Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Jul 1909, p. 1

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iyf *.FdRf rsgr.::;{ ' IilhrI\IIvn-ru-u o:r_1c,Yard 8: Mm: Joh`s'r. an nnuuu 8 VI IUGIUQ 3;.!(_;'H-IV: s'1f.ma:1=;'r.w BARRI-E, BAR IE Agent. FURRIERS V5-?ri=- SUB; " :)'i:1:'er"eiE}1t -'a;):)el'1ants were` represented by Mk`. Wt A. "Boys. One 1 of these, `Mir. Doan, objected "to his assessment `of $90.00 and,.. claimed $300 or $400 damages. His claim is dis'mis.sed' and he pays` his ownfcqsts.` For `the rest,` the remaining seven '~ appellants, the aggregate of th re- dutions for which they .f<'>ugh so. long and s_trenuous1y amounts; to- $5500, ranging in surns fron1,$._5`to` I . I5.=- They, too`,=.pa`~y their own costs, so that when all; is sai.d,and do`ne_.'th `~ nEng'1neer"at'1d the `Township. I Conner ,- ,w"h;o u upon a drainage `-wot-Tc involving `an; expenditure of w.er`e Dfllyx ;'$I}1,o`~ out;~_did ptretty `wean. it" etofok-a -lo't~ `Of ev_1glence,'- ,and~.a.- 1ot:of- ;_4_ghting_ and ;a.._`lot: *0!` `eagle tor -. get at` 1 ~ Ln --1- I.L`-* ,3-`A1. Q gm.-auuoney%o-1oanz A` ` berm qltlgggn`-hm WY~'% b V `~`.`!'? 'I'.'.-' ----~--v--- ' . `J , g 1: is:r'equired by A_the_A;c'1:` __Ttl_1`at there must___ yet. be, a_npt__h_er, gutting {of the" Court `to; dte'1'mi!1e,;m;,what 't'_()- portions "tihe other aggesale pa'rtie.3" shill; imake up` thty tr1*inz~ ,red31`tiot1s.. {Thi`s ~sittingo, tl.=0Coi1rt will _lie- a"t .;NewAA~~.Lpwe11 b_ .0_tI":2 they ;27't-h` ._ ir}s_tant.'_ H`a.ufhton.% ; ,Ln'!1O3< Kifc.-." acrk . gs .gc'gahsL1~;-`orj4-: th_; , fawggghip ; . _A"_'A_' `H CIIUJ J-`do \J&II \.I\III VI Il\.I I I VLIIIVCU ---but as they have -to pay their own costs of _Counsel '(seve.r_a1`days en-' gaged) and evid"ence,.even these are probably 1-.considerably- uponjj the jvtliczlg age Of_ _th. l`edge r.' V. v--v vwrr - - - w --5w. The only appellants who get any conside.ra.ble reductin are the clients of Mr. John Hood--W. McLeod` whose assessment is reduced by $25 and E. Gordon who is_ reduced $30 Hub ng knuv I-Intvn 4-ax f\0|un 6`-\A:u n--as 'iIn fhe .. long fought dra'ina'ge ques- -tion-the West- Stmn.ida.le Drain--` 'His-:-Honot Judge Wismer has hand-4 ed:~cut.his_ judgment as `t6 the rights. (if the" a_.pp'el1ans. ` Thn f\'d|`un nose-uAnnLn out-`Q1-\ ...-L ...._-' Judge Wismer Practically, j Sustain: Townahipeof Sun-7 fnidale in the Celebrated % Drainage Case a Some objection -was taken that the report mentioned nb stated sum for. the work, and the ycas `and nays; lwerdabout to be cal1_ed. ' ' u.---.., v. `v-_ `awn JV-sol _ "A report. of he Market and Parks Committee` recommended that a pipe be laid from the water ma.in on Small St. into the Queen s Park for the purpose of watering the" trees the soqthcrly part of the-park. . " cred vxse ` -j1v2coVl>-er'ff- Zwas `appolnted' `caretaker of,-the re hall in VVard- 6, 'at a salary of $25 per` year. 1 q 1` '~ .;'Ac`c'oun t.:s totahing . $422.70 `~-were` pgssed for _paymAegt.~ - ' --- Vwunnctiv Viv. `:`T1_1e +B.arrie Band I" gendered "their serv1ces for a series of weekly con`- certs for-`the balance of the season. for the sum.o_f $190. A minimum number _Of_-I2 musxcrans was guar- anteed. e ;The` con"c)lit`io_n of .'Sunnidale Road, north of R. V. Hospital, was pointed out, and its immediate repair` urged. v'M`.r T-Tana-hfnn 1...... rant` 1.-.: vut, auu us uuuzculatc I'Bpa1l' urgea. `M317. Haughton Lennox, K,',C., had` a long letter explaining the points, of the new agreement` with the Bar- rie `Carriage Co. j ' I n'vI-1- ---v -Y--u _-.u .a.:xausy|.Uu: ` . Geo. `R. Warniaa.ar'1.d other,pro- petty` owners on Elizabeth St. pe- titioned wfor a~sewer`on that highway frbm a p`bint- 136 feet: west of Fran- ces St. to connect with sewer at foot. `of `I-Iigh'St., on frontage tax plan. A-n'up1.brA of requests wef fyle_d }fo`r la3_rmgA dorwn cement sidewalks [on var1ous`)`streets.._ A ~`.;_-T!A1;e,i= ~Townv 1C.ouncil_`sa.t until mid- tnlht --s9t1_; Monday `evening. There V _Was unusually large 'ga_Ll4ery, ow- ` lI_1g',!31alnlr to two matters--the Car- -nage :"Co. s by-`-law .._and the [cement walk contract.`gA deputationi from ti0n. The agreement`. having been '_exec1_;_ted,' the ;b.y_-law was introduced .and .rejeived", two. readings. It_was decid`e_d': b talcelthe v`ote"pn.`Mronda.y,"` , A118; I .. *,`` V i who -"_w`as the lowest` tehdetei. for ces, thent _. sidewalk Vgonstruetion;`--,appea3'- ed before`_ .the' C'6un{il' ;and`i stated that he would employ localb men on the job, .exc.eptin` ;3tl_;`i';eje` 01`? four `ex - perts.` VJ- J{t'1i't:h'er .,tha.t" . he would v 1)_I.tt_".t':,lt'_9`;: i`:,,-.'liis".V.-eement from `lo- ` cal V _.._de_'{af_`}"` " 3'1-I'e'A"p'rodii`ced `a letter frorfig.-f-,t,Al_f_i isst. City, Engineer," Tor- ontb;f;?aisE,-tp`~hi'sn qualications _forh the work," "`and efrred- to having` laid o the Town nf `Rramnfnn the Barrie Carriage C0, )-were heai-`cl-f` in regard`-Ft'9 the " con1pny s pro`posi- ' of V.'ITQroi.ii_t6, " down four iles of walk last year in . uvvvu Luur mucs OI. WBIK the Town `of Brampton, Can '0 ur-_..2-- -21 #`V"m'.;j.awio he submitted Aug. ism.` FTRAL ` Very Small Beduc,tionA. `or .m.:.1 In-It -1-:---9------,----d---I- f7FtGryA8reemi\t*Exc;ci1ted Tax hvlills--4.S7l;%ge.wiglk. Tfen[%l:%s{ OQUNTVN OI` ,8lMCOI_. AND THE DOMINION ---- wrw---ny-av yr V513.) VV\vl\n' IIUQI U0 I . , . . ` `A-Mr; Simon ` Dymentsai dv that, $95o' 'wa_s paid -annually} int_o the ` tpwn Ltrgasu'ry' by the company`, and its emp oyers.` He.,._gurg that 1`:Vh_e" loan _-1;w_ou`,ld' on the averagg only $400 '_a' 25" 1)_"eiop1 eV,j ci.,tiz-nrs gioffthci .1 ;(`.Gotgti.i11ed-:`_on vPag:_e,Eight`.r)-' T. __ --urvuv vs UIl&III1BF`lII d"e-c.i-ded, to plae a. tile cul-` 've;t -it corner bf, Berczy and Thai-`-. esa Sts. and to grade Be;-zy~ `St, nortlr of'LCo1lier St.,,cost not_,to ex- ceed $49 . : |uuyynJ out. IIIGI-CIIGI.` ' ` The Mayor ruled the,motion. out of. order in `the shape; itstoodg but Reeve Garden substituted {another amendment which was sustained on the` '.,followi~ng.x vote`: Yeas--Garden, Craxg, Bid`well,V Ball, ,H_o rsweld and Beardsley--Io. Nays-Garrett,'Pouch- er,s 'Cl_ar_k, _Walls and the Mayor--5. A .special _meeting to be held on `July 26th will dispose of the.matte_r.,' * ,Y;' _._s - .Lttle, Caldwell, Sprott, "Stapleton, L At t`1is sta e` the_ depVut`ati'on_from ,the Carrigage _ ox-ks wjgre: hcgtd. V .-- \' I , | `~`Il`|_4 '.V!.-,, f\ . -Deputy-4Re4eve Little moved an amendment to _the amendment, and at the suggestnon of the` Reeve .modied it so as to refer the whole matter back, with a view to the work be-i_n g done at home,_ the Town` to supply` the ma;teria`,l,= s v V A uyxvl LJGIIIC IIICII. .Ald. Poucherasked vhy rthe Tow advertised for .ten'ders.' He would prefer to see the town people get the tender, but the.y`had no right to {hold up the Town; Reeve Garden airmed that the Council s hands were tied. There was a-difference of $1272, and this was.more than he could see `his way, to give, much as he would'like to [see the work go to a townsman. He wvarited the `contractor bound down` Tti) employ Barrie men... . AIJ `TI 0 .. 5.... ..... ,uu nu a. u.uvvua1uan wnere at meant a loss of $1272, and declar- ed that the ratepa,yers"' would for- ever `hold it over their. heads as.a subject of ridicule. p rinTiPa1&?$t0F$% A P .._-v..v- uv ~--\. `-1171 I . Ald. Stapleton_th2o.ught it unjust to go bel1ind'the lowest tender, al- though he would like to see _the worn. done at home. I tNI'Zz;.}"_ believed it uttgr folly % _to give the Job to a. townsman where If fn.(-Inn! 9 Inc: at Cyan. .....l _1_-I_,, Ald. Beardsley put in an amend- ment in favor of giving theiccntract = to local then, provided they did the work at the price named in,the low-t est tender. He made a `vigorous plea` in support of his motion. Ald.; Craig endorsed this. Deputy-Reeve Little also favored the amendment, as local men: who were `ratepayers should come rst. He would go further and have; the "Town provide everything` but the `labor; ` ' Ald. I-1"-orseld supported the prin`- ciple of the lowest tender. It was not business to do otherwise. Twelve or fourteen hundred dollars differ- ence would be a considerable ad- yantage. to the Town. ` r Garrett said` it wa.n. t fair to lask the other tenderers to come down to the'same leve1'as4 the low.`- est after the tenders hadibeen open-_ ed. ' \.v|_ ed.A l Another reportby the same com- mittee precipitated, a. long debate. It recommended the iaceptance of T. G.` M cMmrray s tender _ for the iconstruction of cement sidewalks at 7;`/ac per sq. foot and at-8%,c for crossings on condition that Mr. Mc- Murray employ town labor as far ` as possible. .~ --=-r-vs.-,_ ;'A,ld. '~Stap let.on s Committee `re- ,commended- the -tender, of S, Peacock !\for.. the construction of Sophia St. [drain at the gure of $1300. ' ' 1324-.-!) 1).. ...-,-- "'\ V - V--.-v- 'The `Mayor statedthat he did not` know Mr. Peacock, but he did know Tuck. The ;latter had done work for the County, notably the job at Hogg s woollen mill and at Hinds" on Elizabeth St. His work; there was so `satisfactory that the {County did not deemv it necessary `to place an overseer. over hnm. cpnden --v v--u -art-IV vn Iraqvvo `Bidwell--Ball mov d. that` D. ~ J. ;Tuck s tender be accepted in place of `Mr. Peacock s.' This` was lost, only Deputy-Reeve `Caldwell and the Mayor supporting the mover and se- '1`i1;:"'I\ I";':1;:<)i"..-t.i1-<:>:1.gh_t that "Chair- man Caldwell might have given the 1 . 1: estimated` cost of. the proposed im-, p,x-ovement. \ __e report wits, however, deci'a.1 -ed. ag_op'ted.,, % - . .` .AI.I ,'n. . . . A `A-ld. H01-.s`V`eld' expressed `surpfise ;that- the. Council- should A be divided on a motion so 'i_mpo-rtant where the expense was trxmg. 'l`I_ , am 1 . . . run o of r 1' for I111 runs In , ,____,_;.___._ omgmo, ;:tn.y% 22,1909. _ Deputatiqix. . 0!: cinuana bun `caucuses. g A well known-gurejhas passed away in the be:-si of Silas` Hud ins, _who_ died~suddenly' last-week in es- V ta. on the` farm'beloging to one of ` is sons on the twe`1fth_lVinc_.,, He had ;.gptte_.'out to cut slome_-.ha,yj, and. took .al6: ).g L with .mn;1 as Iimei girl to A pick ;-a~ feWf}`[}_t fi;'g He. left I the V. horse .3111; 8{y;_;~nd`-* went; away -"toward. a. .. A938?-'.`.j0n.4 th-`Mace. among _ `Vubb ya Afgr;waitii1g.fbt % .13!!! iti-,.__iI_TI8'.- the-. . O!` ;'.`~=h{x.a ` at "' fk A ' =9` 1 i,5ilas!_ Hytdginq iiipires Sud- | flenly attlie Age of . -vv--- -o v-Ol\.nn\vI\l~ `, -Open for the season. Little Lake Summer Resort. Boats for hire. Lun_ all hours, also soft drinks, ice c tc. Board- ers taken.` Bus leaves Ofce every Monday and Friday e ' at 7 o'clock and Wednesday afte noons at 1.30 o'clock. Miss Lawrence. ` ~ - , . .t . V. At `the Winnipeg `Dog Show last week, -Mr, Harold Dyment made a great` clean-u_p._with his threetcocker spaniels,` B-rookdale Violet, Brook- dale Toby and Brookdale Dolly, win- ning nve .rsts "and two. seconds. In `addition, the" captured a special .with . Brookdale -Dolly, for best novice bitch of any color, and a special for bestthree cocke'rs`_:'at the show. The reports speak very highly of `Brook- 'gialgV._i_olet _;who is -described as be- ing _ algnost perfect of her` kind. 'M`r. Dymnt was much pleased _'with the Lyyay the `:sho'w was conducted, every rdeta .beiz_m - ell managed. L Orillia beat `Barrie rather decisive- `ly.at cricket here on Tuesday, the locals losing by Io.wicket`s. Barrie made 42 and 26; Orillia, 55 and 14 with. one _wicket down. The home fteam could not negotiate the demon bowling of.Blacl<, who, by the way, is an old international. Cook and Banting were the most successful of the local `trundle:-s. $355: well s.' Carey, 'Sr., has left for Mon- trea; ` a buying trip for the Carey Shoe. - hey ex- pect to `secure a can-_ load 0 oes at- about half prices for their Barrie E-branch. ' --.- vvwvvu T { -Contracts have been let in connec- tion with improvements to the post ,.oice building, and on` Saturday a vGovernm.ent ofcial `was in Town looking afterlthe matter, The con- tracts include. repaxrs m pamttng, cave troughing and tuck pointxng, and work will begm in the course of a couple of weeks. All the con- tracts are held by local contractors. t._tl'ou 11 `enjoy it. What? The Union Excursion of the Baptist, Congregational. Christ Church and Salvation Army 'S1mda36~"_ ; gs, pm Wednesday, July `28th, to - 1 Bay Point. Watch` for the program of sports.. S. A, Bapd' in attendance. F -Suar4s--f iCane GI `prcseiggf - "'.<-~_-. _ ,` H` _._.1n.-.. 3... .... `G6 to, Wilkinso;1V s fg; avlvl D17. ;,.:r:, .. of slabs, sawed and split? en " wish `and sold per cord, nt ox I loads, - ' _,_ At `Elmvale `On v\/Vednesday last Inspector Duff had Duncan Gillies, an interdict, before R. H.. M-iddleto-n, J.P_.,' on a [charge of being under the inuence,o_f_liquor. -Gillies was ned $10 and costs. _u_-;-.n.-`. :.:.u1L_y .I..ld.ul.llLUIl,. Daggageman on` the Penetang `Branch, was thrown from a car on Mlonda even- ing and had his ankle severely sprained, necessitating his absence from duty. . V ' Arm, -c ' 0-- Q JJCGI ll Vurday rq See wand .Luc u:prcscnt.a.uve 401 .\a comb 1n- dustry was .in Town on Tuesday looking over` the factory sites in company with -Mayor Vair and other members of the Industrial Commit tee. . . `Mfr. Harry Hamilton, baggageman `On fh apPn't-Nfonrr :11.-o.....L ----- - ..v.v-- --.. ,nvVVl I 9 V--`iAp_paTr`ently, the Carey Shoe Co.. are going to sell `boots. and shoes in this ` V _ e appearance of their store last Satur . prices bring the, people every time. A `\Mjchael. Chatilla. a. Jew, was ped- dling lace in the Town on :M.ond;'a.y.. P.t-C. Wm. Sweeney has a Watchful eye for such things, as =MichaeL had no Iiense. Result-,$2o and costs. 'm.- ___,, - -- - A * _-___.` __._..J-, -an-us \a\.u\.Vao ` The Islay broughtiildown a /big, crowd from `Orillia. On its regular trip` Tuesday. This is the popular boat on the `lake. Thos. Clark," having imbibed too. much red-eye, becam_diso1'derly and fell `foul of P. `C. Lamzbie. He get $1 and cpsts to think it over. . _ _ evening, July _29th, at 8 p.m. Note the date. ' l-Lint_9A_L7,t.`.`_:.g,;;.g;o , _ s_._ and jellies awavsm s c 2. n::I-H-1I- een nch - and % "`59-`.9`}r?.JE4!::, 31W_3ys* In stock a A-.. _ _ , -.I -Q -. A`*2large number oFBarrieites at- tendd Mr. Herb Lennox s picnic at Ja'ckson s Point yesterday, going by Strs, Islay. and Geneva.. ' ha 5:; uanuu. LIIC > rggular trips window cards; Lfpund Dead; ..___ `V.-__u 1" representative .of.\a comb in- urge :.. l`......... A... *n---,v .-. zusudy 3.110. -Dab idf the Str. Islay. Pl muuufm Aoiu " ' . ` `UNCLE 60"`. "V! GENT. yservice be best, - helpful nrnn L... V ,,__- _ it-at _.I`yot'trJm;it. ' m ` from here. there ll be In `doubt nbqngy V xvinguthe best in the mt;-hot, ; . V A. Suits -I` 87.80. snug, stun "ta. chino ti` to ' .5- ` _. , pictnmto ya};-`self ' Coat and. , on s e "m'*Straw Int,-nutty nets. ' Lthe at. ` . fl-Iere s Su1n[3t_xer `Mr. Fred TL. _Hodg_son of |Colling- wood, Miss Mabel McDonald of Newark, N.J., and Grace MC,- Lean of Collingwood spent Mionday in Town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Wood`, -Clapperton Street. A Vmarria.g.e- of intetestito many in `Town took glace` on Wednesday, `July 14th, at udbury, when Rev. E. 5. `Logic united in marriage Mr. Richard H. Buchanan of West Tor- onto -and Miss Etfa. M.orrison,,. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "David Morrison, Bayeld St. out and. made an inquiry, but did not -hold any inquest, as it was known that deceased was subject to heart `disease and frequently had weak spells, and it was believed that the -eifortof climbing the fence. had pro lcipitated an attack. The interment took place on Monday morning in ._Union cemetery from Smitl'1 s` under- taking lestayblishment. . Deceased was 73 years _of age, `Mr. J. Frank J_ackson,. President of the Photographic Association of Canada, is attending` the `Convention of the American Photographi-c As- sociation being held` this week at Rochester, N;Y.. ' Hon. J. S. Duff, Minister of Agri-- culture, and Mr; Haughton. Lennox, K.C., M.P., attended the. Episcopal Church garden `party at the old Gavs iller homestead_._- B'ond Head, on Thursday.eveni ng,_ the Isth inst. Mr. e_John Salesof 'I`oronto,_a. form- er resident of Barrie, was in town `over `Sunday. When he left: Monday for the city he was accompanied by his foster mother, Mrs. Ann `Lacey, ;who will in future reside with him. 'Mlaster Harry El1is,. son- of -Mr. and 'Mlrs. Ellis, Ross Street, has con~ valesced so far as to be able. to be moved outdoors- He is now home from the hospital- 'Mr. and Mrs. J. homa, -Mrs. and Mrs. J. `Fox-syth. Crawford and children `St. Louis, `Ml Fofsytrh of. Okla- Caldwell of Alton, Ill. of 0., are staying with Mrs. " Lu. Tho Rev. S. `-VV.estney and family of Bolton are occupying their cottage at Big Bay Point for the remainder of the sum_mer._ `Messrs-. Meaford Webb (Kezrr) and Warren Johnston. (Corinthimf) are representatives to Masonic tGranii Lodge, meeting at London [this week. M :-. Nathaniel Hughes of Good- lands, M.`an., is -renewing. acquaint- ances in Town, after an absence of several years. ,Mrs. J. W. .`Claxton will. receive `with her sister, Mliss Rodgers, on Thugsday, July 29th, afternoon and` evenmg. _ `Miss Lillian Ander-.ton.'of Lansing, is spending a few weeks- va- cation with her mother,. Mrs, James Anderton, ,,_ -...-~ ufnu L ally QUUHU. 'Mr;' and Mrs. Wm.. Msdore .1eft Monday for a two weeks hohday the lower lakes and the St. Lav 1')`c8. ' . ' 7 Ana vv. m. vvrxgnt and little daughter of Owen `Sound are guests \of the former s sister, Mrs. J. M. Smith. 1' Mliss Dougall of Port Ar- thur is; spending her vacation with her parents. _ vvun 1155!! Lo ` lll'\:1"r;.-v, ~Hunit.er of Sudbury is holidaying at his home here for a. _couple, of weeks. ' . 'M31=s. V. English of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with her parents on Henry Street. ' ' Mr. and `Mrs. Will Ness left on Tuesday for a two weeks visit "at l0-tter Lake and Parry Sound. 1 .`M'.." -_4 us _ Beaupre. -- --- -\.rvv1o- . `C. Irwin was back in Town for a ifew days during. the week. .Mi's.s M. Kearns, Collier Street,_is visiting the shrine of Ste.. Anne de .';MIr. H. M. Dyment. returned. on Saturday after a two weeks trip to Winnipeg. `Miss Mmriel Reid of Port Hope is spending a few -weeks with her aunt, Mi1s.. -Vivian. ayuuuulg 3. IC M 113.. .V1vian. lln - mm `Miss A.fN.' Hunter of Toronto is viiting x_:elatives- in Town. `In- Aoiuuc? LDKVQ hes "Io `IIUIIUIIIIUII. V `lumen: street. la:-_n-Ia g `co ':..:f:9- IV`) I K in ti 3 Bmiuew , 5131313 &g3.vh;:dMW Robinson House" * A mo BAY POINT CEDAR WANTED` q Highest price in cash paid for good coda; lebolts, delivered in Barrie or at gay, (LT. . siding within one hundred miles of name. J H. CLARK, shingle Manufacturer. | Blrne. Out. I . tf L Pat.-A. ly mu; % --:-n-- gmun-v CHURCH sznwczs SUNDAY. mu 25m cg. 16. A 13'.-tuting salary, to W. F..G'1-ey. Iluwuu umuu um tuwuw. uuucu W OOHHDGIIOO I b:oTrea.s.. hornwn. 26tf A_ lcacnan w'ANTEb r Km 1 h n `School. S.S. No.6.Inn`i)s:.l. 1Sa?:8)r'1enBHg vlthnd class certicate. Duties to commence .'-Am. 16. Annlr. s-tnimr nnlm-v fn W l` 121-...- ........w.uwu. pnuycnu n.uruu:z`|y Known I8 mtuten Sanitarium. situate at the. hand or e:dst..Barrie, bein Lot 6. comprisln 23 Iaesotland. Splendid bu ldings. and altos er" ylmost attractive location. Apply` In B. j'lARKER. Allandale P.O. . h `.23-tf |*&3gv..2* |Wa\.uuuu v- .... V. ' """ `V9 annua- l. Strond Plxbculioolz . S/'[`ule preterm-1' I Vwithindclass certl- t,. . `Ier summer holicfgyvg. D'lll`EaitectL;n1(:):(i)!L`l`sme:3`t.: -go$1ldbesent to R. J. BLACK. Sec y., st;-cud. \ 3729 v '!3y tl1cr;1<')`rn-t-I-1:):-:w'.o;z'1`r-.' (~.33'.i'5a"Z to a. con] L01. Apply to WM. J. GOO FELl4$W. mizvnle - 27.ll'!n ` Church ggzngxand u VII Gaul: VII RBI"! 6 Thu desirable property formerly known mtuten head Old St. Barrie. hainnr Lnt. I`. nnvnnnlnlhn on lat s , r . G 1 ahlns :1;.?;fl;:?_53na`' $33.23? an? Refresh- _ o a k a dove dsyuuolvdinc a). s;J`cs?.f"i1`.ne onqvlxcursion days. 8. G. H. JURDON. 4 1 13' I7; , MR0! terms and further 1'8 4 ucmm \vAN'y1:I) for s. s. No.10. Innis; n|,Strond Pubhc School. Mule preferfqtl, with 2nd class certicate. Duties to anmmmmn `Mama u j we 9.0. sdu1ons' TENDEM HA:-`cant: 3nANc'i-I 91, 1). MORTON. Mhnaget-i. ii-NTED-'l nrce s_;nm nurrinon HEAR.` An In.-Holy Communion. I.-Morning Prayer and Sermon., ~-Evensong and sermon. M All Welcome. beats Free. AlV'l`l`{lI- xtggtac mum carnage e.` "A ` rna1c%co., ma. " ' YL4N'll`El) g<:;Jt1idianc;radss fe\;z:gt tor gld-cl coupe. 1 ` , n to are. , $5xy.2u SMALL .% 1.3-;p,,-_ --- %s6.ooo.oo,oA;*=a*4%%*% T . f ....- '9:_*.!'5` ome to nk suit- conven- weekly, month. ust or is truly ds, Car.- Cloths, y Cm- 'l`..I-.1- E3.--W Wzlxlcl build up` `a t7eSe'r;'_ ;r ` lV>` . gllllyv ; Wen a Savings Account iv` fuc best way to db thls mel bula Ballk, 011 VVhi'C'hA Will be paid regularly, at high- Lw current rates T ` `- :21: will lessen your W01-piles,` -.and increase your self-respect. .___.__ :-_-nn -- if ,1 'I ., wvou win always be able '~t0*-'%d64: . You. have 110 >g`%*"331t'f: ` `present work, orfi-m'al{"g% :65 T - .0 J o . .:'yg:, present mcome. It 13*-w1s,j-3 E`:.,{},,-efore,-11ccessary in '_`f,act~,-._t`o_ Wasidc a certain amoumerege-` ......m and uI> a t`*eserve' Ew ADVERTISEMENTS. mm HAND wnwrsn. .._.-_.L __ .4.-- %'.2an"%' ~ v','.' % ./V0`. /--I--Zj FOR SALE OR RENT.-_ ..l-..Ll.. - __ NOIIGE '4 Lk-Iltilll so-n-Va. ';\?5-.-_- and t`*esev;v' Free. TM-u 1.t-:a'j`f3L:- V, Pnonunour. 1 : mr valuable Propmy for BIlding.=.l5m- V poles ih tl'1_e_TovInxo' ` ` _--- bv-'-'- vIoLINs."cuI1rfAns. Iqu Every instrument Strings a spec; Mas. G. Vieenanl `I113;-I 3;]! E. Edison `lilac graphs % and,.Su|3__ o_o- _ nu-n Int: '1-II-Q-I inl I.` WW `THIGH: II" ' "`" "' A. w. wILK'I'N'oN-s u:.......: at ncmm Van! & Milli John St. ] \/UlL'` Table lothing.` t miss , rts- and at bar- -v--`I-VIC`. IITIEH ' P.0 OonneIl.,Propx-ietor. opp. an`? MA arr . ' .4. p.-:..cessme. Wmmpex Fu-at Class Accommodation. Remodelled ` T and Refurnishgd Throughout. Simmons &.'ca. Wzmx Tnavmnmxva Was? 31: mm 81-09 41' mm H:n4--.__ -- is: next. - MA R i"E S-13 T E L I , n'n.u.....n tI'...__: - 4.- _ 1i9`z`:$% and Stt:;; : L'a2z'ies "anvd_ j We are `ready }w2't/z,,z zscwing if you 543/ efa re Sqt. Gen`t.r" i\Fur;-hlz':e;zzL Caats. _ tg_J.ya;za_ offroriz 20` la 35% per p-J - ` ad}` --r_-.__ ...v. 2.000 Oiillles a; 699. . Ask for tree catalogue. . s H at ? zgif '<';;$aoa%n1.nn:oIs .T~'F.u$t_y,- Low Prion. Bent Value:-at-- --- ...n--~n1.nAn1.3Alll and & son; Sand .1: Split. ` Speclgl attniion to mail OE; W ___- - --- _,-,-;` `Action ;l;dvTone Regulator,` __?ia.n`os Always on Hand For Sale; 1|- AA-g- .____--- "' T "' ` H K , All Kinda. Bop: Quauy, 0225' F24}: -Var; ~1?e!z"d/e. ----hi PIANO-TQNER

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