Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Jul 1909, p. 3

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' ,-;s;u't `of 3t~ .1.' <.1 "' 351 53 ` girth Vt_he,..!.)at.:sman-'.s y.` _ v `. 11 g L g ` 4LVl\}&Vl`.dl-Cr, and Mrs.'.Percy Sca`i1lo`1, Barne. GQLDEQ WEDDING, {the} 4 a,t-.. rs xfiisitofs _pVla3'e:A1 1" C9!-" ~, ' `U`ro1>1A, ripted a sho,w-OE` in the; .e'.:gan\1`e~ by. falling, down v mafk _i_`s__d_isgustM at the,` balls an'd`_.- striks, but, riiecking` too}? advantaxig and w_orked.; a doub, g bases, 7vvhilfe the` 'crowd_`- 'i':e da .. . r Sllbggrn -1. item I s.5.linOI; 3.11 `;Torpnto box. artistil b1ve_ zmrl `am.:...... -.__f neat dou'bvi` -. l'lSOn' war -a\.e..`. .?.]a1y_ t11e.,}f3i>.tVi`tf.'i4'e"l?iw iii _t`hef' . ".a-"`.f_(ard. ;stnash.A j ~..~? 'l'f. ; vthixiaf the.:pajg1;. 1;uogtg+t_1g__d _1 x_i9s't de1iqins-eua" 4 . aa;soey%you mt hen head ma; A ` _g,_tzd{.Ti iz'r.`thib .w9p@or`tul new dreation: ' `" " `." '"5I Elit`e.Fi "eta, :!!i1a`,i`iohest ] `gt 1 age` 7 in? of .. J-" :3] `put egfy m_is31`1 Vf_aTsc`inxiting. ,,1(?1$f`P r7 i`%""F";;-.' '.,?7??.i1'8< % % ` ~ ~9`.`-'e:.'_.. _ pox artist, against any ' would h ay`e ` e-"5 `fly in. ..the:' t`:}zAN C! t rqort A . lsg9ns1__x}o_s%`ol1shtu1ly-av:9d.i (bapam) : - N 3" 14 ._g_,..;_-___ canon v1'.Jpal'UH C'l'lC. V, ` - V A _ The ci'rcular- givps a` ljst_ of the text books Vtogbe __t ;s.e-d. km. Public la '.` ` 1". (*4 '-',`\`` I . " " : Circulazf `ylssfged A tgy the I )epaftment._ A cifcular. 'V.c ont'a.in-ing_ the text book regulatjons` adopted . this month ,has beerrissugd by the Ontario Edu- czitioh -Depairtmgnt. ,~ `' ' _"' I I ! H.`-Longhurst won the Io-mile bi-i cycle road race -on Wednesday even"-I mg` of last week. The course` `lay from Barrie to 'Colwell and return,` and there were six competitors. A. MlcPhee -took the lead, which` he maintained lmtil the homeward jour-l ney, whenhis game leg gave out. He` was forced to be content` with second place._ A ASevigny-won third. The prizes were a silver cup`, a gold medal a_nd_ a silveremedal. respective- ly. The time was39.$5, but the~dis- tance is thought to be nearer 11 miles than 10. 'lC. Gossling nished fourth, but was disqualied through not. having the regulation coaster brake. ' Ed. Fisher `sustained a. pun- ctured tire, and- W. Johnston `fell. , The latg,-,Ic_>hn -W. Shaw of Hawke- stone, notice, o_-f whose death has al- qjeadfy apgeared in The Advance, was served` c at onegtitne a very prominent gure in,-1 nunic_ipal life. H`ew_as rs-telect- ,ed to the Council of _Cro in 1892, and ontinuously until the close of I902, .331 (which year-he lled~~the honorable position ' of Reeve. During I905 and I H .he'_..-`wa's County `Com- missioner for Division No." I, under _,'the, system now su1:ojp'l`ant"ed by" the present system. Mr. Shaw was ex- tremely pbp`ular. wi'th"al classes, as was evidenced by -the __act- that "he never `once met`defeat_..at __the polls`. He ,disch_arge,d _7his.`.`gpubl1c duties faithfully- and mtelh uently at, all tirries, and he ., leaves ehind. him an honored _and. i'esp'e__cte'd'. name.` ' NEW `REGULATIONS \ % won l`I`EX'l`_ pooxs -Juana, tut DLUFC space 101' _SuppllC`S !is both large and `convenient, there "being a second door to `the East, commgnicating with the` s_treet,'from which wagon; can be loaded and un- 'loaded., The oth`er appoinments are 'rst;-class. L V ` ` T The lectric light departmen_.t_ are: now gnjoying very commodious "of- _csAin thejr,new headquarters. The `general, oce us roomy.- and__ well `stairs, the stor'e`space fbr suppliers AIS bOth large and nnniyancano cl--- :. .Kv24- ' Thos. . M:cKe'e,_ wife and ;- ,d-_a'u`gh`t'frs left last wekfor. their, :'ls.V"i rI:]rI'1 1'. ,home near ,. Sturgeon -Falls-` ; " `-Mrs.` M. N. .Stephens; gf -Gleticairn . ha";S be*en- spegfling a few weeks -with - her mother, . ts. Laidlaw; :B1a_ke `St, rm Mir. and AM.rs.' M; Quix'%1~lai1.t'1; "and -;.f_a-n`1iVl of Port Hope havevbeen visit- ing ft eir relatives here'~~for a3 couple_ Aof,_.`Wee _ ._ v . _ .. `H ., l _.._ -- -Iv \l\-\vL\;\.lo i (i{'ef.erAr`ing to.-te Tv5e1ff `?:ele'- fbration, the Cdldwate"r Planet :say.s :' Mir. VV. H. Bennett _made his- first jpgvblic. appearance since his defeat `at t \ e. Fa1lVelections.' `He. was in ex- ;,cellent` form. ` ' clergy will be present _ ffom many" partslof theprovince. ' ' sxcv. ` .[_.`_r. moyna _ot zarilliai ,-will`! celebrate hi silver jubilee on Tues- day, Ji1ly- 27. A lar`ge Anutnben of -the .\{~,A_ _ -;..c!`)*." for , ._S.pend a.. few u-iatford. . Mu'. j_Qvf_-W 1nnip !,in`e King; `D'```'__ 7110 A `Ethel . 'I{i_gids%%1er:f 5 ` :'Mts. " 9'nu; Thurs- S'a`r2gtog a`, -Land jh Ad.- Ve\'rLli n ."Iev "to"-diy. to. weeks wifh her sister in _ .. Pery Withrow ar;"`c`_`lg li_t tl`e` s`ori eg are guests"; of Muss Nor- H.` I._A-2;\Jl(iousV`of Chi: I cago are` guests .of '--Mr..a`nd ='*M,rs. A; gl-L_Goq`d,al1.' ` ' . ul.aLII\.L ILFC UC`lg CLIHLIVHICU. During the` summer months. Mir. McIntosh will, make a survey _.of Simcoe County, reporting` on the general agriculttgral conditions of the various sections". and, the various branches of agriculture followed in _those sections,` the {orchards bihg, vinve&tig`ation.`. . H howeve\r,..the` chief _subj,ect `for ,his| I . Around Thornbui-ye and, Clari bui-g a. fair_ crop of cherries is re- ported. The` plum orchards in the [Georgian Bay district are ,lrgeIy- gone, but a considerable area. of` young apple orchard is being.p_lan'_t- ed out. Most of the orchards in this district. are being `cultivated. '\ In a twenty-acre. orchard that hadi been sprayed twice by the owner, Mr. McIntosh says that he could not nd any Wormy apples nor tent cat- erpillars nests, and `very littleroy- ster-shell bark-louse, while on the! other side of the road, in an un- sprayed orchard, he " found a dozen wormy apples on one limb`, and hardly a tree was free from them. And the tent caterpillar could be seen from almost `any point in the orchard, and the oys er-shell scale was very abundant. There was, be- ' sides, a great contrast`-between the ,dark green and thrifty looking fol- iage of- the former orchard as com- pa.red with the lighter colored fol- iage of the latter. Considerable dif- noticed. Those who have `sprayed this year. are loud in "their praises of the benets which their '6'rchards have received` lready. I " - ` l ference. in the size of the fruit was".- In` company with Mr.` Myetdalf, the district repr_es_entative for Simcoe Couiity, vMr. ' MeInto_sh," Avisited sev- eral of the best Iorchards at Craig- hurst, Co.11ingwood,_ Thornbury ands Meaford. Throughthe enterprise of `the Georgian 'Bay Fruit = Growers, Limited, several _oi'chards have re- ceived-their initiati.on`into the my- vsteries of the lime-sulphur and lead- arsenapte spraying material, the great benets7fromi'w.rhich have only; to be seen to be appreciated. __.J ..v-... \Q-Q-r'Qn\rly0 -'`He has visited a number of orch- ards\in the_ southern part of Essa Tpwnship and reports great, possi- -bilities .for the a.pp1e.industry thre. under` the_ iimpvroved conditions of cultivati>n,`sp`ra3'rin'g, and pruning, which are being introduced` in the` orchards of the Georgign Ba dist- rict. - l" The publishers ofth new school ._books' will sell direct in any quan-' tity to any `purchaser in Ontario supplies at 20 and 25 per cent. less -`"t'han the maximum price net. A I I 1. 'Mr.- Di McIi1tosh, a. reentv gra- duate of the OQA.-C.,~Gue1ph, W5-s lately `appointed by the Department pf Agriculture to make an ogchard ifsurvey fof Simcoe County .and the Georgian Bay fruit district. 4 `After M'idsunj1r`me;-, Igio, n`o text . book will be authorized,inielenient-e_ cary plane? geometry. The work will be taken up by the teachers in con- nection.With a study" course, books: eference being` used from" _the", school library. After *Midsum_mer,. 1910, the` High school .botany,. Part -.=I I., will not be authorized. `The sehooltrust._ee_s_ shall provide sui-` __cient reference books for the -`use -of` the pupi_ls in all the subjects` con- tained in the schedule sent out ,by s the Department`of Education. V For" religios instruction the " sacr -V` ed Scriptures or-the ise ected Scrip turei reading of *the nternatiqnali -Bible `Reading , Association; or the Scripture readings adopted by the Dlepartmentz of -Education shall be used as prescribed _'by the Depart-' ment of" Education` and as may be` `determined by the Board of `School 1 Trustees. :D1jaw_ing books _ag'e no longer at;-A Vt-honzed. _This subject; shall` be ta- ken up by the -teacher In accordance with the. course of study. After January I, -1910, blank drawing books and pads {for the use`of>-Ipupilsvwilll ._be. authorized. . ` ~ - .;N_o text books_..are prescribed for pupxls In agricultnre_ and . hous-ehold, science. The circulgr` -'p ' in t5d,...0.ut that '1S prevented` 1'. By g!`}CSQ1uti0 f off Board of Education .01`: `Board of Schoo! _ Trustees the principal .- hall: introduce next August `Or 'Septe e} `the; text books a,uthAorized in, 1968: and 1909. , -schools V of high ` and. ` continuation schools ' and c9ll'egiate_ 'intitute's."f_The old text?bb.oks fauthbifizewd ih_: -."I'908 anrd.;1909 areflimited ~t_o` us ent1ll_ the _ F `Midsummer ` vagatiovn pf ' _ioIo.`. V AGRICULTURAL SURVEY. No Geoniefry Books, \ .'," N ':*""'f'* ' "*'r'r * ' ' ' ` ' ' "' 1 , _ .' }Mr. '}O?D,onnell, who hired a Tnun-I beg;-of--1-men ._`at~Oi'i1}i>a1forv.th,e Mag- --n etas_vian Tanning Co., .adv'anced h2`m:.thgtr_ jag-es.,tb ~B}:;k s Falls. On A i11~_towr`n_.four'of the fmeri dc-, ` th ontr;.its,.i)nd wete;_hit- o_r`l' Sundridg _-hen l;e'.,;Daniels_._wns in- up " "a' I - Some time ago the Board of Trade took up the question of arranging with-the` automobile owners to use certain roads on certain days only. Farmers with spirited -horses did .u_ot - like to make the journey to town as oftenlas they would wish owing to the frequency. with which they -met the auto buggy and automobile. In many -cases women were prohibited from driving altogether. The'Tud- hope Carriage Co. were approaclied and were not only willing but anx- iousto dolanythingxin their power to meet the requirements of" the sit- _ uation. In the `course of their busi- `nfe"ss.Vtheyi`_give every machine turned out bythjem. pa-trial run of-_ about {fty miles , nd as they are 'testing` severaltmac, ines daily it w_as_some-[ -Vihitdiicult to conne -the tr'av_el.; `Hovwe'ver,"a schedule .has' been ar- rapged; and; the `Tudhopev Co. will `run their; auto `bu`g`gies on the certain [made andf.days_;- Owners of the var- giqtis 'Tautomob1le s:- in _town, have been .=seen_ghd-have prbmised to. travel `-qnl)zvi'on:;;the?,rmds._ and dams" indicat- ;d.7-=N,evs-Ij;;etter.j '- ` * r `I if 3 l I 1 In J On Saturday morning during the` thunder s'torm that passed over thisl section, a bolt of lightning struck: the stem of the steamer `Coiling- wood, which was in the dry dock. '1 he electric uid followed the stem down to the keel and along the keel for some distance. As it did so it overcame several of the workmen who were engaged in making repairs on the bott [11 of the boat. All were more or`les dazed, and`-`knocked out by the shock, but none were serious- ly injured except a boy named Tom bheppard. who in falling struck a piece of metal, causing an ugly gash on the back of his head. 1;ie was later removed to the G. & M. Hos- pital, where his injuries were dress- ed and he is now making` a rapid re-i covery. Of the accident some off the men tell thrilling stories. Onei man says `that he was fortunate en.- ough to notice the big ash of light and dropped the iron tool which he was using, thus escaping injury. An- other man was in theact of hitting a rivet when the current arrived at the spot where he was located and he fell over. Others around saw their companions falling hither and thither and quickly went to their as- sistance. That the accident was not worse than \' was is considered mar- vellous, `and the fact also that no in- jury was done to the ne steamer is thought to be wonderful. It is very seldom that such `an accident occurs,\ nevertheless it is one that workmen on` stee1"boats have always more or less to guard again'st.--Bulletin. . ..ru.- ` 'I"heT lpre`akin,g -of a ainge of ne Qfffthe wheels. of a C. P. R. freight train -one d_ay"~Iast week caused nine . cars to flea-v -the"rails` and roll down t7h9:"= -b',ank`.' The accident occurred A`a;bout':`~-5.30%-'p;m., near LovJerin`g, and- ;B:iatke;xra:: _ JJ .aul had ms leg 'cni'sh- .d.`V: A w1"ecking..crew was sent up shdps, Toronfo. % .w.:"`-'!."$\i ' On . I. I . -Charlebois; and R-. -E. VFriday last; onvinvitation of I{air,:, a number.` of. t_he municipal Council, the membersaof the `Water `._a"nd~- `Light `Commission, the Press '-`andi a, tew "friends visited the. Osler farm',`,*where a considerable. water `power is awaiting; development. Mr. - Charle.bois_' demonstrated the `feasi- .bility_ of his scheme to supply water and power to the town. A darn had been ibuilt` across the creek, and a '-shiall sluice-way fed into a box large enough to-hold three cubic feet of water. This box filled in 29 seconds, anda series of `multiplication tables `showedplthat the ow of water was `equal to two million and a half'gal- lons every twenty-four hours. Mr. Charlebois claimed to have made a soap test! of the water, demonstrat- ing tha it was only five per cent. harder ban the water supplied now by pumping from the Bay. l Mr. John Wilson, chairman of the Water and Light. Commission, said there was water enough to supply a town twice the_ size of Collingwood, and if Mr. Charlebois would formulate a scheme the Commission would con- sider it favorably, of course, upon a dollar and cent basis, as they were ,prepared to take advantage of any scheme that would prpvide eicient service at less expense.--Enterprise. f\ n: ---vs !--I.I vlIich"g:ause.this trouble. may fail: 1*"' """'.Ion hr! about: ,....':.%=:..':~....=..,'"'*'*'......."-;A.........' -2: -wwuucuu-uuqsgruyung, .` 2 Y ' .$Al"a. Hair: Vigor, new p:rovedn formula, will certainly of the hair. Indeed, we believe it will always do this .unl8.ltthere is some disturb- ance of the general health. .Then,a constitutional medicine may be `necessary. Consult your physi we _ _ utthia. ` nal ' lhedoro (5: id . imv. Barrie. Aukhlnaiautlt. nundouhouy We the updersigned have kIlOWQ'. F, J. Cheney` for the last tsyeaug- and believe ` him perfect1y,.=.honon=d-j in. all .business trans actions' and n-. _ane_1ally . able _to c_a1'.ry:, ou.::.;a1gy-, gbligs A "a A`tions _rna'e by? his `rm - _ '*Wa1dihg, +Ki1inan & Marvin,'='f:`._2` . : ,W1:oleSgnIe`-I,)ruggists,- To1edo;:O;-is - ,fH~aI ss igtnej ute xis , taken: f `I Milli. ditcztlx eupon-=~t!$o:. \ V ` ~-. 1' . 1; - -`ff, _. _ R ~ c6"n"";e sideboard were the freshly noticed that 11; had been bitten by 3 person who had lost two teeth, one at the top and one below. He also. saw that the dead man had an ex- cellent set oflalse teeth, with none missing. He observed. too, that... an active young man could, by standing onthe window sill. draw himself on the roof andthus escape. Thus Hew-I. it-t comes to look for a tall, athletic- loolring young man with twmteoth missing. He finds him, .obf.ain's.by. a `rose another apple which--he 3188-` bitten, compares the two, and` nlti-; mately obtame the startling 3tory.._o(. th e'murder from-the murderer himself` bitten remains of an apple; Hewitt P i 33a verdict of accidental _death." I 'ait e-rthe coroner s jury had returned .1 ll? \J\IVJI VV i'I l\J\zl\\.'\.l. (Il1\l V` LICII nu ot inside .,the room he found Foggstt ying across the table, shot dead. There was afsheer drop of fifty feet outside the windowp. How had the murderer got in. "and how bad he % -es dj? -. . Ola.` n:AnkAnIn4' Jcylh-4`; , W'e ` offer` One -`Hundred Dgllars Rewarfor any case of Catan-h` that {<(::an"t1o't be cured by .Hall s Catanh ; urge. ` ' _ uu; uuuci. uu yxvvxtub ILD Uclilg Laneu. In the play Sherlock Holmes, the detective, with the aid of an accom- plice, raises an alarm of fire at the house of the Larrabees, during the excitement of which he is able to in-, | vestigate the mystery of certain pur- loined documents. . ' - . A somewhat similar incident occurs in Edgar Allan Poe's The Purloined. Letter, when Dupin, having obtained" entrance to the house of a Ministerof _ the state, who had purloined a letteri of great importance from a lady, wish- ed to take it from its .hiding-place-' a cardrack over the mantelpiece-and: "substitute a facsimile. While Duping was talking to the Minister there was? a sudden report of a pistol beneath, the window, followed by fearful l screams anh loud shouting. The Min- ister rushed to the window, and while- his attention was thus distracted, Du- l pin took the real letter and substitut- { ed the false one which he had pre- `pared. Needlessto say, the diversion ails been created by Dupin s assist- -an , ., , Although The Adventures of 3h0l- I....I. u..|........u .............s...4. -_._..|._.I-._ CIIVI Ill'.' `ZLIIJIUQ Ul. o CJlUIl DVUIUIIIUD. And the value of noting tries, `par. ticularlyfin detective work, is strik- ingly illustrated in The Case of Mr. Foggatt. The latter had been mun dc.-red in his chambers, which were situated at the top of the building ` in which Hewitt had an oce. Hew- yitt was the first one on the scene. ;The door was locked. and when be `As _...J- `I..- _-...... L- l...-...l I'.`-_...LA nupuvugu LL16 rluvvuvulca U1 DIIUI` lock Holmes somewhat overshadow the stories of other detectives which; appeared in The Strand Magazine. one should not forget to mention Mar- tin Hewitt, Investigator. and Dick Donovan. ` . - n..a.L n.--_ ..I-;-.-a..-_._ _/-..1_-.: _u'-_..- HUI Vllla IUIIIICLJ lll O|vYllC, ILIQLIUC and the crimes of secret societies o 1...` Al... _._I__.. -2 _...L.... L_.2-_ _. lI\lVI.lo goth these detectives Worked afono and were `past masters in the art 0! solving robbery mysterles, murders uurs JCEILIIJE Lut: Atty He, therefore, had an iron box made, painted with green varnish like the safe. As Lecocq inserted the key he asked his assistant to endeavor to prevent his using the key, just as he was about to insertit in the lock. The assistant did so, and the key ,held by Lecocq, pulled aside from the lock. slipped along the door and traced up- on it a diagonal scratch from top to bottom, the exact reproduction of the one shown in a photograph of the safe. Thus it was proved that two persons were present at the robbery; one wished to take the money and the other to prevent its being taken. In fho Y\]')\'Y Qlwnrlnnlr L7.-xlvvuna `OI-sn sup. ` uuo uccu 1-Juucu. LUl"I'e IS 3 SCTHICII `on the door of the safe which seems to have been made by the key slip-` `ping from the lock. But Lecocq ex- plained that the paint was hard, `and Vthat,the scratch could not have been made by the trembling hand of the thief letting the key slip. HO fhorofnrn hurl nn 3--.. I-A- uuupczl. w~u.u SUCH Dfllles. In. all my expegence along the dirtiest way of this duty little world." .1-eplied Cuff. I have never met such a thing as a trie yet. We must. see the petticoat" that made the smear. and we must know for certain that the/paint was wet." - - Leanna thn Bonn `Anal n `kn L`:-..-...|.. vtlc/`|Ja.ll.lU Vldb Wtfla. Lecocq, the beau ideal of the French detective, was wont to explain as Sherlock did to his friend Watson. In the story of File No. 113, it safe has been robbed. There is a scfatch nn fho Ann. f\` H. ,...c.\ ...Li..I_. _--_-, Civllllco ` Cuff looked for -clews in tries. says Tit.Bits. Investigating a smear on It onewly-painted _door, he was told by. the superintendent who had the case `in hand that it was made by the.petti- coats of the wo en servants. .Cuf! asked iriwhich pet xcoat, and the sap geant replied that he could not charge `himself with such tries. 'I\ uni.` ---- ---------'-~- ` =Du'n`m',v5l.ecocq'.? Taharet, Sergeant I , the Great Names of`,tho ' Earlier Datettive . Stories -Arth|p A Morrison : Hero. Martin Hewitt. It tery Solvers. If you ask some London lpublisheu they will tell you that no` book sells so well as a detective story, and that people still nd a fascination in the achievements of Edgar Allan Poe a. Dupin. Gaboriau s Leoocq and Ta- baret. and the redoubtable Sergeant Cuff of Wilkie Collins. '1`!-.3... -.5.` _____ AI__ 3 ` the `Most Sucesscful of Recent My-V uuu or wuxie Uouins. These me! were the forerunners of Sherlock .Holmes. and their feats ol criminal tracking were as remarkable as those achieved by the famous char acter created by Sir Arthur Conan. `Doyle. Perhaps the least known is 0:33. who gures in The Moons s ne. - f1_- I I ` - - - -` mum r4%%Im Arohasuuusnsi or-' 'sHER.Loci HOLMES AND 11-cam M511-cons. ng. Can ; Brid- nery. `E1. CHENEY. & C0,, Toledo, 0. V1`, How : THIS 2 lo 3l|d-: )m.GCI I [Nana '3` Date Inch nd. nx-anon. 10 Own IE P. O. and V 3? mowed pl sition mtg me uisbeno NE_ER ett, in u Cummy Scott the fourth. pa ; E, , .n,3; . ses; lathc)1:"l`m keel Y!'~9Ye on -the.` as the txme. ... - .. C V _' 1; " _. Bu 'i0urJ1tOn]\ 02011 d . `M e M .y 100 the lied Dart ' " * . ~ Vchea in V m'*.'1 ,. 9.4- the` I.y \ . when Benson strukz outw.-Tth`e`_ d gave him the ha-ha. _ Cruise W115 caught a block at third` 3n the rs! innings. Faulty..c0ac1_Ir ma. j ` U19 Warren II Scott c Cruise as Rowe 2b Meeking If- Coffcy rf Tyrer 3|) Burton p Todd` cf Bmwon 3h Lynd c . . \M%ksT2H &on ss H Roger rf. Allen I!) hwm Cf H WMH11fV. Hanng p Neither "side talliedni f fourth when Barrie annexegg} maint;iined this advantage,` 5,-,'d eh}: me sixth placed ghe *gan1e~ili-"r.:oIq`X storage by adding 2 runs mo-,. --Th . visitors did :1 lot of .unn'ssa_1_; kicking at the umpire's[ fde`ciSion..._ and rather wearied the crowd by my exhibition of 'temp,`_i `T'h;.Y lone run came in the SCV-.e`,i"lt.h. a'ftg;'. , 3 chance tit) retire the Side: had. be; _, .1-efused. .\othing further was , ' a ". _ _ x y `tSi:i(inn!::Ll:."l`{: nally. rer`na1m ng.-. `Five in a row. By innings 'L,,1 \'- Q13 \`\..I.y l\.l'|LIllI\,` 951. in everythmg _that. went gs Cummy `Scott gave Burton ,exce_1|;fa,- ysupport, and caught 21. heady "gan1, _ { `V CWHUOII uu L'III7".`,YF Vgisitors struck. .1 3 _m,{,tatiox1, but left nftbig. ffllggtiine Of 5 to I ` It was not a. 8793-t""83\13%" r. . _ 9 M but there were }`>|'?l7<`:i_:',ti _tA-M [ i,,g incients ;tt;\'8,9S ezstaggg ~ kc it mtercstmg to `t 1, `Burton, the P .?5-"-v-= P 9 his c.uSt."Y .s' 5.4 ` Parkers txed up In IOVC. ];_]Qg,s53.`,f `'3 W, b The latter . _We-1-0;? :,e';;tgfe;f11g_ 1iy1;y_; k to score then_" solag-5: If-`E33, are credlted with S331,` mtg-;:j.;d., _., ` Burton, but several of .;-l1_t`g.se.f_.-`v7 _s"eI_'Ae._ * decidedly scratchy, and one` or. 1A;_w9_e others _should have been, taken cafe; , Of.~Th1rteen `times did. .Benson'5 pets _fan the a}r,_.s'Q_ _e1u-3w_e were the Ba_r)r1e twjxrlers `eh-pp`; .shoots. The wk Nine, Wh11.-:,!19 eld-5, had_ a plenA1tt`.lle of _; ,..ome of which proved_`ga_ther co,1_:1y_ ; g" the other ha_nd, Ba_l"le:Su!'pf;\3~V.ed: _e y the talent by thexry go0c_lyw_ork-,` _'_l`[g5 ,:`L;y ineld played a_fa.st agd except at the_th'1rd-corner, Type:--`ay _ parently ggttferlxug fronl. `owe `an? xiety, This plelyber, lqowever, .aton`e_d for his pec_cad1lfoe_s _1n the 'e.ld_byL clean and txmely Iinttmg. 'M:eeku1kgf_:af left was very rehable and gafh.red ,5 J. nuvprxrfhillg that went "Hid 1'nn'u= Varrev made a n , . ` ' `-up'o.~ Z 4..',`_ own bull in the .' " crowd `_ 7 *`,;1'hge" disc0"Vti'9ff`f A . ;A Park Nine o(flTo;-pp` * def93t.., a.'?-_thi.. h:`E;.1s:? A it got out of'a'; `h, Hurton retiring -;th1,91,F!=?`99;:- when the Parkershad-';_ "Ii . Outside the Diamond. _ PARK the laide-tt :`e4ba 1-l"`ra:l-' 1 nr`1:`n An-. Hanna Park Nine, `IC llf?Il'\aD` on n ayv"e v " cl-I-QIFII 1`nnz~`n Barrie. _p _v_J hit a neat sa~crt_ce'J` 33 AB AM `Is Ei - v.-- ocnvv III ,BrrlV ;1f`. h 1. _0Il . ' ha'd early ` WHIQU (Cy lliu`.-Ituulljcu LIICII Jllialbllc Mr."Capoq is s_ev'ent y,-ve ags of ag'e,-`*but`,it-V wag _laigtfd that he could readi_'ly- pajfss . forthe`ife[der_;b ro%ther of his sons. He s:_u~;:iiy:%`%s.:aced%hat `he old-, and his wife declared that she ,was lled _ mjithgthe . same ,determina.-` ` kgion. Last :-.ev`ningf;. a. large.. number of. friends assem . ed at the, house where; an.en5oya,b e~. infqrmal rccep_~ tion, was held.-`The. neigbhors of` `Mr. and ~Mrs.'gCa -pan`, ;fe;1d:_1g_- on Bar! % Street,:.pVla3;_ntI'y ,.7 surprxsed "them by` handinj `m< ,a_ `basket; d-V n6 t' to? `grow, . INCH! Dy uauuau lo ,.. _...... ___t'aig:ingF 50, beqppggal ,:;o%as.y ,) A 12th 'o "J ',_:-fcelebzjatioxux that was not down; _gthe lbdge rpsterh was partieipated i`: by the'tamiIy of AM.r. amt Mrs. W. B; -Capon} of IO Iliarl hstreet, it bleing the occasion of t is appy.coup._e s golden _wedding.. 'There.:wer_e presetit`. for,_ the event` _the'followmg members `of the fam-_ I :ly:' Dr. Capoq 'ai1_d --wife, `of _P_hila- gdelphnay Chas. *Ca9on and ,w3fe, of `Boston;` Miss CapOn,.-New` York; Mrs. 3inclPir,J New `9rk;f'Mf_:i`s. -Cook`. and r. ._ . apm'1`,w'o_ oronto. The sons and` daughters presented Mr. aond M:-_s.. Capon witha purse of; :d.~1n.fadd:t;on.1_:o,, ngany other suff- a 4 e g: t's. A dnlvei m. the country |and a d:nher,:at one Q; the _co.untrv 8?*ih`3:, 2:; 4; ; E`;`,f3`. o e . _. . have 'rsided' " fn `To`r"ontb"" `15'racfi'a1Ty ,all ;their _n1a`;rie Llife.. `==_\r.I. l2ot1,I:`v;vere I warmly eongra qlaitedi-on their; I1_1e {state of health _the"~,mg1nner_ m ; which had-.. etmned theu'=y,outh. MT. ~i.?('fa-hnn". in .v'entr`.ve'* \/Eats of over several weeks, -1Vl;"._rs. Jos; A. Me. master passed away:-on" Wednesday, July-14th, in her _38th year. `The futieral which tooki;'11alce.on Friday, afternoon to` Angus cemetery was_ largely attended.` Rev. PI `M. Pea- cock` of ciat.,ed,~ assisted by Rev. F. `Carpenter. `Messrs,_A. T. Arnold, W. A. Miller`. W. M]cCa.un,V D. Car- ruthers, A. Willoughby and J. Dob-I . son jvere _ `palll>earer;;,__' ; 'Am_oqg `the I relatzves .preseqt` ` from ya fdxstancex were: Miss` L1zzie~ and -Mr. U]ohn i-,M'c'Master, Thornbury~:; W.. Am"old,v Manseld; Thos._~:Miil1igan_. ~Cl0ver' ll-Iill; Wm. Wilson` and -daughter and |Z\'lrs. W. T. VM'cMas_ter,'ACo0kStOW}12. I and NT:-c. Dam-.. C...a-.`.-1..*.'. 13--~- 1' 'After a `painful. illltifessl exten`d_ing' The . following.` taken'lfron.1 thel Toronto Maillof "wiednesday, July , 14th, willy be of i:ite're'st` to Ad/v-an c_e 3readers, Mi`. 'anlda.'Mts. Capon [and fafnily having ___f.o`xjnerly reoidd in E -arrie : T `V D. f H ' .\_ utlih Mr. . The Parkers tried 1-.h'ard t-o ev.-n.`up' an` the lastVix?1nings,r.::b1,1Vt with two men? on M."g'eking-` caughtz `g.Al__sh sb:A y, `and, the `game `was over`; '-F s Har`ciing',' the .*.'V.I`o1-' was faiyly aeffect\iv\ve,,_ and `A other pntcher but Burton` showx} to advantage; "Anen; for {t Slick .. game at-.. le of zhanges , f 1`. `3.9d _-*`us. e Har- There Was we eighth- _g n. nd. g V Sib VV Rowe _ seventh ' and __robb'ed` I 24-bagg;er. 2 1. L\_ I6: L--vvvc dq (if his lapse steal on the. bases _hoor_ayed." ~ A L i:a11%;{"'s b;f,,`**s'%4 `:3i5- `RWe ad 'M:ekinat{&t *`of labse an`A`.'.-.-.3."__. AIrwt1_s catch of,Crhi's`e."s sixth: was gty 1>'_i_"et,_t`/y; 5.. f r'Wx~

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