@0603 can luv: '17- 1 % Zak for free odtaloue. B135`? 1-: Furriers V for 5-W- 0- us? `gliyslaw . 09-.fv!h I TI-I I:._ umnms or V COHIDIU IIIIIV lllv-Ill!` Ila!` I5 VI` VI--ulvl U"-IUD: .}l Al%om` Jud - specication V may ba" seen on 5nd after %'1`_uo-d-y.8e1rt- 11 1909- t!=,e 'oca'f1l0.:rEDCi.'?3:9r'$`_ Ce .` - 3 L I - 3. Mltf ATM-tm-nd = '--. . damnin Ir 3!: 1 a_tp1vas'- - own .-- 24in. c?|_'_ -'1-on sewer . . . . . . . . .- 36 fee: ' I2`ilI. tile` W01` .`.-.. . . . . . . . . . D1139 no loin wro_ tiron sewer . . . . ..250 20in.c ut _- dnin . . . . . ..,...'.24 u 1-"l`;_ndeAra I received ~1'orE-tch`: E13011`; of to otogoin" .' `A :; `Impsum. i_ a ll be ` _':fIot`I'M by Lgertied chgquo` peyabl. to ,. -' 'I'vfd1"'the'anm of'on9\. hund:b(l:d6lllli';(8lM which all` 'ueVw`ill by` ` ` ` __;r'eun1ogs ., failutb weturm. to th WI QIUO. -In `TI-ILVIVUIIQIIII U1` DLIBIIIUBB "III ' l_ ` bestreoultslftaken t Id ?! ' " '" %&::.:bg';.:%5in*??:.??`"3:22a B4RRIE,{3oUNTY or, SIMCOE, ONTARIO,` SEPTEMBER 9, 1909. VUUIVWI UV VIII? IUWII l,IVIl\ IIIIU HUI` L -.of`Barrii, `Outa.rio,A, and endonsd ;;'l`~en_ 'x'1i"for 8_ev_ors," vfilhbe received -. by " ,+C6mmitfce u until noo"n_,Monday, o. oouatmction of a sewer outlet anon therefor on Baygld St.,` *CA.AIi:"A `DQA nluuuhanl "Ii; `I909. for tfrnishitig bf nm`t'rinl _ . era esvscem no unuer construcnon. 'leml'ers will`. . received for the whole of T this work iua lu - sum, Each bid shall be . Aaccolnpaniechby a c `titled cheque payable `to ` the Town '1`reaaurer r the sum oeone thou- . eaml dollars `(8l,`00O)which` clxeque' will "be returned to the unless he failato . -execute Fan`. .-agreement" lnould contract ;;-be -. __ri ht to retain a"ny.or hll c " ` alga awarded him. The Co V; ration reserves the __-3; nee for a reason- rtxme peridigg signing -_ contracts. . `l ;, Plaua;aud-. s ' icatjone : my beacon ton - and after Tue ay, Sept. 7t 1909. at the- olce of the En , 'neere,,U.I-I. &`.H. Mitchell, "Traders Bank uildin Town and at` the allies of the Town,-Cler , Barrie}; ' I` - Thu `ncnnn an Auto `Angela-n nAL--nngn.uuunu'n`-- - T `%en`ler.aL -~f or Scwer. %:2?: "` * 5; th? -;`.'~:u---._:.x `A .~' -_.1: __.. OIIICB OI U10 IOWIL-UICTK, HI-l'l'lD. ` ` i The lowest or any tender not"~ g1ecessa1y gaccepted. - V - - - . , `Ix I;"IT.IlIliIliQII1s 4-5. -' UJhDEHS . . to the Towmclerk of the Cor- porati_o'h *..Bo.rrie, Ontario, and ?ez xdoI-sed Ten_d6rs 2' ' 0.utfall'Works,",w'ill b-`received by the Sam : Gomxnitqee up until nqon, Mop-` ;da.y,:Sept. 1=8 ` 1909,for;1rnishing of material for and the co stmctiou of the Outfall Works vinclu,ding..ajediL entatiou tanks, gm go be_ds, uetc..%for, the Wu 3 5 a.n.d'6. (Allin alu) sew; nrntrnnval-n'h nn .ny\Hnu-' nn o.ul~monl>Ino' I-vvvlglvl, _InuU 1'9 9 U GUI-I U. \IlllluIl em e-svstein no underco nstructioti'. " 'lend'ors will` received for the u --n-:--n g?utt.n [works- V ,;`e_Sewerage System. D "~."l' ' R a d to t%a.NT?wEn.-C1rk Co . ` Classes` are ' now tfd:i"ming,; for. a complete, course bf lesions iii`) dress -cutting and makiij7...v.Pcrfect satis- faction gua _teed.7 Day or evening lessons, Nxq::a';`:s_;_,me't&1bers may join any day dnfT:,6i`~91Jefore Tuesday, Sept. - 14th, btit notv-later, as these will `the =,an'1y _classes we -will evteachv`2'n*f`Barrie this season. All ywishin .to`4g3rr_),'eor for fuil par. ticulars, ,;.__c`a.llt V at"the SCHOOL in -BROW `S BLOCK, nearly op- posite t `e Queen's Hotel, between 9.303 12 a. . or 2 to 4.30 p.m. Miss VALENS. .,__r____, JAMES ,, vmg, M.yor.,; . \ r.-I I\t'\\V`!vnIv 1- An I (signqd) JOHN'L1'l"l`EE, cn.i`:xggn; 0uflf'ifI'1"g'fand:l'd`ffiing Tfd:f`min complete, in -..A.A..`.'... ;._.I __, 1 '1'. -I 'pr.izes~.fo-rd` horses `will be large. Speeding in the ring will agam hav'e"; a-prominent place. Ex-d pert judges will oiciate "in all the live stock ,departments and in. poul- try. Twb bands have been` engaged ,Qr.the second and third days of the I air.- V ' ' ' The `ente'r'tai nm_e'n,t ' features" this] year have .been.isecured at great ex- pense, and` promise to be very at-' `tractive. Amfong the specialties bill- edare` Ab; Hassim?s celebrated troupe of Arabian acrobats and Se- lena"De Dio s miniature hippodrome, consisting of three people, 8 dogs, a monkey and a mule. These specialties are said to be clever, amusing and instructive. Were it not for the fact that Barrie is included in the circuit comprising Belleville, Cobourg, Lind- say and Peterboro it would have been impossible for thedirectors to put on these shows. .1 .. i TOWN OF -B= jARR;lE`. Ont; vopv g'\ulrl V ` rThei'e.is good 'ground,.for thinking that the exhibition of 1909 will` be more representative and intercstinfg than ever.- President--..;Quinla.n' `and his aksociates Whove expended much time and energy; torassurethe` con- tinuedtsgccess of the show, and naught now remains `but good wea- ' I` ' ,,_._.._ -_.:j-;.------:_-..-- sPtuuIn4 .urPn3ruumV T0 -u_cu, Incl!` WIVCS, moth.ets~in-law. sons and daughters will fox`-gathe-r and look the happiest of all the days ' V , Iof the year. . , , -nu. , ~ - - l 'L-its `than three week lhenlcel the `Barrie Agricultural Society's Exhil;. - di3'it~, Yes. the {airtime will soon. be h1` and the directors will wear Pretty badges and smil d f * 1' xrnportant, while the progpefguslygi . 3111. their wives mo -' _ and dmua-l-4..-"Q .n:llthf:.;`.I_1.E%Yr: [5r' ' nnnnr. 1| !-! l' - _-._.` -_,.,__ E. noi~ri\:x-:4%LL,'c1;s.rk,4w `COUNTY OF` SIMCOB AND THE DOMINION fgr`l:_2:f V1b:he or.- D -_ .I-.._.d Eu`-'i"o`,l.`;v:$, ;;::i ` : USE. Ihstz:-uctress T.'7D_. Al1igham,'E.A.,i,thonew prinVcipa1_,$f'the`vCe`ntral School, is a. ggfaluate~ of"? the University of `Toron- ,t0. -' 'H.e~ was born near the city of ~s'ch6ols. an sain -coe. at_:.thej__-:tim'e-that K..MiIls ,.-= '-BA_.A.y'?-:\(`>'_:f,t, Collingvyood xigceived the o A B;/mntford, and received` his iprelimin-` ai-`Ty education at its `Collegiate Insti- tute. {He has held_,sucoessively third, sfcond` and ._ rs: *V-:1u1as'fv`..:;5g-ofessional t``-'.ic_.114'.b`ri :?-.`.tti38%':`::h$ii3s -as _si>,ec- ialisgtg gertxcgtje Lfi7.`dl1'cI;~!1Su%t,;;_;1_,1 g.vlbfy_IlI_g cei:'ticat:ei .a';s_"i.;-iinsp f Qpublgc _ _ W _'e; Mr.. Allingharn was ~ aI`Vcatididit for the school inspectorshipytof ;North V Sim- . `H _____Y` .. cu. -- van The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Trinity Church, inter- ment being in Unim cemetery. Rev. Canon Reinerconducted the services. The pall-Bearers were Capt. Bird, G.-`H. Esten, Donald `Ross, ,D. M; Stewart, H. E. Brownlee a.nd.W. D. Morton. V_Re1atives `present from a distance were: Mr. and A'Mh's. Fred. Lount, eWelIand; Mr. and Ml'S.White, Miiss Barwick, `Toronto; {M`rs. Ram-- ;say,_., DunnviIIe;. Mrs;..Diekinson, ~Sche- _ ',,u,eg:tp,dy,.` N.Y.-; and -Mr._ .and Mrs._ `Stewart?-A/cbonald, .Harml_ton. _ "I-Deceased is survired by his widow, ;two daughters and one .5011; Mrs. Schreiber of Sarnia, Mrs. Webster of Vancouver and Miss Barwick of To- -ronto are sisters; " `Mr. Barwick took a keen interest in public aairs, and at one time re- presented ward two in the Town Council. He was a,_ former church- warden of Trinity and had a promin- ent place in the Brotherhood. of 'St. Andrew. `Of Corinthian Lodge, A.F. and A. M.,. he was an esteemed mem- ber. Last year the -filled the presi- dency of the.Canadi'arr Club, in the foundation of which he had played a I conspicuous part. Thelate Mlr. Bat-wick was descend- ed 'from an old English family. He was born at Holland Landing in 1857. ,When quite a. young man heentered the employof what" was then` the Northern Railway of -Canada, and he continued with that company for ten or twelve years. In 1888 he married Margaret L., daughter of Mir. J. L. Cotter `of Town, coming to Barrie six years later. Here he embarked in the insurance and: realtybusiness. and soon acquired. a considerable clientele. After a- `long. and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude, `Rich- ard L. ..Barwick passed away on Thursday morning deeply regretted. For some weeks--ever since his re- turn from` the Hamilton hospita.l_whi- ther he had gone in the hope that an operation `might benet. him:- -his re- covery was known to beimpossible. Though weakened by -the ravages of disease, his mindretained its wonted clearness and` activity up almost to. I the "last. - 'l`heLate Richard L. Ban-wVi`ckV! T Gignac and Joseph Bmmelle of Tiny Beach were summoned by'In- spector Duff for selling liquor with- out a license. ` The case came before -Police Magistra.teVH'ewson at Pene- tanguishene on Saturday last. Both defendants. pleaded guilty .and were each assesed $100" and costs. ~ -vv.-~.. navy. -Iv l\rlI\v\J Ial1llJllo The case is of rather unusual inter- est; There were -two offences charg- ed, for .each ofewhich` om conviction. thehotel keeper may be imprisoned for from one to six months `or pay a ne of from $50 up to $300 with costs, or both. ne and imprisonment _may be inicted. _ [ , ,% `v. r w - A V 9 I I Z II : Magistrate Radenhurst dismissed `the charges` on the ground that Shil- ling had been discredited in im- portant portions of his "evidence and could not be relied upon. TL- '____ S- -I' -4 ' K V. ---.- ow, any `. was I-WMKICI , Cacn him a present ofA25Vc.` The "Indian ` swore to being t'rea".ted. by :M`cDu .andfgetting' glass of half and . half, sevei-_al= glasses of Scotch?- and .a ask` of rye whiskey when he. de- ~~parted on Friday night. eTo a con"- siderable` extent_he- was corroborated, 1' but on some.pomts- distinctly contra- dicted, ,by his son George "Single- . ton, a boarder, brought in most dam- aging contradictions-... M'cD1i swore positively that there was no truth in the redman s story about the treat-` ing, while the bartender gave .evi- ` dence that theonly things got by the- Indian were, the fty`cents above re- ferred to `and a glass of ginger ale. It was notpretended that`the pro- prietor, Mr. Goodwin, had done any- V thing wrong personally. 1\/l'-__!_. ,. : "P':~%l;ii`r"PtiIu'}:i1':al .. v... uuuuuaogu \(u. ucyt. ZIIU. ' Shilli,ng*is_`an' Indian who has had both hands amputati-.d,_ th`e_ resti1lt'-of getting them...frozen some yeaifs ago. `He was in the Clarkson ~;HlOuse on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 27th and 28th, in company witln his little boy, -and while there Malcolm -1\/1l_cDuV , a guest at the - hotel, and Thomas Guthrie, the bartender, each Jnade 5| nI-p~cnn.-I- AF nan 'l`L..' .`r..\.I2--- After a mi: days ght; in, which} -Mr. W. A. Bajys ap eaned for the pro- secution . and '. aughtoni Lennox, K.'C., for the` defence, the, charges laidagainst James Goodwin by In- spector Duff of selling` intoxicating liquor to the Indian, Jerry"Shilling; were dismissed on Sept. 2nd. -, QI1ll.....,:.. `...' `I -15-A- ` Lmufon ~QASES -- or cannon om: cm-rxmon. `_-_.---V-?.up'-g- \p. 70:41! VVI I?|I`5`I\v J3I\II L It has hen proposed that a trial of _:W._'es_ti'umite'Abe made 611` `Dunlap `St. `..fr'o`m"`Mulcas.ter` St: to the Five Points, gthge work -to `be done ,on the frontage t_ta.x pla. n.;, It. _wjill, of `course, bej,ne_ccs- ' :1 . 1,0, tbs .-,.1.79.'.35.if-. number _of T5 _' to, a. jxatitibn 'bf_ore' this $t,s`.- :tak,ex:;,. but I Maya; Vair ,A___...;o'I_1_cg,: ghg business W' ftu-: _-- -_- .._.r......, vv .u3.u no nun. a- auuuuaa. Guelph has recently made a trial of W -estrumite on one of its most tra- 'vel'Ie_d `streets, as has St. Thomas Ta1so,"'it being the dpihione of the Mfayors,` Engineers and Commission- ers of those places that it is the leading` _ pavement, }. excelling .--all` .'others`. , A ` . r ` T vvu_Al.u no uuu-~n\_uay, aapnau DIOCK. and bithulithic, botli of which dpreciate considerably under heavy t-rafc, and street asphalt, which is not a. success. f\_A,1"1 I ' . Mr. Moffat statedthat Westrumite ;can be laid down; for` $2 per square \2r,ard,' or where there is a macadam } Qnlndatiqn for $1.50 _per square yard. `I; L-.. 1.-.`. __-_-___1.1__. , . o o I ,,- __. - _ 7.. rw-.3 n...-4-ns.;s;nnJ z\u.L\JVILl| as Westrumite Limited, with head- -:quarters and factory in that" city,'was here on Thursday last and add.tessed a special meeting:/of the Town Coun- cil in the evening in the interests of the Westrumite: pavement. It will "be remembered that some weeks ago adeputation from Barrie and9~Co1ling- wood visited" the 'I`. elepl1x:vn_e- City, madea personal inspection of the `company's plant and saw a sample of the pavement on one'of the reading residential streets-. W I coo `Mr. J. Mdaf Of Btantford, repre- sentative of :a `paving, company known . .. ur._._,_...:; , ~r --_.___- v_ - _-urvnusnvu -Open_ for the season. Little`La.ke- Summer Resort. Boats for. hire.. Lunch _pra '_ urs, also soft drinks, ice cream, etc. ad- .ers taken. -Rev. Dr. Gray; Agent. of Knox College, was in Town during the week in the interests of the college building fund, and`, it is understood, met with considerable success. The new college structure is expected to be ready forthe session: of.` Igm. -There s going to be a rush at Reeve sv Jewelry Store, Barrie. Big stock of Iewelry, Cut Gla.ss,;e11c., to be 5,000. Prices so low V that there's, ,a crowd. V Come early and secures {regular price_ $1.75. V _, -..-.. -- ..-v uuu I-I|IAllKll.llC\.l. --Yotj1r._.money stretches like. nub- ber . the "big shoe sa1e.. Ask. to see that me ' working Blucher, S, store, between Monkma.n s. and-. Vicl.- % ers .v P. C. Lambie has a. relic of the re- cent escapade on Peel St. in theshape of a piece of rubber hose,. about twenty inches long, loaded at one end, with a wooden handle. on. the other end.` This was evidently drop.- ped by one of the ma'rauders,. and would be a formidable weaponin the hands of a desperado. ~ 1-i-_-E)r;r3r, available student. placed in. aiprotableo position during, the pastgeason. Prospects just as. good V now. 2333 _ ' ndsome catalogue to the Excelsior _ o1leg_e,. `Barrie or_ Orillia. *"*'-2 . tn 9, Ii wish .. and sold per co1:d,. t box . loads. . . - - emu . Mr. H. .M. Dyment- had consider- able success at the Toronto Dog Show, winninga large `number of prizes in the" cocker spaniel classes. --Wide awake -prices ion wide awa_, t is catching and pleasinget e peop f and vicinity, at the Carey Shoe great shoe sale. /Opp, Ross 'B>Loc_k. r -74: - A Silas Carruthers,dwho. for several years was a resident of Town,_. passed away on Saturday of typhoid. fever at Latchford. He left Barrie about ,a year ago for the North. He was A '45 years of age and unmarried. 9 I Shoe Co., three doors west of Baatne House. 4 >5. val. gnaw o_;J\.. /\Jyp_.V RUSS I --Ladies wearing 2% to 3%. shoes, don t- forget to .v1s1t the" great. shoe sale. Tren1endz;1;g__ ' n -r`-------- ""'Il '5`-555.1 II] I Slabs; sauna. .nn'al'I and .-_l.` G6 to Wilkinogfg fog-_ kinds of Slabs; -awga....a_...::a. A if V. J8I80`li now on. English malt. and standard Canadian . d for strength, `purity .and . ' ;';well .A . -~Both- Z past; 4 I1- 4.- ', ........ -v-v I-61 -rt JJVSIIVVUII 'IDonations is: August to the Roy- al Victoxia .Hospital.:--H. C. Chan- nen, $5.00; Mus. A. Mi. :Gmm., $5.00. ` -A geuntfs. $2.00 casco calf Blucher Vboot, 90 paiazs in.-the lot, on sale for $I'.39, a1;,;Ca.t'.ey "Shoe Co. First shoe ' store` w"sf." *':iRev.. F:. [Jecott of Colgan and _` _na: of-`0rillia {wen-,e here _ this weekconducting an audit of the af- fairs of St. M'q,ry's~parish. ' I Qng `A-n . `.3 _I_I2_. _ - I ' ` ` Westmmite % Pavement Fmerand by vu-me of tha` P huh in two mortitali ' " _!Ds1 Sarah sum-Human. IJC SI Vrlfet, E3625 noun.-ups see nu-nu_., 'u, uaa uucn. prcsentc OItl`r`- er than both plays combined.` The` worth of the production .an its al- ways capable` interpretations: by act- ors of merit have endeared it to the theatrical public. Add to this its , simple and beautiful stony, which shows -how good overcomes evil, am! you_ have the secret` of its tremend- ous success with the thattregoers of thiscountry. Faust will` be present- ed at the Grand Opera House on Fri`- day, ._I]th. It" is more than prdbable that . \Ir.r- ri_son s Faust holds the record" of thevlongest continuous run of` guy theatrical production ever placed` up- on the stage. .Pla.ced alongside-the Old Homestead, and Rip `nan Winkl'c;,v it `has been presentc J often- Pf fhnn kfifh alone n`'`` {$1.60 9th A `Mud: in aovnncn _ amen Pith nu can _..V-.-. vs |.| yuu uuaac pl ICC. Nb; Friday mgr}? at the c. Y. C. ro0ms*Mr; Ed. Blaine,` retiring presi-.' dent of the cl_ub, was made the reci- pient of a pair of rocking chairs of .Clua.rter-cut oak, on the occasion of his marriage and withdrawal for the "West. -Mr. J. Hickey delivered a short address, while M essrs. Ed. Byrne and B. D. O Neill.did the hon- ox1's,.`Mr. Blaine making a tting re- P Y-' -... an: vvlglb I-I-KILIDC. i J4vThe liyment stable had aestroke of hard luck on` Friday when their crack 2 -year-`old, Star Wave, died at New York of lung fever. This cotty for which Johnny Dyment paid $5,00o,was considered the pick of the Canadian. circuit, and hisprecent performances at the 'W;ind.sor track were"m.e'rit'or- ious, indeed-. The stable had-refused $12,000 for him. He was insured for- the amount of the purchase price. (W... 1.-Aa-:;1..-- ._I._LL .. .1 ['1 Iv n-` 4- ' \ .;:" or mamas M0l'l"_.l_lAD'I`-l.- mu RESIDENTAL snc`l'lO.l!3. Jzbgins muted on -Owen St. and\; on the ioxconalonjqt xolierbon street betwen Wemngoon and A'` John. This street when opened_will;bo tr to Baycld What bmx-` could` you ' -. 4 . 7 Farm lands for _ule in Mafor Rogers was on Monday pre~ seated, on behalf of Trinity? Church Choir, with a. pair of `gold cuff links, suitably engraved. The` Major is re tiring from the choir after 50 years service, andthe souvenir was given as a` slight acknowledgment. He was `a member of the organization when the old church stood on the hill, be- yond the Court House. V7! , ,. _--- vuannnnln, J. an VlCVVo ` M'1's. J. E. Billingsley is settled in her home, 46 Louisa St., corner of Duckworth, and will be at home on the 3rd" and 4th Wednesdays of each. math 4 , bai"`a four. were xeemng an eye an you an` right. Sir ! We want to place you in line this Fall with the best dress:-re. hereabont. We can do it if yawn` M any the wprd. We've got the thing: ` to do it mth. . Suits. Oven-coats. Trkoinel-9. The marriage took place in St. Mary s Church early Monday morn- ing of `Miss Annie Guilfoyle and Mr. Edward` Blaine. Rev.`-Fr. Kelly ol'-~ "ciated. Miss Etta. Guilfoyle and Mr. Ed.` Byrne were the attendants. Dur- ing the ceremony the young ladies of the Sodality sang. The happy couple left immediately for Edmonton, Alta... where they will reside. NT an a~nQs@%{| I!.YIl1"l1ll|1\\ . f {is/`Its. Pena:-ex: and Master `Harold Lightfoot have returned to` their homes in -Toronto after a. pleasant stay of several weeks with Miss }L1'ghtfoot. ,,,_, -- --- ...,n... 5 . M1 . `and M}rs. W. C. Hunter return- ed. on_ Tuesday from a; pleasant trip through the West. Miss Bertha Powell and `Mr. Geo. E.. King. returned last week from. Miinnecogr, Georgian `Bay, where they have spent the summer. ' VIII f` l -_. - _r v--- --aw u!luI.AAllll\/Ia Mlrs. -Geo. Fletcher of Alliston and I`lVI}rs. Mersman, daughter and children `of Saskatoon, Sask., are guests of -Mrs. J. Archie Smith, Fairview. __vc up `M3. `and Mrs. T. E. Rawson of Toronto have been. spending a. week wft'Pr relatives in Town. `St: " . -_.4 --- 9 {"uNE Mon.`-.1 `mt SICTIOI dun -nun... 9. .._.1 .. 4.1.- 1 drin to; TTsV rand ` ----vv--v vvonl \/ll `-3.359 G]. A Mr. ,-and Mrs. J. H. H. Lewis of Cookstown spent the Week-end with friends here. _n Miss Nellie Watson of Teesw-ater spent the week-end with friend in- `To_wn. f . . A. V Mrs. A. J. Coeld of Buffalo, N;Y., is visiting her father, Mir-. D. Lewis, High `St. lM!r. and Mrs. W. Reid of Hamiltbn invent over `Sunday with the fox-me1=`s`~ parents. - ' Mr. W. L. Mbrton of -Fort William _ is pending a couple of weeks Em {Town with his parents. ' n\;l :.-_ T'l'- n Fred. Stevenson is from _ Chicago for vacation. rMr. Lynn Miontgomerg? was home from Zephyr for the week-end I1Wr. -Cecil. Jory left yesterday for Tgronto on his return to Wtinnjpeg. `Mlrs. Cook of Stouville is staying- grithv her sister, Mrs. King, Bradford t. . St. mun uuxuuup DIR! Ill Bull` wan I110 times e No high or prohibitive prlcearhere. . No 81:. never. . . .We d like to show you, what : what whenever you `are ready. 5 ~ ` - ` 1 V . ~L' , ..ee....`.Yk::...1.:."=' '9`? .'F'` 1-M.-.1 Tottzery. of pllsojrts-'-A iliIt'I richtnn ks T timam . H V7613 IIWI Lane}; 9: buy. ` We :e keoning an eye an` ght. __We_1:gar_n to_ plqcg I_. `L1. in. 6 --- 0 so Baluetd 3",ee;.'_;;----.. _ oowovooooo ` 0609 . . -rI rs vcvvnl ll` RVVJ IIIOLI Pith VV esIs, Hats, ;<*'-I7*7I`-`W7. |29oooooooooooooo ooo; _1lun.-Morning Prayer and Ser1i1on_.` 7P-m.- -Evcnsong and sermon. ` Riv. E. R. J. BIGG8. new3qppo}nted Vic; will preac Ill mm.-) I133 a.m.-Holy Communion. Lake Simcoe. open for season. Gqod shing xnd pleasure grounds Meals and Refresh- ments of all kinds new every day (Including Sundays). Special D! r on Exo ursion days. 25c. For terms and further articular: apply 10 MRS. G. H. JQRDON. an-ta. `em guwououwofowwwuc . EUIILQJII` : New Machine Shall IIII `;`ll`|:p.||gg` Q OONOOOOOOONOOQNOOOOOO viola"; Quvl.-lrgg. M`ygoLjN3, g_g - . T` ' t to d. * ` V FHNY e Planqr. ` E"'v"5_'s`-`:9 *!'n:..`:m?t";.9., 9 A. `V In , ,, .. :nn'ii1.ll2I"' wo mortcrases mi N` " d S us can Wb .. aaho tiinne 6? I319 , _ Wm llle byP `v ` wcmuuzuaulllturlum sxmate atrtho ot Bayeid st Barrie. bein Lot 6 comp I 23 `Icresotlnnd. Splendid bu ldings. and all or most atwactive location. ' Apply ' . PARKER, Allaudale P.O. VCCIZ run t0 Robinson House _ me an pomr T mm-rv CHURCH Asenvuces suuww. SEPT. 12: w . V" ..r._- us` nun IQ - That desirable proper: formerly knowp ah lhestaten Sanitarium a mate atxthe ot Beid St Barrie. hnino Lnt. R nnrnn alum on ` OF v.A;.U4.3-Li:-IQ` ` I And other Users of Machlneru ' when m Barrie call and see the " ' Highest price in cash aid. for good'cedar ahlnle bolts, delivered n Barrie or at: any air. . siding wxthin one hundred "miles of mrrie. J. HI CLARK. shingle Manutuoturer. 8nme.0nt. _ . tr- ::-::`7`:.5, 3`:L:`::2 `*`* "V*:':- I` 3 e 0 as. . ' a I 0 9 ,K'p`p1yax. THE ADVANCE oi'195' : em] H_g;g___M." W6Iten`q9n` ado] l-4nan "-g-- ChurchoAf_I'3ng`lan:l on eoi- the lit? SALE on T0 Lswssriol House on V Charlotte an. N roqgqg. V Hot water heat- am In mod coxnditimi. W Antm "UH UI\.I4l'J Ull 1!} J -1` 1 ;_'_o_4 ing. In good conditioh 3037 ovvn1Loxs roa SALE .\ n-'*' BARBIE -BRANCH % W. D. MORTON; Manager. -vur F*""_: OREN'l`--Brick house on Toronto sol Modern conveniences. Chnnn I-Ant, Annln XUHIUIMN 1 nnUK H0080 on Toronto w:`%3;!.%'a;:37"*'*B `+`*?P A IOR SALE -5 strong colonies 6! tga with all; th ir xtures. pply 222 BLAKE VS'1`_. me? I I ' Weauu. _ _ , V . $1.00 15 sufclent to` open an -account, and deposits of $1.00 .0, upwargls are `received. 4'In,_ terest pzud at hxghest .curren t rate. ` ` .--:13: 1:----_ or cJmAnA.' } `wig, Rest and Undividcd Profij ' GE ,T . " ` All Welcome. Mata Free. , TJEIV " Anirflirrrf 5 gnaw tn--r-vuwvt - Cm` Iqgcuour children . . . u frmnlnav an an Iv. mouse *VIH_Ol`. at :; % usL:v C cnzw,` Pnonguzngg VOL. I- G. r. Lovanma; ron sun: on nth; airs: hln nnnnnnru In-.n.._I.. I. v - .-rr-.r.- uousa FOR SALE an-n.\.I k-l..I- I..-.-_- _-_IA` CEDAR swans: ; % FARMERS! as! G-.N3:[}Eal .an &a "w"A 1's`n"A -1. _..1.I 1, ; dz) 'Aiix}n s1~.. 7 813.4! ` as nouns on `water ULT. MUIIII ,Iv hvliiyg 1 Wehavo a lace amount of money tolonn at,lowoatcun~entx-ntquaeicharlnomnll amounts, pg A_tl;_o_g9,g,urgg`_,o'{ nfvun. Olll I` IOWOII CIIHVIII rlvpucw amount on the T uses. _ oOAR'l` . I {Dunlap street 30. e. _--..-.._, - w-up-n-no 1-:AcI-It-:% or PIANO 5'" <'*`i":"5-'3'.-` 5'- 93`-;-5 L all IIIV7r '>z-'3<'o'is"o?r`1'r'i'i'o7r'5 3'M'{uIc llesidencezlnciniquinj Hill. Barrie The Massive Broken Scene with ago. 3. 'l`rln'_|h ' and an excellent cast The Awelnaplring , Embraoin ~ Beautiful Ohoralgsinlin Mellnlcem Electrical Eects ' ' .' T Elnboretesc era. , ` PRICES: _ , _ - , Cl HI. In. an. - Mis _;Iiy_e_tg% M. Graseu lVlorrls_on'9` . iaaioo-Munlt:;, urfdunggow Low Prices. `Best Wine: qt--:2 _ . . . a .-1-an nnnnnilll no I !'_I&'\II`_?&IV j. Phouqzs. Oxide`; -Yard la` M1ll:J9h_n St. . I bent ;ITv T- Wnmx Tuvnnnxsa Lwzsr ms Emu mp S1-or yr um T uvvv_ u ; isi-?;..Tmnn. 1>'r$Eco. -~ " ::j:'l|pIgche`::K8't.-eet Winipeg Fu-at Clubs Accommodation. Remodelled ' and Returnished Throughout. L ` |%8ept.%l5th nexI;1 MAR i'"f "H23 1' E L D A\u`\-....-n n_-___- -.-_ rnnvllvas ` - `K 31:69. 15. soc. sac. nalleru asc. L ` at Milne 8c,Sou's. Phone 89. H TW8`peoia.l, attentldx to` orlers . 9.000 copies at Ibc ppr copy. Anlp Inn: I-an ll'.`l\-IIIIAI f `WA11 Kinds} n;...%a.%:.e,.. ?_a;_I_1_t_l_lIepairs 1re `su e'+L;:'mo s ..c mo %s.,%:[.. Now Ready; Exliisive`Patterns. Q % Bsvrd "$515. +Ss"wod"~ &.Spli." `Kindly "s et`1d. all r;13 ai:'s"!):-. : alterations >!::efo:e ` (l_ up1l.ot I`, 8. Welaman, Toronto) ---.4)--:`-._ ' uoucv ,1-`Juana _ - I-..-. gum-unt nf llllll son's T upendous rodubtlon or 3031' _ '3 .IMMORTAL