Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Jul 1909, p. 3

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3% To IVZ a, V 3%` Lyric Resits of examinations`: .Note-Those markeilt Mgassed. - C.- thI\I A whose names urausc \ ` ) kpaaac ' w'Sr. IV .---Leol ~M}cQonald,. 316; Vigtor `._Brett, 293; `Lizixe Cameron, ` 23 . ,1 " V ~ :1 III.---*Dora' 'Cha.ppel, 330;: *Lydia, Dobson, 3_25;_?"Cass_;ie !Cameg- - on, 310; *Jean Hxcklmg, 299; *Jessxe Kirkup, 284; *Hazel Dobson, 26.12;- *A1nnie D-obson. TIT kf`I-`.I--.. T).-.`l.$-._ nah. U. '['\lllI.lC I-J'UUB\llIn Jr. III.-'-j-Gladys Robon, 327; *Fanny Stone, 282; vMlay Nicholson, 245 (Rec.); M;abel Stone, 232, (Rec..) Sr. II.--f"Violet -Martin, 346; Walt- er Wallwin, 234; |Charlie Degear,A 232; Evelyn Brett, 218; Franvki-e Chappel, 216; Andrew Wallwin, 193; Maggie Brett, 184. ' ' ' 17 RI TTn'anr Tnanhpr `A ;Cobalt special says the biggest re ever _known in Cobaltbroke out at four am. on July 2, in the res- taurant of Joe Lee, a Cliinaman, `on building on both sides of the street for half a mile, the total loss being estimated at half a. million dollars. `One man, a foreigner, is known to have been killed durinpthe opera- tion of .ball-houses to check the spread of the ames, and it is report- ed another also met death, while six _others-were injured. -Several children are missing. The Haileybury and New Liskeard re brigades came up on special trains and rendered great assistance. Two thousand persons are homeless as a result of the fire, and the whole city is in a state of ` consternation. the I-Iaileybury road, destroying the I Big Game Shooting in the Yukon Territory, by that veteran sports- man, Mr. C." G. `Co-wan, opens the exceptionally ne J-uly number of Rod `and Gun, in Canada, published by WL J. Taylor, iWoodstock, Ont. It is. clear from the account \J given that big game is plentiful in the Yu- .kon and provides ne sport for those -who can aord time and -money to travel so far. Mir. Reginald Gourlay predicts a Good Fall for Hlares and a consequent relief to the big game of ma North from Indian raids. Can- adian and American `sportsmen, should note and govern themselves accordingly. "The Basset Houndifor Sport is an article which will inter- ,. est all dog lovers. These are but samples of a long list in w11ich_sh- ing and hunting topics come in_for adequate "treatment, while numerous . short papers supply va.riety and en.- able sp'ortsgn.en- to pick, u-p the mag- azine at any time, conident of nd- ` ingitmucgh that will give them pleas- ant reading on (topics which appeal to them all 'the year `round even if the force is increased somewhat in the s`u_mme-r weather when the wild _.- ...-..-- ouunscu ` LIIC ulsnnnnyn Iv wsvbnawg -v --` is calling in many way l e {We offer One}; Hundred Dollars" Reward for any case of -Catarrh that cannot be cured by .Ha1l s Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & (.70., Toledo, 0. W.e the undersigned have known F, _J'; Cheney for the last I5 years, and believe himeperfectly honorable in all business `transactions and n- ancially able to carry out any oblig- ations made by his rm.` _ ` .Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale` Druggists, Toledo, 0. 'Hall s. Catarrh -Cure` is taken inter- `nally, acting directly upon the blood and _mucous surfaces of the, system. Testimomalss t free`; Price 75 cents `per bott .% Sold by a1l-c_1rug- gists. stipation. _, L \ Take Hal1 s" Family'_Pills- for con- Tl-IE JULY ROD AND GUN.` s. s. `No. 5; vnspm FIRE ATM COBALT. How'q THIS 2 LBJ Usher, Teacher. stewsulollstsrllllillitvllllllnis servingyoursounsitlebdltupho if b Each have not elapsed before every - man has respondedfto his number at his station and is -may no-hot. to iizht re.,to. man. the lirebosm. or what not. Up in the wheelhonse is further ex- ` xemplliication of what system will do; Within reach of the olcors sre a V dozen` contrirances or machinery that connect with every part of the ship. A touch. of one lever closes a bulk- _ head" in- this or that compartment of " the hold; a- touch: -of another mans all - emergency stations. a lever here mans `lifeboat so-and-s0. and a lever there mans any one or all. Here is a tele- phone-, its wires extending to every ' `part ofthe ship. and an olcefsx voice ' carried" to a distance station in the l '" bowels of the ship is so magnied . by imechanzlcal means that it can be heard twenty feet from the receiver and tslrlybellows its orders. ,_ns..,_ _.. ...A_.-.--A- ___..- I.-.---Q nu` lull!` rllalll II`al'l |J\- u.-cu---up now --- ---_ 'y--.. There is 1*-`drill 01' some kind every day aboard ship. but the men never \know whether they are running to- a real are or only a drill. _ Boats are un- ` covered.` falls overhauled. davitsawnng out. Every boat must have its com- pass. night signals. fresh and provisions ready` for im-media-te action. From "the chart ronnithe captain can i start a squad lnihemoslz remote part of the ship simply by-pressing a but- ton. and Ithe nashlng;.of tin-y electric lights faithfully record how every de- tail of the drill is being carried out. A chart gives the location of all bulk- heads.,aud a tiny light sparkles when this or that water tight compartment is closed. in case of a collisiaon every bulkhead below the water line isclosed by a turn of a lever in the wheelhonse. making. , the modern ship practically nl 1slnkable.--Vau.Vliet Adling in Book- keeper. - Inlmu Qnuyuul 2:1--v -w- u... v------ AA same: or steward` never knows at iwhat In-in-me-. day or night. he may be 1," called to his sta.t:1ou-.- A1: the sound of i the signal bet! he must be at his post. lInL__- A . _` .I__Il -5 .......- IoI-4I A-A-3 Ho Dazed haw; Wallace. shortly after the first success or "Ben-Bur Lew Wallace had occasion j to go over to London and one day ` "picked up a pirated copy of the novel at a `railroad newsstand. To his amazement he found the subtitle left off. a preface interpolated and one of the chapters rewritten. Of course he boiled with rage. and as soon as pos- sible he called on the publisher. That gentleman coolly admitted his crime and told Wallace . he- thought the amended` form better adapted to the British taste. doncherlgnow. His `gall was so` stupendous that the novelist was awed and went away without! `spilling his gore. ` h It Was Go od Advice. % A wildly turbulent peasant was once a wltness In a trlal before Chief Barou ` 0'Grady. The counsel, after pestering him for some time. put a question to hlm which rellected on the witness cha racter. , AI. _-A __._I_ [III -I-- -pg A E1953 `II-13 `VIII vvuow run`: vs vs --u The counsel appealed to-t-he court. stating. that an answer was necessary to his client's cage. ending `up with the query. "What would your lordship advise me to do?" `___I_-.I h -gAA` Oh UI,lllI\;|.rn._ . If ye ax me that again 1'}! give ye a kick lnpthe gob!" was the answer. nap- _-...._-n ___--I..I 6.. oh; nan:-OV ll.I.IVli'|I.' Il.lU'_ IV laws "I: you are resolved to repeat the question." replied the courts _``I d advise yen to - move at little from the wit- Tho Poultice Is a Barbaric Rolio. "The ponitice is a barbarous relic oi the days of witch burning. The typ- ical home poultice is made of tlaxaeed. 1 lt_is-a soggy, unsavory. germ infested 5- ~A_..__-_.; -1 L-..`-g-as l`Innn4u` ng\nn_ gl-Io Got the Teacher. _ A man called at a grammar school In 1 large clty to see one of the teachrrs robin he wanted. noted {the bell buttons In the main corridor. Be pressed. one aoofafterllao sound._ot the gong chil- dren and-.j;ol<=,bel's.._nedl.torth from the various rooins. `all in orderly line and - Tyvlthrino e7_xciteme_ut or crowding. "Tho tgaa-`vpiaat-d. the button which V _ro,al .a.rIn drill practice. . end. uncertain Just wblclrwas the` zatitliein. =HlIWaI'Irprlae was when ('13 3 BS1535, uuauvvny. avian: .-.-....._ instrument 0 torture. clapped upon} the suffering baby : chest. it interferes ? with the poor child`: breathing. infects his eklu with the , germs that cause 1 pimples and bolls and `makes lm nu- bearably uncomfprtahle and unhappy. The heat in the poultice -ls ltsi. only valuable` feature. The dampness does _dan_1a ge, and thetnxseed )5 as Inert as .. ...'..-.|. ..`.-Inn nr hmnkfnnt food- ucuuugr, u"Iu I-IlI'~ IlIlwv\-\n -... so much sawdust or breakfas;{-1"t,-2&1`. Why not use hot water. bags or ; bet- ter still. hot cloths?-Delmoator. V I VIIIUIVIUFW 1. ' "'CE ` ' ."A-vi .4 , AA gun ghe_`expt1..xnInlning ;the3,\` ?! : ;on11I'1*f:- a'".n= .vm-1.3:.` |"gt:_:.j_g- there ~.pnt'onta_hl_e* 4alxam this !'L R... ..-1n...;._|.n".; '..a'.. It ....c.a ~ olu. In- uiahqne ._~ .: _' :. :.. U|_CfuI'tO._F|iI'!l. V . "A young my gauged on a patents ex- .*_.peI1:\and hgxgtggn idea he wim- 'ed 5 .ltjV7l'i"iu jeform of run .|\lQ!e.ment;r..!n, ~ " .'a..I4I ORA`. ACQAIQ . (gQng`nh`o But! IT `_'([|IV'Iu.su}:u.. u nu-. ;aj`QJn,s_t a_h1.- 'su_~.f'.. mm '7sI}}"aia- - ' T ~I:aUd|9:.:.-lzpn ; .`i`.. `me lltahest lIxpressIon ot The _Masler l'ailor s Art. % "Pronressnmr Clothing. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ON TARIO. under the authorit of Chapter 8, of the Statutes of Ontario. 1 ` invites subscriptions from the ublic for a loan of $3,500,000 on bonds of the _ ovince of Out- ario, or Ontario Gov ernment stock. mnavuacial mm , I IINVFUII TIC VIII: Isuuvvw v 9. Ifnoborg 1 co. limited, iontnd Sch 5 Guarantee by C` ' ICICCTDR k The bondsirill bedated 1st June. 1909, and: pi: able on the lat J une. 1939, in denomination of $1.000 each. with coupons attached for inmtu .es't at the rate of four per cent. `per annum. nnvnhln hnllarmu-Iv nn the lat. Junta And lat .eat El: LIB THEE UI IOU]? [JCT Cllllv PC!` ll Illlllllll. payable halt-yearly on the lat J ne and let Decembgr in each year at the olce of the Provine1a'1'lreasurer,.Toronto, or at the oloea of the Bank of_Montreal. in Montreal, Canada. and in New York. N.Y.. at the holder : option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer. but on request wilibe registered in the oloc ofthe Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corpora- tions. and on request of holders will be ex- chen for Ontario Government` Stock at any me. I I "Orgtaria Government Stock" will bear ill~ terest from the 1st day of J nne. 1909. pxhcipnl payable on the 1st day of J une, 1939, and inter- est at the rate of four percent. per annum will be paid halt-yearly by cheque on the 1st day of J une and let. day of December in each year. ` `Ontario Government Stock" may be subscribed for in sums of or multiples thereof. and will be transfers le in the books of the Treagnry Department only bv the holder or his attorney in aimila; manner to tr-mters of bank stock. ~ The issue mice durin the month of June. 1909,.wi|l be 1 2 for eac $100. and after the 30th (in of June. 1909. the issue price will be 'l`0l'Zoan interest. accrued from the lat. June; Burchasers of Stock or Bonds will be required to send certied cheque with the up lioation. `payable to the order or the Provinc al Treas- urer of Ontario. ' ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUEDA UNDER. THE AUTHORITY OF THE SAIH ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES. CHAR GES. SUOCESSION DUTY AND IMPOSL '1 IONS WHATSPEVER. - This loan is raised upon the credit of thc Consolidated Revenne Fund of Ontario, and is chargeable thercum n. - -4 Subscribers ahdnld state whether they desire bonds or "Unlnrio Government Stock. Example: A subscriber (or 81.000 will have the option of taking either a bond or Ontario Government stock. A subscriber for *7! will be given Untario Government Stock. as ` bonds are only in age denomination of $1,000; _A. J.-I-MA'rHz:soN. Provincial Treasuner. Treasury De `rtment. Parliament Buildings. Toronto, 3 June. 19-. 9. . Newspapers inserting tlxis adertlsement: without. authority xrom the Department will Qnothe paiglfor` it, \ tschoolwclosed last Wednesday for" vac_ation,\ and _the children showed their appreciation of then` teacher, who has resigned. her position` as teacher, `by presenting her `with a writing-`folio, and the following ad~ dress : ' M5333 `Rainey; a r_o mmm, And dro -' Wn-gd * The Conv` . Mrs` '19-t`11 . ulaful ' (")rlnSley9_`Dr. a new tria1p::_:lti0n ,:aI5e1_- F9 . =: ` ML ~ ._ Cred 3. ` ' ~'.`= ,. bar:n_ran`g'P`. Parks stnking himnear Na was.:'k_....f_;`.~~~ ` "~=..", 0n th piiee Cartwrimft head `Of .1} ` g`, " 33.7113: L\GIlI\yJ, `- Dear` teacher,-In: an ldve we ask you `to accebj this last token of `Our- 'regard,_for you, our dear kind, `pat-~ iyng teizhex, ._and would ask some t_1`me reme ber us from whom.- you _`are `now parting. ' _ % ' _..`_ fl -.`_..'A4~".' JV ,3--~ _-|-~ .-.~A--~ -. E. W _.. _.`-.Ma,y.wc~ each hav.e.a small cqmer that largeheart of yeurs,fand. P1-9g ro,sa% . Bria.;nd.` Olothing is made for men who know and `approoh the V ms intndod tof % compete with cheap o_Iothing.' Itismeant to ho bxaorhly what service? and,pr'i'de" six-oA blended in happy C CUCI--I0b U ETYTTYRER Tcifond am! Guaranteed by A Q- l!_-,'1-.l -_- EQGPQSS I .__.-no RN or s3,5nu.na X " M: D. M`. Farlgs Was 1311.09 bar: ' ' ._- , "n j wprivaxe Cartwright. of d_efd;`:` ddenly at Guelphanaftera l_:vely; with the 15` Bitter-V ' , - `A wn\L;. .~nrnnl"S V UuClpIl,`allCf' IIVFIYI. 16th Bhttery. f wrrhe coroner s Jury 3.? 7E1l11j7al"e~_? /nfjiat :Mic}1g1el Kell was ;k_tl_l9d , 1 Fournier W338 giv t1aj N."1'h;,::Sthe Natnonalxsts of 1_\Q?_r";_t-; celebrate his release from J`a21l.* A witness before the Royal `Com-r {ssion at Montreal _swore `h_at-V he Ld paid $250 for \ appomtmcnt to the police `f" . u v_ ; ~, The yacht Red Feather upset negr Sore], and Herbert Shaw and Afchxe ..,...nn- nnan rs; Mnnfih`a' W acht Feather eupsetl e'a`rA 503:1? aynd Afehie 00551, young men of Montreal, were drowned. , _ = 2 -3 I;;.~_` A second plang for the `e1e_ct,1f_1e melting of ores ms be1ng.erected1n` Sweden, and the matter 1s:of_great .._-m m Canada. where a snmilar wedell 'dHU ulc 1ua_u.\.| an en '51.c.; isnterest, to Canada, similar .enterprise may soon be started." ?" . 11 Mississippi Legislature; tok EOE against the _,Standard 011 Com- pany under the anti-t:}ust law. Premier Asquith re eived 'th"e wig] Press Co.nfer.enc_e delegation and expressed himself In favor. of cable rate reduction. * The State of T_ennessee -W.ent dry at midnight last night. Bgrgamn hunt- ers, looking for cheap liquor, were very nunlerous. U A If `'17 1, _ In on John B. Wilkie of =M'imico_ waskill ed by :1 street car. '~ Torontos defeated Nationals 48 to ,5 in 3 .\'.L.U. championship game, -. . Leonard Bulstrode_, aged fteeri years was drowned in Long Pond, Centre Island , Toronto. s g -- __._.._-:.. .__1 Bush res are -raging on both sides of the .\I'ontrca1 River near Elk Lake. Four sctlcrs` houses and three shacks` have been destroyed. - V ' T \,\.uux. Au-u---y `-~----vv. . Albert Frost, `aged 30, committed` suicide by Jumpmg from the Glen road bridge, Toronto. ` ` _._J .'ll'2_-__._..__ Lady Edgar, the President, and the other ofcers were re-elected .`at the annual meeting of the agiational Council of Women _of Can a, Tor- .onto. V 1 `JlIl\J. The memorial erected it} honor ;of Barabara Heck was unveiled at /the cemetery near Prescott. ` I L ._,__.- _`;!.._ luau uII\.|b - - . V _ . . V. At th. Christian and `Missionary Alliance mectmgs, Toronto, asser- tions were made regarding evil prac- tices in the schools. V T 1"| _",,n, _.-,I Enima Faubert, a youtig woman,` was nrrcstecl in Detroit and brought back to Canada on a charge of ,de- frauding an Maple. City man out of QM: ` .~`?i'.3.- \\Iu\s\.n_, --ya. - . ' - v V . _. A seizure of otter and beaversltinsl has been made in theHudson s Bay` Company's warehouse at North B,a.y. 'Y`L, _..,.:.I-....,. I`: \J?_ `l':\`-cox-u*nn1\cIv A'iI w..,...., .. ..,.----__- _- _ .__,_, T, The residence of Mr. John -Bowrs of Goodcrham was burned, and. hjs -ten-yearold (laughter lost her `life 111 the re. |lUUIlIg (J. ;V1dl}Ic- `J13: IUNCIII `(.35 .7. W - Some lmys touched a ma.t'l`14~',-to .a barrel of gasoline standing `on the railway platform. at Shag Harbor. N-' 8. Two of the boys were killed` and four others seriously injured. T`| . .__A_!_`.. A` Eamon t morn b '.\lh~s. Fred D'evinish', .Wife of .31 .\1omn-:11 Witness reporter, and M`-1'. John Cain were drowned on Lake :St.{ L_0ui.s by the upsetting r of-,..their,. dinghy. Frank Bury fell off a barge -at Kc-nora and was drowned,'_`a~n,' Fred Cattcmole of Kingston. `was. tlrowncd while bathing; " " . . _- .,,'-~'.-2 D-A,.. E- '-'.2;I 'Magrath, Medicine Hat, me`mbeIf_S .0 'Parliamcnt, were dismissed at 'Cal~ gary. ` -vvu uLu\.|a a\.1I\J|.l9lJ IIIJ5IIW\II - Protests against the election . ofii Messrs. .\'l. S. McCarthy, Ca.lga.ry;. .i0hn Hcrrcm, M`ac'Leod, and `C. A. .- .... ab 9 _ .\l.essixm was visited by a Se`ti:,f' Carthqllukc shocks, which cO!P!9d-_ the ruin nf the city. ` 2 " ~ I` \-llllll|IL\l (IL &VL.bJ\lVYI ,1. " I I Luv vii): Germ:my .~; largest `comliine /~`has | been threatened by the`. -Uitd States. Part; of the stock was)ptI_I'-1 chased by American capi ta1i'St's.,C}' T ' A H - ~ `~.I L__`,A.I. _ 563:1 Captured at Mfexicp`; ; T I \ pzusnnuuau __ Pctrr_.ei1m's assassin `is said . - ;_y .|JlII..lll.all Uuyltu uuuu w: A British ship was de.ta'inefd4.l5Y; _`' - \m`cric:1n Customs oicers,` W110` f,_31"`. 9d. It intended to make a libgxstetmgg Tald on Szm Domingo. B A PI\o'\C\ A to DUI! I, I - sXT'UBX:viULY43 % V ' John Longden, a.-bookk.D3?A?3rS'7! rested at Cobalt, will be broush Toronto on :1 charge. of'ja.>Pg>lrY-'-"`,.- L y . FRIDAY, JULY 2; and aw W j kL*e'a;% .*Sf};E6ha as sxiad }Cf gi:; Of: 19) :M'CGi1l AT UniV._Si$'$: of to ,Mk:Gi11 Montreal. -' Sergear it $B e'i *'t`: Diiiel - ' `II! 0 71111 an--.-...- - __.-` .:-,,~yoq auu. IEKCII CO; |. . "Strbng -;op;_>osition_ (is ~a:fqu_.cd;` ?_1Vel1an.l1_,.,aga1ntst-_ 3:: rgrantgxg 6f lQuOf.' tcense: o` e -o`rt. = me ta `track ~hote_l. V. . ' V ' L Fire destroyed a large portion` tlfe rsidential sectio of ;Cob: Two lives were lost, and the fdama is estimated at $700,000. ' .Three arnied '.robbe_gs held up the; manager of the Bank of "Nova_Scoti , at .~Rainy River `\and stole $10,000.: ',l`hey_.got away,_T`but are being pur, sued. . _ , - I . Eleven `then tried to cros the river at Fort.Wi1liam:inA_aa small boat. It__ upset and "one yvas-idrto9m`ed_. The` body of Jos. Seguin was found in, the canal at Cornwall. A _.I-,, C ` ` 1301:, , . . . - . . an we vul uwau. A pfoposal was made that a. Zeppe 9 }in airship try ,to reach the orth Dole- - " F3:i.r'_rle. ' Vine Fr'ench'.`Ministry vyaswh-idi uled.l~ by*a Deputy for its wearisome red: ntaoe. ' `A | ! tape. V"-"' ` Theprdts of 5 Detryoif tutorxiobil rm for the-past _eleven months were enormous. . - - 5 - A The Republicaxj party agreed to raise the tax on cxgars-, cigarettes and plug tobacco. r--u v9Il3%%% - he oifticiag report `of the United St_a_l_:esV L1be'.ri`an commission charged `l)3r1_tain with encroachments on. Lj- erxa. . . ' $'I`_he National Bank. in Imnwood, M`icl1., suspended, gnd the arrest of its main ofcials followed. The gros- sest mismanagement is alleged. l The adjournd indquedst into 'the` cause of death, of Michael Kelly was It-esumed at Elmvale on Wednesday, June 30, the Coroner, Dr. -M'c'Clinton, presiding. Cqunty -Crown Attorney Cotter -represented. the Crown, "and W A nave oicsoina--An `A-- l-'-- - . " putter Anrepresentecl. the -brown,` and W. A. Boys appeared-for the pr1son- ler, the Smith brothers. . `Dr Turnbull of Elmvale and Dr. ` Murphy of Phelpston testified that they had performed the post m.ortem examination `on deceased, and found that death . was caused _by `hemorr- hage of the brain, due to a depressed fracture of the skull. The` wound. on the lgft mpl "wasf oinly adesh woun. . e s u o ecease was fractured almost clear around. They examined all vxtal organs of deceas- ed, but `found death` due; to above caixse alone. Thevskull _was a httle thinner than normal. Thus concluded the evidence, and the Jury retnred to `arrive at a verdnct. After. being out about an hour, the a jury decided on the following" ver- dict: We the jury _on the inquest into the death" of Michael Kelly,` agree that he, -M'cichael.Kelly, `came to his death by blows received from William. or James `Smith, or both-of lthem, while in anesaltercation with ltheisaid _W'illiam and James _*Smith, `on the road in front of Michael Kel- `ly's house, on,Sunday evening, the l27th day of June, 1909. . '$lch\ V '1'" -4 _.v- U""`! `l`J_` The prisdners were then arraigned before Mia istrates R. H. Middleton and J; -T. A'impson on the charge of murder` preferred against them,` to which they each pleaded not guilty. Their counsel, Mir, Boys, decided to waive. ex'a'mina.ti,on, and they were then committed ~` to Barrie jail to ,awa.it"trial at the `Fall Assizes, KIVVCVII ll! Ins vuuv --.-- --_..-.__ %It`is understpod that `thgcharg against them wnll be reduced to` one of manslaughter. . L, L... C...ZA.L I-...A V "~di Tyi: '- -TI-IVE FLOS TRAGEDY. -AV t :I3afrie, oti ~Fifida}',*July s VEliWz abeth_ (Salt-_et",V`;`.i-a_.`gg_g:L_d 39 f DIED.` mother ` of A . fell into 9.` w-ell` 1! taken _ou]:; dea`d."f: ` is atqucd ,';`(il_`l:_ tgrantmg 6f- 3.` Fqrt. Erie race: 7' vvv. u `and! FIAII um .75: ;i%7th3ino-` N . ., . % you Tevlet fev_en h.o,ped.._or, _ Ami % ?it`1;hi s wonaertm haw cieaaon: '(1eVlicV:as1:e`--H13" Vxndast iilelicious-M-t.ha 1 rii1'i'6k _1`,"E , F. `.'.!he]ric,h`esE , .a A _ -A ` - ` _ " $5.113 ` I.I \J3"ZI.UIDfIv 4 __ _, `_ (glggantly ambo3`sed)_a.:: Nothipg ' L: eve; befo13e~p1fo;1_;1;:e:<,1V.' .. ;,Mr.. JoS., Taylor; one of A Stayneris ._j'enterprising" citiz'e_ns_. has `erected _a. ;.new` {hotel .att..Wtasaga Beach, on the !.-property `-he lately tpurch__ase\d. from ;;.Mr. D. `R. .Do'ne`r.': The n'w'h ouse is jcalled` the Stayner. Hlotei. - ,7=.InV the, it;I;s`zp.e ct.f.a`t e4 'of-g South Sim; acqe "-357 ._C?.l;s_lidats5 wrote "on -the `Ent- G1ass,7~B;A.,'has been :.a1:o_po1x;ted-iepncipal of the Midland -TI-ixgh-`Scho,'c`o`lVto fill the, vacancy cans - 5egl"by the gdeathw bf Mr. Ernstein ,SLmpson, B_;A._ A , -r ;ra11~I*;x'ai111rAag1ti'9hS`"to High` -Sch % The` enageriient Has. been annouxcr % _-,ed.of Rev, Donald `C. MTcGreg9r,_pa1_- {tor __of- , the A Orillia _ Presbyterian gchutch, to M_iss`.`Es`te_i' eM_i1l`er;. The inatjriagev is` to take place the latter part`: of this` month- " ` ' 'O}rangevi1le lost one `of tits oldest `anTd._m,o._`st respected citizens T on` July '2nd,` `in the death of Rev. John Good- man; The` veteran minister was in his 77th yea and` was! well -known throughout Canadian M2eth`odism. Al- thoggh rethifed `from the ministgy for several. years, - he worked earnestiy for the/M:'ethodistchurch until he be- came ill. V ' .' " L on clap . L . -_ .v--- -w-`-_v-: ------_. `-3 The West Simco'e*Sunday School _Associat_io_n met in annhal convention in Collingwood on `Friday, June 25th,- ithe rvfce-president, M'-r.~ D. .G. -Bell, of `Stayner, presiding. __ There was a goodly attendance, the delegates re- presenting the various schdols of the association. .. " " ~ T ` A writ has been f's`sned-against the Creemore `Star, -e 4c1Iaim.ing unstated damages for an allegedlibel contain- ed in a letter, which appeared in the Star of April 1st, last; over the sig- nature of 'Ratepayer." Alex. M'.c- Leod, of Glen Huron, is the gentle- man who has the grievance. The treasurership of the township `was being discussed, and Mr. :M]oLeod, who had been an applicant for the position , was eriticizedby a corres- pondent of the newspaper. ' The death of William Totten tgok place at` his_hom.e at Thompsonvxlle on Saturday,_ June 2_6,_a.t the age of 73 years. Mr. Totten was born. in the village of Mludville (now Edge- l'y),~Vaug_han township, in the year age he came to Tecumseth_with\his parents` and settled near Penvil'le, _`where his father cdnducted a saw- mill, which biisiness was carried on after his death by the deceased, who 1838. When about eighteen yeai-s,of ` some years. afterward sold the mill to the late `Robert Ellis. --- Ebenezer` Church, Gilford, Ont., was the scene; of the wedding. of Miss A. A. A.`: Kneeshaw, youngest daughter of Mr. George Keneeshaw, to -Mr. H.. H. `Scott of Toronto, on June 26. Rev. T. G. Scott, of Toro-n- t`o,uncle of the groom, oiciated, as- sisted by the Rev. Mr. CrQcl< .ett. The! bride was gowned in white Directoire satin with dainty tulle veil and _cor-' onct of orange blossoms, carrying a shower bouquet of white tube roses and ferns.` Her cousin, Miss` Blanche Ashby-of Toronto was bridesmaid. , Little Geraldine Walsh of Toronto acted as ower girl. The groom was supported by Mr. Mlusson, Toronto. The groom s gift to the bride was a` gold locket set with diamonds. After the ceremony the guests adjourned `to the residence of the bride s par- , ents, _Lake ~~ Viewfy farm, Gilford, where dejeiiner was served. La_ter Mr. and_ M-rs. Scott left on a wedding :`tour, `the bride travelling in-'a tailor- ed suit of taupe broadcloth with Tus- . can hat. Guests from Toronto, Bar- rie, and elesewhere were present. Mr. and Mlrs.` H. Scott_will reside in Toronto.. / . . Report of S. No. 1.1 Ihnisnfil,.for June. A , ' . V.-Tu]a Gordon. 7 . 1'V.*-_--Laurena Johnston (honors), Jessie Gree_n (honors), _5C1are`n'ce Green, Carne Black, ,Floss1eVSprvmg\,` .'Del1a Leonard.` ;-- `.1 \ 1- ,, J .`|A'1_1;~-I. -lJClI'a Lacuna: u.- 'Sr. ` `III.-M`e'{a. Leonard, M`a.15'el Jack, Willie Young, Bella. Go,odfe1- `low, Robert Spring, Emma Foster, Jr. -III,--.-Mfar ion' ~B.1ack, Agatha Nightingale, Roy Goodfellow, Arthur Jack, Sam Foster. ' - 1xr:n:-.... C....:..... Tnfns Tnl-n1. Ji1\. l\, Aucuu a.van.v.. _ II'.--William Spring, John `ston (eq"ual),,Fred Purvis, Jas. ard; "Arthur _dGreen a`nd Ross ster (equal). ` A mt`--- 'un..n...... SLCI \cquan;. V y `Pt. II :--M'ax Wallace, Gertie }vNivght,inga1e,-"Alice `Green._ ' `I 'D_-_1!..- IDAJA u("I-n-:ac5n p;h`1-I `v1Vlglu,u15au'., c s . . . . V . . . . .1 1 Sr., I.--Eve1ine -Reid, Chrissia Rich- ardso'n,~ F1 -ed ;I3eonard. ` _ Jr.'I.---'Marie Jabbit, Wilfred Fos- `ter. 0;`. :`_ - 'Tab~.-=-Ha`zel- I'ak, Inh Black, M`ajr"y Reid, George Foster; Morris Webb, Josephine ~Gr`n,- Reggie Laurence. in 1-: .1:-_,_.._..' 'l`---L,i.; L7I:)rtox1 , Teachf. 5: V? CRAIGYALE. LJ\v\ Il Brew- I. John- ' A1-you , . . nvettrw~wedr:inz%;; ;s oi,- `mIQI$ALAy " at ' '-`*t.I.'Il.'.'a....u:~.,t.`.....-. 7"` nann- V e \,:an,; . , `h1ne~'-3`rd,;` aivheii `Lnfcy May Kennedy. b.a'a,xx;1e;.jt te. of Wililam Geoxge K_`e_rmedy,v_of iB-"are ne.. The tnarl:3age- service was con-. A`dus`:ted by..Rev.gRura'1 _!Dea.n Allen, ML, A;,- of Millbrooik, if: the presence `of -the `tmnaedialtee friends and` r'el.tives~ .of the contracting parties. Mr. and .M:;s. `W'illiax Kennedy left `on the 5 o clock train` for a trip to Tor- . `onto, Niagara` Falls and Bualo, the bride travel-lin in a n'a.v, blue suit. ' S..S. "o,7,VES._ RA. .v -' 1-; . , - IT Result',o'f 1;f'i;tT1i;)'tic;n x'2i.mitZ1atViVons: .sErom S1-.. :III. to It. ~IV..--Frances-A Wdson, Ernest _M'cDe-nott, Bella. Travers", :Eld`on. Parr, -May =M'c:Crack-T en, Lida.`Cook ('Rec.) j `F1-omVSr`. II.. to -]r.. III..-A-Bea;trice `Holmes, Edna Hiolmes; Myrtle `Mc- 1ur.-......._. urznz- 1&n.1'r............ I`D....\ | 15' IV-llll . 571-. 119- Ip\I`, 1.1.-:.nJ\v6Irbl.n Holmes, Edna` 'M`e: Master, Willie MlcKernan (lRec.)~ ' ;*FromJr. 11. to S1 . II.-Jbhn Mb-' Ken-nan, Harry Travers (Rec.),g Ray- mond`MZcDe'1-mott (Reef) ; e :F1-om Pt. I.` to Pt. II.-`-EIs ie-M.b:- Master, Hazel Travers (Rec.) . ' \ I.` Usher; Teacher. Wen. pdl 8

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