet wide. About forty -gallons of oil were required, but less would have `answered had` there been less dust when applied. The oil` cost 5c 3. gallon. , 'Pn TL- A,:......... 'M".. .n-_.--u Mr. J. H. 3...; ..{V=....a c.g.a.. Petroleum 0} Kym a7 .% `Dust Layer. ' `_`The citizens bf Bari~ie \'w}ill `hear. .w1th`interest of the success that has attended the- xperin 1e_nt' conducted by `ex-Mayor Bennett In the` matter ._of. bring'ng `aboug dustless roads. I4 `[.`..._i_. :-._n .1.` _ __ ,A--, It 11 succnsswt &\l V Cl Bay. Alf)DIfI'ION ,TO _BREWERY. JOHNSTON-_-YOUNG. -__----_ ya u wrwwuun vvntnnnldbbwko 1The que'st,ion.of lower express rates -was brought `up by `Mr. J, H. Ben.- nett as"-a proper subject for discus- sion. Benentt was not armed with" specic data,.but he voiced the general_ .fejlin'g- of \dissatifaction _arm.ong the business men of the .- uurruul. ru.w8.eu;ner11I I.!!",-""n:`;l:r`t': 1 cod` ism` ., II:e`;.'"81\I(<:r(lI.tx1lI3T:ie".lrli3t519Sg momsv 11111 pstreet Barrie. . ` " ,- \ L .'Mr.~ I. J.\Bro.wn also complained "of the ex res: rates. They were igh- er from , arrie to outside points han ft'omAoutside_poix"|t's to `Barrie. This anomaly -.s~h'o1;ld not be=a1low ed to_ continue. V ` ` A. x s;g ecid;A committee 'was. iiis'truct'- ,ed`.~to'prep'are*a reoort` in `the matte for` the Board, andithis whemteciv.-` ._.fg_l;xzi_1,l,.,_iz; yajll ,prqba.biJity he" -forward~ .tmt1r`et ._B;b'ard` - Qfwkailway: Cgmmis-` ' 1: :t'i.1*:a -v----v t ,. *~. -Mayor Vair concurred with the previous speaker and .-stated that there were many discrepancies in ex- press rates. L Te general public had to grin. `and beat- .it, as no., redress sjeemedsttoi be at hand.-A A if 4,: gL,oage3 : V` . x __---._- ---v worry nnnnnnnnnn so ! Another matter, previously referred to in The "Advance, related to the continuance of the existing mail route between `;Ba.rrie `and -Hillsdale and was in_troduced by the President. This was referred to a special committee. TL , -`_., P C lPresident ML J. Frawley was in the ehair at- the regular quarterly meet- ing of the Board of Trade last week.` `The secreta y, Mr. G. N. Miller, hav- ing removed from Town, Mr. `S. -Mc- Adam was asked to act as secretary pro tem. ` About fteen `or more members were present, although a larger attendance was desirable. ,_-_c-_ - . . V - -..`.---vw vv any 1.5`-ullcbillun The first matter dealt with was the election of a_secretary,_- and -Mr. S.. `McAdam received the appointment. A_--nL_, __, avyvlt la axsucu uy uncut.-MU]. US$110` way. He found 3 ofcers and '56 .men at the time of his inspection. `In company dri1l,_ manual exercise, ceremonial drill, armory and oicers the comment in each case was very I ood. All other departments were ,`good" except that of extended order which was designated fair. The D'.A.A.G. comments very satis- factorily,on the report, but says that more attention .should be paid to ring exercise and extended order ' drill. He compliments the O.C. and the Principal upon the good report earned, but urges that the Board of Education be advised of ,the advant- age of the cadets having some dis- tinctive badge, such as cap and hav- ersack which could be provided verv cheaply, The corps should be made attractive to the boys, and the drop in `the attendance from 89 .to- 59 is explained in this way. vv -4: awuu G yayyl. Mir. Ccilquhoun, Deputy-Minister of Education, wrote enclosing the inspector s report on the cadet corps, and stating that the usual grant would be paid through -the Provincial Treasurer on complying with the regular formalities. The report is signed by Lieut.-Col. Gallo- urav I-In `tundra:-1 4 AR-`...'....- -...I '-` 5 Glltbu ICCLVC U1 &UDCl1CC [Ur 1')'::rgt oTThursda.y, to attnd the S.S. Cpnventjon at E1n'1v_ale `where she wxllread a paper. is , --. . ..._ _v--_-v -v-\t\n\u\Io The special grant to teachers, re- ferred-to in the letter from the De- partment, amounts. to $510 for the year 1909, and it will be apportioned among the Town teachers entitled thereto according to a schedule pre- pared` by Inspector Mills. Each se- cond-class teacher entitled will re- ceive $22.o, and` the rst-class teach- ers each $30. -`[3 o 4 u..- ___ , _. ` MILLMEN rnnnsmi EARL And'Oiher 3%: V when in r of 'West Ward Schoel was granted leave of absence for nno-L Ag` '1`1n.._...I..-- L- ALI-Cu J A Chairman Smith (Finance) procur- ed the passing of acounts aggregat- ing $340.36. The receipt o-f $112, tuition fees from _B.C.I., and of $14.- 94, government grant to kindergar- ten, was acknowledged. ` 'i`l'_ - - mTr1-1ste'es Milne and Palling en- deavored to have the repdt referred back for further considaation, but without avail, T ` '~ In - --- .0 CrVfl V '7'? I\l\/k Iv\I\Jo A The fence in front of West"Wai'd School` was ordered to be removed, and the lawn wi1l`be- graded to the sidewalk; The south end of the "lawn between the sidewalk and the curb "will be raised and lled in to the level of the sidewalk. v . V- -- uncv uIo\.\rVI unsus- h-airman Andrew (M'anagement) recommended no increases of sal- aries for teachers either in P.S. or in B.C.I. -` ` ""'_' ,,,,g,, 7 ` -v-q_ v - - v - w v w - vlfvhlu ' Chairman Robertson (Property and Supply) made a number of re- commendations for` equipment in chemistry-and physics at the B.C.I., the cost offwhich together with oth- er improvements not to exceed $200. Thereport was adopted. r'11`_ rA___A n` r 1"? , nus ` . A -letter from the Deputy M.inister of Education to =Inspecto'r Mills was read,` ;dealing with the government special/grant to teachers and point- ing" out that the said grant must not be used-for any other` purpose than augmenting teachers salaries. ` (-"'\'J;!!1"I'!rI DI\"\aOD"br\ou /D-A-Al--- TheLtgA`.yVs-`a`- full` attendance at the regular mqeting` of` the Board of `Education on" `Monday evening, witli Chairman Love` presiding. V A `I-;.L_ 1"; .3. . I `III SDIIIIH `III IIEI` I I -That desirable property formerly known as Lizesmten Sanitarium situate at the head of Barcid st. Barriexbein Lot 6 oomprisin 23 bu tidings. aAnd altoget gt-| Inmar nrnntivn Inna n nil! DA BOARD OF TRADE. to Mike Flinlner `Advances. Rev. Father cm. Took Charge on Sunday. Rev. F r.~Cullinan`e,_ the new `Curate of St. Mary's, occup1ed_ the pu1pit_on Sunday for the -rst txme, preachnqg \bOth morning and evening. `r.`_- I",,I1' I ' 1rARn;R2 Take your gristing and chopping to. ' ' " Chopping ieven-`y day, 5c pea 100 lbs.,; - ' 11 out.` ` _ -.__----. u.-.sn vv vlllllbu `Fr. Cullinane, who is a young priest." of considerable `talent, was born in County Cork, Ireland. He was edu- catedat All Hallows College, Dub- lin, Where he. was ordained in June of the present yep-. He Janded in Canada on Sept. Is , and after a short stay`at Kingston proceeded to Oril- lia, taking charge of the Angels Guardian. 'Ch urch until the arrival of `the new pastor, Fr. Trayling. When. Very Rev. Dean Moyna assumes his duties here shortly, Fr. Cullinane will vbeassistant priest, He is spoken of -as a preacher of much promise. [ WM______ {81`.oo {tn INNUII m Aovmct . 5 mac: conga (wt gran [ST. mars NEWVMCURATE The opinion of Mr. Haughton Lenno>_c, K.C., on the by-law pro- ceedings was read. Mr. Lennox gave an exhaustive. `review of the legal aspect of the case`. He was of opini- ion that the shareholders were not entitled to vote, but no one knew how the 92 votes had been cast. It could not be "proved, as there was a provision in the Act against the secrecy of the ballot -being_violate`_d. The applicants had let. their oppor- tunity go by on election day, and /r',....:.......a `\-_ .n- -.7 Peter M'cLarty, on behalf of rate- payers on W. side of Sanford St. between Victoria and John Sts.,. complained against the unjust dis- crimination in the laying of the side~ walks. The concluding paragraph of the letter was signicant. We trust this matter will receive the careful attention of `your Worship and that aairs will be arranged so as to give some benet to other pro- pery owners as well as to the pro~ pery owned by our esteemed De- puty-Reeve. _-__ -v-. um} uu ` \M cCarthy, Boys 81. `Murchison served notice of appeal re convic- tion against Harryl Dyer et all. for disturbing public worship at Holly. The appeal will be argued in the Division Court on Nov. 1st. ramwv cu-nuca saavucr-:s SUNDAY. OCT. 1,71 :-0 ' , , ..,..v_-,.. ~_'I'his Home of Good Clothes is rfw ready to show its .-patrons .the best ready-to-wear Garments. the *Wotld produces. V r VStra.thy & Esten, on behalf of VMichael O Connor, drew attention to serious damage done his property on Bradford Street by the cutting away of- the soil for the purpose of lower- ingevthe grade of the sidewalk. The. property had been depreciated, it was claimed, to the extent of $500. A writ would be issued if not settled `within ten days. .`Ill-f`- nl 7` " Look or buy, we ;e always Clothes `for Men; `Boys ' and }-Little ,Fellows," all-r-.neasonably_ ';';riced' and so` different from the :sQf't that Confronts you evergyf :. s .``-if % A w .431 - -_ -_ uonn\Q I was}. Donald Ross wrote enclosing deed from J. H. Bennett to the Town of Lot 82, W. High. Street. Mr. 'Ben-' nett had been handed cheque for $I5o. ; - ` Ias.iI. -Ball and seven others de- sired extension of water main along the-street near their respective pro- perties, agreeing to take a certain num.ber of taps at schedule rates. The WI and L. Commission per T. B. McPhee requested removal of hydrant at Carriage Works to a point across the street. (`L .1 LAST iznrrion. A6l0THES..';:":E UL uux. uaugnton 1.ennox's opinion. The`1ssue would have been very fdoubtful, and the Town could hard- ly be expected to champion the case pn a vm.e1_',e lkhting chance. It is,` however, still open for the company, .as/the party mainly interested, to put up a battle if it so desires, but what position it intends tovtake is prob- lematical, The probability is that owing to the lateness`0f the season nothing1"'wi1l be done in the matter, and that the electors will have an- other opportunity in. January of de- claring themselves. ` 1- ,_ ---v---vvAv you A few communications -[were cewed and read. quash the `Carriage Co. by-law, 'ex- cepting as to the. matter of. costs. No other course was possibleffrom the. ratepayers . standpoint in view` of Mr. Haughton Lennox s opinion. The 1ssue would have km... .... -- Ther Town Councifvery wisely; it would appqar, decided at the special meeting on `Tuesday night to offer no onnnsinn +n +1... -..,........1:u~- -- VIII gal-uncle \ll\ Illl` I 0' FARM of 100 acres. `Emilee from Barrie. 35 -Iorescleax-ed. Good house and barn. ' ' Apply -N . BALFE. ` Toronto at. ` _ In. in-` n COUNCIL wom FIGHT` to ls`:-;-l;y-I.aw Go | Default ve on Question .._y su u_y uu cxcuuuu uay, (Continued `on ` Page Five.) Mr. Lennox s Opinion. f (-la_I:\1I`;I-)_)_-,- 3.11511-11%.." ` :01 thler a,r_g:nss1;m; - IUT` I .31 ' wonurs Fssqr mun! Fe` 49-4`-`P momezv To Loam. . We haven 1211' 1 t t mono! tolonn moweat current lg:t8a8l.I;?t`h';!'1o gmall 9,1 -in mic ounm. on the security of MON- Ie 7M..(`I A nmnur nnurn E Itvmnnafcnll with all conveniennes. the residence of'Majo1' ` ' an. Barrie. For furtherge. - TRY OFF}! E. ' . P 4 I `I Iinlli I One of those ne houses on Toronto street. the property of R. E. Fletcher. The houses contain all up-to-date conveniences. Will be vacant on first November. I 40-40;) xi-detached brick houes for rent.-. Simate on , _ St. All cbnveniencea Apply M_I{S. JAS. K . 41-tf Highest price in ~a 11 ' L `L shingle bolts. clolivhergd gxidnggegggdageggg `G.'l`.R. siding within one hundred mugs of B '. J u.` ' - - B333. Om cLAuK.shmg1e Manufgctuzt-gm. ALVlGl|-Ull`l5 l.U WOPK In MITRE 1108181`! ` Knitting Mill in attmctlve town . High- p5[Wa[, 9S})1lld. No experience necessar to start. Apply to ENMAN S. Limited, 0. 1 Mill. Paris. Ontemo. 38-43 7 T .\N'l'ED-~.VIurried coupi to wprk mixed mm Must be good in all branches; .,4ppIyco BOX 267. Barrie. . 4o.tt 1-no _.--4 NTEH-Girls to work in law H I r towgn. %glhy- .avu'n(mu nnld Nn nvnnninnno nn nnnn n-cub 5.. BARRIE BRANCH J % W. D. MORTON. Ma%nager.% fumes mm! orthe said asst iihall not have liietribution. led ____ runmsuan House To Ran? '`3;ooo.ao6 mg savings Ao,coI%InAt -' " " % or cANAnA:; 3 .,`c`pITAL AND REST EXEEED ; am Ann nnn .wl,jl1 you have mean; to_ open could 1101 I); started at_ a` better. zglime than rlght now, wh_1le_ you have plenty of money coming in, The habit of at'once'deposit-o_ ` jng in the Union Bankof Canada 4 the cash you receive, and draw. mg it out only as youvneed 'it,` will keep your money absolutely ' sale. will help you to save more- of it, and will inct_'e_as_e you;-.ba1- ante by the addition of -Com,- pound Interest. \'nm- :lvcm111t is t'9SnPnfFnIlu~ Your . solicited. `5 _re\sp\ectful1y~ 'iEw AnvEiz'r1E'}s.- All welcome. ' agats If`1fe;. W . 7z\;(iNo. 41 - :'sLcv L cuw. Pnonaut`_o;'ug,x.[ wnouizg} MONEY 1'o*Lo A-,N. I......- -_.--._.A. `A ..A_. FOR SALE OR REN`l"i.-f n.1nn..-,__ -.._..L|._ -___-._-,- A--_. H FOR SALE OR RENT. _....__.-..--. CEDAR WANTED ... _.....L ...,.!3 A`, TO RENT V.__.4I_ -I_-_, -.1 TO RENT "-F6T7r`" WHOLE ri6.{ao4jv Pnormnon. j; I ' N31`ibE um um. Barrie. nIunuyu,,, " _ g V , E V = . 1'-ct `Yuan A.1ias.%besn vi:in;Jifiie%$s ?3"* ;% past ~ `.5 -11. sn_,._ rs .lA'.v.. f'L\ -'u`l ;I` an-` iuoH ' H0412` DESI II$l,lI`s_'o"'V' .. .. `I; ` ` V ` V Mrs; > D; %;`MD9:i}ahiiV5: arriyed f .h9me ' f %: 3.1;, C. l} e1_'._ V h_eA t;n.._:xe_r. uay III "}Lul|lll_:|`.-v_,vv\~noV-V .M`ur'. %ma M W 5:: is 1:eVn`ewuing. K.ci- .quintanc sLat Naew;-F103. V , ` saxesot me we W. k{ Ben was w11 jgttndeaT$;.iror?` W3.-3: Voni=. ` `gun Irv! V_-- --v..'.' l I _ _ `. . . 1 . _ __., - F Mn a!* 5 `T%:`3"* 5` Lday in;,3911rnzvo. - % '.v-LI In 4`, ' R. s. o. 1s97,cH.u=.129. I Creditors of the Estate of the Late J OHN` J. i EGAN. Desn at St. Mary's Church. Barrie. de- ceased. who died on or about the 29th dare! A ust, 1909, are required to send partlcu are of t elr claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of October, 1909. after which `date the Egecutors will proceed. `to distribute the assets among-those entitled thereto and will not be liable for the said assets to any persons whose claims shad not have been received` at he time of distribution,` ~ : S'l`RA'i`HY' 8: ESTBN. Solicitors for the Executors. pm this 24:1; d`ay` of Septeniber -1909. R. s. 0. 1907. chap. no. `Creditors of the estate `bf Michael lurk. 03f&`.0ft}1e[1' of Innisl. in the `ounty bslnnroo. laanner, deceased. who 'died`on or 8 out {hr 25:1; day. of September; 1909. are 'h"'.9bY 1`0 `to send particulars of their igned on or before the Isl I909. immediately `after lx will -proceed to dis- eatate A won the ` will,-~n the` mgxyte nu; assets at P: les onmled thereto. r snid Quanta tn `unto an n u-yhnnn nInllI" NOTICE TO cnwrrons! W. D. BOTHWELL] In: one or sAmuI:'s 1081 enun- FUL RESIDENTAL SECTION3. r bum; situated on Owen St. and on the extension of Clapperton ' street between. `Wellington and North John. V This street-. when opened,will be similar to What better cotfld you desire? Furl'txJ;enf1!I for `sale in Vesprs and Medonte. , - . _ G. r. j.ov:nmc. Phone OI. Bqlbs tort-`all % Planting Town Lots} FOR SALE 1 II'III`\)lilIll `Sharla : ome..1u-4.-to. Oct. mu. .= TULIPS. IIYACINTHS. DAFFODILB. M14135. CROOUE ' to imported direct from Holland, Large -collection or PEONIES. IRIS. PIILOX. HOLLY- IIOCKS. dc. inbest varieties. For best results.` plan: now; Large stock atlpweat. u CCU iIItI\II`I` F }'='hone 23. omc'e. Yard 85 Mm: John St. I 8.3 a.m.-Holy Communion. _11a.m.-~I\Iorn'mg' Prayer and Sermon. V 311 m.-Sunda.y School Children's Service. 4p.m.-Young Men's Bible Class. . I 7D.m.A ~14.` vcnsong and sermon. . Rev. }:.1{. J. BIGGS. Vicar. will preach `Trust in the makelf of the gopds We invite, all new customers to compare our make with'the finest in the City. In prices you .will nd a~money-saved quotation. \ I.I- I" . I I \I I I- I-' P. 0'Connell.[PropHetor.L _ opp. crrt MARKET I40 Princess Street. Wiimiliex Fu-st Class Accommodatloh. Remodelled and Retumiahed 'l`hI-nnohnut WHEN TRAVELLING Wnsr an Suns AND swop AT THE & - uvvv aavnll V OIIIUC DII"- 4A.Wfw|'LKINsoN's ` phnnn 9'! nm-.. \I`....I 9- `Il'.I`lI- 1'_I__ tn`. o-awn! -roux Al MA RK ET HOT EL ' n'l\1|l|naII D-.-_fA L -- 1EfI.9IIR . _j:V 2; {J 1 Z -(3l;o'ice Manitbbu and Family, Low Prices. Boat Values st- ' Simmons & Gui, Furriers. narIi& Sgf_t., 'sswed & sm. WOOD All Kinds.` Best Quality. \ muss Accommodation. Remod Returnished Throughout. - N?=iV%$rno8- nooo {inst the. Court of Anise and examiner and General one will be ' A nmnnnv Church ofEnglandJ B.Ln;t'.n S1-. 9n_4O -'-,:1"il'Aew Comzhoqwealth Ladies . 0:? chestra, of . `Boston, 2 '~ with additional .voca,l andwnstrumentale features will Be .t,`,-thV:.fG1'8d" O era House "to- morfovv; i`(*Frid=}*'.. .ni , t-. This organi- `z;a.t ion4i;s.m:_o'aet highly. spoken of, and `the `tI12usica1_-1n:_op!~ jBarri,e are as- g,sured..7of a ,zreat`.;tte.t:=.' Secure 's'eats `:3: :."`%t d.3'3." T Prices j A` I' 6f`2': `fever-. .. V"-M55O1`:;T `iOf~_;NV" montngv - _ A K` M I ;-'- --How is* it. there are so many shoe sales oing on in Barrie-at present ?. I gues it` is on account of the'Ca.re-ye [Shoe Co. eing here. They said when they struc . wit. that it meant big reductions; in ' wear` for Barrie; Remmber. the Ca. sell cheap, as they didn an the _a$".qz_ their goods; is the .r s_t; shoe store %W`.es_t or s.H01ise" * ` A "Cm-et`s, Press Goods or Silks. go. le. : Vinegars--pick1ing season `no Sn. Englis " . and istandard Canadian - Vinegars ape _ suzength. purity and flavor at w'eIl ;s_.f _ ' . ` L -Thcre s a price reason, as well as A;a'quaIit'jr reason`, why you should .9 to.-3,: e:ve s, Jewelry Stoxfe, .Barri_e, 61' silter , ' ' ' efry, `et9:v"*`:-VSpecia1 inducg Inwolnth`. V` .' `, L ' M`: `t,_ . . lass, jew-._ "," """"" "' ` . ' F1ower- Pots `and Saucers, all, sxzes, for fall `"potting. .Lawn, Grass, Clover and Timothy Seed, at Brown & Co. s, Ssd!n9*3+ee e ` I 3 .`3IV I 375acres on North shore at Lake Slmcooa Ow station. loo acres arable land, shout an Icrqs small bush. Comfortable Brick Dwelling. llefbarns. 8:0. Apply to Box 267. Barrie. 1 t , ._ ,