41 3~ Pet_ex-borough. A1`: A 1 so: V f_')ll' ` Barrie. use AB R" H'PO A E p A A . - ABvIV{"HA PO'A 1: A A . - - The marriage of Jane Maclaren, daughter of Mr. and Mfrs. Robert Miller, `Mt. St. Louis, and Mr. Os- wald Henry Swan, son of -Mr. and Mrs. John Swan,Vasey,owas solem-U nized at the home of the _ bride s parents on Tuesday last, by Rev. A.{ J. 'Fowlie. The `wedding march was. played_ by Mrs. J. `Swan, while the' bridal -party` made their way to the lawn where the ceremony was per- formed. The hride" was attired in an prinitess gown of white embroidered silk mull and _carried bridal roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss M'a.ry,'M.iller, who-wore a pale blue frock. t-r_immed_,.with `lace. The groom was assisted by -Mr Thomas `Rankin, of ~Wye`bridge," to whom he gave a pearl -scarf pin. His. gift to the bride was a gold watch, and-. to the bridesmaid av pearl crescent- After the wedding breakfast Mir. and Mrs. `Swan .. drove to Orillia where they took. the evening train for Toronto andlNiaga`ra,-. the bride travelling in i a nav.&-l5l_i1e,- three-piece suit with hat -to. _mat'eh. -*. A I _ e ` ` l Str.V Islay yvill convey a large party of Barrieites to the Point (see dodgers), and those who have no other employment on that day will do well `to Join the band of merry- makers; If you have a.ubaby, take it along. Pet-chance `it may -win the gold neck chain donated by the com- n_1ittee for the prizes beauty. l /`On: Wednesday next, Mr. "Herb. iTLennox, .M'.P.P., that stalwart young apostle of Liberal-Conservatism and] erstwhile` conqueror of Elihu James, `will be the central gure in what is described to be a mammoth pic-nic at Jackson's Point, under the aus- pices .of the North York Lib.-Con. Association. . ' k | wen`, uvu uuu_cy aruu xuajor Jonn Alexander Curne wnll all be there. A big` program of sports `will be top- ped off in the evening with a grand display of pyrotechnics. I } _Th galaxy 9f speaking _ta1ent en-1 8`38eC.1I ls Jdazzlgmg. DS1r. Plmy W'hit- 1 `I133 3) 3.; 0 , , P , ' I i Du ROB );:nrnu -13$! l) ,TI3?.\..Jn; n.:rEX I , _ , - l i . Wlhether it's a. case of rolling up! majorities (and incidentally turning zd0Wn political opponents), building `prodigious canals or holding bump- er demonstrations the score is al- ways the. same. " . *' 1 V 1 `Down North York way they 'n.ev-i ier. do things by halves. They simp- ;1y goithe `whole hog.` - } C-~~2~E~I~2~2 ~2-I~ s-2-I~I-1-I-I-I-I-. co Bevan & AWAN EVER um gjyillfurpass '5 We`1h_yep'_tJ.;space = h5:re`_t_o_ . ,_.`.._4.~! _'_L-_ . V` HO 2 FOR JACKSON S swA'N...mLLER. Y Jay F037, Doc Pyng: Ji1"r1Zrr`1Vy` 30b Gamey and Major John: F199 (`no-1-`A up! all 1... 1.1.--- ` A `r ' I reman e~`4t1e5_n 2&5? `V. r` I` `V . I_: .K -v -v.--; ---nus JUN IICVC CVCY i ;t_ell ot,_1_' hpw we s " .,,,Igula,t`;lxn -:::..; _` a`nd`S E. * rm ` ' on y}_[I; seen before- ' I.-.`_'..;.z=-.`;;_. - I0 ' 9.. A.L:c }t`A1:T`-M5'0`RRI'S-At the Par` ` ,>39'!38e. Collier Street. on July 7" `- RV...'I."G. Bowles, B.A.. B-D tert"V. Wyatt of Craighursi vita` tMt3r F: -Mton-is of Midhurst. I . . 7 '7 77' 7 01-do:-otor new connections. chamzos or m "NU. changes of street addresses or fordUD- Jiogto eat:-ion should be handed in at once to I pg; - -____-_- u u1-..,..snr V ' . 1 BORN. JOtH!NS'QN-_-At Craigval c. f 2nd, "1900, to Mr. and I Jolinsgn, a son. W_0`V~ERV5--At Barrie. on Jul) \'0`VERS--At` _Tu1)'A`1t3h[:r' i' 1909 ~to Mr. and Mrs. -ht? Qvers. twins,` Son and d:u.1g I-th SMHTRI-At Utopia. Jul.y'TIhos. . .I909.[a`son to Mr. and .\Ir.~. Smith. K `IRE am TELEPHONE cum 7 or cmna I I you look into our cr-.-ii: care ully, you will find it :11; lljqv fairest, simplest and 1:: _~: in-f;,:"" ever offered. You sim;>i_\` `-:1`.~~ `us, select what goods \'-'.: tl1i::':~; able, tell us how it wouhl l: or: :7- ient for you to pay. citluer every two Weeks, or once :1 :`.`u..:i:. Could` any'thing be lI`mI": ju~: gr reasonable? The selcctim: i~ 1.-:21; great, consisting of Dry Cm-sl<. Cris pets, Rugs, Linoleuztis. 0&1 C;-:'~.a Lace, Chenille and T:1;w:~try `C117- ltains, Chenille and T21pe~t:';.' 'l`.'u?c Covers, Men's and Boys C!w:l:i:.,r. Gents Furnishings, etc. Dm`t mass the sale of Ladies` Suits. Skirts and Spring Coats, as we llIl\' gr at har- gains in them, ` Business Strictly Condential. '_l'HE _a5fu=u: V-nesdasz July 7311. .o ' .sot},'forme,rly `or ` 1`11)i"1A1]`J)1'_x'_I'S'.'L 3* -- 0. .L. No.: at'tl`1Tded;?,_1isN"iie. _.iV`Orahip at Elizab__eth Mletbg _, , , . . g . The marriage took; Place o,n`V\/zed-g Miss! Annie Steele, daughter of r. `and lV_In's.~ I eter,$tecl,e and Mr. j eorgc g. ,9, . is`: Church on Sunday e.KKe_nix_1-g i`n .cutr'1:-.. .5. _ r`e n.= rpm _ "`_.AB,;z_%afx`f.-`_ 9dze'.,% .and=` heard Rev-;J.,:V . % A heady-"P.t'eac4h; a Y !,'Y_; Qf % " y--. ,` .,, -H` with their brt ZFITIFIIE iouseftinishing M I). n, nnvlncnm p.......:.mr NEW TELEPHONE IIIIIEGWRY. I IT IS EASY TO PAYv- THE BARHTE HOUSEFURNISHING COMPANY'S `WAY: '0? I8 DISTRICT OF CENTRAL ONTARIO. Including NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY n. is.` Hlnson. P3 riet(-)r- 33 Elizabeth St. (Kidd B.ock.) Rtnro nu-nun: Q 4. n. ..lnn.m 9 n m BARR: E. On`! BUZIIDCUI DE. (lxldfl bl0CK.7 Store opens 8 a.m.. closes 3 p.m. Is ABOUT` 'l`0 ISSUE A V-`7B',_<'>rn-To Mr. and:`Mrs. `Arthur Overs on Monday, July 12th, twins: f---son and daughter. - ' ` l'II1.. `I"'II f - an A\ 4 `up . , -A`: i..l`c;1"i1}4na3nr. MARRIED. HT-tn uuu.-. nae in this 15, 19`) uvuu v_4 nu : ."_;I_"h; 'n;;r1-iage `of Rev. 'VAmosi Vaxjid M-iss Robena ..Thom_1Qon :o}O:'.il -, . flia willggk; place oun '.usday,lfI,`uly| 271}-L ---- so-cw:-cowl * Will Logue `of Omaha, Neb., site; _a year's ,absen_c,' is renewing -acquamtances here. u--o vuv , v1\/Easter Hward Lee mitA1g.of{?Hm-% ilton is visiting at his gx"andfa]thr's, Mr, C. ,Catcherf s. '- < ` ` ' 7' _-. ___ ` W g Stan; prached to .the Orangemen op `Sunday mormpg. Barrie Lodge Joinedwith No`.`_42,_ . 'l`I.....- ..'.:n L- - -' f....._ _.-`.a`, ,vuo~u vtasu` AHIJ. I936. I There will be a Lcongredajtibhialj meetinig to-niglt (Tvhursday) hi [the Presbyterian `tr rs `.- gxrch. ~ - -1--- uvu nnnuu .Ms; Eva '1:Ii:.>"<.>.x-:""of `I-'IaLt.tiiltbn'V il `holidaying at her home d9v.B'mdford Street. 1 --..J ---5 vvovol O'9|D_o -I I o NICIIIILIIIO .M'rs. Jos. I-Iolme; `and VMh's. W. Cannon are visiting in Cleveland. _B_4 aster Galbraith of Toronto is vxsnting his uncle, Mr. L. Spearin. .'I\.f.. -ur.'n 'r~_- W, . - - - - - --a snow vovnnvnv 'Il..Io Judo IJPVGIIIIQ ` `Mr. `Will .Cra.vyford of, Toronto was among the v:sitor's,.he1fe.qn' the 12th, V . o ' ' -Mliss Jennie Ambrose is visiting her sister in Parry Sound.. ~ 111-- (`._L_!., ,9 H - I '- "Miss :uiaine Us "c"a:i'e`1'aga, Eas; is staying with Mrs, R. H; Canno-n._ `Alt... 1 . .Mirs. A." Wilkinson is visiting" friends 111 Toronto. I '11:- Mir. F. T. Williams of Sch:-ieber i ' visiting his family here. ' A - I .`ll.__ 11' 1\_n 9"` _ Mrs. `Stringer of Port Dover is visiting frie.nds.he~re. A `Mr. Trask o-f Orillia, is spending a few days with his brother. ` .l.I':.... E`..-._|-3 - - _, _ . _.J ..u - v - u on _lI\J Ill \lUl\vl I Miss Frankie `Murray has return-V ed from Scarboro. V 4 V - - V V - -:5 ----1 on.--haul IO\Ib 80 Mrs. H. Dollery is visiting in To- ronto. . ' ` Miss. Ethel Storey of Paris is home for vacation. - A & . Reg. 1.00 for 79 ; FANCY VESTS ~ Reg. 1.25 for 95 H in all the latest `patterns and - aRe8- 1-50 f' [I5-V colorings, checks and stripes, Reg. [.75 (02.00 for 1.50 *M*2~?!~~2*?$~'!~ ~$W:i~M**`! Todd the Clothien-Q White Duck Pants, the cool- est you can` war. Reg, 2.75 to.-A32.oo V Reg; 3.50 for : Reg. 4.75_for 3.50 A Never were bought fQ3'- t.he money, but we can't afford to carry them over. V 16 Light Grey Hogme-Spuln 2-piece Suits, in checks and stripes, sizes 35 to 40,. ranging; in price from 9.50 to7\50 I 13.00, while they last... H r-: .sTo`nE O cm A L | T`Y1 A T A fN,b:iv thgg the 3 's(1r.11iiferJ" is" here, % you%% ' ,wi ll;1ed.soh1Lt_h`in`g tliatfi looks` cool and feels cool` and,1-for%thi s rea;son,.w.-, rpurpose giving you this -week a few bargains` -in 4 Eastrzl Partof Vil;er_s' Store. ' .._ ----.. ...v' :10` vvwlj uauac. `, .' to _the .culinary`d_epartm,nt, in; the znterests 9 &he_pa_I:,tcn_t's ,.you Gm` Well. afford to . _c_o_ntmu ygug-' hprgsent servxce. No words .cou'ld.,be -_:dnside_re ed _..ext`rafvaga_nTt-. 1_n_ _..\36_ul`1'li8A_tl3' the `mses of . this institution, "pf'.`.thje card of 05 W1!'h`f `have the" honor. tQ:\.bQ_{I. ;fide11tL_ ' %~Be;1ic1(_em3_;. 3yotis_ .-V.er_y_ truly} ; -- ---~---v--up o ui-VUQVUIJ W*lIIc~ l;I_lC_l'C.` E Nothing could . excel` the skillful iattgntion, kindly sympathy :-andl c on_- lgtant vdevotxoia to duty fo-f t`l1elSup`er-4 mtendent,_ Miss McLedna"n`, and"l'Ier cicient staff , of H nurses, ,`;who, had I wished to, complain,* have wholly;dis- `armed ' me " of I `everiy .- causc. B- .._ : , " ` . "`.A_ 1.- -,7, ` . I A;De-a'x'--r. Strathy,-I'aPaving jsty spent a month in the Royal Victgna Hospital, _V I: have` concluded t`hat~ ,it was -duey9ur Board and `the Hos- pital` staff that I should speak a. word .In qommendation of `the ' `general treatment I receiifed while. qth_er_e.'_L M.-.a.I.:`.... ----m' a- ' * TRIBUTE To THE nosprrAL' The folvloing letter, which-, is only one example of many, will speak for. itself : - _.Barrie, Ju`n_e'13, 1909. 1.! LI ' da...'....I.L_ *r:--` i ition was performed to relieve the pressure on the brain, _but the un- fortunate young man died on Mon`- day without regaining consciousness. Ryrie, who was only 22 years of age, was a Scotchrnan and ran out of Al- landale where he had resided for the past three years. He was very high- ly r,espec,te.d,by`his intimates. . De-r ceased was unmarried.` Two of his brothers reside in Toronto, `where interment took place on Wednesday. Level Crossing .Accide_nts. - The Railway Cor_nrm`s,sion has di- rected all rail ay companies to fur- nish by Sept.`Ist a return showing all crossings at which`accident_s have -occurred since Jan. 1st, 1990, In the (\.` ililtnn -.._--3-- ..--...u so\-\v|\|\pll|-9 IIGVC socc11rred'i's`i'11`c"e'Ja.n. Ist,` I9oo._ `In the case of `every crossing where more than one has occurred` there must be a statement of [the protection exist- ing.- The statement, which is to be full and explicit, must be certied to by at responsible Qicenof the "com- > pany-: _ A , _llCll 1.5:, J I. H. S rathy, Esq; Pres} -E-Iospital Board; V Barrie. . ` _ on - ` 7 We have the largest range that can be _seen.. anywhere in a retail store. All`-the latest in checks and stri es of the. very best material. hese are most- ly W. G. & R. goods, and do not require any further recom- mendation, sizes from-I4 to 18. ranging in_ 'size.frdm 35 to'42. . Reg,` [.00 for_ 79. Reg; L50 for 1.15 Reg.. 2.00 for 1.49 Reg. 2.25 to 2.50 for 1.95 SUMMER SUITS. OUTING PANTS, FANCY VESTS and sH1RTs}mrwm make -you` sit up anti take notice.` \ T SHIRTS ,- .Beterbo_rou'gh=--Callaghan ground-' l -_`,,d;~` C0 {sjhg`rts_top. 7iShAaVw:_;La.nnLed.- . Craig. `jlgeat out ,a hunt along.-wthe third-"base `g1n.,vah?i `_stq!e.`sec_oi1d, g ;M.`,O ~B_rien '3' t N0` 1.7-1 VV "15.gs_"z` 1'-v-W -'-" `- iv an; uvur I-`U tuna. 'i"i:'i;d7- innin s--.~Ba::rie-'4-M`cNab;b ;grounde.d, to Fla 1'.1_:y,'Cruie fanned Land Sqottg s ibcst was _ a. grounder` to h$ ndlc' nice, c _No' /t_-uns.', I*.`la,he` ` gwhich4,the.;secohdL baseman?` f-rx._.;_,.,- ,, c IV _t:: ;;rborough--:M.V` `O'Brien '.was gout. on .a grounder. to Burton. - H. O'Brien 'b_`ea..t out a [roller to V. short. and fsitole second. `Kendry`dro've one between` short and thit;d, .for a single. Flahert _` w'ralked, 4_l.ling.. the` bases; With tv tee .o`n;_,:hancsr,lpoked. good, but ."Cutt_is` `fgnned: `and `M`cFa_.ddcn ',)uqted "a`=y L to Bu;-Aton.. T W No `jruns. ' `I-.`I.:-.I f7 ;_`s;_ . ..'... --.- -th e,cu:hi ons.. No rjms. .__-.... ...-... `tnuaa auannnuuo I-VU Ilalllo `Second Inningse--Barrie--Mlee-kin was safe on" 9. grounder to Kendry; a fumble placing him 0.1; first. Cof- fey -singled. ;-'Pyrer" sacriced. Fla- herty to ,0 /Brien. M Todd fanned and- Burton`-*did likewie; Iea,\ri=ng_'twq on ' Peterborough-4Calla han lifted one tofleft. which -`Mic abb grabbed, Shaw and `Craig fami__d. No runs. ' IEJ--, -_ 1 LU! LIIIFII LC-Illa `,- ~ Dan McCabe` umpired and gave good satisfaction to everyone. Hie had a number of close decisions, but got away with them well, and the crowd and players were satised. The game by. inVnings> was as fol-_ lows : ~ First Ihhi:ggs--Barrie--Cr'uise- per- ished on a high _ to Kendry. . The shortstop and _ ' ltlaglmin collided, but the ball wgs held.. "Scott ozoned. Rowe_went outv on a "grounder, Ken- dry to O Br1en.. No runs. ` .:Ab')ut three_hu_ndred` fans saw? the game, e..m`aJor1ty of them hailing from ame, and they rooted hard for their team. 4 . \ "'"s- r"'(."`"` . This ~Barri_e:aggregati_on has been fp collecting `some , fame`, in the. past ` _couple of, years. "by trimming pretty near everything that they have come across`, and they have played all the Toronto senior.-teams .as well ;;s.fast nines true; all over the province. `They have! well-balanced team who . have been ;playing together for some. time, and `it speaks pretty, well for the calibre of_ ball payed in the local, City League that, a team picked at random and without any practice to-' -gether shouldrbe-able to hold Barrie to 3'to I in an extra innings engage- - ment. -It shows local fans that there {is some quality to the -City League, ahd _the games-_shou'ld be better pa- tronized in future. ~' . - ' There was mourning in the ranks of;'the'All._ Stars when it. was learned" that Quinlan would not be able to be on hand to _,piteh, but Yebbie Flaherty stepped intothe breach ` and h_anded out the gilt-edged article, `in twirling; Flaherty has'not pitch- ed for two years since that memor- able~ occasion when he twirled for the Petes,_against' Cobourg, when `Barry, of. Providence was on the ,slab for-the Lakeshore team. He `was in grand fettle yesterday and the Wayiln which he shot them over, had the fans as well as the Barrie. hitters guessing. He had perfect control, allowing nary a charity, while he was touched up for but seven hits, several'of them of a uky nature. Hehad speed, curves and everything else, and the crowd was glad to see him back in his old ..time form. Thirteen Barrie sluggers succumbed to his seductive shoots. The team behind him gave him good support, although errors lost the game. McFadden, of the T.A.S., al- though he has never worked with Flaherty before, caught in almost faultless style and performed splen,-|j Ididly behind ' the bat. The ineld A was composed of M. O Brien of the T.A.'S. rst, `Callaghan of the T.A.S. second,` Kendry of the Straths short- ` stop, and Craig of the Straths third, while in the outfield were Shaw and Curtis of the Straths, and Harry O Bl'ien. of. Park St. ' .-T\A- 4 l . ` 831113`. -up uwvv-o\oo- The game was.a. series of blanks until the. sixth when both teams scored one run. LFrom them until the eleventh there was no more gearing, but Barrie --rushed two over In that chapter and annexed the \' Qf.O&IIv \ll' 5 GIll\ JVu |`' `Doc. Burton, the youth who was to have had a. try w1th.Toronto last! spring, was on the slab for `Barrie, andright here is 3. good place to re-` mark that Mi . Burton, -although youthful, is clever and=has an assort- ed- collection of benders that kept the homesters swinging hard and hitting easy. Only ve hits were made off. him, and outside of the se- cond innings, when the Petes lled the bases with one out, and in the sixth, when they scored the only run, was he in difficulties. He struck out thirteen, but gave three charities and hit one man. .His assistants played good ball, especially M eeking at second. . jthie " 'Pete,1:l$oro` Exagtliher of : =July`A8`_`th.")' . `- ' .l - ."a.ir?-.a.t `the l.oeaI. ball .ya'i`d yesterday, in which. the well i-eputed d versatile athletes of the Barrie`. an C-."lub_ stacked up against a h,and'-pick- ed aggregation- of citizens who Idis-v `port themselves- on Saturdays in the `local City League, had every care mark` of being some ball game. While the, stall-fed ball tossers from the. Shores of Kempenfeldt Bay walk- .ed away with theflaxge `end of a 3 to I score, It was only after eleven innings of /classy baseball that the Barne cohorts were enabled to bite Off enough of the counting stall? 1'.- gnnex Ja. vxctory. The//` _fans sa`L_Lw one` of "the l_5e_st lflfvi;-\n' an ---A .:.uc1.ldlI5 .5a,W one, OI the pest games` In year and they were t1_ck- led to qeath` with the engagement and with the showing made by the loci] players . 'I"'I..:,. .`D......:. ._.H - -' ` vB nLtri I3,f:a;td% 1Peter%bo1-.4}; in _ a Hu1d_Game. " ` y -v--w ' Iflgl Peterborough--4Cal1ahan no on-/1-54. .....l.*:..1. -Ln. r-|.1_ 4A 1i:tssI g used `Tins `evator ` b y.thef.Grand_, \ uaac nu, -:.vu;1.`a.uucn.; TITS! 0!! balls, of? Burton 3, off Flaherty 0; struck. but by Flaherty. 13, by Bdrton _I3; left on'bases, Barrie 5, Pete:-`borough 6; hit by pitcher, Burton 1, ('M"cFad- den); stolen bases, `Craig `3, H . O'Brien 1,. Kendry I, Flaherty I, Meeking. 2, Tyrer 1. Umpire, Dan I Mc-Cabe, . ` . [,..___.... .. .. .. vuvuuu.JUUU --5 First on errors, Peterborough; I; [Barrie `3; three base hit,`-vRow`e; two base hnt, ~McFadden; rst onyballg, OW Rnrfnn 2 n#' I.`l..l..-....-- ..`.. Cialllghan 2b ,.. ghayv lfb . . . . . . .. ta 3 . . . . . .. M. l5'Brien Ib .. H. O Bri'en rf .. Kendry ss . . . . .. Flaherty 9 V . . . .. Curtis cf . . . . . .. McFadden c : _ 37 I 5 II 4 ` Score by Inmngs: ' Petegborough. .. O000OI000O0-I Ban-1_e.. ;. .. .. oooooxooooz-3 `l:`.'.....L Cruise ss . Scott c . . Rowe Ib .. Meking. 2b Coey rf . Tyrer 3b . Todd cf .. Burton p . McNabb If \Xf..._..-.- -1` ;u.\.AVaUU Warren cf runs. , . ` T 1 Eleventh Innings--Barrie-`Scott `lifted `at high one .-into left. which Sha_w did not try to get and the run- ner was safe. Rowe hit a. grounder to Flaherty who allowed it to get `away froin him, and both runners.` were safe, Meeking singled, lling] ithe bases. Coffey fannedand Scott` was caught between third and home,, `but managed to reach thexplateinl safety after a chase. A passed ball `sent Rowe ome. Tyrer lifted one` "to M`cFadde1 and Meekingl was` caught `on the bases after a long chase. Two runs; 1\ , ,_-, -. _ ..v .uu.u I } Pete:-borough--Craig was out on a ;grounder to third. 'M._ O Brien Lgrounded to M`:eeking` and Harry O BrienA went down by the same" `route and" the game was over. The box sc;oreVfollow,s: -._- .._..... vnuags. Aauuuu. AVU _x\una. Pe;e1'~borough-- was hit by p_1tcher,_,but was out stealing stac- ond. Callaghan fanned, ~ and` Shaw! `died on.a grounder to` Burton. No! f ' N iglth Inning's--Barrie--Me eking led off Witt} a single and.5tole se- cond. Coffey advancedhim with a grounder to F1aherty,- the batter be- ing out at rst. . Iyrerilifted one to. `Callaghan, and Warren batting for 1 Tojd fanned. Nn , runs; ' ~-v- -Iv Jutlu ` -1-Te nt`h Innings-Barri.e-Burton \d1ed, Kendr to O'Brien, and Mc- 1Nabb and Vruise fanned. No {uns.'l T3_.._-,'.L, "' "` i grounded 'out to short. Flaherty waif out on a Vbounder to Meeking, and Curtis fann,ed. No runs. VI` , -Peterborouh-V--Shaw. ied out to Meeking. \Craig beat out a 'bum and stole second. ML O'Brien foul- ed out'to Scott, and `H. O'Brien fan- V I }ned. No runs. Peterborough_--Fla,he_rty grounded to Burton, Cu`:-tis fanned. 'McFad- den hit to right cehtre for two bases, but `Callaghan lifted _a foul for the catcher. No runs. - ' _;str(1ck .~ou`t leamn runs. =1 _ . . :1. ,_, , . -_A ' _ ` I4 ,ti;v k`:ra:aa`i:` v . . a/rid ;K_end`ry~ .:-fllgwed` suit. Flaherty was gwen his second free ticket, but Curtis ".grofunded to Burton.` No runs. =Fifth 'Inm'1ing s'--Barrie---M : ' O - Brien made _a nice catch of ~B urton_ s high y. `McNabb fanned and Cruise llifted one to Shaw in-left. No runs. .`l)..A.-..L_._____I_ an 1w ran '--` vv -roof--vv an; AV A13] LIAIIUI _" T 'i1 f:_.terborou;gh-4M\cFad<.i.e.n 1` . went out`M_eeking "to Rowe," and Callag- ham_ and "Shaw anned; No*1j_unsA. _ - `V Innit;gs-`-Ba.rrie-Cruise grounded to Kendry. Scott hoisted }a high one which Flaherty nailed, jand Rowe skied to Shaw `in left. No eruns. A ' % . -. -'---uvu pv I-I-`villi!-Jo \/IIC III-ll- Pe.terborough-~.4Craig _ rst L up, drew a base on balls and stole se- cond.. -M. O Brien `fanned and; H. O Brien fouled out to Tyrer. Ken- dry lifted one to 'M`.c`Nabb in left, who dropped it`and Craig _ scored from second on`, the play. Kendry was out trying to steal third. One run, ' .- ` ` ` Sixth Innings--eB`arrie-Scott: led {off wit ,a single. Rowe hit a.;1iner Vto -Crfaig and was out; bt'1t. in `lat-' Ltemptmg to double up Scott at first [the thirdbasema thtew. low, the` lrunner going -to*t irq. Mreekmg sing- iled sending `Scott home. Coey lift- ed a foul to MIcFadde1i, and Tyrerl grounded to Kendryf One `run. I D-L-_L-_;., 1, Seventh 1ImjingseBapi--F1ah.erty `made the Barrie hitters look small iin this innings, `Todd, Burton and I M!NabbTstx-iking out in a row. No