ow these 4. 0 them." _` esume of rder, but I-I mon stra- .-J , oval .1. v;r\.\au{naL1A1c U; D: CW 1 UI'K` 15 Wlsltlng her aunt, Mrs. John Shef- I ` eld. "3 I 5 - _.. . ~ A | Miss Jennie Ingram of Toronto is` the guest of her sister, Mrs. George, McLean. . ` 4 I ' ; -. vnnaswo _ Toronto is the guest"of her uncle, Mr. A. J. Bax- \ter_.. ~ ' ` Mrs. Joseph Swan of Barrie is_.vis- iting friends in` this village._ '(\,I`.'__ A.,'l.1.,,, 4- '1` - - I I\/`I`?cCo1jachie of New Yotr`I`<< Incl-scans King. `I'- , MOORE S .- --u-uv qyurovv Bull lp`lo\I? IJVW Shoes. Blucher tie snoes, m-patenrcolt, vicikid and tans, iwelt soles, sizes 2 1-2 to 7_. 1 Iuly Sale Pifice. . . . .V . I.;$2.65 % 'Lz.'lieAs'w $2 I. .ow -Shoes, Bluchelr; style, toe cap, light and medium heavy soles, in Black and Tan .Ieath`ers. natty style.'allV-sizgzs. July Sale price $I.50 '64 Thelei Beftram and daughter, leftl week`-to spend a few days lea ' ' - CRAIGHVRST. You jiiill nd many other Special Bargains here for your inspection in Men's. Women : and Children's, not advertised. Come and see is all we ask you to do. J Ladies 53.50. and _s4.ooV Lqw .'- DI._.L.,. .' A '` Stckfisf;jdsl;littlq too `s_o_ m:_ f' th"eS' go. with saving to you of .8 dollar, and evgn bgtleg. oi; mo_st_pirs. They are easy the best Buy ofthe s.ea son. AD.9\n'_/t% wait i}f%yowu `want best choice. Come early; it's better. V _ j - ' `Bringsummer~~shoes Down A . Ethe %L%ast Nqtch ` Reguv1ar Prie :fBigSavingS 7 Ladies` 53 LAo'w Shoes, _ Blucher, Oxford. ' toe. cap, C_zQodyea_r 4. Welt" soles, in vii:i kid.` tan and win e. _leatY1ers.sizes 2 % to 7: July Saie `Pric_e\. . $2.00 U0 l ayvnllvlu O -.-......... `V _ I -~ The garden party held afxthe home! of Mr. Partridge last `Wednesday was? a._ success, Quite a large crowd attended andespenta pleasant. even- -ing. A _' football match between , M'idh",us't apd <'Crown Hill was _one 9f the attrctions. _. . ~-v----- '_ _ _ 1 | Mr. Hughes of Mfanitoba `has been` lrenewing acquaintances _ in our neighborhood, and was the` guest of Messrs. Aconley._ ` . 'EL_ .4 1, - 1 .- \ - -' 1 _ ... -....,... 1 I iVj:{. _Johnston and Mrs. Rumble! [of Hilldale were guests of, M'rs. II-hxddlestone last week. I . Mr. `G. H. Clarke ,of Orillia gave an interesting address `on Nlissions uin the Methodist Church` Sunday af- lternoon. . 1 1 A Miss Sinith-`of Toronto is visiting with her cousins, Misses Clara and {Mabel Partridge; ` V 11....` 1--1; A. I 4 u - v - I - Mrs. Thos. Rix is visiting friends! lin Orillia. Mr. Simpson is able to be out 'again, after his_ accident. Miss -Eva Huddlestone of Barrie spent a few days at home last week. Miss Edith Partridge, nurse, of London, is visiting at her homel M'rs. Parkhouse of Barrie is visit-I ing her` daughter, Mrs. Wid. Part-I ridge. " ' ` (VII; .1 ~ eld beans. The beef that was noti l A large number of people together with the Orangemen in this locality tookin the celebration at Alliston on the I2tl l, and were much pleased! with the trip in every way, exceptingi requirements for the inner man. It` could not have been much worse at a local optiontown. The. following; lmenu was o ered at one of the ho-1 gtelsi Beef, pork and boiled common] tgrizzle was so`tough a dog could: hardly masticate it;and onlythinkofl lboiled beans being oeredkconsider-l ing the broiling heat that was out-} side. A large number got their `sup-; per on their arrival home a little af- ter 7 o clock. \Many declare they will on future occasions of the kind adopt the military plan by carrying; aihaversack, containing a day s ra-'~ .t_ion's. Some 240-tickets, it- is said,| were sold at this station for the ex- I cursiongg . ' ' CROWN HILL. Me1i s5Vici Kid Lace Boots, toe cap, extension `sole. solid, sizes 6 to II, regular price $2.00, July Sale Price VALUES ESTAN D ...THE TEST... Men's $25.50 Dark Tan Blocker Lace Boot, toe cap, medium round toe, swing 1ast,.sizes 6 to 10. July Sale price Men's regular $4.00. Oxford `Shde, Blucher style, toe cap, Goodyear welt, gun metal, vici kid and patent colt. leathers. sizes 6 to II. T Iuly Sale price '.'. $2 90 I For Tickets md Full Information call on- K I J. E. BILLINGSLEY. Depot Agrnt. _..._________._..._____._________ %A~|ex.Mi|ne&Son E Very low ratgs. Fast Time. [ 'Via`Attractive Routes. . bang umn "Sept. 30th. woo. Return limit Oct. 3131. I000. ALASKA-YU KON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION` FULL SUMMER SERVICE NOVV IN )'LFFEC'1`. EXCURSION TICKETS ON SALE DAILY. !The Popular Route to All I ' Principal Tourist Resorts. glncludln MUSKOKA. LAKE OF BAYS ` I TEMAGAMI, GEORGIAN DAY, I MAGANETAWAN RIVER, i KAWARTHA LAKES, 35$!` HATS! 000000000 ooooooodo~ SEATTLE Christy's Qelehrated ENGLISH HATS `_ $|.4-5 -`umnall 3" of an rli: , "lnl / 3 011` th`*` . mac ' . t()l1 yV. g ft,e'd U3 . d, , , 0 -. W I me mtY`L `E ,. b3 , at` 5:1 ?! te H66 . . hit` mes Cmxtll.-s I . bjej . . ho . It 5 .16 1:! cv'" Jvnd 117 `hr , `baa , ,;th ..e`.? ~ 39 33. '00, C Opc tegaf the `Can mean 5.h, bl" ugh: to.` If . vnixi` It- afc afers h ` . 121` ntuonf` Hi me 00 he f t . 0 junS(1ict1L11 ...vJ LICU 10nd the Itgarded 2 Qrlcan sl ugh: to-f1 lemon is ._ --.. __v`-u'.v- U7 ? I Ewe replying to \Vashihgton; bontrovcrsy In `Jl1CSti0n dates SO,*fa,r-` 1397, when the matter'7w asV no 3na`11`(Il"F{y. the Un1ted>Stats,vb1b;Vt- mmu h lccmon has bgen reac|.V1e by Wihhc `matter has been;-ra1sv.':Ad`: , - lngton than Once m. b "3 y . _ 0 '0 . C H1tl \LI`llng pgflod. [he wt` - . - _ . ,h`,`,,`` Ihat_H,ecate 'Strant_-s be-' I Ottawa, July 19th. 'I rcsh iiiii'mzxti011 regarding `the. tcntrovc-r.~_v in-r Hecate Strait ap- iptars in British newspapers which Mic been rccci\'c(]. it is stated that the Unitc- States Government has" trade frc.~h representations to the irixish. Gun-rmncnt pressing for ai jcltur denition of the claims of ,t,1I.'_, imperial G(I\'k'TI]i 11C1]t with:`reg'ard__tO: i!:juri5(iiCIin I] over the St1`aits.,The" Bmish G it is further. sum], is now con1municating with iheD0n1ini Government in,or'd_;:,'i_ ~20 obtain its views on the maittr I1 ly 20th, 1 Ifrvs. . C, OUR OTTAWA LETTER; LINDSAY. daily a`t` .5 o.. glock eWxc1ept Saturda J`:WeifTGL;|FFE&Syl; 8 _ _ ---~ vuvuxuuncut,` l\vF!I_b',.5` ?b*w1 no m0dify.ein:-avm:~of: ~`_lt xs tully expect"ed" ""_`la .t%f 9531011 J'2xlrliame'nt.- will: ",=b`v gt; .~;mcnon the modizcatiotw Inn is 2...... -_-_-A2_-_ -3--. 4 ., 8 9%? rcnch I ar1_iam,ent hasi gjgtjg. I rc..'Lty which `Mn luelinz. b1 (n:v-nr mm....:.....AA :a.. trash resi- t_he_r-in- rie, on Bowles. ssell of `lf_ ,___ V ,SutclIffu!:.%j` iwgo the ,such as to _ . and ma ampltt ~ sidesan excellen_tf lfhis is holiday 7t1me_..= L { The vaiue4s%%xn%cf+*%*,%`i%`er A / thg the -. 1` 4 =_ -v...\.u u;n..` I-J\rI\IIIP.\ icur negotiated in` 1900, he Governme}1t,= re<`:,e:`at=`-.1 `II `(I I`I1I\r`:`up nun `-5.133 Parliament -"11:s7:,a uyl-...L .11..` 121-1 ' co_i l aild ? gn s Light Goats Rushing out . e es. These chilly, evenings you need one f-buy a stylish oneat greatly reduced price, "" save on these : " ` _7.oo R $6.00 BARRIE. :22: 6.00 221: 5.00 Cll WlL|I.llUlu tuyun >-xv..- u.-vuuv-.. l It thus is-fairly.ccrtainVthat thei ;1_ resident w`il'lVbe callednpon tocon-` sjder `the _ Francq-Canlaclianj; treaty nwhi ch i.s ,cbmingV.-up fpr considera- tion, at so inopportune a; time. ;It will rbc' wi`th_in-L his `power to decide. that the eaistinx benets o.$23s.ooo . do not Bcgnsti-tu~. `a "serious; `dLiscri m'- ji11atiot)`,.' thin tlgia p.ro;')o.al` to `in- oiw the 'me:; .t_hu,8:h0norec1, had .littl,e` j " "Q.`,u!35,id.e..V9i;-ithe -?0W an UIIUUF-,.,SllPV[Iu1u|auvu.. Luv y\.gvv- ers given the President are qt_1iteex- tr`ao'rdi`nar'y;" for eitample, it rests with him to decide. whether the Bri- tish prefferenc'e,_is 'or `is not an un- due discrimina-tion,- gand .he can grant favors` -to one province and lean, ~withh'o1d them girom another, M1 . .L`___ :. v:-:..|'.. ..-.'o..:..`-,oh.u 4-`Ia-`.1 "rs ago, th had ny oth- ' funeral e Vlh, e chap. . The *hdhrch. rers,-a rwin, 11.. the ser~ oMnL'Jf . The last session, being the first session of a new Parliament, was .iut eres_ting mainly asgiving an op- portunity `fer the. press and the country` to size up the new members. About o"ne`.fdurth of gthe preset}; House we1"fc, newly elected, (and serge any of {its 1Jrodi1'cts,- blf',j ~which pro-_ hibitsethe exgjortdtibn 61` any article to the United S_taf`es,' if he t_i1'ipl_ts such _ciondu,ct is an ;undue;.'discr:m- inat'ion against Americamtrade. The 1 President` may. extend `the minimum tariff to_ aegart s only} "of a. oun_try, `w..hic.h . ,. V . or pcohibitiqns..._w-lg:ch.v he considegs an H`. _ndu" disci;1m,.nat:on.'i.The MW- . I I H." ` '.....-...In..o- -hn t'lII:`Q-V QC- - ,_ ..____.. 4.I.~..' ,'a'iid"ma deny it-toeaisinglc province ` i`1 asi.imD0,sed 3.5) 1`..|Ha.tlO.l`l$~' urovvw yuu\.A' '63 tU WIICIHCY 3. COl1ntl'y in the position of Canada shall be penalized or not. There is to be a minimum tariff, and ,. there is in ad-. Idition to be a maximum, officially 'describ`ed as the general `tariff; `this is to,be 25 per cent. higher. It is left to the President to extend the advautagesjof the minimum tariff to- iother countries, He must be satis_- ed that thecountr-y which he is, idealing`~does"' not unduly 'di'scri.m.-A Iinate in any way whatever, by duties, `by regulations, or byiany other me- `thods, against. American .products. 'The President _may hit anycountry with -th,ev----extra 25 per cent," `club whicl1 grants.,an export h unty upon crease, this a . 0" $0S0000 willtbe serious:enough~to merit the higher duties. -T he treaty has been ithat after hanging re for three years it should-_cla;m our -attention at so i particularly`: inc'_onVeme nt a } time. . - unlucky all `along, and`. itis Curious . `the retaliation clas` puts into thqe hands of `the P:-es1dent almost "com- plete powex: `as to whether a country {in the DOSIUOTI Of ccnnnrln clan]! I-u. `Suits, in lin .cloIr'in(gdd trimmed skirts -and new st yles---'at V reduced prices. 32;? 3.95. is;s5.00 Ladies AWash` en and duck, in good tjaiity) vyg`; Iofper pa i;-f OSHAWA. rgxi hat ! that at ,t..m_es `theA.qolts" went a _..1_4i.t;,l,`,z.ia,ster,;thgn the old 1.wa`r*. horses "tliab_t'tgh1t pr\ident. "Indeed," there `was: ;_13i1hsV;:o;igiyugl;g~.-thinkigtg. V and inde- `T e eti9\!eeet%I><>?I`~?t*!e; .- jsDuringL thvefgscssion; the old veter- aVhsj,oi%t_he.0ppositie5n including Dr. S;`arot`I.Ie, `C01. Hughes,.M1I".. Blain and '9,!,her7,S3t .580-,k.' `and let `the: new % mem- jtr' 1 their "skill. `and, becon1,eac- __: v1tl1 thg flllgs jof th Jljfousey .:`t,h:.teqatnfg1:, at debate: It..ma'y` qT:. .'n\. . . ;`..A....'.~~;.Ix_"...' : 4|;-'.` ~.~|u _;__.x__~ `|_ _. , , thy? ;a tj _.__mes Fth `.7`i;olts 7 .-`wen: ;_ 9 \.\.\.ur :5: vyyualuuu. |.U ulc WHUIC` ewmarkeg Canal scheme` which h.e declared to be useless and wasteful. lt requAire' three :Ministers` of` the Crown to speak in defence, and` it is? generally conceded that. not much ,of. acase was. made out `for the pro- posed _expend`iture. * Upon division -the Liberal member: naturally : stood by_ .tl_1e., ; Government, and Mr. Sharp_e _s amendment_, was, voted n'dbwn.;a.A At t'he [same time, he pre-. `sented his" case in sucha way as..to inhrk him-as. "011C'W'0f' t hCV coming men. nnifn nshanOvvsiti~e:t Another `good nd was Miajor Sam "Sharpe ` of North" Ontario, `whose brother, by the way, sits for Lisgar, M-r. Sharpe was in no hurry to make himself 7~,prom.inent, but waited for hi's opportunity and made a decided hit in dividing,the 1H.ouse upon the Newmarket Canal expenditure. The Government had presented an item of $1,000,000 for work on the .Trent Valley. wat`e-rwhay, but the Holland River or Ne`wmarketi~Canal was `knot mentioned. ;-Mir. -`Graham declined to tommit himself. as to how m.uch,.of `this;.million `dollars was to be.spent on the lNew.m`arket .Canal,' although ,he'cla i_md_[th'e right tocxpend such __portions ' of fit; as `he' sa.w_ t. _Mar. Sharpe `then insisted that no part. of ,the7million_.dollars should be spent on this branch, "and made! a st:-ong~ eech-gin opposition to the whole 4 . [i~:?.....-........I...- r`......| -..'..1..`....- e_-n.-.4. L; ul unawuaauvua, apcaluug UH [He Spur of the moment and wxthout prepara- t1oI},,- It soon became knqwn, how- ever, that he always knew what he was_ talking about. Jn ICommittee of bupply he was a cutie much _to be `feared by the. Government. `the House is Mlajor J. A. Currie, imember for North Simcoe. The M3- jor is an old newspaper man and ac - quTres and assimilates information rapidly. :But he seems also to have _a practical working knowledge of many, _ subjects and can exblode theories and pretences by fac sand -gures `from. real li-fe. In th early part of` the session there were some ,- who feared tha-the might come` to ; grief b_eea_usee he frequently took part gm discussytons, speaking on the spur] ofthe moment and mitkmu .....,........ - .L:uu1. anu` In Springers . .; ..; , Calves .. Shefp, eiport -.ewes -1... D- , uucna OI. CU Light -ewes. . . . . . Spring`-lambs, each T`Hogs_ .. F , .,u5uL .. Canners ` Mil1` choice , C ' _ ,_ lino nu... culu 111011 rButcher ` ull s Heavy feeders Stockers, `choice \ o ._ - . Toronto, Tuesday. 1 Quotations` on Tuesday were :- l n I Export cattle, choice: `.$v5-75g..$ 6 25 ."- medium 5 20.. 6 65 Butcher cattle, picked 5 25.. 5 60 - good = loads .. mediuni_"..... 450.. 5 60 f` 1 common .4 00.. 4 50 Butcher ` cows", choice. 4 25 4 75 5' T medium 350.. 4oo common 2 5o.. 3 25` 'D..4..L __ `L__n,, - _-I:'>nto Live % Stock Marfsts. g"r'eie'r' had the as evLV 8I1C at he web` to the i; great A22; Id9- 25.-.$" I pyvuylu UI. VVcCl\D.- . . V 1 -Mr. C.` M. `Kiel is much elatedin} having the pupil be pre aredhfor thel Entrance `Exam; from o. 15 School, Mount Stephen, come out successful. He had three pupils to` send, but scarletefever broke `out in '~the`section and a quarantine followed, which. prevented all but. one ,"`IMai'ss_`I.` Yi- vian, who after being dbwn `with the efever-`.;ind elosed in*`for two or. three. weeks '-`was able ` tQ.._wi'ite at Cold-` water. `V \ . . .1. ad .,`* _ ,3 . ` couple of weeks.` `Mk T. Hill `had a thrilling exper-l -icnce last week when he came ~-ne"ar-I ly being run down by a herd` of` -"Segankai. After a lively.str1'1gglel with the. herd, he managed to dis-` -pose of. the leader and the eonict I was soon over. However, .-Mlr. Hill re cei\ _red` slight `injuries `that he will feel the eects of for at least all ,;.._ ',w.`-. .---. _`. The local football team visited Edgar 'I`hursd`ay'afte-rnoQn to play a match with the team of that. place. The game stood 1-0 in favour of; Craighurst. _A return match will be [played here this week. ., _r-..-. ...~---vs vuauyvyu. ' 2m. and Mrs. John Hill and family! of Peterboro are visiting the-form- er s_ parnts,_Captain and M!rs. Hill. V _v-- .. an guano _|uaL' IV \.\.I\.' VI;/fl`/isses Bericeand Pearl .-G_odda`rd of "Barrie are the guests of their sis- te_r, Mrs. James -Campbell. 1 1\.l`.._' _...I 1:. ., 7,1 v`I'*-- ` - - '- I -7`--- v--- gvavnntxlt ~M~rs: `Frank Atchesoh and `child viisted friends~in the vicinity of Jackson s Point _last week. I .r.- and Mrs} Wm. `Hodgson are en_tertaining a number ` of lady `Hnends from Toronto. _ _ . _ _ ._..._ -- V --yu- Miss Ida Sargent of Toronto `is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Sargent. } V Mr. B. Be: here last we: in -M.uskoka.. DBL]! vo Mary" of the