Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Jul 1909, p. 2

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'.EN'rRANc,:1 'ExjAmNA'r1oN.s. f T_ ?Hi11da1e. 7 "V Barbarl; Ci.1ri-ie,- Roea-- Fiitzger-. % ,.ald.,. . IF,;ejd Hunter, .',`W!illie.i.,lennett;.~ * 5 s%E:Y\/zsley -K, , ~ Douglasz,*`Ketchen_,` ' -`homson, `Inez Brown;*':"' ' , :1 Olive ';.-sr`:"ai4t1if,;;*<; _: um. uuui LyU7'O.WC It rose to 825; and in 1908-9 `was 1,748. .Nearly two thirds. of those deported ..or 2,007 lwere English. The Scotch came next Iwith 20.63. "then Amerjcans` at 14`9, `then Bulgarians with'I37. No other nationality reached the hundred- -mark and the remaining de1$orta- tions were distributed amongst Tor- ty-two nationalities. ' 1 `ant until `I907-8.wjhen it rose to 825; and in mn8.n `nine 1 -us! M.....1.. ...... V T_umihg to the..Ahomestead' tqtries durmgv this` penod the stat1t1cs show: ' Total enries . . . . . . 265,483 Entries` by Enghsh 33,476. Entries by Scotch . . . . . . . .. V 8,673 ntri_es Py {sh . .. .; . . . . .. ~ 3,202 on ;.uq..; \.uuu.a ...._ . ca`: U3,O_5 Entries Entries Entries by Irish . . . Entries` by Americans ., \,72,824_ .Entries: by Continental Eu-V : F ropeans n.. ...,. ..... 48,61-3 : The immigration {branch is careful ito -point out that the homestead ;.e_nt`ry gures do not ta'ke:1nto ac- }count the thousands of farm.1a.bour- *`ers and domestics who have settled in other partssofy the Dominion. A. 5 M_AL (OM`S(_)N. Will he plased to show . you samples. New and% Artistic % Designs in Speciaj Valgues at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25 per roll. Bot-'1e_rs same price. % sco'r'r's ,B,ookstbre WALL PAPER `N0. V5j8`.`. ..10.27a,m l " 48.... 885pm " 55...." 7.50],5m ALLAN LINEIND C. P, R. Qccn 187.99": 181,397. 175.430 . 198.949 19.476 12,053 7.326 3.360 vAl\C Irlu Lu! 5.17 o , A ' " ..______._____._.___________, LENNOX," `COWAjN 8:` BROWN, Barristers, Solicitors for ,ob_taining probate of `wills, guardianship ' and - administration , and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. V Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch ofces at` Creenyore and Alliston. -Haugh- - ,i-ton Lerr'nox, K..C., Alex. Cowan, .G. T E. J.\Brown, LL.B. . No. 54 7 54am I 5 , No. 53..+10.25am ~' 56 5.36pm 5s...._7_;sp.m G. A. RADENHUR'SI', Barrister,`- ,.So1icitor, Notary` Public, &c. Of- Ace~A-Ist oor Bank of Toronto , Building. Money to loan at Iow-` _-A. `-1.541: QRESWICKE & " ,AL_EXAN-.DER. Baniisters, Solicitors _ of the Su- preme Court of Judicature of On- ..1ario', Proctors, Notaries, "Convey- ancers, etc. Money to loan. Of= ~ce,a Ross Block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C.. Arthur Alexander. STRATHY 8: ESTEN, BAR-RIS- t_ers,_ So1_i_citor in ' C_gurt of _...--...___..?._ DONALD ROSS, LI'..B., BARRI`S- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- -to Building. Barrie. Money _to loan. % Lat of Toronto General Hospital. Olllce of the late Dr. Smith, comer st. \!-`hone CI. _ 32.Iy l LJ:.c.P. & s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & s. an J - .---SURGEON---j ' 1 Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Ulinicai Assistant in Golden Square 8 . Throsttc Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moo:-elds) ; for a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal; London hthalmic Hospihk Bristol E,v;e.Hosp1ta_). Bristo :snd Birmingham Eye Hos ital. Bu'm1ng_hsm : tormermembex of British hthalmologscsi Socxepy. ` _ 0FFICE~478tD1.mnop man; BARBIE- o Phone 51. P. _0. Box. 96. . T i-/Ifl`. ARNALL, 'rM.D.-,C.M., o1=FI\E; 2.. `D..a.L----l1 .. 1.1.-.1. A1lnnAa`In bk. A. T. LITTLE, late .'of church-iu. Ont. Ofce* and residence John St., near corne1j`E1:'zabeth. Phone 213. I DR; W. A. ROSS, VPHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. 'Ofce and resi- dence,` Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. TH: Noatanu ADVANGE 4_ n -1--- no 4~...u-u-usurp -nIl1lI|lIII'. ,w. A. LEWIS x----*--------'--------- DR. ROBERT rs. "BROAD, PHYSI-I 1 clan, `Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Office and L residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ` ford Sts. (Dyrnent Gore.) `Phone } 105. Box 456. Dr. J. A._ C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, ,etc., Coroner for` Simcoe County. _ .Oice and. Residence : William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 3o a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to _4:p.m, Monday to Friday. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- o)....Cb I`;.......L.-. 1.1.. . 1).._..`l-1--.. $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON _ good freehold '-securit, at lowest ` rate -_.of interest; 0* principal `money required until end of the Lterrn. H.` H; Strathy, Solicitor, etc., . Barrie; '- w EIJNWIN, MURPHY fa; dn- ._, . tario Land Sllfvnvnra .. .... __ I. Z "D.lLVV!1.l.\.L, `L31 n..l\~ risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any/~sums at 5 per cent. O`Fce, ~13 Owen street,Barriej,, H. D. _, Stew- att, L.`L.D., D. M. "S_tev\'rart.~ /' v. AULT, BAKRISTER. SOLICI-' tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, Tetc. "Sp ecial attention in, d_`r_awing `and/probating wills, obtaining let- tet:s,__of,admimstratxon and guardian- Aslup, collecting accounts, etc. Of- ficeo, Ross block, Barne. Money to V-5 _I."!I Qublivvvv u - v - -- .__-- V 'No .new name will be addedto Qub acnption List until the money is paid. u..|......_:|....... ........ z... .......m-an fnw t_`1rn-nnwmmnthn llbwu, loan. ).l.J\t\.L.l.'1 1 DL -J'au).L1.'aL1', LlllL\-l\Ah-I ters, Solicitors High Court Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money`to loan at `lowest current rates. Strathy, ' K.`C., G. H. Esten. . 0'10 30 ONTARIO LIND '5URVEYOR{ was or Tonomo Iulunuc. Iumc. . unno:uc_:-_'r_u:Ltg-non; 1491., > . . - _ _ ____ - W pbinpany. A -Qarpentering, building, `aaidznzannfactnring of doors, sashes, blinds,-'.mou1Vings, etc. P1`aning,_ ..qf all kinds do `e 1-omptl satis-. factorily. .Hot last V fymg . kiln; District`-",Agency for. gained lum- ber. Factory,-. Baqd street, Bar- .rie.1..Rodge_rs &. gllae, sueeessoes .., _;' _---SURGEON--- ` Eye. Ear.` Nose 8 Throat; 1...l.. 11J.\sVl1.l,.414, '1u..JJ",\v..lV.I., _\J.L' L` L\/Li, m.Bothwe1 s block, Allandale. On` the premies at-night. a-.-. i>*L~' the right pace- * ;IJ9 _Printing Departm I ` t`q,.`0f this claS8_- % ' ' " samples of ' % 5:.9s |-cit 11. .Lu.\/A\.L.I.J.u.1.'.t\ 14L\.;1, 01. ball ton'St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and .Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen. St., Barrie, _every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and 'by ap- pointment. -' -'---,--`D est rates, unnvnawl I term: Bax-.ne,. ' - --annmmam ' ,"2m;maam ~*'%uJDm V %mJIpm No. 69_?__leavesv -Allaindale I.5o;p.m.', _ for Penetang. \ No. 70 arrives at A11anda1e'I.o p.m., from Pgnetang for Toronto. l\-III JJIAIIUIIIS 0.13. .-rnond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, ~`Main,. 1336.: Instruc- tions left with Strathy 8: Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- i'ng,.. Barrie, will.-be promptly at- tended to. T VQV iv Lav, JVL\Jl\:l- I1 I N noun`. `Dum- Land Surveyors, Engin etc. Estatglfshed 1852. Q3ce,i ical Building,` S.. '~co'rner` ' Dr. J. ARTHUR Ross _ MANUFACTURERS. A Unnnngisizs. M. n., c. M; ('l_`or.) `SURVEYORS. PHYsIc_I5Ns. ` WESLEY acazw. hopn:1on's FffNANCIAL. LEGAL. _ 5. GIaag\ow JULY 5, |T_he Northern space-13 lines agate measure n1ak"din u e7-.U'I."HE ` Abvnwcm xa } Flarzest circulation of pr` ` hav Lmowgw (Val: t all) paper in theoo It so 3' ar the largest subs tlatter fact demonstrates the its p8?:0nE-h E15011 haychany advemsqmugmlq 1otatrelltoVp&It?1I:eIl)`rcet-t1.t reaches the ` ` j Advertisements are charged _a . _ Ole in TRANSIENT ADV_'ER l'lS)1\'(; 31 Notices. Auction Sale etcI:e-'F'irst insertion 10 cents 8 e,. sub uentinae_rt1on5cents per]ine_ ' em . R . ng notxces. 10 _cents per line 1 insemon: cents per lme for each ` Iu insertion o the same matter. 11 he 5lines,of this character, charged "mind; Obituarv Poetry boner line. "linen ....... .. .-2 .. ' wdding invitatilf: .5`. The Ontario Government a.rrang-_ ed for a summe1"school for teachers at Bracebridge, to enable -those whose certicates are about to ex- pire to renew. The school -opened July 5th, and will continue till July .3oth. m118f- b6 handed into the oice not 131 H'Preferx-ed positions for I0c . mfgnts in the pa 1' '11 be of one-third on gebogg mtesssfgnglt Sm admel account will special positions he -". " 0% rule will bestrictly carried out. men` Th CONTRACT CH A.\'G Es, Advertisers will plea b ~ . notice of intention to cS}?angra:ln\'eT11i'mg`uK Saturday at 10 o clock. d 1 . . _ 9 that change must be in THEa.x}\I)tV'l`E.`I`.:30;rM laterthan 12 o clock noon on Monday ` I won]: nfhcn-uric; H... n.1..,...o:,.. _ _ Advertigers will please Intention changgrailn mm It 'mustbe r.J}2femmu` bein Manda. .`~'D0\ week. otiigrwisz the ad_ vex~tis_or`s ur1nou r1cler:,,':*n! gig nof ma e publxc mm] the week 1011"! AL`-`nun- ..I A .1__-__.,-, vertisementsq _ _, _-`__.. .,.:u::uullCemen be made Eek 12 changes of Advergisements allowedm :i?1rbeIgh!::d`f.re reamed m"5i mu Advertwers W111 _not be allowed toneegb, 39808 `O1 &dVertl1ng anything ougside mg own regular busmess. >;hould Iheyd 1 transient rates will be chax`g- v V . _ _ . . ~ ~ . . . . . u u. nnr_.u(,`\ 15. Condensed advertisements on may as wants of all kinds, lost and fotintlpage mi . , . ro ` for sale or to rent, specic a!`Ht, }(`S. D pm must be accompanied with the cash (,[,c,,';,`-.. be inserted--tirst insertion `.' rents `W Kw. each subsequent insertion 1 cont pg}: ,3?` (names,addresses and tigux-es counts-r1 an Wm` but a reduction of one cent ](-r -0m'w,~na made when the number of insertions ofsa matter exceed {our . E` Cuts for advert!-umenu murl In em case be mounted on solid metal blIc|_ JOSEPH` H. SWAN. LICENSED AUCTIONEERA IOLOKI F1261 DLl'CC'L. Double dweJmg. 6 rooms in each, on cm perton Street. Vcant lot, E of an acre, on P0 :i r ' Street. Apply to He mI mEhen . F. M. Mo.~:'rr_;n:.n:m'. U.x...f. AIM! - ---.- ----.- - _..__-. nu-go;-vs; Ahvmrxrs-A...-a-n Private Funds tp loan pn first mort gages. Uorreenoncence soncited. Office. Bank of Toronto Buildmg. Owen" Street. Barre. Om. An. 8-horsepower Boiler and 3- horsepovzgro Engine, made bY 3*` Polson Co. Toronto. Iunpuuu luau uu us uuu auvuu; a. pan... . Subscribers now in arrears for threemqnths and over will be charged $1.50_per annmn. Capble of power and heating. Can be segn at the Barrie Foundry. Brad` fprd s_treet, next to the Tannery- Dwelling lroomsl. stable. iri ve house. shed; and nearly 52 of acre of land in g2.x* and lawn; Come; of Peel and Wellingxon ..~Trx'<-ms, Barri: Dwellmg-6 rooms, stable and .-.'r.A.-d. Largg l loton Peel Street. ' Tinnhio t1\1vnHnnr {iv-nnnn: in :.n..l-. A- nu- `msunmiacz AGENT. CONVEYANCER, ETC. . FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE u\,,n_-A_ o;!_____ _u,. cmuaHuns1', om. LICENSED AucT1o_rI_ER W `Ti? --uv- roan-as counrrv or SIMVCOE Most reasonable terms given on all `Stock Sales Boi|er&Engine For Sale. Tl-IOS, SMITH John J c nnethl ganvnansmef The proposed licensing of" milk vendors suggestedby the Board of Health and under consideration by the Town Council, as it is designed, will not have any serious eccts up- on those who keep a cow or `two in town and earn a -little by selling a few pints of milk to neighbors. The object oftheglicense, which will pro- bably be a nominal one of 25 cents,- is to keep a stricter supervision over out-of-town vendors .in- large quan- tities, as to cleanliness of milk cans, stables, etc., and the improvement of the milk, which is oneiof themost easily contaminated articles of food, and is too often a `vehicle for dis- .ease. The step proposed is for the good of the general public, and does not imply injury to anvone... . Barrie Proper*_v For Sale. 42tf INVITAT`ION5~ . I o c o n . . on 1 column Barrie. " oxxnacux. comxucw : FOR COUNTY OF smcoa. Address BA b';RIE P. O. CONDENSED ADV]-:RTISEME.\`TS. nvusgol 1.)`-4~...o:............... _ , %4_DVERnsE IN lie Advance .".T.OF.. 31 mermflz "Awdrvame . ,,,';u 1.- _.I.1...`|&..6$.nHu'h `C. I;i.:`.`_Bsh"bf5 Ang`us`fh,8/d cxmisc4 * a few ?'!' 8 "?=` H - i'%ha@=v ;';`%hx-< a. `I'-I _ .-': A 1Wk.' '1 Moss Mo.` .I:. Any 153'. V48 Gotham Newspaper; . Published from the omce, 12?} Dunlop Street. Barriq. in the Counpy of Sxmcoe. the Pro- vmoe of Ontanc. Canada,` every Thursday Morning. by - lb` '75 RATES Jul: Barrie. arriv and 1 `parts mcm were part 4' LII chell well ;l'1_ope limb am sch: Eoti Cald Oh I spec forde kee Kine luvtnsaauo-.v -- * Daily including sundaf _ vv ll Bru .we E4 'dri `BARRIE nAtLwAY`%;Gxiii5rE." * -Co1lJingwoo`d~.-an'd Meaord.j ` % ' .T0 mom >. 58....10.27am -f~!o.51....'l.3am I 4a....sa5pm . -{42....1.upm' - - . \ L1 *12.so a 11) "Cobalt special F4 15 t In men a m..Bu al0 Express-~ `"9 1 ` `. . .- .- - __ .....-.'.'..... 2; 4:.` mm-5'11: `um " `WW In..bllIIl}10 nqspxvvuu-_v Unvv ,. ... 10.40 a. m..Tox-onto 8: ,8} I{i.vei'..'1_5 1: hi 2.03 ,p in . .Muskoka. `Express 3.` p m 850pm..NonhBay ...... ..12.45pm 8.15 p 'm..Tomn_to'& Midland 140 gm ' Gravelnhurst '. .. ,1 _ `I35 a, m _ __ _ `-_- av;AsahfEaAAn J ca gg .Ai:r Tnxus or Sunsonirrxoh. 1., J.I- 2 ; V Pe, g Hamilton. `J-----n-vv .7 -_ .56...;I.8tp m . ._ nmdam mmJlnm at ` %| A zbboooopodoacobb , %.Gon%VBIzE, : Ooooo obooooo3ooqoooooogO Capt.'Robert W. Carson o.f `Peter-i borough in the Governemt Fishery Cruiser Naid; reached Barrie Fri- day night .last-and remained at the wharf until Monday. The'Na'id `is a well tted boat for the purpose and will doubtless give a, good ac- count of -herself. ' During rFriday Capt. Carson secured a conviction at Jackson Point against parties illeg- ..ally_"shing. on the way. here he captured two night lines between Georgina and" Fox Isl'ands,'with 46 l- white sh attached to thein -and one `trout . Fishing for sale is not per-. mitted in Lake Simcoe, and if `the `Act can be enforced the sh will -get a ichagee to grow ?and .multiply`. XlM,r; ;.Fred Mklrr. PQrt Car.- ling durin_g_;the.week. " " `V . s . (Mr. J .`,fH.z`. Neelandsv /.:tur`7i1 e`d" from Winnipeg last week.. ,V V ~{Mis{s `G. Hogg of -Galt is __a.guet_ at Mr; J`. G. Scott s." ' f . Mr. and,Mr_s,` F.N. Lloyd and fam-' ily `of the Soo are holidaying at.Mrs., J-. M'cL; .'Stevg1son s, at. Oro Station. |M;c'e `Ir.-\no-n\ nr:'l1:n :a V 'MjfLss3"']3e'r'ti1a Cheesman left Friday morning for axvisit in`|Chicago, Ill. 7"~i\;Iiss.. Addie 0;."-ligoseveltf, I-__Io.spital, New `York; is home for a visit of. threg weeks`. ' ` v, --. '71{4`r.'2u{{i' ivi:`sZ' 113.? muams} of C01- lingwopd were amoqg the visitors in Town last Thursdayg _Ot'ton.` uM?isT_s VRos"" Moore`; _Ori'1_1ia,,. spe_ndmg_her hza!-i d a.ys at" `Bag Bay Pomt, With her cousin, MlSS _Ada ' ' '`Cou'n`ty' .4Coui't ?Cl`prk John I summer. and.family went 1/ast week cottage` at Heron - Island \ 9 ._ 4.. _ _ _-. ..~-+-.----~-- I ' \ , 3M!rs. N. F. -Crosslan'd,'-Miss Norma Crossland %mdMiss H." D. Crew of Philadelphia, are spending` `a; few wee_ks_ holidays` with . relatives in Town. T . -` '. --- ';';;p.fOrd, Harry Caldvirelf". E2 Gite` ' .."a_[`-K- Ii:r`::Mc'Cuai4g_, _L%.* `Pa:t_tr`o'xr, . ` Ben; M; 7Bags.haw,-AI-I-1':r:g;f :?-ha__rdt,-`v`.Pearl Crawford, Ida._C : ;3jAn;_hur L an, McPhce, " i_Ma_D!..4 ~ .< .M__cCarthy,'- .--fog` v _ . . ` At `Petexgboro on ' Wednesday of last `week, Barrie won the basfebazll match from Lindsay. `That {Barrie tam went with `the `Carriage Co. employees` excursion. ' an '-rs -I\ ..". On Saturday N131`. E. Donnell, town clerk .and treasurer, left to join -Mrs. Donnell at ,Haileybury, `where he will spend a. well merited holiday, returning -next week. `Y 11:. c \.uuu|._y uuuuuua Luy. , AccordinVge`t,o/ the Penetang Her- ald, Mr. Allingham who.ha.s been appointed principal" of the Barrie Central School, had charge of the Penetanguishene High School for a couple of years h prior to going to, Ridgetown. ___-_= -- --- vv--p L5 *-Co'r'r1`p`e.ny, V(~M*ajor Alex.` .Cowan s) last week wo-n 1C'o1. Mc- Phee s `cup for general prociency, and No. 6 Company (Elmvale), un- der Capt, Mark Robinson, won the County Counpi1 _`s, cup. 11 '. --v ____=,-_- T i There are no less than seventeen prisoners now in the jai1--a.-larger number-than at this time"last year, when there were only six. Several` are now conned for drunkenness, the inc'rease..bei.ng due partly to bet- ter enforcement -of the laws. ` Mr. and M.'rs.'W. B. Capon 0f`IO -Earl _street,_ Toronto, formerly of Bar rie,-celebrated" their golden `wed-_l ding Tuesday. IDr._'and Mrs. W. A. Capon of Philadelphia, `Mr. and Mrs.` Charles R. Capon [of Boston, `and Miss. Capon of New T Yo-rk,` were among the guests from a distance. --rvuwvoo :4 On Kine 29th, the Rev. Thos. Mc- iKee, while_ presiding at the depa.rt- mental examinations in Bradford, was suddenly overtaken by illness- to which he is subject. -Mlrs. McKee was at once summoned .from/Barrie and, found Mr. M'cKee under good medical care and by the evening of the following day he was able, though very weak, to be removed to his home. `By -Monday following he was suiciently recovered to re- su'me his duties as presiding exam- iner.-Witness. ` > V.__......-...., \r- --av pup-vuo \Mr. and Mrs. W. C. `Hunter left on Tuesday for Seattle. `Mrs. `Wm. Hunter, -Mulcaster `Street, will ac- company them as far as` Portage la Prairie, where she will spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. RE `J. Long. urn `yew 'I\ '- Rain fell plentifully throughout Ontario toward the end of last week. Port Arthur and northwestern On- tario were well drenched, the fall there Thursday night being 1% in- ches. Thunderstorms passed over LakeSupriOr_ and northern Ontario Friday, and. thunder showers lasted` forabout three hours at Barrie on Saturday. IN T - _.I .1 1-; run. -- - Train arrivals and from Barrie are as iollpjs ?: A Main Line; ` ` U _ 59.` H3." `V189 ! '13.` `[nrovesIfrmnI9mI,|lA feettainlv uoplallhg` or_:nemr.~- xnqgen, . itwillolvafitdcathis THE FISHERY .` cnmsnn; 7M"cCosh- to their for the 9-0-C--nap --you -- vuo-u V vc-V v uoowgnu `States . . . . . . . A43 p.c.1 `English and -`W|e-lsh. .; . . . . .. `Scotch ...;. _' 2z_ p.c. LIri's;h. .`.' 324 ;`)".c.` A A':`A`poV1;ti;ox1:7bfVf.';tl`1\o: statement is `dc-V i yo ss1.A.tz2..shbw.im the .numl>g:9f im- : ?nii `rants `d.brred.`,"'S}'ie I {force A _ h _ ;ecei1'_1b'`r' iigoz-L whnMedicaL;&c& -went m-to - Oi %th., ' ranta: at` 9523? ,,._5i:%` fl . . . . zdns; ii6`.- ugisdig a TEE; ` spnc mun SYSTEM. i The using of. sptic tanks for trcat- jing sewageis an infringement of a patent held` by the~ Cameron Septic Tank `Company, a United `States rm,` according tothis c_oncern s de- mands on many Ontario municipali- ties. Thes'e cities and towns have united for their mutual `protection against the `damage claims now against `them. ` n a a an o`: n 3A deputation of civic ociails from several of these cities and towns, in- cluding -London, _Guelph, Waterloo, rlin, Woodstock, St. T homas, Pet- e grboro, Preston and ._Bar`rie waited on Sir James Whitney Wednesday morning oi last vjzeek and informed him of thecsituation that has arisen. Since the Provin ial Board of Health had reco ended this sys- tcm'of_ sewage disposal, and many `municipalities were now using it, the -Government was-requested to retain counsel, both medical` and legal,-to report onthe claim of in- fringement made by the United States rm. The municipalitiesr by placing their sewage intanks dis- solve the mo-st of it, and in the pro- cess of dissolution" an crobes are created which work for the destruc- tion of the sewage. The company claims no monopoly of the tanks `but of the system.__ 1 5 5 A suggestion has beenmade that `the old Episcopal Cemetery beside the Court House should be convert- ed into a park. This was `the ori- ginal parish cemetery, and wh'il_e'.~in, -`use there were approximately four ' hundred interments made in it. `Of these, about seventy-ve` have been; removed to-the Union `Cemetery and elsewhere by surviving relatives .. and reinterred, thus leaving a large num-' bets still in the cemetery. It is a pity that the appeal so ,often made in past years `to keep the cemetery in better conditionihas "hitherto been unheeded, with the result that even the -"graves themselves . have ;"been' gtrampled ` level. with V the ground. ?While" a number of young trees died .'last' ,'..August in,_Queen -so Parl_< `for gwant of better attention,. and .wh.ile' .gthereare other",e:v;idences. of 'de. 'cien_tr.,attention_;1o.pJark matters, it `would be well" to'- move .s_1_o_w1y.. to; :ward the `assumption "of 'vanofther* sgmk. especially, . as , tl1.;.."cje'metefy ..eould Ebep `pr__ope`rly' attehd_kl';. fQ;_ t and -' provided `ith 'wa1ks,.!_.wit_h}`j.the_,i-e3. tiiains' pleft-there. ~ V` i Lllhllllsl I-IKIII . ll VIII United" States . . . `English and Welsh Scotch immigration ' Iri'sh "immigration ""i~i1e"3i>`Zr1i2i's 2 J "the %soreI;}$a;ig' classes of. immigrants who made entry` for .homesteads" were, as fol- .1VdwsT: `-Continental Eu}op'e :{1ns7I'.`... 4_3o7p._c. .Immi'gran_ ~fro1n -;;%th' _`1_U:r)jtqd` `A ' :1 Q4-`.5-4.` ` .- U .49 unit: Luuungg aqua Anvnu ,ur . . .. (English ~We-lsh; },S_cot.h ;'Ir"i`s"1_1_ The Galt police one night last week rai ed the dierent bake shops of the wn, and in every shop weighed the"'lo.aves. In two of them the bread.was from two to three ounces short in weight-. ',The loaves were` conscated and given to the h spital and poor of, the town. The b` were next morning in the po ice court and were ned `$1 and! costs, each. A I A.`sta.tement issued by the imr_ni- gration branch gives an interstmg gclassi-cation of the immigrants into It "covers A a period Canada during the ipast dozen years. rorn January Ist, I897 to':March 31st, I90'9;r'to- be1_fex- act, 'a period of twelve yeast and. three months. The following re- sults .apppar.: Total immigration 1,366,651 British immigration .. 540,621 Continental European - im- . GUI": than 6-: an.- fble island wlrbe occugied. The islands of the C'reo`rgiar_1`B::.1y,_ 33} 3'raV r'2sn%?2 `.3, Pdii` / summer ,visitors. Many ne summer residences` are being erected, and _it wxll not be long before every ava11- 34-+-t-1-+4:--:5-:--z:-Qao-I-as-a-++++-a-:--s-+-1-~:_;_ , \J\IJILIIIClII-GI IJIJI UIJVGI i ` migration .. . .. ` Immigration ~ from ` IIh}+ed- `States .. . . Mayor Stevely `:of London intro- duced the deputatlon. '1_`he spokes-j men were: T. G.` Meredxth, cxty so-! 1:.:..._ -1: 1.~_,:-... 1\,n..--.... 1.1-1.- ,.:.` Illcll VVUICI Lu` \ ~c` IV-I\-rl CLIILII, LIL \J_ 1 licitor of don ; Mayor Hahn, of j Berlin, and Mrayor Mearns, of ` Woodstbck. T ` '1' I? HAPPENINGS ms'ng1c'r ++-3-+4-++-1-44+~-eon-+4 In Maford, "the: tax on dogs has` bee'n`ra_`ised Atov$5 each for those of the male persuasion, and $10 `each for the remainder. , } On June 30, Miss Carrie Berry of Luther Township was married _to| Elmer C. Cherry of 'Stayner. . . I The Premier assured the deputa- tion that their_ request was`reason- able and that it would be dealt with rat the Cabinet meeting the follow-VS iingx, day. The Government wi1I com- ?municate its decision to `Mr. Willis` 1Chipman, C.E., of Toronto, the sec-I iretary of the deputation. - i and AIIVERSITY CANADIAN IMMIGRATION. BANK `OF TORONTO Jx~'f? %,T`P%ib1y you baa-money `in "this V j3ak.A':`,~_Vry good; If-not,Jy;gu`_shb1;ld begin right may to lay `fasigie. small. sum. ;Sh<$uld ickness and adversity o\"2er'1:aik e'you, you will ned'the ryongx. V Oigebf the important objec/ts of this `Bank? 1's,to.S1fely care for ;sma1l?av-ing.s. \ V %`pAnI_m: and ALLANDALE ERANQHES , 1 . C.,R. -LA.TI_MER.A Manager. VTHEAI\T0%R'r%H1::RN A1aVA1\ic&E 113$ 4oO.s6_o 425.470 377.801- 94.229 AA! A _ 39;} It was shown that bonus was paid o,f'16.47 per cent. of the British im- migrants. 5.6 per cent. of the immi- grants coming, Vfrom the United States and on 10.99` `per cent. of the irgmigrants from the Congtzent. 1. `Another, set of -gu_r.es, sh6 ws the. `T-`occupation o1::,'calIing of immigrants {since th 5:_ye`a r' I903-4.` During the period eicafctly 'a"mill1'on"1-mmagrants have conic in-;` of-*thes_ 700,391 ent; ered by ocean ports and " 299,603: came from the. U dccijpatiotis ;_jvvere=;i ; x\.,. nited vESt\1`tes. V The: 1111'. I30 CFBUII` Will BIN] DU !oic9-0 EN s'r.. BARRlE.1 V V Steamboat AencIl- _ Summer sailings now being booked. Represt-.nts- Best English. American and Canadian Fire Cn. s. I celsior Life, London Guarantee and Accident, New York Plate Glassqo. Mr. R0 ersoni will still be found at the n%nn4n l EH` Q I El R.1'7 Fin-mcrs T --and `. farm labourers -General _ `A lgbo_uror_s' . ` _M-ech_h, * ;..:3 5 ; [.-plgrks. tr'ad_'.ers; ; :' s-`",.. . LIIIIII aanuvp Going North. Going a; Train `r J` `_ AS? -Train Mn

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