nall get a circular. giving 3 inform_ation of when and how t_o 9P ply it- I Primary Pian0-Class II--I, Miss IR. Johnson and Miss M. G. .\Ii1lig;m. !PAass.-1, Miss A. Clayton. [RICH SOIL Ihe Sarjeantgg, LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. llisunns GOOD CROPS. AND ,._.....- 5.: vnvl 0. IIHII Lan`lmPlaster O `c'e-41 Dunlop St. Yayd-Foot of Mary St. V--1\T'z;.-) rs:-vI3"i;1-\-\:.:ll., -."VV'alls,' stapletn, Garrett--4. . The Hue St Baye .n.\-Ann `R mag {DID .l U! with 2: after ` should D n U-lolh Barri . Barn "Lake menu! Sunda mA}t~eT; some _discussion th_is mo_tioti " _as passed on. the followmg d1vis- 1011 :- ` - Prc` ..Wa11s-'-aGarrett--That the Barrie Baseball Club be ranted the use of 15 seats from the "own Hall for use at their games, expense of moving to be borne by the ball team, also re- pairs, if necessary. Carried. ` h I.` (`I I'I'\ I Hig shingl (1 '1` H LKnIIl\ II\.IV', `l' several time passed. `I7 II, . I` Deputy-Reeve"Caldw`c1l and Ald. Bidwell objected to carting the seats around so much, and. destroying them. The seats are in Queen's Park now, and will be carted about .. .... _.'.l ` ' ' 1.....- ......... TL- ...-L-_.. T _- -----v vv----v-- w-.----u , Ga:-den--Stapleton-.--That Assessor Brownlee secure assistance as requir- ed [to appear before the County judge at nal -Court of Revision, cost not to exceed $10. -Carried. ' .I [W I PING _ - - v-v- ---u--- Litt1e-Garden--That the benches; from the Town Hall be placed in Ward 6 on July 12th for the conveni- ence of the general public, and that the road foreman be instructed to, oversee the same to` avoid any dam- age. is n... .4 -a -A..- T `Garden--~Craig---That the question l of the Fire Hall in Ward_ 6 be refer- red to a `Special Committee com- posed of 2nd Deputy-Reeve Little, and Aldermen Poacher and Clark, who shall report at next regular meeting of this -Council. Carried. uuuuuya. \ \Beardsley-Little--'fhnt the tllzlxfrs N of this Council be tendered to the Grand Trunk Railway ofticials for the valuable improvement made to the waterfront by the remo.le!ling of the station house and cement walks, and to assure Mr. W`. R. Titfsxrthat we fully appreciate his great ass.-stance to beautify our town, and that the Clerk send a copy of this rcsc-2utI_u:1 to the General Manager of the Grand Trunk ` Railway. Carri :'1. i . I .-A `wards. V -Carried, T '1L'{{1ell"s':;i1fe'mn1?ri1;t the Spec-' ia1_ Committee appointed to; deter- mine on sidewalks also be a com- mittec to report on any new lights or hydrants required in` the eseveraul _ .:;on`s'u*ltati_on' _and:;`design,' for 7 ~ v'vhi_h; g[:h"qr">_w_ould\ zfequufe? `_ 3For services in a. jc4onsultin"g cap;a`4}'i -' an -u--.. . .2; `Their am` . ;$:posicio"n* bity _dg1'~ing_, the 'co1istru.ctiA,n ~pe_od_` after `letting of contracts; .1: eyswould, Aactgg xhcgrage of` $25 `per .da`.y;jn. ;: ` w - - v - - - V- v--V ----v---.-.. v- Reeve Garden said_Vthc:"c would be no dithculty in gett1ug_it,done, as.j tBarrie's debentures. gumamc-ed by; the County Council we-rentmly about ` eleven per cent. of the town's assess-` ment, while" the County `Council al-: ways guaranteed debentures" up to 25 per cent. of a municim?tty's_ assess; ment, and some muni:i.ia'.".:ies `were -guaranteed up" to their full amount. He suggested that the money "be oh- tamed` in the Bank untitthe `County Council ..held its fall me.-:vn;.\;. The motion then carried. " W Iv)-;)`:;-11`e'li";s;;s' granted to days hplidays. ' Ov..| can : 6i:1iil'tat'ion, dl-Sign i0`>|,i$I..20. .. . ' , 4.2-4` 4_..-_-'_:..:-..` ' In-rt-_uvv `quay ouruv we Ywarvn xuogo This ` is -. tlie_same_ rm of f gineersiv tha}t__ pfrepar,ed_ the l plans [last ,3i0Ifg the sewerage system'cohten1.plated"jn`1 the byglaw` passed on June. 21, `j:~Thgy_f, furnished 1',-he town'.withi apmap of t_he_ ;T:` system `proposed for -Wardss and 6;? % receivingifor .their services $365.` ` "I"I IV f"'vI`.he cuksvtomaty icandesnt.,;lip;'ht__! will be .placed*o'n gthe Bayeld $tr_e\=;t docks during thesummer movn1`:hs_.< , ;] _- -~- -v-__ I "Bke;r-dsley--V-'1\Iess-.:-Thva_t- - `[11; R cave and =De_pu_ty-Reeves be- req1_c,s;ed .19 use then` Inuence at the '1ex`t mcefe ing-, of the County `Counul w haxe the debentures about to `be issued wt. sxdewalks and sewers guaranteed ly. the .:County. All "\ no .I ." -'H1-e 71"A{ia 2{r` '13;-1aw;a;;1clf-_tvl1ei:'t>:th7e"i-f tl1__r_`_eeV money by-laW's`passd byI'th,ef ratepayers on June`2 I; were given their third` readings and"__nal-ly..pass- ed "by the `Council. " -- . 4 PI`I Be;rdsley-- Ne;s-That the tax>e4s f'or.the year 1909 He. collcte-d as fol-_ lows :--1st ,pa.yment Sept. 15th, and` payment Nov..1sth. Carriel.` "I`I . . 1". Ald. Beardsley said the Cov;:1ty Council would meet Oct. I89'-`1,"and that would be time enough for guar-' anteeing the debentures.` . Aim; -Cdmmi`1:vt'.fe`e"vs' ;;;.;;;ti%;v;A;.f;a.,;;tf vi. ' \ . . " ` -. V vV-'V~/ (Oovtlhue mm v} __-._| ~ Will UV LGILCU GUUHI. more. The .motion aledging` cheq `Communications were rad from-: A. Bardsley re `error in land sold for taxes 5111906 owned "by him; C. 5.` Burton, -Clerk of Fibs`, acknow- 'ue_ `for gravel retjm-ned by. \{'_eSpra. Co1m_qi!;> ~ ry ~ ' The last, motion was adopted `yon the. recommendation ` of -Clerk. Don- nell, who suggested theacloption of at discount of one per cent.'to taxpay- ers `on the second instalment, `as an inducement to them to settle all'in` one payment... - The Co,tui cil met on Jn 28, all` the members present and -the,`Reev`e in the chair. T " ` 2 I" V ` ` Slip to this effect, that all persons paying their taxes in full on or before the -15th of September will be entitled to a rebate of I per cent. on 2nd in.- stalment-, and that this, motion. -be embodied in the by-law. --Carried, Ihhhgregational meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held on July 15th: ' T . h 0 `In a ` . you look"nt0 our vse`-vice S`. Of a.ckt1OW- carefttlly, you will nd` it Vthje best, -.ld3\,8' h(`:lA '_f3?_" 3".3""'1 V"t.."1,d fairest, simplest .and_ most. helpful .3P1'3~ 0?!-.~-;_ `F - . . ` ' even offered. ,Y0l1L 51111131) 90". `$0 The followin1g`accoumsA we_r.epass.- us; select what goods you thmk suxt- ed: 47]_ A,._watgie,_ opeg-atiag grader,` able; tell us how it 4w.ou!d.,,be% con?-en-` $5.00"; D.M. Coutts, opetating_:zrader,, --ient (0? you to pay, either .weel_c! ,9 11,00; \_Nm__Ad3`m3,w'og_k Q;]f.;(;qri,.;9; aevefx-`V two weeks, or `once a `moat, _ 5`1,oo;= George: C; "ford,*':`gr,a\feLl-[ism .;Co`1i,d .zinythingb m`o_re_`L 'it}st .01`. Con. .II,. ..f$54"-V-`7%S; =.G;`j;*K`.-I Mlis'~ .ai`-bi-A. ..~"%.1sot1able? The selc'4:txon- is`-ti`-,tI|y~,trator",~` lizih 9: " ~; " '1' :;~:I9`r "gr:at,\ cosisting 'o,f_ GQOd.3;,` Cat`.-`f5 `V_espra::ia&id;%M .~i6=': Rugs, I.JO1`e,I_n3,` 35, $3 ,fc.p-Ch.e-ni1*.e ind. VTa99t,tYmGur - :inz."Cn ' ~ Chenillex and ."Dap"gst_;Er? -dlgl " ave. .. 1` _ifs.: Mfn?s"and"%`,B>ys" - ` ? -F?urnishings,'``fet_:.=.A` f<`___{iie-'* St1:;ta s V "*1 'U"" . `Mrs. Nichol and son of Mimico are. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs`. Geo. } ouche'r. "V-1'\i-ri';;1d Mrs. John 'SheFfer, jr., of Stayner, visited at Nl1r.'J'. A. Cooper s last week. ' . I Mirs. Willers and family, Toronto, are visiting at her -brother's, .-Mir. A. Smith. ` ` annd M&V's..I-Ij. A. Ro-sedear, MT'cGivney s Junction, N.S., a son on_ Monday. . T I `Ir 0-: In: no 0 at --V III-In; an-valve The Councii therj vadjourhed. vnspmx COUNCIL. SHA~W`-V-1V\t Ha.'wl on Jixly 6, > I909, `John _.W. `Shaw, in his 50th .year. - % "' j at _2 p;i1_1. - vlnterriient` at Ghthfig Em Friday, D.A1R!I:ING~`-At Toronto,` on -suhday? ; .:mo:nin`g, July 4, 1909; at the resi- `%`denc_"Vof her son, Frank Darling; V u"`Wa1mr"; road,'. Jane; ~ widow of-. 5 *`i`.1$f`;'Rir;VW; '5te`F3tt i`D.,5I`1i8', '; \ Vfoijmefiy r_ector__ of; ..thj_e`~ Church of g;;th:i;;%.9|:r: ATrimy;*~%Tfh*W%;38*=4 `Vbiafgzgag bar of the .. V Qwen_.S,ounx_1. % She bnrn;J~y% 'ofVTho/s. Dormeily vs`. Township of 'Vespra. ' cur . 1'!` run.` . .'n ru C I`.i(tVtIc--iea_rds1ey--VThat the Chair- man o_f_the Industrial Committee be authorxzed to enquire into and re - port as to the removal of freight. Sheds from .Ward 6. Carried. - , Ga`rden-Ness--That the Clerk notify Mr. E. Sevigny. of the,danger- ous condition of Bayeld St. wharf. 3_arried._ L - T `tr :1 \v err . 11- 1 `A \ :lot- 12. . v-r-.--. Wattie-Cameron--T`h_at the Clerk notnfy Robt. Patterson to turn water in natural water-course. Lon. Com. 9, ._';1`l-1;` -Clerk requests that {he -m_as_ters return their lists as soon asthe work is done or not later than `Aug. Isth. . ' V ' - I I` The 'C<;_uncil adjourned to . meet Aug. 9th, at 1o'a.m. . T I` f\ T 'VI"I\f" ti I DAVV.E--McA:`IJL'IST.ER' -4 011- `July! 1st,- at the Pars_onage,- Collier St., |. Rev. 1. G._ Bowles, B.A., `B.D_., Agnocnn-5' 'I'\n...`.-. 1'5` ' Cr: U l\Cv. 1 \J uvwuua 14.: 3., u.aJ_., ` ~Nv'o:-man I')aw. of Coilingwood-1 to V Mlae.McAllister of St'ayner'. . SPIRO ALE--KING --_- 0:} July grid; -4. `L. 'D.._;...._.._ (`.II -.. QL The South Ward Iqerchants are taking a. Wednesday half holiday during July and August, instead of the ve o'clock closing. _ Mr. and Mrs. Geo.` Stott_ of WIye- vale spent Tuesday here on their ywa/v to Gravenhurst. V -' An At '.Home under. the auspices of the will be held in Mr. Catcher s lawn from 4 to 7 this (Thursday) afternoon. ' Miss Alda `Collins, who has been visiting Mrs. Storey here, has return- ed to Collingwood.l to-vau- _rExz'a;~d-11:-:aa'1;'i<"-:-"1`hat tlg. sum of $25 be granted to Barrie Aquatic Club, and a like sum for celebration [on July 12th in 6th Ward. ` LI1\'\l\JJ4A;i--L).1L\'\J `T \JIIr Jul I-uau, at the Parsonage, -Collier -St., `by Re.\(.fI. G. Bowles, '.VA., `B.-D., `Wm. Henry. Sproule to -.Charlotte Alice` King, l:>"9th of Penetanguishenc. "DfED .,` V V ' MARRIED. 'I."i.5{f-coU'r1`s%,% Clerk. f 0 V7:-U I MAI:--{hey were led away the outer` man Ilidzo his retlnde, It'll 1 Div` thhu man who our oil: a deudly.cox-. _;oslv6 poison with In unmoy _tezunce should no minpply the that .. . : LB:-ov.m'le,j th A , t1_ne`cr,_'_ _u-dc,` '1-135; ; a W ' Audit WIdboth93htp1qetor 1 ou."IhoV reported. for I ma Hum tony. us an cropbear'a-no*n- * `- ~ 573.3` 7 `-53?` .y-v:-- -u-- n-- ---v-_-3 - --u`- -a-u members of the tsung-Ii-yamen he re- ` ceived as a present a magnicent cake which be had reason to suspect con- tained poison. He put the cake aside "and set all his powerful machinery to work to nndp out who was at the bottom of the plot. 3.`h`e investigation was partly successful. the-crime being traced to three men. of whom one at least was absolutely guilty. Li had the trio arrested and brought to his yamen, When they arrivedlthey were ushered into his presence and were re- ;ceived in his courtliest manner. The ;.cake was produced with the remark j that politeness forbade his tasting it i until the three generous donors had p had an opportunity to enjoy its excel- lence: `Li cut the cake. and one of his eervitors handed it to the unwilling guests. Each took a piece and ate or pretended to eat it. One crumbled the pieces and let them fall uponthe door, but the other two ate calmly, without manifesting" any -emotion. Ten A `min- j ntes and the two-men began to show symptoms or snirering. V smiled be- -niguantly and said, to t__e man who had not eaten. Your wisdom `is so great -that I am compelled tovpreserye your head `as a souvenir to en: genius.- ` `- L- _.-.. ._._ _-...-..-.n -...n` ....-_...;.a... with some of the more conservative 1 I I I Walls-Ness-`-That Mionda , Aug: 9,- be set apart'as Civic Holi ay. ahd= the Clerk beinstructed to- advertise fsamejin the usual way. Carried; ..n-__s_|--_ xv--- 'l\n_-_.-.2-|-.;1-.1_-v_.- cu} 5:-Juana; V The man was removed and promptly decapitated. To the other two `the pre- ,mier remarked: `The cake that you- are eating in not the one you cent. but i `one which I had my cock imitate. The poison from which you are entering -"exist: only in your imagination. I know or no way to `cure your present pain except. by "letting you share the` ' ` .! same fate as yonr friend _'who has jnat ,- n -A .- - . Poppies` B'oth. _ :- ""1 would RIVQ my 10110110 t0 bf I `In your `utt__IQ-._'dOK' I_ place. a "am_art'f young man `in 1 > rum 1:64 ha_d:I:eo tO&l'l'IC'Li`I'=_ *her .arma.;. ' --- .A '-An-A - Ll Hung can}; and the Man who Tried to -Poison Him. | `When L1 Hungchang was Chinesev i premier and was having a bitter ght A -A-_- A` LI.` _.--n. ---_-:.-Ll_- fcHiNEE"Jis`TT6E." The Mic-Mjac Club of Toronto ran -their excursion to Barrie and Orillia by special train last Saturday morn- ing, as formerly announced. The- train" left Toronto Union Station at 8.30 a.m., carrying a good load of ex- lcurionsists, about I25 of whom got .:o at._Barrie, the contingent being` under the management of D"-Arcy_ Hinds._ One feature of the excurion was a special prize given to the ex- cursionistcatching the largest -sh in Lake Simcoe, Lake Couchiching, 1 Kempenfeldt Bay, or the Little Lake. i vacuuc Ill LIIC USMC] Wily. \.IU:I'I'|CI.Io ' 'Beards1ey---Ness--Th'at `Clerk: haylre a cla'us inserted on, ghg Assessnj`ent_ Alex.aMi|ne&.8on THE MIEC-MAC CLUB. OOOOOOOO0 ooooooooo A HAVE Christy's Celebrated ENGLIS{i HATS A TI-`Is ansv 1-0 ivnir-4:-as manna` IIOUSEFURNISHINO OOIIPAANTS -WAY TnAN Man -110 . i`','8 Y9! have ever seen betore. igize in this , W we s 5 5I'~e.\vcfV seen before. Eating`. _-.-A!..i1__ .'_ Ll-.:a I T MAKES THE son. men We are_ told by those who use it that an application of Land Plaster gxjeatly benets the crops for two Ygars thereafter. We havcfjustf` cexved a consignment in bulk. jut? and cotton bags. T` A `TI\ i\o - -____ The folldwing pupils at Barre passed at the last exa.xT1in:1ti m music :- \ Junior Piano--Class II-I. Miss M. T. IC. Kane. Pass-1, Miss E. G. MacGregor; 2, Miss G. `Gilchrist. `Senior Piano---Class II-I, Miss M. Fraser; 2, Miss L. Cline. `LAND PLASTER is good f0? Clover, -Oats, Wheat, Potatoes, Tun iP$; Beans, Peas, Corn, F ruit Trees- Grape-vines, Vegetables and other lcrops. . _ . "3`t'eas---Mayor, Garden, Caldwell,` Little, Beardsley, Ness, Sprott, Craig, Clark, Pouchez--.-Io. ` L w _