inglmndjnc MEDGAR. mm &. sum, rgest Stock in Barrie to choose i `prices are right. - . Sorry to hear of the illllcss of M M.`0ran of Apto. "' 'V A. Shields of Grand Valley Q1101 dn friends here Monday. 'M,rs. -Middleton and son, Jim, . . . . MC vlsxtmg relatives at Elmvalc. [ited"overA Sundaf with fric7171-{l'=:bh;:: ` M1's.AF1rth returned on Siiltlfdav after spending a week with .\lr.~', C Bell at Langman. ` -__--_- - --_. -v ..- __ vun\.. ,- `M11 . and Mrs. Johp -C1_1r.nming Lited `over Sunday wxth mend: h is;J: ` `Mlisses Frazer and hippcn gf `Brampton are spendmg mxm 1,111,: \w1th frxends here. `Mr, and_ Mr_S. White . 91" 52min Rose, Cahfornla, are Vlsxtmg thy: former s brother, Mr. J. J. \\'hiu-. - A number _from here attemlcul the S. S". conventnon at Guthrie on .\l:-:~.~ lday, ` A'monster picnic will be Rbbson s grove to-day, day...) `I ` Y'\ ---I '1 Miss Marion Drury of H;=. the `guest of her brother ft days. ' . 1 st` 1*`. 1' `vix/L}. _a}{ci LEA: Albert .\Icl.c:. family drove from Orillia ~11 day, to visit his lnothcf ;'.I 1 Hill.` ` Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hill i-1 ronto were over Sunday 1411 M31-s. -Geo. H111. The -Vlidhurst footba tc; ed a. friendly, match with I `team on Saturday evening. '1 are to meet at Mlidhurst 21;.;;: `near future. j A young son came to the h :Mr.'and Nfrs. Horace P:T1rtriv1`; week, and a tiny daughter cu stay at the home of .\Pr. 2.113: ' Sutton. ` _ VT `NIX . A.` VV. VVills0n mi Ir:-T;L:`.l. 9. former resident of this `jrlixcc Wu: here for a few days bcmrc _g'w1I1[.: West. Mr. Willson looks hzgh .g:a ihearty after his residence ::1 1.1: lg_reen.1sle. - again." The berr')r-_:)-'r;:'l;-;ri'g time in `here Mtr. D.. E. F. Gauley 6f Barrie 'was home over Sunday. ~ V 'Ilf!_, TI F Death claimed a. pioneer rcsidcxtt of this vicinity_ on Wed11c>`(I;:_\'. Jul`-c 23rd, in the person of Mrs. .\[ur_,\~ Richardson, relict of thc late 5. Geqrge Richardson. Decczm- M: born in England 79 years ;1}:(`. The funeral took `place on 1rid;1_\ ::`[tcr- `noon to St. Paul's Church and mm- tery, and was largely attemlul. RU Capon Murphy of Allantlzilc cun- dycted the services. Two .~<-n~ ~ur~ Vlve. Joseph, 13th Con., and VI\ \'T"- T-Craigvale. Wil'lvgofurther and give you better results than am` othT Pain`t on the market. 11's I00 T Pei` cent. pure. Th'-1t s` why. j.,;3f'l"l*'!-1;!!-I!!!-++!-'3--ct---~~+++++++++ most beautiful. econom- _~icl and "sanitary wall coating _f_ ` L made. ,,;';J: `Walls of Colller S[re[ A Memodis: `Ch.. St. Andrews ."l_!tl`Ei`STbyterianl C h u rch_ 3d ;ilFiiiifylChurch are all D.15hed M 5uq.resco colors. Martin- Senour s Mixed Paint _ _ ; urn III or-snu4...-_ { I Muresco all Fnmsh FERGUSONVALE. Five Iioints Hardware Store. Govenlock and A M'rs. `Shaw proved? most interesting and winsqme. wo-. men, and the--members of the local W.I. were delighted, with them. Dur- ing. their stay they ,were entertained lvby Mrs. D. _a'mp_b.e1l._` Mr.-- n`- r` CROWN HILL. PAINSWICK. from. thc Ir`! lllk Th! hcltl i (Thur- vis- spcading _a yvecglzi vi_thWl-Iis mother, Mi. Jno. Robillxd and wife` and family, hav returned home to Fort .Will1_am, t ough Mlrs. Jnq. Ro- *billard,x 81-3,: is 1_1ot imprtovink in ';hea.ltljI,. *3 1` `l._ ." '.-".-..r.. ....j-. _ - Mlrs. Goforth, a missionary from China, n.ow on furlough, is spending a few weeks renewing acquaintances in .-Minesing. She addressed the cons! gregation in the Presbytejlan Church on `Sunday on mission ry topics, which subject always proves very interesting. . Mars. Gpforthi is stayingl with her friend of long ago, Mrs. C. 0. Campbell. ` ' -T1\-'1':-. .Si'm_eon Bartldtt %sp`ent. Sunday. w1th hrs sxster, Mrs`. Joe `De-sourdie. Mlrs: \Th'os. Mhher and babyVare_ in our village .for. the suimm-r months.` -Quite a number of `our."peopV1e_'_t`ook in` the Guelph excursion last week. The time has coma :ui`ain whpn |"'"" "" """=' I ' ss Ryan of Toronto 15 vxsxtmg, 1VL'1;gg Nellie Mlaher. m"1{ i.r_s. 4Y.oung and `-Miss "Young of Toronto are at present the guests cg thexr aunt, Mrs. Charlie McCar- t y._ . - _. - , Mr. Henry Desourdie took a. y- 7i`ng trip to _Ba.rrie last week and` re- turned home on Satuiday, very siek with the measles. ` " ' - . , --- v--- V----`- v--v-- --w-_- --,p- vv V---q The time has, c_o_me. `a:`a,in when thgpeople are anx1ously_ coking for Tram. ` v ' 1\'l`,,_ "I.7_,,.- 1 .11.! -17 :- [ The; schoolchildren of this section `are anxiously; preparing. for thcir great union picnic, and vare looking` [,fox'-wfa1'd t_o a good-Aafterno.on, s fuix; I It yvould. have been better ' if ~a `certied copy of the agreement be: tween therrtwo Weber Gas Engine V Corrlpaniesv (the Kansas -City one and -the proposed Canadian one) had been made and placed on le in the ..;'-V,'_f,'t_o`v'{n"s'i records. The town is.prim.- "1 v.-_-arily interested in the transaction, [tits it willinvest $40,090 upon secur- " '7 Wing tl1'en"_i.anufacture of `the engine. ` 7Hence' .the ordinary-.`precaution of .}.placing a copy in the.ttowni's":posses-` ` sion need be pp reflection on either party to the "-agreement. .`l`he.iprice r to be paid by the Canadian Com- pany to secure the sole fright to . manufacture in zpanada is " xed at V .$Io,ooo, besides a royalty 'of $4,500 -a year. In whatever way. the. town. may-be legally bound by this agree-r ment--a_nd it is `i_nvol-xfedj very large- ly-r.eady access to -the "original . agreement ' should always be 'pos- OII Miss Bvella .Ca.rru'hers.ofw"' Fibs; spent Sunday `at "her b_roth'er s hegte. - 1! `I 1 E `Y, '1' Si'%1?irsL."7nli{izes}r}i'}71~iEii&% ,Ori1lia. spent over Sunday at M`cIM`Iurray s. 2 ` L I-'1-u, '1 ,.' .-._ A`,r, ' `I.-'IJa<;'clLe, of`-Blackwateg`. is tkhe `guest of `hen brother; Mr; f_Geo.` Mfoir, 1;hi_s__ 'wee_l_. 1'" " ., .. -' 59903 my.--;;_`v gvvu u - - - a-V-vb ---5,--g v `r - ` The ' I. and K :1e;tu;;:%esr 'nv.e.t;` xfmea `Gray--`igm ` kg? ii . _ V "n;-1;I:1';."I.~`.;'e.ji `_R6e c Vi1`i`ldrex41 of Coldwater spent last week -,wivt'h`M_n5s. JKa_i$er:_ ' ' "L - ` 73'." L rank ' . : :- H fl`- AVJI Qpd-V1\-pa . 3 it . v% ~M;_ `_ Pete }Giff was `in Tgrqitito rlast week, attqndnng the w,_e,ddugg;of .:11et% Prvthcr Mn .%Frank, Rosers.-`= >11: _. 35: GL `WV , W.UCUDo llll{\IlI`- '\}.|-llillf V 'e_s'srs.f.`Jno.;and.J...C.: Buie ~and_the' Mair "Bros, ~ha.vc_, ;_had their=.. bagns '.m.ovt;;d ,.confside;ra.b1e* v_ dist_a:,17c_:s -`thp '.m%98`.`2f`?%;OW= en:pI9;t<=is% Wt-4 % 9 av alt` u a 1 1; *'.;;;;;.;s; 1;;;.;; g;s%`;:q;i*m,.: ,je`ected' on the lotl-1~ li'ne.. durmg_ the, '_as,t... two,. weeks. `* ;Am_,ong`.. .o,the]ts,i 1";-`--n " `Au.-4'" uni}; gd _sUNNmALn CORNERS.` BREI'{'.I_`WO_OD. I yeturned home, after an extendeg visit in Toronto. ,3 AM}r. and Mrs. Frank `Mlulholland lnavke `been visiting friends in Dun- al . Emil7y Moir added to the interest of the evening sessionrby.-the render- ing of solos in` their usual good style. ` . | i A_.nV1(1Vx'1;.ber' -from here attended. lsandy Cove -picnic yesterday. ` 'I,l'-_4,., I`. is o \ Miss Elsie Nelson Eaves for the \W'es't thisv we1_<. l `~--~-.: vvvv r-v--_-~ .r--=~f--\--.1- - { Master C. Irwin of Big Bay. Point `is staying with Mrs. T: Webb. ` ` I` - f\ - ` Mrs. James Black, who has been lseriously `ill for several weeks,_, is slowly recovering.- - ~ \ Mrs. Huggard of Toronto is visit- ing her vrnother , M`rs. .W&1kinson, who i's.-indisposedf I 1` a an Fennel] and Mrs. Leona,rdAof Painswick visited M`rs. MJcLea_n-over Sunday. - ' vs -11-: 115-. n - -- Mast`er Roy -MlcCi1llough of Tor- onto is `visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Gallowgy. V ' ` T _-I .[|._ 7-. ' . -Is . - ;j `1\/1l'is;`ii;1i$v'Fraser `of Bradford -spent the weekend with Miss -C. Mc'Craw. , - - --.- The ' Advance liwints livfe corres- . gondents at Crouland, new Flos, u thrie, Shanty Bny,*U1:opin and - Apto. Drop `a card to the Editdr, % ` and supplies; will be_ ,7 f`orwag'ded to ' you by retI_:mT mail, ._.v .- - ..--......r`.-'-\.u 40 wrote on `Entrance Exam. held here last week. M.r..Pratt. of Brad- ford `and Miss Sitlen of Bee ton._were -presiding examiners. - : fl`! 1 |'urn,v vcd I` Mission * Band of .the Presbyterian Church met at the. home. of- Miss Mabel Reid on Saturday afternoonr ~ _ Mr. A. `Halbert, . .. ' ,. Dea_r..- F`ri`end,-- -Wo_ have met to- gether to_-day to spend a parting .~.ho.'ur on the day ofyour leaving our midst,, yqur%sev_i-ingj of the'associa.- > 'ti'on , `of; many` .;'7y"arm` _ friends, your jjending of a.tteI_Idance' here,` your` A g1_re'akmg Vof.-"those hallbwed ti=_.s_ that `ha'vie=:~`so --._lovi:j1,g1y.-:iibdus=id .. us ~ `as stu-' ,d q.-xi 'i_1"::}_;L"1:.'.:1cf)`rLs."'V e'1`r`aining " " `- hriynu`:hgve.. bje`ttejr-% ac-3 , . ` On Thursday, June 24th, the mem- Abers of the Teachers Training Class {net at the home of ~M`rs..Alex. Grose "to" spend a few. parting. hours with their teacher, Rev. M r. Halbert, who has been laboring on the Innis-l circuit for the past year. After a short time in` pleasantconversation, `they werecal1'ed tothe `dining room {where a very delicious "lunch was {waiting "for "them'. After this part o'f"the programme "was over, Miss .Vera-`Ar read a`-Very. appropriate i`.9`i'91I`V is `I'll; vrziurf- .4 fa'ddress;VwhiIeA Missvlella Reid pre-. `sented him `with a_ token of remein-j --br..e:. -The ad_dress , -r.ead_ as: -fol wmzov. S_`1_`ROUD; 5" hrgy%'$eediniy" :?i`drtyii IQ Llbesghxc t `f:`o_n1`i'"midS%;*=`twe' ask * y0t1~i.tO ~ 3`..*T e:f:p tj1'l thi% _ir11!V1.` a's;_ 3,; toke to V t -e* ig esteem @111. w ct : '10`! were held," not "fog its intrinsic- value but, as a slight `remertibrance. of the protable tixyie we `have; spent _to- gethxf, and asyou are about to crit- :;~za;m;1`-d ` `ab? 33:, 2.21:? a + s .essmg may 0 that our loss` may besome one el_se"s gaizlm. And -when the scrthedof ft1l_rr;e .sha1 sever the brittle t rhea 0 1 6 we may join in an,unbfoken= class around the throne of Our Great and Mighty Teacher. gm; %;;...L(:j; g`1a:i9ue 1if%jlt6A chin.~;, rat 9 3 , Q ,, r_: -__ .1 _-L:1..'5. LVLISIJBJ cl \rUl\ulI\nlI Signed by _the memlers? of `-.the class. ' ' `T Miss__ 'Fl<`)1-ence- H_.',e1_'ring of B arrie ' . is visiting her s1ster, Mrs.f, Ed. Knapp. A . ` A very prett}""{\`V?f!"`c__l_ins` took' --, `,.., p on ,`M`.onday -moriffng at ;est_.da.L%ht'e`r '9f ]>Mr. vghd MJrs'.<~ ,WL`m%. g.(3urtinr.~wa`s ? uhited: in`1_..: _m.a"rjiag'e*-'-;to` ,Mr._ Edward _.;Ca,vanagh. ,M:ss Lena; -5' f`.'_A.}... > ..1..L....` Al AL`.-.' KLJAA. _ui-"1-._.L.`.._ ` t. Patrick's-' ,`1c_hurch,` Phelpston, `when, Nellie; .eld%-7, w----. . L. " Mlabel Stewart ~ ` - Vera,-_A'rdill:` Vera` Grose Jean Donnelly Florence Beatty . . V~ V. May Wallace - ', Mlillie Stewart Zella Reid , .H:arry Stewart` After this the party went _to `the. parlor and spent` "a short time in _music and singing, closing with sing- mg_God bewith .you till we meet agam. ~ I A 6 `Mars. Alex. Gijoie A an a Qantas: van yhbvll Amos "Bell `fof-Vase.y visited his sister`,.MI1's. Ed. Ball, on Sunday. -Mir. -,WiIliam Ball of Vasey spent Sunday with his brother, Ed.`/Ball. 1 an rn1-\._ -v-Messrs. James arid Harry "Charles of Toronto, Tom Charles and his friend, Stanley Preston, of Chicago, `were guests of their uncle, Mtarshall Charles, over Sunday. ` Mlr. B1 -it.Bel1 Visited friends atl Langman on `Saturday. - \/n._ A..__. `~n_n `.z 17...... ..:.~:4...A bJlJI|\JGlJ VVIUII All-`I I-II\lUll\vl, 1i\D0 unannou- . Mrs. Jas. Langman and Mrs. Thbs. Baycroft of Sudbury. vxsited at A1- bert E. Spring s on Friday. - I`1'l'l' VF` _ , -_ _.L .`.. vwl y can uirnlnla no \lnn nu n-\a`~J u Mr. Cliff Thompson and sistr {Miss Edith of Sunnidale,` spent `Sun- day wifh3 their uncle, J. G. Dickin- an-n soft- ' The `pic `social. held in the public school was well attended. The` pro-_ gram was good. Proceeds $12110. During.the evening the: scholars took the opportunity of` presenting Miss Mingay with a.- token of their appreciation for her untiring efforts during" her two years stay here. The following is the address: ' Allenwood S.'S. No. 1, June 25, 19o9.`l To Miss Mingay, Allenwoodp 8 Dear Miss M'ringay,--We, your pu- pils and friends, have gathered here this evening for the" purpose of bid- ding you farewell, after your sojourn here of two years. You have prov- ed yourself to be a most earnest and devoted teacher, your never failing patiencein dealing with us and your sympathy in all" our work. has shown to us that you had our welfare at heart. VV'e `know. we thoughtlessly have caused you unwonted trouble but that did not hinder you working early and lafe for our benet. We are sorry you-are leaving us to. go to a new eld of labour but our earnest desire is that success may crown your every effort in the. fu- ture. We ask, you to accept this chain as a small `token of rernem-"V brance, and hope that it may remind you `of the unbroken chain of friend- ship which will evlerbind you to our hearts. Again wishing you every success and hoping you may return in the near future and see the seeds for good yo jhave sown here blos- somed into f it. _ ~ `Signed on behalf of the school V Fanny Priest. Nora Bell. One of the_most eicciting games of the South Simcoe Baseball League was played in Alliston on Wednes- day, June 23rd, between Ivy and the home team. Eleven inning_s were played to decide which was the bet- ter team but nally the honors fell to Ivy. Score 13-11. At the end of nine innings the score was adraw II---II, so that Ivy boys went. to bat first in the tenth inning but failed to score. Alliston was,then given an- ' other inning and the big -Ivy twirler walked two men, who soon reached second and third bags and then struck *-the next two out and nipped the first runner between third and home. By this time the excitement was at. its best and Ivy came to bat ` for the eleventh time. Elliott,singl- ed `and Bob Davis droye one over the .right elders head for -three bases, scori g Elliott and -placing himself on the ,3rd sack. Boyd then singled to right scoring Davis, while Banting,` Davis and Reid retired the side. in `order. Aliston-ithen..w'en'tr to bat but failed to score and `the Ivy , fans carried their ig `twirler down to the dressing or ` m;`,Score by in- nings: . -V v r _. Ivy_.....,.'o I I I oo5_3oo.2--13 Alliston .. 3".3 I o o o~2j 2 o `o 0-.-11 The gteturn "match was rplafyed here[ on j Saturday, ,June; _`2:6tli;_.,`the -result. `being another .w1'n "for our! boys; Score)" I9--5. .'*Qu_ite`-_ a, nurnbeitifromt f`Thornton_ and `i.Cookstorwn_ ;atfend ed _ the game, among those-iftziitn-the.. latter.-~"f1=:1c.e I 'bi!.1'8_ f.T. 1d`-`21'i`;=-1Id. Mr. 1i,`aLrd~ T'homp.son; -`iw o*-~:s'ti11 ` }takes__ :;a;tr%ge_ggt; inLt;t,st:.'stfgiin"ithgi sea: , Our juf1io.r -baseball te`am fwexit to 6 Egbert on. Thursday-last to the p1c- nic `to" ,<:ompet,e for the $7` pg-iz but split even with Thogntpnv for_ second money.` `More ;p.ract1\ce,% boys-. .. I I . -. . ' I. % {b'1ef 2 N111`. Frank Bantihg Uhzis returned `to _ Colli:ngwood un_t,% after V `the `exams._. 4 , ` ' . , Mr. Ha_rold1Parker', what has ben in theV,`Domin'_i_ot'b1` 0_bservat(_>`ry at` Ot~ tavgfahjis 'jspe ;i1di'ng 'aff.`ew da'ys'~ at hm~e. ~ * J T . - U ' ` - 1. ' 1 4. . - . vn`. `ma :.g -Faun.` `V; 5siai_1dilf1_ pf the I I Sirho . Basebail L ;1_oyv .-f is ashfollow `: PM A LLENWOOD. IVY. 5 i Quite a numbgr from here intend takmg in the.p1cmc at` ICookstown [on July 1st,? ' -A-L-.._ -1 4.1.... baincsl-urn-so CUlIl1JIl_y xvvanv u_y. I L Mr. and H`un_ter 'Ken'nedy4of Barrie are v1s1tmg fnends here. ! `UH Jul] Jana, ~ ` 'Let'the directors of the telephone` company wake up. A`Il',, ._ J "Lu: U1:-nac 4 I`; . I vLLvasv;a.-:-. - . . . I A`..youn'g son has come to gkfdden t l'1_homc_2 of Mir. N`. A. =Wi1lson.' I ` CIJVIH5 fvlul Lnnuluu - an VA_VAJI:II\vDlVII o The annual >ch,i:ld1-en's sp cia.-1 pg: % " c ` was h'1d;`in*' St.~ "I eter_ ~s; -Chu1*_'ch, .` _ I I U I ` _ `V, . V; 1,` `3 l3'9ifc.`.i* % , ` .g'~'d;._; Mrs., Faris of Toronto is visiting rher sister Mrs. Willson. _ V Mrs. G C. Allan entertained a number of young people on Monday evening. " - 1 ' .,.f._ ,. \Y;._;_____ __1___, ` ..........,. V On Saturday evening Nantyr play- ed the Home team a game of base- ball but were defeated. The game [was good at times, but not so fast `as the .'Strou`d game. 1 /`I I '11 A _ -H A '___ `IA _ nu V/Io`. 5-.----. Stroud and Churchill teams in the Innisl Baseball League met here on Thursday evening last in the most exciting game of the series. The game-was fast from start to] nish, Strcvd winning by one run! There was a record crowd in attend- ance. ." - I Mrs. wm."W{ti; Quid *l[ijtt'_lT`d augh- ter of Bi-acebridge are vlsiting at [Mr. J. Wattie s. ' /I I Aelargeu eengregvetion Aheard Mrs. Goforth on Sunday evening. Mr. nGoforth preaches next Sunday. 111 117 . 1 AV.|.I'. J. VVHILIC 5. - ` _A "number of our young peplef attended the Sunday School Conven- tion'at Minesing last" Tuesday. ctv _. p. We are sorry to hear that both of! our public school teachers are leav- ing. They will be missed very much, kin our community. _ I ~.MJss A. Sissons of Barrie spent} last week at Mr. Jos. s. ' `ll: 1'` 1!?` 11 :- %- jM?rs. ,Jos. Cavanagh spent a wee.k ;w1th Barrie friends recently. Mliss Oliv,VVync of Toronto is` ihome for a few months. { 1\ fJ;s."F:. -1'VI-cvF"arIane of Stayner vis-i lited her parn_ts this week. 1 ANTEN MIIQLS; . [Mix-s. Woods of Wyevale is 'visi t- ing Mrs. Vickers. 1`, _ _ 9 `I'I`_ 4;: ` - -'.y-~v~' 4` Dnnn returned horhe this vsfeek after a fortnighsi visit in the c1ty. '- I /1 cat run -- -- -- - 'v.-Misses -Caliie Slesser, ily M3cAr- thur and `Susie Wynes cave % this iweek for -Muskoka. " ; iv fs.s_ 'f.-a1;r"a"\ .\}a.l l.;.::.e is {spending her holidays at M?r. G. [TWyncs. . II` . godly number from this vicin- nty attpnded the S. S. `Convention at Guthrle on_Monday-. r ; WINDOW SCREENS ~.REl`{`llIJ ltmfrplgs `aga E CREAM rnmgks _ __4--_ -_ - \ '$,;,;\i\: 25, 30c and 40 each _1.25._;1.4o. 1.60. 1.85 and 2 (`,0 ' prmg hlngcs and _ fastenings, . ' RSA at 2.35. 3:00, 3.50 and 4 50, . - ` I anteed' to stand town pregsum ', - 3 ~ ' ~ Ilc and`l2 I-2c.per foot. (It , gxtra g`60d`, fnr 50 gach_ HOSE REELS AWN SPRINKLE-RS AND SPRAYS {mm .4 90c.ach. J ,,_v.---uu-iawillll ..UMohvo Villa IIIIIGQO U0 be cod 00139 1:03! ntobr: 33;`: L ou_ .. Iwolttlvay on: .5...'" POI` 0Ot W P31.` in. 0 .-%nm.snm. wrllvss =An`nie S't`ndea,i; *-`*'I'a1r`orsta;v ea*yju%g% ryigh `friends in ;1W_i_n_i 2. ` 1:01 4., . go- _;_-Tag-,s=~_'. '_.i CHURCHILL; MIDI-IU_RST. V `'51. JJKIVVQIVJ ".:\lCDV3II3lII JVOJUQ Id`-lI_ Curtin, sister ofthe bde was brides-. %rh'Ta'id, `and Mr. I-Ferb. Barrett, the- ~-Igroomsman. Aft-Aer a .sh9rt_ hqngyrg, Hlnpon Mr. and` Mks. I,-Cggvanaghgqvullj}; ` flide. `on "the seventh of Vcspra. _ `if; *_._J -