ilvllmvxco. ` .' *Mh~3on-ic Vpasttasfr. ~ '$r1dL . Saturday. ' - ~ . adoptd important recommZnd ations`,_ 1 `-;The' [corner-st-one~ c'>f-.--1 % nw` :chLap17?. _5`fo.rJ _1f"au1`s _Lu`thera[n Church. wag] us. .1. Gun :1 _L4l '-W: . , 1a1d. in Toronto. fl`i-- 1`.'..__.....-_. '-`Stockholm on Saturday toipay a mu; Ill 1 U1 unuu. ~_ ` 7 - .v `The: Emperor of Russxa` reached {visit to the King of ~Swede_n. TL- f""........... rfma-`ALA- `unis .--u'A' ',vxau. cu uu: sung u1'Jwcu\;u. The German Emperor has:-efused, tb accent ;the resignation. `of `Chain- cellor Von Buelow. - rnL_ ...____.__L._... .t Ll':...L 'D....l. I slklllllll VVlJ|J\.I'l-ILIIIJ Ll\-r\r Lll \.lLlI. o J yLord Charles Beresforcl, at the `Imperial Press 'Cotifereuce, advised the coionies to undertake the work of protegti11g the Imperial trade routes`. V ' I.-rm- 1,_;-_---.:---_| .ur'_.._...._____ E _ `I.{VV \v|.I\J .....v I ...."` V- :--'v:f`-Fr. Jig. 1' {'"`B;is-hop` DuMiou1xn " cqnsecrated Mar-k ,s "Church at Hamxltong Sunday.;_ on SLBIAC. ~ M 7:7 There" *waLs' a _'1arg the Labor _Union` picnic, `in. Torogqt;Q;` `sagurday; A . inwubucaoauzal" nnoann 1I1:"1'I 0 CCIIUT VUII .DL\ClU`W. ` The cornerstone . of High Pa~rk Prebyterian Church, vToront0,' was laid Saturday. - 'l`L'.'..... IA 6-Hp t\: n anal `nan-|:nA':n rqlu >JuL.u1uuy. _ ' \ r ' There is talk of a "coal famine `in the. west during the comingwin -ter, owing to the strike of miers. ' ` I ' 7 It is reported that the VOntarioI {Government ,will establish a super- annuation system for teachers_. v\ . I I)! N-3-.v.--"~? `-'f"f'_"' f" "A-f"""f,""' . f~.'I`he_ 'moto`1jp1e.u and go ductors of -.-, the Pittsburg `Street (at ay "are _. -,--' 37... . ,_.o_n stfike. : `FL--- .....n .. `In...-A n` `AIil`'J>i1t\D 0:" upoooowuu-us`... -4'yu..u- .v. A `nurse in :1 Detrbit qhosgial ki1 led a newubovrn babe by placing it- by mistake_ in -a carbolic acid` bath. " 'i`i1'"tx{{,3e?iai"'s'o}}{1 E115 "a'{Ii`i*am; ilton._was raided by-the police,- and 27 colored men arrested on a charge `of gambling. . . . t'F_ W_ Sussex. teller in the Union. Cllllllllllu U1 5 . I . I 1F. W. Sussex,` teller m the Umon .Bank at Rocanville, Sask., has dis- appeared. He came. from P'a1r_ner- ston; , _ T .-__;`._ -,, 'I'L-`I2_-- ____'_ __ I lUlln Louie Janncftc. an Italian, was at- rested in Toronto on a_ charge of terribly injuring a felloowA country'- mag` with his teeth. - ` - 1'7,_!.-,1- aA__L-_ 'C__.-L- I.-- ILIGII V\'l|.ll Ill.` LCCLII. The United States "Senate has. amended its wood-pulp and paper schedule, so as to admit mechanical-T ly ground wood-pulp free of duty. ` T nor` (`Inn-Jae 121::-n.n"r\.I-II '14- 441:: `DID K-J-L cL\u L`! IIIGIIILCI-III ILU UL\I\pJ\ yards and shops in Wirinipeg. Judge 'Well-s has decided that, as the -Fort Erie race track `liquor li- censes has not yet been. issued al- though granted -by the commission- ers, he has no iuri'sdiction to hear I the application to can ce1 it. 41).... ...JL..! f`1_!.-.....- ..-24.I. ......-...I `CIL7 `L |lll\.('l.|`J'lI VII LC1I|\\I IL. `Boys pelted Chinese ,with gravel at Ohttawa and caused 21' disturbance.. About fty Chinese responded to a whistle. and two or three hundred white men gathered. but there was. no further .brea'ch of _the peace. TUESDAY, JUNE zgth. nl\Ln1II. no-.rr|s<|O6-an AC 53... `|I\n0, _ 1.unau:-L1, Junuu zgul. A-special commlttee of the `Tor-. onto city Council will report upon` tube railways. Tina :o1t|lItvIinlI\` o4r\AaL:Qnn rs` `Ln TA, The inaugural meeting of tLhe.To- suuv ncuuv (by 5. I _ronto Ladies Rie Association wasl largely `attended. 'm.,. 1\,n:.n. 1;..,;..':....:..I (`,........:._..:,...` IGIBUIJ ,uI.'Lyuus`.u.( _ . . ' _ The Mrlk Provmcxal Comxmssxoni started on an mspecuou pf dames and creameries yesterday. " . "TL- l"......rl1...- ....,l Ayn.-.-:....... Col. III-IIIUU IJIIU IILIIILLILJKIV IDUU, GIILI l\llI\-\Jo .IWillia111 Carr, while bathing at` CPor_t Carling, struck his head again? staa stone at the bottom and'drown- .e . ' v nut..- 1_:,.:- -: A__I...,... n.-..1_-- KICUIEIILVI - A report comes from `Amherst, N. "S., that Montreal capitalisfs have purchased the Rhodes, Curry_C'om-. pany"s car works. _ FR/[Ion A`1'n::L -`XI-u:np1ql> n l\l'\f\'II`hi0 CU IIIU Lkltlto County Crown Attorney brayton declines" to accept the position of {Corporation Counsel. "PI... L).In...... ....I Y\........L.........c l'\: {TV-IIIJIKIUCII-I\lIl K/\J|-OIIDVIQ Time Piovixicial Departinent of `Agriculture has issued a special. June crop bulletin. . '_lhe. new Dominion loan will be V7 35 LJUIIIIDKL QL ,J- (III: IJKIBCIIKII Stevens, a young milk driver,` was struck by/,a train at ,Norva1,% hurled one htindredv feet, and killed. n`lXII2HZ...-- f"...... -..Lll.. k..Ll..3..... Poll 3 \GI U155. ' .iss Alice `Wright, a. popular young lady of Hanover, `was drown- ed in attempting to swim the Sauge`en River. V A . - A IIIICICIVIQ 3`IY.` Q1` "\" P GNU Ll CGIIICI IUD J UDLUI U5]: '.The Can_adian and American she- ery comm1ss1on.e_rs start on a tnp tothe coast. ` " _._.L,_ I`_......_.. A4.A._..__ --_ T\_.-__A.-.. luv uuucuu_. . ' '. '.lhe~ new Dommxon loan wxll, be 1ssued_m London on Frxday. " TL ; otnnoanknnnon [`ArI1l\AiV` t\` (Aura I `5U|rl\JlI` Ill I-`\.Ill\lL-[IL Kill -l'IlLIG_J| ` ' The steambarge Tempest of Cleve.-. land was -burned at Parry Sound. A1. Qo....,...n n ..n....... nill. .I..iu-`.." -Daugccu .|\lVCI . A launch owned `by NI .r. C. MVc - .'L.ean` of Brockville caught,_r.e on her'_t1-ial trip, angl the.'oc-cupants had to'Jump. and SWIITL for their lives. .A1}'\yvere saved-. _._._;.l._._ I.____ L--.. . . _ . --.! CU: . ' [ Mrs. Lajoie of Aylmer, Quebec., was sentenced to seven years in penetentiary for cruelty to her little dalighter. ' e ' ` al()r\I\nn`- nnnaon Can.-.-. `AO9J\Q$l!-` 1 UWCI Kallllllll-,|D3l\Jll. % The ownershi of a%ra?1bbit%-was the oc'casiou' of a olice Court trial at" Ottawa between {City Solicitor Mic- aVeit'y.zmd Col. Graves. A.:cha.tRe` of_ -Ltheftfagainsit the -Coloncl,._ wa_s . d_is-; :"_.'miSS ed.`_ `- - J. .f 1' ow. 11* Is us? To PAY--1` E nmum - IIo._ussrunMsInn_Ioco . ANY_'s\oyAv: '\II .VVClC-VDCIVCLI} ' _ `, ` . `Injunctions have been. served on the"-Mlayor and. City Clerk of Hamil- ton to prevent them, fi-om ma.king_. contract with the, Hydro-l.ectric* -Power Commission. . . A V 'l"`l.... rxu-vgotxnnz-1-5::-\ n Jtvoi` 3 _u-- ?"`ur7.-- _. '(c6'ni. from_'}i>ag. `If? 2 pieces Unblached I4_.`it_,A1g:n,_a Splendid` `value (a? `nts;-wt (put; at` per.yard_ . . . . ;. -( -. .NL I 27 -. iv -::W ifV {truth Axum; SUMMER ax;-..3Am; . A JA9.1n9 Will kbriAnVg .6 1`.oV(v)g:s. SALE and thls the Town. i \I\-I\n .%`??E27i. patterns, ze 1ar=d 971! V-;Litho `and Fancy Cushion Sl_ip_s,e ready" for the pillosv in a variety of `designs, splendid for veran- dab use `worth regular 2-5.';and 3 5_ cents. To clearat . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -. ~ . ff. CUSHION suaps, V Dfawrs, un'o.oanA Io`lO 2` _ V 'OlIIuluCOO 3,5 ` Drawers; regular soc, for. JUULVEI. , p The -International `Wa,t'e.rwaiys :Com.mission will probably "`reco_m- mend the construction of a. dam `across the Niagara River to raise` _ the level of the great lakes. The proposed union stock yards at " St. Boniface may not be established, because of an old a9:reement"bi ndinq the C.P.R. to maintain its stock . that, as race cense Ivinrsnhrln rrnnui`-or` .ku fl-an nno-no-n:nn:nn_i `If you look Into our=cre{ditos_e_rvicVe.v'|V "carefully, you `will nd it-the best, _; -,faire_st, simplest "and 'mo st`f~Jije,lpfnl;` Wever `offered. You simply gcome {to a us-, select what goods you ;t_hi_nk_`st1it7._-3 able, tell us how it would be. co3;{rg=;;`xg'o.. 5": iept "for, you; to pay-,. either _wie,kI o 3: fever." gwo weeks, are qn'c`a" mon _;_ 1. "C911, I1` anythinz f b_,..- 'i..` ' ;eas.onab1e?o 'Thep.sltion; o' ' ' o , .':consistin!g,Tof` Dr3V-Gbdd` `Qt: ,R'u g_s , " Ling]; - Ch?e_ni~1"!e:o ax`; &_ `Ill :10 % FQMONDAY. JU'N.E % :su..~ Tom -Lon.gboa}t beat $ Alf. ., h'1;l)`b,`~ ia. itwenty-mile} rage; ind; Tor'Oiit`0'.`%-g '- , _; _ - -___L-_ 1'. `c3_~'.<.I~ "D3 near _ 1t... uu way. An jiu>t.u"` canoe, with a.;p.=i:dc,llA w,as/. foutid _i:;_ 't'he l,afke:. .J" . \ ' nip! Wand. nnefo-ynn cf-"pi-c