Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Jul 1909, p. 7

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"1`1'{e ' Christie, "swag T,e;.`;;1; tai theiri-reputation on cleanliness and- quality. The raw product is the purest- and best money can buy, and every ounce of it is carefully analyzed before it can enter the bake rooms. Every device and machine-making for the perfection of the 'product-is used in the big factory. The bright and `cheerful employes, all arrayed in spotlessly white uni- forms laundried on the premises, speak volumes for the sanitary conditions under which they work. You just buy Christie's Biscuits once and you ll know why your neighbors .call them so good. The best grocers keep thein and they cost no more. Christi, Brown 8: Co.. Ltd.. Toronto This fellow was the biggest of the three,_well over six feet and pro- portionately heavy. Tony, however, without hesitating, tackled him in rst-rate Rugby fashion,>and, urged by the thought of rough treatment [to the girl he had rescued, responded` to the rufa1_i s wild jabs with inter- est. He received several body blows, and one on the side of the head. in -return for which he had the satisfac- tioniof hearing Mr. VVeatherway's `teeth rattle musically as the result of a vigorous right-hander. fI`I' n `This last compliment left the burg`- lal'_With no more ght in him. Drop- ;ping the bag, with an 08th he lcapt o.Ff the'houseboat, scrambled through the water to the bank, and set o` across the meadows as fast as his `soaking would permit. \ `(A11 - uv-a ...,...\_. ,.-....... All clea_r!" cried Tony, cheerfully, a1.1d the girl came quickly into the |cabm. It was quite evident she recognisenll her good-looking preserver to be the-. coward" who, under false pretcnces, iiad recently obtained from her a. `particularly affectionate caress. ,____J ___,----_....-- v-v- v... ' There `Was an awkward silence. ,Now the excitement was over, both, remembe'ring their previous encount- ler, felt some embarrassment. The.- `girl turned and switched on the elec- itric` light, then an involuntary ex- clamation Qf alarm escaped her. "`Oh! Your head-you are hurt! I-no--- Tony rejoined, gazing gblankly at the blood falling from a lnasty surface wound on to his light annel jacket. He was very pale, and his breath came heavily, as the result of recent exertion. As the girl `looked at him _with evident distress, he sat down-weakly. A faint smile, `intended to be reassuring, added. to hislcompanion s fears. She hastily procured a bowl of water, and, hav- ing persuaded him to drink a glass of wine, silently bathed his wound. ._ At length, to Tony's extreme re- gret, his` fair" attendant, satised that he was not in any way seriously in- ljured`, ceased her gentle and much- lappreciated ministrations. I 'm.....1- _-...- ..x.-_.1- __-_- GPPICBIGLCU lllllllbllilllklllbu Thank you-thank you very much,~`said Tony, rising to his feet reluctantly. Your kindness is more than I--deserve.. He paused, intent- ly surveying the carpet, then went on resolutely: Before I go, I must ask. you to -believe that Iam not sucha cad as. my behaviour to-night must have led you to believe. Perhaps in 2 the` future, when you can consider my` deceit with.less' prejudice-w'hen my treachery is a distant memory,` you_ win perceive how greatly I was -tempted, and--forgive me. "`t\-u- Ii\ kid` I-`an no:-sf '"1`3I_f" 13{i5';3I iifft` the girl. standing ..with bent head, remained silent.- He took up his panama. at *_....n-. T A- ...... 1:1... .. 1........_ :13 .llCIl|-o 11C IUUI\ up IIIB dlldllldo .I--really I. do not like to leave- you alone like this, continued the- young man, with praiseworthy enter- pris_e. Can you believe that I am not an utter blackguard, and trust me by letting-me stay here-till your hus- band returns? ` - mth a faint smile and a charming` ' hi the girl` raised her eyes to- meet I. A . A A m n n ..1 A . . A ..I.I7 AI-'4 4AQ\:-A`:Iuos [1 'Br6v_rnlee. the/' Auctioneer. Barrie. `glmxdlcg cgodit of farm ntoc lJlO1II LIIC sill l1lC'J IICI l\l IIICCL the admiration her companion could ot conceal ' `(Y I_.___ 4 l.__-I._,._I!! _l;_ _-!,l-v IILII LUIILCGI I have no husband, she said; quiet/ly. but I am expecting my bro- |thPr. ' He is very late. % ' A..A _....v.. .a..... T -L....7' IA...-I'..,Il .`l.';_;o '-`C I3 VCI, IdlC- L`And _may--rr.1ay I s_1ay?' pleaded! -Tonv: w1th`und1sguised eayzenress._,_ \7.'.`.. *9 ._.._.._.....A `L. .a.'..!' ..-.....L..... J L'|lVc' VVIIII UIIUIBSUIBCU Cl`lKCIIlC3Du ' , . `7YS.-" murmured the gfri`, avertihg ;.hgr eyes. . ' So...';I`oniyAstayc_d. 4_4 1si- of rzn u -4 .-. CIbU*`` W] or ;1.l)I'(`t.7.L`. _ ln addttion to bcmg most unpleas- -amty not Ttmy was undeniably gr1ev- ed, He had w;:ll from Rtchrnondy :wlthtl1c intcntiott of callmg upon `his old tricntl Alexander Tatter- tworth, who, ztlthottgh fooltsh enough. 'to\ha\"c sacricctl his liberty at the altar of Hymut, invariably welcome ed Custrcw with hospitablet cordial- ity, But on this occasion he [com- fortable lmskct chair in Tutter- worths delightful garden, the long? iced lager, the choice Mluria, and the. plcasuttt society of Alexander and his \Vllt:-:<) condently anticipated` by Anthony as the reward of hisl commcntlztblc cncrgy-\vere all den-' l- .'il him. Tuttcrwortlt was abroa'd and "The l`1;mt;ttion was in . the, hands of tltc decorators. Tony was lAa[ and disappointed. -l L 1-,. '.-.1,` AL-`ants ,,_Huu. cl lC5l. c Tl1ep1acc was uninviting enough H0311 conscience, but it had `an. 30f ancient lio}u~n1iz111ism, Of dilafpidr .`d raki.~:}mc.ss that captivated '.[0ny _s w';1im.~ic:11 htimottr, /st00I)mg carefully to negotiate't|1;e .l0W(]r.r.-m-H. :.,. ,....n-n.a rm... 291191` .v. 1,. - Se sciiii-tropical days .-in ._ '*_H11.mPhl _. he specula;ted,- settling. 0V3e;,:l,11bcr with which these ~h1mSe'lf as. comfortably 'a,s un.'_ A-was are occasionally favoured. A even `bench ,.woul_d~ perirnjt, J! gcon- ,_hu suii stared ercely from Cll1de;M_r.. I-1.arold _s_i.m_aternal relative, WppChealtli)"l00kmg Sky and. `M ".`'!n5`5eclf`?h1L`.*4rrend=t':*to- the ith --gemicst zephyr stirred -wiles of the irresistible`Bedelia--n'o,~ My 1; hr liuzc perceptible. `Belind_a--and~ _tem_pte.d by this --er`- tlif5 g Surwyui the a.rid _ma-rket-'_:Aidenish"_heat, is. indulging` `in _ a `onyat igmgstoii with disfavour. tl'3nQ}1,11"S!::Sta. We.1l, he_addegl, VP? MC .1. dcsex-ted; the presid- yawning aria carefully arranging` his .1 poddc,-5 of the drinking _fount- teet on.the_ arm of.theb_ench, polish- "?3,g cam} to droop with add'i-` ed by the elbows of topers for . many am dplitlllgwi. and commercial ac- generations, niadain idisplays `her tlonalhfld forltlivc nonce `succumbed wisdom-, I could manage a. nap my - My 11; tllcl'\".tli1g temperature. Self. 1;Ie `gave another "prodigious to t remarkable for ) ai}f"1t1-I-1 "5l}i1IJ,P0Se.I must, get 3 movel v ' ~ x crr-' reclined languid! 0: 0118' .b`q1"1u$Z;tLnrc,f3,1c and shady com- However, the combined -eect of} '"~?`1ici} slinps, praying for night- the heat axis! the ale pr-ovefd strong-` f ?,`,| ,|,,_,.,,i er than this resolution. and afteral 2.. 3!" murniur,d Anthony `gas . S0 e P3?:'-.f. us. 11057 ll/h`:'.VIt'5 hot. `it IS hot! . 4 t11,`_}';"v811_1 he nished .l1_is `leisurely: was }`10t_ "100 hot to swear. re ast without interruption. " A sun v--a Tony 5gr.vcye place at lxmgst ?fneVp.1acc `\`V11h ` goddesb .:.. unnenrcd It i% an 3 The Books : .. .5... u-uu.;ycs.Iu:Iu,:.~u.u(;|1t. -`x,lw? .% \ Barrie B.ranch.% FW ' jfdKNAk_6LE_j Head om: General Mvqn ',-. 03!) , rcjoicjng `-1 - Comparatxve ms-rm THE ALTUSUD u ~ and Statements of fe a strictly irfdAepnd:ntJ..a uditL.; L f 1 F. . \_ I...N"9 WHATS :LQ `suyaal; wuuuut interruption. ; "H-u1nph!.h e' settling irhimself as tl? . un-. leven _bench would .." Icon- Iclude Mr. s maternal relative, unconscious of;.hisg_sur1_'ender to the -wiles of irresistible Bedelia--no,` Belinda--ande tempted this-er--` _f~Adenish - heat, is. indulging in `a tranquil siesta. A Well, he added, yawning arranging his feet onthe polish- the of for generations, `her wisdom. could my- He another ya,wn.. -Suppose.I must move on; tho`ugh.~ ' ' I A . r I 0-Lsuyauan 4.1.... ......L:._ -4 J1` uxccuua. - . _. The exclamation` that had disturb- . ed him. cameffrom the bar, and was succeededvin abrief silence; Then several murmured ' remonstrances were` audible. It was evident, from the tone of the various voices, that a deeply interestirngssubject was be- ing discussed thejvother "side of the partition. `Tony, his faculties dulled by the effect of strong ale upon an empty stomach, listenedwwith a sleepy; irritation vsihich rendered his comprehension of the colloquy somewhat imperfect. ' t . tour... I ,.....'i -....`..-noA'+ka anpalznr i i buxucvwual. uupcx 1c\.L. \ Wot I ses, resumedthe speaker lwho had rst interrupted T`ony s Isiesta; is that it aii1 t good enuf. If ;we're nabbed,-I get-' ve years at `least. They ve got that Guilford `business up agen m.e--blast em.! 3ut ~that was worth the; risk; look at lthemjoolsa `This ere job ain t__ fat enuf' for` yours trewly, and that s all abart it.- " ` -|-...-....i. ......-.-n4-no-oi-inn prnnhn- uu, unuusu. - . ` ,. of- :the and ale i er_ thi . resolution, and after a ibrlef inspection `of the `smoke-be- igrimed ceiling Mr. Castrew closed his eyes-just `to see if he `really was sleepy-and was soon in_- the2em- brace of Morpheus. ~ - U I Aknuc nus "I('\I1an Int.-...' LA ..-an .\`.-...1-- i vlnlyauuvayssllj, JV\J, -I. I-VII Jul ll\J6, , Tony, experiencing the deep sense `of injury felt'by a person nroused ?from a daylight doze, gazed about him with sleepy indignation` before Lhe irecollected his surroundings. then ;closed his eyes again with a rm de- ;,termination to resuxne his blissful tdrgaims. ' , , w ___-1-_.__.:-,_ `.1;:.. 1.--.1 _12_.._._L ul aye ul. uxun yucua. 1 About an hour later` he; was a;.vvak-` ened by a loud exclamation- -*n...... no ,...z..,a .. ........1. ...z.. uu.u u_y a nuuu Chblallld-LlUll"` "Darn it! cried a rough voice, Aexnphatically, :`No! I fell yer-no!7 t\-our t\\rr\`n-nunnqnunqtu LL.` '1`-.. AA...-A ClCCllUo Wot! on one of them, litt1e"ouse boats! ` Rats! -' ` ` ' I Little be.,b1owed! The `Lotusbud |.isn t one of those oating match- gboxes, but a sizeable. craft. , She s V 'oored just this` side _ `of~.*'M'olesey cir. Painted green and white. You must _|g1ow e:_'_. She belongs go Gen-_ anart it; A An eloqucntexpectoration empha- sised the decided nature of these re- marks, which were immediately re- sponded to by the possessor....of a smoother and more cultivated voice. v`.`Now, Bert VVleathervvay,s. doll-it chance; of the softest?` thing 1; you'll ever get, aifidl you start.; whining about being" lagged. Don t you make anv mistake aboutthe loot, either. There s a ton of stuff on the boat-` Dyqu talk silly. rm gi_vii1.g you the solid, too-non.e of-` your `blooming H `-; -I_.A._.\ |JIII.I, nu) electro. 16117-1. VVCII. .I.auu.v..u . must know er. lcral M crston. f Lil f `______- Clan Lvzauu-V.-. _ h, I _know r `well. But ow abart `the stuff? you jt was on board??? he; gentleman hits infc is present for youto ques me `introduce you to - Sharp. Sharp; beingg. "is luck.` ~`n_s ubeen neamina two assisting `at Dick Ti; `ling up the boats. sluicipg 1-..: ...-...o1.:na else rek1s1t 81'. AND gt `W35 uu Uvaauo * The has informed me you to question. !Let me . Mousey Sharp. M711 Sharp, Tbeing.-down on Via 9'35--been` eamin.-a`-bob or ` `two at .'I"igge s;. pul- him: sluicimz `em down. jsmd anything else rekisite. That s~ so. Mouse.v.eI be1ieve?.g - ` , ` There was a snu ` g;;eas"s.en't,`- and % the interuogator*`re;s1m_1ed_: w ._ Mk. Sharp, being 'in-_the abit.of keep'in'g"ise ears; wen`, ,aifsbve*rs that . the-h vgeneralwis ~~Jeavinwio:-`the--Con- A ' e, ._:twye1ft],1V,-g-s-,\_r.et.e_a'd;;y--a 11, T %,_4'e_11, t__,t.)jj:;;`:!:s 1n.vvugmiz_ a .f eds` eefoi'.>?~f%`rund. bu'st.up. fend `worth to` 'ti11;;-`T I if `sifi 5pei{i`n y; - ;e ~;>;.; of littl`e_ `oust; ; ivelf: : -tcnough [! I _;_t_u? Oo told , L sous ihm;:k9:sm _ Do'n"'t"` ftellr ,o!i1eo\y'ou'_reT motes-as. y` `as. aeyer! .~W11, p. r.aps . ,}'011_'l_lb'e a`bi,t sugprisedto ear_.the 8ne`ral~ .as' left. is daughter-quite gal-`-and er usband~ -in` charge.~ Ar_f_,a mo; I'm/not done yet. The ..jl3sbat_1d do_esn t get back from town t:l4lV;_i;Ine,v', sothe`ret s -only, thegal and a `dog .to reckon with. . _ V `There vy .re--aedawg! Blast 1t, `I fates djtwgs! s,. ~ L Daresay you _do, but, Mbusey `here is~part1cula,_rly partial to, er_r;._ oWhy, he actully ung about those, -meadows there to-day till he got the` chance of givin the pore brute a tasty bit o _ meat. It s very sad, but it disagreed, with the animal. He die?c l quite sudden, didn t e, Mous- V C) 'r- I - ' ` ` ."l`L--..- ._--- ` ` V I 1`-.u `There uwasea. general, laugh, and TORY mqyed jrritably. He was very Sleepy. Why `can t they stop their TOW?" he asked himself, .ir_r15atiex}tly. `There .*they- were again-.--Jaw, Jaw, drape, d.r`cn}e'--bay-da;k--dog-cart -.-`eight-'_-1,_{:v1 s! Tony was once more` sleepmg peaceful y. ' ` hMl'|IIr' cvnucnrr u-manna . J......J-A.-I 0|. Luv: c .-uccplng 'pca.4ccIuuy. I; "Noyv`, _ young man, inquired Aa- vshrill voice, `, ave' you taken up lodgings ere; ~-This'ain t an otel. (\k...-I.'. ..... 4... .- 1.--; .~... I.:.. _1.---I.: Iuusluga lC$ "`.l-I115 3111`. an ULCI. Qbedient to a" hand on his should- ". .T.0nY Sat. up and vacantly sur- veyedga stout. woman with a. large Bind cry countenance, yho stood before }-him frowning. L t\ on-1 ...... .. [7 -A- urns . A ....k uc`L`.tI.ucg`uuu rruwuu-Lg. . _ ---`er-_-yes, A ' he_ murmured, rub- bmg his eyes, fraid I fell asleep. `CAI! CVI\II IJIII f, HID Cy 1|'dlU 1 LCII 331C511- ca, m afraid you did. P raps you dreamt` `you paid, but you ,ain t. `She held out a dirty hand. Tony gave her a. shilling, and stumbled `into the street without endeavouring -anceship. to improve this sudden` acquaint- LT- .....n....: ....;...... inn- A:B`l\`0Il`Q GlI\\uUIllJ Heswelked `seine little `distance from The Green $Wherry before hishfeeling of drowsiness entirely disappeared. Then be consulted his watch, and was surprised to nd it past five. ` " III` `I III I I '.I er; 0] - l'I4 of so ide 811 GIILC llllkl PGIILLI KJIL IJIlDI\l o ' _ The" skiff trav1l ed.wel1 against a 'barely perceptible stream, and Tony lwent up the deserted reach at a fair tspeed. .Although the `exercise was welcome at first, he soon became un- pleasantly damp, arid, turning into Ditton backwater, secured the paint- er to a convenient tree on the smal- ler island, with the intention of in- dulging in a rest and a pipe. Itwas not"mnny minutes, however, before the rapidly increasing gloom'warned him -that if_ he wished to return to Kingston before nightfall set in, he could not afford toxloiter, and, .hav- ing but a slight; acquaintance with `this particular part of) the river, the prospect of a pull in darkness. was by no means inviting. `X7341. - . . . ~ A - A _ n n n A u ya `no u-\c"|A:r1 ll. uv Illvuanu nnnv--..--_~_" With,a; vigorous shove he pushed off from the bank, but had only commenced his first stroke when the ski stopped dead, the sudden check throwing Tony from his seat.` -Re covering himself with the assistance of some expressive remarks, he in.- vestigated and found the bow. of his boat was: driven deeply `into 31 treach- erous m_udbank..r Extrication ix-om such a predicament was by .no means a" simple matter even for an exper- ienced waterman `like Mr. Castxzew, and it `was some time before he `at length res-emerged from ?the.creek into" the main river. ' ,1-A ~ ___.__. _.-.... ~..I-_uu-5 An.-1; non-I tn mm Inc puaur uvcn. - iIt,was* now almost dark, and, tol add to-Tony s discomfort and mysti- cation, a cold breeze had arisen carrying ;wit_h it the thick autumnal h_aze.i-`frequently accompanying night- fa1ljin.th_e Thames ,V'alley_ at this time of `the year. He pulled on slowly for some little `time, pausing occasionally to peer questioningly al_)`o ut"_l|iim-'-'-beforc` realising that he was? p'roceeding in j the `wrong direc- tion, `and. instead of goingtowards Anttthematising [the mud i bank which had--~,l`ed=. to. this mistake, `he decided jg`: n1ake,for ,.th. Jboathouse. near t`hjr.. fsb,r the niiehti. . . -liii. coiili1' `hairdl ' `olesey 'r.idge,, and leave t;lie,skiift' _s mas`: that Sp:~dense`,had B'ecQn__1e' th discern the.` bank `which hewas iigging. B'eyo"nd' the m3mea1f1a1`ash< df `his `Sculls, ' as he `1iidi1_sTy7 ?`cre'p`t '~3*lbn`g;` `the? `silence , e " - :.:.L..;.L `I 3.4`-pn,`;o:i` -2011 Kingston 'wa,'s' approaching Molcsey` W35` _uI1DI'OKI'.|. 5 '-="Atv length a dizr`;,light, wvhiclau`: aq-ml pe_a1-ed -L-tp i5:le_r ;.uns_tead:i1y as thc mm-evvarned : _=m .~ A-ntensgta, ,;bccan,1 :V1S+ ib1.7 Wjth an. exclamatxon bf \re1ief Tonyg qu1cken,ed,,his stroke, fully con- .vincd he ha`d"1oc`ated'*th Vboathouset `tie. ukhti -He Mreaaaed his xivith dtamiug ',une3pectdness,'* then .. light `SC._l`l\3g{ Itpf leaxi-' ~frbm-:.the m.istd:-.to L:"_._;:.1~.' ,. ...nl ahb plnfnhhd. aerlv at [Ca-P` Il\IIII'-."Ll'LV uug. .., his ~s_ide; and eke clutched . eagerly -at the cage .of ' what ,he imagined was Pithg; .land_i!1.g, s.taggT' f~_1mo.nvnt _1a.ter 1;;;;r,csao ;nis9d;:.13~s -.mas_tak'-. law 3!; "set! 3;; arss.!1.wsb9at4 J % V - cons1derabh: o .32: I .; ;l|,yllIlllil,g V .3; ilk " ' `" '* `cut to - . "V 9.`!-,`-5.` ll~|.I33,5~;7:" ' ` ~ 7 approachedg; _pl,f,e,11tVy`;of_ time-to`realis that the gu-1: was very pretty. She`: dresed` in .white[-i-a. "soft, ..]-my ma_ter_ial-and the lightfrom the houseboat falling bnfthe. driftiqg mist surrounded her .with a. golden haze which produced an effect osingular beauty. -For a moment Mr Castrew s characteristic self-possession ;fa.i1ed him, "and he azed' at this unexpected vision -without a W0l'd.J ` ' Au. I-..-,u_ _1_`_~ ____1._;1 1.2- -24, t0 1: a wer variously at. .t!.1e . ..dain;ly iicurtained ' windows; `Suddenly ,a. doc: k 'dp_!idT at ' thei-further end of `the boat, and .a.` slight, girlish form `came carefully` along .the ~ narrow ledge" to- wafds ` ` - ` - 1 1 viii` ` 1 vs ' VV LKIIVIIL d. "At; .lengtl:1v?;lf;e; reached his" side. He hastily raised his cap and was about :to' speakv_vhen a. soft` arm `was Iclasped round .his neck_'and"a warm |cheek pressed to his./ ' ` g IA q-OJ-`can , ' c-vinnluoslludnonr` n Q`:-nan} \IlCCl\_1}X.c5c\I LU IIISJ . Oh, hr.-thur,` mu'rmu`red a sweet voice, `-`I._fa`m glad to see you! -I was beginning `to fear yqu were lost. You are very ;i_'ate,- sir, and I m not sure whether you deserve a _kiss or not_,! Do you?" V ....\A 4 `Ag;-gun: L-...L....-. z~:`n-can uv JULIE _ v . There` was a momentary silence, which, however, was. long enough for Tony to assume; that this god- dess of the Thames, deceived by the mist, evidently mistookhim for her_ husband. Accustomed "to the peculiar light himself; he could distinctly see -the dark` eyes regarding him `so ten- derly, the coronal of rich, `brown `hair, and the slightly parted lips- Her arm` was ahput him and her fra- grant breath caressed his check. The temptation exceeded .h.is`powers of resistance. With full consciousness of his guilt Anthony yielded. He. inclined {his head-a decided aF`rm- ative. 617 .1 0 I _ ,I_3 .1`l7_II CILIVCI . a ``You think you do-? `Well, per- !! haps--- "The slender arm tighten- ed its clasp, and for .an instant her, lips were pressed to his.` A moment later; the girl recoiled with an ex- clamation of alarm, th_e movement almost precipitating her into the river. She recovered and stood .Aup- right before the miscreant in `the ski, one hand pressed tightly to her -lips as if with instinctive pro- tection. Even byvthe indifferent light Tony could see{the surge ofcrimson that dyed her ace and neck. uuuu co-ans vvlno-I nrn-pot` l nlr `Into {at IUYCU HUI" IECC ELHU UCCI}. The young man gazed? at her blankly. _ What had.he done'?_ H-is heart` beat painf1 ;11y`fast as he mur- mured with guilty `confusrion: ' I"m-er--awfully sorry. I-er-- "O_h, you oward! brbathed the girl. now, very pale. You-you cad.- ` IIY'.I . ,.1,, ,___,,i _l_- L--__,-__1 anu 1C1 1. 111111. What cou1d_he do? How could he; apologise? With sincere remorse Tony recognised that it w s indeed the action of a cad. And he could` -do nothing--nothing!" `Such an af- `front was beyond palliation. You cur, Tony-you cur! ' he groaned, as he pulled! heavily away i1.to the mist, now rapidly lighten- ig. It wasea swinish trick ; I--- btzt she bcwitchied me.- o'By- Jove, what a loveIy.`girl! "Youxcad ! A The bi_ting_scorn` of her. accents` kuuu Without another word she turned and left him. \xn__. .___ij 1., .1.) `L'! .__ -....1.`I pt-'L aux. IJ\.vvu.\.um.u lllb. , 1.: Juvw, what lovely. girl! "Youxczid !" biting scorn` accents lingered in his ears as he threw a parting glimpse at the houseboat. I-1e wished this blaze of light had es-A caped his notice--'wished he had never set eves on the---what, was the boat called? He remembered 1n.ech- anically tracing the gilt letters as the girl had `utte.re`d her just opinion `of him. The Lotusbu_d..That was Tony r'owcd- on a few yards, and `then rested on his sculls. The Lot- usbud, The Lotusbud. The name worried him. Where had he-why, he had dreamt of it at The \_Green VVherry that afternoon! . A4. LLA "1413 p1..::4-Ar` INA` I-tan ctvcnr, rie, th ,in x\` i it` `IIQL a1I.\rll.l\J\ Ill "..;3:`\'s'iyhe skiff drifted on the slugs gish streami that dream which had been so elusive recurred with wond-` -erful distznctness. But was It a dream? Good H-eav.ens! . he exclaimed-in startled accents.` No! I must hav/e overheard an actual conversation--a gang. of_ scoundrels `plotting to raid ` The: `Lotusbud to-night! . A ' ,..-- ......2.l ..4. ...\1...... .....l 'I`.-..... Ln ! ` LILG .L4\JLlDlJl.l\l L\J`LIls.ll|.& - I - `A few rapid strokes and Tony had turnedsthe skiff, and was pulling strongly up stream again. The mist- had almost dispersed, and he soon located the houseboat. He had hard- ly-done so when the lightfin the windows was .abr1iptl-y extinguished`. Was it imagihation, or did he hear. a partially stied scream? Tawney B`:#OQA1I` ant` 16:2 `:I'\C f:lY|f_ `cl }_Ja.1_ua.u_y auucu a\..{\.a.Au. Tony stiffened and his lips tight- ehed ominously. If any blackguard jhad touchedmhat girl! Every nerve in his body tingled at ghe thought, but he rg:c'ognised the need for can- tion as well as prompt action. T \xr.u. 1,......\ ..,\.....'..:..1 gcanbge I... UUH as wp_u aa ylulupl. apuuu. Wlith long,` powerful strokes h travelled almost silently in the shad- ow of the further bank untilopposite the scene of his recent discorrfture. The Lotusbud was in darkness, and he could not detect the faintest sound. He pulled upa few yards higher and then skilfully manoeuvr- ing across the fiver, slipped his sculls and `drifted noiselessly down stream until parallel with his goal. Very cautiously he gripped hold of . the ledge of the houseboat, and thus I guidejli _-the .ski_ alongside. _ ca 3011`? he c+oo+nr1 $.11!` h2fPl\.7 PP- guluc ,-Luc _al\ul a,1Uug:uu\.. , 1 S denly he started, and barely re- pre_sed' an exclamation. His. hand had come in contact with something so_f_g and warm. ~ - " ' 4- 1.:.. 1-..; .....-I osnnbnrl SOII BT10 WEYIII. Tony rose to his feet and peered intently into the darkness. -A faint light from the cabin rendered him unexpected` assitance. and he was enabled `to distinguish the form,of his late denuhciator lyig mgtionless on the broad-' end of .the boat. He bent over her ,an_x_iou9s1y. The girl `was. bound and'"ga"gged-. but a slight .mov em,ent of. "the head awoke `the hope `that :she `was: "conscious. W Acts ._-inp: dn `this; surm1s_e, Tony`.sp"ok_e_.e _. .l 4165. `-9.. .'i . !\_1_L 1 -0 g__ __`_:_'___ .ulp'. Uu Lu.|a_ uuauuu.., -v.._, ....--7,. , ."`Don -tn. be (_rightened,".he whisper- ed.` genfly. It is all riglit. I -am going to help -you, and will unfasten the rope. and remove that -gag. But n_lease;make.no`sound if you` can help it. .'Will:you m0v_ey_o1.1r he_adto\t,he ~r._igl1t-.i_f` `you .-utI.3,.rsta,nd?_ Belieyelpje, =I;m~.9:;_?frighd: 3 ' ` V 3 - ` ` --r n`. .- `.1 ow His `compaxiion moved . her - head ! immediate]-y. With strong,. capabl v xigcrs Tony. hastily ,fre_ed her; from? -1~ er ods' chnscio_us~ns_'hp'.glidAV_sd`of out however, in any way impairing his nerve and co_olness. . | Til I, , _.'I! I'..1 I `P I112! Il\rlV\- Gll\.l \-\J_\JllI\4DDv Please keep still a little longer if you can manage it,~he murmured, when the last knot had been loosen- ed. The gii'l nodded, with a nger held to herelips to indicate she under! stood. - . , I Swiftly removing his boots, Tony stepped cautiously on to the side of the houseboat, and crouching down- as low as possible, crept -noiselessly to the further end. `For a moment he paused at the entrance listening,` and `thenwith tense muscles slipped inside. A profusion of hanging fern-s andi several palms . afforded a certam amount of cover, which enabled tony to survey the occupants or the` long` cabin without {being observed.| In any case, however, his silent ent-| rance would probably have remained] unnoticed, so intent were the mar~' auders upon their occupation. By the dim light from a dark lantern Tony could perceive the `moisture shining on their faces as They feverishlyv transferred the contents of. a com- modious sideboard to large carpet- bags. (1`he'occaiona'l gleam: and muf- fled clink of metal was sufficient to; reveal the nature of their booty. I General Merston s silver! said! Anthony to himself. My `dream`. materialises wonderfully. Now, 1 im-I agine that `burly rufan with the vol- uminousanuler to be the gentleman who disliked d0gs-M~r. Bert Weath- erway; the individual with red hair: would probably answer to the affec- tionate title of ,`.iM.ousey ; and as for the scoundrel in the cloth cap who is doing the. least work, that must be the eloquent ringleader. . 1 L_,.L__1_! n--aw u.v~1--V..- -.-.c---..v-. would hamper his movements, Tony had abandoned any idea of` bringing it, and was, therefore, completely un- armed. He felt his chance of over- to `hesitate, considering. Recognising" that` the boathooki coming three opponents, _two of whomi were bigger and heavier than himself, was small, even allowing for the advantage of surprise. Mr. Cas-I trew, however, was nothing if not; plucky, affd was `just about to launch himself into the midst of the indust- rious burglars, when `an object at- tracted hieattenfion and caused `him , - ,,;3_II___ .. .!Tony ~possess,ed ea `voice, and he let it go_ with all the .-`abandon `which excitement and de- ;te_rtn`inati on' -evoked. ~.The magnicent yblhme of `sound even startled the -lvoieigiaator` himself. as it smote the 3sif`;:t_;*nighti with thunderous effect. -v Inwunsiasu, A small cottage piano, partially concealed by tall palms, stood just inside the doorway, and the sight of it suggested a planito Tony which he immediately carried out. He stepped noiselessly to the instrument and carefully raised the lid, his movements `being covered by the friendly gloom. Placing both hands on the keyboard, which he was bare- ly. able to` perceive, he` took` a deep breath. then crashed `out _a chord, bursting simultaneously into the vig- orous refrain of Escamillo s song from _`5Carmen.: - . ` ` 5`Toreador,` now gua-at-ard thee! Toreador, t'ore`a,dor!i ` powerful bass .`e ..-..'..'.'I s. A` 91-13:: +0-Arnnntlnuic SUCH; `lllgllt Wllll Luuuucxvua gnu-.. The sound L of this tremendous {martial voice issuing. from the ap- _pave`nty uninhabited. darkness was `toozmixch `for the `Terri-ed ma1efact- ors`. _-Utte1jing_a bowl of consterna- tion.~the; sliotti redheaded` bu_rgla.r jfsued through: the: door with. a swift-of `:1 hitch- `supportetl ;.his: claim to " titmgof :`.`M 9u,8iey. closely ` H s" comrade T intthe. -clgth. . and prottudang` Where Christie's come E1-qm- A % cleanestxfacfory in Ca_nada 1 '}Be'iHt?6:i4i'1-SiHtiJ'6E'"th' 'Vi'sii Tknowjust why Christie s biscuits are the best baked-and hundreds visit the big factory every season. nn.-'ru._.:_;_:- n_.-._._. ..--_.I- -.|_..1..- u..:_. _..._..;._n_:... -.. I HE Christie, Brown biscuitllfactory is in keeping with ' `the international reputation of the rm. Visitors

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